Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 27 Sep 1917, p. 5

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27 10! THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA MCAO OfWCC - TOROMTO FARMERS Advances to farmers are made â- â€¢T'B i«T« * special feature by this Bank. ,38 FLESHERTON BRANCH t CEO. MITCHELL. i4>iiaC«r, Gasoline C. P. R. Time Table. leave Flesherton Station A burse got frijjhtened at i threshing I outfit 00 the itretft Saturday and bolted ,g up» twenty f not ecnbackment opposi'e jO. W Phillips' rrt'jideno', slopping only Going North »t the otone fcoi-e. The owner. Mr. l-.Ot J{g<i Cnft, who was in the bueey. made 9.18p.m. ' osed at Fle.'therton r Train.s follows : Going South 7.53 a. m â-  'â-  â-  iT.iop. in. (i,y horse back down the way w. went up. The mails are osed at Fle.'therton cv . ..• , . , ,, E, ., Vu . in ..rv J «ud rothmg was daintged. tollowB : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and ' " 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at An auto load of vi-itors t) the 3.40 o'clocit. For morning train south CoUingwood fur while returning Thurs- maU close at 9 p. m. the previous ev'g. j^y ^i^^t suffered a coftiy m shap about livi miles east of Flesherton, wh<»n their car skidded on itome new gravel and turned two tx.imersitult'*, Undins; right side up with the engine ttill going. The winJ shield wks ci mplelely demolished, one wheel .smashed and the Ciwliator damaged. The hva Swiotoa Park VICINITY CHIPS Eugtnia Methodiata will hold tlietr konual f jwl eupper on Oct. 2t*. The proceeds from Mil. Will Stew tit's gentlemen abtsrJ were pretty roughly Red Cross tea amounted to %~. used and luoke<i like soldiers just aimed A numb«r of Fleshertoniana visited fr"'" the cisu»lty clearing station. The the Collingwood fair last week. Dr. and Mrs. Murray visited fiiend.s in Toronto, Himilcon and Bran'foid during the past week. Mr. J. A. Kernahan was gover.imert judge on corn at Ua.aiiUoa and Gait during the past week. j Burn â€" lo Toronto oi. Tuesday, -Sept. 11, to Ur. and Mrs. Richard Maddock, 124 Avenue Road, Toronto, a daughter. Mr. W. A. Armstrona has been in Uucle Sam's country oo business during the past week. Osprey fall fair will be held at Fever- sham on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week, Oct. 2 and i. The Ued Cross S'ciety will holJ a knitiiiw tea at the home «f Mrs.Uicklio:^ tn Friday, Sept 28, Everybody welcome A local medical practitioner spent two days in the l;arve»t held of a patient whom he had been obliged to send to the hospitikl. The Methodist anniversary services will be held the first Sunday in <)oi< ber. when Uev. .V. P. Stanley of Mir'Kdi'e will preach. Mr. and Mrs Ed Thompson and daughters, Mabel and Orice. who hive been boliJayirg here, retu'i ed w tke:r home in Toronto on iSiitu'Jay. The jMipulir •tmuseuiei.t nt w i^< shiHtiing ducks on the bi^ hvdr" p.r. I at Eugeniii. It is ruiii<ired ihat or.-- w.>s bally winged last week. Thirteen members of Piir.ce .\rtliiir LoJgp, .v. V. &. A. M.. motirod dowt: to Shelburne Fiidty e.cnma li.-t iiiid })»iil H fnitertial visit to their Sheiturre bretheren. A sow belong'Tg lo .Mr. Cl;atle« Stewart if ilie suburl s give lirlh Ia*t week tt a piit having; pi.:ht fi-ct. nnd ftur eai'3 on one h->ad. It was alivo wht iv b irn, but died shortly afterward. The tifiieth anniversaiy of Maxwell Piesbyteriau church will I'e eeIeLi:<ttd on Tuesdiy, October '•', when i i;i'od program ;ind supper will I'e {c viJi'd. See l>ills for ptrticulars. Mr. and Mrs. .Arcus Plewe.x. Markdalv. ;i lUi'Uiuo the eiigsgenient of t'^eir only diugliter, Mjibel VHU^liin, lo .^r. James S. Norcjuay of Coniii.«ton, Out , the iiiarringe lo t:kke place quietly on C'c''.r th« .Srd. Mr. Will Wa.ker of Eiieoii .v ».is obliged to go to the hospital thi.s suniniur just when his crop was rtady fi.'r taking off. For this wreat jeivice Mi. Walkei^ desires u.s to publicly express his .., gratiUide. â-  The Flesherton W. I will hold thtir regular monthly moetii.g on Wednesaav, Ootolios ;i, in the liiuh och.'ol st 2 W. Subjects â€" .A stranger within our g*'es, by Mrs. Joseph Clinton ; Are plan's injurious in sleep'ng or si.k ruuns ' by Mrs. llickliiii». Kveryb.)dy invited. The wether cLrk hxs handed out a special br»ud of very fine we»ther for the fall fairs during the pa-^t thruo weeks. gentleman driving the car did not tbiuk he was going very fast. The damaged car w*s brought to McT'»vi>hs gkr»«e Friday and has undergone repairs. The Local Tribunals The tuHowmg appoinlmeats have been mide to the Local Tribuuals in thd Co. of Grey, established under the provis- ions of the military service Act. In this list the member to be appomt-d by the Ci;un'y Judge is named, the other mem- ber will be appointed ly the Botrd of Selection tstablished by j jint resolatioo of the Senate and H>use of Commons H s Honor, Judge Sutherland, made th« â-  ppoiniQients. It wilt be note<) that Flesherton is ni t included at this list. Naturally it is inferred from ibis that there can be no .ippeals l.ere, and ih»t if there are :.ry kviilablds left they will not be inclined to advance any excuse for staying at home. The past record of t U village and surrjundmg district justities such a omiliiioii. EichTii- bjn»l is numbered »s follows : *;. t»7. !<il. y:>. '.»l. '.'2 ','.'; '.U s'l;. I'tt. -Rich-»rl W. Kuni.s, of .Kliti S.ii;':iu, of Dui;- ~ Cii irles I'ye of Wui. Geo. .\ Ulster, Markd.tlrt Maikdale Du'.iuAlk dalk. Thornbury CUiksburg. Feverili in. of Fever»li.»m. <>«eh !j"UQd -- Judiia C. T "5U heiUnd. of 0*cn Sound. t.i*eD S.juiid â€" Judge C. H Wid- didrld, of ('ireii S uiui Meafor' J hii Wesijy Horsley, of Meaf jru . Shill.'W late â€" Alfred Edgar t'orditigley , i>f ?<hal!vii» Lake. K.'c'»l>n-Ji3. Ei-.l.iiiN K R. 2. Ma:lid..U. liui!ia!ii All.e.-t Ar liur Citton, if L't'iliaiu Chataworthâ€" Heii:y Win. N, rton of 0hat8*i'r:h, Hiinuver -J,is. S;owiit Wilson, of Hu.OViT. .Aytois â€" Ku(,'trt Hjuiec Koituii , I f Ay on. Face badly burned was iht injury received by Mrs- E. A. Stephens, wife of the proprietor of the Stephens garage, Allistun. When callers ar'i nuiuercus at ' the garage Mrs Stephens attends to llie | gasoline pump to relieve her husband, | and it was when she was thus engaged i tb»t Palmer Ormsby drove up to have I tha tank of his car tilled. He put the i ho)!« into the tank and then lit a match i to see into the opening. Immediately I the gas arising from the open tank \ cau)«ht fire and Ormsby caught the hose ! and pulled it from his tank. la his i basie he threw it to one side and as it passed through the burning g-.<s the gasoliae on it caught tire and the blazing oil fell on Mrs. Sleohena' breast. She screamed and her hualMud, who w-is only a few yards distant, was beside her ia a second. He pulled her cap down over her face and with his hands beat out tne Mames which had ignited Mrs. Stephens' clothing. As soon as Mrs. Stephens was relieved Mr. Stephens, thinking the 6re might run up the hu'-e pipe to t6e pump, disconnected the pipe and immediately there was an exphisan that threw burning gasoline all over bis | overalls. These he slip[>ed off without i loss of time and beat out the Aames with \ a co-it which was near at baud. Mrs. Stephens was prettj badly burned on j one side of the face particularly. She is i now gettiug over the injury nicely Herald. /â-  Spirit of Sacrifice So far the tntiaoce of this country into fie war, there has been n<> striking \ evidence to show that the spiiit of sacri- fice is iMiimiting our people. Sacrifice ! there has uecesaarily been, distributed, ' as sacrifice always is, unei)Ually, and some of it h»s beeu inspired with the \ fervor that bhould animate all effort in a ^ great cause. But the threat of sricrifices i to be exacted has bruiuht forth too many ' murmurs and tumplaints. The luheient saldshness of human nature rises in resentment a,:d dread at the thought thit a schedule of living that has seemed : comfi-rtable or desireable or perh.ips only 1 tolerable mujt be 'abandoned, and a schedule Si mewhat less comfortable, desireable or toleiabie 'substituted. The pour t>en.oan the paring of their narrow > margin, and the rich ate aggrieved by ; the conscription of wealth Neither the poor uor the rich would be unwilling to | cjutiibiiti proportionately -as much i>s anyone else : they are afiaid ot is that they m«y be co i pelled t'l contribute ' pi'opurtioi..'itely moie than anyone else. I There is bound !.• be injustice M'liif- where ; no system "f s.-.j.igii iig the ; liurdeua of the war c^u be worked out | tint will Dot he iuci{'iit:ible in simie instJinci.'S. Tj those on whi'.n the haid- ship fills ni"st lieavily iiid to tlio-e wh,, are m">t .nipnhei.sive of further e\'»ci- kns there is one toluce.if they will but ac'« i j'ui their miuJ.'i to receive it. While ni*y otheis about theui are leudemig oily I {.art.alor i 'muted patn.'tic seivice.they ate giving more than their sluie. They »e!l feel ptoud ^o be doing more than I their put ill ene if : he very greatest (ciisis of World history, lithe spiril i^f 1 gtuulatioii ct ulu underlie the spirit if I .--acritice, how e»sy it would le lo i;ivc up 1 i luxur e.s ai.d fj euj^y frugality ! j I r % I : < '>i -I I f'' I n I P >^ Karstedts â€" The Busy Store New Fall Goods Just Arrived COATS -Top CoaU Show Straighter ^ How Abou. Your New Fall Hat Lines and New Crush Collars There is ample ftillnesa in the skirts of these Autumn coats but they Uaug down straight, instead ot flaring outward as in the seasoti just passed. â€" collars are wide and deep and when fastened cruah into soft folds aronnd the neck . The belt is an almoat universal teature . Wfc have different material in each one, and also in the favorite colors. The prices are right â€" come in and see thena before you buj. Material for a new Fatll Suit We I'ave what you want in Fall dress goods, we have an exceptional good value lu blue and black serge, Gabardine, Poplin and Broadcloth are the fabrics of lirst favor with Nas'v Blue. Balsam Green, -Nxadiera Brown, Burgundy and Black as the shades of modest choice. No trouble to show tlie goods Vou Ladies â€" when you set your new fall coat or suit you will \«ant a new Fall Hat and with- out a doubt we have some awtnlly pretty hats both for young and old.â€" it is a pleasure to show the hats, so come in and huy a new one for the Fall Fairs. They are all ou: for sale, â€" ^jast waiting for you tn buy. New Boots When you are getting all Used up for Fall we must not forget about your boots and we have something that will suit you and the prices are right. Come in and see our display of Fall goods right through, we have dandy all wool underwear both ladies mens and boys. â€" wool blankets, flannel- ette blankets in grey and white, and dandy piece wool sheeting by the yard,â€" tlannel. fl-iunelette. â€" having bought this stufl' in advance the prices are right. Trunks. Suit Cases, Club bags-ate you in need of any of these lines.â€" we hav? a good iisplay. -'~*^'^ â€" ... I. I. _ ,I.. J |..,« ,<-. - i - ll .11.,-! -.1 C^ R of SALT â€" \ car of salt to arrive in a few days F. G KARSTEDT FLESHERTON, ONTARIO. ivi e. MEDICAL! BOARD i^ ^r^ 7 ^ These Men Will Help You Decide Change of Time Caii.iil liu F.icitic Sunoay, Sept. oOth, time will .ake place \V. IJ. How lid. HjiUay Liteetive /.eiieril chauite of Cou.'ult iiijents or Diitf ct r.i^^ens'er Are you liable to be selected for service under the Military Service Acl '! The answer to this question is being made readily available for you. Remember that the Hrst class to be called includes only men between the ages of 20 and 34, both inclusive, who are unmarried or widowers with- out children, those married after July 6, 1917, being deemed single {or the purposes of the Act. Medical Boards are now being established throughout Canada.These Boards will examine, free of charge and obligation, all men who wish to be examined as to their physical fitness for mihtary service. They will tell you in a very short time whether your -A^eiit, Tiroiit'. Oat., for pailiculal'S. Memorial to Lieut. McGuire Do^.^ mis^ t^e Answer physical condition absolves you from the call or makes you liable for selection. It is important that you obtain this information as soon as possible. A certificate of unfitness from a Medical Board will secure for you freedom from responsibility under the Military Service Act from emy EL\en:p- tion Tribunal. A certificate of fitnesj will not prec!"de an appedi fot exemption on any ground. In order that you may be able to plan your future with certainty, visit a Medical Board as soon as possible and find out if you are liable to be selected. Your family and your employer ate interested as well eis yourself. Issued by The Military Service Coancit, 131 1 'riiiteviUe. J^i'i'C. 1'-' â€" Before a laiije i a.-i-eiiibly if cilizeii* t diiv, -ii II «.:u. ,*a nui«lier of the Dutferin O^J Boys of] Toionto presented to ihe town of (.>r- | angt-riilo a life ^i^e {•â- Â» ntin« ,)f I.ieut. j Harry Mc'^-uire, sou ef Mr. iinJ Mrs, I Blar.'-y McCiuire of the » Vangeville j B.uuer, .\.ir.on4 the Old U.'y.s were; John K., editor o: the Ti^ronto ' Telegram : John Jenkins, nnnuf.icturet ; \V A Porteous, Saskatoon ; E i W'hiley of WlKiley, K >yce A C" , Toronto ; Wni. FounlHtn of '• My Valet." T.iroiito, and Hen Fletcher of the Fletcher Mfsj. Co J ihn R. Rol> i.-'wn made the preaeiit-i- It' in and the poctrnt wa.s unvei'ed and a:c«i'ted on behalf oE the town by Mayor T.J Henderson. Col. .J..\\' Preston Flesheitoii postponed Us fair ihi* vear to a later date -he bad we»ther has, also »rd Captain A. K.ith. returned -o'dier. bren pos'poncd, but vre hoo.» there is no 'Cuumection lietweeii the two events. Time will tell. Mrs. Meldiutn, an old rettident of Artemesia township, patsed away at (he liome of her «on, Oeorue. Stone'* lino, on Tuecday, tiept. IS, »cod neatly 80 years. The dccoa^ci lady's husb>nd,the 4:ito Henry MeUhuiri, was oporatir at the atat'i'in here in the early days if tie (lid Nnnow Grtuge, anl later w;»^ po»t- iiiKKter at Kugenia for a nnnber of years Both Mr. and "Mrs. Moldium wer^ people of cterliiii^ ttor:h .in i b 'Ih pweod to their reward ai a v.ooi o'.d a^e. The interment took p'ac inJUojhcrtc n ojnif tcry en Thursday, Sept. 20, also .sp 'kc Lieut. Henry Bo»lton McGuire, whu was 2-4 years old, wa.s one of the br:ive C.-iti'tdiati (Ihcers thiit f'lced the tJerniaiis in t'^eir iias attack at St. Jiilien, nt Lansjemaik. 2:.?rd April, 1015. The CvH.d ans at that t'uie made the word* " Saved the Si'uiti. n " not on'y historic, 1 at i>aort'd. The paiu'.in.; w«s executed by ()W'.>!i A. 'Sisp!.>». did is a striking lik 'uess of tho binv l.i-utenan', vko WIS the fi"»t Orangevill* soK'ier to die fi>{htirg. U appens to us th.ic there is a hi of twaddle enmnatuii; f ri in the Food Coi.- trollors othoc thege days. ^Mr.le it is necessary t'l conserve food, the peop>le do ti't iieei' as yet to be told to si)UOcze soup bones t • tlie 1 i>t drop of m.iri'iw. The Chr.sttao liu»rdi;tn, speaking on this subjec', ijels back at the Controller ' in fine stjie with the following; pertinent i inquiry : ] "111 lliltilT I'iiiada wis'eJ m her distilleries in niauuf»ctufii<s4 whiskey W, 007,01'.' pounds of griiu, and she wisted the s.ine yeac in brcwioi; beer Tl,!tt0,04'.' poiii.ds of malt, or a total of lo'.V'.Mi;V0(i8 p'lunds of food, jjooa either for iiKiii or beast. And by one strike of hij pen the Food Controller co«ld stop t'lis w-»»ie. He liiji n>t done so. SVhy is it 'â- â€¢ \V,> h. pe we tio i;(>t ovtrliik »!r llinnt's answer to this ipiestion. China is itTeriii; to .send ;".('0,C(H) sildiers to Ftafc. The British defensive iiiet^ure.* s^ submniines are nuetiui with 8UC.-e«s HARDWARE â€" . ^, .•.<-• â€" Screen Doors & Windows Poultry Netting Paris Green Zenoleum Lice Powder Hammocks & Hooks Paints & Varnishes Churns & Dairy Pails Sprinkling Cans, etc., etc F.W. DUNCAN FitishcrtiV.! HarJ*ire. Carcfr. lUrler . ... Ki;','s. fr-.'sii W'heiit l.MtS ... I'eas Barley .... Buckwheat Con'ocuJ K.K'h W cell GpOYOJiRSigHT Public Notice 'I' ike ii.ilico that a".l persons are here- by forbid ien trespassing '.'n, m dumpioii any rubbish on, or takiinj, s»n I, gravel. t-aith IV o!hor ina'ter I'tt Park lot knuwn IS the Flesh'-r ,s:»iid pit. in Flesherton. Ooiit'i.iiiii.! aUoui two acres, is ill persons' ti'i'spasaiuit ir coniiiiittiiiij any wai'e ot \ teui'ivini; .»iiyihii"j; theiefroni. on .my' purt I'f the Klesher estate in and tiround Flesheitoa Villi'.f'>'. vi\V. be pros- ecuted accoldiim tn la'v. : i)K. T. s. !>intori.K, ' Ji:Iy ij E.xecu'.or for the F.^tut'? best kiiows its value. ;ia !us :iis sight Hundreds suffer loss of sight Timely lavi attep.ti'.in might prevented i:. E.xamination free. Satisfa:-;on guarante^vl . W. A.Armstrong:. The Sheep Strayed Strayid from the i loniises of the unUer-s^it' d ahou' ih- tiist < f Sejitember, one ewe and two Umlsâ€" dnrk f.aced ewe tand ewe Iambi. Finder pltaac oomniun- pnone T2. The Tritish Food Controller w^uts SHera\ million toha pf food from C.-itiada 1 k^io *''•> and the U. S. A. ' -H.\RRY FISHF.U, Fleshetlon P.O. Strayed i Y-<.:i ht .'.' on .!i" I'.'lh cm., Aite. I ni .-.â- '>, .< d trk lid steer I'liey-iar i.h'.wiili rather w de h -ins, !i»ir curly ab'Xit f;ij\'. .\iiy one giviuu nf'-sn stion en U ArtenieMi, pure hred'thit ivilllead to his Recovery will be lul', VM'.ey l\in<{. llraile ! "ui^"' ly fe"'"^';^- cow» $1.25, purebred $4.00. ' I July 17 I â€" ? vc H U. HoUey, Vapde'.ur -W, A. WFBER. I Miuidnle U.K. No. 4. Phoue 00 c 22 FOR SERVICE Lr '. 24. Shorthorn WHICH SCHOOL .V'i Business Colleges are n-t alike. I Choose carefu'ly . ^ _ELU!OTT Youge mid Clurle.' Streets, Toronto Is i.otod fi-r hiiih gride training lor business lift" f;reAt deni^ind for out i;(''aduatei>. Enter uor. Catrdo^ue fce«. NV. J, ELLIOTT, Pkincipai.. .^uftuAii.l,

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