\vE^; ^^^ â- /Usl)^tt0n %imxitt. 'TRUTH BEFOBE FAVOR ' - "PRINCIPLES NOT MEN" Vol. 38, No. 20 Feslnerton, Ont., October lO, li)lH KIMBERLEY Mr. Thoniaa Fawcett, uf Bcakvicw, P»rry Sound Diitrict, renewed old acquaintances in our burg a couple of days Uet week . John Stuart, of Burki Falls, visited hiends in onr burg recently. Mr. J. H. Fawcett and wife, also Mr. •George Hunt, a'l of CoUingwuod.tuotured over to our bur<; on Saturday last and visitbd friends. Marshall Beaid, of Maikdale, aiadn a basinesa trip to this part one day h»t week. John Thibedeau, of Markdale, v'sited at Geor;;e Cornfield's recently. Win. Mocre.of Meaford.was a pleasant caller m our villajjrt on Friday, last. Quitea nuuiberatteu«'ed the Flesherton Fair and report the exhibits bcini; up to the usual high standard. On account of the rain the tirst day a number uf exhibi- tors from this part didn't show. Vernon Bishop has gone to Toronto to attend tfap school of practical science. Vernon ie taking ho electrical engiiioering coui'se . Mr. JaaieH Walker has boui:ht ;i small farm near M^afcrd and will move there «umetime in the near future. Cecil FawQeit and sister, Marion, visited friends in Markdale un Satuiday la«t. <ieor(?a Hutchinson returned home from the VVeit ouc day recently. FEVERSHAM CEYLON Mr. and Mrs. Patlison of Bidjeron visited with the former's brother here l.i.%t week. Mrs. Frank l.tiick, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John .Meli'j, has returned to her home in Cleveland. S. Heuiphill and wife visited Fever- sham friends iud attended iba fair. Inspector Beckett, U. Cook and D D, McLaughlin attended FevershAui fair. Ella Whiitaker spent the past week viiitinjj witli Dundalk friends, leturniog b'liiie Mouddy eveuiiii;. (Jeorjte Cullinson and wife returned home Friday after spendini; a month with friends »t Duuda.", Pott Dalliuusie and Toronto. Georye Meldrum returned home on Monday from MarkliHiii, wheie he lias been fur seveial weeks. Mrs. .Slrinuer of Toronto is visitiug her aiece, Mrs. John Gibson. Mrs. Waruiick, nee Bertha Whitiaker. Ca'edon, a former resident of Ceylon visittj htr uiioW, Uich.ir<i Whiitaker, over tt:e weeli cud and called ou a nuiii- b-'r of trienda here Mr. Ari;hibiild lA St. Tho-na.s Mis. Fritz and little daughter of Hanover, visited the first of the week with their b.other, X. Archibald. We h'jpe ihe ladies «ill no' fnrget iho Red Cross ineetjng at Mrs. Gen. Cairns' on Friday afleruooiL, whtre every |Xi:-iio is wekumo. D. Colenmn aiiu his mother iir>tored from t.hveii Soun-.l the tirNt of tluj week and visi'i^d Mr. and Mrs. F. Cullmaou. A good crowd of people attended the Fever^.'i.itn f;iir mi (October '.j. Though the iuorning was .wet, about uoon the weither cleared and "^-e believe about as lar^'ii gate receipts as we ever had was •the outcou-o, and the directors .ire well pleased. The hall was crowded at. night »t the concert which was a great success, and all wer^J pleased with tne entertainers Mr. aud Mrs. Albert Uindle of Clarks- burg visited with friends here last week. The young c luple have just recently b-'en married and their inuny friends wish them bon voyage throuf»h life. Will Colijuelt aud viiu of Port Mc- Nic'iU spent last week with friends Iieie and took in the fair. Mrs. Win. Walters aud two children cf Toronto are visitiuf{ with her sister, Mrs. Chris Thomson. Miss Grace McKeoa, of Duncan, is visiting with Miss .'V.da Kaittiug. Miss .Mary Julian and Miss Ferguson, of Kiuibt'riey, spent â- â- \ tew daja with the ft.rnier'» parents here, last week. H<trold Osborne has been nolitied to r.poit ill Toioiil > for another axauiiua- lion ou WednesUiy. Mr 1. II. Puriijo and Jas. Oou'.'las are under the doctor's care. Wc wish them a ^pcvdy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Thoiupson have moved to Fevershaui, Wc wolcomo them lo our village. Quito ft lar'^e concoursu of people attended the funeral uf the late Ur«. Isaac Hawton at Buckingham cemutery OP Fiidiy last. John Thoinsou and Mr. Nichols ai.d nife uf Aginouurt, and D. Thoinsou of Toronto, .ipenl a few days with friends here la<!t week. ROCK MILLS Mi's Robert Phillips returned to her home in Toron-n after apeHding three week* with her father, R. Hny. Sarah and Bertha White are at present visi'iuii under the {.aren'al rouf. li.ano Atkinson lott a valuable hovsc last wtck. Lillian Park returnoi home Saturday after spending a f.rtnight with friends in Durbam aud VValkerton. vMrs. R. Dari^avel, Mrs. k. Mcintosh '.nd daughter, Rcta, Mrs. dryce Dargavel :*r ftnd sisii^r. Miss Lowe, all of Dornoch, vi.sited uno day the past week with the former's sou, James Dargavel. •7(ihn liar^r.ive attended AUistoo fair last week and visited friends nhile there. Quito a number from hero took in the > FLivershani and Duudalk fairs la.it week . Mr*. Field tnd Mts. Brodie, Maxwell *nit»J one day the paet week with Mn>. B. Field. Ontario's Big Record ()iil.iriu's laruu plice in the economic p.isiii.u if Canada was never bftter illustrated than in the last Victory Li>iiii CHiiipaigTi, but i*^ It 16 to be maiulallied. »nother supreme effort will be neeJcd in the campiign so ju to open. Nearly half the total subscriptions in November. 1!'17, were from On'ario, aud there fas been talk (ha: the same proportion is e)t[ ecled this year. The war spirit, and war service of Ontario have been so magnificent lluvt theie is little prospect of a disisppoiutuient nor. This province has been the centre of munition making, with ilie liberal distribution of money wh.'ch that brings, and its auriculiural, m niog aud other industries, have been un a most buoyant basis. .â- \s a result of the splendid cimpai^ju and the ireritrous response of the people, the province of Ontario raised iJ20- ISO.- 4C0 of the ;?4l!t 280,000 for the Dominion in the fourth loan. This cinie from 2i'io,OUO subscriiieri-, averaging §70 Co each, out of the 820,0^o leudeis iu all Canada, averaging So;j.lo each. Qucbeo came second with $94,287,-50 from I'-'t), j;U -ubscribers, or S41.0i> ench. In Ontario one person iu every 7.11 «:i.s a subscriber, but Maniioba with one in 7 e.xeellod this recnril In tne Dominion as a whole one iu every 'J. 02 w:is a subscriber. DUNDALK S. Bell h.i9 Slid his grain elevator to H. White & Cu. of .Shalbuine, who have had the prop.'tty under lease for the past eight years. The citizens of Duud.ilk ctn rett astured that tlieie will bo iiu shortage of coal or wood here this wiuter. The big corner sUue owned by S. B«U aLd ocjupicd for a great many yens by J. E Richards as a general store, is beiov divided intu three seciions whi.-h are lea>.cd f-r a rerm of years as follows : Ot;^pampbell,|truggist, will occupy the cot&er section facinu ou Protou street • W. .T. Symington, the shoeinau will move into the store to the north and also f. icing I'l 01 on street ; T. D. Mclntyre, the grocer, will move across the street f onj bi8 old premises to the grocery f icing Main str.'et. It is expected tha'' tie oeoeWary partiii'ins and alterations will be ouiiipteted and the premises will bo ready for ocoupuinn in October- Merald Bc*!s in the neighborhood of .Angus ; have a soocial way with thoro. They fraternize with cows aud climb trees for I beechnuts. Djring the last three weeks j live bears have been killed by Mr. .Uoy McKinnun on his father's faiui, Nolta ' was-iga tia's, four uiiles from Anpufi. PORTLAW Mr. John Winters had the misfortune to have his riyht hand badly lorn while conking hii car. Miss Alita Jamieson, of Toronto, has been visitinif with numerous friends uf this part. Ou account of the pustor's Illness the 8ervi:e in Mount Ziou church on Sundiy was conducted by Mrs. Eagle, who preached a delightfully practical aud ii>«piria» discourse. Anniversary services will be held in Mount Zion church on Sunday next Hev. Thomas Laidlaw, of Heathcote, a former pastor, will preach at 10.I50 a m. and 7 oO p.m. (o which ali aie invited. On Thuiaciay the 24lh inst. a supper aud entertainment will be given in the comn.odious new hall, which is now about couiplete. REPORT OF PRIZEWINNERS AT FLESHERTON FALL FAIR Letter From England Pte. W. Williams, who is now iu Witley camp, England, writes his luothe,. ac Eugenia iu part as follows : â- ' I am getting along with the dril[ here fine I have passed ever/thhiij -so far. I was through the gas chamber ihe other day. It was real gas, t«o, and stronger than any the Germans ever used. They had what they called the • tear gas,' and, believe me, they have the right name for it. They made us go through it without our gat masks on and when I got our I was crying likj a baby. The tears were running down my cheeks like iiin. It don't hurt you, l«t just makes you so you caut get your eyes open for a while. " I wish you would huri^ up and .send lue lue of your lakes. We can'l get decent ciko her>-, and I have (miy tasted onedtceu' piece of cake siacd we came over. .\iid I wish you would send uie some clu C'd.-ite and soap. Soap costs twice iw much here as it does over there. " 1 wish 1 was at IVOme with you for one good meal. 1 haven't had a decent meal since I caaie over hefe, I was down at a town last Sunday and I went into a onfo and got two boile 1 eggs and four slices of bread. It cost me jiio shilling aud si.^pence. But I found a place at last. It was the Soldier's Club. I went ill there and got two frioJ egg?, four piec.s of bread, a piece of cake aud a cup (if lea, and it cost me one shilling.' So It wasn't so bad." Thrifting, Are You ? We think we are thriftins. But miybe we'>-e driftini:, .\iid the coin that we clink is not saving. but. shifting. For sceiniiigly spending (Jiiies oa without ending. And heedlessness still is the tend of our trending. Ill ulenning my meaning You 11 liiid gasoliuina Is still u^ed for dusting instead of for cleaning ; And most of us batten t >ii fine fire, and fatten Wli'le robing our softness in purple and satin. 0'^, iiiaybo yim're guilty, and imybe yni're not. But ask â- " Have I Ihiified as much »s I ought ; " Our thrifting is tickle, I; runs in a trickle, We ij ckle a nickel to giv; us a tickle, Thtu ride on ilie trolleys To g.> '0 the Follies And baud ourselves thanks and a couple of jollies. iMan still goes li: puUii g, I.iibibiiiu and slutting, And holding euough.yet without "Hold I enough ! "-iiig, And woman still posr?. And shows us her hosts, All silkcu and sheer to cxeuse her discloses. At the end of iho day, if you're feeliig too good. Ask this : " Have I thrifted as much as I should ? ' • â€" Kdniond Vance Conke Farm For Sale IiOtl04, 2nd vauge K. T. S. R., Arteiuesia, eo.itainiog IDO seres. Good buildings, well fenced and watered by hydraulic in houso aud barn, small orchard. Torma to suit puirchiser. Apply lo -JOHN PEDLAR. (">etl Fleshertoii P. 0. HORSES. Heavy Draft â€" Team, F. Taylor, Jarvis Henry; brood mare, J. Henry, D. Squires; two year old, J. Henry; one year old, J. Henry, J. A. Kerna- han; .spring: foal, J. Henry, D. Squires. -Agricultural â€" Team, Hawken Bro- thers, Donald McMillan; brood mare, F. Mathewson, D. McMillan; 2 year old, Roy Rae, D. .McMillan: spring: foal. F. Mathewson, D. McMillan. General Purpose â€" Team, P. J. Sul- livan; 'orood mare, Wes. Smith. .A.r- thur Johnston; 2 year old, Wm. Stew- art. Alf. Thistlewaite; I year old. W. Smith, Herb. Betts. Carriage â€" Team, Wm. Pattou; 2 year old, J. .A. Kernahan; spring foal, A. Johnston, Herb Betts; single driv- er. Wes. Smith, Jas. Findlay. Roadster â€" Team. Herb. Pool; brood mare, J. .A. Kernahan; 1 year old, F. Mathewson; spring foal, J. .\. Kernahan, single driver W. Swantoii, Harold Lever; lady driver, Miss Betts. Miss Stewart. Specials â€" Ball's special, best tive horses, Jarvis Henry, D. .McMillan; R. Simpson's special, best single turn- out, Wm. Swanton; Dr. Jamieson's special, best heavy team on grounds, Frank Taylor, Hawken Bros.; W. Fos- ter's special, best heavy colt of I'JIS. J. Henry, D. Squires; Jas. Crow- ston's special, best carriage or road- ster colt, 2 years and under, F. Ma- thewson, .\. Johnston. CATTLE. Shorthorn â€" Cow, J. T. S:e.i. Holstein â€" Bull, 2 year old, C. Moore; bull calf, C. Moore, 1 and 2; cow, C. Moore, 1 and 2; 2 year old heifer, C. Moore, 1 and 2; 1 year old heifer, C. .Moore, 1 and 2; heifer calf, C. Moore, 1 and 2; best bull, diploma, C. Moore. Grades for Beef â€" 2 year old steer, W. Stewart; 1 year old steer, W. Ste- wart, 1 and 2; 2 year old hei' :â- , W. Stewart; 1 year old heifer, F. Brown, I and 2; heifer calf. W. Stewart; steer calf, W'. Stewart; best cow, F. Brown. for Dairy â€" Cow. L. .V. and 2; Walkerton D.iiry Fisher, 1 and 2. SHEEP. Leicester â€" .\11 prizes to Nichols. Shropshire â€" All prizes to Findlay. O.xford Down â€" .\11 prizes to Wm. Patton. Lincolns-^AIl prizes to J. H. N'ii h- ols. POULTRY. Barred Rock, male, L. .A. Fisher, 2iid; White Wyandotte, female. B. Welton; White Leghorn, female. S. (I.' lutii.ued on page 4) Lands at Flesherton Station For Sale Sk'aled Tenders addressed to Alexaiicer Cameron, Eugenia Postolhce, Out irio, Adminisir.itor cf the esUite of Elizii).'h Magce, deceased, «ill be recui.'ed u)i lo 12 ii'ckck, no.iii, I u Saturd-iy. ()c!. 12, l!HS, for the piiridii.'ie of il,e folinvini? j lanie. namely : 1 Part of Lot Number One liundred and Fifty, in tho third r^iiyo ii.uilnv.si .'f the Toroiit I and Sydenham Uo.id in the Townsh p of Aitemesia, contiiiiiing two aud one half acres, be the same ninro i^r less This paice: is situuied at iho n'>rtheasl corner of the said Lot IjlK 2 P.iiLiifL't Number One Hundred and Fifty in the '.\<kC, nii^e soiitliwis' i.f I he Tov>into and .Sydenham Road i-i the Township of .Arteincsia iti the Couniy "f (.irey, lying lo the soiuheast of th" deviation roiid which luus across Iho southeast cori'er of said lor, containing two and <me half a-res. These properties adj 'in th.. village of Ceylon. Teems â€" Ten per cent, of lh6 purcha^; money to bo paid ou the acoepteuce of the tender, and the balance iii thirty davs thereafter, without interest.'] Tho highest or any tender not necss- sarily uocested. The sale i.-i subject to the approval jf the Oflioial Guardian. F'T further particulars and couJilinns of sale apply to ALEX. CAMEUON, Euneni.a. Out,, Administrator WHIGHT, TELFORD A BARLOW 0»en .Sound, (Int.. Solicitors for Administriitor Grades Fisher. I special J. H. James Bates Burial Co. BUSINESS AS rsL AL Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Rd. Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, Pres. Manager. STOCK FOR SALE 1 hive It piesent for luick sale 2 Yorkshire sows, some y.nin;; cross-bred pgo just ready U, Wcaii, 1 Rouen drakf, 1 Barred Rock looster. Prices right. Phone .a- write. _GKtt. \V. ROSS, Osprpy Tel. System. Maxwell, P.O. Jewelery ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory sel- ection. We carry Photo Supplies. \a-sa, \»/^m.' W. A. Armstrong Jeweler FLESHERTON, - ONT. I Gasoline Engines | ^ Three-. |uarter« of farm n • 'tinery for mul.iplying prodt and sarin?-' 4^ labor is built for attach rnei. to gasoline engines. The efficiency of T ensilage cutters, grinders, n .• systems, etc., depend upon the ^ s'urce of power. The Selection r an engine, therefore ia the important Jj^ ijuestion of farm equipment. V We can supply you with a Lister, Toronto or T; F AiRiiANKs MuRsK eii^iiH', aiiv of which are^uarnn- ?r teed to 'Mve ?iitire satLsfaction. * ^ D. McTAVISH, FLESHERTON â-º â-º ( '.1 iS I > > LADIES ! Tho Fall .Sea.>t)U for Milliiiorv !".â- « now on and we are right UP TO THE TIMES" with a stock of the Most Up-to-Date Hats Shown Outside of the City. Ju^t yive u? a tall and see for yonrselve.s. We can show you sometniug that will become yon. Fi'ices cheap, considering the quality of the goods. Highest price for Pr-jduce W. L. WRIGHT'S Corner Store, Flesherton T * '»'f&».' s » â- « â€" wr- •••••••4 •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• Try Them ! •••• • ••• . •••• •3 •••• at •••• •••• :::: â- >•« ••• â€" Any man wanting a good solid boot suitable for this season of the year TRY THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, XV-: •«• •••• •••• •••• •»â€" St B ONTARIO B ••• IS" • ••«••«•••••••• >••••»•••••••••••••••••••••••••«••»'' (•••••••••••••aS!!) •*«•••••