GERMANY ASKS FOR ARMISTICE mSSSimum!^. ENTENTE ALLIES STAND FIRM The Cornered Heast Draws In Its Clawii anu Offers the Entente Its Biood-stained Pawâ€" Attempting the White Flag Trick Berlin Invites America, Which is a Belligerent, to Flay the Koll of Mediator, aa If It Were Outside the Alliance. Text of Germany*s Note to Wilson Amibe<HWa, Oct. 6.â€" Th« text Ckf the note forwaaxled by tive Imperto! <3«rmftr, Chanoeliai-, Prince Maximilian, to President Wilson, through the Swbi-i Gow.'mimeii't, foUows: "The '(lemiian Gavemment reque-ta the I'resideiv'' of th« Usiited States to »ke Ki hand the restoratiop of pea?e, acquaiTut al! the beHni'^-.-'-'rt ,7'a.+«a <tf. this reques*, and inviite them to eenti plenipoterstiaries for th« purpose of opening nogvtiations. "It acoopits the prog:ramnie sft fortii by the Pre«dent of the United &i*t.»=. in 'ha m*.?.- age to Congrt" « en January 8, ani in hi" later pro- rouiKrcme-i its. vapeciaMy his spesch of Septemljer 27, a; a ha>Ls for peace negotiatiww. "With a view to avoidui's: fur. Ivor L'.oodshed, the German Goveinmen: rc)i;£ ;* the immedl'aite cor.c-lu.iicn of an armistice on laixl ami •-ea, an<l in tho air." It is announced that Turkey wiV take a gimrlar fftep. A ?iniillar nf»t3 hais bten »<Idce'.ied to Preside^st WiKvon by ths .â- Vu-'.tra- Hun^arian Ga%ernm*-i it. . BRmSH TAKE MANY TOWNS, NUMEROUS GUNS AND 5,000 PRISONERS Hindenburg Line I)efen«ei> Sma.shed Between St. Quentin and Cambrai â€" Haijf's Troopis Have Reached Out.iltirt.s of Mont Brehain. ^^SSK "We Have Got Them" ^"•aita, Ort. f>. â€" AU ths Paris churcliea •were fil'^ri to ov©rflo\vin.g to-day. Sainl Gorvaist OJiurch, whK-h was damage J by the shell from tha lonx- rantrc ffiin on Gco.l Friday, hai been .<5ufficien:Ly repaired to permit ita docr.t to be optrod t^day, and wor-Aippers docked thkhsr to tho shrine where orice wonwn and chl'.di^n i-raying for France'.* Kinrra^jn, were sacrificed. But if it vra.s prayers tot the dead tba^t \v*r9 sung at St. Ger vais on Gotui F-iday, it was Te Deums and hosannaa of \-ictcry that floated to the bea-veifct to-d«y. As Paris t-meigeJ ftoai tho churches i^ overflowoni upon tha. cheerful boulevards or «^u:rht temporary aboile in cafes, bathed in sumi'.ir.e, aniJ every\vhere one heard no l.n-.fe-cr th? fanvtliar and hopeful cry of "We sha'l !»et them." Ixirt Uie ^'atisfiwJ and "ontented exclamation, "We have ff-H thent." liAllEUING HLN J.t.NKS. Thia French ofticial photo>fi"aph show.s a hu;;e French gun in action on th<' Lorraine front. This is the type of gun that i-» Ivoinij used againit the fortros.-t's that are guariiing the city of Mot/.. FRANCE SNEERS AT PEACE OFFER Armi.stii'e Impossible at Point the Allies Now .\re. FRENCH SMASH HINDENBURG LINE Br«" ad.", tuffs Toronto, 0;-t. S. â€" Ma!i:".)'ia a ii;;a', - INo. 1 N'apthern. S-.'.24Vi: N'... i North- ern, §2.21 U; No. 2 Northern. ?2.t7>2; j Xi>. 4 wheat. $2.J1^. in stove Fort • William, not including ta.x. Manitoba oatsâ€" No. 2 C. W., 84c; • No. C.W., 8ft!* c; extra .N'o. 1 fee.1, SO'ic; No. 1 feefi, TS'-ic in .sl.;re Fort : WilHam. I -American Corn â€" N'o, .â- ? ye'low, kiln j tirie^l, nominal; No, 4 yeKow, kiln dried, nominal. j Ontaria oat.-i,'new crop â€" No. 2 white ; 76 to 78c; Ni>. ;> white, 7.5 to 77c. : according to freight- out.side Ontario wheat â€" No. 2. Winter, per be of the gr.Mtest importamv to Great car lot. *2.;?1; No. 3 Spring. S2.22, basis in stnre Montrea.'. I A despatch from th« British Army had made a ctive fof i^m-er from the on th« St. Quentin Settor say* â€" The hxurican* of Brjiti«h fheUs. I Britifrh tror^pii dma«hed a large and .A.s tile nifantry gained ground, th« : vital section ot the Hindenlxirg line British guns w«rc coosCarrtdy moved , on Thursday between St. Qumtan and up to poHliona from which th^ could j Cambrai. They have occupied many contiiiue pounding tie Germans. ( additjoniil towns and viH&gea and The roads in the general direction j 6,000 pnsoners and numerous guna eaiat of (joiry are rcf>orrt«d fuii of i have been taJten, trunsports and men, and 9om« bo<Ses I The battle was resumed at 6 o'clock of troops have reahoed points at least I In the morning and continue*! through- five miles in tile rear. N'o new G«r- i out the day, Eng^.ish and .A.u5tnuian man troop<i appeared in the bsttl« div'isioni driving deert into the en*»- h^jre. although the enemy rertainly my de'eccei. The grour..! over have known t^.ar the position : which tht' Britii^h troops fo-J-yh: their was bound to be attacked, way againit the inevitable sv..irms of This ij a sign that cannot be ignor- ' ma.hine guns wa.s Holered with Ger ed and one in which the British corn- man dead. manders Ami considerable <(ati$factioii. Th,; advance has rea-Thed a depth of A^ong the towns raptured on lii* I aboct five miles at its apex, and it batilefront were Gouy. I^e Cat^let. • fcliowi t!'..i: the principal Hin.ienborg R.'mii-ourt. Sequehart, Wia.rcourt ami iefences here have been shattered. .A. Beaure^-oir _ few hours may see th» Briti-h all tiie In the terrain immediately behind way on tbe ether .<ide of the great the Hindenburg jyz^tem, air r«coma»- (ierman defensive -ystem. . «ance h-x« found no further system The Australian troops are fighting r.f ^renoht* or wire er.Cang'ements, beyond !i;e Beaurevoir iine, at Wis!:- an 1 the enemy is h»!Jing o.aly li^t- court. Lii Motte Farm, and Lormis.-«t. ly wide 5-a«-teh« of countrv-, an 'n- in the St. Qui?ntin sector. The Brit- f!i«.-srion of a precipitara getaway. â€" ish tr-jop? have reached the oufjkirti Th.? lumiber of o'jr prisorjci-s wffl eT- Vaiu;ll)Ie J'rize Taken From (ier- of .Mont Brehiin, tiius the Hindenbui-g cecd the eariie-?t estimate. syjiCtm lias been .ietlnitely pas-sed. They indud* men fr.m more than The .A.u^••.ralian.'^ an<i English were : 40 battatlors or! 20 differear regrments assisted by large n'-tmbers of »nkj of 10 differezvt div-iston*. which wer« which carried cirt their tasks with the "numed'y hroaght togiether t.> present cuitom.'.ry efficiency. -ome kin,i of an obstaci* to -he attack Some few of the t;inks were man- ing Brii.>-ih. Despite die deaperate r.ed by .\mericari.s who had been at- enemy cour.-ter-Rtta.-k.* on oeitain p^ tached to British tank units, tior.> i-vf the Brtti-ah front, he has beer Reports from aviators say that the yie'idujg under jw British yrislaughl tanks have rol'wl rapidly ove>' the and i* being fo'.lo-jred cKwely by tH« country, materially helping the in- Bi-itish and other Allied troops fantry to clear out the (Termar.s who over a large ar*»a. LEADING MARKETS BRITISH SEIZE MINERAL AREA many b> British Expedition. .K despatch from London say»: SeiiHie by a iJritish expedition ot Ger- man mininK property and other de- veloimit^nt pl;mt.< in Spitzbei-gen. in- cUidinic a hig wirfless installation. Is leported by the with th » in- tl'nation rhat the work of developing numenselj rich iron and coal deposits is prrnteediiig. It is said they will Cross Crozat Can:»l .Vfler Occu- pying St. Quenlin. Paris, Oct. r>-Ut,conditional surren- . "^ despatch from the Freud, army der chamcterir-.e.s 'the general com- ^ '" ^^^}'''\ ^^y^-. ^«"- .I>«!"^"^>'. * Pari-s on the demand for \ t^o^P?. '" tl'f ^--S'"" ^'t St. Quentm ment m I'ari.s on mv, ..ti..o.... .... . n- . , , , u peace sent by the Central Powers to , "" V^ednesday beg;ui to President, It is felt here i through the lines of tne Hmdenburg ^v I /-. It,. .11:,- »,„,., „«f â- position over tne entire front of that that Germany und her allies have not , "^ gone far enough in their request to! "'_,*â- ,. ,,, ., , Ji. n -J . ,- .,-j»u»;.,.> «., 4 Those lines were 2^ niiie.< deep m the President tor an armistice, and , . - , i w„ V 1 ,..!_ I. lu u . ._! *u„f some places and were supported by that although they have stated that ; i . i • j a^ : ?,, : X n . several strongly org-nnized woods, thev are willms: to talk â€" ' * j f. ueace on' - -Jngly org) 1 fi 1 . » i They were defended bv machine gun plans, they have; J ... j " ui » u i, , . .' , sections which proved unable to check not snown aub-nis^ion such as was forced upon Bulgaria. President Wilson" Peasâ€" -No. 2, nominal. Barley â€" Maitinir, new to $1.1.1. I Buckwlv.>«t^-^'oraln.a]. Rye â€" No. 2. Nominal. Manitoba flour â€" Old quaJlxy $11.. 'Mi, Toronto. Ontario flour - W^-r T-ial $10.75, in bags, .Montreal and Toronto, prompt !^hipme::t. Mill feed â€" Car lots, delivered Mont- real f.'eight.-i, bags Included: Bran, $"i;, 40 per ton; sh.;rt<. $41 .40 per ton. Hay-- No.. J. ?20 per ton; mixed $18 to SIS per ton, track Toronto. ; Straw Car lots. Si' to S9.-'.0, track Toronto . Hrit lin .-iid the allies. The expedition to Spitzbf rt'i-n .sailed a few mouths ago croo $1 08 ""*''^' '''^ protection of the Hritish , navy. Sir Krnest Shackletou. the I famous Antarctic explorer, was the ci!ui!ii.iu(l':r. â- 'It he was subsequently crop, war oblige.^ tn ;e;rve to take up other duties. â- 'y. old -rop His successor, ALSACE TOWNS 'EUTCN FORCES BEING EVACUATED LEAVE ALBANIA returned to [A)ndon. Uas givin an en- thusfsii^ic riescri!>ti.'.n of the vast min- eral we:ihh which has hitherto b<^n merely lapsed to a limited extent by British, German. Swedish and Nor- wesiiau companies. The expedition, Mr. Jones said. w s. Jones, wiio Inhabitants of Twenty Villages Italian.-* Occupy Berat â€" Capture Sent to Bavaria â€" Iprisins Feared by Germans. -A, 'lespatch from Geneva says: Ger;:uin military autiiotities havi b«- ^-n tc remove the inhabitarts of Al- Prisoners and Much War .Material. -A. despatch fn>m London gays; .Austrian troops have been witharawn from .\lbani»i. the .â- Vustrian War Of- sace, according to the Democrate. in ^^.^ announces. Berat has been taken Gen. Debeney's advance. .â- V breach made in the Hindenburg line east of I.e Tronquoy was widened to the outskirts of I.*adin3. Further north the French troops in conjunc- tion with British forces took several „ , ,. , 1 small pieces of timber h-.nd in the that the Germaiis be disarmed. â- ^^^^ ^^ vigorous resistance. "Germany wishes to stop the war ; .^.^^ ^^^^ j,^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^j,, at the moment she is going to be â- n^^th-east of St, Quentin is now in beaten, and knows it. s.iys Figaro. I j,.^^,,^^ ,^^„^^ ^^ f^,. .^^ j.^^.iir..?. Gen. "Let us .suppose the proposition '^ . jj^.^^p^y.^ ^^^^^^ ^^^.^ occupied, Omissv. Imniediatelyjn^Germany | ^ j.^^^^ ^.^^ ^.^^ ^,^,., ^^j^ ^„ ^^^ cast bank of the canal at Morcourt. The Paris nowspapers are" u nam - raou* in their deniainl for complete ; victory. The present peace move is I sneered at. A demand is made for i the ontiro .submission of Germany and , j.„j^[| r)ieces touk a lar?e number of miners, an expectation of a at- -v the anies' * enormous quantity of raining m;!terial. tack on the frnnti«>r ' -ri. v 1 Country Pr.^di-cc Wholesale ' ... i . o,.m • . . .u tacN on tne irontitr. The .Austrian sUtement suvs: < uiiniry i ti noies.Tie , an.! siipniies sulHcient tor three vears. The i-habitants of twtr'v v 'la^es ..vv u, "i- â- Ko-o-sâ€" No 1 sturHP'e 4t> to .iOc- =.„i tt^,.L- i^ ., „. „ ", i .naoaanu- oi cw.n..\ \..ia^e3 "^^g ^avo 'vtthdrawn our divisions t *"" . si.orage, -ij to J""-, and «o:k is now gomi; ou on a iante •lu-Ui'iin'- Fur-pttp G.-intn-r.n -wii .â- nv -nt, j i selet-ted. st»ia;:e. 52 to *<c; cartoivs,ia„3.„ ,.^,,. rvi,.7 A., «../ 1^:^ i-- , , u i.'"'^'**" -^'"^ trom .Albania. This was rendered ne- iK'w-Iaid, .")7 to .-"Sc i 7. . ," , ." ' " "'•• »no vias with VVinkel ilreauy have been senr. Btitter â€" Cn.-:imcry, solids, 47 to "Ber;U fell into the ha::. is of the to accepted. there would be a delirium of joy. The people are electrified and the Kaiser has retaken them into his hands. The humiliation of having demanded ; peace would disappear rapidly, j cartoivs, â- acsile Shackletou in the .Vntarctic, is In Bavaria. Some of the villagers have fp^nt 4Sc; do. fresh made. 48 to .^Oc; choice ''^-''"S^ "f operations. .Mr. Jones says oscppod .-cross the Swiss frontier, dairy prints. 41 to 4.V.; ordinan.- daii->- ;""" *"'i'«'''''"" "»?' «^'th considerable Fear of disorder is rampant prints, 38 to 40o: bakers". ;;i> !u "8c. â- difficulties a:id danger, tnehidtng en- ti.roughiut .Alsace-Lorraine, not Oleomargarine (best gi-.u!v) 32 to ; counters with eight German submar- orJy among the civiHj-.ns, but also ines. Spitzutrsen is an archioelago in the .\rct;c <)c»>an. discovered in 153;; by Sir Hngii Willoiighby, who called it cssary by evants on the Bulgnriun 34c Cheese â€" New, large, ^o^-s to 24c; twins, 23% to 24Hc; snring-matle, large, 2."jH: to 2i;c; iwir.s. 2ti to 2t*'jc, Beans -Canaiiian, prime, bushel I'mopg the military f.^rcos. Food is scarce and little is available. The German authorities in .Alsace- Lorraine, the Democrate adds, are enemy without a ftght. " Italian troops in .Albania began an energetic advance on Tue?>i:iy In the sector between the .A.driatic and Osum. The Italian coluniVis in the evening had occupied the village 'of Fieri and the line of the .Semeni from tne western part ill French hands. ««T the town being THE "fflT DOG" IS NOW YELPING There Will Ke No Peace Until Germany Tenders Her Sword. New York, Oct. ti. â€" In unequivoc- able and fonx-fivl terms, the peace proposals of Princo Maximilian are rejected unanimously by the press of the United States, •â- 'rom all sections of the country from Maine to Cali- fornia, the nation's newspapers voice the demand that no peace terms shall be considered by the allied nations until Germany profTors her sword to the allied romin:>nder-in-c.hief in token of unconditional surrotidor. So. 50 to *7.oO. Foi-elgn. hnnd- "^reeauuKi. supposing :t to be a part picked, bushel. $0.70 to $7. ""^ *^^^ western continent. In 1591 it Comb Ilcncy â€" Choice, 16 oz., $4..30 '"â- 'iis visited by Uarvais and Cornelius, tv S5 per doien; 12 oz., $3..">0 to $-1 '''â- *-> Dutchmen, who pretended to I>« ' With St. Qnentin and the suburb of per dozen; .seconds and dark comb, the original discoverers, and called it' Isla in his h.inds. Gen, Dcbeney has $2..')0 to S2.7.i; bulk. '25 to 2rtc per lb. ' Soitzbergeii, or sharp mountains from ' Maple syrupâ€" In 5-gal. tins. S:5.25. , xbe many sli:irp pointed and "rockr ufraid cf a general uprising in those ; Scerbasi ';o the Metali bridge and !)rovinc»3 when the frontier allies cross the made- further gains to the south, ob- taining a foothold in the enemy's trenches west of Neuville St. .Aniand and Itancourt. Several lines of trenoh- et. were conquered in region by the French after a violent struggle, 120,0OOPRISONERS IN TWENTY DAYS Allies Have Taken .1,6(»ti t annon and 23.000 Machine (!uns. -Wh<desale -Pickled, pork, $48; mountains with which it abounds. ALLENBY CONTIM il.s TRUMI M IN I" A I Ksrisi: 2i;'* to liUITISH FAVOR REPRISALS. Mi.:vireal. Oct. 8. -Oatsâ€" No. 2 C, I W„ S4c; .\o. ;! C.W., SOVic; e\h-a No. London, Oct. 4. â€" The Germans' de- liberate de5trui<tion of historic French towns, with <thdir irroplaceable aitistic treasure.-., for which no species of military excuse is ix>ssible, is kindlitxg a feeling of fiercely bitter resentment both here and In France, and a general WHEAT PRICES FIXED -A. despatch from Paris >ays: Dur- ing the period from Sept. 10 to Sept. '^0 the allied armies in France and Belgium have captured 2,844 officers and 120,li>2 men; l,iiOO cannon and more than COOO machine guns, ac- cording to an official statement is- i 1 fe<sl, SO'u': No. I fee<l. "Si^c; No. 2 sued here to-nicht. I feed, 7f>'4c. B.«rlevâ€" No. ;>' C.W., Since July 15 and tip "till Sept. .".0, • $1.0.5 »•_• ; No. 4 . C.W., Sl.OO'i: re- Ihe allies have captni>>a 5,rilS otll- . Jei^ed ,ii'.d feed, O.jc. Fl.ixâ€" No. I N. -ers. '^48.494 men, 3.n*.t9 cannon, JJ"^-- ''•\5^- <;'heesc. finest eaaierivs, more than 2:1.000 machine r-ms and '-- }^ p'l^, Butter, choicest c^eam- hundreds of mine throwers, the state- , ^^J^ '" p*. j'^-.w-'^f ' i^' ^ ^^'"'^^' ?^ to hOc. I otatoes. per bag. oar lots, !$2.50. Dressed hogs, ab.ittoir kille.1. * â- I $28.60, Liini. pnre. wo»vi pails, "0 : lbs. net, 3H-J to 33c, Provision.s Barrelled meats mess pork, $47. " , CZFCHO-SLO\ \k MJdOI'S Green moats -Out of pickle, Ic less i C VI'Tl UK K.V/ \N than smoked. j ___^ Smoked meats â€" Rolls. 32 to 33c; > hams, nieilium. :IS to 39c; heavy, .^0: -"^ ''^'-^ '^^'^ tr'-"n Stockholm says: to .â- !lc>cooked hams. .V} to o4c; Iwcks, Potrogrud despatches of Sept. 'JO an- ed troops operating in the vicinity plaui, l<5 to 47c; backs, bone!es«, 50. nounce that the C/.echo-Slovaks cap- of Kc.bbat-.d-.AsaJir, 17 miles north- t>5 o2c. .Bn-akfast b.icon. 42 to 44c.' tured Kazan, which the Bolshevik re- cast of D.iniascus. charged and cap- Cottujre rolls. M.^> to -KV, . j.u-ted a fortnight ago that thev hal tun;d an enemy column, securing 1,- Dry Salte<l Meatsâ€" Long clears, in' t.ik"n, and show that the Lettish J'^O prison»rs, two guns and forty iroo.os P.ghting, for the Bolfhoviki niachir.e guns are ab.mdoning the Red cause. 'Enemy i-iittrome a:i-l railway es- The Lettish troops were the last tubli.-hmon'.-' â- \t Rayak were heavily iTally '.veil oreanized force the Bol- b,>n.bed from the air." heviki had. They numbered about toiis. 30c; in cases, 30i^3C; c'ear bellies 28 to 28Hc; fat backs, 2nc, ^ I atd â€" Pure, tierce.s, SO^. to .lie: , Uibcs, 30»i to .'UUc; nails, ;U to ;>l%c; ' prints, 32 to .'?2''j;C. ShTtening, tierces â- , SS"".- to 2tic: tubs. 2i; to 2t;H.c; pails. -â- A despatch from London say>-: .An cfticial statement on Palestine opera- lions says: The text of the statement 'Or. W"e<lnesday Australian ni.nini- several heights. The .Austro-HunKarian forces re- treated rapidly, bcrning their depots The Italians o«'cupied BeraC on Wed- nesday. They have captu'nfd a num- ber of prisoicrB and a l^rge quan- tity f war material. A WARNING . Rayak is on the railroad line be- ti^.ic; I lb. prints. 27 tj 27'sc!. 17,000, of which nearly 10,000 were iwet^n D:iiiiascus an<l Beirut, oO miles Montreal Markets ment says. held in the vicinity df Moscow to protcot the B<»'.shevik leade:-s. Ever i.ince the Czech moverat-nt began on the Volga the Letts have objected ^o fighting there, be-ause they did not vcirai-d the Czechs as eneniie<, and furthermore objected to the dis- â- orgaTiiz'd, unniilit!>ry style of fight- ing the Bol.shcvik officers outlined. The Lettish soldiers >>fter the fall of Kazan surrendered to the Czechs. i.cathv, . ;:; cf the former place. l'.irss, Oct. 4.â€" Th« Fren^'h Govern- ment has issued a sol«mn warning tc Crtfrmany ami her aiM'?s that the ^l«- vasCatiun of territory frc>in w!>ich thej i-C'treat wjl! be punished inexorably. The '.vaming says: "The t"JemKir people who share i;; the v-rtmi^s -.vil' be«r the i-onset{»rer,..vs •.'rtch tho ;it:ch- ors. and that tl»o.'e who order the de- vasuttion will be held '^.'sn.jnsibl* morally, penally and pe.nirr>ari!y." It is advled that Frence Ls no a- dis- cussing with hv alies rh,-> «tans tt :« taken. BELGIANS AND BRITISH SWEEP THROUGH FLANDERS PURSUING FOE .>- British Occupy I, ens and Anncntieres â€" Gen. Plumer's Army is Only Seven Miles From !>iiie â€" Germans .\.pply Torch as Thev Retreat. demtind is msule not only for repara- ; FOR ONTARIO AND QUEBEC, tlon, but for the exemplary punish- j ^"^ ^t"*^'' MarkeU inent of those responsible. The bum- ; .A despat.-ii from Wiunipes says: | Toronto, Oct. 8.â€" 'l-lvtra choice heavy ll« of Roukrs shows that the foe in- : The Bo.-ird of Grain Sluperv^sors has ' steers. ?] ;| -.-:>. Co SI. V0O;chxdce he:i-.-i; tends to taki» n mean revenge on' ordered that tho price of No â- : Quebec â- -^^f=^ K(»IM.\NIA niLL SOON COMH INTO WAK a{;ain Washington, Oct. 4 â€" Capt. Va.sile Stoica, attache of the Rou- manian Legation here, and prosJdent of the Roumanian N.Htional League of .America, .said to-day that Rou- niania soon will be back in the war on the^siiie of the allies, deduct o^ie cent n bushel to cover the $9.50 to $9.85; do. rough bulls. $7.25 Southern Roumania still is in the cost of puttf-ig the wheat tn store at ' to $8.25; butchor*' cows. clvdce. ^-"ds of German troops, but Capt. Montreal, and deduct local freight ! 51*^.-5 to $10.50; <lo. good. $9.35 to Stoica said these ca.sily could be charges, based on shortest through *^'''"' '^<'- "leviium. $7.75 to $8.25; cleared cut by the allie.' and the nille.ise to, whether it pa»- 1 ;-2-r?'^!"'yi"„*lA-^.^°j*!l'"J.5'^,'^^'?' '^•''â- '"»'""" ^^'^y organized ses over one or more railways In transit, plus whatever fraction of a cent ft bushel may arise when deduct $l::..'0 to $14.00; butcher: Belgium. In addition to all tho piH?- , wheat shall Ih>$2,2« per bushel, basis 1 ^,^«f"5^|5»i^^^^^ <?edme aWmiiwtions committed ther«. IQ stoi». Montreal, This cancels a , |c» -j- j^ $10.76; do. common $8 00 Thw wanton destruction Is Mie\^d fo'-'me"" order. To anive at the price ; t^, $8.50; bute-hers' bulls, choice, to be a part of a set fH>!lcy on theja* shipping point It is necessary to $10.00 to $10.60; do. mettium bn»1« part of th« Geirnvan auto- ' '"' ' oracy. with the bop© of arousing such â- bitter feeling between their i>eople Bi'.d thoise of tho Entente that atl hv>;v«i of peace wouW bo ab«itdone'l. I $8 00 to $10. 50; feeders. $10,50 to .^ |$11 l.">; ca.n;!crs and cutters, $5.50 tt> _.^,.r,, ,« oauiw,- !$6.T5: mUkei<s, good to choice, .?«.>0 00 , <^*^*^* '^ SAVING, [to $1(50.00; do. com. and med. Si"5.0fl' .A i:es::;;tch trom l.oivion -^eys: -The ed in entering Roulers and has retu'n- liermans have fallen back three miles ed safely to ita own lines, according in their retreat along the Lens- -A .men- to the Belgian cfFioi«I co«imun;cxtior tieres line. Both Lens and .A.rmen- to n:ght. tieres weiv cvacuatetl Wednesday .As the Crennana retreat in the .Ar- "'ff"*- nientier?s sector they it-e applying The Gerniatis. who weie gradually th« torch wh«r\e^â- ^eT they have the being Ivn in a salient, began a re- time, and th#Jr retreat is marke-J by treat on practically all the .A.rmen a-reat explosions as ammunitio-i scores tieres seoto- ;!!.! appear to be in full ;ir« destroywi. It is known that the flighit. The British trcops ha\-e en- Germans ar» btH.-\->«n«ng so *hort of ani- tered atM «u-_' now na-ssing through mtinition that many of the higher of- ^''f*- ficprs are abtrmed, but in the retreat .Rubers Ri»lgc. «) of Arm-ntipres. the destruction of dtimps ha.s bsen al>- h.%s Iven taken, and the British are sc^irtely necwssitated. ««;^ cf there. Irdii«i3k>n» are n>ot The country behind the tltrman MILLIONS IN FLOUR w'«j\tdng rhs* the (.J*rmars have been Unes is ablaze virtually everywhere. fc>!>>ed to begin one of the war's greiat- From prisoners comes the informa- A despatch from Otti.wa says It Is ewt rerreats.. Cn-n. burner's army U tlon that the Germans are making 100 I'KRSONS PERISH _ IN SHELL PL.\NT FIRE ' tug the local freight rat« from the j to $Y5.00:'ipriivgers, $?O00'to $ie6.boi I fixed price. U is provided that eastern light ewes, $13,00 to $14.00; yearl- ' Perth Amboy, N.J., Oct, 4, â€" The j flour millers ui;iy pay a licensed track ing*. $15. IW to $15. ,50; spring lambs.; announced that conservation measures report-ixl to l->e only tA-o mil«B fnvm hurried preparations to evacuate the great shell loading plant of T, A, I buyer or Hconsod commission merclt | ^"^ ,-"<â- • i^J ,*„„ 'l^^ .'â- ?'JT*- .«f<~^ ,*? *"^ voluntary in the homes T^mv'^g 71* miiw 'north ea«t of Lille. Dune countrv of Belgium, along the Gllle,spie at Mo-gau, NJ., one of } ant a maximum of one cent a bushel j ^*^'-"*-f'\ '' 5"-;; -?|{ ' » *tio^' tS» ""** reduced Canadl.-in consumption The troopa oo^^peratiiiK with the sea coast. Dueouts are being blown the largest plants of it» kind in the ^ tor buying wheat for them, but 00^^.;*^ â- ^,*,^''"^.j^^'^"^^^p'^„»JJ .^: of flour from 800.000 to 600,000 bai^ , Bel^tins have tak»n villages near rp thee. United Statee, WR» destroyed by fire, I other remuuciiition shall be Hllowed to Lp^,,j $16 -^^i' -. » -^ ♦'â- "• lels per month, a,* compared with pre- R<tuiler» a'ter hard street fighting. There is every indication accord- following a series of terrific pxplo- ; them or any other class of handlers. | Montre^JT Oct. 8.â€" Choice heavy *'"" '''"isuuiptlon. This means a sar- They have fcreed tho Germann we-1 ing to authoritative naval sources, of steers. $13. .'lO to $14.00; cWce but- ; i"8 at tbe rate of 2.400.000 barrels per back and .ire stiU eoing. The Ger- an earlv abandonment bv the Ger- cher stevTS, $12.50 to $13.00; lower ! year. or. counting the .saving by length- m.ire. w.wt get oitt of the Belgian mans of the entire Flanders coast gra.ies $8.00 to $12.00; cho^^elJB•^â- yiened extraction of milling, cf 2.<?40,000 eoaa* aa fWr «« Orteod, if the ad The Germans arc already removin* <in''oo Rot rr.fl^ «" so J»; barrel, per rear. This Is equiralent , v«ce here continues m tt gnv«. e^-ery their gnns. The Belgian coast haa cwt,;, lambs, IGc ycr lb. I*' 'â„¢'^'- I siotis. About six thous.iiui person.", many ot them womeu. .ire employed in the irorki, which corers several thou- •rad acrec. The death lii>t reached t'nem or any other class of handlers. Another order makes the price of Ontario No. 2 wheat $2.2t> a bushel, caucelliug the previous order, with the same regulations, to arrive at the price at the shipping point as la the case of No. t Quebec wbeat. been under a heavy bombardmenk A Befeian armored car Ims siK:ceed- for the paet two day*.