May 1 1910J THE F L E S H E K T N ;\ D V A NC THK STANDARD BANK OF CANADA HEAD OrnOE - TORONTO Money Orders and Drafts are issued by this Bank payable in i»TD i87» all parts of the world. 234 F L E S H E R i O N B R A TV C H GEO. MiTCHELL. Manager, C. P. R. Time Table. Trains leuve Flesherton Station as ollows : Qoin-j Souf.h Going North 7.53 4. m. 12.01 4.2' p.m. 9.18p. ra. The iuhHs are osed at Flesherton aa follows : For fhe north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.40 o'clooif . For morning train south mail close at r> p. m. the previous ev'g. VICINITY CHIPS Bibles and Testaments for sale at this office. Mrs. Wai. Boyd spent the past week with friends in Toronto. The teachers ha^e all started in to •work ivgain after the Essfer holidays. Trout tishini^ opens today, Thursday, Get your iackla out. Mr. and Mrs. W. Tiuney visited with frienr's in Toronto during the pist week. Mr. Lou Biothwell spent the pi^t week with friends in Lendon. A representative of the Dominion Alliance occupied the Presbyterian pulpit on Sunday. Mr. Ryan of Oakville visited with Mr. Charley Crossley here during the past week. Mr, Wui, Turnpy, relieving agent on â- C. P. U., is holidaying wife bis wife and babe here. Mr. R. Irwin, traveller for the Harris Co. of Toronto, visitbd his parents here last week. Miss Maud Richardson, teacher in vocational training at Kingston, Tisited with friends here during the past week. Mr. F. H. W. Hickling is the latesc to purchase a Chevrolet car, which wfs delivered last week. A. Jackson, Mark- dale, is agent for this district. Cbitsworth has what they call a "Good Time Club." Are we to infer from the title that the members get home in good time -in the morning? Mr. H. C. LeG:ird moved his f:tmily and household effeetc to Toronto last week to be with his wife who is still undergoing treatment there. Miss Flo, Lever, who spent llie past -Couple of months at her home hero, returned to her duties in Toronto hist week. The regular ineeting of Ceylon U.F.O, •will ba held on Friday, May 2. at 8 p.m. Those wishing binder twine kindly place ttieir order. â€" Koy Piper, Sec. Mr. M. S. Bellerby, well driller, places his advert sement in this issue. Lodk it up. Mr. Bellerby is at present drdliiig a well for Mr. Frank Collinson, Ceylon. There are some who still do n it realize our new terms of subscription, If your subscripti(pri goes six months overdue it will be $l,.jll. By [aying prompily y' u sare fifty cents. Married.â€" On Saturday evening, .\pri 19, at the r.-'sidencJ of Elder J. T. Whitehead, 4.S Kuclid Avenue, Toronto, Ethtl Mae Schroder of Uidgetown, to William U. Oliver of Priceville, t>nt. We understand that Mr. Irwin, who has kept ihj Park House here for several years past, will retire from tho busiue.S3 the first of June, which will bo taken over by a gentleman from Lioiidou. Mr. John Hargravo of th? Ccillirigwo>d gravel sold a .«iiw through the U. F. O. last week which bi'oughthim $96.77 nolt. The animal weighed 490 Dounds. Does farming pay ^ Mr. and Mrs. R Allen lost an infant Son, eight months old, last week. The little one was one of twins. The luneral took place to Fhsherton cemetery on Thursday. The Chst-iworth village council uso» what is known as a split-log dug on their streets, and tho News thinks it is worth while. We have no doubt of it and we believe every town with unpaved itreetc would benefit by the use i.f this cheaply made instrument. What about trying it out in Fleshcitou ? The death occurred on March 'Mat in Toronto of Wm. Robertson, afier a long illnrsi. The late Mr. Robi>rtson was born in Scarboro tswnahip 50 years mo. •He was an active member of Rivcrdale .Freabyterian church. He leaves a wife, two sons and fiva daughters. One sun has just returned from overseas. Mr. Robertson was for some time engineer for the Irpperial Varnish and Color Co. He wa«a brother of Mr. John Uobertson •of Osprey. No chopping done at Eugenia until further notice. â€" ?irah;im Bros, Bornâ€" To Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Leavell, Nampa, Idaho, un April 13, twinsâ€" a boy andfgirl. • Sacramental .services will be held at Mount Zion and Inisii(>oe on Sunday ne.xt. JMr. Herb Sullivan left on Monday to take a position in the Standard Bank at Mark ham. Owing to the crowded condition uf our c iluinns this week we ate oblii'ed to hold over Considerable matror. The regular annual meeting of the Eugenia Women's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. Alex. Hoy, on Wednesday, May 7th, at 2.30 p. m. Revs. Belfry and Eagle will exchange pulpits on Sunday evening next, Mr. Belfry taking the work ac Eugenia at 7.30 and Mr. Eigle hero at the usual hour. The bakeshop here has been sold to Mr. Pinder, who formerty ^baked here. He has for some time been working at luglewood and his tread has been sold ill Flesherton by a Iccal dealer. Winter was switched on again Thursday of laat week when a wild snow and wind storm swooped down on us from the northwest. Several inches of snow fell and the freeze up was nuite severe. May it be the last. Quite a number alteiided tho movies iu the town hah m Saturday night. A number of slight of hand tricks (for cen cents ex'ra) were shown after I he moving p ctures. The show was uot properly advertised Hnd the attendance was slim. Tire Women's Institute will hold their ineBting iu the high school ou Wedne«day, May 7ih, at 2.30 p. m., for election of olficers, receiving dues and any other necessary business. Lunch will be served at the close. It; is hoped tiiat aU members will be present. The baseball season will be opened here on Siiturday afternoon when the l.icils stage a t;ame on the agriculiural grounds with the Power House nine. A good, fast game is promised. Game calVd at 5.0O o'clock. Aimission 15 an J 10 cents. Much sympathy is expressed fur Mr. and Mrs. W". J. Mtiore of the Toionlo hne, who lout a little girl, Florence Milired, eight years of age, on Wednes- day of last week, after an illness lasting about three years. The funeral look place to Fleshertou cemetery on Friday. Mr, Will Howey, who formerly preached on the Eugenia circuit and has been overseas for nearly three years, called on friends here Sunday, while making the rounds of the circuit with the present incumbent. Rev. Mr. Eigle. Mr. Howey went overseas as a signaler. Mrs. Uiio. Liwlor, Sth line .\rtemesia. has received word o( the death of her nephew, Norris Douglas Kusncll, of Suiikist, [Sisk., aged 19 years. The young man was taking an Agricultural course in Saskatchewan University when he wa.s attacked with iiiHuenxa anl died frgn' its ell'octs. Mr. and Mis. Will Ho,lgson (nee Miss Ethel Trimble) and babe motored over from Thornton one day last week. Mr. Hodgson returned home next Jay but Mrs. Hodgson remained to visit with her parents hero for a time. Since returning homo Mr. Hodgson has received noiiti- caM<in from the bank authoriiies recjuir- irig his removal to Eriu Vidage. The Upper Canada Biole Depository, kept at; The Advance oWce, hns just received a complete stock of Bible-!, rnngiiig in price from oOe. li> S.").25. A nioiig 1 hise ate sr.n e beautiful thing for presentations. There are also Bibles for old veople with largo print, pocket testaments and I'saluis. Come in and look at Ihem. The Indians in Canada are cluinmg the franchise on account of what they did in the great war. In this country 6U00 icdincn enlisttd with a very good showing. On tho Cape Croker reserve in Bruce of 67 men of military age 63 offered their services, 57 were accepted and 58 went overseas. This is a record that is hard to beat. Of those who went to France six mad* the supreme s«crilice and 22 were wounded, while one lust his right aru), 27 came buck and 20 are still Such a record shows that the luMians are worthy sons oj Tecumseh of Moraf iantown fame in the war uf ltJ12 to 1815. The Tndiant at the Chipp-^wa Re«erTe at Southampton have an equally good record wuh their Cape Crok^•^ brctheren. Can Dogs Reason ? Scientist* tell us that man is the only animal endowed with the power of reason and that it is merely instinct which controls the lower orders of the animal wurld. Some have held otherwise and have seemed to prove conclusively thai at least some individuals of the brute creation are endowed with reasoning powers ap well as man. 8till, it is an accepted theory that the brute creation hi not endowed with reasoning powers but is movod entirely by instinct. A case recently came under our noiica which surely cannot be called instinctive action, and if it is not goed sound reason- ing power we are at a loss to place the aots in any ciitegory of living cu- sciousness. Our fellow citizen, Mr. John Wright, oivnsadog. a cross between the blood hound and English fox hound. One day a kettle of food was placed before him on muddy ground. He evidently did ms care for the location, so he picked up the kettle in his teeth and placed it on a platform, where he finished his meal in comfurt. On iDother occasion this winter when his master had the animal out in thi- woods, the former was surprised to see the canine nipping off low branches from a. spruce tree and nuking a bed v/ilh them on which to lie at its roots. If the .above two instances are not conclusive evidence of a hige order of reasoning powers we would like to know on whit basis they would be explained( The Orangeville Sun vouches for this: "On Monday evening about a dozen youpij girls from this townwent down to Caledon to meet the returning soldiers and one girl will remember it for some moons. Aftsr boarding the train she spied whu t she thou ght was her objective and immediately advanced. She bom- haidod him with kisses, and he, being used to gas and powder, made a counter attack. When she realized her mistake she retreatad and nearly fainted. The soldier laughingly remarked: "Orange- ville must be some grand town. ' Walkerton Town Council. has invested $1570 in a Ford anio tare truck and its attachments. Tenders Wanted Tenders will he received by th® undersigned up to Saturday, M.ay ;!,l;U!), for painting and shingling the Vandeleur school house, the shingliii}; to be done at once and painting during midsummer holiOiiysâ€" Geo. fritchard, Sec,-Treas.« Markrhle. r I NEW MUSIC STORE I Lave opened up a Music Store in the Old Aimstrong Block, where 1 will carry a complcle stock of Columbia Grafonolas, Grafonolas, Coluiubia Records and bbeet Music. C-ill aud lot us sliow yju our stock. We feci sure you will be pleased. J. H. HALES (Old .\i'MST!iO.Nti r!r.oi.'Ki , Flesherton, - Ont. Notice to Creditors In the matter of the Estate of Robert W illiiims, late of the Township of .Arremesia, in the County of Grey, Farmer, deceased. Notice is hciebv ijiven, pnisua4it to "The Trustee Act' (K. S. O. 1914, Chap. 12!) that all creditors and others having cl iiins against the estate of the saidRibert William.-", who died on or about the Fifteenth day of February .•V D. I'Jli), are reciaiied on or before the Sixteenth day of May A. D. 1919, to send by post prepaid or deliver to Wright Tclf.ird it Walter of the town of C>weri Sound, in the County of tJrey, Solicitors for John E. Willranis and Robert Planlt. Executors ot the last Will and Testament of the said Robert William."! deceased, their Christian and Surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full paiticulars of their claims, the statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. And take notice that after such las mentioned date the said Executors wil vrococd to distribute tho a83ei? of (he said deceased among the parlies entitled thereto having regaid only to the claims of which lliey shall then have notice, and the said Executors will not bo liable for the paid asset.s or any part thereof to any pcr.son or persons of whose claim notice shall uot have beei. received by ihem at the time of such diytribution. Dated his loth day of April A. D. 1919. WRIGHT TELFORD* WALTER, Oweo Sound, Oatario SPRING FOOTWEAR NOVELTIES JUST IN Ladies' L^igh Cut Kid Shne.s in patent, dongola, niahopmy and chocolate leathers. High French heel.s, iDilitary heels and sport heels. Ladies' Puuip.s anh Oxtords in kid, patent juid chocolate leathers. Misse.s' High Cut Shoes in black and chocolate. Misses' and Children',s Pumps, Mary Janes, Itonian Sandals and Strap Slippers. Men's and Boy.s' Mahogau} Calf and Box Calf Shoes, new lasts, all sizes. Spring S|rjcialties with Neolin -Soles and Pubber Heel.s in Mack and choculate. Ask to see our Men's Special Work Boots at Five Dollars Every pair solid leather throughout, soft pliable stock, damp resisting, made on perfect fitting custom lasts and perfectly hnished. Correct weight for hard Avear. Spring Hosiery for men and women, in black, white, grey and brown, in silk, lisle and cotton. Prices from L'.5c, toiBi.,50 pair. Men's and Women's Raincoats for Kainy Days. •Watson's' Cnderwear, -Arrow" Collars, '• Lang ' ."^juirts. â- 'Kim'-" Coatiess Suspenders, "Stay in Shape' .Neckwear, F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, - OxNTARIO i? I ; i' At •ii Ej ) â- w m â- »» -, » .J » I . â- â- -. â- .- ' . ! I ^ IJI f i . lf -J » i. l> ..- ^i U K ,ii » •"5'rV»"-f«'V<- Fresh, rich, full-flavored tea â€" the same every time TEA'is good tea Sold only in sealed packages Chard & Fisher [ Insurance Agents Flesherton, - Ont. Life, Fire, Automobile and Animal Insurance. Kiiiifrew ilacbinery and Mason Biscli Pianos For Sale. Offrk Is RICHARDSON BLOCK J (St'LLLY's Old Stand) FURNITURE HELP WANTED Beyimi- own Ujss, S-ait a uufc-rste P jgrooeiy business of your own. f25 tu |lj I §50 inveated .â- should earn you $25 weekly, a, â€" H. V. M:irtm, Wiii-lsor, OnX. '^ All kinds of furniture in our showrooms. l| our dining room, parlor and bedroom suites, range of prices to suit your pocket book. Call and see A laige ••«••••••• •••••'•^ UNDERTAKING Calls answered night or day Phone 30 r li W. H. BUNT Flesherton, - Ont- i wmm jljjOarefully Corrected Each Week li^""'-''' 50 too 52 |]i)^"?8 42 to 42 ffll *''«»' 2 00 to 3 11 S" I Peas 1 4rt I! Oats.., L . Barley . j Farmers Attention I Make money iu your spare time jjijduriug the coming Fall and Wintei months by selling haidy Canadian I nursery .stock. to 1 50 5.^ 78 to 70 SATISFIED ! THAT Is what over IOC users s^ay about 1900 Gravity washers supplied by S. HEMPHILL, Agent For 1900 Gravity washers and wringers tiectlic and gasoline power washers . ALSO for McCormick Binders. Moweis, Hiiy Uiikes, Hay Loaders, Drills, Cultivator, Plows, Steel Stalls, Harrows. Gasoline Engines, Brantford diiublo ijesiod and auto oiled iiirmotor Wind Mills, Bea'ty Uay Carriers, Hay Forks, Slings, Manure Carriers, Water Bowls, Wstor Tanks, Puniji ;ind Pipini;. SOMETHING NEW IN BUZZ SAWS One third more woo.l cut with same power when St.ted wiili my patent. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. British and European markets will ;be open again for Canadian Fruit and : now is tlie time to order for .«pring jplauting. I Largest list of Fruit aud Orna .mental Stock, Seed Potatoes, etc. 1 grown iu Canada. Writ* for particulars. Stonft & Wellington The Fonthili Nurseries. (Established 1837.) TORONTO - ONTARIO Get The Best- :::;;v,,ELUOTT It Paysi Yonge and Charles Streets, Toronto Is noled tliroughoui: Canada for hi«h grade business education. Great demand for our graduates Open all jear. Enter uuw. Write for Catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT, Priscipax.