Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 5 Jul 1917, p. 1

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• ,*... ..J ArJ. * '^^W ^ * â- ' w fk%[^txim %imxiU. ^" / â- y I TBUTH BEFORE FAVOR.' â€"" PBINCIPLEb ROT MEN." VOI 37 No. 5 Plesherton, Out., Tlmrsday, July o 1017 W. H THnRb'iUi. ana PHOpBIB ,'*i 'i ^ K â-  \ Y \f f; A DAY OF FUN AND FROLIC Dominioa Day was celebrated right bjally in Fleshtrton on Monday by a large ciowd of c.itizens'and visitors. The afternoon Sport.s were never more interesting. A baseball game be- tween Vandeleur and Kimoeiley was a big feature of Ceylon Chat Mrs. McKeown of VVionipes is visiiiDg hsi' sister. Mis. S. Rands. 51iss Mabel McMullen, Toronto, is holidaying with her parent.s. Mrs. Edward Sarge<iiu la /isiliog her son ill < >weD Suund . Mr. Clarence i>Iuir of I'ickeiing Bank the afternoo'i, the I '^ spei:dinu a fortnight with his parenu, d I score of a full inoiug game being 5-t5 | Mr. and Mrs. D^n Muir. NOTICE Eugenia Paragraphs Some pirlies hiving circulated h rfport tAat I taiupered with a Foid cir ill Maxwell, I beij to statu ih^it \)\t report u absolutely untrue and circulated by enemies of mine, as can lie ijroven ly Messrs. Charle? Kerton, Percy Li>n;jheHd and John Winters, who were with me -it the time the act was alleged to have bet u \. GRLMMEIT. m favor of Kimberley. Harmony prevailed throughout and nothing occurred to mar the pleasure of the a/tei-DooD. Winners in the list of events were as follows ; Boys' Shoe Race â€" Geo. Mitchell I.E. Sbuuk 2, N. Parker 3, G. Neely 4, Men's Baseballâ€" Kimberley 1, Van- deleur 2 . Ladies Baseball â€" Bock Mills 1, Flesherton 2. Orange Valley school won the dag for largest number in parade . Slow Baccâ€" Ed. Lonck.o 1. Best Decorated Autoâ€" Amanda McTavisb. Best Single Turnout â€" W. Swau- .ou 1 , Thomas Finley 2. Men's Hitching Race â€" 1 homa.<: Finley 1, Jim Hanisoii i, Rotss Beck a. Gentlemen's Road Race â€" Thomas Finley 1, Jim Stewart 2, Ross Beck 8. Boys' Saddle Raceâ€" W Teeter 1, W. Lever 2, Bobs Trimble .S. Best Lady|Driver â€" .Miss Abeicrora- fcie I, Mrs. Finley 2, Vandy Stuw- art 3. The concert at night attracted the largest crowd ever packed into the liigh school auditorium Jimui) Va\ i? still a great drawing card ami Miss Fax and Miss Pearl Newton both pleased the audience, who all felt they had received their money's worth. The proceeds of concert amounted to S18U and the gate produced •17«.75. Feversham Items Mr. aoU Mr<<. (jibsoii, Fraiik Uorton •11(1 Mi-is Ket% Itell of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. (jeo. Hunter of Collioicwood vititeU with Mr. Ira Perifio and wife>r the holiday. Dr. Ed Paul, wife and thriie children iif Torootu, Mr. Battc-rsby knd wife of Owen Sound, spetit the week egd with J.-hn I'iul. _ '. -Xdj'. James r'oole, wif» and two «'!iildreu 4if North Hay .ire visiting with the foiiuer'* brother, John I'oole. AJj', Poole conducted the -S. A. «eri''ces in FeyerNhiiui on Sunday ni|{ht. Mr. -Matthew <.'i>nton, wife »nJ bali.- of Collumwood. veiled wiih Iho foriiiei's pireiitti over the week end. Mr. And Mr?. Jaiiits .XinotC and Mi. J liii Jnhnson of Dundalk tperit Monday wild Ml. and Mrs. John Paul. SiHry to repoit that Mr. Jnhii Kai ting is very ill at present. Three autc loaJ.n of «ur youug people »peiit the holiday lit the ci»es on t e Kluo Mountain, wo$t wf C'ol!ing-.kood. '\'«\< ).uto loaU.s fi'MU ^Sirm.tU<tr>^ ^<pellt thu hi.lidiy in Colliim>vi^gti^ . W" OjjJrcy lown.ship's annusT >«iindMy 8'?li,.><>! couretriou was held in Fe?ci:-ham 911 Fii»l:iv last. Tlio liev. Mr. Fleteii. r Proviiiiid delegate wm the speaker ai^d gave very- iiiierestiiig discourses iit both tx'ssiou-f. The Fevorsh;ini .Melhidist choir t'urniNhed the uiusical part of lh« pniKLiniuie. Adjt. ->lc.\nimond and .\iijt. Pool« will conduct tha srvices in S, A. barracks •â- n !SuU(il»y iie.>it nuiiniiig •iml eveiinn. A Chance for Thoae Going West Holiii Keekers' Excnisiou.s to Western Caiiad'i lit li.Mv f^iren via CMiadmr Pucitic tach 'rue.«day unli. October W, inclusive. 1 P«iliculiir< Ironi anv Cuiadiaii P.«eitic j Anient or W. B, Ho*aixl, District Pas^'«n- j vei .Xgeiit, I'oronto, (.)ut. Ernest McMullea is visiting with his sister and brothers in Toronto. Mr. Richard Wattera of Thombury visited his brother, Hugh, on the Durham road, last week. Mr. H. Piper had a bee on Saturday s'lirgling the roof of his baru- Mr. McKeown of Toronto, wits a week end visitor at S Rands. Mis. Archie McMullen and daughters, Mabel and Marg*ret, and E. Whitcaker spent a day of the i ast week with Djrhaui fiiends. Mrs. Ferifuson of Oiargeville, left on Saturd.«y after ipending .1 week with her niece, Mrs. J.Gibsou. Mr. Sam 'Jhialatt, Toionto, apei.t the ; holiday wi'h his father and other frieuds here- Mrs. Andy Irwin aiid three 1 hitdreo of Heights. B- I.'., is K>n an cxiendeil vieit wit'i herpai,rnt<,.Mr. and -Mrs. J. .\daiuf. Mrs. Koyuen Gibson spent the holid.iy witti her husbouU in Tor in'. >. Mr- Riiu.».{e and wife, Dfomore. spent the week end with Sirs. R. V. Legate s>id daughter. Miss Klsie Cot^W, who has been visiting her frii-ii.;, Maud fleniphiM, for the pa<>t foiti.i);li . 1. lurntd to Fergus Saturday. Mr. Mild Mr«. Donald Stewart spent M iid'ty <K\:\, <> aiiKeville frienda. M «, .\. C. .McDonald 01 Mclnlyre, is viai'ii-^ licr [areiit^, Wi. and Mri«. Kiaiik Cairns, Miss E lni'M>.Leo<], Toronto, wa» a visitor with her mother liere. Sir. ami Mis. Embury of Toroi to, wereeillers at U. Cook's on Muudty. Mr. and Mr«. Frank Cairns have rttucneU from Uochet^ter. Heathcote Gossip Mr. Hogg's birn raiting held on Monday last wms -luiie successful, considering the di-s;tgreeable afternoon. Mrs- Siuart, aeeompunied by hrr daugh'er. Mis. Sewell. visited wiUi friends and relatives in Creeinore over the week end. Mrs. .\shley Fawi^e't of Puit Elgin visited friends ic this vlu ai'y during the pist week. We are so.-ry to report that Sarah Uurr'ty i>* ill. Wo hope for her s|)i edy re.:overy . Rev. hnd .MrtL Yuuiig ,'itteuQ«d the S'stf;)rd-Ci>rntield wedding at Kimberley Rev. Younu iithciated. Mies Mable Youn^ was the xuest of Mrs- (Rev ) Wallace of (.''larksburK. George Welliiiaii and wife of C'olli.nj- wj*k1 visited ovet the week end at the piren<al home here. Uis father his been i|uile ill- RoKert JameH .â- .|jeiit ihe jwiat week atteuding Syiio.l and vi-siting with relatives in London, Dili. We are pleised >o see Jlrs. Wni.MiIno here xgiin after an ili eu f>ir the past month in Turonto while vis-tin-j wilb her daughter, Jean. J. R. Hewsoii and wife, ac<.simpunied by John Vitkers and wifn, motored to Rrampttiii f.<r the week end. The Women's luntitute of He.-ichcnie held their monthly <neeiini{ ar ilif horre of Mrs..lerret. on Thursday 1 f week. A very pleaaant time is reported. Mr*. (Dr ) McKee anU .Mai-te.- .?ainen are visitinsr with fi tends in Toronto. A number from here took in the gtrdeii party held at l"n-oii on Wednesdiiy even- ing, which was < decided auccoss. Kimberley Budget Fred Stu-rt .if Hesliertun was a caller in our buri{ one day last week. Our twe leaeheis, Mr. McBrii'e and Miss Fhiri'y, left this week to spend the holidays at ilieir n-spective homes in Paisley audllweii .S<<und. Fr.uik Whitnioro or Toronto C4Uiiht some tine speckled btiauliesni the Reaver one day recently. tieoii^e Unlchin.soii Hull » liaiidsouie ce<ueiii walk last week from Main street to his tetiiilence. Flunk L)a»i« of VauleKur vixited fr.ends here Fridiy Ust. Mi-s Viilct Ferine. >ii will take eharvc "f S uiris vrieeiy ill plnop Miss .Abel iToinbie, who \\ tidiiUK a mouth holidays J. K. Frtwoeti is visiting this week i»ith his Si'U, J. il.. at C â- Hi n.! .rood. .Miss El vie U shop, »lio has been I'ten iliii; Toronto uiiivei.sity. is lioliday- inu at. the tKirental home. Miss Aliiri Oaiinck of r..r,,iito is rc:iewiii.' Hi-(|iuiiilaiioe!» hm-i-. ' hir biisebai team jomii-'yed to Vandeleur on Friil ly ufteruoOii* and played a Hi.\ iniiiiii;» gsiiio with a Ic'iin from tluit pail, resulting in a win for our boyj .- score":-:.. Harold Ell s „i U.vk'yn 1 P'*'*'""- ^^'''â- '^ ' "ii;)ts her Kletuenrarv umpiiwltUegame. i'la'io l-.xamiiiatio.i at thi'-"Toronlo I ('.Misoivatoiy ot M-isie Ufi week. (Juit. ,1 ininiUra.ieiKled the Methodist j con-ratnlations arc due boih teacher Sundiiysclwfil picnio ut Heivjill's trove I and piiniL-'. on Tue.sday afterno 111 li-st and lep irt a j ,. ., Pithy Proton Pointers Public school closed for sumtnet vacation. The teacher. Mis.s Wright, has gone to litr home in Klesherton for the holidavs. Master Fred MathewMon is visitiuR with hi-s cousin. Jackie Wright. Miss 'JriiBili of tiie .Sank is the guest of her sister, -Mrs. II. Rpcker. On .Sunday next. Jit!y S. at, 2.80 p.m.. Rev. Mr P>lack«ellvvill prencii to the rroloii Statuui siid Inistioge lodges ill the grove near the »,>rangt' llall here. If the woa'.lier is mil'av liable service will take place in the lodge loom. All are welcome. -MirJ^ Mildred UiDuio i, liolidnying ill Toronto. Mi<!ses Millie iiiul Gertie Lyon« atid IdaStiiison, Turonto, spent the lioH- day at their home h?r(\ -Mf. and -Mr*. Runciin-iu, l>uiham, visited at N Mct'aiuicl s- Littte .Marion V^Triglit.pnpil of Miss Mildiftd Biiiiiie, wai? siiecesHfiil in \mong the viaitDrs in our village fur the holidiy are : Mrs. Joe Williams and two children of Toion'o with fiiends here : Mr. Wes. Cooey. Mr. and Mis. Bert Graham, Miss Millie McMull. nand Mrs. .fenkina, motored from Toronto in Wes s new McLauiililun car : .Mr. Juke Williams of 'lorouto with frimda and relativrs ; Mr. R >bt. Purvig at his home, accouipanletl by Ilia briitker. Will; Mr- Jones and son of Toronto ; T- Speuce and .Mr. Tomes of Toronto ; Mirs L'llu GoiJim of Markdule at her horn- : -M"-. and Mrs. ti dfrey of Mi-afi-rd at Mr. L. Lttime:'s : Mr ind Mrs- Edgar .Iohos<in, Mr. Culleus, Mrs. Kelly ^ind little d.<u<:h- er of Toronto •♦t *lr. and Mrs- A.l-ni â- Smith's : »iid Mr. and Mis. .1. Stuart And family if Kimberley at Mr. Hugh H.'tmni"Md'K. ^Most of the younij folk attended Ihe celebration in Flesh rton on Mond.iy 'it d report a i;. oj tinif. Mr. YA. Grab 111., Mr. W,.ll H >h.p, Mr. and Mrs. John ('.nuubell and iwo chilUieo and Miss MiHie Cainijliell iiioiui. cd to Owcii SjU'.d to visit ihe Utrr s father. Uobt. CauipSrll, who is in the hospital there. Ml. Robt. Williaiiiv, who has been in Toronto for some time under the docto, 's care, has returned home. The inenioiitl service whie!i was to lie held next Sund.ty in niemory ol I'livate Emerson Smith li^is been wi lulrawn until further partiLU ais are received by hi^ piireuls. Our b.ise ball girls played bll win Rock Mills at Rock Mills 'jtrdcn party last week, winch turned up favoia'ile to Itoci: MilU. We understand that '.wu more of our Eugenia b 'Vs, who h«ve b.-en in Tou-nto for simie time, have joiued the colors - Mr. Will Williams for oveiseas service and Mr. George V>illiains for home defence. Both are sona of Mr. and Mrs. Jo» Williams. Deputy Reeve ^Ir. Alex (.'anieion an ended Ihe County Council in <l«eii S uuid list wot-'k . Mr. and Mrs. \. Twohy and two 'lil- drei. spriil the week end with frienus it Durham and Markdale. Maafer Wiified MoM'isrer and sster, Pearl, attended the weddina ol their cousin. Miss McMaster. at Wareham Misses L^ttimer and I li r have closid their sidnole fur the snininer hoi days. Mr. Walker Sloan iiid Mr Piinuley of Mt. .\lbi';t wore the quests of ihe Muosliaw Houjie t'le past week. The W.M.S. .piilting that was to be .i- Mrs fur* is's has been postponed fiom Thursd.ty to Fr diy of 'Ins week, July !â-  Power House and Vicinity good ti'uc. .\nioog the young |,i ly schi.>olteacber8 who aro holidaying at tlieir parenial h.nie.s are iho folloviui! . Nellie llurrilt i.f Diiiid.ilk, Miss Ab.rcroinbie of WndeinHiso. .Mi<8 I'lewes if Sli'^jo, and Miss Knioi Bui rill of X'aiideleur. Wonder if thei'; is lonu); to bo any Picl«ptt aiul c'lildion, BoUon, visited iho finner'a paients, -Mr and Mi.^. W. Parks. Visit, 11^ -.vuh -Mr*. R. Neilson niv : Mr. and Mi~. t)t)'(„,J. Stratford ; Miss Riggar. Owtii Sound ; .Miss Rvers, Detroit. The bazaar hold under tlio Attractiv* Dining Car S«rvic« an.5- r lad woik dine oil the utreet belt I picPS ot' the lied C?ross bociotv last t OS summer i Some p irt of 11 is in a | Satiudav aflprnoon and dep'orable coiid t'oo. cvfinng was a decided sucjess. Mauy and beau- tiful well! tiic articles d.uiated and sold by the pniliusia.-slic ladies of tlio society, a number of whicli were.tiags A Csiiadiaii EV lie Railaav ticket does I "f various iiatidns, liphnets, buyonets. not repiesoutnieiely uu eaiisof cranspor- *"J swords picked up on various Kuroptau Point* to Conaider When I Purchaiing a Railway Ticket I ProlNkbly uuthing helps more to make a railway (••urney really enjoyable than a visit to the "Dining Car,'' especially if it i.e a Caipidian Pacific Dining Car, where thp piMseotjer is a»8Uied of the highest ! taliun b-.-tween niveo ptunts. It in «orm of eltioiency in the culinary art, 1 gadition,provide» the tr.»veller with every the choicest proviMona that the market comfort and couvenieneo dcvcl.ipnd by affirds pieparedim the scientilie principle modern lailway. science- "Safjiy First." I v,i,«o â- .»f^.. ;i l..,l l.^„. „.^..«,,i .1 I ', r -r, ' . Icnovn as "Dietetic Blending." with up 1.. date e.,uiiu„,.nt, ,.P'f **.'*".' ''*^ ^^" S'0"nod. the , ,Heuds, motored up from Toronto on Yonr favorite dish, as you like it, may ' dining setvlte, palatial »!»epii)c carj-, in a 1 °'f? telODgliig to the regiment, of j Sai^rday .iftern on and visited frien â-  be anjoywl at rwasinable cost, amidst ideal I word, â-ºverylhinu that a railway can Winch the Kaisers ilanghter is battlefields, a Germau Soldier's bl^od-be.spntiercd cap, two rosaries fouud in the cathedral at 111-- .(aniiesou of Durham was a visitor a' the h >iiie • f .Mr. and -Mis. F- We'ur. Mr- Rd.t. Ctinpbell has been reniovi.' i't the Gtoeial Hospifd, Owen SoumI Wj hope Mr. Caiiipb-ll ie:urii» hone uiucli unproved in health. .\iiss Floreiice lUdgeioiv las vcluri:, .1 to her hooo) at t'o t'aw . Mr. Walt?r_Thompson spent :i coui.U- of days iu Owen S nnd, Mr. and Mis.W alter l-eitch -f 'I't' if' . "Sirs. K. .\. G.ah«Hi.tid .Mr. Geo.Grnhaiii of Engenri. visited a lisy <vith Mr. and .Mrs. F. Giikhain. Mr. T. D. BiTry » is in Oraiigevil e md Uuili.ini leoi nlly. j Mr. Joe Web*r i f HiMtheire spuiit a , diy with his broiher, llciiry, iu this , iioigh hot hood. I .Mrs. Adjin lllslop and .<on, Jick '' visited a diy with .Mis. Jon Wnker at , Kimberley. j I Mr. .nil Mr. Do'i Carlos .ind fiuiiJy, i and Mis B«rry,.sr., and son, of Toronto, and Mis-s Baiy of St. Louis, Mo.. I'. S., I motored lioin Toronto and are the gueats of Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Berry. Mr. anlMrs. K. r.rily. IDh line Euphrasi.i, Miss Mamie Weber of Hill's store. Markdale, Mr. ».i\>X Mrs. Dickie and .Mr. and .Mis. Tojibs of Tonmto, , were the guests of Mr. and Mr«. John ! Weber. I Wes. Cooey, •ccomiani'^d by Rome 1 Jewelry r>R. BURT Sp'Uliti in dli â- â€¢.â- â-  of Ihe Eye, Ear.Nose andThroatj < iFFICE-130 lOth St. We8t,0wen Sound I At the Revere Markdale. 2nd Thnrsdiiy each month from 8 to a 12:4 m Duo.lHlk.l-: WMiiiiesday of eachnionth. A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se lection. We cai- ry Photo Supplies. W. A Armstrong, Jeweler KLESHERTON, S- ONT I am in the market to buy any quantity of Wool. Highest Prices, either Cash or Trade. •1 -^1 W. L. WRIGHT The Corner Store, Flesherton, < ^ r COCKSHUTT "t Wherever agricultural pursuit.* are t'oiio^ed Cocksbitt* are showing Uie leadâ€" ri-epaiing t.iie sood bed. sjwiiic,' iho griiu, reap- ii!{i the harvest and providing iho stock. W ith Ul'iu- scaico and -he cUiinnfl for f;iii.i iiii|.K nierts .'ii which yon .'11 ilot>.-n.| .I'lsolulely- Cm ksHi it 1mpi.i:<iknts md Service will satisfy you- l.rt -ii sup|ilv your ic';uiiPiih'iu s f w.. .oe ...t alividy doing s >. W,> «,.|1 (loodyear and lloinin;..,! .\it in .Inl.' V'tes \\\\ Tubes. -\!si â€" Ao'.. Hrii ills .iii.f Aii-esf o::is. 4^. D. McTAVISH, FLESHLRTON. if ^ friurrouodin,;*, while tr-»velling on iKt pro\ide for the comfortable transportation Causdi^n Pacihc. if its passengers, including courtesy . colonel. Nearly $60 for pi»lriotic purposes. was teali^sed 1 iu ill's ticini'y overtho we^k eml, relnrn- icg i) TvMnMtu on Moodiy evening. g \•\^v .\ C"i<,>t-»il l\ur ( M' RUNNING SHOES Tan, White or Black, Cool for Summer Wear. Also some Neat, Nobby Patent and White Pumps for the ladies, with and without strap. WHERE? A. T Tho:>. Clayton^s g FLESHERTON

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