Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 17 Jan 1918, p. 1

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gk^\)tti0n %i^nmu. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN.' m 37 Ho. 35 Pleshierton, Ont., Tliursday, Janu.ary 17, 101<5 W. H, THOKarON KOITou ad PBOPRIB Kimberley Budget Mr. and Mis. Andrew Brown of Saskatoon ire renewin|< old aojaaiiitan- cea in oui- burg. Andrew has a whole section near S'i«katoon and \» nmkiug good. They were residents of th'.s part some fifteen years ago. Mr. and Mrs. X. Carruthera of Stiycer visited Ui>t week with tha laicer's sLster, Mrs. Wm. Flood. Aa we had predicted, our popular young couufliUor, Andrew Wallace, headed the poll. ^Yhat we wanted in Euphrasia Council wa.s some younger men, as they are generally more energetic and pro- gressive . Wh:vt ia supposed to be one of the old time timber wolves was seen on two or three occasions out east of here near Mitchell's mill recently, Xwo or three hounds tackled him but e\me out s- econd best. He is of a greyish color. .Jasper Stuart, our local nimrod, declares he'll have the hide or know the reason why. It is hoped the specinien can be capturea and mounted, as they are suppoiied to be extinct in these parts. Our school principal went on a bu^inesa trip to Owen Sound on Satuvday last, returning Tuesday. Mr. Alex. Maguire of Thorn bury made a business trip to this part on Friday. We are please? to see Stanley Law- rence around at-ain after his recent illness. Miss Hattie Kawcett is renewing old . acquaintances in Thorubury at present. Mildred Wright of Flesherton vit^ited last week with Rachel Hutchinson. Eugenia Paragraphs The Eu^eaia Presbyterian coD^renal ion held their annual meeting Jan. 4 The weather was severe but the people happy as ail debts for 1!*1T had been paid, and over six dollars renuined on the uredit side with a number of promised subscrip- tions yet unpaid. This means over $20 P'^r family on an average from this congregation. Fin;incinf2 was wholly in line with the recommendations of the chu.Tcb and all have the satisfaction of no*', aecnring funds by suppers, concerts and in ways that, to .say the least, can bring but little if any honor to our Master, They have also advanced to reach their stipend for the future. This is not a boast but a splen- did illustration of «a<it can be accomp- liahe'i for true christian liberty. â€"A. McVicar. Portl; Toronto Line North Held Over Last Week Ur. and Mrs. Albert Stewart attended the Colqnett«-Al©xander nuptials iit Fevershsm on Xaw Years day. We are pleased to roport Mrs.Braersoii Wickens recovering after her recent illness. Mr. Charles Perigo of Uarcy. Sask,, is visiting hi!> sister, Mrs. Albert Stewsrt. Mrs. Pritchard of Vandeleur is assist- ing at the bedside of her daughter, Mrs. Itobett Richardson, who is laid up with a severe attack of bronchitis. Mrs. J, A. Lever went to Owen Souod hospital on Friday last and tnderirent an operation. She is improving nicely. Her sister, Mrs. Mathewson, accompanied and returned home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Martin returned from Barrie after a week's vacation with the latter's relativoa. They also visited Allandale friends. Ptes. Cbar'es and Robt. Stewart of Toronto, spent .be holidays with friends here. Mrs. Biilantyne Clark ot Lcwvan.Sask,, visited a few days with her niece, Mis Robert Richirdson. Miss Florence Lever of Toronto, spent Christmas holidays with her parents, Mr. Hugh Clark and Elmer Hoath of Owen Sound, visited their coosir., Mis. Emerson Wickeus. Mr, Kobt. Uichsrdson spent Christmas with Toronto friends. Mr. Herb Smith of Owen $ound,speiit Christmas and New Years at C. Stewart'.- . Glenn Davis visited his two sisters in the city during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stewart and th ee dau!{hters of Echo Bay, visited friendi? here for a couple of weeks. Thi;: Week's Items Mrs. Ed. Uuckell and diUKhtdr, Evelyn, returned to their home in HauiiltoQ on Saturday. J. A. Lever went to Owen Sound ou Saturday to visit a few itajfl. His wife, who is in the hospital there, isrecoverit'g as well AS ciin be expected aw Too Late Last Week .\rl.- Watson met with a serious acci- dent last Friday. Ue was atlendintf a buzz .saw at home when his foot slipped, causing him to fall against the saw, which was in operation. The result was that he received a terrible gash in the muscle of the ami. Dr. Little dressed the wound, which renuired a Dumber of stitches to close. Robert Watson, who reported for military service, sjoes to Toronto on Wednesday. We all wisli him the best of success and a safe return. W. H . McNally h;is aone to Toronto for a two weeks' visit with relatives. llev. Mr. Ditiiiick received a delightful .surprise last Suud.-iy. .-ifter service be WIS invited to the home of Mr. Fred Tiiylor for dinner, and when leaving Mr. T»ylor p'aced in bis cutler a beautiful mbe, which was the gift of a uumber of meiiiljers of the Oranste order. Needless to say the rev. geiuleuiau fully appreci- ated the Kindness of the donors aad their unoatenlatiou.s way of ex Dressing their gool will. The Red Cross society had a bumper meeting at the home of Mrs. Wm. Fisher last Friday. .\ vote of thanks wag tendered Mrs. L. Badgerow, who has been very enthusiastic aud energetic m the interests of the society ; also a vute tif thanks to Miss May Cornfield, the etticient retiring treasurer. A larye amount of material >vas distributed to be made up. Future mectinits will be held ou the second Tuesday of each month, the next to bw m Mrs. Robert Little's. Mr. and Mrs. James Jamieaon of Siiskatchewaii and Mr. VVesIey Janiieson of Toronto were visitors lately with Mr. and Mrs. W. O Jamieso.i. Card of Thanks To the Electors of Osprey : I take this opportunity of expressing to you my appreciation of your .support in electing me to the oflice of Reeve, and desire to thank you for the contidonce you. have placed in me. Yours faithfully, -IRWIN MORlUSt>N. Sii.ghampton I'.O. Death of Mrs. Alex. Weir On Jan. 8, 1918, at' Singbampton, there came to a close a long, useful aud happy life, when E'i'.abeth Gilchrist, relict of the late Alexander VVeir, passed to the life eternal. Had .Mrs. Weir lived until May l.">th she would havH completed her '.(Oh year, having been born near Enniskillen, Ireland, in 1828, Her husban 1 was a native of the same village buc their marriage took place after comirg to Camida, (Jn March L'i), 1911, this eatimab.'e couple were privileged to celebrate their diamond wedding on thflr eld homhstead, the home af their son, Robert Weir, witli whom they resided. In November, 1911, Mr, Weir pas.sed away at the age of lt:{ years. While feeling the separativ)u keenly, Mrs, Weir save no time to self pity or lamenut.on, but bravely pursued the ordinary course of life, buc^ying herself wich sewing aiid knitting, much ot the latter work being done for the boys overseas, two of her grandsons â€" Thjiiias and Hugh Wilson of Edmonton â€" being among the number. She enjnyed in Ireland educational ai'- vantages which enabled her to take great pleasure from reading. Having a reten- tive memory, wiih all her mental facul- ties keen and alort she was a woman well iicnuainted with and deeply interested in all the leading topics of the day. Early in life Mrs. ,Wair uni'ed wi;!i â-  he Methodist church and remained a steadfast meiiTljer until her death, being interested in all its activities ; legular, so long as she was able, in attendance, and liberal in support. That her life as a christian had weight in her own home is evidenced by the family of son? aud •daughters she scut for;li, each one tak- ing an active, energetic part in the life of the diurch. Her last illnesa was but of a few hours' duration. With no pain she ijuietly slipped away ro be with loved ones gone before. Of ^ family sf ten, seven survive, also ;U grandchildren and 19 great graudchildreu. To them she leaves a legacy of a Ufe rich in gracious- ness of spirit, kindness cf deeds and purity of char.icter. The surving chil- dren are John H. Weir of Glen Huron, George of CoUingwood, Robert I'f Sing- ham pton, -Mrs. Noble Wilson of Booth- ville, Mrs. James Wilson of Edmonton AlberUi, Mrs. J. W. Taylor of M.iUills. an'.' Mrs. .\le.\. Fachme of Govan, Saak. The funeral look p"»cc on Friday to Sinohampton cemetery, service being held in the MeUiodis. church by her pastor. Rev. J. W. Holmes, assisted by Rev. .\lex. \V«;ir of Beeton, a grandson â- lud Rev. E. Sleinin of Duntroou. .Six uraiidsous acted as pallbearers. Many friends aud relatives gathered with the neishbors to pay a last tribute of respect to this, the oldest member ot our com. muuitj. Ceylon Chat .Mis. D.^IcPliHil spent the pisi wiek with Proton friends and Miss Gertba left last week to vi.'^it with friends at Port Elgin. Mr. ail I .Mrs. Hislop of Straifm-d are visitors at Mr. T Oenoe's over the week- end. Mrs. Torrey and little son of Lauriston spent the past we-'k with her pare-iK. Mr. and Mrs. Piper. Mr. Edward Sargent was at Wiartou the past week. The Willins; Help#s will hold their next meelinsi Friday, 18lh, at Mia. li. D'jugias . A f.ieigh load will leave the postortice it 1.15 to convey all the lalies wishing to go. JIi . H. BenucC. sold his spirited driver to Tlios, (Jenoe lasc week, Mrs, .). Lyueas aud Mrs. John Irwin aie visiti-iK with Tiroiif* friends, Mr, ant' IUi$>s -"speeis of Fevershaui, were week end visitors at S. UeinphiU's, Mr, S Halbert and Mr. Elliot attend- ed the district nieetiri: "f .Si*;! held in the orange hall here, Tuesduy afieMiuoti last. Owinus- to the severe st'Tin Saiurdiy, the 'Toronto passerger. due at 12 ui., d;d not arrive til after two. Passengers of the Durliaai lr»in were taken to Mark- dale and kept at the C.PR s expeni-c. All other trains on Saturday v, ere cancelled, also trains on Monday ii\d Tuesday. It will take .some shovelling to clear the track and toads Bates Burial Co. Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 x\ venue Rd. Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks. Pres. Manager. Jewelery Pig Came Astray .Srayed lie premises I'i tne pndersigned ou or about July Ist, one uia, Owner prove Dropt-rty. pay expens- es and lake sMine «w»y ut once, J T .-LED Flesherton. A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se lection. We cai- ry Photo Supplies. W. A Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT Eist Mountain The Guild met at Mr. R. MoMulleii s oil Wednesday evening of last week. Mr. llaldouby of Teeswater, our tertchor, has got his call to th; colors. Mrs. Ch.irles Martiu of Fiesherton is teiiching until ih« trustees can secure another supply. Freil Martin visited at Bert Magee's, 8th line, recenly. Sudden WES th^ ciU that catiie to llobt. J. Moody, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Moody, Lot 11, Con. 17, PioIod. On Thursday bvst ho was atteiidius.' to hi usual duties, and when tinisbcd with hi, baru chores went to the house aud began to split wood. In a short titue ha felt Mrs. J. Boecroft is attending the bed-Ui,^^.,f ^^^Ueniug and went into the side of her sister. Mrs. Em. Wickens, I house.his mother noticing him to be very who is now under the doctor's care. j ^,,p ,„j ^.^.^ looking. She helped him , Mrs. R. Hiihardsoii is able to be j hui. a couifoitable chair, phoned the around again. j Joctor, liut in less than half an hour ho Will Teeter of the ?,ast back lias ia ' w.».-i dead. Ho was in his 24lh year, iu working for Mr. Fred Brown. I the prime of lifi-, and his sudden removal Tbere was trouble 111 the ch.>ir of th,, ijueensville Presbyteriin church, wheh resulted in a pilice court ch.argc. Mr. Arthur Milne and Rev. W. L. Atkin^.u could not see eye to eye and the former assaulted the pastor. aji The supply of castor oil is running low in Canada and it's almost i in pi .sst ble to replace it. Time was when :bi» dalioate table d sh played a large par f< our domestic life. U there a inin vi woiiiAU who hasn't got a memory of h.»v- irii his or her oose held while this stiiH' wa< beinu gu/.y,led dowu the nock on the inside. And who hasn t. spent a Saturd ly afternoon greisiiiu a p^iii' of leather kiie:> boots with this same delicious stullV Ve--, yes, to be sure, castor od as much a part of every day huniMo life .as ti^»tl.^ , •iectMuUy.tbird!y,l.knIy,and in couclu«it>i', IS to a well uiade sermon.â€" li.uce lleraV and Times. A livery horse belonging to L'olpniau \ Baux "I Allenford lost its life under unfortunate circumstances. <.)n Friday evening a traveller had driven the luuse to Tan from .\llenford and being in a huiiy to catch the night train drove the horse into the slitd and left imstructions to have it put in the slable for the night. Several other horses were-in the shed at the time and the hcstler unconsciously put the wrong horse in the stable, with the rasiilt t'.iat the livery horse «us left standiim iu the shed all night. '1 ' e poor bnitB evidently became very cold and in trying I'I Dreak loose got taneled in the harness and broke its neck Tara Leader .\ Provincial association of potato .'ruw- eis, with one branch in the North producing seed potatoes and the other in older Ontario buying the seed diiectly and CO iipeiat ng in disposini; of tbeir crop, is the uliiuiate aim of the AdtuMU-y Potato Council .if Ontario iu the plans now being preparrd to supplemem the steps taken to introduce "standard' potatoes in C)iiiario. .Vrianucments are being made now to hold uioetiiigs in il the potato growing districts of l he j u-- vinee during the next three inoiiths '" lay the p'tatu production plans bef re the erowers and to organizu them iiitu local coiiperatiJ'e units. It isl.opedtlat ill every centre eniiugh farmers will 'e found at the outset ready to itet totiet .er til boy, hriUiiii the Government, st.iiidird .'lispected potatoes. These groups, wlii'e not definitely jrganized, will be coopera- tive III every v*'ay, and lats-r on they, it is expected, beci me the ..f [a association. Ill If i iR aisis CIS -^ J- v^" New ") range, lemon /< >:- >> ami Citr t Peels. Shelle'l Cy Walnuts ai. 1 Almond-- Bes ^^. ^- \ -ii /X -^ Pasrry Hour. ) or breatl â€" Five Rose:? A'y and Harvest (^aeen Ontario bran and ,shorr: We have a lull ,stock on hand of Royal Purple Sti»ek and Poultry .Specific and (.'alt' Meal. W. L. WRIGHT The Corner Store Flesherton, - Ontario -••"••••-^ • â- Â«â€¢ #•â- Â»â€¢â- â€¢â- â- â™¦â- -•• «â- â- Â».â- â™¦â-  â- â™¦.l«..».«..«^»..#^»*.»-«->«-»..»M«.i< ^â€" For Sale or Rent The followiug Valuable Property : Oue double lot situ ited 11 nonh sid. uf Collmgwood street, Flesherton. coniaiiiiui; a nine roomed dwelling, tram • kitchen, lined stable, shed aud hen house, both tilted with eloct.'ic lr.;hts : hard and soft water. One li't situated on the west sde of Mrs, C.harlts Martin has gone to teach ; w « »;''ushii.a blow to hi« youu- wife .and j Sydenham street. Fieshcrton, contaming atV.S.S. Nu. 1, .\tteme»ia and Eu- phrasia, until another teacher cau bo secured. The Haiuier and Times s.-»ys that the four bond saU'smen who c.invassed Brampton tor Victory bonds split $2ilOC» among thorn. Thcro ia a general feelini; esthat the i^overniiint p»id too much of this Service. small •-â- hild as well as to his parents.three brothers and two sisters. Mrs. U. Mc- Vicar and Mis. S. McDonald of Pioton «fo the sisters. Tlio young iwui lelt it was f ital and expressed Christ iin resig- nation to Ills mother. We have no further t)arlicuUie, but the ciuso of | "oli fenced and cultivated death seeiUH to be connoctul wi'h the For terms diid pirticulirs ipp'y • i spine. Puvham Review lJ»n SIL.VS SHL'NK. a seven roomed trame dwelling (iileo with electric light, soft water iubasemoMt. One lit situatsd on truth side of Margaret street, Flesharton, coniainioij a six roomed frame dwelling and fia<i> s;table. rMso a park lot containing tw > aies. Royal Tennis Champion, KUig Gt'stav of Sweden is one of the l>est tennis players in Kiirope. ()ae room i'. .he ro.val pulaee at Stockhiilin is devote! to his trophies as such, ni.Tny of tUeiu won against all comers, iiud the court which be has constructed iix the most sahitirioii-j neighborhood of the capital is the most perfect covered one Iu Europe. When the kins is in the courts there Is no ccreiuony, noth- ing to suggest that a royal exponent is matcbhig his sskill against a commoner. Xot even a ball boy is cngascd to pick up the balls, u rtied attribute of every EusUsh totiruatnciit. r" ^ LET US SUPPLY Your requirements in anything of the following lines : Cutters Sleighs Gasolines Engines Farm Implements Cream Separators Liter Carriers Stable Equipment, Etc D. McTAVISH. FLESHERTON 4^- Warmouth Basa. The Wurmouth bass, called by some the ifoogle eye, redeye aud bream. Is really a sunfish shaped very much like the rock bass. It grows to tcu inches aud prefers shallow ponds and low- land, sluggish streams. It is not a very game flsh aud generally carries the fla- vor of the mud bottoms when used as a food.â€" "Lake and Sti-eam Game Fish- lug," by Dixie Carroll. I FOR A PAIR OF \ I BOOTS Suitable for the wet damp weather, or if you want a new pair of Rubber Bottoms put on your old tops, A Ramarkabl* Oavelopmant. "My hnsbuud is bettor to me noir than he was eveu before we •were n»ai> ried." "How remarkable! Have the yearti changed Mm so?" "No; I have changed him. He Is aettially afraid to be otherwisew". n TRY I Thos. Clayton^s FLESHERTON 4i

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