Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 9 Jan 1919, p. 5

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January 9 1919 THE FLESHEKTON ADVA NCE i i * * THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA HEAD OrnCK • TOROMTO TRUST FUNDS Our Savings Department give* you a guarantee of absolute security and i«T'D i«Ta interest at current rate. 239 FLESHERTON BRANCH GEO. MITCHELL, ..Unager. C. P. R. Time Table Fleshercon \ Mr. Charlet Bellamy has moved Stalion as 'nto his new residence near the high schdul. Going North x number of young people of the 12 01 p.m. ..,1 ^j.^^^.g ^yj,y Mr. Roy Thistleth- 9.18p. m ' . wsite'8 on Thursday evening of last week Trains leave oUows : Going Scuth 7.0.3 a. m. 4.27 p.nn. The mails are osed at Fleaherton as : j „.,„!.» . I 11 r? ^i. >!. > in 4/1 a n, and iind gave the newly married couple a follow.s : For the north at 10. tO a.m. ana o j t- 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail snuth at miacellaueoua shower. 3.40 o'clocK. For morning train south Horace Holioway, a returned soldier. mail close at 9 p. m. the previous ev'g. | ^. ,j ^g^^^.y ,„ Edmonton hospital of ', pneumonia following tha iurtutnza. The •; deceased leaves a wife and four young children. He had visi'ed friends here, ! his sister being Mrs. Juniea Sargent of Ceylon. I Mr. S. Brownridge, lot ."5, con. 0, Osprey, will hold an auction sdle of farm ,' stock and implements on Tuesday, Jan. 21. See bills. W. Kaitting auctioneer. VICINITY CHIPS Mi'-s Florence Bunt is taking a business course at Urani,eville business college. Miss Zeta McLochlan, of the Owen Sound hospital, spent a day last week y^^ Brownridge ia moving to Feversham and quitting farming. Ed. Rutherford, dealer in agricul- with relitives here. Misi Lilian Dudgeon, uf Tottenham, was a Now Yetrs Zella Beutham. visitor with Miss tural implements Proton Station, wishes , bis numerous customers the compliments The District of .^rtemesia L O L will of the season, and desires to intimate meet in Clayton'^ Hall on Tuesday, Jan. ^ that he ia still doing biisiujss at the old 14â€" W. G. Davis, D.R.S. stand. Also gasoline and Iceruseue Mr. Frink Duncan received another engines, Superior stable fittings and car of coal last week. This puts Flesh- litter carriers for sale." ertoD on "easy street" so far as fual is Rev. aLd Mrs. Belfry left Tuesday for concerned. Newmarket to attend the funeral of the Ovvinglo the luduenzi the Board jf latter's father, Mr. E. Jackson, who died Agriculture meetings.which were to have ou Monday afternoon. The old gentle- Iw'en held about Jau. 20, have been man was 89 years of age and a few years postponed for a time. >g" was proprieior ^f the Newmaiket Dr. J. S. Shepherdson, Markdale, Era. The funeral takes place on .. ., ,K.>i,.- ,o ..^ Wednesday afternoon to the Newmarket wishes to announce that tie has resuuiea ' his Veterinary practice and solicits the '' patroiaije of his former clientele. I A little six year old dauijhter of Mr. „„ , ,.â-  c ,»,„ o«-.. i*""! iW"- L. Whewell, of GritHn, Sask., The annual meeting of the Koyai i ,,,.,,,, ,,,,,, ro . ' **â- ** attacked with b ood poisoning m her Scailet C^,»pier will be held m Claytons ,,, .,-,,,„, , , , n- ,, hand and was ii. the hospital for soma H*U Tuesday evening, Jan. 14â€" W .1.. ,,-,.,. . „ t, . j .^ . _ c â- . weeks durin;.' the past tall. Ihe Advance Davis, Coinp. Scribe. . . , , . r , , regiets to learn that it was round uecesa- Mrs Taylor, son George, Frank Taylor ' ^ry to amputate one finger in order to with his wife and chddfeu, of Markdale, ^ave the child's hand. Mrs. Whewell sjient New Years day with Mr. and Mrs.. „ras, previous to her marnag.'. Miss Avery Haivkeu. i Hannah Stafford, a sister of Mrs (Dr.) The January meeting uf the Maxwell ' Oiteivell, of Flesheiton, and ha.s many W. I. will be held on Thursday, Jan. !», ; friends here. at the hume of Mrs. Sam Osborne, the' Mr. U N. Henderaon, of Winnipeg, meeting to open at 2 o'clock sharpâ€" ; surprised his friends here on New Years Gertcude SciUey, See, _^ day hy dropping in on them (or a short Mrs. Oscar Phillips has kindly offered i e*ll- Ms eighteen years since Newton her home for the next F. S. A. tea. to be : 'eft Flesherton and eleven since h« visited held Friday. Jan. 10. .\11 are welcome. '^'^ l^^fore. Since gting West he has seen Th» proceeds of Mrs. W. Bellamy's tea i =""'''^"»hle of the tragedies of hfe, yet amounted to S9.20. , ^« '^ "'^ '^""^ 'â- '''^^^^ "''i M" <»« oi yore and we were i leased to yrasp his hand. The Advauco had a pleasant call one , ^^ returned home' on Monday after an day leceuily from Mr. T. B. Currulhers. ; interesting visit with old friends and the -of Sperling, Man. T. U. was »n ol ; inspection of the old scenes in and around school mate ot ye editor and we were ; Fiej.hertou. He was the guest at a particularly pleased to meet hiin. supper given by » few citizens at the Mr. and M'rs. U. S. White euterlained , Munshaw House on New Years evening, -a number of young people ou Friday f ♦•• • veuiug la=t 1.1 honor of Miss ^''•'*" ' NT^j^ipp ff^ <l|ih«rrih<>re Dudgeon..A very enjoyable and pleasant , ^^ ""CC tO ^JUDSCHDerS evening w»s spent. • I No matter how much or hon little laud | >-or the past four years The Advance you farm, you will do it itore profiia'oly has been working agiiust heavy odds il you aie a subscriber for The Weekly : «i<.b the all round increase of everything Sun, the farmere' business paper. *1.00 ; 'hat goes to inake up a paper and living Older direct to The ' '" g<!neral. Notwithstandim; this sreat loss we have consistently set our face per year. Send your oii â- Weekly Sun, Toronto. i j aga'nst raising the price of the paper to The Advance had a pleasant call on ; ^^^ subscribers, and it .still remains at Saturday from Mr. John Uamiuund, i ^„_^ j^^j,^^ ^^.^ ^.^^^^^^ ,,^^j ^_^,^^ .^ ,^.^^^^ Couimercial teacher lu Menfoid collogi»te. ^^^^^^ -^ ^^-^^^ ^^^^^^^ within a leusouable Ou account ot the epidemic his instilu- ; .j^,^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^j,, i,^^^.^ ^^ ^^ ^^ j^^ lion is nut expected to open until about u^^ „,^.,j|^^jy,^ ^^ ,i,^^.^ decided to place a the aiidJle of the present month. premium for prompt paying subscribers- Mr. Sani;ster llcmphiU has [latented , who aie manyâ€" by jiaciiig an additional an idea tor saw nv machines which liivcs , bfty cents on all who allow their sub- one third more power,or better, enabling ' sciipiinus to run six months or over, a sawyer to get thiwuith one third more ^ U'-ieaftcr all suWscriplions six uioulhs work in a given time than wiih the ] or "'ore overdue will bo charged at $1. DO ordiiiaiy saw. Mr. HeiuphiU has been | per annum. This leaves everybody the le.^tlug out the uUa for the pist two : chance to get in on the dollar rate. A yiars. Wiih his theory appliedTlo is able nu'>>ber of subi-oiibets this ,si;ason have to do an astonishing amount of wood i l>aid two and three yeais iu advance, cumng »illi a siimll hua saw and a iA ; "hich ia good policy, as it insures them horsepower ougiue. | the dollar la-e for ihat length of time. i Ut member. The Advmce is one dollar Mr. Francis Whewell, wife and two j per annum or one dollar and tifiy cents son., of Saskatchewan, have moved tJ^^, ^^^ ^^.j ^j^,,,,, ^^^ ,„^„,„^ y^^,^.^ townaudtakei. up their residence m the I j^^, p^^^p^ ^,,j ^^^ ^^,, ^^^ ,,_^, premise.s lately vacated l.y -Mrs. LitUe. j f^j,^^.,jj„^ Mr. Whewell recently sold his properly i in Saskatchewan and decided t..coniel Anfllial IVfeGfin^ east and lockie in Fleshortoii iu order to take advantage of our superior education- 1 al facilities. I Th^ annual meeting of Ease Grey Agricullur*! S<'Oiety will be held in ihe town ball, b'lesherton, on Kriday. Jan 17, 191S», at 1 HO p.m. .â- VU meuiber.< are President. Secretary, Mr. Wm Henry has instal'ed a thirty horsepower nio"ot to supplement the ^ "^ , ,. 1 jj t . renuested to be present, for h.a *iah and door factoi, , p^j^^.^^j,. „.. A. HaWKEN and choppiuit mill. This re«iuiieJ the i installation of thrive tr»nsforniers by the | town, which is beiog di'iie thi.s week. . The motor weighs 1100 pounds and i»- already in |>o»ition. This is the first j power to be installed in Klesherton. Mr. j H*inry is one of our mo-it onteiprisiflg In Memoriam citizens .-ii d we trust his new plant will prove Mtisfacturj and proti'abie. In loving oieniory of our dear mother Mrs. Jrs. Radi^'v, who passed away January 3, 1915. â€" f be Children. Lieut Joe LeGard I Returns Home Jg^X7L-^-^;g^-3---r--?SL;rrr3-^-.^^ lie I Lieut. Jua. LeGaid returned from England on Saturday noon train and wis met at the station l>y a number of citi- zens and escorted 1 1 town. He went directly to his own home to greet his mother, who in an invalid. Joe was foreman of The .\dvance office wheu^he enlisted in the fall of 1915 with the UTih Battalion. With that battalion he went overseas as Sergt. in Noveaiber of the following year. In July, 1917, he reverted to the ranks and went to France where he remained o:i duty until tli s ,y summer, when be was sent to England j^'^ to take out a Lieutenant's comiuisbion. After getting his commission he returned £0 duty on August V.), 1918. On Sept. 28, while leading his rnen on the outskirts of Cambrai, he was shot in the left abdomen by a machine gun bullet, after which he was sent to England to recover I |^j5 and returned home from thereon! ^^ the S. S. Carniania. The soldiers in this boat were put on two trains, Lieut, LeGard being on the disc section which ' 'ivi preceded by only ten minutes the train |,{< which was wrecked with such serious consequences. Joe has a grim relic of his wound in France in the form rf a shirt with a njsly hole in it where the bullet entered, i When taken to the clearing station the bullet was extracted without the' administration of an anaesthetic. The action in which he was wounded teok place on the afternoon of Sept. 28, the d\y after the Canadians had ^nijkahed the Hindenburg line and crossed ihe Canal du Nord â€" an historic action â€" which left the Canadians two miles beyond Ger- many's strong position, where the Boches e-^pected to remain all winter. I Ladies' Coat Special For the month of January we are making a special clearance of LADIES' COATS. Included are a full range of sizes and all the best styles of the season in a variety of popular fabrics in all new shades â€" Dark Green, Nigger Brown, Burgundy, Taupe and Black. x\ll our new Plush models are also REDUCED. All at 15 per cent, off Regular Marked Prices. i REMNANTS ! As we are now stock taking we are put- ting out all kinds ot cotton piece goods at special prices to clear them out before our annual inventorv. Grocery Special A fair sized California Naval Orange, juicy and sweet just the thing to include in the Kiddies' lunch box for schooL 30c. . PER DOZEN. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO Lieut. Legard was leading his men in an attack when a machine gun bullet struck him iu the left siae and whirled him around a couple f>f times, but be did not think he was badly hit. After advancing a liundred yarda a gas attack came over. When he attempted to put on his mask he found a portion of it shot; '**°y' away and had to make his way to the i rear to get another. He returned to his men, with Bssistauoe, to make a report; as all the othcers were casualties, and , the battalion to continued the attack on a machine gun posi'ion which he loinbed and took 39 prisoners, four of whom he then made' carry him back to A Family of Heroes Sorgt. Jamieson ,ieturned home from M overseas on Thursday, December 2tJ, lud ;|| with his mother, Mrs. M. Jam- ,|j whc is in Toronto, for a || week before visiting his Flesherton ijll f I lends. He was one of the first "ho ' Ijn enlisted at Flesherton in the fall of iyir> h with the UTih Bait. He accompanied jU^ England in November .ill 1 ! was I'.'Ili, and was an instructor with the 8 h Reserve Battalion at Wiiley Camp. In July l'.U7 he, with Lieut. LeGard uud the clearing station on i , . , . i^ , .. , LI .1 â-  „. others who reversed, went to b ranee a stretcher, while the remaining 3o , • , as a private and joined I C'8th Batt. Ho was marched ahead. the with that In describing the Hindenburg Line i battalion for two months when he was Lieut. Legard says it wis merely an j stricken with trench fever and was in- nnusually strong trench position withjvalided to recuperate, and for the past concrete dugouts and 200 yaids deep of' year has teen with the t*th Resorre Batt barb wire in front. The attack on this' Serut. .r.amieson 's an expert ^h' position »• .IS mide bv the Ciriadians in the rirte aud a promising career broad daylight without any artillery short after only two months' servic hot with â-  JU was cut < liil. COME THIS WAY For Your Sideboards. Library Tables, Chairs, Couches, Settees, Parlor Suites, Etc. Prices right. Call and see them. W. H, BUNT Flesherton, - Ont. preparation whatever. The lueu went at the wire with their cutterS: while- machine guns f prayed them like hail The wonder is, according to L'eut. Le- Gard, that a single man was left alive in that hail of bullets, tut they won through ! gliuiously and never stopped untl they ] had placed the llindenburg Line two 1 miles behind them, the Germans boasted Serst. Jamieson was the fourth' member of his funily to take part in the i [greatest of wars. Two other brothers, â- Sergt. Bert Jimies-n and the late Ite. |EJ«ard Jamieson and one sister.Nursing Sister 5I:ie Jamieson. served iu the war with distinction. Sergt. Bert Jamiesm was iu that memorable liiiU Battle if - This wis the liuejYj,^^ ^.j^^ ^^^^ j^^^ „^i, ;„ ^y^j^ ,,,,„ **â- '' '"'P'"*^""''''-'' the Cantidians showed the kmd of mettle but the Car.aaians smashed it and tuany !,, ,_ .^ .1 they were niai ot our Cirey Louuiy men were la tha- ' . . , . ' ' gassed, but returned home glorijus drive. The c'sualtie^ 'vero 7 J , , • â-  ' years ago heavy and .•'cores of them made the i , . ,-"â-  . ., ., u i.i ..a^,.. „^A ' ed at Kingston wi'h the Uighlauders ana of. and was frightfully over two Edward Jamieson enlist. supreme sacriyce. Suggests x\ Hospital Editor Advance, â€" May i, through the medium of your paper.niake a sugirestioii to the public' Do you not think (hat instead of erecting a uionuiiient to look at, in memory of our departed soloiers, it would so muoh beltei to pur- chivse the late Mr. Richardson's .esi- deuce and convert it into a ho.'pital .' Look hi » many of oui loved citizens for miles around have to be t ikeu to Owen Sound, awiiy from all they h>ld dear because there is no other way for incm lo have treatment ty which they m ly recover. It feeius to uie that everyone Would vote to instal Mae .laiuiesoii a.s head nurse, and it could be supported by the Khaki Leasfue, Red Cross, Institute etc , for ni'les around Then, when our jwas killed in action on November '.', 1017 (at Hill 70 in Belgium. Nursing Sista- ; Mae Jamieson spent a year at JLilta, iu the Mediterranean, and there she wis taken seriously ill with enteric I'ever, and ciine home a year ago. She is now nursing iu Toronto. .â- VII his fritiids weie glad to see Sergt. Jamieson back again after his long stay of over two years overseas. Few families have vo!iin'iiri!y sactiflced ss much for the h« the Jamieson f tmily. High School Report FORM 1 â€" Elementary Science Mary McLichlan !<3. E'nier Muir 82, Evada Wilson 81. Allie Parslow "8, Mil- died .McCalluMi 77, Kale Urr 7t>, Maude .\chesoii71, Mildred Caswell 08, Eva .Mien tju, .\:i.iert Buchanan ti'i. CJertrude Lever (iO, Mamie McTavish 00, Viia boys come home they could find a renting MucreaS, Jim Stafford 57, <3ordott Irwin place until they were well enough to be •">4, Clarence Brownridge 50, Jack Kar- SATISFIED ! THAT Is what over IOC useis say about 1900 Gravity washers supplied bv S. HEMPHILL, Agent For 1900 Gravitv ashers ami wringers £lectuc ami gasoline power washers. ALSO for McCorniIck Binders, Moweis, Uay Rakes, Hay Loaders, Dri.Is, Cui;ivHtor, Flows, Steel Stalls, Uarrows. Gasoline Engines, Brantford ' ' double geartd and auto oiled airmotor Wind Bea'.ly Hay Carriers, Hay Forks, Slings, Manure Carriers, Water Bowls, Water Tanks, Pump and I'lpiii:;. SOMETHING NEW IN BUZZ SAWS h IU more wood cut with same po.ver wheu lilted wiili my patent. Mills, Hue / f^\^'^'^\^ ^^0* ^ S. HEMPHILL Agent, Ceylon, Ont. in their own homes. I should very much like to hear uth:r people's i pinion on, this matter. Vours Tiuly, i ♦ -MAY DINXICK. 1 I stedt 4S, Keg Boyd :J4, George Akius o2, Ida Bteeii :>1. • I The promotion of the pupils f lom j Form 1 to Form 2 will be made on the | result uf these weekly exams. Farm For Sale IN ORANGE VALLEV Change In Legal Firm A chxnge has been made in the logal Srm of Wright A Telford, by the addition of Mr \V U \V..ltcr. L I, B. The 6rni Ls iiow Wrighf, Telford A W'a'ter. Mr. W»l er. who comes from Godertcb, ia a grnduito of ihe Law Faculty of Toronto I'niversity nnd of Osgoode Hall. H's I'uiver^ity and Law School rourses showed him lo be a clever student, and he comes to l>wen Subnd well recom- mended.â€" Advertiser. Smithâ€" Shearer .\ very pretty but ijuiet wedding wag soleiuni/ed at the home of Mr. and M>«. J. B. Shearer. Khedive, Siiik.. on Dec. •-*â- ', 1'.>1S, when their eldcs: daughter, Aaiy, wax united in the holy biids o matiiinony to Mr. Edwin Soaitb. c{ Maroon, S.isk.. formally of Eugenia, Ont., son of the !ale George Smith, Euphrasia. The ceremony waa performed by tho bride's uocle. Rev. George She* ter, of Dumar, S%sk. Throe miles couth of Markdab on Iha Toronto and Sydenham Road; lots I'.M :»ol2lt, consisting of l.)l) .acres; well i fenced, brick house, good bank Uain with (waterworks, out buildings- hen hTiise. / sheep house and drive fhed ; «ehi>ol «cros.'» the road. Oc'Wtf Business Block For Sale In the 'r monUomekv Village of Flesherton Farm To Rent L. c l:'s! and KU. Con. ."v N E T A S R, and 154 and l."5.">, Cim. :<, Attemesia, Containing 1*0 acre3. Good biick resi- dence, bank barn and good outbuildings, well watered, small orchard ; 125 acres under cultivation, ^t) acrea fall plowed. Apply to -MRS. W. J. LEVER, If IJaa consisting of Grocery, Flour and Feed Store, Grantry. Barber Shop and the Reeideoce. Tlie above property and bosiueas, which is a good one, will bo sold reasonably. -Apply to Flesherton W- BusklD, Fleaherton â- iiitil '>-.^.£i&x.v^".a

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