Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 14 Mar 1918, p. 8

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Marcli 14 mS' 'WHS-^â€" THE F L E S H E R r O N A D V AN C E fiUSINESSCARDS Societies •BQICK ARTBUK rODQB. N*. »S3, A.F.A >^ A M. D*«t«lD the ll»oniek»ll. Arm tnas'a Block Kl««li»ru>n, erarv Krid«T on Mon tb» fall uiuvo. T. ilnurr. W. U. B.W. RIoUiDg. bacretMl. 1 IHOBEN KltlRNDK- KlitLertoD CouiiM OiCMu'KricDd* :il4 luMU In CUyton't lUo llitt aod thud \Vf(lu(i'(ltv o> ('•co iiionDi Vty •SMiiui'DtN lo Iticnidtr m buorv tlie flret dtv of < kcIi lucoth. Cliiu Councillor, W. l].I)ui.t; Iticoider, Uit. L. A Ki«li»r. JjENTl.STRY ry B. C MURRAY U O. B , d*Dt4l •orcMn V Kooi arkduato of Toronto Usiveraity aod NSM' ^-'^'I'S' (>' l^'otal SurKoons of Outaiio, Om tduiaintitcred lor teeth extraction 0>M*t rMideoce, Toronto Btroat.FlMt:erton. Medical #t OTTEWELL Veterinary Borgeon Jradaate ol Ontario Veterinary Collage ratudene* â€" sscond door lontb WMt'oa fcarT atreet. Tbia itreat ram oaUi Pr«M]rt*rlan Ubnreb. Ch*«. E.McLcan, M D. C M, Specialty â€" Surgery, Midwifery »V Womon'H Diaet.scs OmcK.s â€" t'leskert lu, li w House. Pricpville Con>inerci»l II. tel, 1>.:((» to 1 p.m. Drug store in connectiou " itli otfice. Oflin Hour" i.-. yienliertm- Wednesday anJ Friday aiieriioon 2 to •'' I'.tn. Vbone mei^ageii retTiv iironipt attention at both office* . lUMuylu Legal I UCAB. HANEY A hKNHYâ€" Barriatern. â- *-' BoUcitora.olc.-I. H. l.ucaa, K. C. ; W. K, R«Dey, K. f. ; \V. D. Henry, H. A. Officea, foronfo, H06-9 Tmlnrii HanU Hide., pboue Buain 14li!: MarkdaloLiicaa Ulock. Phone e A. braieli oluce at Oandalk open erery Saturday. WRIGHT. TELFOKD * McDONALD Barriiter, Bolicito", Ac. Offices, Orey * Erne* Block. Uwon Souud. BtJtudard Bank Block, Flaeherton. (iiaturdaval. W. H. Wright, W. P. Telford Jr. J. C. UcDonall, L. L.. B. Business Cards •f OULLiOUOB ft TOUMO ~ Uankera Markdale Oeoerkl banking buainaaa. Uoney loaned alreaaoaahia rataa Call on ua. DKcPHAIL, Iilceoaed Aactionee for the * County of Grey. Teruia moderate aiul aatii^acUon guaa-antecd. The arraoeenieiita • Dd datee ol Bales can be made at Tin Adtajicc otAce. Ketidenceaiid P.O.. ( xylou, Telejihone coonection. Dec. C, 07 WU. KAITTINQ, ieenaed Auctioneer for the couotiea of Urey and Kiwcue. Farm and Block lalea a specialty. Teriua aoodarate. aattafactlon euaiautted. Arrauiie- loeata for dates may be made at the Advance oflca, or Central ttlephoue ouice I'eTerahaw orbyaddreaainc ma at FereiaUaui, Out. =s as: Income Tax Forms Are now available Returns must be filed on or before Slst March 1 f I ^HE Dominion Income War Tax Act requires you to fill in one or more of the five special Forms provided before 31st March, 1918. In order to assist the public to understand just what is required of them, information on each Form is given below. Read carefully, then get three copies of the form that fits your case and fill them in. Answer all questions fully and Iccuratcly. For making false statements, a penalty off $10,0M or siX months' mprlsonmenty or both, fs provided. Individuals. â€" All persons unmarried, and all widows or widowers without dependent children, whose income is $1500 a year or more, must fill in Form Tl. All other pcrsoiM whoie income is $3000 or more, i^se the same Form. Where any income is derived from dividends, list amounts received from Canadian and Foreign securities scpararely. Fill in pages 1, 2 and 3 only. Do not mark on page 4. Partnerships, as such nfcd not file returns, but the individuals forminf the part- nerships must. C«r|Mrati«ns and Jaint Stock Companies, no matter how created or organueed. shall pay tbs normal tax on income exceeding $3000. Use Form T2 â€" giving particulars of income. Also attach a financial statement. Under Deductions, show in detail amounts paid to Patriotic Fund and Canadian Red Cross or other approved War Funds. Trustooc, Exocutcrs, Administrators of Estates and Assisneet use Form T3. Full particutara of the distribution of income from all estates handled must be shown as well as details of amounts distributed. A separate Form must be filled in for each estate. CmplAyers must use Fortn T4 to give names and amotmta of salaries; bonuses; commisnons and other remuneration paid to all employees diu-ing 1917 where such remuneration amounted in tb« aggregate to $1000 or over. Corparatlen Lists of Sbareiioldera. â€" On Form TS oorporationt shall give a statement of all bonuses, and dividends paid to Shareholders residing in Canada during 1917 stating to whom paid^ and the amounts. ^ Figures in every case are to cover 1917 ineeme â€" all Forms must be filed by Sltt March. Fot neglect, â-  Una of $100 for eacit day off default may Im imposad. In the case of Forms Tl and T2, keep one copy of the filled in Form and file the other twa with the Inspector of Taxation for your District. In the case of T3, T4 and T5, keep one «6py and file the other two, with the Commissioner of Taxatic: , Dept. of Finance, Ottawa. Forms may b« elitaliMd fram tiio District l.:«9««t«rs af Taxation and fram Hm Past* mastors at all laadlng ctntras. Ptslaie must he paid on all Utters and nocunienls fyrwarded by mail to Imptctor oj Taxation. Department of Finance, Ottawa, Canada Pooleâ€" Down The huiue of .Mr. aod Mrs. Heury ' Djwd, Maxwell, was the sceDe of s very I ' p-eliy wedding on Wcdnttday, Mauh ^ «:h, •.» hen their only daunhler, Wilm* ' Mildred, was uaited in the holy bunds of j • â- .natriuiouy lo Wilhert Poole, one uf .Oiprey townshiji's most po'iHilar and Brownâ€" ThisUethwaittt A pretty wu'ldiDK luifc plac at the huiiiu .if Mrs. Mylo* Thi»fletha»it«, Cullini.'wuod favul. ou W«dnr«d«r of last week, Match ti, wlieo bar dau^tilsr, Mary L'lia*, v^t united in tn^rriage to Mr. Leouirl Brown <>( Toronto. The prosperous young aitriculturists and { '"''•'*•*'>" "*» U'"*:" ""'y 'T ''er inotliar,. eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. John Poole ' """* '^'*'^'' "'"' *'^*' *^''® ""l^ *'" " ""* 1 of Fevershatn. j "'*"â-  * '>'*« * afetta, and cnrrted a bouquet ..... . "f "'lite caina ionR and miiJenhnir feiu. I At high noon to the strains of the j weddina march, played l.y Mis« EtI ol j ! Winters, the bridal party entered the I drawin, ruotn, the bride le.ntn« on the ! f ,Ue b.iU. supported .he proo.a. Miss jartnofber father «nd took their pWa Be,,,ice Thi.tlethwaitt „U,ed , he .eH. â-  under an arch beautifully arran(;ed for j the occasion while the bride's pastor, ! Rev. Forth, Maxwell, performed the ; Misa DbII loiisoii of 8cirboro, who w.^r9 I rose crepe de chine, asiiated the btide, i while Jlr. R.y Thistlelhwaite, brother certnionyin the presence of somrt fifty gjests, friends and neighbf-rs of the cuntracting parties. diu!} Icarch a:id Rev. Mr. McVtcnr performed the ceremony. ..\f'er a dainty weddini{ breakfast the bride and grooia left for their home iu Toronro where they will reside. There were about 'HO guests present, Amon'< those fro-i. a The fair yoiinB bride looked charming '*''"»"'=e were, Mrs. (Dr.) VVr»y, Hiss in a handsome gown of uavy blue chiffon tHli'eta MJk with gold lace triuimioge *nd carried a laree bouqunt of cre.'im bridal roces. After hearty congrUululioos the bridal party, accompanied by the guosfs, repaired lo the dining room where a dainty wedJing dinner was served, ! The table decorationR were daff'jdilsi and .soiilax. | During the s'gning of the regicter. , Mrs. J. E. Corbelt, Duiidalk, cousin of | the bride, ^ang The many beautiful ' Ethel Neilson and Mr. Cbtries Tbistle- ihwaite of Toronto, and Miss Nettie Johnson of Markdale. The wedding preseu.s were numerous and b<*autifuJ. FRUIT TREES AND PLANTS For spring Planting .... , We t.eed no further introduction ilisn presents which were in evidence, go to the fact that we have been in the show the esteem in which the young I ^i^rseiy burinese SIXTY-ONE YEAR*s couple are held. 1 ""* "f® """ prepared to nwet fxisting conditions by oSering our hi<4li grade Inspector of Taxation, HUGH. D. PATTERSON, 59 Victoria St. Toronto, Ont. After a honeymoon spent in Toroiiio aud Hiiiuilton the young couple will take up their residence on the groom's farm I near Maxwell, where they will be at home to their friends after Aj)ril 15, h. The bride's going away costume was of n-ivy serge with military hat. The many friends of the bride and groom join iu wishing thuin a long and prosperous voytge through life. trees and plants direct tn customi'is^ at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. Send for our illus<rattd circukis of hardy varieties wfiich you can order direct and save the agent's coniinissioo, of which you^get the benefit . f)ur prices will e sure to interest you aud all stock is absolut.;ly first class ai.d true to name. THE CHASE BROTHERS CO. Of Ontario, I.'uiiied, Nurserymen, COLBORNB,- â€" -ONTAKlO COOLNESS OF LOUIS BOTHA. His Narva In Dsaling With a Savago Zulu Chieftain. X stor.T of the cool daring of General Louis Uotba, whose name is ao inti- mately assoclalctl with dramatic epl- soileu In the history of South Africa, a|>I«;ar.«i hi his biography written b.v iliirold S|iender. It happened one win- ter when yoiiiis Botha had taken sheep for i.a.'Sturage across the Drakensberj; uiountaiiiH and down to tlie warmer coast lands, which were .xtlll in ibe eri|> of the /.uiiis. t)ne tranquil day a youtig imllve ru!4be<l into Holhii'.s piimp. He lircatb- le.tsly earned the youiijf Itoer lo fly and save lii.<« life. .Mnpelo wa.s "out." The most bloodth1r.sty of all the riif- llaiily Bangs that were tlioii ravasluK Ziiliilaiid \v:i.s ihe well iiiountcd and Well armed k;iiij; of .Mapelo. (July an hour fir two iK'fore, said the native, ho liafi lilt the tliroat of a iiils.^loiinry at the old mis;sIon .slat ion. about sl.t iiille.s ffoiii ltolha".s oiuiii). 'J'lie iiiitlvo lilin- .self hrtd Just lelt (he bo<ly of the llii- , ,. .. . , â- â-  , .; , '"'I'l'.''' "'"» l.viug still 1111(1 wiiini on his I AROUND GREY COUNTY :e For Service Uue puroored Shortlioiii Bull »u In ^, coo, 9, Arteme.sia. Tt-rnu $1 OJ for grades. Must be paid wiihm VI luonths *rom Cm^.e of terviee. 1 Jan. 17. -R U. TURNER. Notice To Trespassers ! Anyone taking wood or iiiils off <ir in I any way tr<>Kpa8sing on any piil of the { north half ol lot lilt. Coll. 'J, .\rtotue.>ii.i, j will be piosecatcd. â€"MRS. vv. ('. im;di,ki; Holsteia Bull^For .Service .\ithi>ronghl>red lluloti-in ImiII f..r -inii'i' lota 1H3184 S.W. T.A H. H.. Ar|.ii„.M:,; .1 bredH, -I .Inly 17. â€" i;i;<». .Mouiii-; V .s., Good Advice "The man 1 iiimn." she niilil. -Diiist thiiil; I nin the only ;:iil In t\.v vcirld.' "Don't «ony nhout thai." Iht iii:ir- riitl fiicutl ic|)li>Ml. "Ifo will ililuu it. all linht. .liNt ()iit 111 your limi' liy iiiif lo liiid (lilt liow to iiinlip liliii keoji on tliliikitic It."â€" t'hicnjjd IIri;:l'i /\ .Fokcr. It In s.-iid Ihat a lortHln wnll known portrait [inintor han alinotst mf (rr.-nt II lopiii.-itioii for Jnkin.-i r.i for t.ikliip fxrellont llkPn»i8Kos. One rvpni;i;; lii' w,-(.'; speaking of a lifniiliriil "vo'ini,; rlrl whoBO portrait lie had just (In- l.ihrd. "Hpr features nro <'xqu!sU'>1y n!OuId(-d. I hav»- hi-ai-d," »ald n. ln('v who had M<n iicithor the poririilt iiof ils orlginnl. •'H'-iuitifiil forf'lipad and cyon," rp- iiiincd iLf- iirtist concisely, "h.-»nd- Friiijo noHP, iin« chin, but liUn an flpphant'.'?." "Mouth liko an flephaiifs!" ccho- fd the lady. In diHniny. "What, a icr- ilble iiilxfoitiiMe. Ho yon inmii tli:il It Ik ho ('iHirnioii.'', nr what'.'" '•Only that If Is lillod with ."i^i-rli Ivory," refiirnod thr arllst with li|p '!â- â-  tl i?rnvlt/. f'hiitc-iie rooltN. It is said by IhoHo who have om ployed tbf;ni ih.if the always 'ook hy rule, if lljiy have any ml.. |,. u'> by - followiiiK ihf recfipt with fhe (â- ame «<-lcn tlflc exncln^'gH with ^wlijtli the i|rusKlhl» put up a pre Icrlpfloh. Honde their rps'iills arp I'qiKiIly p.-illsfactory. They ncvpi buru or spoil unythlnR, nor •â- ^plll ma- tnrlals on tiie floor; consofiuontly, no- (blnt, Koi's IhrouRb their liuiida In w.^nibJ. Thiy cook Jiiat Pnoiigh and n» more. Natural Daa* Natural gas Is probably formed In the «a;iii by a proeesw of naturni dis- tillation rmin llJo iinlinal an<l >pgo- tahU fpiniiliis of part yroluab nl ep<ii-b'-, and is nearly tbi naina iiro- diict a>i It dlKliilcd iroin i-oal Id Hip ral'irt.i of ^ns lactoil(>M. only. lUFlPitd Oi the lieat of llrej-, tin- iLfernnl hrut ff the earth, iild«d P'rliapa by rheml- \decouiposliit>ij, him r-aii.Med Us for- in en a nuiKnii)vAiit icalw. liotlia hud Utile time to iiialio ii|i his iiiiiid. lull one lliiii;; was clearâ€" ho I oiild not (Ifsert bis sli(>c|i. .Most or tlli'in bi'loniiiil lo lijs brolhcrs So lio Im?u.tii to prep.iro to I:kx- the raider. l.oolilHK nt Ills baiKlohHtr. ho foiiiiil to lih< dismay that ho had only ono nir- lildj,'!' Ipfl. Scariidy had be (lls<-ov(>icil ( I ho fact wlioii a Iroo;) oi /.iilii Imrso- tiii'ii appearod nhoiit it qilurlcr of a inllo away over a rise of >,ioUtid in o.Moiuhil order and (di:ir;;pd low;ird tlio wjikoii. wavlii-^ tljoir illlcs over tliclr lu'ad.s and .sliolitiiiK lll>e dciiKiiis posses-scil. I.ouis IJotlia lose uiul very dellher alily moiiiiiiU llio l>ox soat of his waj,' I'll. He laid Ills rifle ill a coiLiidiildii.! idiKT next liltii. Then lio imivccdcd, Willi an oilliMud caliii very rorol;.rii lo bin own Inner feidliiRs, to IK'hta inaldi iind apply it .sb.wly lo his |d|)i\ ThrowUig nway llio mnloli and l.iol;- liiK lip, lie found Hint iho native lioise- men b.nd drawn ivin in u oloiid of dnsi wllhiii a few yards ol ilio front of llj.^ wiigon. A few seconds of dead Kllpiiee follow ed, tho iindvo.s (jl'iii. in^' nt Hollia and Itoiha oylim llieiii wilh a slead.\ ;.,-:i;'.e of snrprlso. Then .Mapolo ndvaiued and said that Ills men were ver.v Inni- gry iiiid waiiird sometlilii!; to oat. Iiolha Kiuvely diiniiried nt this sloriii.v way of uiiproiKh iiiid eoolly;;aliied Willi lliu linadcr of Ids pciwo. .\t last III- n^rced to ;,'h(> I hem one Rhee|t on the fdrkt eondlli.n that they Kh<iiiM wlllidruw f;oiiie disliiiieo (rmii ill-; 'iiiiiii and not disiurli him n;;ahi 'I'lie condition was am-pted, ami so eiidiil uii Ineldeiit lliat llothu has ahvay.i di> tierilicd as one of tlio nio.-<t disliiiliiii;,' in Ills wliojo life. Ona Inning, Six Hits, No Runs. Can sl.t hits be mnde In n half In- | nhis without the f.ido niaMiig llio lilis ' Kcorliig n run ? j This iniosthiii was put to the Clii. ago ( .\u«.s, eviu'it suys "Yes" nnd | explniiia: | The llrst innn up triples nnd Is • iliiown out lit the pinto. The seeoad man triples and Is nise nailed nl the l.iiiiH pan. Till- Ihlifl, fourth nnd llftli i llal.^lllen i-iiij;le. lllliii;,- thn saeli.s. The Hi.vlh nuin dri\e.s the hall heuvceii see- I olid Mild third, and the leatlier hits ila. l runner eouilnif finin .secoiid. Tho imiii ' bit 1.1 out. retiring the kIi1«.. nnd the | iiA-in win. hit iiliii (.'els a im-^e ia|i ) Tills niake.i gl\ <nnse(ellve sofe rii|.« j .' (tlieiif Olio Hi;i !i i â- â-  rireil 1 I The Boy hcouU of Markdale 1 c.»! nival recently and realized t;i;{. E. K. Biougbton of Ml. Forest, bad both bones uf tho left lei; broken when Hie biiidiii'' pole of a loj.d of lii,^.s broke <nd lii> jumped to aave himself. The license fee fur auctioneer in Orey Couiily lias been rdised fioin twelve to t Vfiity live diillars. E'hel 8har|Jd of IJolatein, had her liaiuls bully burned when »i>iiie polish took liiB as she pnlisbing the slove. Some of Ihe <.:i izens of 0*cn Souiul I.eeii lautorinu on ;|ie Imy niii report it very ^ood itaog. .\. S. lIuiitiT of Durbain, was knocked d .wi. nil I lie icB by h cow hiuI received a ii'l <oi ihc head «liich rii|un» d three or Inui- .Milohc'S to cicse up. KoIk'iI McIIirdy, evanijilist, ii •.M.S.h lldlillim leiiil, his 111 en 'iW.iuled Ihi' Alilitary .\ I be liiiiiid Tru ik has installed in llic WMiimg Moni of >.he Owen .Suund Main. n B '<y-teiii of iiuliiiivitic piicel checking foi I, !• i-'iiM'iiiciui' I f the ti'ivellinu public. I'diM llaiier if Uiuliam slipped on i he 1 •• :is lie WHS cari.^irg h loud at lln uciiieiii worksciiiiaiiignco npoundfiialnn "tllu; lario: liuiie in tlio firearm. Owen Sound public schools Imrned 1)70 .OILS (d iMHil lluoniili 111" wiiilir at a oiLsl of §j()(iil li,.iiig S,".^ liighei lliau ils ojsL WHS last year. Hog Raising Is Very Profitable T School Reports ni:.iii Kii.iI.erley i'ul.lie .Sd 1 Kill KtliiuMiy Ir ."! -I) .Slunt, II Ual aiv W W alh.c.' T MiCiiimli, Al liMii.,.1 K ||<, N l!iuii!i M IImith. .\I Sin.ii-., V Kliis. I' Keid. Sr 'J-K Cernliold, .\ WeWr, 11 lliuniiioiHl, K Lnii,., \V WciK.i, i; flilauiioiKl. Jr *^' It.MeC.iiii.ell, N OnTcnoiil. .â-  Hr 1 â-  li'-S. uiH, t! W.ilhkce, K MeCon no', \V Klo.d. M Wcli.T. -ETT.\ LATIMER, Tonebei. ik"i •S S \,i. S, Osproy M Moin.s 111, Sr 3 -N Slcplieiis, N l.iiidhi.y, K LiilUboe:!, J, Sinilb, \; .Sleplions. â- Ir .'t - A Mi.iriHi.ii | :c-ei I eveiy day, .1 Iteiitty, A Ceiihii. Si iJâ€" J Tliiiinsoii, K Yoiii.g. .Il -'- <> Mlll|i|iy.~ Ul â€" A Siely, \ Tli.iiiison. I'l RS.B;y, K lleiihy. •s. .•<. I. Aiien.oaii Jt Kuphr.Ma .Sr 4 K Of, Jt; Ailfh, tlaienio Snmll Jiiliii On, Jr 4 â€" Wiiieft^ MuMulbii. S» ;Jâ€" Mi.riis Welsh, RiuhmII Weh h, lhiit...i f.'«riull,iiif.. •'r.<- M„jv iiir. (.'tr.iiii' Tartic I, >MlliB Tlionip, Fu-dilio SenipUi. Sr O MiMiol Suutf.Peruielliii VV, I fc. Sr I*r--l'rRuh riiiini|Noii, V .Stin| e. Jr Tl iJ iMoMullee, I. Sinnrl. MUS. iv M\KTIM Tvailur realized. Barley, shorts, bran, and mangels, with skim miUt, Mr. Wleneke con- siders an ideal ration tor growtttg plge, and barley aud whaat-fed. or finely ground screenings, with a few maagels, make as good a flniataer as can be had In any country. All theas can be produced cheaply and abun- dantly In the Prairie Provinces. H€^' always tries to have plenty of pas- ture, .in J finds that fall rye makeS' the beet In the tall and early sprlnf,; ,,,,,...,, , , , , ''"' f"i" "'* '"«*t of the growing sea- lu. i.u..,,!,, t.r iioi,s lias roi- long, hog raisiiii; was in ils infancy in that i son alfalfa is the best. In 1916 he leoT! (lie or the most proUtable, part of the Stale. The farm en ! had iv Held of nlfa'.fa which averaged' limiehoa of the farmbiK Indus- , which the hut was located could then . lour aud a half tons to the acre and try 111 WPS orn t.anad.i. At the pre- i have been houRht for $0 an aerc.Mvhlch w;vs cut three times. For sent time tho returns from hogs are j and. ho s.iys. "it is hi.t one of hun- ' those who h:'.ve no alfalfa he recom- Ki-e.-i.-r than ever, wailo the srowluK ; dreds of corn and livestock farms in • mends a nii.\tt;re of barlev and rve Bioitugp 01 iiiput nil over the world j Iowa that raiso corn and sell hogs. "' sown .it different times during tha ensures a safe nnd iinditablc market j In Iiok raising In Western Canada, jsummer. He also feeiU chopped rve tor many years to eoiiie. Nowhere] In tho fall of liH'S he dreidcd to to piixs of nil ages and xrown hogs, are tie retun.s mw-r and greater | come to .Manitoba, because, to put It I var.vins a.s to the uge of' the animal, , in \\e;;tcrn ( niinda. where the : fn his own words, "1 thought hos and finds it one of tho best feeds to and IH clieaii. where feed ereiis eiui raising would he more profitable ' produce mowth and muscle DO r.asoil In almndaiiee. ami where â-  there than in the more denselv popii- 1 •Hoc rairr!; has been makin" big the illnmtle ermdiiions are such as to.lated farming conimunitv of Iowa, ' tnonev for tnanv farmers in Westprn reduce the risk of disease to a mini- j which tiroved to he tnip," ! Canada this vear. To the sm.tll nuim. No (lass of stock brUiKs re- since loeottng In .Manito'.i.i he has i farmer they are indispensable, afford- turns more ipilckly to the farmer been a 4-egular attendant and e\- j lug him a steadv income. IJvery itiati huMs. Ihe prollcleney and the hibitor at the International Live weelj prices are rising, and a few in-' rapidity In which they urow to mar- Stock Show nt ChicaRo. and has won I stances of sales made bv farruers in! helablo Rl/e ensure a irTaximiini pro- ^ the Grand Chamiilonsliip m€t all | .'Vlbcrta this vear will be illiiminat-' diietton of meat In the shortest tin* I ebampl'.^f.r. of other hreeds iu the Ing. In April last a number of tarra- l,..nt» pounds ol .Uessed meat is a , brood sow for three vears in'ers of Bon Accord \Hierta clubbed moderate estimate of what ( an be , succession. Kvory .jme he has heen : together and shipped a car contain- juodueed from one sow In one .voar. j there be has met seme of his old ' inK S."' hORS. weiKhin.R 17 4iin on nie prliui).al hou foods of Western I friends who would invariablv nsk , which thev ivalbed $i:.t;:!ri|" After V." ." ".'.^ ;»lfalfa. oals. barley and , bim how he achieved his In payment of freiRht and evpeuses" In' whent^ .Mfnlfa. the klnc of hog fod- ; ralsinR bogs without corn To this : June a fanner of Crossfleld Alberta. Uers, IS grown Hnccesslnlly through- ' question he would invarlabjv replv shipped a car of 84 hoRs to C^ilKarv' oil the west, especially In the irri- "You fellows feed too miieii <orn ; Their total weight was 20 OHO and ttiw' gated areas of Southern Alberta. | That Is why you alwa.xs have to bf | net amount realized bv this farmer Oata anil barley arc exceptionally j on the lookout for larte sires to keep , was SS.OOO In September a Oleirhet* good eropB. and produce splendid i up the size and stamina of voiir I farmer shipped two ears of hoKs trf pork and bacon of e.\cellrnt flavor. I herda Onr t»e,i i« ih^ u- i ii,..» i,rr,, »,„:,>.ait,^ «...,i.. ... .... .»_*." j. Our feed is the k-^' that pro- pork and bacon of e.\cellrnt flavor, | herds ,,.., .^,;.. .» ,.i., ^ '»hlob always < onimands the top ' duces good staiehv pigs •! ith plentv market price. For growing hogs j of ham and a deep ude of baeoii, there la no superior food than West- which you cannot get bv feeding ern Canadian nubs, which weigh up j corn." In addition to winning the to ti2 pounds to the hustiel, and coa- Grand Champlonskip Mr. Wieneke tain a largo amount of meat and a! has also won thlrtv-four i hamplon comparatively small amount of hull, [bonors at twentv-fotir of the best For fattening purposes, barley Is shows in Western lanada --... .=-..^„ ,-.,.., ,,. .M,otner carj Chiefly relied upon, and there is no | Farmars who brepd the quick ma- from Sangude, Alberta made up b« doubt that apart from the tvcight of turliiB and easy keeping kind get i «va farmers, netted the ownerW the hull, barley grown In Western ibetr aiirnhis mv »h« murV«t >< ikKn..i li r.«n tv. «-iâ€" „» .w.. w ,J successive weeks, on the first of which kls net receipts were $3.609 j and on the second $4,039 The prio«x of which the hogs In the latter caii wera sold was $19 a hundred poundsJ In the same month a ear load mad<( up by a party of twelve farmers o« liedue, Alberta, and sold at Fdmon-i ton. reallMd $2.J2.1<1. .Another car^ â€" â-  --».-**â-  au\> xrntl^in ll.r.SO The price of the hogs tri these two eases was llT.SP a hun^ dred pounds. A farmer of St. Al-j ... ,, , ~',' ••-â€"â-  "â- " ".-•Bill <â- ! i.MiLjih <«"<i rn-».» nerping Mnn get the hull, barley grown In Western Itbetr surplus orMhe market at about Canada Is equal la food value to corn â-  «v« to seven month* of age and they and produces a superior (juallt.% of'are Invariably sold before eold w»a- -... .â€".«.. ., .Bcner oi ai /< "*"•, , , , . .. '•''«''< *"*"'' "' ^i" WIeueke'a nolgh- ! berta. Alberta, sold 79 hogs at E A typical example of the siu ress- : bor"; sold bl^ IS16 plfg io October ~ ~ '" " ' " . . . . ful hf»g bre.derof Western Canada Is; reall/.lnr ^bout $20.(10 rath for them i r. II. TVieneke, of .^^Um.y IMmintnln ^und he fed them but little grain in Manl'-oba. Mr. Wieneko has been as i addition to pood pa8fni>e nnd ii'nir'^v. ."'.'" "Of ""'\"KI"-^';'''«"V' »;<••« That last vear. This year ao that 'his product" amoimt'sd'ttl since the day of his birth flfiy nv^;tM. market Is Much better, and con- »i!l&3 per ho« «»"«»*â-  ^m rssrs ago, la alog hut In lows. when'»ld«rftblv higher price., huye boeu •''•'• .^ ^

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