January 17 J 918 THE FLESHEKTON ADVANCE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA MCAO OrPICC • TOROMrO TRUST FUNDS Our Sftvingt Department give* you « guarantee of abiolute tecurity and â- •T'» lart interest at current rate. ,j, FLESHERTON BRANCH GEO. MITCHELL. M.Bi«,r. C. P. R. Time Table. leave Fleshercoa Station as Trains {ollows : Going South Going North 7.53 a. m. 12.01 u.rn. *-27 p.m. 9.18p. m. The maila are osed at Flesherton aj follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m.and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.40 o'oloclt. For morning train south mail close at 9 p. m. the previous ev'g. VICINITY CHIPS A little wood keeps tillering into towa â€"just enough to keep the home tiret alive. Bornâ€" On Dec. :Ust, V.nT. to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Paul of Aneroid, Sask., a' -daughter,â€" Wilda Elizabeth. i Miss Frances Armstrong of Toronto, i« attending high school here and living with her aunt, .Mrs. i". H. W. Hickling. i Mr. Adron Waugh, a returned soldier, and sister, of Pike Bay, wi»re guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. Dow. Pte. Waugh lost ' an iirm at the battle of the Somnie. ' James Lamon, solicitor, of Duudalk, died on January 5th at the a»e of 80 years. He had been a resident of Suadalk for 45 years. Rev. Ed . Appleyard a Canadian chap- lain and a former Grand Valley boy, has been decorated with the Military Crr ss for conspicuous valor on the field. j The unequal distribution of snow by the bigatcrm this week calls for a drastic measure of legislation, and the appoinc- i mant of a sncw commissioner to seo that 1 the otfense is not repeated. ! The annual meeting of the East Grey j Agricultural Society will beheld >n the' Town Hall, Flesherton, on January I'Jth 1918, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. All ; members are reques'ad to be present . â€" j W. A. Httwken, Sec. | I The snow plow which was attemdting ] to cut a way through ttie snowdrift at; Melancthon station on Tuesday drove I the snuw with such force against the south end that the station was smashed | in. As the residence was in the north end no casualties resulted. I !Scott Laidliw, ri brother of Miss laa | Laidlaw who attendee' high school here .i â- couple of years ago, has been reported ; missing. He was wounded some time' ago and last summer received the D.C.M. His home was at Lions Head and he was a very popular young man there. } A concert will be given by the pupils of Flesherton high school ou Frid:iy,Jan. 26,7.45 p.m. sharp, in the assembly kail. Program consists "f music, reid- ings, and drills by the pupils and others, ' Admission 25c, reserved seats '•'<J cents. Everybody come. Proceeds for piano. Mrs. Alex. Weir of Singhaiu^iton died last week at the age of 85 years. She' was a sister of the late Mrs. Richard Beiitham of Flesherton and was the last of three sisters, the late Mrs. John, Shaipe being the third : also sister of the late John Gilchrist of Ceylon, I Mr. Oliver Irwin of the Park Housi) received a teK'grain from his son, Robert, ' stating that he had arrived at CJuebec on j his return journey from England. Bob went overseas with the 147th Battalion but did not get to the front. Un- â- ortuuately Bob had an accident in Knglaud some time ago that prevented him going to the front and so has been forced to return, j jV striking piece of evidence .as to the vehemence of the big- storm of Saturday and i^unday lies in the fact that John' Irwin of Heathcote had two horses smothered to death on Saturday by the fierce wind while attempting to drive to Thornbury, and Mr. Irwin hitnself had his hands, face and feet severely frozen. The horses were sim-)ly choked to death by the wind. | A colored troupe gave a conceit in the high school one evening last week under the auspices of the Khaki Club. The entertainment was of the usuil "jubilee' variety. The turnout was Kr'/e, gross receipts amounting to about 970. The troupe got 50 per cent . of this and the high school board charged fifteen dollars for the use of tlie hal', so that net results for the Khaki Club did not reach abnot- mal proportions. ' Mis. I'amieson recenl'y received a cable from Malta stating Hint hei daugh- ter, Mae, had been removed fniu the dangeriusty ill ward. Mias Jamieson was seni to the Mediteu.'.neau at the time of the Dardanelles expeuiMon, and some ivoiilhj ago .vas taken down with It serious case of typhoid. Her many I The Eugenia Red Cross concert has been postponed until Feb. 1. t ' friends here are delighted to know that I she is now makiug a satisfactory recovery. Mr. W. J. Bellamy received another cable lust week stating that his son, Robert, who had previously been reported . as dangerously wounded, was improving Bobs Trimble went to Oweu Seund litst week and underwent an operation for the removal of his tonsils. U e returned home on Friday last and is doing nicely. I Pte. Thos. W. Holmes of Owen Sound, has been awarded the Victoria Cross, Ho enlisted with the 147th Batt. at the \ age of 17. This is the third V. C. to be won by Grey County boys. The 147th is truly uieasuriog up to their tradition. Mra. D. VV. Clinton of Montmartre, Sask., who came down to visit friends friends here a couple weeks ago, was suddenly called home this week by a message sUting that Mr. Clinl;on was ill with pneumonia, and left o" Wednesday without completing her visit. Editor Advance : We looked very hard last week in the Markdale Standard for the report of the Owen Soundâ€" Mark- dale hockey match, but^it was impossible tofiud it. How was that ; You know Markdale was trimmed 12 to ^ by the boys of the County town. Maybe this was why : We thought Markdale were sports enough to report every match whether they were beaten or not,â€" Sport The Durham Chronicle grows indignant over the cancellation of the Walkertou afternoon trains over that line and we cannot blame it. The action puts one back to mediaeval times before even a stage ran. The country between herg and Durham is actually more poorly served now than it was before the Walkerton Hue was built. Just to give a faint idea of how Bre'er Irwin feels about it we quote : " The very least: that should be done is to have the morning train carry mail, so that matter postad at Durham postoffice could get to Priceville, ten miles distant, without going through half the province. There have doubtless been a lot of fool orders issued by the Postoffice Department, but this one cancelling the mail service on the afternoon train without replacing it on the one going out in the morning is about the worst we have ever heard of. Durham, and for that matter every town on this branch, is entitled to one mail a day each way ou the C. P. R. and if we don't get it somebody is going to hea^ about it.' A Real Blizzard Hits Old Ontario A genuine llizz.ird of the western variety arrived here f'riday evening and blew a hurricane all day b.iturday and Sund:iy- The air was dense with tine Hying snow, and to cap it all the ther. mometer dropped to 30 below zero on Saturday night. Sunday the temperature was not quite so low but with the high wind It WIS low enough and caused everybody to hug the stoves. The roads were oblitered on Saturdiy and at time of writing, Monday evening, hive not been opened up. All afternoon trains were csiicelled Saturday and no trains have as yet got through. A large num- ber of people have boon snowbcund by the storm and unable to get home. .Among those from this vicinity who were thus caught were Messrs .-Vudrew and 'rhom.is Gilchrist, Richard and Tho.nas Bentham, and Mrs. \V. Wilcock attended the funeral »f ''.heir aunt, Mrs. Alex. Weir, at Singhamptou on Friday. Mr. ticorge Cairns was also of the parly, and none liiive arrived home at time of writing. One citizen was caught in Maikdale and "hoofed'' it homo Sunday suffering sonio frastbitos on the journey. The churches also sutl'ered ii>. attendance on Sunday, not a countryman tini.'.ing it possible to ^el iu to service. In fact a good many villagers found it impossible to be present '. The schools on Mondny also sutlered in attend) nco and nvst of the country schools were closed. The storm goes "H record as the worst the oldest inhabitant ha-t ever seen here. Tjatcrâ€" No teams got through fiom Rock Mills until Tuesday evening, and then only liulit sleighs could travel over the drifts, which wore packed vciy solid_ It was Tuesday evening before the stoim- stayeci people at Singhainpton got homo and 'he I'lr.st tiain got ihrougli ^^'educ8 d.iy nicrmir.' from (>wcn .Scuiid. It was Rconipk-le tie up for four days. Funeral of the Late M. Scully ^ The funeral of the lale Mr. Michael Scully took place from bj« late residence, Third Avenue East, to St. Mary's church and thenc« to tfa» St. Mary's cemetery on Wedneiday moroing at nine o'clock, says the Owen Sound Sun. Uav. Father Murray of Toronto, who played the wedding march at the marriage of the late Mr. and Mrs. Scully, and iras a life- locg friend, sang the mass. Rev. Father Sbarpe presided at the organ. Rev. Father Traynor of Kenilworth, formerly of Owen Scuud, wai also present. The t>all bearers were Messrs. Robt. Hattrn, Joh^ Ke«naD, M. Forban, W.H. Smith, J. K, McLinden, of Owen Sound ; and Mr. Pickett of Mt. Forest. Mr. John Scully and Miss Mary Scally of Toronto, brother and sister of the Ute Mr. Scully, and a nephew, Hugh, of Hamilton, son of Mr. Wm. Scully of Montreal, wer« present, w well as Messrs, Bert, Austin and Gerald of Toronto. Buy Now For Xmas Put a new Pollock Phonola in your home for Xmas and hive the real inuaic which will entertain every person. Also a good stock of Regards OD liand. Somewhere in France â€" • Reeve T. R. McKeuzie has received the following interesting letter from Pte. Lewis Brothwol), dated Dec. II : My Dear Friend,â€" Your letter was a very pleasant surprise to me. I often think of the day we bade our friends goodnye at Flesherton Station. Some of the boys have paid the supreme price since then. That little word "goodbye ' means so much at times. Tou seem to think I am In England. I am not, I came over to France last February, so you see I will soon be a year here. During that tme I have seen a good bit of France and some of Bel- gium. Yes. I will be able to tall you some tall stories if I am lucky enough to return. You know it is a little hard to write an interesting letter from here, a^ it is contrary to rule.s to tell anything of military importance. We are having cold, wet weather here at present. We don t get muck snow here but the mud is tierce. Won't it be a grand thing when this cruel war is over ? We can't see the end as yet, but wo believe our cause is a just one and that out of it all wtill be born a better world. Therefore we must carry on until right not might, shall reign. How are ah the people in your neigh- borhood .' I often wish I was back in the little shop with T. J. Fisher. Bui it takes an experience like this to make some of us appreciate a good home, I suppose you will be having an election this year. I wish you e/ery success if you are in the field. Your sincere friend - LEWIS BROIHWELL. L.O.L. Officers L.O.L., District of .\rieinesia,*held their annual meeting at Caylon on Jan. 8 last when the foUowinir officers were elected : D.M., J. McKee. DM., S. Shunk. Rec.-Sec, G, Davis. Fin. -Sec, T. Elliott. Chap., M. Corbett. D. of C, VV. Gibson. Lect., F. Mathcwson. The olhcers f..r L.O.L. 244 for the ensuing year are : W.orlhy Master, Sam Shersou Deputy Master, Will Acheson Chaplain, Robert Acheson Recording Sec, Albert StiusoQ Financial Sec , Ted Lyons Treasurer. Abe Shorson Lee urei. Ernest Acheson Committeenienâ€" Harry Piper, Uobi-. Bates, George Duncan, .limes Bachelor^ James Lnckhart. C.O.F. Officers CO. F. annual meeting .is held on Dec. 28,1917. when the following list of otticers were elected : e.C.R., G. White, C.R., .S Shunk, V.C.R., C. Boyce, Chap.. W. A. Hawken, Fin. -Sec, H. Sullivan, Rac. Sec, B. White, Treas., W. .\. .\rmatrong, J.W., D Ad.uiis, S.W., T. Fisher. J.B.. L. Gence, S.B.. E. White. Medical Examiner, Dr. Litcle. All Foresters are requested to p.iy their dues in the Standard Bank. Mrs. Sarah Hughes of Owen Sound receivid a Chi istnias surprise when she w:is preparing a line specimen of a noose for the oven. Securely lodged iu the bird's digestive apparatus w»s fuuud a beautiful gold bciiuly pin. It had evi- dently b<'en I icked up i;) the bird's senrcV; for foodsUill's. Mrs. Huiilic.s had tiiiured that when she bought tho coise at a down town shop the day before she was p,iying a good prict, but as the pins are selling in tho local jewelry shops at ?l.(ili, she his concluded tint she did not strike such a bad bargain after all. $90 Othee Models From $18 to $250 A full line of sheet music on hand also Cameras and the latest styles of Folders AT W. A. Hawken 's Photo Gallery Flesherton Christmas Suggestions Silver Plated Cutlery Cold Meat Forks Berry Spoons • Sagar Shells Pickle Forks Cut lass sets Carving sets Pie Kui^23 Decanter sets Piekle Cniets Pocket Cutlery Razors, Sbavgng Brushes Skates (automobile > Hockey supplies Clothes Wringeis Carpet Sweepers THE BOYS & GIRLS Who have been worlc< &o strenuously on the farina producin.; food food for those afj home and Overseas should 'oe given the opportunity of improving their Kdu* cation during the slack winter months at the The fees ire no higher tiun when farm produce sold at half the price of today. T-he young people will be benefited throughout life from tha training in Businets obtained in a few winter months of our Special Businoss Course. Winter term begins. Wed, .Tap. % 9iJâ- p^lara fre^, C. A.PLaMING,P.C.A.,PrmciDal, Dept. A., Owen Sound, Ootirio. Enamelware, Churns, Food Choppers! Head sa wf'Bucksaws Braces Pulpwood Wanted And many other very useful gifts Two thousand cords of Spruce and Balsam woot', cut 4 ft. long, not less than 4^ in. at the small end, knota Fl^i ||i^ I I ^1 /\ A a |it"n>nied close, for which we will pay t6 }Mi II II N I. A Njpercord For bakam. and $7 per cord foe • •â- • 1/ *i II V n lljSpruce, delivered at nearest Railroad jStation. Anyone having same foe sal* write to phone Markdale 39-;J2. "â- 'â- • j â€" W. T. ELLIS, Kimberley. The Flfshertdn Hardwikre. Fbone 30 Odds and Ends > r ARTICLES FOR SALE NOTICEâ€" A club o£ White Sewing Machines at cut prices up till Xmas. Jain the club, save money. A speci* demonstrator will be here on Dec. 20, 2l' 22 and will show to you that the While' made in Canada, is King of ill machines' A special bargain will be given to th' first purchaser from Flesfterton. Wha a bout that piano? Special prices for Xmas J. C. Kentner,muslc dealer, Markdale. The Old Adage Pony For Sale â€" Sound and not nerv ous. Good set harness and blanket g les with it. Apply to Mrs. McCallum. Flesherton, Maxwell. or Arthur Brownridge, For sale cneap ana on easy terms. Lot I3, cou. 11, Osprey, 110 acres. This is a first class farm and in a good state of cultivation. Good bank barn and new frame dwelling. Apply to R. j. Sproule Flesherton Farm Wantedâ€" <.>u shares with or without stock and implements. Apply to â€" Fred Tyler, Feversham P.O. For Sale â€" One set single harness new, one robe almost new, or will be exchanged for green stove wood. â€" W. W. Ti-imble- Flesherton, Ont. House and Lot for Sale at Maxwell- Apply to James Long, Feversliani. Try Feversham Pastry Flour, the best jljl for your cook. All Ont«rio wheat. The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating The saiiig is equallj true of the 190C Gravity asher. Try one and be convinced that there is none better. S. HEMPHILL Agent, Ceylon Full Hue ot McCormick Farm Implements, Binders Mowers, Eakes, Loaders, Drills, Cultivators, Plows, Eiding and Walking arrows Brantfcrd Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping and Fittings of all kinds, Eeattie ay Carriers, Hay Forks, Slings, Filter Carriers, Folding Bath Tubs, Frost Wire and Fence Cutters and Sleighs. A Call Solicited Satisfaction Guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. Yearling Leicester ram for sale at ?15. J. A. Stuart, Kimbcrley. Cow for sale â€" Due 1st. May, 8 years old. .-Vpply ^o Robert Osboiue, Kugenia- MISCELLANEOUS Havina taken over from H. B. McLean the W. G. Pickell Insurance business, I am prepared to look after the interests Of the public. Huyh R. Uammoiul, Xo.l. Kugei i.a Agent. Phone 2 r 1 Aua. R. R. For Saleâ€" A Doherty organ, fiv^ I'ctave, knee swell, cctave coupler and ^ight other stops ; in good conditicxn ; cheap and on ea.«y rerms, En^juire at Advance othce. Something Sensible for Christmas Gifts Select a gift this year that goes intj the home and stays in the home â€" something that, will aiv; years of service and will be a co::stant reminder of your thoughifuiesci aui alfection. FL'RNITURE IS THE MOST W^ELCCME OF ALL XMAS GIFTS, .Some appropriate selections -Bookcases, Fancy Tables, Jardinere St^tnds, Easy Chairs, Rockers, etc. Another useful suggestionâ€" .V Kitchen Cabinet. Everything at hand A step saver and a money saver. For The Youngsters â€" High Chairs, Rocking Horses, Rockers, Doll Carriages, etc. New Mouldings on hand for Pictiue Framing. NEW METHODIST HYMX BCOK A number of congregations are adopting the new Hyinu Book at th<i Now year. NVe have samples on hand and are taking orders for the same and intend putting in i select stock in the various styles and bindings. Secure one for youiself "r iiiake your friend a lueseiii of one for Xmas. W. H. BUNT Furniture and Uadertaking FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO. i I i! i I Private funds to loan on real estate security at reasonable rate of in'erest. .Vpply to R. J. Sproule, Flesherton. sept '-'3 F«rm Wantedâ€" To rent, near school - T. Fenwick, Eugenia. Highest price for butter and ce^s at Graham Bros. Eugenia. June 2!) Cow and Calf for Sale â€" Just freshened Frank Ohard. Columbia Grafonolas •!^r=l:^=l 7^r=Ji :^ we Tm Ontario Columbia Records I -K'JII S.XtK BY- W. A. Armstrong: IN Scpteaibcr and October (hirlns the ruttini s;\i.«on. the hunter occaslonall.v h'-ars tiii> soi:n>!s ot li'rrific combat between t'.iose giants of the forest, the bull moose. With •heir formidable antlers these huge creatures can snan a youn.s? birch tree like ft piece of uiatchwocd. and although it Is onlv rarely that the iili moose will allaok a m.in, if h' d.-cs do so the man 'iHs llttl. chanc-^ unless he 1.'- quIcH with iits hiel' jicwer*.! t.'flc The other dav on P- ijitiace hlnnd, f â- ont^'-oiie miles sout'' of Rosspjrt, on th« C. 1^. R.. h I'air o' locked niooso horns was found ns thn trngic record of a ronibat. They hart evidently been fighting wlien the antlers became entangled and, unable to extricate each oth?r ths two anl- A bull atOMfel JEWELLER, FLESHERTON „»!, dloi thero ot stamtfoa, their [ forfi9» if ff^taiio, rftnains being Kcked clean by bears who prowl arouad la tb«