Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 29 Nov 1917, p. 8

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TCoveniber 29 1917 THE F L E S II E R r O N A D V AN C E > BUSINESSCARDS Societies BRIMCE ARTHUR LODUK, No. ;fin,A.K.& V A M, lUMta in th€ UaBonicliall. Arm tro«R 8 l!lnck Fle«taerton, every Krlda* on t>«lor« tta* tall moou. T. Meury, W, M. H.W. Hickling. 8«cr*t»ry. A SPORTING OFFER c. p R. Subscribes $10,000,000 if the People of Canada Subscribe $300,C 00,000 to Victory Loan. IN'l'K this war began," i»h1(1 CHOSEN FlUENDS- KleeLevtou Conncl CI)OS«a Friends :<I4 mertB in Claytcu a Hal first aod tliiid \Veduet'da> o< tat-n laonth a l<1).m. Pay afiK«siucntB to lUioidtr cii o liefore tliv firit day ul tach month. i'hio Councillor, W. H. JDnnt; Itccorder, Mrs. L, A Fi»liBr. Dentistry ]y B. C MURRAY L. O. K., dental sariteoo hccorRraduate of Toronto t'nivereitv and hcyal College o( Dental Rnri;*40ne of Ontario, Uaa adulainiatered for teeth extraction ILce at reaideuce, Toronto Street. Kleaberton. Medical JP OTTEWELI. Veterinary Sargeoa 3radnate nt Ontario Veterinary ColleKe tft#ideuce â€" eecood door Houtb west^OD kAry atreet. Tbia atreot raca outh Freabytcrian Cbnreb. ing Cnaa. E McLean, M O. C M, Speci»liyâ€" Kuri^ery, Midwifery it Wiiuicn's DiaeaHCS Oi-fUF.H â€" Kleahert 111. Ii »• H<m»c. I'riceville- ('oD'nifrcial lli tel. ;'.*! t') 1 I'ln. l>nig st'irc in conniTtii'n with nthir. Uft)c«" Hoiir^ ill I'lcHlierlon-Weilnisday an 1 friday afti-rii'inii "J to ."i |<.ni. i'hiine nie«*a>ff^ reeeiv" iminijit nttoiilioii at Utli i.ftites lli.MaylN war Lord HhaiiRlinossy at » great Vi.tory Ixtaii Caiuiiaign iiiwt- In Montreal, "the Canadian I'a- cillo llAll^say Oompany has Invested up to the piesunt time In loans and guaranteeR in one foriii and another to the Allied nations nearly J70 030.- "Novertholeps vse would be glad to gtibwribe to the Victory I. dan up to ?.'â- .(,•<» OOO. lUit I will add a lider to that. If the people of Canada will make it |:!CO.t»^>,0C<i (exclusive of the amount paid for by surrender of bonds of previous issues 1 as we liave no doubt they will, the <oin|iany will make their »ub«<ri|>lion J|ij,OW.(Kki.' This was at the dose of nn inspir Ing speech giving the reasons why the people of Canada should give <helr v\hoIe-hearlt-d supiKirt lo tlie loan, lie spoke as follows: "1 know that this large hall is rrowd- 'ed to its cai>a<;ity with an army of earnest men and women who are filled with the determination that this Victory Loan of 1917 shall be th« phenomenal suoceKg that it deserves Kcribe, and to this etui einployi-rs and tl'.e banks should, and. no doubt, will, render every asBiKtance towarda KlueadiD'g the payments over siicb n period as will make it easier (or the siibpcrlLwrs than the very easy terms mentionetl in tl;e prospi^ctus. Statistics would seem to indicate that one In six of the entire popu- laiion of Great Britain subscribed for the last im|>erial loan. The recent l.ilxrty Loan In tlio United States «as tiikf n by one in twelve of the en- tire popiilation, while the last Cana- dian loan showed subsrription.s by only i)!;e in 187 of the population, or about <<i.l'(KI subscribers throughout the country. It would ba disapjioint- tng if, in the present i:;slanoe. that figure is not substantially exceeded on the Island of .Montreal alone. "It should be the aim of every per- son to put by, during the wa^eearn- ing (leriod, a small finid to meet re- quirements of old age. or to be avail- able if atid when misfortune con'es it Is, 1 think, the natural tendency of most |>eoi>le to do this, but the dl.11- lulty is about making a start. Here 'is the opportunity to make a start .1 be, and. above all, they are de teruilned that our great city of Mont- j under most favorable conditions. The real the premier city of ("anadaM the j security is unquestioned. Ili« rate of Itoancial and commercial metropolis. Interest is far above the normal, and and the fouaialn head of broad senti- the $jii or $100 invested in these Legal LUCAB, KANF;Y a hKNltV-IUrriatere. policitorf.elc â€" I. H. I.ucat., K. C. ; W. K, Kacey, foiento, â€" . -._ -., Itaiu 2412: Markilale Lucas MlfiHt, I'lione 'J A. hrancboUice at Uandalk ogSiTuve K. C. : W. I). Ileniv. H. A WiCU Tlailcrn llimk' lUilR., Ollicea. ptiouu very Katurday, WKIGHT, TEI.FOKl) A liarrintcr. Solicitor", Ac. ft Itructt Jilock, Owon tkiiiurl. lUock, Klealierton. 'SaturiiaM>). ^o â- I MiDONALD i Oil'H-eii, (irey ' Standard Ifank j \V. II. Wriuht, I W. l: Telford Jr. J. C. lleUonal 1. i^. u H. Business Cards •7 CULLOUOH A- YOUNQ P Hanki-ra Markdale General bankiuti buaineaa. Money loaned at reaaonabie rates Call on us. the DMcPHAlL, Lilceuaed Auetlonee for â-  County of Grey. Terma uioilerats featia a4;iion f^tiarauteed. 1 he airaugeujciita and dates of (.alee can be inaite at TliR ,\DVAiice efface. Itekidence and I'.o-, t eyit'ii. Tolt-piionu couDection. ' Dec. 0, UT niPDt and cosmopolitan thought iu the Dominion, sliall do its full share toward contributing the amount re 'quired, not only for the honor and credit of the city Itself, but for the example that it will grive lo otlKT â- sections of our good old province of Quebec that will always remain a bulwark and principal mainstay of our Canadian confederation, contri- buting lo the strength and prosperity |of the Dominion, notwithstanding the irriiation and res«>ntiiient occasion- ally la evidence when the province is ] critic Izfd. and, indeed, maligned, by i many whose efforts It should be, as | roiunion citizens of the ccuiniry, to understand and conciliate. "This world's war tliat has now well i 'entered on tho fourth year of its dur- [ laiion, has imposed u|>on all the na- | Itions involved financial ob'igations of | 'an amount and of a character never! 'experienced in the past, and, indeed, i that had never been anticipated, and â-  each day that waj-far* continues, the' obligatious (("c-oiie more insistent and ^ 'burdensome. Tbc strain upon Britain | ihaa be»n particula.'ly great, because, i not only was she rei|Uii-ed to provide j !tho funds n«c(M»«ry for her own pur bonds w 111 encourage further addi- tions when circumHtances permit. The foundation having br-cn estab- lished, tliere will he the incentive to build upon it in a rational and sen- sible way, and thousands upon thou- sands of substantial little funds will have bfcn created to meet the de- mands of the rainy day. A I'KU.SO.NAJ. KXPIOHIICN'CE. but bv reasof of her outstand- "It may not be out of place to men- tion an "Xperience of my own. In the curly days, nearly fifty years a?o, wlicn luy salary was a mode.^t one, I but In excc?s of that received l)y most of tile young fellows with wliom 1 iissociated. the porticin of the monthly pay which 1 felt justified in apIuopriatinK to my own use disap- ipeared itgiilarly and rapidly with no- ithlBf! to show for It. I com eivcd the I idea of calling on an acc|iiaiiitance, 'the casliier of a private hanU. to esk |hiiu if he would loan iiic> JlOn at the , curreiit rate of Interest, against iciy ' notes in monthly ainouiits i ovc-riug '« period of six or elfht luonllis. In early days, bank cashiers .Tirl i managers were more considerate aiJ I confiding than th.y are la ;hes? WW. tl KAITTINfi, iceuved Auctioneer foi the counties of Orey and himcoe. Kariu and Stock Bales a Hpecialty, Terujtc oiuderate. latikfaction guaranttud. .\rrau!ic-- ujents for datea may be made at tliA Advance office, or Central telei'lioue oOJce l-eversbam or by addreasinit me at Feversbam, Out. R epresentative WANTED i at once for FLE 5HERTON inid I>ietriil fi.i Canada's Greatest Nurseries po«e«. out oy re^sop or iier | ,|„,,j, y,,^, ,„, agreed. The notes were ing ,H)s.tion In the money world Phe^^^^j^ ^,„, ,,„.„,.,, ;„ j,„j ,,„„ ,„ ,.„r. was compelled to *sgiBt in very large J ^^,^^^, ^^^^ „^,,j,,j „, ,,„. ^^j,,,.,, , aniouBU some of the Allied n«ll»"« J inmiediately pla.ed to my credit in .,..!.*^° . . , uv the SavliiRs Department. The cashier •The entrance of our great neighbor j,j „^, understand the novel trans to th» south into the war relieved, in „,„^^ ^„^ ^,^,.„ „,p „„rpo«e. I fold Boiue nH*8ure. this financial strain 1,,,^, (,,^, „„,^,. „,„^,, ,.,„,j ,,p ,„r beeauM it brought to the support <yt,^^„^^ obiisationr, that i «ould meet cai li month as tliey became dii*", and ready yrowii udiiii,;, Ever- oilier Spring I'.ilT p'.Hnlin^; iisl iiuw Kplendid list ol liardy Caiuidian ftuit and ornuMiciital stock, iiic Mcintosh Keci Apple, ^>t. Keuis Icearing JUsijIieriy and ninny eadei's. New illustrated ottitlnuKc sent cm Application. Start now at best sellini; IIiul. hI propositi'Jii . Stone. & Wellington The Fonthill Nur.'^eries. n-;siHlilished l^.'.T. i TORONTO . ONTARIO l,il>cr- Farm For Sale or Rent Lot 141-14_'. Arteiiiesia â€" "•) :;rd range N. K.T..'>.|{., Hcroi under culiiVMtejj, ^'ood bum Hiid brick house, itii acre nf orchard ; well watered, .^pply to â€"I. SINCLAIR. l.".Noll7 Flesherlcii. Heifer Came Astray < ''iUie to the promises of the uiiier- i-i^ned, lot 24, con. 7, Aitcnu^.H, uicu Oct4>l>er Ist, one yearling heifer. Ti."' owner is recjucsted to prove prc.poity, pity expenses and t ke ttio same hwhv. -.lAMKIS OKMii:. Heshcrtor, Oct. 20. Idir. For Service One pure ored (thorthorn liiill c>ii li>t :{0, ccjn, !», Artemesia. Terms »1 00 f,.r Kradet. MuRt be paid williiii '.i inonths from date of service. !.)»«. 17. -R, O.TIRNKH. itaa Alll«* the tioancial strength of 'that great nation, bnt the people of 'file United States say, and very na- turally, that "while we are willins; iand. indeed, anxious, to lend aid to •ward providing the money necessary I for the conduct of the war, we expect ajid require that, to the greatest pos- 'sibie extent, the money should he ex ! pended In our country." It is a na tural condition and one to which no reasonable objection can be urged. A LOAN TO OCRSKLVICS. "Canada naturally » ishestooontinue to partldiiatc In the busiuess of sup plylog luunitions, goods and |>roduce of the soil to the Allied armies, and with all other money markets closed to lier, there Is only one process by which this can be accomplished. The icountry must iisrif provide the requi- site ineana. and. fortiiBalelr, the c oun try Is amply able to do so. Heretofore the .Minister of Finance has pla(^ed In Canada three domeslic loans aggre gating I think, about $;; ,",0,000,000. In every Instance the amount of the is 'sue proposed was over-.subscribed. and, yet, fortunately, the people of the country are today iu a much lief ter position lo participate in these loans than they were In any previous time. After all, in taking up this Victory Loan, we are merely loaning money to ourselves. It is handed over to the tiovernment and it Is |>aid out again to the people of the eoun- jtry for the labor, goods or services eoyered by CJoverninent war con Boar for Service The undersigned has a Ihorouahorud Yorkshire liuai' for service on lot ll.cun. B, Osprey. Terms $!.()(). FRKD SPOFFAUD. Voluntary eDlietment has taken ihoiisitnds of men from office work. Conscription will take mcjFo, Olbce help is scafco â€" will bo scarcer vory »ocn. Younit women and boys under military H^o must till the vac;aat pluces, aiid they need training. H) the very best jilacc to get * training; aiul prepare to help meet the demand for trainnd oflice help. Students may enter uny any time. Nci iiicrcaio in fees CiecBhrs free nn appVic^ation. g. A FLEMING, F.C.A., Principal, Dept. A., ©wei Sound, OBtario. as it may be ueeeseary 'abroad for raw materials, so that a ' very large jiorilon of tlie funds comes i bac k through one channel or another i '<o the original source, and after aj short lapse of time the hankers and I tho p<K)ple will have this money to loan to the Cioverninent again should occasion arise; but meantime, the In- vestor has safely iiut away his (Jov- ernmenl bond or bonds representing the amount of his subscription, a se curity of the highest po.Hsihle class iinquesliimabli' and unquestioned, carrying a rale of interest which ap plies to (iovernmeiit loans only In such excentlonal conditions as the lires'Mit, and which, after [leace lias cnn:- and no:-nia! condlllons have been resinred. should caime the seciir ity Itself to advance In the markc^t to a siib.-:tar:iial lucreasB on its face value I that at the end of the iieriod 1 would [have a bank account cjf \w\ and so It vvorkid out. The iicites wjre nut without causing any si>eclal Incon- !venlence, and during llie few follow- ing years of varyii^K fiuluue. that janiount of $liiu lu-'.-r t'lcw less. In- ideed. If there be any one present to , whom 1 owe money, he may be gratl- 'lliHl to know that I still have It. "It is probably regreltable that the campaign for tills Victory loan should be coincident with the llo- iiiinlon elections activiiies. but there Ib no pood reason why one kIidiiUI contllct with the cthf r. We who are rncouraBing subscriptions to the Loan aie absolutc-ly nonpnlltlcal in our moti\c'.'^ and our tuelhoils. The appeal is made to cHlzoiis of Canada who are proud of their country with out rc-ference to their political li-ctn Ings or tbeir views upoa any of llio subjects that are Itelns discussed on the hustings. The apjx'al Is to the l«>ople of the coiinliy \%ithout regard to politics, creed or nationality, who wciiild in any c iriirii-laiu es vvish to show llieir pride In Canada and their, devolion to her interests hy ineeiing any tleinand that might he made upon them, even at conslderahle sacrtticc. But, in the present instance, there is no sacrifice. I'artic Ipatlnn in the Vic- tory lx>aii Is a splendid thing from every business standpoint, It provides the suliscrlbcr with a security of uiiqiiestioiiecl inl<>!;rity that will probably command a sub- I short time tracts, excepting such small ""'"unts , ^,^^j,^, premium within to R«"aij,f(j,. ,),, cessation of ths war, and that, in the meantime, gives an un nual Interest return equal \a thai which can be secured cm any otbfr gilt edged security, particularly wher tho Incoiue tax Is taken Inlo account KNTIRELV POI? THK WAR. "Some inisapprehentiion has resuU'^d from published newspaper siateiiieiits to the effect that c,nly a portion of (he proceeds cif the Victory 1 t:aii would be used for the purposes of the war. Tills was rlcurly a" error, or uversiglit, hecatise the- pro-cpectus cm which tlie Issue Is based states in ineguivocal terms that the entire Vroceeds of the Victory Loan will b- I scd for war purjKjses, and 'vlU Ic expended in Canada. This I.s the pledge of the Minl.ster of rinanie aiicl }tif the DoiulnioM Ctoveruinent us we'.l. •11 Is desirable beyond all things [The proceeds c)f the Ician are lliiis fh.Tt a very large percentage of this 'made a sacre^d trust for the piiipo.;e Vicicjrv Loan shcuild tie subscribed by named, and if any govenimi'iit thut the pi-'ople of the country generally, i may t- relumed at the .cimlng e',?.'- pe.iiil.' of sniull means, bec'ause it ! Iloiis. whether it be I'uio-ii, Liberal or will I* i-vidcnce of the spirit of pa- ]Compo8lle, should permit a penny r,', trioil^m that prevails throughout the j the amount to be diverted lo "i:r coi:ntry, and it wi'l be « good thing jposes other than naniiid II for fhem Ihiandally. Corporations j would arouse tho resent iurnl of thrive niid wealthy Irdividuals, familiar of us who are here, and of our 'O with financ 1.11 :iTalrs. will not be slow iworkers and contributors ihroughout to re;, II il'.t. he-iefil of this opivortun- ' the country, with tho result, that i:.e itv. / ttut they sliculd not have too j strong arm of the [>eople of the coup 'large n Fhare of the loan. Kvery 1 try would eoine down on the nffendlug iwuge-eari'-r. man or waman, through I government with such weight and I the land should be enceuraged to nub- force as to tne&o annihilation. If i'^j /â- i Farmers Like The Toropio Daily S ''V^ T*-- They like it, because it is a real up- to-the-minute newspaper. . - -_ And they like it even more, because it helps them to make money, by giving them the market quotations whi'e prices are sliJl "hot." You get the live stock, grain, and produce market reports from Toronto, Montreal, Buffalo, Chicago, and Winni- peg from twelve hours to one full day ahead of your re- ceiving the same quotations in the next mornings papers. X I And you k^ovv^ how often you have said to yourself, "If I had known earlier just how^ the market w^as going, I could have made money." In addition to its splendid market service, the Toronto .1 "Daily Star" gives you the most comprehensive war and general news service obtainable through any daily paper in Canada. s^ Then, too, there are pages to interest the women and the children, and a good comic cartoon series. In fact the Toronto "Daily Star" is just such a newspaper as a farmer who is interested in the world news likes to read, and he eventually comes to regard it as the insep- arable companion of his leisure hours. " -. Subscribe for it To-day We guarantee that you vsrill thoroughly enjoy it. Send • your subscription direct to this office, or through the pub- , lisher of your local newspaper.. | The price direct is $3.00 a year in advance, or together v^ilh The Advance $3.75. Pulpwood Wanted Tuci ilmusand cads lUlssm wcind, cut 4 ft. of 81 twee loner, not and less than 4.', ill. ul the small eni), kn.ts tiimmeii clcise, for which we will p»y |l(', per cotd f'lr biilsam, and S^^ per ccrcl f7)r Spruce, delivered iii tiCMcst. I'.iilroad | .Static. » Anyone li;iviiit( sanie for aali' wiite to pheno MitKiiiBle 50-32. -W. T. KLL18, KimWtley. Farm for Sale Lot 152â€" li'i,'! ISiist Back Lin<f, c^rie- mesia, .nilo and a c|ut»rter from Flushotton, containing VK) aotes, mostly cleared ; oouifotUblo liouao, ftoort biun with stone (•uiidiiticin, email orchiud ; fitrui well Wfttaicd, ijood strain or steck farm. Kiir paiticulais apply on the piomiseH to â€"JOHN T»KKCU()rr, PIcfiberlOB, P'^ • Sheiburne Boys in Trouble A Couple cif thoughtless Sheiburne boys luve got into trouble by lireakiDg into the Dominion express office at the tjhclburno station on Saturday night in order to couliscate lic(uor that Ind been soi'/.od cir :twaitod an owner. It appears that this is not the first time the place has been broken into during tho past summer, Thoy made an entrance thtough the coi»l chute on the west side of the stiition, leaving their overcoats on the platform , Thoy wet e not aware a O.l*. U. dotoctivc was camping in the station room awaiting their arrival. After they had got in tho detective closed the place of entrance and went for I he station ag<;iit, Mr. Cii-ssiu. liefoie they got hack tho boys had escaped through a window. They wore bc»th taken into custody ou SJunday and brought hofciro Warden Falconer Monday morning an.l pltaclod uuilty. The Crown will take ohargo rtf the case. One of the boys ottered to enlist if ho was allowed, Wc have not intntiotied any inmo-i ii.s it is generally Hupposed there are aonio. older poraotis mix ,;Ci up in the atl'air,-* F»ee Press. WINTER TERM FROM .lAX. axo ^ELLIOTT Yoiige and Charles Streets, Toronto Points with pride to its long list of succeaiful graduates. A high standard is always maintained hero. Write for our Catalogue. Keen xlemand fcu- our students. W. J. ELLIOTT, PiHNcjPAL Deering Implements AND Gasoline Engines All kinds of Deoiitig linplcineuts. Parts always on band. Agent for Barrie Cutters. Barber ,, Buggies, Louden Litter Carriers, llay Tiacljs, Pedlar shingles and siding. These Implements require no recotninendation as they ate standard c'oods and recognized as the best on tho market. FUUIT TRKES-I represent the Ston & W' nursery, andjwill be pleased ! • o cill if you send mo a card. ] ED.RUTHERFORD Protttn Station HARDWARE Screen Doors & Window* Poultry Nettinff ^aris Green Zenoleum Lice Powder Hammocks & Hooks Paints & Varnishes Churns & Dairy Pails Sprinkling Cans, etc., etc. F. W. DUNCAN The Fleshertdn Hardware. Phone 30 ra.

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