Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 Feb 1919, p. 4

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February (J, 10 lO THE FIESHERTON ADVANCE â- V 11 K, k i !^ Flesherton Advance anin'lcpoiuleiib neurnpapar, puliUaliad evertr rbar^lajr »» thi- office, (.'olliiiKWDml Stxoot, r'lMh.rton. |irict> $1 uiTaiiiiuni ' wh^n i>»idiu advance ;$l.,'iOwh«iii no bo imiii Ad/eniaiuR rate* on nppliuatioD. Circulation V '"(wrekly. School Reports Ab'tut the Dance To T"|ii> Advance : I was intereaU'd in ji.ur Kunlfiley coiresijondetit s refort-uco to d-'ncnj^ in last week's Advaiicu. There is i.ute!y tioiuellung to l>e s»iJ •ii tli-; otliur side of ihc <|iuktloii. \V)iil.' I do not d>iictf, ariJ uever could gel my Melliodmi foot t« properly follow tlie s-r^iina of music â€" «jvcii in hkatint;--slill It sconiH to me tlmt one whu critic'ses Ilio Hpread of ihe daucini; liubit should nt least be ready with an acceptable HuijKlilute. A< I recall it, there u ptrticulatly little sc'cial life in the Valley, with d^ijccs ""racted. If tlidie was ii hkutiiig link '. â-  wrtT^foM one kcI ice these days ?) it '^ht ttfcl ^ts place. If there were some t -'rt of a Utsrnry or social club.the young ;;ecp!e ould foregallier for prolJtablu iiuiHsement. If there was a properly conducted social room (even with a pool tab'o) where the youni; people could eaticfy the undeniable craving for socioty and the society of dillVrent seXes, one would net have to worry about the danct) evil. I Would suggest th:it your correspond- «nf, who is one of the activ« ycuni; people of the Kiiii'jeiley valley, iind who has a fund of ready wit and insscnuily, shoulJ Ket a sort of social "deadfall," and start a club for young men, and worr.en too, if feasible. It niinht be conducted along seiniparliinientary line.-, with a f ornml eonslitUMon. Business could be put tluouijh and ii proportion of the time devoted to debates and discussions, «pecclies, and music. Then the nvcnini; <:ou!d wind up with lisl.t rufreslimeniK. Membership fees might bo fl or ?2 a year. My reason fur sugijcstinR that ia that in Toronto there are huiMreds of .such Clubsâ€" men's elubj, for therpart â€" whore yoUDK m«u are cievclopina themselves in â- delia'.e and thinkinK upon their feet. After a few years of terious work along this pleasant and proOtablo line, the nominations in "Newphrasy" would bririK out surprising am Hint of good timfjir :,iid the public life <if the town- ip W(il|l(,l, V-^em llii. ])tftlelii Small Ads. t'orSile cheap and o.i easy ternx, Lot lo, con. 11, Osproy, 110 *er3t. T;iit i» Kevorsliam Public Schoid Jr 4- *.Mni-» Uendvrson, *.\nnio Wei- drick, *l>orotl)y Uobinscn, L Oiiewsll, (Uklyn HndKliins, Ausiiu Widen. an, M I « (Jisi firm and in a go k1 ntito of Ooullliitd, Mary Kawcelt. jcultivntion. (iood bank barn Mid new Jr 3â€" *Gordon Henderson, John U»b. frame dwelling. Apply co K. .). Spr,)ulc inson, Mabel Wright, KIsie Wright. ' Flesherton Sr 2â€" llariy Kerton, lU/.xl .Alexander Hilda Haliani, George Foster. Jr 2 â€" Victor Wright, Ivan Alexander, John W»!drick. Jr 2 (l.)-*Ko.i3 Loiu', *R Henderson, lltzel llawton, liert Kerton, Annie | Uawton, Ruby Wideman, Beatrice Conn ' ) I White sewing machine.s, the Vwvi, J nii^liioes. Sherlock Maiming pianos are I stiictly high grade. If you -jan piove ; this s-.Hteinout false I will give you a i piano free. â€" I. C. Kentn'jr, Mirkdale. Violilla Davidson, Aggie Speers. Those marked *, honorii ; not ranked, Cecil AlexairJer. No on tali, 40. A\. atlondai.ce, 32. â€" Lulu J oUcy, Teacher. Privitefunls to lomtoii real estate Sicuricy at roaRonable rate of in'orest. Apply to U J. Sproule, ViMherion. sept 2317 Farm For Sale .\ 50 acre farm for sale on the Kait Back Iviiie, Art eincsia, .'ird range, north half of lot 132. On the preniiscB lliere U a good frHine bain, 40x50 feet ; n small frame hinso ; a good drilled well ; hen house ; the fal! plowing is done. For paiticulaia apply on pruinises. â€"J. H. HGLLEY, Flesherton BUSINESSCARDS Societies OI'.lNCi; AUTHUa I.ODtii:, No. :«:(,A.F.4 A 2.1, meets in the Mauoiiic ball. Arm fl rooH's Iliocic Floshurton. overy Friday on or lietore tha (uU uiocu. T. Hlakelry, \t'. .M, !•'. H. \V. HtckliLg. Secretary, JJentistry ,ir E. C MURRAY L. D. R., dental surfiMn ' ii. uoi eradunto o( Toronto University and ^..yal Colltfio ol I)«iital Surc-'OiiB of Ontario, jasadBiisinietercd for toetb e.Xtraction Uicc at resideuco, Toronto Stvoot. I'leBhortoii. Cedar Wantedâ€" 4 foot 2 in. long price So for No. 1 sedar, or in the log 12 foot 4 in. long. No. 1 811, delivered at my mill.â€" Ed.varJ Sargent, Ceylon. Lostâ€" Between Mr. Thompson's and Mr. Cameron's corner, on January 2Ut, a woollen horsj blanket. Finder would confer a favor upon leaving it at this ofHoe. Machines For Sale-7 horsepower Lis'er gasoline engine, ensilage cutter, sawing machine, buzz saw and grain grinder.â€" fieo. r.iackenbary.Fevershain. For S. Eugenia. Eugenia. 01' Kent -.A smiU farm in Apply to Thos. E. Fenwick. Medical I 1' OTTKWELL ' VoteriDary RurKOOn iradnatc of Outurlo Votorinary College wideucQ â€" Bsco'id door Routh woGt.'OD ^.ury btroot. TLiia street runs outb 'rHsliytorian Chnrob. Legal I LCAH. KANKV i- I.1:NIIYâ€" liarrlHturB. '-' oolicitor»,o)c. â€" I. H. I.iicttrt, K. C,; W. F,, ;lauoy, K. ('. ; W. U. Ilinry, H. A. l)fflco», fr.ionto. t<C0 9 Tiadura llanli HUn., phone iiaiii lilS; Marlida'.u l.ucaa Klocli, Phono 'i A, irauch olcoo at Duudalk oi<aQ every baturdsy. Finder please leave at Advance ollice. Canthook lost,! between W. Magco's, 8'.h line, and Eugenia. Finder ploade leave >vilh R. Pii'vi^ K'-Ue.-iia. For Salc- -A few Black M iiiorca cock- erels for sale. - - Lewis Sheardown, Maxwell P.O. A few b iga of winter apples for sale â€" Fred Jiniieson, Euii'nia. Telephone. Highest price for butter and eggs nt (Jrahain Bros. Eugenia. June2(j Try Frfverslia.n I'aslry Flour, the best for your co ik. All Oiilwrio wheat List â€" Watch with lockett in town Ki.iiberley is proud in the po.ssession i a w*t«r system. Why should .someono not turn the "fancel" and pour out some «ucU iurm (>f menial refreshment l â€" EsValleyile Business Cards Boar For Service lU'gialered C'he.'.tcr White h ig for service at Rock Mills. The father won 6r8t at Chicago Fair. Terms §1.25. lodeclm I. S.MITII l'ro|). nn KIGHT, TKLi'OHU & WALTEli | Lo^t--Uunch of keys lost. Finder â„¢ harriiiter, HoMcltorH, Ac. Dlltcee. (iroy ! , , ^ an * j m V liMic! lilcok, ow.iii Kouroi. stan<lard Hank please leave at Iho Advance otti,.e. i;:ock.FIofbBrtoii. (Haliirdavsi. \V, H. Wiijjlit, : •V. 1'. I'clfora f:: W. H. Walter, LLB Came Astray â€" Large hound dime astray. U. Purvis, Eugenia. Young Hereford Bull For Silu -Apply to Win. Thompson, Singhampton U K 2. Holstein Bull For Service U'.M. KAITTlNll, •' tlio COUIltitlS icouBcd Auctioneer foi of Grey and Kinicoo. /arm acd block RaleH a specialty. Turiua riiodurate. Pati^factlon K'laiautced. AriauKo* uontfi for datoH may bo made at tho Advance lUicti. or CuQlral toU:ptK>iio oQjce FevorHhaD) T by addroBsinK rue at Kuvurabaui, Ont. DMcPnAIL, r.iconRed Anotlonoe for the • County of Oroy. Turuia modiontu and ratiH iiciion ciiHrHiiteed. 'I bo arrdUKcnienta Biid da tee (.f fcalfH can be nindcht TbK Advaiico "Mice, llcfiidciice Kiiil I'.o.. I'ujlou. Tolcpliotio oiinection. Ucc. C, 07 A thoroughbred HoUtein I'idl for-<crvice on lotM IKMiS-l S.W. I', it H.ll.. Ai-tenie.-dii: ilas- cly rehited to the world's ehanipion I Ipoiiiid oow. Terms: 81 •'"0 for grades, ^'i.OO for pure breda. 1 .Iiilv 17 -;â- ))'.â- '.: Letter From Glenside Olenside, Sask., Jan. 22. Mr. Thurston : Dear Sir,â€" I vee by the label on 7n»y piper that I should renew. Wa somC" time* got iho paper Satirday night, bit s mietiines it docs not arrive until Mon- day ; but wo must hare it, no matter when it comes, so I am sending you live dolUrs so that I will not have to renew so liflen. We are having a beautiful winter. I have been haulinu hay sixtaen milesâ€" 32 milc.i the round trip Hay is the worst setback we have. Crops were real yood ill this di.-,triet but other adjoining di.>-trict8 were not so fortunate, some h..vitig a total failure West of us, on :!ie west side of ihs Saskatchewan river, n'cmed to get hit worst. Although it looked very gloomy In the early part of >iio summer, and averything was burning up but lain oame at last and changed the situitlon. Land companies have made great improvements in this locality, breaking and culiivating hundreds of acres of prairie land and ereciing good buildings thereon, digging and boring wells, etc. We are foitunatc in having Mr. Ben Madill aid family adjoining our fiirin. Ben is a hustler and prospering well. Land IS very |]i:;Ii in piice in this locality, so'ilin;^ from $.'>0 ta §70 an acre,accordir>g to the irnproTcineiits. Land sells readily. Wrtges are very high, soma offering §75 per month fur single men. Married couplis are greatly in demand A consolidaled .^cbocl is bting considered at Glenside, a m'e'ing of ratepayers In in.' called for Feb. 5. We h.ivo rural telephone all through this district, got d roads and live toins. Five elevatois here, J blacksuiilli', bai.k, 2 general stores, 2 implement sheds, 2 lumber yirdo, garage, hariifsa aluip, barbershop, laundry, restaurant, notol, butcher shop, 2 lively biiru.s, auto livery, and seTeral utw houses went up last summer. A person would hardly believe such a ch^n^ti could take place in twelve ycar.s. I see by your paper a pr<!potal for a hospital in Fleshe.ton. If any per.on has be»n fortunate enough to have the servico of n ir.aii.e 1 uur;e in their illness, as we we.e this wioter, they will rejoice at tke name of a hospital and a traiued nurse. I .should think May Dinnick's suggestion should meet strongly with your approval instead of a nionumeot. We do not need a in jnument to remind us «jf this horrible war or of our heroes "who will be .uppormost in oar minds forever. It would be nice for us to have a tncnunieiit set up for those who d:d so iiiu:h for us, but it would do no good â€" It would not bring our dear bi^ys back. Well, I have started to write and I guess I do not know when to stop. Best rtishes to Ve Editor and loi.g life. â€" E. D. LcGAUD. [It will not be necessary for Mr. LeGard to remit us any more money fo' a few veirs, but we hope ho will not .deprive us of his cheery, chaily annual lelteis, to which wo and our raadera look forward with very much pleasure.- Ed. J ^lal I !],iM|lil§! WT^^rr^ The Kitchener Factory where the Phonola motors, tone arms, etc., are made The Homes of the Around Grey County The demand for the "Phon; !;i" has (jrown so large that two completely-equipped factories ore now required. In our Kitchener plant, sUilkd mechanics, v/ho have specialised i.i phonograph v.'crl: for many yearn, mnko tho "Phonoli" Gound Bories, the Goose Ivfcck Seamless Tone Arms, tho rpdet, innocth-running Motors, aiid other accessories. Tn tbc Elmira idont cr.,->crlcnw:-d cabinet mnlccra builj tlic beautiful "Phonola" cat)inf tt. iiy moiling thc"Plionola«" complete in our own factories in Cunadn wc can uuai'untcc the quality und workman-jhip and Rive exccptiuiial values. Cabinet Models from $2,S.0O to $.510.00. "Phonolu" Double Records â€" 90c, Call on our dealer's in your town, or write us. The Phonola Co, of Canada, Limited Kitchener, Canada « .i'.il Phonola calrinel* ate moits W.A. HAWK EN. Dci^ler FLESHERTON, ONTARIO. x\n Acton diover was driving n c'lr and her calf in a sleigh n hen a little eh;.p junipid onto tho sleigh. Thissc.ired llio cow iind she jumped clean orer the drover and out tho front of ihe sleigh The horses i»n away and ^eltlll^ detached Irum tho tiei^h headed lor homo. The damage done was v.-ry sligiit, but the mix up looked serious for a while. A laiiii; number of Urey (.'ounty soldiers hue returned heme in Hio last week or so. Mrs. llorne, Of the Uurlum high fehool sutti, ilijjped on som.i ice and lined n fractnro of tho arm. She >» i;i I'e oil" duty for two or three weeks. I'tB. Fred MeKeehnie, of M:irlidale, areu^d htnie la.^^ week after beint released fioin ii tieniiaii |irisou camp. Mo met itt I ho station by hu town.s- people, Hho g.ivB hiiii u hearty welcome. A young boy ahd jjirl, 1(1 and 14 lespee ivoly, of Owbu .Sound, weru lecently ryiuruing home from service at iho Salvation Army and when on their way ui, the Itlth Street hii| n man came i|uicklj up liohiml them and struck the ooy alerrible blow on the head that knocked hini unconscious. He then ailaoke.l the t,irl, who scioanied and put up ii dis(.cr4i>j h^hi. Mint aucoeeded in carrying her across the road I'ho boy's father, allraeteil liy the sereaiiH, ciui.o up and the man dropped the girl. Ho took to Iho no II by woods, and ahhouvh followed, succeeded in getting away. The Kindlsy .store at Uroinore has been lokl to Mr. Kniin, of Sliatford. He took poaseasion on January 28. Division street I're.sbylerian church at • Jwen Sound is considering a set of clumvH us H memorial to the soldiers from that c •iigieg.ili la who have fallen â- II the (Jreat It w. uld be beautiful and lilting reminder of tl: s leriliers. Meafoid i^ considerini; putting in a claim for one of iho liehnaal nchooU wtioh aiuto 1,0 (mil! in dilleienl parts of Dm a tin this year. Two children full into tho Sydenham river at 0*eii S,>und and were liscued with ditliculty by a psssstby. F ii^t»siiiii>>e»i » n i.»i.».i» .iiiiiiisiii » "â€" â- Â«â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- Â»â-  " Pratfs Regulator Tv\ Piatt's Animal Regulator for stock, and make your hens lay by feeding them Pratt's Poultry Regulator. For sale at GRAHAM BROS. EUGENIA, - ONT. ,..«..•.••.••»•"•»••••••«•••â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢Â« il lOl % i m i».i II i si Flesherton Tin Shop. I have jiist placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickelware and Agateirare for domestic use. Ccall on me and get your supplies. "ig- Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipefitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Claro Furnaces. f>ros. D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON j^ ONTARIO. !_____j___^^_ _. i|^ @ M $ $ $ i l>l( WE SELL FARM IMPLEMENTS Agents For Special Prices on Waggons, Plows Harrows and Horse Blankets Wagons Plows Hay Rakes Cultivators Harrows Mowers JOHN HEARD, MPLEMENT AGENT FLESHERTON. Here is Your Chance , Farmcrs Attention ELLIOTT ^^,, Make luouey in your spare time diiriug the coming Full and Wintei Yonge and Charles Streets, Toronto jmontlis by selling hardy Canadian nursery stock . iiiitish and European markets will be open again for Canadian Fruit and now is tlie time to order for cpring planting. Imitcs AmbitiiHiH Vouny Men nnd | Wo'ii'ii to pii'pni'.' fur choice buxincRs px-iliuns. Koii) di'iriiiml fur mir gradu- j litis. Our ciit;ili)i;ue yives couiploto iiitiir;niti<>ti. Wiito tmlay for oiie Kuti-r miy tiiuu. W. .1. ELLIOTT, Priscip.m, a licir #- Tonsorial ^^ Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Sutisfactio LAUNURV-Biskot cIohos Monday iiijjht,' delivery Krid»y oveiiiu CLKANING and DYKING- agents for I'arker'a Dye Worksâ€" Cl. • cleaned and dyed. fi-HlUor.H rojuvti i ' i i. T FISHER . -PROPRIETOR New Blacksmith Shop At Maxwell uii\ miJiiinj iiii;it:.iu-e, i« bhick.siiiith iiii; and woodwiiikinu liu.sint'.ss in Mux- well, .'kiul nin n» tXMvi, up-;<> ilate Wood- workini; inHcliineiy. It will l)e my en deavor l.o serve llie piUilic in i» satisfiu-- tory nmniier and 1 wiiuld solicit p-itron- aae. 1 wmt yourwoik and will do it riytit. 7 April 1 CHESTER LONG Largest list of Fruit and Orua I mental Stock, Seed Potatoes, etc. grown in Canada. Write for particulars. Stone & Wellington The Fonthlil Nurseriea. (Kstubli.shed 1S37.) TORONTO - ONTARIO For Quick Sale Properly of the late Dr. W. T. LittU Two heat ins stove.s and drum ; Buggj and cutter ; Oilcloths ; Folding wvitin). desk ; 2 drivinj; horacf ; llnb«8 anf, harnos.s ; Automobile (runabout) ; Co» oil stove, 3 burnerâ€" Apply on the premi ae. or lo Chas. Kichatdsm or Thos A Blakely, Flesherton. t.

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