Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 May 1917, p. 5

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• ) â-  â- ^ V ivfay 24 1017 . THE' F L E S H E R T O N ADVANCE sae TH E STANDARD BANK OF CANADA HEAD OrFICE • TORONTO TRUST FUNDS Our Savings Department gives you a guarantee of absolute security and interest at current rate. 239 BRANCH Manager. tST'D )«7a F L E S H E R T O N GEO. MITCHELL, •9 C. p. R. leave Tiains follows : Goin'^ South 7. S3 a. III. 4.27 p.m. The iimils are Time Table. Flesherton Station as Going North A lied Criws coDcert and tiox aocial will be held in the hall, Fevtrahaiii, on M'ly '^4. A ^oud conci-iT will bu tiiven. Ul-v. McXaniiifH, i>f CoUiniiwuiid, will 12.01 u.iii. i>Pial» "t the beyinnian i)f the ptogi:im. 9.18p. rn. (Jents .^Oc. Ladies with boxes free, osed at Flesherton a.s ^j^. ^,,j j,^, ^ Biukin and Mr and Mr.'i. It. Bcnth.iiri attended a luerKorial follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3L40 o'oloclt. For mornin'i train south service for the late Wui. Wiley at W ode- miil close at t) ;i. m. tlie previr.u.-* ev'i;. house on Sunday afternoon. The service wa.s an impressive odr and the church was crowded, both the Orangemen and Foresters beini: present in a body. Mr. .\usiin Shackleford of this town, has a horse that celebrated its oCtli birthday on May HI h The old mare has been a faithful worker, and still can dance when t^be mceH any autf»mobiles. The horse will not see very many more moons, as she isn't "as stroni/ as she used to be." Mr. A. S. Muir rtceived word last week that Pte. Th. s. was wounded in France rtcently. Pte. Chase from the Home in Stiatford and made his home with Mr. Muir, where he was liked and lespected. lie joined wi^h the 12:'.rd Koyal Grenadiers, Toronto, in the fall of U'lj. The .advance has staited on its .'Mth year of publication. On June 18;J!, Mr. A U. Fawcett, now the proprietor of the Biika Falls Arrow, published the lirst iss le. The piper has only c!iaii'.^ed VICINITY CHIPS^ Pte. D. Mclvinnon his ten killed in action on the tiring line in France. Mra. T. Hughes and Miss Violet Triilo of Rittle Creek, Mich., are the â- ^ue^ts of Mr. John Brown, sr. Mr. and Mrs. T. Ferris and family. Hopeville, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. K. ,1. Vause, South line, Artetresia. Mias Oldham and Miss Kdwards of the O S. Collegiate teu'hini: siatf vls-i id friends here Saturday and Sunday. .Notice to trespassers.- Hunting and fishing on lot.s '.iH and 37, .soutli hue. Proton, strictly prohibited. â€" A. Harrison. The wet of the ram seems to be down at pre&cut, or else it \i we. all i'ound. Mrs. Huwes of Klura, attended the funeial of her .sister, Mrs. IJuu'ird, on Si' urday, relurtiinif Monday. , , ... ,., „^ „, •" ' ' hands once since then, the pre-^nt We read the other day of a miu editor laking hold of the strings 2*.> years mirryinjj for fuo. His fun diln't pan ,., , ,,^^1 Aui;u-»t. Mr. H. E. Doupe of the B,.4ver Valley Creamery Co., CUrksburji, ('ros« week. Th« Late Mrs Howard i^^^^-^«^«^«t^«V'«^*«i^^«^«'^«^«^«^^^^ lVIOTHERS*.r::Stop and Look .V rr.u-.h respected <>ld lady linnHcd uwiy ' ,^ at her home here on Tliur.sday last in the ' V person of Mrs. J. hn Hnward, at the a-je ' ' i uf«lyeai>. Mrs. Hoaaid w,i.s born in \X Oait, and married he late John Howaid ft in 188(i. .^fter uiarri !(;e they lived a,, ,K> LucliDow, Guelpli, H irristonnnd Orange, i^,- ville, couiini.' lo Fletherloii from the \ latter place :*)< y-a.-s .tjo. Here Mr. y Howard ran a sash and door factory for a ik» year and a half when l.e died and his \/ sons took over the businf s-. Not lonu after this the f.icoiy was burned and two ; I '' oftliesor.H, Will mid '.'barley, moved ^r^ away. The children are : William of !â-º, Markdale, Charles of Vancouver, Henry ' â-º'. »nd .\iinie at hnuie heie. The deceased] ^ lady had been in fiil.ii'' health for some k.' . I r/ tune, I ut was only in b«d a wet^k, three â- ^[ days of which she remained uncoii.scious. ' ' i She was a consistt-rit member of the|i^ Methodist church fro n early girlhood and : I'j' the funeral «erraon was preached in the iK churcli here by the Hev.J^mes Dud;;eon, 'â-º) after which interioent took pUce in the '^â- , Flesherton criue'.try. Tlie .sympathy of :^ the community gms out to the twojlJi memoprs of the family leuiaiiiini; her"?, , s* in the loss of a kind and lo>in^ parent. < f We Lave some pretty 'girls' Drese? made up. Auythiuij frcai -j. to 14 yr.«. Just whatyoii are lookiiii,' for. Also separate YiitlJica. Prices are right. ii[s i im\ \im s Plain White N'oile. \'oile wi'li a D'-eity cdorcd flower. Dark Blue Voile wi'li tl iwcr. Black and White -Stripeil Voile. Cream i'lln- Beach. .\ny of theae will make Mother or Sister i Prevy Dris-. SF»ORT GOODS We have ihc latest m Spi:rt (ioods. Some- ihira different than yoii have ever seen. Raw Silk B.ickyround, wiih a rose check and f port : an 1 another p'ece, 3pi>t and strip--. ' ' i' .• in ml see it. Flovir Sc Feed Try a Bag of our Maple Leaf Flour ; And we have Ontario Bran and .Shorts, low grade Flour, etc., in stock |[M[il W A Car to arrive about the l<"»th of Mav Seeds : Seeds;! Wehiveiij 5tockâ€" Sweet Clover, Bu<.kwhBHt,Alfalfa Alsili e. Timothy, Mam-noth Clover. All N. rriiineot testetl. r I .. h 1. Gov- Priccs Abont Mail Carriers for fuo. His out and he is now suint for u divorce Such is Irfe. Don t forget Spring' Hill lied Cros« ,ba.s,d the macninery of the Markdale social on Friday; of this week. ^^.,^„„„y ^.„j ,i;i „,„,.« it over to the Good pro.(tam and homemade candy ^^,,^^^^,^^^^ ^^,^,,, j,,^ „,^ ,,„,j^,^ ,^f seived. Come and brini; your triends and , ,.â-  7, , ,., . ;.„,..,.„.,..„,„„„â-º =" ' haodliui; the steadily increaatn-.^ amount enioya •:ix)dev,*niiii;. Admu'.sion 25i.tl5c. , ., ,. i,. . . ii....... ... „ fh« ' ' - ~ of cream. Mr. Doupe has a three iiimtrib Nurse) wanted at Victoria Hospital, Shelburne, ,<> take up a three years' courae of training. -Xpply Mrs. I. Scott Knviog (mitroii) Victoria Hospital Shelburne, Ont. Died â€" III Partus, Idaho, on May 14, Olive M.^rie, a^ed 5 months dauuhter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank t.eaveP. and grand- -dauijhter of Mr. and Mr:^. Ko t. Caike, Mock Mills. In commenting on a p.ara:<rap<h which appeared in The .^dvanct- â- â- facouplnof weeks a^to in wluch i' w is stated that Mr. John Murray of .\rnott had camel was ^h*! ">'>' continur.u.sly fio'j 1873 until the presen*, The Shelburne Free says :â€" . Mr. MuTay i< not the olilott mai carrier in Ontario by any nirans. James Brown, the ve'enii post master of Melauclh' n, who recei'ed the appoint- ! meiit of po«tma.-ter when he was about 14 years of a^e, has ca'riei the mail from the Ry. station, )leUncthon. to his olttoi I since the Toronto, (i-ey & Bruce railway started in \^~'\ .'»ud is si ill carryinsj it. so , his rec ird is e^ fo Mr Murray's. We can also go one oti Mr. Muriay. Previous I to 1H73, before the late Wni- Jelly of j Shelturne, inJ .Va ron M'lnshaar of I Flesheiton put on a line ;f s'anos between I < 'ran.'eville and Chatswor'h, supiilyir^ Iniatioge, and .Xr'emesia post i iHce, now Flesherton, arid Markdale, James Brown carried lie mail from Hardware! Shelf and Hravy HirLvHre. Lucks, Knobi-, arid L-c. Hardware ! All Hoes, In Bakes Stock. Spades. N iil.'i.Paiiit.s, • til.", \',inii.-he.«. WIRE : Barb Wire, Black Wir>>. Coiled .Sprinij Wire, Plain Brace Wire, .Soft Brace Wire. Woven Fence W'neâ€" 4, 7, 8, '.) wires hinh Shovels ind M. D. Forks. F. G. KARSTEDT FLESHERTON, ONTARIO. Court of Revision 1917 Township of Artencesia The tirst sittmi: of the Curt rf ; HfVision if the .Vseessment Roll of the I Township of Arttinesia for PU7. will be held at the Town Hall im Satunlav , the 2nd day of June. l'.U7. at 10 .. cl^ ck a.m All parties who have appealed aiams' their Assessment are reiiUired to take ' notice. Dated this 24th day of May. I'-HT. --W. J. BELLAMY, Clerk to Court of Revision 1917 Village of Flesherton contract fcr the supply of butter Caoip Borden. U;;aders of the .\Jvince will be int<fr- i ested in a wedding which t^ok plice "u | Ottawa, May 0, th-i ptincipals bcin^ i Lieut. R. W. Sinimie, son of Mr. W. Simmie, of I'lavering, and Miss Kate NVils.iii, daughter of Mis. John Wilson, i.f Chatsworth. Both brido and g-oom have seen active servi'.e and have won Mr. Jcs. Duu"an h:is secure;! the deserved distinction for rheir work contract f(ir carrying the mail over the overseas. Mrs. Simmies sister tauidu Flesherton-Porilaw route for the next scliool at Ceylou a few years a^o. She three years, Mr. James Fisher having i.s a relative jf Principal Holland of the ret'.red from the job. Flesheiton public school. The residence of Mr. Fted Jamteoon, j â-  near Eugenia, vas struck by liKhtnini; duruiji the thundeistorm on S.iiurdayl aod about a hundred dolUta' worthof damage done. , .,,,,.. , ,, . i i i .1. ' ' "J. M. ir the Ottawa Journal has the Dr. Murr.y drove hU Chevrolet '" i f„iio„,„g ,0 say rcaardiui} the member °"'^"' for South Grey : astonished Our Mr. BaU Owen Scuiid on Saturday witl.oul changing gear. There are not many low ** , ^ 11 I â-  u- u R. J. Ball of South Circy power cars that will do It on high over, , „ , . , , , '. .... the House during the recent debate on thoie hills. I . , ,.,,., , I capital punishment wiih his tlioio'.ign ' knowledge of Soiptuie. lie is a m«nu- .Among the killed in action lepor'.ed ou Mondiy were N. J. Sharpin, Owen Soutid, and Serj;t. -Major J. Ironside, Collingwood. C. A. Rutherford, Owen Sound, and W. S. Doian, Woodford, were reported aincnij the wounded. All electric motor and blower wRre installed in the Methodist tdiiirch last week by Dr. Murray the big crgau, and were used for the first time on Sunday. It worked to peifcction and is * b g iiiiprovement on the old hand lever. Mrs Uou'jjlasa ariived in town Monday with hor daughter, Jean. »ho we mentioned recently .-.s being an invalid. They will probably rem liii here for some time with Mrs. boug'as' mother. Mis. A. S. V.iuDu*eii. The ris'denca ot Wm, Sli irp, south of the village, had a iinirow esc<pe from Ueeoruciion on Saturday when a sjnirk from the chiinuey set tire to the roof. Some of the neighbors observed the tire and by prompt action thehouse was saved. An extensive thunder storm over this section on Saturday was just what was rtijiiired to sprout the grain and start the garden seeds. But a cmtinuoUi downpour for 24 hours Woiulay and Tuesday was not so wo'come, as it was too cold lo be of much beuelit. faciurer of furniture and a very 8ucces^ful ' bu.siucss man. .\s a school teacher he : . was i^uite a success also and taught in ' a Ci.llegiate and Normal school. ! Mr. Ball takes his Parliameotary , duties seriously. He is seldom out of his ' place iu the H usiand he foUows debatt-s ' c!osely. He takes cire that he has | mastered every little bit uf legi->lation that comes befoiu Pailiamcnt. I Between him and James Bowman of ' Ea«t Huron, there exists a strong trieiid- ship, 'Ihi'V have much iu coinmon. 1 Both are Irish-Cinadiaus, Intth arc from Western Ontario ; they came into the 1 together iu X'^W.. Each has loen | wirdon of his cininty, and each is a| pretty strong Conserva'ive, but with a 1 healthy i'loa • f what is ri<?hc and what is i wrong. The main differences seem to be that Mr. Ball started life farming, but 1 lelt it, while Mr. Bowman stuck to it all through. Mr. Ball is a Methodist »iid I Mr. Bowman a Presbyterian. No two I members are held m higher respejt. , She Got The Pen The pen with which Sir William Hearst signed the act granting th.- Dog Lostâ€" Young hound lost Tuesday, franchise to women has been given .is a May S, Uat seen at Hargraves hi Collingwood gravel. Small round brown spot over each e/e, ll.ick head, lower jaw tan, upper half black, lower half mottled black and white, tip ot tail brown, rest b'ack. Reward at this othce. Messrs, Kmerso.t and Rob Bellamy, souvenir to Mrs. L. E, Biuin. of Li >n*» Head, who wrote askiti.' for it. Prim Cr 1 Lars', also wrote her, coiiipliiuentmg the ladies of the north on the splriubd wo k done iu the cause. Mrs. Bruin got the idea of asking for the pen from the I'liiltd States. She is justly proud of the g |i «ons of Clerk W. J. Bellamy, are now in and will no doubt bear it iti mind while France. 'Ihe former was Quarermasler life lasts. There in.iy be trouble brewing. Sergt, but disc-wrded the slripes. Both however, in other I- ainhis,. LiM-ues, at boys took a Course in niaciiiiie gun work the bare 1. la of h o uig I e -n left in tli. and are now c. in.icrea Willi t m arm of lurch. But t'ley 'imsi c nc-ede th t ih.' the service, and Uth iu the same Lion's Pe,id 'ady hij a c. itdii erar.iil oivwIiMi, the C. M.O l>. iidv.antage. Ex. TliJ liist sitting of the Court if Mono MiP.s Ctoli.i'swortU and Osprey Reviaio.i of the .\s»esaiiieut Holl of [wstimce. in.wM. pie V:aieySingh..u.p-Tl'--^''er'on will t.e held at the Fowo ' , „ 1. . Hall on Monday, the 4th day of June, ton and ti Bonmorei, now Ouutroon, .f,.. ^^ - .^^ ^^^ siven and one half milis south if Dared Jlih of Miy. I'.tl7. Collingwood. i â€" \V. J. BELLAMY, "lerk. FILL THE CARS A LITTLE more cc operation be- ~_ tween the merchants and the railways will do much to re- lieve the present freight situation. The railways are not trying to shift the responsibility on to the public, but are asking the public's help. Much more tonnage, for Instance. could be bandied with the existing lo- comotive power and terminal facili- ties It cars were loaded lo capacity Instead of being so often only two- thirds full. In the old days when traffic was lighter, it mattered less to the railways if a shipper did cot use all the space he paid forâ€" that was the shipper's loss. But now it is real- ized that the e.xtravagance of one shipper may cause delay to others owing to the limited amount of loco- motive power and terminal facilities. The shortage Is not so much in etitiip- ment aa in train crews, and labor in the yards and r-jundhoitjes. An.v thing which can help to secure quicker clearance and freer move- ment in the yards, helps to speed up the movement of freight. Another drawback to the economical move- ment ot freight is th;»» a great many conaignees order not the 'ull carload of freight, but merely the miaimiim allowed under th? classiticatioa. It would materially heli) to solve the problem it in placing orders ion- signees would order enough to till a car to capacity instead of the mini mum. which very often does not re present more than half a carload. The question of the capacity ot cars Is itself the subject of investigation. The standard of loading grain, for in- stance, has r<>niatned the same for many years, but improvement in the engineering of cars has gone on stead- ily, so that the modern freight car can bear stresses greatly in excess of what was possible twenfy years ago. The result is that there is prospect of considerably increasing the load line on quite a larg equipment, thus increasing the train 1 freight should be loaded to the full capacity without requiring additional ' carrying capacity which is 10''t In train crews. Craiu cars rated for i excess of their stencilled capacity. \ The following figures are taken from the RaiLvay Statistics ^\. the Do- , minion of Canada, issued by th; Deputy MinLsior of the Department of ; Railways and Canals. a>d cover all the railways of Canada: k \ Note. â€" 1907 is the first and 1315 the last year for which figures are available. 1 1?07 1915 Increase | Total tons freight carried 1 mile lI.687.Tll,Sot) 17,661,309,723 ol.l5i ! Aggregate capacity of freight cars (in • tons) 2.9tlS,90:! 6.T31,26.i 131.4% i Total freight cars Iii5.540 201.690 91.1?4 I The 1907 average car Dfptii of GR-vt:» rs Cab. | \ SO. 000 lbs, are found capable of carry- ing over F0,0OO. V It has been figured that it the aver- age load could be inireascd on Cana- dian railways in 1917 by live times over that ot 101'). this would be equivalent to 54,800 additional cars, reiiuirirg no additional locomotives or manpower. business men are, ther» fore, b»ing ur,:j;ed to co-operate with the railways in their endeavor to in- crease tl;e existins carryins capacity, by using lo better advantage the pre- sent available rolling stock. Light bulky cotnmcdities, of which there are many, should be loaded to the full liroportion of freight ' cubic capacity ot cars. Heavier If vou wanl a po*-erful car, economical to btrv, econom- ical to run â€" that will take vou in comfort over any roAds that can b« travelled ; that will take any hill on high that the biggest cars will take ; that will gK-e you 25 to (30 miles per gallon of gasoline, buy a, â€" A Real Automobile Fully Equipped '2^ Horse Power \'alve-in-hcaci Motor ^. ^^ -^ Three Speeds Forward nnd Reverse S L^ f 1 CT Electric Starting and Lighting ^J ^J ^M Stewart Speedometer Non-Skid Tires on Rear Wheels __-- _ "^ Cantilever Springs f*-^- CW«»« THE CHEVROLET MOTOR CO. :'tV,r.V: ytl^K TORONTO * r*cT«iT OSHAWA A JACKSON, Agent MARKDALE CApdciTy Tom Contents 1 5-4 Tons ti^ ,00 „QQ. The 1915 average car :»s»c.^> )) « Tons Contents l8-4Tons 00 The car capai ity incrcss-d a.S tcr.<» The contents increased 3.0 tons. 48c{, of the additional capacity providod na-t not used. The public is asked to co operate with the railways In an endeavor to • remedy the existing car shnrta,s;e. It can be done by ulilliing to better advantage the prtsent available roll* Ing stock. By increasing the avers';? car lead to 2-,i tons or 5 tons more than dup- ing 1915 would be equivalent to tlie placins of ,„ 61,S00 additional oar? In serVIro Light bulky com mot! I ties, of wbfch there are ni-,ny. should be loaded to the full cubic cap".citv of f â-  ;. " â- , - '•-;â- '• • ;',j jj^ ijaj.jci to th« .auulmum carrying cafactty . • _ Farm For Sale Lt bis, Jn.l N.K,T. A S.K., .\rtrnie-;^i â- oiitaiiiiint ."Kt aciis, i-lean -'inl iiiukr ){• ...I cultiv.itinu. i;.>imI biiiMint;>^. u.»>d wi-il. well watered, SuibII orihard, U.M.1». I'hrv • miles fr-pin Flesherton. .Vpply for price an 1 terms t.< th-' owiur, -.lOHNHL.VCKIU'KN. flesherton P.O. IN...; B3ar For Service I'lirc lire'l \ ork»liire Ixiar service st tl e i McRiefinii. neir Ceylon. Teruotâ€" $1 '0 tor all an iiaj^ serMil- INov. -I V. COLLIN^UN- FOR SERVICE Lot 24, con. l-i, .Artein.'s'a, pire bred Shcrthi-.rii bull, Viilley Kini:. 'Irsde cows 81 •.'."), (.urebred 14.00. I July 17 â€" W. A. WKBKb'. [! ^« ,^ife .»«. ^ ^«, ^1^ ,554, .yg, Poii'i siiin the Simag with a bliabb} Diiggv. â€" Try a coat of 3HERWIN-WILLIAilS AL I O & BL'UQY PAINT I .»!so Livc a Paint for every piuposc â€" inside or outside. C'n t a Color Card, Paint and Varuisli Brttsljcs. ^^'^ â- i"^ iK. »V«, ,ji(, ; '•^i<f 'ts^ '/K- ^fp'^;;<« ? ^^ Boar for Service The iind'fsiin.d his a thorough .>red Yi'^kflire B ar f'<r service on lot 11, con. •â- ^. i»»|>icy. Tcr us !ii.."(v. F. W. DUNCAN TiiJ ritishertoii Hariiwire. i'lione 30 f^. â- â- ^

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