Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 29 Mar 1917, p. 7

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n .« I c f <r t - â- Â»â-  SAWYERS, BOX MAKERS & LABORERS WANTED FIRSTBROOK BROS., Limited 283 King Street East, Toronto Skirts for Spring only for pjjjit distances, for which reason the inventor prciicts the suc- cessful operation of aircraft on routes between Europe and the United States which will run in competition with trans-Atiantic liners. Herr Fokker believes the first at- tempt to f1y from Europe to New York will be made immediately after the war, and asserts the route can be traversed in two days at the outside. He is of the opinion that all technical handicaps will be easily overcome. Whatever the forecasters of spring styles may disagree about, on one point they are more or less agreed, and that is that skirts will be narrow- er at the hem. There will be no flare whatever, and even if some skirts are not actually narrower they will at least appear so from the absence of the flare. Many skirts, however, are appreciably narrower. They mea- sure from two to two and a quarter yards at the lower edge. When we compare these measurements with the three and four-yard skirts that were worn last spring, it leaves no doubt as to the change. From the Par- isian openings, which are now bein^ held, we hear that the narrow skirt is no longer a rumor, but a fact. Separate skirts and blouses take on quite a good deal of importance this spring. The fact that separate skirts are in demand for sports wear will bring them very much into promin- ence. There are more skirts of sports silks and satins than of any other skirting materials. The sports silks In one-color effects, or in two shades with large spots or stripes on a neutral background, seem to be the most popular. As for the blouses, we may witness a renval of the garden smock, which took so strong a hold a summer or so ago. One of these recently seen was quite different from the smock as we knew it last summer. It was of tango-red crepe, long and loose, and slipped on over the head. It was â- jv. ;1 £ MCClU MARCH WEATHER RHEUMATIC WEATHER Victims Can Cure Themselves' With Dr. Williams' | Fink PilJs. [ ' With the coming of March people! who are afflicted with rheumatism ' begin to have unpleasant reminders : of their trouble. The weather is; changeable â€" balmy a.^d springlike â-  one day, raw cold and piercing the ' next. It is such sudden changes of weather that sets the pangs and tor- tures of rheumatism, lumbago and , sciatica (sroing. But it must be borne in mind that although weather condi- tions start the pains, the trouble is deeply rooted in the blood, and can only be cured through the blood. .-Mil the lotions and liniments in the > world can't cure rheumatism. Rub- bing may .â- *eem to ease the pain while I you are rubbing, but there its value I ends. Only through the blood can I you cure rheumatism . That's why Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have so many thousands of cures of this trouble to their credit. The new, rich blood which they actually make drives out the poisonous acid and rheumatism is vanquished. -Among many sufferers from rheumatism who have been cured by this medicine is Mr. C. H. McGee, freight sheil fore- man for the G. T. R. at Peterboro. who says: â€" "In the course of my work ; I am naturally exposed to all kinds ; of weather, with the result that about two years ago I contracted rheumat- ism which settled in my legs. .\t times I could scarcely walk, and often had to quit my day's "vork owing to the stiffness and the pain. I trie<l different remedies w thiut getting any help until I began the ise of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills. I used si.x boxes of these and can say that I am about as well as ever I was. I still take the pills occasionally, and I hope thut my experience may be of 'oenefit to some other rheumatic sufferer. " If you suffer from rheumatism, or ai.y other disease of the blood, begin to cure yourself to-day with Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills. Sold by all medi- cine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six buxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams" Medicine Co.. Brock- ville. Ont. MEN FROM THE ANTII'OUKS. Strange Experience ot' Vustralian .Sol- dier at Ciallipoli. On a freezing, biting February morning I walked down that great London hiirhway. the Strand, and everywhere I .4ttw tall young men in khaki, with queer, bunched-up hats and a line of red in their khuki pag- graree. New Zealanders they were, with the red in their cheeks a'= bright as the red in their hats. ward uneasily, but before I'd done a yard the noise became more prolong- fcd, grawing louder and closer until I could feel it coming â€" coming â€" coming with tremendous anil ever-increasing .speed â€" a horrible, nerve-sheltering, deafening wailing shriek. I stood daz- ed and paralyzed â€" rooted to the spot. With a scream of hellish intensity â€" it was all within a second, really â€" it was on me. There was a of blinding light, a feeling that I was being hurl- ed up to the moon, over it, and des- cending slowly, slowly, like a feath'^r! ••Was I really a feather after all? Perhaps I Very curious! â- 'Then â€" after a long interval â€" â- Hush! Hu.shI' .said the doctor. -Don't move!' I was in a queer, rocking lit- tle room, v.ith a low ceiling', and my arm was lying on something heavy, outside the bedclothes. Why, I was actually on board a hospital -hip! '• "Feeling comfortable"?' said the doctor. "Ye.s, e.xcept for the pain in my left hand." "He looked down, and so did I. â- â-  'You have no left hand," said the doctor, quietly. "I saw that he was right. My left hand was gone for good â€" blown with me to the moon â€" and left behind!" SICKLY BABIES Sickly babies â€" little ones who are troubled with their stomach a.nd bow- els; whose teething is painful; diges- tion bad and who cannot sleep well â€" can be made healthy and happy with Baby's Own Tablets. Concerning the Tablets Mrs. Wilfrid Damons. Val Brilliant, Que., writes ; â€" "Please yend me a box of Baby's Own Tablets as I would not care to be without them. 1 have used them for constipation and vomiting and am well plcised with the result." The Tablets â- d'-e sold by medicine dealers or by mail at "25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.. Brockville. (")nt. r649â€" r6j9 A New Waist and Skirt. shirred at the neck and at the should- ers along an oval line, which was em- phasized by a piping of yellow crepe trimmed w-ith wool embroidery. The smock hung unbelted over the skirt to the knees, after the manner of most , the crown. Australiansâ€" and typical garden smocks. The reil and yellow, bushmen. strong as hickory, says an combination in this smock showed i American visitor to London, the influence of the Indian colorings, I These are the men of the .\nzac one of the new notes in sports clothes. J army The sketch of a waist and skirt through the terrible landing at Suvla .Vfter-the-War Suggestion. -Australia's first new industry for the l>enefit of returned soldiers is sug- gestive to th;.' Motherland. She has found that, by means of a hamlloom. soldiers can in a few weeks be taught to weave woollen or .-.i.k articles. This industry ol handlocm-weaving is cup- able of indefinite extension. Ten thou- sand returned .Anzacs can l>e profit- ably er.gased. to the benefit of every, Wearer of clothes. From this small beginning m-y grow- activities which would end th>- importation of shoddy cloth from o\eriea3, and the happy resettlement of every soldier who has no taste tor farming, but prefers town employment. Properly organi/ted a cottage industry like this, which has no limit except the readiness of the people to buy and wear good cloth. This suggestion offers the happiest solution of ono of the m'ist puzzling problems that will fall for solution in the future: What shall we do for our heroes, returned from the war'.' Fhere is this answer: Set them to weaving good cloth â€" order it and wear it! STOMACH MEDICINES ARE DANGEROUS Nature's Best Food Laxative is the bran which makes up the outer coating of the whole wheat grain. But why eat coarse bran cakes when you can accomplish the same pur- pose by eating Shredded Wheat Biscuit and at the same time get ail the rich, body-building material in the whole wheat grain prepared in a digestible form. A per- fect food â€" ^just eno'ogh pro- teid to b'oild healthy muscle, just enough carbohydrates to suppb/ heat and energy, just enough bran to keep the bowels healthy and active. For breakfast with miik or cream, or for any meal with fruits. Made in Canada. A CO.N.<ECrt.\TED REPL oL I C Vast Throng in .''ilent I'rayer Before Petrograd Cathedral. I The revolution ir Ru.'sia has i>rought an immense .-hange in the people, a great feeling of relief and relaxing of the tension of years of suspicion and fear of Siberia. Before the Ki'.zan Ca'he-iral. where the revolution began and the first red flag fluttered, came the trium- phant tmi w-hen the great throng of people came afoot from the furthest parts of the city to consecrate the Russian Republic. The Nevsky Prospekt was pac'ned with silent people, for the first time in their lives unpolic^l. yet in per- fect order, -.vhiie the soldiers whose revolt up-et the Goverrjnent march- ed slowly through to the cathedral. Parting the crowti. two officer* this time held on high tiie symbol of the fight f'-r liberty, but ijrought viv- idly to mind that just a week since the bare .-abrcs of the police drove a peaceful bread demonstration to revolution. The army comirg from excitirg exhortations before the Duma, wa.s singing the Marseillaise and bearing a transparency of red cloth and gold letters procIaiminga^lM. Russian Republic. The .Marseillaise had I'een turned into a Russian hymn. The -wonderful French marching songs caressing words, in the rich Russian language, passed over si^ldiers and citizens of all classes; -'Friend soldier, friend workman," the meaning pointed 'oy the lack in the Russian language of the word --citizen." the word '"friend" replacing it. Far across the impenetrable throng the formal word* were spoken, ard just at ibirk the crowd began facing tow-ani the cross, uttering a prayer in the impressive silence. .And afterwards, th» great restless city. unpoliced. slept safely and ••arouiUv in the arms of democracy. f .And with them were tall, lean young '.-'t" men, also in khaki, with hat brims turned up at the side, and sometimes with a swirl of feathers drooping over snows one of the Paisley chiffon â- waists combined with plain chiffon and oocTOBs nrow aotise maomesia JU.^t llMW Ji.'.StTi'-JS it ;.-< to !.-. l!.s Tt'T!- i;i;Hi'l.v dose the ^lomni-h »iih lirijux and ni«dl<tne.« is ofwn not rpuliieil -jntll tio U 8e*?riis so -siiTiijlp [,i swallow a f »ome special mtxrurv ••! tak* tub- Ifts of ."o,la, pei'Sln. bismuth, ct- aft*-!- m-'uls. ar'l thp folly of llii* dru<KltiK is m>; appurtfi-.t until. per»i;ips ;. "irs iifivt â-  warj. whi'ti it Is" fouiiJ tliat Ka-^trlo ul- lers have almost oai.-ii thoir wr.N ihroudh the stomach »Mii.>«. K*ur..i» uvr Ihpn unav;itli;iK.* It is Ui rh- earlx stages when liiJl)f>-st!ot'. <l> sp«' heartburn. flatul**nce. etc.. indiouters ex- <essive ailJIty of ttj* »toriia,'h and tn- Theso are the men who fought meiitiition of foo<< ^-onten's th.u t.rncau- tlon shouUl be t.'iken. I'rufts iiu.l medt- >.lne.s HIV unsuitable ami oft-ii 'lan«er- "us- they have little or no intlu-:ice up- on the harmful add. and that Is wh.> rtoctors arc cllgoardlnK them ind advls- liilt .'•iifrerers from Indlicesllon and stom- ach troiibl.' to get rid of the daii|C<»rous aol.l snJ keep the food onteiits bland and sweet by taking a little pure bNura- ted maKnesia Instead HlsurHted Mag- nesia Ik an absolutely pure antt-acid which ran be readily obtained from anv drug store It l» absolutely harn!le!«s. Is practically tasteless and a teaspoonful taken lu a little warm or lold water af- mealK. will usuallv be found uultp Bay, in Egypt and in Flanders. The other day I met an .Anzac who a skirt of broadcloth, with pockets at • had survived the curious experience the side gores and two box pleats at of being hit bv a shell and blown the^ center back. about a hundred" feet into the air. He itine patterns may be obtained had a perfect recollection of all that from your local McCall dealer or from had happened up to the moment of be- The McCall Co. 70 Bond St. Toronto, j ing struck. Dept. W. "' ^'** visiting another man's dug- FLY OVEr7^*nTv~TWO DAYS ' T* "* Suvla." said he "and after a-^tV'!:*'/ to instantly neucah.e exC^.,- v^.x^» v»vc.-».-i 1.-. in\j uAio. f^^y warm drinks, started to go home, sive acidity of the stomach and pr,-ve ,, ... .. , â- ; â€" ' The Turks had been fairly quiet all ,«"'""'*'*''"•><''">« f""** '*'''"*'><'"* Fokker .Airplane Inventor Lets Loo«e | ^j^y, g^d now the night was evtraor- ' ♦ dinarily dark. 'I blundered along the sloppy, un V/fien Your Eyes Need Care ^â- â- â€¢e lJ.:nneE eSIedlcme. NoSraarcnji - Ke»â- .^ F'.no-.Vtn ijuicklv. Tr» !• (. r Red. W,-al<, bore ETe«andUraa'.i)xieJ KjieUJt iiiirM.eis coinpoi:ndod by our CVMiiint-* â€" not » "â- Patent Mt'diL-lne "-biitueedluiiu'-oesaf ilPbtsiotarjs' Praotioe for many rear*. Now JedtcateU to t.'io Publi'- and »*Nd bj Pr'jffifl^iH at V^c per Bottle Uu: me S.ilve Id .Asnpi ^- Tut'ee B«.' and SVv Write for l>>i>k o' ti.- Ev FreJ. Murine E|«R«>n««l>Oa-npany, Chicago- AdT. Since the war began th" British and Foreign Bible Society has distributed amonjt the soldiers and sailors and l:i terned prisoners of the ccur.tries at war. mere than .t.o(.><>.o<.>4) copies ot the Scriptures in tti'ty differeut languages. MDNFY ORDERS POMINION Express Oniers are on Sale in five thousand offices through- out Canada. The uiau wbo does no more thau he Is paid for will never ge; piiid for any more than be does Mlnard'e Unliuent meUerea RearaJirl*. The young bride: -W'ha; small eggs I " Crocer: -Yes. they're not >er>- large." Bride: "t suppose they took them out of the nest too soon." MYSTEHrE.S OF SCIENCE. .Many Hidden Influences That .Are Not I Yet L'ltderstood. The most remarkable feature in the motion of the planet Mertniry, says a modern astronomer, is tiiat when it is , nearest the svm it trrjvels faster than I it should if it moved only by the at- I traction of the known bodies of the solar system. Astronomers have long ' sought an explanation of the acceler- i ate«l motion. The influence may poa- 1 iibly prtjceed from some oth'jr un-j knosvn planet revolving within its or- bit. Whatever the cause, the effect is unmistakable. There are hidden influences that as yet are a deep mys- tery to the astronomer. Science is full \ iti things similarly inexplicable. They are all about us, calling to mind the â- vord .spoken in the old time to one incredulous because of the mys- tery of religion. "The wind blo'*eth '.vhere it listeth, t.hou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell ' whence it comfth and wither it go- eth."' The mysteries of science are as inexplicable as those of religion. Life IS full of hidden influences that im- pinge on the spirit of man and are in their working. Says She Suffered i For Many Years Then Dodd'^i Kidney Pills ( ured Her Kidney Troubles Mr«. Felix Ascah Found No Relief in Doctors or Hospital Treatment, but I>odd'» Kidney Pills Brought a .Spe«dy Cure. Haldimar.d. Gaspe Co., Que., Mar. Wth 'Spec-ail.â€" Mrs. Felix .Ascah is telling her numerous friends here that her Complete recovery from kidney disease frt'm which ihe suffered for years is due ti, the splendid work ot Dodd"! Kidney Pills. "My trouble started from a strair, " Mrs. Ascah says. "I s-offere.l for years . I was attended by a .io.-t jr and was also treateij at a h.-spital. I suffered fnom stiffness in the joints. 1 had a bitter taste, especially ;r. ;h« morning, and at times was subject t • severe headaches. I had a pre.*sure and often a sharp pain at the tup .jf my head and my skin :tohed and oa.-r- eil at night. "'Neither from the doctor ror at .hi hospital did I get any perma.-e-' re- lief Then I started to jse D'dd's Kidrey Pills and two bo.x«s d:d me to m:.;ch gocd I feel !ike recommending them rj «ve.-yore wh.' has ',<iln.>y t.'u-uble. " Dodd's Kiiney Pills ure sick .\d- neys. Cured kidneys st-a:n ail th? impurities, all the sjeus of disease, out of the blood. That makes g'Ood health all over the body That's why thoie cu-ed are so»iast;c in regar-j to DoiM's Kiurey Pills. ♦ Horrible 1 Oaliant bv.: absent-minded Scot . Jup- i:)g a gas afack > rrikey ! That re lul-dd-s in-.' A b 'leve a left the gas b:ru!n' a- haujc ;he day a joiued -ip ' .M.iriori Bridge, C. B.. May 30. "O".'. I have handled .MIN.ARD'S LIN lAlENT during the past year. It i? always the first Liniment asked fur here, and uncjaestionably the Pest seller of all -,he liitTeicrt kinds t Liniment I handle. .\t:iL FEROLSON. .Artificial Wind Speed*. Wind speeds as high as seventyone miles an hour are produced artlflclally It! a Paris aerodynamic laboratory nee-* model aercplaces are tested Some Predictions. Herr Fokker, the builder of one of the most successful military flying paved footway, hurrying uneasily in machines used in the German and the direction of a patch of paint pale Austrian armies, predicts an era ol , blotches that I took to be the tomb- aerial passenger traffic after the war. j stones in our little burying ground. Speed, he says, is bound to make air- ' "From somewhere behind nie came craft a popular vehicl/of travel, but a faint moaning sound. I stepped for- A PATH OF GOLD. There's a good way to ke«p growing boys and girls healthy and happy and that is to give them Grape-Nuts /•r braakf^st. This wonderfully noiuishing food has a sweet, nutty flavor that makes it popular with children. One of the few iweet food* that does not harm digeotlon, but builds them strong and bright. ^t gr»c»r* •vmrytohar*. Interest of War Loans Amounted to £88.145.856 for 1914-15. The cost of the war has now reached such a fabulous amount that the or- dinary mind fails to grasp the signi- ficance of the millions of pounda ; which arc dally mentioned in the I papers. f 1 It has been announced that the in- terest on the debt create<l by the war ' loans of 1914-15 amounted to *'38,- 1445,806. or $192,229,280 for the tinan- cial year which ended last March. Supposing it were possible to place I a line of sovereigns which represented this amount close together, the line would about reach from London to In- verness. I ' If a man were invited to pick np | j each sovereign separately, and he was ' able to lift thirty sovereigns every minute, and worked rtve hours « day, j it would take him about twelve years to pick them up, working every day of i the year, ! j Or a footbridge could be built ! across the Channel, from Dover to Calais, nearly two feet wide, the sur- face of which could be laid with sove- reigns Bs close as possible, and this would only represent the amount of Interest payable in one financial year for the loans created in 19U-15. o - o- o â€" o -o- -O - *.- O- O- o o ANY CORN LIFTS OCT. DOES NT HI KT A BIT! .N'o foolishness! Lift your corns and calluses off nith fingers â€" It's like magic 1 o â€" o 0-- 0-â€" <K- -o- -o- â-  <y- o-- <>- - o Sore corns, hard corns, soft corns or any kind of a corn, can harmlessly be lifted right out with the fingers if you apply upon the corn a few drops of freezone. sa>'s a Cincinnati authority. For little cost one can get a small bottle of freezone at any drug store, which will positively rid one's feet ot every corn or callus without pain. This simple drug dries th« moment it Is applied and does not even irri- tate the surrounding skin while ap- plying it or afterwards . I This announcement w-ill interest many of our readers . If your drug- j gist hasn't any freezone tell him to' surely get a small bottle for you from his wholesale drug house. MICA AXLE GREASE makes miles shorter, pulling easier, friction less. It's the Mica. Mica puts the e-a-e-e in grease. THE IWPERLAL OIL COMPANY Limited BKANCKSS TmiOUCBCLT CANADA Dust on Ocean's Floor. It is believed tiiat to an enormous extent the bed of the ocean is covered with la -a and pumice stone. Still more remarka' is it to find the floor of the ocean covered in many parts^ with the dust of meteorites. "Thess bodies whir! a'o'jut in the heavens like miniature comets, and are for the most part broken into innumerable frairmenti. Mtaard-s Uauacat C«tm DaaiLroif. Smith 1 lu â- *..riii2g ov-r in :i2« munltlocs factory, making ammunlttou fcr the Geniians ' Brown: "For the Germans T" Smih "Why, we send it over to •Jie boys ;:: the treiiches and they shoot It over 1 ' Mlaartf's Tjlalm«nt tot «al« tTsryhax*. ros SAUE. Fy H. -S.vl.iC CHtr.if-.ivOD B.:'.\P.D- : A H '..'.I In • 'â- :ver. Suun-l. In foo4 r»p;:'r %â- :â-  \ I'-'.-ai ' â- n. Near D«3ot 4Sd Fm-i>rlr» \i pl^ K V.iJrath. Exceptor. T-i- -â-  • ri.l id- gTWCTayBHS yo« saz-a IJiHiriT-MAKi-Va NEWS A>"D JOB CW- e» f!r Hal* 'a »oo<l Oatart^ icwna Th« nost <u«ful anJ intarwtlBS •f all t-i9!n«u«8. Full Information 03 «poli--«iicn to \Vi!«on Publ:»ntn« Com- r«ny. "3 '.V««t \.!»1«1" Sf-»»' Tir-ito. imczz>i.AjrsoTTs :i-V.-l.i..s NiJ-.V .VND SECl'.ND H^-.J. »i: '•' -J-,! !»«na f.jr »[~-l»I » lat V.ir9)Ty Cy;l« Wi^riis. ill B CK.NCER TVMORS. LCMPB. ETC Inturnal tad •zttmal. curad irltB- out pala by cur bom« treatment. W'rlta «s tafore too lat«. Dr Bellman Medical C<- . l-lraltad Colltrcwood. Ont "fiean AH" co^rou".. Tot AH Bo'Iar Fa«4 Watara Cr^iosa 32iaMaff and D'unrla^ Orsta X»ra ;'or &11 ra;iiUr«maa*.a Ctnki 1' Sts«m BoiUr e^jlpmtint Tel. Oarrard li>*0 30 IT-a^a 9* Tjraato The Sonl of a Piano is the Action. Insist on the "OTTO HIGrU' PIANO ACTION «ie Anurias r\m*m Ot| RiMdts Book. ^>^ DOG DISEASES And How to I eed tie AQLiior H.CIAT CLOVER CO.. 1«. ' : 3 W«»t 3 1 St Street. New V xk No Need To Rub! FOR stiff sore muscles apply Sloan's Liniment to the pain or ache, it (jukkly penetritts and soothes luithoal rubbing. Rheumatism, gout, lumbago, neuralgia, tprainj and bruise* are quickly relieved by lis use. Cleaner and more promptly effec- tive than mussy plasters or ointmenu, it does not itain the skin or clog the pores. The family medicine chest in thousands of homes has a place for Sloan's Linimeol. At all druggists, 2Sc. SOc. and $1.00. Sloail^f Limmeiit At the beginnir.g of. the war Great firltain had alwut thrse-tjMarters of all the woHd'!< luerchont shipping. M lnard'a I.inlma»t Cnrâ€" Burns, »to. ED. :. ISSUE nâ€"'\i. COLT DISTEMPER Tou CAO pravunt this loathsome disease from ruanln« thfouxtl 7W stable anil cure &11 tho cults .'<iiiT>rtnK with It *h«n j-r>u berln th» treatment. No ttiat cr how )oun«, Tt pr»T«nt« '4 safe to usa or\ a.ny oolt. \\\ distemper!! no Tn.atter tt is wondarful ho* hi'W ,.'oiis or horaes at any a*a axe exLcaed \'-, g- oit Or;s*lst» av.d turf gooda »0»W 1 ^ â€" â€" â€" boU'T«, si". S'OHS-S. 0»0»W mSBXCAX oo. sai. BactailcXatia'.a, Guaiian, Xnu., tr. â- . A. Chaanlsta

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