mmmm PP^iPPW^'^SiiPPW"'"â€" ^ ' r^ /k$l)jei:t0n •TRUTH BEFORE FAV-OR' - -PRINCIPLES NOT MEN" Vol. 3ft, No. 2 Fesherton, Ont., October ! 7, lyiS CEYLON Hrt. Haiques Dilley and little daugh- ter left Ujt we«k fur their home iu Lethbcidge after a two ruuath)' vUit with her mother, Mrs. A. Rutledjje. Mrs. Abbot of Elm wood, accompanieU by her son, Pte. E. Brooks, whe haa just returned from the front, is visitiuj( her d(Ught>)r, Mrs. D. VVydeuun. Mn, Mark Stewart, Mrs. Juho Stewart and two children "pent Thanksgiving with Toronto friends. Miss Mary MoMullen of Toront.) spent the week end with her parents here. Miss Iva Jayness of Lethbridge is TisitingMrs. A. Uutledge. Mrs. Jas. Puttison and little daughter, . Gladys, and Pte. J J. Pattison, motored o»er to Collinawooi Thnrsday and visited with friends. Misses Annie and Airnea Hiii- .w. Miss E. Fletcher, Annie 4ud Kare McMill-in, and May Muir attended the ciineution in Owen Sound last week. Miss Lottie Muir, teacher at Berkeley, H- Miss Agnes McPhail, XewuiarLet : -ind Miss Lilian of Alton, spent Thnnksgiving under the parental roofs. Saui Chislett of Toronto is visiting friends here. Word was received Saturday evening that bniper Snowden McL«od had hetn wounded in the hand, and Monday Jf, Hemphill received a cable tint his son, John, bed been wounded with gunshot in the back. He was sent to the fr^jnt only in -August. Joseph Oliver also received word that that his son, VV. U., had been gassed. We sincerely trust the boys will pul! throjgh all rijiht. Mrs. James Pattison spent a couple of days in the city last week and was sccompanied home by her soi., l';e. J. J., who went over with the 147th and was wounded some months !igo. He is home on leave. Corp. Wells \Vhitt<iker, whi.lias been overseas as a medical, returned home on Wednesday of last week to coatuiue his stuJies. Monday a .social evening w;is held in the school bouse to extend a welcome to out boys just returne'I. Rev. Mr. Quinn occupied the chair and gave au :ii.ldie;s. Corp. Wells Whittaker gave a ijua account of his wotk aud travels, paying a hmh tribute to the work the Uod Cross is accomplishing. Pte. Pattison also g^vo a talk on his work in the treuches, which WHS listened to with much interest by all. Mr. Cainoroii tave several selco- tious on the baapipes which was well received, S. Sample gave a imml)or of ic'.iatUorgau selections Mis) V. Stevens oc Proton also assisted with a solo. , Master Ivan McLauchlan gove two well rendered readings as alsi did Mr. Koy Flc:chcr. At the ckme of the prourain the ladies servo 1 a light lunch and all enjoyed a evening. Mrs. .\. Sinclair took her little son, Jimiiiie, to Owen Sound hospital last week and 4jad him operated on fur adenoids. Mr. Sinclair and daughter, Margaret, spent the we.'k end in t>wen Sjuiid with them, rclutni;i!» Monday, Mrs. Wagmen and Miss Horlock of lliuover spent Th'^nksgiviug at Mr. Archibald's. 51r. and Mrs. Parks of Toronto spent Thinksgivingat Koy Piper's. KIMBERLEY Mri. S. S. Burritt visited friends in Markdale on Friday last. Geori/e Haines arrived home from the West recently. George says the West is the place for a young man. Mrs. Jweph McConnel of Meaford is visiting at (ieorge McCotmell's. Harry Bali of Toronto is renewing old tciiuaintances in this part at present and ii the guest of his sister, Mrs. Jas. Hill. Lieut. \V. B. Leslie of Guelph has been killed in action. Will was principal of our scbovl some six or seven years ago and was a model young man . His other brother, Lieut. Gordon Leslie, was killed in sction some ti-jie ago. Kaiser Bill will have somethinii to answer for when the day of reckoning comes. James R. Fawcett visited last wejk with bis daughter, Mrs. J. E. Corbett of Dundalk. He brought home two potatoes which tipped the scales at :i^ pounds. Miss Rachiel Hutchinson returned from Toronto recently an account of the Somisb luflueura. The Normal Scbool is clo'ed for the present. Mr. and Mrs. W. Corbett of Toronto are visiting at Hugh Hammond's. Miss White, a rjturued missionary from Chentu, China, gave a t^lk on Missions in the Methodiai church on Sunday eveiune hist. Hugh HaaiDionu, our pjpular post- master, has erected a haud^^ome garage for bis Chevrolet car. Wui. Flood, our eneigetic blacksmith, it buildiui; a handscme cement walk in front of his residence on Main street. Welliuaton Favcett heaid a commo- ti >n ami -I a his fowl the other moruiug, and goiuii out saw a tine Siieciiueu of the reyiard tribe making off with a hen. \Vel:ingtun tired a shot at the marauder, who dropped the fowl and took to the tali liuibers. MAXWELL DUNDALK Capt. Wm. Bemrose and Mr. Joseph Alhson visited with Mr. Andrew, of Clarksburg', roceu'.ly. Mr. W. Lono and dau;;hter, of Bran;> fj;d, spent Tlianksgiviiisj with his ni other, Mr. and .Mrs. Currie, nf Singhampton, spant Sunday at Dr. Guy's. Miss .\rtle Wright visited with frienus iu *)*en Sound during the Thanksgiving hoIid.iy. iioru â€" .\t Maxwell, on Saturday Oct. 12th to Mr. and Mrs. E Buckiujihaiii â€" a daughter. Mr. Laughy Cameron, of New Berry, Mich., is vib'tmg with t^s sister. Mis. W. U. Guy, Word was received here on Saturday by Mr. Fin. Heron that his son, I'rivate Henry Heioii had rcc.ivcd a gunshot wound in the riyht arm. Much sympatliy is felt for the parents as they have already had one son give the supreme sacriiicti. Victoria Corners No iervice at lauistioge on Suud.>y vn aec'unt of Mount Zion anniversary. Mr. Ch'krles Stephenson, of Maple, is visiting at Mr. James Lockhart's. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Guest arc visiting at Jas. Bests. (Intended for Last Week) Mrs. Eigle look the seivice at Inistioifo EUGENIA The anniversar/ service was held in the Methodist church Sunday afternoon, when 'be pa<tor exchanged pulpits for the occasion with one of uur former pastor. Rev. L^idlaw of iieathcote, who preached a very much ><Dprectated sermon. On Monday evening a fowl supper wa" given, which was largely attended, the church being packed to the doors. A splHudid program was given, consisting of so!os, doets, trios, choruses etc. Among those who assisted in the program were Messrs. Clark and Rowe of Dundalk, Miss Acbeson of Proton, Mr. Eagle, and Mr. Large and family. Mrs. Eagle and Mias Acheson recited. There were violin selections by Mis9 Latimer of Toronto. Pioceeds aiuouuted to al>uut *1J0 Nurse Johocon uf Georgetown spent a week with her sister, Mrs. L. Latimer. We are sorry to report iha. Mr. John Magee has been under the doctcr s car^ for some timo. The vV M S of the Presbyterian church will hold their monthly meeting in the church on Thursday, (Jet. 24, at o p m. They give the Methodist ladies a heaity invitation to be presunl. Mr. Tudor receiveu word last week that his son, Henry, w.vs .-ieverely ill in E^i inland. Mr. Em. Morgan of Toronto spent a few lays here last; week. The W I held their mouthlj meeiug at the home of Mrs. Tuohy l>c:. 4, with a large attendance. After the buiiuess part of the meeting several lefeis were read from the boys overseas who had received the List bo.xes set.t them. A splendid paper was given by Mis. Hu'.;h Fenwick which was enjoyed by all. While lunch was being served Miss Fenwiek enteitamed the ladies with music. Mable Hoy and Aileen Tuoby tendeicj a Juet. The ladies iuteiid to pack 111 lie boxes on Wednesday, Nov. (i. Anyone wishing to help can leave things with Mrs. Foester, Miss Jaiuiesou or at the s'oies. Honey, peanuts, raisins, gam or sardines will seciu a lot to the boys. Thanksgiving visitors were : Miss Welsh oi Bantyvewith Mis.5 Jamiesou, Jessie Armstrong and Miss Shaw of To- ronto with friends, <.'lara Latimer of Owen Sound it her parental home, .Mrs. i.teorgo Williams and childreu ot Toronto with friends. on account of the illness of An important busiuess change <ras negotiated this week when Mr. John Sinclair sold his grocery, iKur and feed, grain elevator and choppini business to Geoige Wilson, farmer, of Pr.i'.on. Mr. Sinclair will totire from business and has purchased a residence in Toronto, where he will re<idc. The gate rrtcipts of Duudalk fair were t4it»3 at the gate, concert $liitt. Ou .Monday afternoon en airplane carrying two officers lat'dcd in .V. C. i spend a few days wuh relatives. McUonneil's tield next the scbool lot. i ^arl .\tkin.^.u lost In atiemptiug to rise -n hour later the ^ h^,„j (..^..j ^,^.^_ soft Roil provented theiu from Kcttiug up emuiih speed (there being little wind) of Kimberley, a fe-v days last ou Sunday Mr. Eagle. Mr. and Mrs. Hanes, visited at Ja>-. Laidlaw's week. Mr. and Mrs. George Mo>'io, (.has. Moare, Mrs Wm. Talbot and babe motored to Hawkestone last Satuidiy to a very valuable Around Grey County A laru* numbi;^ of (.Jiey men have returned in the latest batch of ivounded and furloughcd soldieis. Will. T. Hunistrad, of near Mtaford, had a serious luisfurtuiie wh'^'i he was "•(['leeiied beiween the tbr-.'shiiig machine ai:il lire bo\ ou tha engine. The coupling broke as the engine was takiua the machine down the gaugv^ay, letting it run forwaid. Capt. itttbert Fo'.lock, nn I'.d l^rih Bait. otUeer, has beeu reported killed in action. Capt. Pollock was one of the host etftcers in the battalion, .â- Mid wts loved by both h's fellow I'ffici's and tiiei!. The little year and a half old dauihter of Thos. Laughliu, of Gteuelg, diod last week as the lesult of eating prisonous pills pioccred from .â- ♦ dresser drawer. The chield died withiu a tow hours after tak ng the piils. James McLauchtan, S»r., o' Owen Souud, an old luj^ifa'V.urer of cuuly tnd bisouita. was prtsented with an oil painting of himself by the Caiiad an Ma lufacturers Ai-sociition at their recenc coDveution iu Toronto. For the second tim-» ihi.< year the iron policenmii at the corner uf 2ud .\voiiue. East, and lOt Street. Owen Sou'iJ, has beeu stolon and carried away. Th<» town council are ofleriug a reward j of doO for any infoimation that will lead to the arrest oi the offender^. Struck in sheU HoielBatesBurial Co. The following letter has been received from a chum by a sister of Pte. Wealey Wilson, who fell in action on August 'M : France. S^pt. IH, T.HS Dear Friend It 's with deep regret that I sit and write this letter to tell you about the dtaihofyour brother and luy best pal, Wes. T suppose the authorities have laformed you about it but would not give yuu any details. It was this wayâ€" we were about to go over the top and as B company was in support. I thought Wes would La O K , but as we were about to jump off. Wes « ith the company commander an^l another scout were in the same shell-hole and a shell dropped pra:ticalT In the same hole woundioii all three Wes and the company coamiander died from the result ot the wounds received. His linis is felt oy a good number of his friends, and as I misiht say h« w> s one of the best scjuts in the Bat;. , so his loss is felt by (he whole company and Bat'alioo. fie asked m-3 to write home and ht you know if anything ever happened lo hmi. I only wish I did not have to Ju it, but God is niercitul and when <.ur tiinn comes we must aBSver the call. I will havd to â- ♦tof now as I canuot write inuch'ir.ore. 1 hope this iinds ih? the reaviiuder of the family in the best oi health I leiuaiu yuur .sympathetic friend A. G. A. Wll.StiN BCSINE.SS AS rsCAL Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Rd. Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, Pre$. Manager., Jewelery ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES :j.% STOCK FOR SALE A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory sel- ection. We carry Photo Supplies. 1 have at pteseat for juck sale 2 Yorkshire sows, s">:ne youni;cro.s«-bred pigs juit ready t ,, i I Rouen di-ake, | 1 Barred Rojk rooster. Prices right. ' Phone or write. â€" i5Ei). W. ROSS, ! W. A. Armstrong Jeweler (Jsprey Tel. System . Maxwell, P.O. FLESHERTON, - ONT. 1 Gasoline Engines lab. r Three-iuarters of farm i .hinery for inuLipIying protit and saving or is built for attschmc • w gasoline engines. The etticiency of FOODCONTROLIIR SAYS :- Your job is to ^riib stake t'lii w .rid That is what you are up against, and 't is quite a j -b. Y'ou can do it Y^ou have done it for four years and what was done then can bo duplicated. There is no such thing a.i a food surplus in this world. The universe is living f n ni hai'd to mouth as probably never before in its hist >ry. The stocks ot food have beei' out and the producers have lieei from the land in larce numbers The call to those remaning is much !. uder than tvti before. It is iiuto insistent, and its demamis must be heeded. The full dinner pail is but a liicraory for millions on this earth. It can be tilled ."urticiently to keep hfe going, but it cau only be filled by you. It cant tc done in lilurope. It must be dune i:ere. I.Jet the tractors ou the land. Keep them working. This can be done. You have the paiiiotism, the cuurage. ai d the heroism U> do ir. ensilage cutters, grinders, k or 'â- ystems, eto., depend uo.->n the source of power. The selertioh f an engine, therefore is the important ijuestion of farm e<{uipment. We can supply you with ;i Lister, Toronto or F MRBANK-^ Moh-nk eii^Mue. any (^f whicli aregnaran- cee(,l to give entire satisfaction. viped iken Five head of youiio cattle i'!..i!, infilling a hss to their owner of So'i'O, ttie experience of John Y'oung oi B.adley. who niriied .» drove of i ine head of caitle into a lio'd ot alfalfa.w Iu e they were grazing i\'i just 'M luinu s. The entisf! herd got and tivi of tbeui died after au unsuccessful trton if a ver.'-rinaiy suigrtou to relieve thviu of the gas by punching holes in their side^. D. McTAVISH, FLESHERTON | O »\ mJ» .^-.s^tvi Mrs.lR. DvSavigny and two children* of 0*eii Souud, and Mils Edna Acheson of Proton Station, Lands at Flesherton Station For Sale S.altd Teiideis addressed tu .\lex iii,.er Cameron, Eugenia PostilHce, Dutario. Admiiiistr.itor of the estate of Eli/.alv'h Magie, deceii-sed, .vill be received uij to 12 o'ckck, noon, i-n Siitiirday. (.Kit. 12, I'.HS, fi)iL.the pureh'tse of the folowiiur laiile. namely ; 1 Parr, of Lot Xui'ibor One HunWred and Fifty, in the third rin'/e .«outh-v,st of the Toi'ont • and Syiieuhsin R.iau in I the Townsh p of .\iteiuesia, contaiirng two and one half acres, be the snine â- or less This parcel is sttuited at the t northeast corner of the said Lot lot). j 2 Fait of Ln Num'oar One llun-Uid i and Kifty in the thud r4lii;e soiilhwes' of ' j iho Toronto and Sydeiihim K laj i-i l!u> ' I Township of .Vrteniesia in the Coun-y • ! • I lirey, lying to the southeast of th.> ! j deviation which runs across the ; lor. containinii LADIES! The FallSoason (or .Millinorv is now oa ami we are light UP TO THE TIMES wirh a stock of the Most Up-to-Date Hats Shown Outside of the City. Justgiveusa call and see tor yourselves. W^ can show you soiuetniiig that will become you. Prices cheap, cousidcriug the ijuality of the goods. Highest price, for Prxluce VV. L. WRIGHT'S Corner Store, Flesherton villago et aii.l they collided with a rail tence. Th olane turned turtle and the ayialors ' of Proton Station, speut the week end »mi M the contents of the scrambled out uniujured. The propeller | ^.j.h jlrs. Cbas. Mwro. and wiKgs were b.ully damaged. A | m .tor tiuck from Camp Borden carried i -- - away the dismantled plane Iho following ! Charles Maucr. 09 years old. wa< day. .\iother pUae landed on Tuodav , ,. .« u in the same Bvld after giving a thrilling ' ^'"""^ '" '^^^^ '" '^'^ ^"' ^^ih coil exhilation of down from a hiah '^'"'•"t ttiwuship, one doy recently. |.\ftoCr. siving tne citt!« he reentered the bsin t.i «avp t^e iiigs, aatl altitude by l.iops, slide and nose dive. He enquired for his unfortunate brother birdmaii but the truck had gouu a half hoiir bi fore. Without stopping his engine ho made a protCy ascent ami struck for Camp Curden-- Herald. pigs, aaJ never returned. The barn snd crops weie a lo^a^ loss. The si raw sttek is thought to htvo been ignited by boys playing with mateties. southeast comer of said " ] " ! iw.i and t>ne half acres. \>iU. Barbjurs barn near Erin vilhvce i tl„.„ „ ^..;,. „,i; ;„ ,1, ^ t 1 nese properties no] 'in tht was destroyed by tiie a weijk ago. The (.Vyion. bli?e was caused by a s^aik from a : Term.-â€" Ten per cent, of the lureha.^e tuesliiiig engine. The threshing machiuo j in juey to be (.Mid on the accepteno.» ot )aru which ''"^ tender, and the balance in thirty included thU seasons crop and ab^ut SoO . '^*'"' t'"*'^''*'"'^- "'^hout interest.1 bushels of ,e»r'-< grain, were de- I Tho highest or any conder not ttU'oyetK Sks well kd a q umber it pigs iu the stables uudMrneath. Mr. Baibour ::r. : •••• I •••• Try Them f n:: .*•• .*•• .»•• n the baru and hid ?2tX«) insurance conteuu. Not; until ih>! Hun is hammered into submission, not until peace is declared, aud coiitmeice resumes iti wonted wsy, can wo let up for a mi:n!*e. ucces- i satily aceested. j The s.ale is subj-'ct to the approval of ; the Uuarvtian. Por further laniciJlars sod condition'* of Rale apply to .ALEX. C.VMERON. Eugenia. Ont.. .\(lmi»i.«itrHl( r i WKIOHT. TELFORD A RARLOW (,»«en Sound, Ont., Solicitors for Administrator Any man wanting a good solid boot suitable for this season of the year TRY THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO •••• •••• •••• / ••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••â- ••.••••••••••••••••••••^••••••••••••••••zi:; *.•; ?*t?t;?tt???*'??* !??!!???!?!"•'?!??????*?!•••••"'•'• •••••••*.•..»•. 1 .7 J!^