November 29 1917 THE r L E S H E K T O N ADVANCE THE STANDARD DANK OF CANADA HEAD ornce - toromto W« advise the purchase of Canada's Victory Bonds ^1?V% •P<* profitable investment in addition to bolaf a help to your country. <Jmr Braaob o( thii Bank will take .„ y*\ir iubioriptioa without charge. FLESHERTON GEO. MITCHELL, BRANCH Manager. C. p. R. Time Table. This from the Hiuover Po't is worth Trains leave Flesherton Station as !"""'''"« '*'"'"* '° •'''""â- •ertoii :-."In ofder to ftconoiuise in fuel the Methodists Ooina North "^ Walkeiton are doubling up their 12.01 u. in. I wei'k-night services. This is a good idea 9.18p. m. and should be worked out in Hanovet- osed at Fleaheiton »3 too. In fact, we believe there should be follows : Going South 7.53 a. m. 4.27 p.m. The mails are follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.40 o'clocK. For morning train south. mail close at 9 p. m. the previous ev'g. VICINITY CHIPS d )ubling up on regular setvices. Eigh: Protestant churches in a town of Hanover's size in war time is too much of i lu.xury.' Two village youngstrrs wtre up on a iiiagistrale's summons before J.McMullen .1. P , on Friday evening last, on a charge of wantonly killing ducks belong- in.:} to H. Can'ington. One was fined $7 and the other $li 25, It was a cust'y bit of fun. [t is hard tu understand where boys can find fun in killing th'ugs belonging t» other people. These lads Reeve McTaviah attended the comity eouncil last week. .\lberl Armstrong of Dundivlk difd on Wednesday of last week. The Spriugliil! lied Cross Socii-'y are prepaiiiig aomelhrng itood for Dec. 14. | „,ii probably levise tlieir views about Keep the dale "pen. the matter after this p.jod at ilT lesson. Miss Meda LeGard of Toronto, is and it may also help othert lo a more ;jpen<liiig a month at her parental homo correct estimate of Arhat is right and here. < wrong in the matter of â€" ducks and Archie McKinnon, son of Far^iuhar "takes. McKinnon of Priccville, has been kilKd in action. Miss Kalherine Swift of Toronto spent a few days wi'li her sister, Mabel, wbo is attending hiah school here. Judge Duncan Morrison, formerly county judgo of the county of Grey, was found drowned at Pictin. He was 7'^ years of ate. Mr. ,1. A. Kernalian, Fevershani, W. A. ArnislronK and Geo. MuTavish, tanvassers for the Victory Lean in Arleiiieaia hiiih school district, have met with groat success. Up until Saturday ni^ht they had booked sales of bonds to the extent of .*,)7,W^. Cmiaiderable ground h»s yet to be gone over and tliiH week will see the end of the canvas. If the canvisers have ovei looked aiiybcdj' they Would be plcuscd to have such persons look them up or call by phone, received a c-ible week announcing T,,^y ,,,y „„^ ^j^^^^, f,,^ „„,„^y ,„^ j,^^^, the pleasantest undertaking; of the kind that his son, Winslow, had been wounded in the nose . Mi-9. \V. McKeehks rented M. Mc- Donalds vacant residence and will move (O town, along with the f.imily of her daughter, Mrs. McCallum. \ Mr. and Mrs. Klij ih Paul, Iviueiiiu, announce the ensagument of their young- est dauuhier, Uulh, to Robert J. Watt, Cadili.ic, t»isk., the weddinjj lo take place early in December I'.)17. ' Misses Iiulu Mitchell, kindergarten â- teacher at Gudeiich, and Aledn, s'udent at Whitby Ijadies' JoUege, wire home over Siiiidiiy ails'nding the service fur their brother, Harold. A hurricane of unuiual violence swept the couiury on Tliursdny last. Il is feared that much damnge WM done lo shipping on the grea' lakes. The .•^uiall steamer Chatham was torn from her m""'iirg-i ill LioiiH Head hurl in auuhcr lu^ and tCj* wcic Ui;.tiuj..d thoy luve ever cngS'.'-'d in, ever' body with money being ready and willing co subscribe to the limit â€" wiih one miserly<>ptiuD. Met Death Heroically Harold Mitchell Killed, \ '• Thoy went forth to battle and gave their lives for liberty. Theirs the hard- ships, their.4 the sacrifice, theirs the honor, ' nor shall their glory be forgot while Fame lier record keeps.' .Sad, again, was the news that loached Fleslierlon tic Thursday morning last when Mr. Geo. Mitchell received the dreaded cable thai his second son,Harolil, had been killed inaction in France. The news was a great shock to the vilLge as to the patents, as Harold was a favorite with all. Previously to enlisting in Toronto with the 12:!rd Bait., ho was employed in the Standard Bank here. For the past year he had been in the trenchs, with the .'(rd Batt. of Toronto, and had applied some weeks ago for leave of absence to go to England, but times were too strenuous and leave wis not granted. 'Ihe sorrowing parents, sisleis and brothers hav* the keenest sympathy of those who have gone through the deep waters before them, as well as of citizens in general. Harold was 2.°'i years of age. Harold's elder brother, Kendall, has joined the Ameiicau Flying Service and ii in training in Texas. Charley CriLSsley and Harold, two almost inseparable chums, joined the samebaitalion iud wentoverseas tc gether. In England (.hey were aeparaleO. Haiold being sent on to.France and Charley held in England until a ft w weeks ago, when he, too, went to France. On Oct. 2'.ltll the two chums met and had a long chat, Harold had been out on rest and was jubt leturuing to duty. Eight days afterwaids â€" Nov. 7lli â€" hejjave his young life for his country. The pity of it all ! But the travail must be gone through with. He freely gave his life, with the others, that a bettor day of freedom from the military yoke may rise from uut the iilooui. The ineiiioilal .service was held in the Methodist church on Sunday evening, when the pastor, Rev. Mr. Belfry, preached an imptessive .sermon fio.n Isaiah li ;< : " Hire am I, send me." The membi.'rs of E'rince Arthur lodge A. F, and A. M., of which Harold was a member, were piesent in a body and occupiea front (eats. The church was crowded with a pympailietic audience, whi all fell keenly with the sorrowing family in their loss. During Ihe service Dr. Murray, Herb. Sullivan and Mr. Karstedt's the Busy Store Rubbers ! ! Rubbers ! ! ( Men's Winter Overcoats I 1^ How about Rulibers? Now is tbo time to buy your Kubbcfs. We have a full range of Tan, Balack and 1 in. leatlier top rubbcis, laced and buckled rubbers and the prices are right. Ladies' aud Men's tine rubbers. Wc can fit any boot. Wool Underwear We have a fine quality of meu'a wool under. .wear, â€" all sizes aud the price ^l.'i') a garment aud the natural all wool underwear. We have a lull range, â€" you will be money in your pocket if you come along and buy. Wool Sweaters Without a doubt we have a finest range of wool sweaters â€" Black and Red Checked, Green and lirown checked. Blue and Browu checked ahd all plain colors, aud the prices are right. W^ bought these .sweaters a year ag o or we couldn't sell them at the price we do . What about a Chiuchilla < A'ercoat ? All colors, aud also a Tweed coat, and we have coats with fur colars. .lust what you want this winter. Dress Goods We have a good line of Dress Goods, â€" all colorsâ€" come in aud see our stock before jou get your new Winter Dross. Men's Tailor Made Suits We liad a line lot of men's Worsted suits made up. We had the good.^ in stock and got a tailor to make them up, ami at the old price. Really these are a bargain. Come in, â€" a pleasure to show von these goods. Wool Blankets Now is the lime to buy your uool blankets, â€" the prices are right, and wheu this stock is done the new ones will be a lot dearer and an inferior iiuantity. We have a good raUfje nf Flannelette Blaukets, R G. KARSTEDT ' FLESHERTON, ONTARIO. 5g57^^_^,«^^â- J,^ t^-l ^ :^ ^ ^ ^ >,. ^ -^- -^ -- -- ^^ ^ ^ - >:._-^L,^^- ^ _ ^ , ^ ^ ^ ^ '- ^^â- ^~^i^^i^-^t-^0k'm Power House and Vicinity H'lll.ind rendered a trio, " ( Hd J<,rdun'a ' h>is|)ital. Hi;i many fiiends au- p.f i Ceylon Chat Mr. T. Martin, who has neen assistant agent here for some time, left on Friday for Toronto, where lie has enlisted. He will be much missed for his genial and obliging manner. Percy Hemphili succeeds Mr. Martin. Miss Kale Wilcock spent the week end willi Tironto friends. Myrtle Hemphill has relumed fn'in Tori.nt', where she has been f ir m ine time. Mr. D. M-jPhail went tu < >wen iSound Thursday lust and iiccompaiiieu li.'UiB by his daughter, Geitlia, nh.. tecenily unilerwent an opeiaiion in the .Marine ,ed I 4'i, \V Armstrong 40, W Stewart 40. K 'McDonald >2. ' Form ;< â€" Algebra K Willianis«n H7, B McVJcir 'J4, W P.itterson '.'1. E Parslow'.tl, B Metds .S!), L Lever «'.t, W Latimer 8'.». M Switt 8C , R Morton H(j. R Caswell 77, V McMil- lan 7:;. E Benlham 7", M Heard .">9, P Allen 58. F Bunt r>4. R Belfry 44, Caswell 44, D McLeod 41. C Fisher V Lewi^" :!;i. E A letter received yesterday by Mr. Ed. Mci^>uay from Lieut. -Col. F. McF.irland, formerly of the 147th Gioy Batt. and now Majiir of one of tlu C.miidir-.n battalions into which the Gtey.s were ineiged, gites some details of the stupendous Ijatlle of Passchaeiidale in which so mary of the Cwen Sound waves I do not fear," and a beautiful iptirtet â€" "He givelh H a belo^'-.-d sleo.j " WHS given by Misi-es Maud Richardson and /ill't Trimble and Messrs. Murray and llolUhd. The sulijict was "The cill of du'y,' to wliii'b the y>'iiiig hero had williiig'y liftened. T'lis is the tr.irl occa.^ion since the war broke (ml that this puliiii has had occa- sion to publicly ackijiwledi/e the death otticers made the supieine sacrilice. Majur .McFarland wiote juit after being | of one ot our heroes, whose names will relieved from the trenches and intimated } be handed down lo cominv ueneraliuns that he was feeling so seriously the as among those who freely gave their coiicuKsinn (rf the trrinendiitiS artillery , lives t'^ nriki? the wm d better fur those bi'iiihiu iiiienl 11, at hi.s iienes weie | >vlio rtm k:ii. We niou; ii tlieir departure Women Who May Vote Wumeii possessing the foilovvim; •mali- ticationi are entitled tu a vote in the cuir.iiig election : Hiitish subjects and no Indian--. Twen'yu lie years uf i^e. Kesideiit ill ( iiiaJa one year and the c ii.-ti'ueiKj thiity days. Mii-t be eiilier wives, widow.-, iiiothei."!. -isteis or Ji«u.;liters uf persons, male or fHinale, livini' or dead, who are. or lia\e -ervcd in the militia forces of t'mada or Gnat Britain or the naval lorce.s .,f '.'ana- da or Gre:it Brit.iin, '.ii the |i,-e.-,ent '.var. No fdiiiili" |ierson of a dieliuiiural'ly \\ inter is putiug in its appearance. Mr. and Mi.s. Wird ..f Harriston, weie vi8itci>* with K. Wickens and family. Charlie Tliistlethwaile of Flesherton, spent an evening with patrohiun Walter Thuiiipsuii. Miss Minnie Gralijin lias rptuiued home from Tuiontu, Millie H.iiiey of Eugei.ia is spending % fjw weeks in tin Valley. .Second annivei.sary of the opening of the power lioU'-e un Ncv, b-ith past. W tiler Tlionipsun 9[ent a few day? ia Uiven ."^uund di'd Tua, I perceptibly upset. Amongst other things which the letter contains is a reference as near that harbor. Through a mistake the announcement to the death of the popular Owen Sound of the Toronto Daily Star which has officers which occurred during that appeared in this paper did not contain a momorable eugageiiunl Referring to memo regarding the price. We would Capt. John D. Ciinpbell, wh ) had the call attenti m to the Star's aiinouiKomeiit rank of Lieutenaii:,. Major McKailindlsays in today's issue, giving the price as $:i thatdeith ciin .• ti that^oung rfflour on per year in aUvance, if subscribed for the evening before the engagement, direct, or together with The .Advance for Lieut. Cairpbell with his ccimpii.y ^3 70. â- commander were in the shelters coiii- The town of Kitchener refused to give pletin.{ arrangements fur the unit to go Sir Robert Buideu a .heatiiij!' when he over when a shell struck the ."heller, attempted to speak Saturday niaht. It killed both olliccrs ^.ii.'. wounded a IS ihe first tin.e Sir Robeit has been nu'.iber of men Lieut, (ieurge Kwens nfiised a hcHiini;. Btft tlicii perhaps it was the tirst lime he ever tiled ti speik lo a Ijerinaii audience. The (Jeiinm.s .said they wanted Liiirier. Diiw jour coiiclusiun. The W. T. will tncet in ihe hix'i sclioid on Wediie-'-duy, Dec. .">, 2.M \).m. Mrs. Wilcock will give Simple Ui me Keme- di.'s ; Mrs. Thurston will uive a piper on " Our life as coni))»red to a le.if ; ' lie Roll Call will be answered by Chiisiinas Recipes. A lai'g'i attendance is urced as an invitation to visit a sistei brauch is to be dealt with Mis. 10; Wickens, Sec, Notwithstanding the opposition of several nisnibers the gool roads b/law received its third reading in the county council Saturday morning last. This scheme embraces about 4112 miks of road in the county. The reads ii eluded in the bylaw are ; Thornbury to Flesh- erton via Eugenia, Singhainploii to Hanover, Owen Sound to Shelburne, and Owen Sound to Ml. Forot. The work will bo commenced Ihis coimiiu tuiumer. At the meeting of Prince .\rthur Lodae A.F. &A.M. on Friday evming last a resulution of condolence was adopted â- conveying the sympathy of ihc lodge to Wor. Bro. Geo. Miichnll and family in their bereavement by the death of hi* «on, Bro. Uaruld Mitchell, killed in •action in Frunee, and to VV'or. Bro. R. .1. but glory in their strength .md courage to voluntarily gu and tight the hydra- headed monster of Germany. was killed llie diy laeviuus while in c nninand of a ttorkii,g p«rty which he WIS tikiiig up the comiiiunicaliuus trench?s to the front trenches to do some work . The shell wkieh caiis.d his death seriously wounJed the man in front, of him, and also the etticer iiniiiediately following The duvth of Maj .r .laltray Eaton occurred in his tirst tiiiiagtn.eiit just as the battalion raised out of the trench ai.d was going over the pirapct. His head bad sciice'y got above the line when It was pieieed by a bullet and be expiied instantly Lieut. Finl.y wei.t over with his platoon and was in the thick of the fijiht when he vi:u wounded. Stretcher beuiers picked him up ,iiid wiTe coiivejiug him to the rear when another bullet struck him on the head and he expiied. Major McB'arland in referring to the bai,tle said Ihst he would bi' able to jjive particulars at ,i later date as to how other cisua'ties occurred, but theterrilic sTain of the few days in ihis | g'orious Canadian advance n>ade ii j impossible .tt tha time of wtiting to make any further reference. A later letter miiy contiiii some oiher infor-'iation as lo Ihe manner in which the (iiey soldiers conducted themselves in this engagement, which has added iiumi nsjly to iho laurels of the Canadians.â€" O S. Times. Fetch -Tomlinson iSpioule ill his Iom by liie death of his At North Baltlef â- :!!. S.isk., NdV. 7 by brother, the late Senator T S. S|)roule, R .»•, H.O. Cairns. Edith Alma, eld st M D. Sympathy was a'si extended lo dacghter of Mr. at! i Mis. O. Toiiil nson, Bro. .\. K. BelUiny, wounded m i<"ranoe, i;iiln..ft I'liii.,s Mi.n , to Mr. Lloyd Hal; but fort uiiately only slishlly ai.d tc| oil- Ivtch, elJest »on of Mrs. W. Petch, ed recovering. , Tiioi.tis Ont . D. E. Jamieson Killed As we make up our foiins word has arriveo that David Ed*«rd .iamieson, son of Mrs. .1. .Jamieson of Flesherton, was killed in action Nov. 12. Thf yuuiiu man was I!U jears of ag.;. He only enlisted last Much with the L'.'.d h Bill, of Toronto. Mrs. .Jini'eson's family have surely been doiii'^ their full duty in the war. Bell W...S gassed at St. hilien early in the war when he helped sliy the Gerinau rush for Calais. Kllwyn wont overseas w t'l the I I7th, an.l the only sisler, Mao, has been a nurse at Malta fur some tine. County Council Thy Tuesday and Widnesday meetings of the County council were lar^jely of a routine churiiclcr, the disposition of a number of accounts, conimunicalioi.s and memorials being the princii>.il busiuets done. W. A, Crier, jaoler, applied for an increase of $200 to his s»!ary as caretakci of the county buildings. The iiue»ti')ii of tlie location if ihe county roads ui der the go .d roads system adopted by a bylaw at the .June session has been the main subject before the cotincil jiiid the time has been devoted »eiy liugely to cons deration of nia'tois io Ihis connection. E.\c. p ion was tikeii on behi.f of Osprey on the ground thai very liiile of the proposed main route through the county touched that, town shin, while SuU van's representative took except o 1 to tho »riarig»meiit on ihe grou id it had alre,idy uuopled a good toitds 6y^telu aud any arrangt-meiit f.hou d iijciTpoiato tho s •leciid roads in Ihit lowiislnp. A sp cial morniog session is being hold todiy at whicli .Mr. S<|uire, the gnx eminent ri presentative of tht good roads depattiuei.t. is in aticndance, and iin itturt is heiim nude to have m decis i^n arrived at so ilut a bylaw mny be I s.ssed -it tills session. â€" Times of Fiidiy. she is much improved. Mrs. Colliiifon and babe leiianed from Owen .Sound Saturday, her uo^iln'r. .Vlrs. Culeiiii:n, H-voinpaiUfd lii-r borne fur a few days' vist. Mastt-r Goiiuii Wild, wbuh.i,s K-on visiting hif gri'udpHrcuts at .Slieiburne. spent ihe week end with h's uncle Mr. S. Riilidi', befori' leavipu thi-weeU lor his home in British Culinnbia. .Mr. .fohn McLtod came \i\> from the discliuiued soldier or sailor may vo'e. city the past week to viMt o-.d friends. ^^ ^_ ^^^^^^^^ _.,,^_.^_ „f por-u, , „h„ Vr. and M.s, Ivl, S,.rgont spent the ,„„^.,; .j^,. ,„iv..l f> u . -^ uf f ., „i . ,-:. le lirsl of the week nilli Markdale friends. , , ^..^^^ , ^. .;, Mr, .las. McMullen went to "w<?n '. 20, shall vole Sound Monday on a business trip. i Sorry to report Mr. G. Collinson ill. . Dr. Lillle is in altendance. Tiust tor a speedy rccoveiy. Boin-On ISul , Nov. 2i, t > Mi. and .Mrs. .Me.x. MvRiie, a daiii-heer. Con- gratulations. MLsi Miiiiel Sp ccr, who has been at the Oacii S 'Und Business CuUeje I'l .ho pa^t iline iiiunths. returned liume. .Misses .Jean Sybil Cullinsuii of T.ionto returned hoiiie MonJ.iy nijlit Notice To Trespassers .Anyi.iie J.ik.iu w. ud i any way tti>>.|)jssin:; un iiurih h ,lf o| lot y.K. c 11 will 'oe uton-mt; <i. MR^. \V. ir rails oil or ill any p'.rt of tlio â- '. .\rteinisia, 1 . i'KDL.VK. ELc'.ilu Act, ."^epicmbir Holstcin Bull For Service A thuruu.-iil.i-, '1 H"l»t.-ii'. '•"11 f i- -•â- n !c» .m '...t- 1s;M,-4 .> U'. '•'. <i > U., .V. •.<-iui-,'<iii: > loi-- ^Iv i.-iiti"! â- . . -Il â- .> 1 ;•! • â- â- .oiii'i â- !> It-ii,>'.iiul cow. 'I'ol.ii!,; 41 .'.J:..! „ia.ii-5, â- â- sj.tW tu; [jutu liu'ds. I .lulv 17, â€" i;KO. MOORE *S..n, I Canadian Railways Co-opcratc for National Defence A' b a te-5',iit nf siiggpstiona made !)y tlio Uov<'ruuient that ihii- ing tho period of the war. I'lnr'i 3-;(iiil'l h,> lios.'r i o-oporalion bi twrrti t!i.. rdllways in Canada, an ; -;or:i.'" Ion ju .) tip.-n i",)rmiHl by thro r;'i'\v;'ya M:rix>siioiidiiis tn tl:e Hail w>i':i War I'oard In Ihe ! Hit d (Iraiid Trunk. Howard C Kellny. fanadian Northern, Sir Wm. Mao ki>nzie, .Atnorican Linos in Canada, Alfred .Smith. Uy their dire'-lion, a subsequent nu^ptlng was held in Montreal, on 2:;rd Oclolier. at which the i>rivato and government roads oijcratins in Report of Flesherton High School l''u!m 1 Ci'iiipositiuii L Buskin (i!). L W bite li."i, L Morton t)4, I Spr 111 (i3. H LoGard &2, ,1 Reid tJO, F S.ewart (Kl, G (,)iiiiin fiO. S Luul.iw o!), R Belfry ."iS, O Lockhnrt Oii, R Muir .>.">,- U Sbuiik 54, U McLeod ."i4, G Stiiisoii 54, S .McTavish .V-', V I.iever .">1, L Thompson .50, N Spencer 511, E Firii .â- )0, C Ouinii 40. G Lever 42, L^linâ€"L Buskin .S8, S Iim"ilow7 .S, N Spencer 7i>, G Stinsim 70, I Sproli 74, O Locklmrt 70, R Muir 04, F St wart 1);), K Belfry 138, Irwin :W. Form i S[)eiliiiu i K MoV.cai ;t4, K Boyd Oil. K Consl, y 02, W Taylor .S8, F White 88, M Graham | 84, .\ Muiiihy 8;!, W Heard 70, F; Williamsin 74, W Stewail 04, M Butler i 1)4, K Davis 01!, .las St;ewai t 4«, .\ White | 44, W Armstrong J;!, K McDonald 17,1 L .Vlkinson 17, R Cargo 14, .) Adams i.'i, T Irnin 7, A Irwin - 10. j French- K iVcVicar 02, W Taylor 80. j M Graham 77, Iv Boyd 72, E Coiialey 7'.', , K McDonald 07, .M Butlor 05, F While; 05, A White 02, F William.Mjn 0(>, a' BuJcr .'5, .\ Irwin 5.'!, W Ijesid 52, A Murphy 52, G Mitchell 41!, W Stew, r H7, E Daws .'l.'t, W Ar ns-trong 21, L'leiattir. â€" M Grahim 8". K M-iVicar 80, A Butlci 71, W Taylor 7"i, E Coisley 4 (i .Mitchell 04, F While •i2, K Carto 57, A Murphy 60. M Butler 54, K Bojd ,-;3, W Heard 5S, A White 48, J Adams Ci.T.'^f!, with the object of geinirin ypJlcr cnoperaiion not only betwei n f'nnada were reprpsennd, and an Ad t: -â- r,-i!sys tliom.-elvoa h.:t also 'so- ministrative Committee was formed, t,, â- : 'l: ' railways and the pnbllr. j,o„gJ3,i„„ „f. .â- ;•â- .• -'.i C,i:-,:-.Ji no I fer ti.i ror,i- ; y |,j tUllen, Grand Trunk. Chair- t'!i.-!;n with olhor <o;intrii>s .is to f : •_ .'(1 .ind einciency T"iib xvhUh oqiiipment, i'oodstuifs and I â- •• .. r ,â- : ! w;.j 1 BiV £â- ,;'. trr â- vf! b->€n moved to the from, it ;''lMd that a still more inton- c."orl miKhl help to sp^^ed up mjvcir.onts and no jirivate in- : h,-.3 bc<;n al' lo :sland In ,2y of public benefit, Il is ex- to-1 that ihrough heavier loadinc o.ara ollinlnatiou of unnecessary man , C. A. Iliyoa, Canadian GoTenimcnt Railways, D. B. llanna. Canadian Northern. K. D. lironner, Mlrhigan Central, l*". P. Backus, Toronto, Hamilton & lUitralo. .). H. Walsh, Quebec Central. Sir George Bury, Canadian Pacifio. A resolution lias been adopted by trtiin service, the co-operaliv« iwe of all th« railways in t.tanada that, real- all facilities, etc., to the host advau- Ihe national ne«<i of co-onlt- tage, tho country's needs may best be . natios all litdustrial activities toward servod. Much can t>« done to achieve ttie prosecution of th« war, and desir- Ihoso resulta throufih closer co-oper- 1 li»g further co-operation with ea<;h ation between th« pobllc and the rail- 'other to ronder thf> nuwt efflclent ihm- wcyR. I sible service to the national cause, do Very .'shortly after Qreat Britain j hereby a«r«e to establish for the became involved in th« war, the! period of the war an organiMliofl to BrUifib Gurernment sent for the j be known as the Canadian Railwa/, General Managers of all lh« railways | Aasoeiatl'on for .Naticnal Defene*, nnd rarvie arraoK«nient8 by which the , which shall kav« geaeral authority to railways would bs guaraolMMl IJm formulate IB (<«>tail, aad from tin* to same di"id«nds and a prober 4«|»recl' i UfXi. a policy of operation of alt or Hllon for the period of tho war as any of the railways, which poller tliey wor- before, asd advised the G'^neral Managers to form a council .imonKst themselves to conduct the r liways .is one; in oth«r words, to cl!"»inat:> competition and lievote the railways to iio'ely. wh«« It U annnuneed by such orsanl- satlon shall he accepted and mado •ffectlve hy the sevoral manacemeota of tho ladiridual railway compaDieti. Tho Canadian Railway .VssocialiuD essential Iranaportation I for National Oflfencfi dotermined lo ' open an afDre In Montreal at onoa^ Wh,!n the United StAtoa cauiB into land appointed a Secretary. tiM ?;''ent war, the executives of the i A C^ar Service Coinmlttre, conaistp vnriou!) railroads mot und .irranged ; ins of Ute rollowing, baa boeo nained: rni^iitst, themselves to form a com- 1 W. A. Ktassland. Canadian North- I'ittc',' to operatfl the railroads as one, ^ ern. D :'s In i»"t the full v,ilu« of ilieir' W. N, HIppey, Canadian G«vari»> iriirsportntinn faeillliea and ollmi tnnnl Railways. li('> .'omnrtition. The Canadian 'lov '. A. M. I.ocke. T., II, k B, Railway. nnr.i.-nt, h.xvin^ on severiil oooasioi's .1. K. Duval, Grand Trunk, oxiir-ascl n v.ish that there t.hnuM :)t' i A. Hatton. Can.idian Haciflc. ' c'.cacr coo-eraMon b!>twron lt!,> rsil- 1 'W. A. (Irimn, T. & N. O. Railway. V .lya of Canada an Exocutivo Com- Sub-commlitoes reporting to lh« i-.!itttv5 wa.s formed. con,^lstinK of the , .^.jir'lnlslr.Uivo Committeo, will bo i:r'sideut3 nf the fallowing roads: estnblished In each province, and Canadian Pacidc, Lord Sbaush- tliese 'will be added to from time td ueBsy, Ii.C,V.a Itlm*. .j.. . »