Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 10 Jan 1918, p. 1

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â- â- .':„ •4s^.?V.'"-'^!' '.": â- 'â- â-  â- ''^"T 'E„ â- y««^'E9S*»^'T,'i"-*. fktAittton %tfmtite. TBUTH BEFORE FAVOR. "â€"" PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN. vol 37 No. 34 Flestierton, Ont., Tliursday, JanuL\ry lO. 101 J 3 W, H TEDKbTON '^efp^J* ud PBOPJ.IL XV ' [ 1 Eugenia Paragraphs The New Ve&rs 'visitors were Mr. and Mr>, Bei-I. Gwham of Toronto, Mr. Ho^g»r<i Hixi family nf .DuiicaD, with Mr. and Mrs. â- iSeorge â- Grahum ; John Williaius and daughter of P-trk at his father's iioii>e ; Mrs. 'H. SVilliams, Mr. and Mrs. Eaterson Siranionh .if iDrayion, at the liiUer's home, Mr. and Mrs. I'ariiauient and other r'alatives .: Mr. 3^d. Rowixttti 1411 and family of Toronto with Mrs. R'a j^areole, Mr. and Mrs. J. William!,. Mr. Tate and Mi«s M'elch bttveupened their schoMls Mrs. J. Jamieaun of Elesherton ai.d son, Charlie, of Toronto, spent the week end with Mr. aud Mrs. McM:^ster and called oa other friends. Miss Mae Ductcett -spent the wec>k end at Kinitiet-Iey. Ettie Latiuer lias been engiuied to teach tile junior fooiu of the Kimberley public school. The Eugenia W. I. 4i»Te decided to hold a Red Ct<im concert on .Tan. ^5. Look out for bills, wheiie you will find full particulars. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. <irahaiii «peut tike week end with frieods at Thorubury. Mr. aud Mrs. R. Hoy and son, Fin., of Scotsguard, ^^ask ., aod >lrs. A. Hoy and daughter, spent Xew Venrs with Mrs. R. Hoy's aged ttiothef at Durham. Miss Aileeri Twohy spent a tew days with her cousin, Clinton McUee. Master Arthur Pj^dlar aud his ulster, Margaret, spent a few days with their t;raud mother, Mrs. Pedlar, Flosherton. Mrs. P. Mun^haw Is visiting mkh her sister, Mrs. .J. Mcflee. Vaiidtleuj-. VVe wish Miss Muriel C'arruthecs every 8uc«ess with her music class, ai-^o her pupils. We are sorry tj report Bert Magee ill, but hope to soon see him "vut-iMtain. GIlbKi't McGee and family of Sa^k. are visitiuj; with his father and olhor r«la'ives. Fever«ham Items Mr. Chas. Pei'isto of Dnrcy, Sask, is visiting hk parents hern. tauy Ksitting of Travers. .Mt»., is -visiting with bis.parents in this village. Gladys Henderson <peut the holiday with fricnis in £l>inore, <'>ut. Mr. Harry Hartly an', wife of â- ( Jgenia, Sask , visited at R. .J. C'oli|uette'8 nod other friends here last week. Clarence Alexander liaa guue to 'Cullinsjwood to work. Charlie Bt-ackeubury, <>ur returned â- eoldier boy, is visiting his sister. Mis. Oliver, :n St. Uarys at present. Clara Short and Gertiude Pritchard have returned to CoIIingwood to pursue their siudies in llie CoUeaiute in lh*t town after spending the Jiolidays at tbeii- lioiues here. Mrs. John Hemple has moved to CoJUnRwood. In Memoriam In sad but loving memory of our dear husbiind and fathor, William J. Mc- Kenzie, who died at his home cu the 12ih line, Osprey, Jan. 12. ll>i:. One year is jkisI, we love you still. But, Father, we bow to thy will. But O for the touch of s vanished hand. And the sound of a voice that is still. A bitter i(rief, a shock sovere, To p:»rt with him we loved so dear. Our loss is srieat, wf-'ll not complain, Kut trust in Ood to meet again. Tis h ird to p i' with those we love. Though parting days will com?, Yet let us hope lo meet again, this is not our home. --A Loving Wife and Family. Ceylon Chat Miss .) mu CuUiosou returned koiue uu Saturday from Durham. Miiis Allie McMullen returned Jjowe iwUurday froui a two weeks' visit with Toronto fii^'nds. Mifs .Jenni*? Muir, nurse. i*tari).ed M«i>d<ty to Toronto after a pbasaut fo.tBi^t «pen; wi'.h her mother. Mrif. P. Muir. Mi«s Elsie Wriiiht returned Friday to her ftuiliea at Toronto university. Mat .Vlyiile ileui^tiill left Monday fur the city . Mr. aud .Mrs. D. UcLeud entertained a few fr ends Ssiurday evening In honor lif their inuihter. Miss ZiIU, :md her frieiul, Di. Patterson, of Toronto. Mrs. ilauck of She!hurne .spaiit New Vears with her 3on here. John McLeod left Friday for his home in Winnipeg. and KJna aud Norman to Toronto, after visiting their mother here. Mr. and Mis. Ross Le«lie of Toronto spent over the New htdiday with the laiter's parents, Mr. .ind Mrs. Arch- McMullen . Robert Brodie of Toronto visited with friends here last week. Frank Colliusou, Miss Jean and Mrs. F. D Ciiirns attended tho funeral of their uncle at Durhim Ust Frid>y. Mrs. J. McMillan and liitie .â- 'on, Jsck, returned home Friday after sreudin;; several weeks in ♦)»on Sound. Mr. ;ind 3iis. .Mex. Holier of the Sault are visitiui; the littior'.s niollier< Ml*. A. McLeod. Pithy Proton Pointers Mvs. Crothers, Holland Centre, is th.> guest of her sister, Mrs. Sam Badgerow . Mr. Dati \\ ideiuan left today, Mun., to spend the winter ur north. Mrs. Widenian will visit her parents in Elm wood during his absence. Miss Marj'Hia .\ches>in is h ilidayin<! In (iwen Sound. S.Tsrt, Meddaagh, who is on leave at his home in Dundalk, vi;<itcd Mr. Jas. Meddaugh last week. Rus-.ell Ludlow and bride of A'liston, are speudino part of their honeymoon at the home of Mr. W. Ludlow. The Misses Chapman uhI South visited with Mrs. Kdward Rulherturtl during the patst week . The students from here have returned to their tasks - Ad» Acheson to Toront â-  Nornaal School, >Jdiih Cousley to Flesli- erton, Mary Wyville snd Erneat Sliiison to Dundatk. Election day passed off very ijuietly in our village. There was no vol'ni: in 'he Arteiiiesia side, *hile that in Pro'«*n wus too one-sided to cause great eicileuieiit Eist Mountain We are glad to report Pte. Victor Fiird, wIm was wounil^ soine time asjo iu Franoe, is improving and thinks he will soii-i ho .ihle to i;.> to the trench*;* again. Mr. and Mis. Gladstone 4Jrr and sin, Daffoii, lit I »wcu .Siuud, and M'ss Eugenie Urr of Mauitoulin island, spent the holidays with Mr, and Mr?. W. â- . in. li. McMullen. wife and fimily. spent New Vriu's It Mrs. Chard's, Rock .Mills. Kimberley Budget n umber ol Thorn bury School Reports Fall ttym report of .S. S. 14, Usprey. Sr. 4 â€" W Pedler »», S Fiudlay ii.>, r .McAllister 04. Sr. :lâ€" G Pedler li'.l, W ('amerjn '''S, H Mc^uarry M. Jr. :i â€" K Findlay 7S, D Jlfiliityre 7i). N Pedler j!>, U Findlay .>S, C Cameron J. ft McQuarry 4-5. Sr. 2 -A Wilton Tti. M Guy M. Jr. 2â€" G Thoinpscu ri;}. Jr. 1â€" M McTnnes 73, M Findlay 61, B Wilton 01, C Fiudlay t>l Pr. B â€" L Cinieron 7S, B Pidlcr 74 Pr. A -R Thompson, W Findlay. - ETH VLE GILMEU. Teacher. Win, M. lore ha.s 'lUite teims drawing lumber Station. Miss -Marion Kascett is visiting at present with fileiidi In CUl'ksbuig. Georg<i Uutohiiisun of Heatbcute was a plea>ant caller in our villnge on Satur- day last. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lawsoii of Wode- house visited at Thomas Abercroniiiio i recently. Miss Be-»trice Sycaniord of Turnnto is rene^ving old ac<|U.imtanceK here and Is the guest of Mrs- M. Ferguson. Jauies Helheriii;,"on nf Tbornbury, iiiitnayer cif the Beaver Valley .Municipal I'elephiine Ci., made » business tup to our Ituri; oil Thursday I isr. Yiur ctii-respondenr. wiih Mr. John Plewes, attended tlieColIiiigw.i.U poultry sliuw last week. Koberl llugbes if <'olliimwood allowed some of thj classy Rhode LsUud Reds we t'ver saw, b<ith size and ool^ir cunsideied. Haddun Hutchinson sol.l his famous fux bound. Hector, >â- > .hs|ier .Stuart recently for s tidy sum. Albert Clark of Ivjcklyn visited with friends in this vicinity la-st week. V\'e are .sorry^o report -M is. B A . Cirruthers on il\i; sick Mis. -A. K. Mj-Tes and children, IXath and Teddy, .neat present tisitma with frl»uds at Kitchener. Miss Latiineruf Eugenia is nlelJiii;; ihn blue lieech in the junior department of our public school. Colquetteâ€" Alexander In Memoriam In iiicmoiy of our dtar mother. .Mrs. J jsepli IJadley, who died Jan. ;hd, l',>l,">. The Daughters. A\> ufiou sil and think of you When we are all alone. Your iuen<ory is the only thing Thar wo can call our own. Like ivy on the withered oak, \\hon other things decay, t)nr love for you will still keep green, -A.iid never fade away. ^_ When days are dark anil friends are few, l>',ar Mother, how we long for you Heathcote her Ids. Leslie Howson is visiting at parental hulue in Brampton. Mr. MtKee of Toronto is visiting with h'« lirothoi. Dr. McKee of this village. I ^orry lo report Mr. .\lex Reekie of â-  Bi-niidon is ill whiln yislting at his hone | ,whose name wm Mary Kinnell), bore We hojH! for his speedy rocove.y. f,,„r suns and sis dauuhtei.s. nanie'y: Mr. Richard Green spent (Christmas! Rjb'. and Wni , S:islinU'li>waii, Edward vaoatiou with his daughter, Mrs. Mathow* in .Mbeit.y .\lfieil In Nm- Yoik, Mrs Dundalk Mr. .'iiidy Coliian was uut hunt nst foxes on the Itl.h Cou. I'roton one day last week when hio hound got ou track of game which was not on the program. Th^> game which was shot proved to lie A i;o. d sized wiklcti niea.snvlu;; HO inches from tip to tip. Mr. Chas. Abbott who has beer, con- stab'e uid utilily man v.) lor \ oniple of years, resis-ned to accept a position with Mr. A. (iaibeiin lliniiltun fi'r wbicli p!-icc he left ,on W cdnesday accompanied by Mrs, Abbott aud jirsiid- dauubic-i Qiieenif. In J'r. Abbott's removal the ethcieiitiilhcer. The vacant position will bt» till d by a new apptiiniineiit iU ihelirat nicetiin: of the council. tin Thursday, Djc. 27th. John Dezall, » highly rcspnted IVi^ton !o»iislii(i pioneer, passed aw,«y In his S;iid year. The>d, wlio was burn no ir VhI- carticr, (Quebec, came to I'loton of tit) years ago and wns one if the very first tot tiers. He in survivovi by his wife j tbi New Voars Day at 4 o'clock a very pretty weddiug took place at the home of Mr. and Jlrs. Henry Alexander. Feversh-iiii, iht occasii>'i beins; the iiiar- riagu of tb-ir eldest daughter, Lit i M md, lo Mr. Win. U. tlolnuette. Feverish no, to the strains of the weddmg iiiaron played by Mi»s Ida Osborne of Maxwell The liridt' was e>o itled to the parlor by her fiber, who ^ave her aw«y. The cercinotiy was perfoniiod by Rev. Mr. Fi.iith of M.ixwell, bcueatb a boai.liful ever};ieeii .ncU TI.e bride 1> oki-d charm- mo III a beautiful drcs.s of rose satin de cboiie. AftiM the usual coiis>r«tul»tions a suiuptuom nud ch-uatil dinner m t served in thi dininir room. The wcddir.g gifts to tliH biido were i u i.ercus and oostiv, .-howin<{ tho high estceu in which she «as bold ly her uiary fiieiida. .Viiioni^ the wedding pr.-^enfs wcie hand- some ohti) ilea fniii tie jirooiii'.s fa her and tlso from bis Irotbor, R.D., of Winnipeg. Tho groim's gift brute WIS » beautiful penilant and chain, an d to the [lianist a btoncl*. The youni; coup'e's many wish iheni boii voyiige ihroui>h life. Victoria Corners Mrs. George Moore spent a week with her daujjhter, Mrs. W. I'albot. Mrs. A. Sleveus i.s attendiiis! ihe funeral of Mrs. Miner? of Osfoid -Mi.-s. Stevens' sister-in-law. Ross acconp anitd his niotbor to Tortiito to sec a specialist couceruini{ the trouble with his feet. He was lotd that i.otbinL' but a year's rest would help hiin. There is the he jt of sleighing, though a' the pre.sent time tlieri. appears to be a lliaw si:irtina. Three Shelbuiiie men who ligured in a bi|Uor case at i Magistrates Court weit.- tiiied #'200 and costs each. Tile Collin ywou J Messenger >":iy^ a libol suit and i claim for SlO.iHW damiges will be instituted analust the Creein ore Star :i-jd the Creemorc Liberal executive in comiectum with in ait -II- that appeared in the Star. The Department of Ajjriculutre line setit('Utsi,<iyf*i m tractors lo the Sold ei-^' Vocaiional Tr.iitiiu'.; i?chool.s at Wlii.b-. l.»"j)b, londun and Kingston. Hie i-oldiors will be iustructed during .lo winter^ tn >uths as to theirpro[.iecatteniioii and opcrati 'H. Nest spring the novein. nientwil! have 130 farm trnctKr.sworkitis;, and r. turned nun will bo atveri the preference wiicn it cnics to selcc ins th.'ir oiews. S-d, indeed, is the pa.s.sin)! of ;be fiinily of the late Diinciii liiiiiler, of Eireiiion', the last mcinber of which, Gilbetf, dietl at the home of his annt, Hunter, in ih s towu, Wednesday of '.\st week. The p.irenls first sucuuinbc I to llio wlrte plai;iic, then lliito sons .iiij three diunhtiv* lollovnl, oi,e .-ifler anotluT until all have pa.'ssed awav. The aunt. Miss Hunter, waittni faithfully i on the striclien young f.lks and is held to the ill high tsteeni ..heiefore ss "leM a> having' the syuijutthy of the ?oinniiiiilly.-- Mt. F'Uest lle|vi'soiit ilive. Bates Burial Co. Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 x\ venue Rd. Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks. Pres. Manager. ' Jewelery A Splendid Stock from which yoi> may readily make A Satisfactory Se lection. We cai- ry Photo Supplies, Pig Came Astray W. A Armstrong, 'Iu premises of or about .Inly Jsf. tbe one S'rayed onto pndersigued .m ui:,'. Owner prove uroperty. pny expens es :ind lake same away :it ooce. J. T. .>^LKD Floshi-if .n. Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT â-  ••••»«"•â- â- Â«..«..« ». »..»â- â- Â». f ^^' ;in«l L'itr lU ^i'ano;e.r eiuou .; 1 Peels. Shelle'i Q /â- â-  I Aim cm I ov lireail- Five Rose.s ><' 'â- } A ^ Walnuts -1^' Pastry Hour. and Harvest «^)neeii Ontario bran and shorts '^ We have a lull stock on hand of Royal Purple Sttx-k and Poultry .SpeeiHc and Calf Meal. W. L. WRIGHT The Corner Store Flesherton, - Ontario t -•*••»•»•••«. ••.« Happy New Year wish our Friends and Customers all possible happiness and prosperity for the coming year. W D. McTavish, Flesherton. -^ Kills of CoUingwood. The L. <>. L. held their annial intet- iiiR III the Ortit^o Hall on Kriday even- ink;. Mr and Mif. Oforje Vickorsof Tniax, SaAk., aie vititin^' at the parental home heio. Mri. Ucu Knott aud little diui^hter of Chas. McLean, Melaiielhoni Mrs. l*. MoArthur, Alberta; Mrs- McGregor, V.iiicouvor; Mrs. Gi»o. Christie, Hope- viH; Annie and Mt^ifieai homo.â€" Herald. It is stated thit nnJer the C"'U'ity Good Uoadi nchenio, »« ^oon as the the \Vf>t, are vi'iting *i(h tho former's ! County Bylaw !•< approved nf by the pikr«nt.'<, Mr. u:id Mrs. J. G. "N'ickor.". Piovinci.-*! (loverninent tlu (Jovernment pei'ctMit*s« will from that time he (>aid on all w.wV done nn the roads de^ij^nated in A very ptoisHnt tiuie was «peiit en >Vetliie«diT evcnio:: on tho river, tho ice fccing in "plerdid conditicu for ukatinij. lis C.-iiity By-law, Election of Officers The ii..tiin» of L.ti.f,. Xo. 1\:K wiis held on Kriday, Pi o. 28, when .1 l.u.!e attendaiiCt' w.i.s tiesent aad the f dlowinij dlhiers wee el-c id : ISro. (; h ulur \V .M .A Fi-ber P M Krv'd T.iylor Cbay H Sini'b Kec S.-v J McKrv Kill Stc R Fisher Jr Trees N Croft Loct n Fisher 1> of C Wos Piault Ut Com lUVdlai •:ui Com C\ Warliuij •'•i* dm H Thompson 4th (.'oni A Wilkinsi n 5th Com For Sale or Rent Tbe followii n Valualjle Propamy One Ji'uV Ic lilt .<ilnate«l on tiorih side of Colliii,:wo'.d street, Kleslierton. oon'aiiiin:i a nine roomed dwellinj;. frHiiie kilcbei', lineii st.ible, .-^hcd ^iiiil hen house, both liitiid with electric lights : hari' f»ul soft water. â-  Ol e lit siiuited on the went side ot Sydei)liiiii streit. Flefhcrti'n, contHining a sovcti roomed frame dvetliiii; Htteil withVIvotric light, soft water in biMenient. One lit situstfd on ovtth side if Maritaret Kireet, Fle>heiton, eontaininst a 8i.\ roomed frame dweliins: and fiaoie s'able. A'so a pirk lot containing' iW'-> oios, »e!l fenced and cultiv.Uo'. For terms diid p.ktt'culai FORAPAIROF BOOTS Suitable for the wet damp weather, or if you want a new pair of Rubber Bottoms put on your old tops, TRY -Mtn Thos, Claton* FLESHERTON SILAS isni-sK. i».Â¥,V.W.W,VA«A*MM»Ar<VMM,««».WW*AVWHi â- S^ •I \> )

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