Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 3 May 1917, p. 1

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fk^[)tti0n "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINOIPLEb NOT MEN. vol 36 No. 50 Flesherton, Ont., Thursday, May 3 1017 W. H. THDBSTON ^°'''°« SDd PKOPRIE « C Kimberley Budget Feversham Items A very cold backward Spring. Mr. John Sluait and daughter, Lottie, â- visited in Flesherton mi Saturdi'y last. At Thornbury on Wed last, Mr. Fred Eagles, otie of our prosperous agricultur- ists and Miss Follie Bowin of Uiiiun were united in the holy bonds of matrimony. Your coiTOPpnndent joins with their ui^kny friends in wishini; them a long and presperous voyage through life. Since our village was incorporated 1 tell you we've got to walk like utraiirht- laced Puritans. Any cow going ilironah the village at leas th:in a 2.40 clip and with the owner over two feet from her, will be lined. This is the law of the Medps and Persians which allereth not. I guess we can stand this till the New Year and then ring out the old, ring in the new. James 11. Fawcett i.s visiting this week with his son, J. H.,, CollingwDitd. A memorial service for the late Corp. Arthur Walters was held m the Metho diet church on Sundiy lust, when the pastor. Rev. Lane, occupied the pulpit. Mrs. John Plewes is erecting a hand- some lawn fence in front of her property on Alain i^treet. Mr and Mrs. Joseph Walters and :.wo •ons, of Ravenna, vi.-iiied at Wm. Walters one day last week. Mrs. (jlenday of Toronto is visitin>< friends here at present. Mr. and Airs. C. C. Devitt and â- â- (.». Matt, of Epping, visited recently at T. Abercrombie's. Mi.S3 White of the ;!id lim-, Kujihrasia. visitoa during the past week wih her cousin. Miss Kate Walters. Harold Ellis of Rucklyn mol^roil ovar to our burg one day last week. A. R. Hikssard of Toronto occupied the pulpit in the Methodist pulpit Sunday evening and delivered a very imprci-sive address on prohibition. Heathcote Gossip Mr. John Pratt of Toronto made a business trio to our village last week. Died- \t Heatlicote on .April L'.">, Mv. John Dales, aged 8:i years, .'i in jiilhs Rev. Mrs. Young and family r.'turned home on Wedncsilay a'ter visitii g with friends in Toronto for the past week. .. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis of Africa, relum- ed Missionaries wlio have been visitiim with JIis. 1) iegheii during the pat,! week returned lo Toronto mi S.itun'ay. Tho Methodist Epwurlh League w-i.s largely attended on Thurs.biy eeetiiiii;. Mr. Lewis gave a very en!ertiiiiiiii<^ leture on tho haliita and mode of liviii;; in Africa, followed by a duet by Mr. and Mrs. Lewis ill the Afiicau language. The Heathoute Wnnien'H Inslitiile hold their niunlhly meeting at tho lioiiio c.f the president, Mrs. Boyd, on April 25- A pleasant time resulted. Miss Fawsett gave an excellent paper. Our Uebt.s- - "How much ()*est Thou?" Music by Mrs. Jerritt, a reiuling by Suther- land. A contribution was given by MiMS Sutherland and pupils of S. S. No. 0, CoUingwood, was a very pleasant surpiise to our branch, of 15 to-vols and I'J b'lrs of soap to be sent to soldiers, sliowiiiu the splendiJ work done by both tc.iclior and pupils. Toronto Line North Mr. Jake Lever and Fred Brown each give a wood bee this week. Mr, Ed. Sloan of Kioiberley, visited his cousin E. Wickens, recently. Mr. Bell and daughter uf West Toronto visited wiih Mr. Roderick McKenzie. Mr. Win. Davis received word last week that his sonin-law, (lordon Bad- gerow, was seriously ill with pueuiiionia at his home in Toronto. Marriedâ€" On Wednesday, Apiil 25th, at the residence of the bride's parents, Elva Mildred Lever to Chas. H. Martin j of East Mountain Miss Nettie and Cora Martin of Owen Sound, attended the Martin and Lever nuptials on Wednesday. Miss Frances Alexander of Feversham, is visiting her rvuut, Mrs. Ab. Stewart. Wo welcome Dr. Little back from doing his bit at the front. Wo congratulate Miss Lilliai. Lover in ]ia8siDg her Lower School examination in the Flesherton Higli School. Miss Mae Whitooak of Toronto, is visiting with her parents here. Mr. and Mrs. A. Stewart of Flesher. ton, ."pent Sunday with Mrs. Perigo here. Mr. Win. McGruther of Patry Sound, .spent last week with his daughter, Mrs. Win. Little, of this place. Mr. Wni. Little spent Sunday in CoUingwood. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A. Davidson leave for their home in Boston, N. i'., this week. Mii.ssr3. Emerson Osborne and Howard Sample have gone to CoUingwood to wurk in the shipyard. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Goff of Clarksburg visited with Mr. Mills this week. Pies. Ralph and Kenneth Johnson have returned lo Mai-kdale after spend. iiig the last two months recruiting here. Ptos. Sample and Baiber of the 24«th have gouc to Markdale for a few days, Mr. J. A. Kernahan attended a convention of Foresters in Toronto last week aa a deligate from Court Feversham 5;t4, C. <). F. Mrs. Jas. Legate of Gibralter, visited with her sister and fi lends in Toronto. .V nuin' er of our young pec pie attended church in Maxwell on Sunday eveninu to hear Rev. A.-Ru8sel! preach. -Mr. Ru?»8ell was stationed on the Ma.xwoll circuit M yeut ago. Mr. and Mis. A. Brownridgo spent Suniay with the latler's parents at Rob Roy. Sir. R. Alexander is laid up with rheuioatifin. From a Special (..'orrespoudeiit. The lariii'jra are buKy plou^jhrng so iis to be able to rush in the -ceding wlu-ii the weat her takes up. We are sorry to report the death of Mr. John Douglas of Mcliilyre, from that dread, pneumonia. Uur Kfd Cross Society, under the leadership of Mr.s. David Mc.^ruHeii, is doiug splendid work. Tliey liuvo sent three bo.\es ol sup;)Uu8 away lohead.piar- ters. This Society is holding a box social in Foveraham <\t the Urango Hall on the 2Uh of May. Good speakers and a good piogramnio will be provided. Further p.irlRuhirs will be given later. .Ml come as a good time is expected. A great many people are still on the sick list and our genial doctor is kept very busy. We hopu for a speedy recov- ery of all. Ceylon Chat Mr. Will Sargent of Pott Dover, spent the week end with Ins parenta liere. Miss Raiiiaire, Diuh.ira. visited Mrs. R. P. Loirate here tor the »oek. Mr. Hunh McPherson took a "business trip to Durham on Monday. Mr. tlohn Chislett, who has been spending the winter nicnihsin Tornnto, returiied to Cejlon on Saluidiiy Inspector Beckett, Owen Souiiil. [laid this town .-ill olHcial visit on Monday. The Willing Helpers held their nioiith;y nieeling ac the home of i\Ls. T. Chislett on Friday allcrncon, when the new ollicers were elected for tho next thiee months. Mr. Tliibadeau, Markdale, ca'b-d on friends here Inst week. ^ NOTICE ^ My aim for sea.soii of li)17 is to give Farniersof Township of ( )-|)rey and surrounding Townships the privilege if buying from iiio ;it right prices ;ind loriiis lo suit purchH.ser. 'I'ho uoi) by Renfrew Machinery Co. The Standaid Cream S.^parator, which, if er,ualled m America, has not beeu surpas.sed. The Renfrew Handy Truck Scale (2W)0 lbs.) The Ren- frew Standard and Sta Rite Gsso- line Engine, etc. .\l8i) Singer Sewint, Machines. All goods gnar- aiiteed, if operated according to instructions, to give .satisiEaction, or no sale. Mvnyi on handâ€" a Horse for ssle. Vandeleur Happenings Seeding is progi-essing slowly. Mrs. Albert McNally, of Hayward Falls, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs John Warliog, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Warling visited friends in Markc'a'e on Saturday, it being j the 30th aniiiveisary of ihoir wedding. My. and Mrs, W. J. Alco<, of Orange Valley, renewed acijuaintances here en Saturday. Mr and .Mrs. Krnest McMamiers and two children motored ffniii the cily and spent the beginnjig of last week at l''.R. Roland's, returning home on Thursday, j They were accompanied by Mrs. F. R. Boland and Utile dauglitei, Dora, who will remain in the city f jr a few days. Mrs. Cunningham iiid liltle son, of Cooksville, wore visittrsal Win. Bu'jhaii- an's recently. Mr. .fos. Bnchaiiaii has relumed home after spending a few weeks with fiieiu's in the Queen city. Our Gallery of Officers Of the 248th Greys ewe Iry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se lection. We cai- ry Photo Supplies. IJHl'l. KOU.MA.NX, I . K Pithy Proton Pointers Eugenia Paragraphs if Vandeleur, is vis. Mr. and Mr.s. W. nnd family, '^^"'' """ ^^''""â- '' of Kincardine, aeeoinpanied by Mih. j "•'"« ""'^'' -^''«- ^'''-''â-  Calvait, visited with the former's lir-.ther ^^'« "'"o •"""â- '"y '" report Mrs. R here. Oita of our enterprising merchants, Mr. Herman Becker, is enlarging his store. The memljers of Trinity eliuich held a Social evening ill the Oraiigo Mall on Tuesday night of last week, a special featuio •! wliicli w.i.s Llie presentation of a k'laki bound Prayer Book u. Private Will Hazen. Mr. Ferguson, of Foversliain, visited at Mr. Will. Ludlow's. Mis. Heiiii III Becker .and luilo son. Jack, have retnri'ed from a fortnight's stay in Toronto where baby Jack was in the Sick L'liildreii's Uospiial undergoing treatment for an abscess in tho Uiroat and haling ton.-^il,-, Luiiioved. We are glad to know that be is much improved in heulih. Mrs. (Captain) Wr.iy and two little cliildren, <.f R lymoiid, Sa-.k., have arriv- nl to visil her brotiier, U. .V. Ncilsoii. After a sh.'rt illness, Mr. W.iller NiebolU ,U the npe old age of HI), pnssed away i-.n .Vpril 2(ith, at tho home of his d.iugliler. Mis T. Wyvill. A large funeral corligj folloived the remains to Duiidalk, where an impressive service was held in the Methodist chuicli, *l;ere for some yeais ho was a f.iithfu! inember. Ueceastd tor many years a much respected ris. dent in the ne ghborhcod of liiistioKe and after retiring from the faiiii lived in Dundalk. Hij esleeniid wife died three years i.go. A f iiiiily of foar sons and live dau^liiers uirvive to uiourii their loss. Those from a distance who iitTeiidtd the funeral were, brotheis- in-law, Mr. Furze, Mr. Uoriie and niece From <Jrillia ; Misses Myrtie and Lillian Wyvill, of Toronto. Mrs. T. De Savigiiy of Owen .Sound, visited her niece Mrs. R. G. .-Vchestui. Tho choir of the Augbeaii cluirob. here, went to Dundalk on Sunday night last and assisted in the singing at the Milit.iry Service held in the town hall. Mrs P. Consley is spending a few Jays at Prieevillo. Mr. and Mis. ftl. Allen, nh.j have recauJy iiioveu lo Owen Sound visited friiinls ill the vilaye last week. We coiwiatul.ite Mirjoiie .U-'.iesoii o;i having wtii tho hrst prize in the Flesher- ton hiyh schi ol for ilio essay on the subject How can Ihe Ontario biyli school boy, by working rii the farm lliis summer, help liiinsclf, thj Farmer and the Eminie. This essay is eligible lo compete for the Provincial pi iz ' of go-, in gold given liy the Depailineiu of Education. < )n Sunday evening in the Presbyterian church Rev. Yollow'ees, of Toronio, gave a very impressi'e ta k in the inlerests of tho Dominion Allinnoo. Victoria Corners Miss LaiJIaw, of Hamilton, Is visit n„ her brother, Mr. Jas. Lsidlaw. Mrs. DeS.ivigny, of Owon Sou d, is visiting her brother, Mr. George Moors. Mr. Ja.s, Lockhardt has returned home from Toronto for the sjirinc work. P.ik on till- siek list. Mis. Fd. (Jraliain and uloKueii ~peni a iveek with Toiouto friends. The Eugenia W . 1. Imve 'â- 'â- '! uiore pairs of socks for the Red Crois. Aith'jr VVillianiB, of Flesheroii, visited f.iends here over the week end. The many fiiuiids of Mr. and .Mr-;. V, Turner wish tliein a 1 iiig and prosperous Voyage through llioir wedded life. Mr. A. .Smiih lost a v.iUiable cow. Mrs. A. Hoy and diuiglitur spent a couple of weeks with friends in Toronto. Robt. McMaster and son, Wilfred, have leturmd hiune ifier spendiiii; the wiii>er 111 I'lroiito. The farmers liave .'.t irted .seedini;. We are ijlad l.i I..' tblc to repiu' Fred Duckett iniprovii u i little. Both bis home doctor and T 111 lit o doctor siy n wdl be wiih gooil cue mid Irea'ineiit some lime before lie i- iblo to do .uiylliiiig. Mrs. Paul vi.sited with her diiii^bler, Mrs. IL'iilham, at Fleherton. Miss Mac Par,,,|,s liii:i returned home alter spending the a.nter in Toronto Mr. Robt, Willi ..1.1IS who is in Toronto Hospital, is slowly Miiprovinu. Word has been n eived ilmt Privule Henry Tudor, a in iiiiier of tl,e U7 li <!iin Battalion, li IS been woiiiidi. I. No piirtieiilais Imvo biM u rcciu'd. Mueh sympathy is extoiid d to the faiher. Private l.ii'orue IJoison lias retioned hoiiie, beini; until f"i- aclive service. Martiii-- Lever .\ very pretiy lioiise WiJding Uiis solemnized on Wednesday evoniiiL', .\pnl 2K. at the risideiioe of ijio bride's par- ents, :\Ir. and Mis Thomas R. Lever, when their I'i.U'st (laughter, l'"lva Mildred, was united in the holy bonds of nialriinoiiy to Mr. t'liailos II. AlHrMi', a po[;ubir youiii man of Kist .Mvuntiin, Kiiiibcrloy. Tho wedding took p'acn nt, .").:iO p 111 . llio i-eieinoiiy boin;; eoiiduel- C'l by lijv. .Jhiiios Dudgeon, [lasior of the Meihodst cliiirch- The bride, who was given away by her broihor, Harold, entered the i om lo the siriiiis of Mendellsolm's VV'eddiiig March, jilayeil by Mrs. HJiiiersoo Wiekons. The bridal parly stood under an arch of ovorgreen'f, which w iS appr'priately decorated. The bride was prttii'y attirfd in a dross of ceoiiBilk Hiiruliod with silk ooibroid- prod net trimniod wiih pearl oinanien's. Sho Wore a wrc Ml h if orange blossoms, while till! itrooin «ore a boui|net of ilio Sftiiio. The briilii's bcnii|iiet was com- posed of cam It Ions, swoet peas, roses and maidenhair fern. The bride and grooin were uiiaitended. After con- gratulations about sixty auests entered tho tea room, which was handsomely de.;oratei', and partook of a dainty wedding repast. Tho young ooupio will reside at Eugania. 'Ihe pi events were numerous and costly, showing Ihe esteem in which the young couple are W. A Armstrong, OR. BURX Spclall.i n dlj,.Bu» ol ihu Eye, EarNose and Throat I UFFICE-I:i0 lOth St, West, Owen Sound ; At tho Revere h<mso, Markd;de, 2nd , 'f' LESHERTON, rhiirsday each nioiiih from ,S to a Dundalk. Is Wedne.sday of each mom h. Jeweler ONT %^ i^'^iMfe :J"4sM«!i*"i£:'-. sM'i v\'4.;,\!/., ,4I<, vW.. J,'{. .M«. .JW, J,!/, .,..«. .^<r.Mf. ^U^ .^l«. -Mi ,«!,, ,v./. ^1 /!«• -51^ '/ft-- â- '/li' '/rt- '/,«. '/,<. '/,«. -/,«. '/.?'/a' -/.\^"/,?=iii= W/i*='/A'%*^"/.? %'%''/A^ ~W I So I Timotliy, M [lover, Bammotli [lover, llsike, Malla, Orcklllfa^s, Bapekd. v<l4 .^'<.il^. ^r?W Ml, 'A? ^£ t| First Class Si k Inotii.i' [ar of Ai Reaaonable Prices. [om IniveJ. v\l«. ^4? O Also lots of slijrts. Bran, Middlings, Eclipse Flour. Purity. Five Rose, and Pastry Bring your WHE.4 V add exchange it hr FLOOR. I want lOOII tiiislels Oats. W. BUSKIN The Up totlate Flesherton Grocer. •*!4 :^!fe^"i:^"^ ->'<• :!"â- ' â- ^"^^^'â- ' -v^i. -"'- .^M^. ^"^ »««. jiV. »"'.. ..v".. v^o., .; ••. j^".. .: •'.. .\'», o't. ..o/.. ^i/^ vi, \ '/if W'/ii- •ni- Vi-?-;'iS^'/i? '),?~/t?'v!?-/i?~/'i?'/:'?''/i?"/t?'/,?'/,?-tt?~/,f'i^^ I If You Have g. A broken-down archcalJ and g get a support to keep it m O place, and we have a good § assortment of trunks and suit cases. Try One. Repairing as usual. Thu6. Clayton^s I FLESHERTON FRANK G. DUNNING *^ Feversham ^ Phone R. 2 short 2 long. k distance wore : Misses Nettie and Cora Martin of Owen .Sound, Mr. and Mrs, We were glftd to have Rev. Madden, j ,j. Lever and son, Harold, and Mrs our minister, with us again after his long iDuess. Seeding Is just beginning in ernost these days. Sheridan (iepry, Markdaio ; Mr. and Mrs Robert McMullen and daughter, Mildred, of Duncan ; Mr. .Vat Caswell of Proton Stuliou. ANN OUNCEM ENT ir.iviii'j; pmchiised the Furniture of Mr. John ("hapiiiai) at a rate on the dolldr, I am prepared to olfev Furniture at unheard i)f' prices. For the ne.xt Hfteen days the public will be able to profit bv this sale, as 1 must of most ot it. The -Stock is new and' up t.)-datB in every respect. Dresser.s. Stands, Parlor Sets aud()ther choice goods at prices that will surpri.-^e you. War time does not affect these as they were mostly purchased befire the raise and are again cut in order to make (|uick sale. Come in andbok over the Stock. w. h; bunt Furniture and Undertaking FLESHERTON, . ONTARIO

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