Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 31 May 1917, p. 5

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May 31 I9i; h FLESHEKTON ADVANCE i / m- ^ â- Â»^, k » 1 i t â- A' TH E STANDARD DANK or CANADA HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO *' This Bank offers every facility in the conduct of accounts, of manu- facturers, farmers and merchants. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT at every Branch. 235 FLESHERTON BRANCH GEO. MITCHELL, .Manager. EST'D 1S73 C. p. R. Time Table. follows : Going South Going North 7.o3 a. III. 12.01 u.iii. 4.27 p.m. !).18p. m. Tho mails »ro oKeil at Flesherton as •fjUows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3,40 o'cloclc. For mornini; train south mail close at p. m. the [nevious ev'g. r^ VICINJT Y CHIPS Mr Johnston Little, of Owen Sound, visited his son, Dr. Little, on the 24th At the Red Cross tea on May 22 at Miss M. Hichardsous il.e receipts were |8 Oil. Bom -At Winnipeg, on the 21st of May, lillT, to Mr. and Mrs, F. H. L'hislHtt, a bun. Born- At Lions Head, on .Saturday, May 20, to Mr. and Mra. U. Shaw, a son The Mission Baud of the Methodist church are holdiui; a pie and cake sale on Saturday of Itiis week in the Blorn lieside the barber shop. The ladies of the W. M.S.ure aake4 to supply the pastry. f The Women's Institute of Ma.xwell Messrs. Joe and Fred Armstron;;, uf ' will jjive a big Red Cro.«s concert ou the evening of Wednesday, June 0, for which a splendid program is being pre- pared, to include war pictures. Admission 30 c. and 20 c. See hand bills for particulars. An Old Prophesy i The IvAisKU ia the man who siaried the war, Skkvi.\ isi the countiy where the wai was .started. Tlicre are six ((>) letters in lach of tlieso words, and if writtiu together and divided ^n halves these two halves will also spell "" and "Skhvi.v " KAl I SKR SKK I VIA 'The ijreatest man in France is JoKhiiK, â- .'ouiiiiander of llio Fkk.niii. Apply the same ru'e as above and we have, .lOF I FRE FUK 1 NUH Germat.y claims to lie the must cultiva- ted nation in tho world and this super culture is termed "KcLTiit." TriiKEV has the least "kultur.' this same rulo and we have. < esi/i^iSiSi' y.^A^r^.^T'^ Apply KUL I TIR TIR KEY '±%>.:t.^^-y^,,^^:>t^^yiffliytfgaSOT FLESHERTON'S^BUSY STORE M i/lin ery. M illin ery. / ^^^*/â- 'V^r'^rt 'N**^'^*/ 'v-v^\*^ ' Men! Stop and Look. Wo have something cheap in BOOTS lor ymi Miiieskiii boots with leathei- solo at 82.50 •"^omotliiii" that will "ivo satisfaction Men Uri.s Calf, wliale boots Como 111 you money on these lines. Men's -wc can 3a Yt If the word Ivai.ser i-> written with each j^'' letter followed by the number of its place ! J'^ in thi Alphabet, and after these numbers [ I^J;< is placed the signiticant number si.\ (ti,) *' wo have, K A- I S- ll-(i l-(i i'j-() Toronto, spent the 24th in town. Mr. Uoy McAuiey of Toronto, spent the 24th with his mother here. Mr. Tom Wardrobe of Toronto, ib spending a week with friends heie. The Advance had a short call on Monday from Mr. Walker Sloan, of Mt. Albert. I It makes us shudder to write this item, I but necessity knows no law. When the citizens awakened on May 24 they found . the ground covered with three or four Mrs. Fred Sinclair and chlldren,__jif jpchea of snow. Garden parties and C\.llingwood, are visitinK 1 er [inrcnis, | tishtng excursions whig not popular with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sharp. } their devotees that day. As a holiday it Miss Buckley of Toronto, who was '' reminded one of Christmas rather than milliner with F. G. Karstodt last season, . *''»' '"^ "*8- visited fiiendsbere over the 24th. Mr. Thomas Wickens, an old pioneer children of ot Kiraberley, was the guest recently of his daughters, Mrs. Archy McLean and Mr.<i. Andrew Wickens. The old gentle- man will be 9^ years of air« on June l^S Owinst to illnes* of the pastor, Mr. .^„j ^jj„ ^.^^^.^ ^^ ftraight as a soldier. Woods of Corbetton occupied the ^^^^ ^^.j,,,^^^, |,^. ,,,,^1 .^„ i„„g^^ „,,ig,, |,y Methodist pulpit on Sunday, '"orniog L ^^y^ „„^ ,1,^ ^,.j,j ,g,.j„„g si^ljnpgg 1,^ i,^^ and evening. j gutfered in his long life. Mrs. Thurston is in Toronto this week attending a Women's Missionary conven- ; lion. MiS9 Irene Eales and Mrs Dud)^e<>n' . . Id era nee. I ho news was given oil here aie also attending the convention. l-..ur ^ 1 11 " jJU't before going to press and we did The Methodist Sunday School present- j not have time to verify it, as his mother ed a parasol to Miss Irene Wilson, who | is living in Toronto. We are pleased to Mis. Simmons and Hornings Mills, are guests of her parenis, Mr. and Mrs. R. B>^st. Mr. the It was ruino:ed here last week that V. McKinnon hid been killed in action is training as a nurse in Dwen Sound bospitiil, as an appreciation of her work in tho schoiil. We iir.tice the cattld by-law existing here is disobeyed sys'eni.itically by Mime of our citizens. What about it' Has the war condit'ons caused the law u be held in obeyance ? Pte. W.Radley, son of Mr.Jas.Radlcy state that the rumour was without foundation, at least a phono meseagu from his mother informs us that .she has had no iiifi,rnmtion of any ciBualty. Thursday last, May 24, was not a healthy day for garden parties or ti-her- iiien. There was ton naich snow on the ground. .As a consi'i|Uonce tho gaideii party billed for Eugenia on that day, I'oUingwood gravel, and I'te. D. G. Tom- under tho auspices of the Methodist 'kins, of Smghaniptoii, are reported among â- . church, was pwstponed until Monday of next week, June 4, when it hoped old Sol's influence will work for a more the wounded. The former belonged to the 147th Battalion. Mr. Win. Litttle, of Owen Sound, is visitinK relatives in this section for a couple of weeks. Mr. Litile is 8.^) years of age but hale and hearty. Ho is » brother of Mrs. Ekin.s and Mrs. John Breeu. Dog Lostâ€" Young hound lost Tuesday, May 8, la«t seen at Hargraves hill, Collingwood gravel. Small round brown spot over each eye. black head, lower jaw Ian, upper half black, lower half motiled black and white, tip of tail brown, rest black, Riward at thii oltioe. The Methodist people have purchased the late Ur. Carter's residence on Peter street as a parsonage The property is most suitable for such a purpofo The old premises will be sold by tender. S e advertisement in this issue. The thought he would like to buy a type setting machine ah an outlay of three thousand doUars.lbut tinally coinpronised a car costing ?4".'B. Such is life with publishers nowadays necessary in very many ways. Mis. G.H. Greer, of London, will address tho Women's Institute ou Thuis- satisfactory temperature and a successfuj entertainment. Gnr. Charles McMullen, whom we reported last week as having been killed in France, was the second Son of Magis- trate James McMullen. He belonged to the 30th Battery, C V.\., and had been in France for a year. Ho leaves a wife and litile daughter a year and a half old, I residing in Toronto, wiiere he enlisted, I A memorial service will be held in the Presbyterian church on Sunday afternoon next. June 15. E- 5-') R-18 6 006â€" The Kaiser's Number. Also note that when the K^iaer star'.ed the war he was ri.'i years and ti months old, iJtiO months, wliicli again fixes the Kaiser's number. Having established this fact, you will be interesttd in reading from tho IJilh chapter of Revelation, the 4tli, 5th, aud 18lh verses. Boys', Women's, k Cl;ildicu',-i Running Shoes ! lust the thing lor the summei- luonllis Prices Right! Ladies' Voile Waists. A now arrival of Ladies' White Voile Waistt Prices ruuning from J51 .25 to .S:i.OI) No« tiiese are a snap. Carpet Squares. How about a new RUG for ycm- home Wi got a new supply of EngH in " AH sues and cobi-sâ€" green and fawn Really, tiie dosigu.'- ure lovely Prices are right . WE WANT Produce, Butter & Eggs Bring us your PRODUCI': We pay th Highest Prices for BUTTER & EGG"s Wc arc putting oa our New Spring Millinery on sale So come in and buy your summer Hat thiswock Everything will be sold at a reduction JJoii t lâ- nr^el to come in. Stoves. Stoves. Those wiio are looking for a new Stove come in and liavo a look at ours We have two of the iinest St jves madeâ€" The Happy Thought made by Win. Buck, and The Banquet mado by Dolierty. Corn. Corn. Seed Corn, Croinpton's Karly, Noilli i)al;ota, Wisconsin . Dishes. Dislies. Dinner sets 1 We liavo .some pretty dinner sets on hand, so it yon are needing a set, como in and see our.^ ; aud we also have other pretty things in Dishes. Cement. Cement. .lust unloaded a car of Cement, write for prices Phone or F. G. KARSTEDT FLESHERTON, ONTARIO. y, FOR SERVICE -W. A. WEBEU. (4) ".\i.d they worshiped the dragon Lot 24, con. 14, Aitemesia, pure bred which gave p(jwur unl<i the beast, and Shortiicrn bull. Valley King. tirade tho bosst saying. Who ic like unto the oows $1.25, purebred $4.00. 1 July 17 betutt, who IS able to make war with him I" (.")) "And thera was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasptie. inies and povter was given unto him to' The undersigned has a thorough.irod continue f(pr'.y and two months. " | Yorkshire Buar for service on lot 11, con. Boar for Service 8, ( )sprey. Terms 81.">0. KKEU SPOFFARD. Shelb (18) "Here is wisdom. Let hiiu that hath understanding, count the uumW- of the beast, for it is the number of a< man, and his number is .six hundred, three -score and six "-(lOG. T.I) forty and two inontlis referied to, in vctse 5 ei|U.ils lliree and a half years 1 and if the proiihecy comes true the • Kaiser's linal fall is aue in FMbrnary n«xt ! '"'1'"''"= ' f'" " "'"'' '^''=^>' '"^'y''^'* '" ''" as the war will then lasted three ''"''"'"'"'â- '"" "â- '-â- ''"^'' ^"""^"y f''"'"'""'"- Slid a half years. urne The first invelers of t!ie air from tl.e tfoiuing grounds at Camp Borlen to vi^it Shelburne atiracteii the alteiition i/f tho Erected Barn in 13 Days List fall Mr. .James Petty of Nornianby had his barn destroyeil by lire at the time There weie two leroplanes, with <me man III each, iiid the wliolo population "f the Liiwn was outsiuo in sh<iit order "having a look. " The planes circled around for a few minutes and then made a landing west of town near the 4th line of Mt laiie- thoii, where I bey were soon surroundeil ho was threshing. This, wo said then, j |,y aight.seeis, the crowd being inateiiHlly was the second barn destroyed ou the 'jj-jg^ j^ by the scholars from thu school. Bime .spot, and in the .same way. To L[,o were released for the ocoailon and budd a iMi-n nowadays cost a lot of money. Ltood not upon tho order of iheir going During the season Mr. Petty decided to i,ut ,v„„, at~„„eg. Xhe aviitors only have it replaced by a steel structure, and Ltuiaineri a short time and ihen mado foi we have just learned that the work is ttio higher regicms of the air again and finished. j back to Camp Borden. Now that the ice Tho steel frame- work and inaterial 'has been broken, so to speak, we will were brought hero a few weeks aao. "I'he 'lively i,ave a-rial visitors from the C.imp at different times. Dne <if the aviators i cousin ol high school 41 I II It- â-  ^ SUFnCIENI â-  ^^ To Take You ^ DOMhesamHouf lesanHourorNoke new .structure is 42 feet wide and 74 feet long, with 'J-foot posts and hip roof. Five expert workmen from the factory assembled the structure ana completed tho job in thirteen days. â€" Chronicle. Maple syrup 1ms reached an exception- ally high price this year, says the Midland Argns, and has who visited us Monday is Miss Groveiilock, of tho teaching staff. (Jeorge Uest, of Whitfield, $2,IH)0 for sevuntoen head of only gill cat! to he (Jeorgt An Unqualified Denial I hereby absolutely deny a report that seems to have become public propeity, \ix. "th»t Rev. A. McVicar, Flesherton, editor of the Meaford Express staled from bis pulpit in Proton that a minister from eur own home town had got into bad habits and wa) smoking and drinking with tho rest of the boys. " No word has been spoken by lue publicly or Coniproinises are ' privately, dirtc ly or indirectly reflecting in any way on the life or character of Corporal Kerr, a former minister of the Baptist church in Flesherton. Had the person or persons forwaiding Flesherton. Mrs. Greer's several years the slander to England consulted me and of Institute work have proved her to lie a ''eeii u, ally bent upon the preservation most acceptable delegate. Everybody ; of my cluracter as that of their former ,-elcoin^.-MrR. E. Wickens, Seo.-Treas. | "'""-t"-' ^his publicity might surely havo been avoided. Tl>a 248ih Battalion left Owen Sound â- , , n .i uie-iciMuau» Furthermore I cliallenge the person or on Friday last per C. P. R. for eastern , . • , . i • t i on B riaay lasL pe v. [person's who gave birtb to this foul, ' seemingly malicious slander, aul whose I names is yoL havo not bten disclosed, to â-  ^ive proof of their mischievous declara- iialea to om laroweu <"< '"" ""j" ii> ••• | ., . . , „ i, _,.„ V , , 1 II ,1 ,o„h ii'in- Already one petsou who was l\is countv who go t<i uphold tho gieat ' , , . i u "' "^ * ' declared by two Ol hi rs to have htdtod she i was proseiu and heard mo muka 'he laiideious staleiiicrt has, in a wiitteii day, ,lune 7 at 2 p.m. in the high school. ipoints, the lads oooupyiiig eight coaches. Ashoit. stop was mado at Flesherton station where a largo ii'imber had congre- naled to bid faiowellto the boys from j tho gieat honor of thoi-o who have gone before. With tho high price of flour and local cunpelition our baker, Mr. Piiider, has jyolmntion to mo over linr own sigiiatiiio found it necessary to (put business, ai,d on Monday if last week closed- the shop and removed his family tniiii town. \\ o belie vo be has taken .i situation at Pick- ering, home of the turruundina merchants who handled his broad were placed ill a bad position owing to no notification having liceii gi"eii, and something like a bread fa.iiino e.\i.sted fur a Couple of days. No doubt a mtccossor will soon be found ai this it a particularly good location for '.he light kind ol b»ker. declared she did not hear mo make tho statement in (piestioii or siy anything niKoiii.gon Coip^ral Kerr. I am s. riy to occupy yonr vaUialilo »(iace, but as two letiers from England have reached me I cannot in joi-tico to myself and Corp. Kerr, ii-iinit such a lie tn go uncba'lengid. (Uev.) A. McVicar The Ooveniiiieiit has fixed twenty f "ft years as the minimum igo for compulsory niilitiuy iMivice. been .selling delivered in .Slinlburno recently, abiuit town ?or the past couple uf •.>eok8, Ferris get 83,')O0 for cattle and putitoes at S'2..")0 per gallon. ' delivered in town recently. Econoni st IBEDUCE CAR SHORTAGE BY FILLING CARS The object in issuing these bulletins is not to start a controversy with tb« public and not to shift responsibility to the public, but to secure the co- Operation of the public. Bulletin .N"o. 1 eontained the following information, from 1907 to 1915: The Freight carried on Canadian Railways increased.. 51% ^ The number of Freight Cars increased 91% v The total ear capacity increased 131% ^ The average capacity of ears increased !i.8 Tons ' The average weight of contents increased u.O Tons "• The present heavy volume of traflle will no doubt oontiniio so long as the war lasts. Additional ears and locomotives are needed Init they cannot be secured In largo numbers for many months. There is also a serious shortage of labor and in some places of yard trackage. The only way to improve the conditions therefore is to seeure sreater efflclenry in the present equipment, torminal trackage, and man power The railways alone cannot develop the ma.\tmum cfllcieney; the rail- ways and the public eo-operatlng can. Consignees can helj) by ordering full ear loads instead of minima Authorized in the tariffs and clas;,iliealions, and consignees can help by loading cars to their full authorized eubieal or carrying caiNieity. A 1915 Typical Tram <• Propoaaii Typical Tram tor 19 17 ' ^^T-.^.' }^ , ._ ....ij^isj ____..,.,-_„i i .i_.Lâ€" x-.„.J""i'l. .. IT "^1 .21' . 1 r ^ Comiiarison Care Avpraffc load WclRht nf Irnin Wciitlit of cements Iti«ult | Typic-al train 1015 .. i.i l,s.4 iniis SflO tons 45:1 toiw 4 fi more tons carried 1 •• nroiiosoil. 20 i!o.4 lona S4S I"mh 4liS l.iiu . in :'. less car» I A COMPAKISO.N . • I The .\verago Train '^ \ V^\:> rroimsod tor 1917 "^ Average weight of contents of ears 18.1 tons 2:!. 4 tons > , Total weight of cars r,fl:! ions 448 tonB ^ Total weight of contents ^4 1 tons :«>!> tons \ Total weight of train .S4T tons 847 tons [ Had the avcrnRo load tier ear in lOl-'i been 2,1.4 tons instead of 18.4 the same traflle would havo been handled with; (i,947,.")S8 less traiiis hanleil one mile. 1,,')(iS,7t"i.") les-.s car trips. 2!l,S0ti,ii;ir) less tons of dead ear tare hauled one mile. By inereaising now the average load by S tons pc ear tho public would Improve the offleieney of the eanlpraent, fneijilces, and man power of the railways to an p.\tent ecual to: 51,SiM additional freight .c.irs 4.S2 additional freight and vard engines 4ir) additional miles of yard trackage and ' 't 13,5 per cent increase in man power employed in train and yard servlcfi V â-  . ji CAR SAVED IS A CAR UAINBD, 1 "^iS J9!*'i'il* If you want a powerful car, economical lo buy, econom- ical to run â€" that will take you in comfort over any roads that can be travelled; that will take any hill on high that the biggest cars will take ; that will give you 25 to .30 lies per gallon of gasoline, buy buu a, â€" A Real Automobile Fully Equippecl 28 Horse Power Valve-in-head Motor j. -^ ~ *"' Three Speeds Forward and Reverse f§ £^ Q iT Electric Starting and Lighting ^J yj ^ Sitwart Speedometer Nor.-Skid Tires on Rear Wheels Cantilever Springs '^•.J. OMim >. THE CHEVROLET MOTOR CO. i.'uW^i: 'o*ri^i!, TORONTO * '*cT««r OSHAWA A. JACKSON, Agent MARKDALE An/inAnAAnA.i.nA Boar For Service I'nrtt lin!ii i iirksliir Mc!ltue farm, near ( fnr all airiiiiln .sei vcd INov. _.I boai fii vlon.' a( the Tenie â€" .â- *! 4,0 K. OOLf.INSON- Court of Revision 1917 Township of Artemes'a The fist sitiini; c.f the C.'iirt of Revision ( f till! .Vsh-essnuoit Itci I of Ih,, Township of Artciiiesia for I'.HT, will by held at the Tiiwii Halloo Saiiirilav, th„ nd day of .lune. I'.tlT, a' 10 o'cli ck a.'u .\ll parties who have app-aled against' their .\ssessmeiit .no rei|iiirod to take iiolieo. Da eJ this 24Lh day of May. 1!»17. - W. .1. HKLL.AMV. Cleik Court of Revision 1917 Village of Flesherton '111' lijs' ."tiling lif the (.'.iiirl. o Uev i>ioil of ihi' .'X-"!'^? luolil .'xidi nf F'e-hericin wi 1 bo he'd at. iln- Town Hnll on Mondav, lh>^ Ith dny of .luiie, I'.IIT, at 7. ',',{) p. m Dattd U-lth of May, 1!»17. -W. J, BELLAMY, Jleik, ii\te ^fe ^!fe W^ ^i«. sSK. ,Mfe liM. •Ttf 'Iff %- -Jis. tin. ^j! i-fy<ji 5^ Don't start the S'tmg with a aliabl)y Buggy. â€" Try a coat of SHERWIN-WILLlAnS AUlO & BUUQY PAINT I iilso havo a Paint for every purpose â€" inside or outside. Get a Color Card, I'a'ni and N'arnish Brushes. ;»u. w.» Hit, .»><!. ^m, ..v/, .^t, MS, F.W. DUNCAN The Flesherton Hardware. Phone 30 ra.

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