Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Aug 1917, p. 1

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•^?. il /lesl)ertxrn TBUTH BEFOEE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLEB NOT MEN. VOI 37 No. 13 Flesherton, Ont., Thursday, Augrust lO 1917 W. H. THDBSTON ana PBOPBIB Dundalk Councillor R. B. Oldrield of Melnnc- thon had a nasty encounter with .» nud BOW whose young vna beini? inteifeied with one day last week. Mr. Oldlield waa knocked down ai.d was bitten Blii>htly on the leg and chest. Fortunate for him that his son, Harold, was within calliug distince. The animal whs driven oft" before serious daniai»e was douj. At ti o'clock Tuesday oveninj; tire was discovered on the roof of the dwellin!» occupied by John Bullivant on tie southwest side of the village. Before the tire lighting apparatus could Ui i-oi to the place the building, which was a small frame structure, was beyond saving. Some <J^ the contents wtie removed by neinhhors who wure first al the scene, but there was not much tim.' fgr this. The property was owned by Georue Dale and unfortunately there wis no insurance. Evidently the chimney cauuhl. on tire and the roof started from a sp vrk, A c&se of " didn't know it wa^ loadea" occurred in Dundalk Monday afternoon when Morris Goodman of Toronlo, a young lad of l.'i years, who is visitinx in town, got jiossession of a 2'J calibre ritie at W. H. Thompson'ii. .According to the nieddleiome nature of some boys, Goodman pulled the trigger to see wint would happen. He says he pulled it two or three times without respuiise till iinally a cartridge exploded and the ball entored the aim if little Lome McMaii- aman, the three year old son of .Mr. and Mrs. Felix McManaman. The bullet wtnt through the fleshy part ol the arm above the wrist. A number of oihtr bi.ys were close by alau and it is a fortu- oate thing the atlair did not prove more si'rious Herald. § Kimberley Budget Ceylon Chat Shelburne The residence of Jacob tjiik, .'5 sideroad of Melaucthon, was struck by lljihlniiig in the storm ou Wednesday of last week. The ligbtuiut^ came in on the telei>lione wires.setting tire and korning the cuitiin off one of the windows, but it was ex- tinguished without much damage being done, t >n Sunday evenini; a chitiiney i n the hou.-:e of George Lyons at Jesaopvil'e was struck and demolished. «-»ii Monday inoriiing about 8 ;tO o'clock Mr. .\lleu McKir.non of Orangoville w is cranking his ear m the garage when the machine back-tired, the crank striking Mr. MiKiiinon with tcrrihc force on the right wrist, the bones of which weie badly fractured. .Mr. .McKiniion .sulf red great pain and it was necessary to put him under an ai;.>lLetic to dress hi, injuries. Henry Harper. L'.P.R. detective, Imd Peter Henry, an 11 year old Indiuii l.i y, Iwfore Magistrate Falconer of Shelburne on .Monday on the charge of breakii 'j, into the C.P.R. station al Shelburne on the night of July 2Uih. The 1 oy admit ed the charge but stated that he "tood oulsiJe, while his oldir brother entered the station. The l)oy bad :!;! plugs of tobacco in his poHsession . .\fle' leavina Shelburno they broke into Melville Junction, .\lton :ina Eriu .<ta tione, but were not successful in geltn g very much money. Xi one of the other places they stole a caddy of tabacio and div'.dcd up the spoils. Both boys were arrested on the train between Cataract Junction and Allen. The eldir w:u» taken to Toronto to stand his trial. Magistrate Falconar sentenced the lny to two months in the Oraiigeville j.iil, i n condition that if the Inspector of Neglec- ted Children wishes to lake the boy ai d place him in a propir home the boy is to be handed over to him. The Lojs are said to belong to Owen Sound. -Free Press. Edward Mount ford of Camilla has an interesiiiiff keepsake in the foim of a small silver padlock, one side made of an English tour penny bit and the other of a United States half dime. Mr. Mount ford was given the padlock Wy his brother over twenty years ago. One cannot help wondering if the maker had soice prophetic instinct lh.>t enabled him to pierce the veil that bid the future and foresee the present union nf the two great Anglo-Saxon people*. It may not be amiss to add that the padlock is often used as a symbol of safety and security. It may be that the ueace and security of the world depended on an alliance of Great ltri>ain and the United States such as the present trend of events seems to promise.â€" (.)rangeville Banner. iLALDE KMEKSON .SMITH The au^•j cl of the aViove .iketch, whose death at ihf front was r.cHiiMy nntid, was birii at Ku<;on a Xi.v. •.':!, 1(^81. Me was ( Illy in Friiiice i»l,out two months when I.e fell a- Ridtfc, a.,.! is j evening last and delivereo buried at Petit Vimy on the sici e of | Viniy Rid'.re. Eiiimson was i S'ln of I Mr. and .Mrs. .^dain Smith of Kuu'i nia. ' Thr.-f yt-ars i.f hi-i life were i-pei,t in Eliiionton and annther three yoii.s with Mr. Miniiis ..f Markdale. He was ^i fine spec:iu-n ot young manhood- one of the many who are u'oing unt these d lys to K-ht for. liumaii bbeity. Like in my others he had seun a vision on iIim fii-ld of blood that opened his eves to the senuu'' p i.blo'ii* of life, and simio iniie ago wi.i I li s iiiotht^r as follsvrs : " I am iioi ju3l as good as I iiiiglil be, ijii I 111 â- ji'iiii' to try n'ly liaid to lead 4 b-iter li'e. Do not wony too much ab< ut 111--, because (iod will brii g me through »«f, ly if He fees fit." Il 1-. II Hondi-rful cousolalion for a mother to ruci'ive a letter like that. Language is helplevs when it atlempto to e.xpress its acknowledgement of the obligations we owe to tl.e iminorv of yiii'ig men like lbs wlm li.ive '.jiven their all fir IS Raspberry picking is tlio order of the day, and 1 here certainly is a boui.tiful crop this ye-4r. Oil Saturday inoriiiiig last ibiiut II o'clock we heard a noise like a gasolene engine ruiiuiiig iiiid was iiiial>le to Ircate it oiitil wt) hap|)iiieil to look up ;tiid saw an aeroplane gliding along in the dizzy huiivens. It tiew the va'ley and then turned and lieadi d towards Camp I'ordou. It was sure a magnitic ii siglii. Fred Smart jf Fljslierton was i caller in our burg one day last week. The Misses M lud and El ie P.e«es ire holi.l lying wi'li .Miss Flarity â-  f Owen Sound. \our correspondent joins with tiieir many friends here in wishing the newly married couple, Mr. and Mis. W i fred Pbiilll, a long and pro."perous voya^n ihr High life. Jas. II. Fawcett is visiting (his wick with friends in Thornbnry and I' .lliiin- wood. Mr. J. E. Ha.nuiimd occupied the pulpit in the Methodist church on Snnd.iy an I'Xoelleiit discourse. S.piiie Stuart visited .Mu;kdaIo friends during the past week. Ernest Proctor, one of our efficient masins, is working near Rorklyn at present. Thousands of Men Required For Harvesting In Western Canada Owen Sound Man Wins Victoria Cross t'.ipt. \V. .\. Bslmp, son of W. A. Hiship of t>wen Sound, â- iiid i member of the Royal Flyini; Corps, has been wward. ed llie \ iciori'i '.'ross, the most coveted of Biiiish war decoiatiiins. The oflicial il KCiiption of tlio deed which biought Capl. Bishop his Vietorii L'loss follows : " Cipt. His-ho^ fl w liisi to all enemy aii(iroine. Fiiniiiig no enemy iiiachii e abou', lie flew to aiiolli<r airdrome three miles distant and about 1'.' mi'cs inside the Oerman lines. Seven machines, some with their engines uinning, wi'ie on the giouiiil. He a tacked these from a litrighl of lifly l-e', kil.iiig one if the inechaiiic.<<. "One of the Machines ijot off the ground, but Capt. Hisho.) ai a height of sixty feet tired fifteen roui ds into it at close r*ngc and il clashed to the giuund. .\ second inai bine got < If the gioniid into which he fired thirty rouiidH at luO yards. It fell into a tree. Two more machines rose fiotn the airdiome, one of which he engaged at a height of lOUO reef, sending it crashing to the ground. He then empiieJ a whole drum of cart- ridges into the fouilb hostile machine and H'iw back to his station. " Four hostile scouts weie lnOD feet above him for a n>ile during his return jiiuriiey, butilicy would not attack, tjis inacbiiic was badly shot about by iiiacliine gun (ire frnin the ground." A farmer of Kidge'own was kil'ed by 11 swarm of bees When he entered the yard he was at'acked by them and so badly stui'g that he died b*fore a doctor ariived. During ihe thunderstorm Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ileyiiolds, whose houie is near Pike Lake, had a narrow isoape from injury or woreo by a thunder bolt. They hud just driv«n up to their gate when the . b>>lt struck a big elm tioe right alongside of t.ieiu spliiiler- it and welding some of ttie wires of ihe fence. Mrs. Reynolds felt the efl'ects of the shook for hilf a day afterwards. - Mt. Forest Rep. Thousands of iii.n are leipiired to help in Ihe great woik of harvesting t'i« western c<-op. .Arr.ingem -nls for iians- porling to ihe west this great army of workers have been c. iiipU-ted by Ihe I'anadi.iii Pacific railway. E.xcuisiona from puints in Ontario to Maiiitcba, Saskalchewaii and AHirrra will be run, and special trams opuiufed, inaliing the tiip in about ;!i; ho. as, « it li- mit change or traiuter. iJoing trip West, i^p.' to Winnipeg. K-tiirningtrip.a«t .«iLS lioin Winuipei; Consult C. P -R. agents legaidiiii; lliinsportation wc-r of \V ininpeg. < Joinn Diit '8 : August t.'lsl ind A.i;,'iist .iiiili All slatioiH in l»ii!ar'o west of Smith's Falls. u() to and including Toro.ilo mi Like Shore Line, and llavelock-lVlerhoro Line, also frmn stations between Iving- stoii and Renfrew -luiicuoii, inclusive, and from staiions on I'orontoSudbui y direct line !•' loin stations on Sm'i St,.. V'arie branch. Fr slaious .m m^m line, Heaucage to Franz, inckisive. From stations, Betliaiiy Jiinctiiii to Port .McNicoll and Burketon Bobcayeon. August 2;!rd and AiiKUst .'illlh Kron, .stations west and smith of Tornnio, up to and including Hamilton and W'liidsur, Ont., on Oa-oii Sound, Waikertmi, Toeswalcr, Wingham, Elors, Lislonul,, St Marys, Port Burwell and St Thomas branches, and staiions To loiiloand north to Bolton, inclusive. Further particulars from any C P R ticket agents, or W. B. Howard, Uis trict Passenger .\i;enl, Toronto. Eist Mountain Haying and berry picking are the t«o chief industries here. An aeroplane passed over here on Saturday, Elsie Martin has returned home aficr a foDiiiglii's visit with her sisters. Nettit and Cora, iit Owen Sound. A number attended a party at Andy Fawciitt's, Duncau, and report a very pleasant evening. Mrs. Thomas Lever and son, Harold, visited Mrs. C. Martin. Wo see Haiold is sporting a fine n^w buggy. Robert McMullen has purchased a new driver. We (dfer congratulations to Miss L'zzio Martin, who has taken as life partner Mr. -lohti Patterson of Stone's Line. .lames R. FallJH had a pedigreed shoi thorn cow valued at $400 killed by lightning on his farm near Chuichville during a recent tbunderstonu. Legislation which paued the Houee of Commooi wilt nmko ii, possible for Ontario and other prohibition provinces to bi;come "bono dry." .Miss M.i.\iv<i!, » ho has bi-en via ting lieraiiiii. Miss Iv ite B.xlor, has re'uincd to iit-r home ill Tor-mt i. tiraiit Wliittaker, Tiionto, pid a vVil to his paveiils beie l.,st «ei'l;. Mrs. l,i-(oir', Tonintu, iiiiiJ son, iie visitiii^ fier mother, .Mrs. Midiliuni Mr. Pedlii if Toronto i- al.':o \'i-i;iii.; at .\I'. McKhuiu'f. Mrs. J. W. Cushnia if Toron'o, Mv. C. .'{itchie and itaii^luer Elm-, i.nd Mirray Kiicliie o- Duiham, woie visiiurs a! U. t'ook's but wojk. .M's- \'elii, I K.iii Is left Sitiiri'iiy to visit Torono frieinl*. JiiiiiHs Ptttisnn .iiid v\ifi'-^pent iln- liist of the week at S*iiitmi P.nk. Mrs. I). Whit Inker rituriu! 1 fimii ,\\o week.s' visii wi;h friLiiils ii. T.omii and â- I' oiliiT pmn's. Mr. Rinds IS enjoying a tw. wti ks' bolnlay. M. < ' u >iir is leiie* iiii;. .Vrchie .M<1* i»ti-i-, u«-,ii S,niil, s holidHvillg with Ir.s wfe a'. Fr.-il Wiighl s. .Mrs. .lohn Wiiglr, Wiii.;haiii, is aLso a visitor at F. Wnylit's. Mr. and .\ln. Wild ami lilile dauuh- tei are 1 iMting their fiieiids, .Mr. aid M'-*. 1 'uin.nii-s. Mis. James Co lir.Miii aod two sons of are V s tois at IJ. (' illinson'-i. DR. BURX Sp.'lillai in Jlsiasis ol ih« Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat <>FF1CE-I3(t, Wisl,')w..n Souml _ At the Revere house, Markdale, 2nd Thursday each month from 8 to a 12a. m W,-iiiicsday (if eaib iiiunt h. Jewelry Fo.- S.rv.ce One pure ored Shorthorn Bull on |,,| .it), con, !». Aiteniesia. Terms fl.iKlf, r grades. Must be paid within n moni! s from (late .f servicr. 1 .Ian. 17. -R. It. TIRNKK Boar For Service I'm.- i.i.-l "i .1 l:..|iiii- 'i„,^ii I....... i,v Mflt K- farm, nrar ('â- â- vlin. "I'.-i.-.i - for all aii'iu>i~ â- ,-i\..<l. l-^""v. _.l f--. 1 ul.l.lNSuN ^I jo i Hoar for Service Till- uTiiiorsigiirtl 11 IS 1 I I.(.i., â- i'.ok.-lme |',..«r (m ..,.iv Rt- ..|i!.,i ll.c.n.' S, ' KpM.y. 'r>.r!iis 81..")'i. I'ltKl) sPuKKAUU. A Splendid Stock from -which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se lection. We cai- ry Photo Supplies. W. A Armstrong, Jeweler KLESHERTON. ONT A Tough Luck Tale When < ieorye K. .Inlnisloii. a «i'll ml man at 1,'iysler, ijcarllltawH, g<is lioin.-, Iiw will l.ave an experience lo ilii.iU about. This .:entlein»M is aiile in wi.te a"bi<pie kiid uet it u^islud, will up to five tiginus. but for .i lime the g.-ntleiiiaii at Shallow Lake, ivho luilil . iii', ihniiglit it was worth the papi-r it was o.. anil nn more. .Mr, .lolinston rinie to ihis distiici to buy citile, and bniinhi -.'I I , <,d from Ml. Wlijie, near Sh iliow Lake, f. r Sl,.'!(il! and g.ive a chi'pie on iliol nioii Bank, roreiilo. .^s soon as tlu' <lnik was sliipped Mr. White went '.. I ho rniiiii Ibiiik, ILpwmth, li fin. mit If till' cliii| 11' Willi any gnud. In aiisw i to tl.e tt'h-pboiH' :m'ss:ige to Tni. ut«, .ille aiis'.vi â- 'iiiiii nut kii '«p. Uo accoiiiil ' Tfl.*l wis ,1 iilo.v lllMrr the fifth nil, it oi k ilie liii-illi iiway, and Mr. wliiUi l;,limk hini^ril to iH't every cog m iliu loi-al ina li lui v inoviin;. Ho ciiisiiltril a hiwyi-r, i;ol mit a warrant, placed il in ll-.^li t '..ii.-t ili e W,ir<l s hiiiils, .Uiil 111 I- oipaiiy vnib I'lia ollii'ial, left on ihe- o clnuk li.-un. They loll ci'i lain tliatihiv ivoiii.l ..vci - take the fieiiilt. xlinii tlit-y linl il PaliiK-r>loo. \S hen W.iid lead ll .â-  wairaiit, the man was ready i o lieinl'i. . He bid iiistruclod ihr bank iiiaine.'i'i • i Crysler to imwuid liiiii a ottv r "t ( redit to Tormiio, of S-l.""", iiid apijau'UMy tUeliistiuclioiiN had not 'leeu -il tcndtd ;.. The iiiiiiiig<-r of the limk (ill iiiiill.iii. .' PaliiuMstmi, called up L'lVsler, mil h> statement was fully cjrr. bor.'ileil, bin the l.ittar oHIcial claiiiml he bud fm ward- ed the letter of credit. Al all ev nts it dill not i/t't there in t iiie to .stve llie in ii fio-ii liouble. The eoustable was (dil liid lobitni: ihe gcntUmin bitk to loxii, and the manager of the L iiioii here, ul.o kiiei"^' hiai will, as be whk foriiii-rly Incited at Ciysler, veiy soon adjiis'cd the whoiu inaiter, and .Mr â- IoIiii.-'I'.m rrtiiiiieil home Sa'uid'iy afleinomi miiIi a full bill of all the exj^eiise tc had been put to which some one will have l.i pav. Owen S )uiid Advertis-. r. ^fn is Ifi'i'i' at I.t^^t ,iii(i \vv arc L I ii'.nly with fviTviliiti^ tor Siuiiuiff ucai-. Kill- I 111' ; adifs we liiivc .'>[)()ft, I'aiiaiiia and I.ri;liiii-fi Hals .ml .st;it I'vtM'vlmilv f'niiii i ti) ^o viMfs (i|i|. iJr.iiii •ill \"()il('.s atiil .\laii|iiisett('s tor .^^tiniiurr i|i-('<st's. 8i. '.'iicr shoes of all kimis ami Everything sold at lowes irices. Just give us a Call and Exaojine our goods a \d. you will be surprised Kow cheep we sell. Highest Price Paid for Produce > W. L. WRIGHT < The Corner Store, Flesherton. COCKSHUTT FARIVI IIVIF»X-,Jfc:iVIENTS 'n \ FHOST. \^'C03 ^.1 Jl«^^:Si â- >v^ ,: â- â- >^::^'^''^»i?l; â-  'â- ' •>*... '*, Wlii.'revi.T agiicullinMl pursui'i.?' i\ro lulio.voil ornsiim Imim.kmknt'* iiio shijwnio :lie loadâ€" I'lepfiriiig tjic sued I't'd. sowing tlie grain, rciip- iiig llie liiii vest mid providing tlie slock Willi bilioi scaioe and 'he ib'inaiid foi faiiii iiiipltiiieiils ..ii which yon (•111 depend alisolulely I'm kmii n 1 Mri.i:Mi;Ni's and Servic-e will satisfy you. Let lis supplv ymir iei|iiiieiiii'iils if we ire i.ot ^ilinHily doing so. We sell tJoodyear and Uoniiiiioii Aiu.iiiiobile I'lres and Tubes. .Alsoâ€" .\ii'o Iteiiiirs aii.l .Aecessorn s. (4?».- D. McTAVISH, FLESHERTON. Pte. Win. F.ilkilighaiii ot Ouihnlli, Ik s been killed in ac'ion. Two barns on the iiilskiits of durliain- were '•esuoyed ly !iie. Cause u'iknown. The lecjiil hc.vy elec'iic alorni IiuiiikI a barn on lot Hi, con 'J, Noiuiaiiliy. An up to dale pi'.; and In ii house owned by .\, Mctjiltei', Kgieinont. was aim desfioyed. Two calves were killed at Hols ein. We hid the pleasure of sieiiiu the tiowing well on the property of Mrs. L. Uoi)6on one day reo.iilly. The well is drilled within a couple of feet of her residence, is !>•> feet deep and the ivaier comes out under suHicient pressure lo tirce it liver the house. 11. is good wa;er and iMisidus being used lor drinking and cooking purpocea is also useful for water- ing the garden and lawn. The ovciflow is turmd in'o the old well that was in umi before Ihin one watidrilled, and never freizos, even in tbo coldest wiather. â€" Durham Chroniule. Fof A Oooci Pair Of "^ RUNNING SHOES Tan, White or Black, Cool for Summer Wear. x\lso some Neat, Nobby Patent and White Pumps for the ladies, with and without strap. WHERE? j\ T Tho5. Clayton s FLESHERTON

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