Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 29 Mar 1917, p. 6

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w»» #* *i S Conducted by Professor Henry G. Bell. The object of this department It to place at the •ervice of our farm readers the advice of an acknovwi- edged authority on all subjecti pertaining to soils and :i'ops. Address all questions to Professor Henry G. Bell, In care of The Wilson Publishing Company, Limited, To- ronto, and answers will appear m this column In the orde. in which they are ice ved As space Is limited It is advisable where Immediate reply is necessary that I stamped and addressed envelope be enclosed with the question, when the answer will be mailed direct. Questionâ€" M. P.:â€" I have p\nchasetl soil you huvc loi it'tteil its condition two tons of tiround lime-stono to ex- *o that clover will thrive on it, but y&/f' Mothers and daughters of all ages are cordially invited to write to tills department. Initials only will be published with each question and its answer as a means of Identification, but full name and address must bo given in each letter. Write on one side of paper only. Answers will bo mailed direct if stamped and addressed envelope is enclosed. Address all correspondence for this department to Mrs. Helen Law, Castle Frank Read, Toronto. CO.MI.NG BACK TO DEVASTATED HO.MES. fhis picture shows jrinphically what, from their friends At lea.t periment with. How. when and where ^'hen you have .-idded 200 t. 300 face- the Belgian rofujrees when the ; fowl must be supplied them. , 1 -t f 1 •> T l'"""'!'' "f fertilizer in addition to the t^'Cmans have swept over t.^elr towns.: This i.s the work the Belgian Kclief Stones," l>y Jas. Baldwin; Adntt on shall I apply It to pet best results . ^ lime, you have given available plant- This aged couple after wandering! Committee undertook to do and has an Ice-pan," by Dr. W. T. Grenfel; Intend to sow oats, barley, corn, sugar- â-  fuod to the tiny clover crop just the homeless and penniless for months ' done with a thoroughness that has j "Pavid Livingstone," by C. S. Home; beets, clover and wheat. The land same as you give whole milk to the have returned to pick up the shreds | astonished the world. It has tireless- , "The Boy's Nelson," by H. F. D. is all under-drained and fall plowed young calves, and the results f rum ' "^ their lives. Where there was a lessly laboied to give these people the lAVheeler; "Lives of Poor Boys Who ll.B.M.:â€" 1. For your boy.s of eight, most valuable bone-forming foods. 2. eleven and fifteen years of age. the It is said that a very hot nail will not , „ . , , ^„„„,i„,i. ' split planter when it «s driven into it. following books are recommended. ^| The beat way to soften butter is "Lorna Doone," by Blackmore; "Story ^^ invert over the plate of butter a of Great Inventions," by E- E. Burns; h^^y! which has been first heated with "Legends of King Arthur and His boiling water. 4. A good plan is to Court," by F. N. Greene; "Old Greek pajnt the lowest stop of the cellar stairs white. Or a folded newspaper can be tacked to the bottom step. 5. To cut new bread try using a knife which has been dipped in very hot wa- ter. 6. Fresh coffee stains can be except corn .<tubhle and beet ground; seeding both the young barley and prosperous town tliey find only ruin chance they have so well earned to | Became Famous," by S soil, good clay loam. Intend to clover crops should be quite us appar- sow barley on corn stcbble land disced ent as they are in good feeding of live- K. Bolton; removed by pouring boiling water and desolation. ' re-establish themselves. ("Historic Boyhoods," by R. S. Hoi- | through the fal)ric. 7. If steak is What is left for them to do? It' In this work it has l)een aided by the' land; "Heroes and Heroines of Eng- ' rolled in flour before frying, it will up in the .spring and seed to red clover, stock. seems hopeles.-;, yet thousands of them people of Canada most freely, and it ij^h History," by A. S. Hoffman; i<(.ep in the juice and make the meat .Answer:- I would advise you to pick Question â€" S. C: â€" .\m thinking of 'i^^e faced their reconstruction period is dependent on Canadians still, with "Plutarch's Lives for Boys and Girls," more tender and delicious, out three acres of uniform corn stubble sowing a couple of acres of beans. ; '°"S before it was safe to do so, with ; their brothers in Great Britain and retold by W. H. Weston; "Ivanhoe," ' C.B.: â€" Iron rust stains cannot b« land. Apply one ton of ground lime- How would they do on sod ploweii in the same fortitude that the Belgian the United States, to continue the anj "Kenilworth," by Sir Walter taken out by water. Try a mild acid, stone to the fust acre and thoroughly the spring? The land is sandy loam nation displayed in resisting the in- 1 work as long as the Germans remain Scott; "Tom Brown's Schooldays," by such as cream of tartar, spread on the disc ;t in, in preparing the seed-bed for which has not been worked for quite a ; ^"S'""- , on Belgian soil. Subscriptions Thos. Hughes; "John Halifa.x, Gentle- stain and washed through by hot wa- the barley which is to be seeded to red while. Would sow the beans with a' ^^'-'t these courageous people must should be sent either to the Central man," by Miss Mulock. There is also ter, or dilute oxalic acid. When the clover. On the second acre which ^ ten hoc drill. How deep should they have help, until they can get on their , Belgian Relief Committee at .59 St. ;, .splendid series of twenty volumes, ^tain is removed be sure to wash out should lies right between one and three, b.: planted and would the common feet again and find nwans to keep Peter Street, Montreal, or to the local for boys and girls from eight to four- the aci<l. thoroughly disc the land but do not ; white bean be all right ? apply limestone and seed to barley and Answer: â€" Beans should do well red clover. On acre Xo. 3, apply the upon spring plowed .â- ^od, if after plow- remaining 1000 lbs of ground lime- ! ing great care is taken to thoroughly stone and disc up the land in prepara- disc and harrow the seed-bed, and pos- tion for the grain seed. Just before ^ sibly if the ground appears to be too seeding time, or a week or ten days i lu ise to roll it and follow with a har- after having worked the limestone into rowing. The point is that the turn- the soil, apply 200 to 300 pounds of a ing under of the heavy sod may make fertili/.er analyzing 2 to 3''f ammonia the seed-bed too loose and actually in- •nd 8 to 10'. available phosphoric jure the water supply around the acid. If your seed-drill has not a fer- growing ()lnnt. This can be avoid- tilizer <lrilling attachment, scatter the ed by thoroughly working the seed- fertilizer as evenly as possible over the bed into a compact but still mellow acre and thoroughly harrow it into the form. ' ground. Then sow your barley and, The general rule, in sowing seed, is red clover as before. 1 to put them niit^doeper than four times At harvest time weigh the results their longest diameter. This would from the three individual acres separ- mean that the beans shoui 1 not be ately and you will have a clear demon- planted deeper lh:in 'Z^l: to 3 inches, stration of,â€", the value of the The common white bean is a service- lime, second, the value of the lime and able type to grow but you should take fertilizer. Besides weighing the bar- care to sift out all the uiidii sized and ley, be sure to note the earliness with injured beans and to pick out 100 which it ripens on each plot an.l the beans and lay them between a damp weight per bushel of the grain when cloth, keeping them in a warm room, it is harvested. note how sue- , You can watch the sprouting of these cessful the grass and clover seedings beans after they have boen prepared have been on each plot. las described, and if at the end of a Ground limestone is a corrector of i week or ten days they do not sprout soil .'(ourness and is not essentially a strong and show considerable vigor, plantfood. When you have limed the I you will do well to obtain new seed. themselves alive, they must receive aid branches. ESSEriTiALS FOR THE GARDEKER Con.struction and Care of Hotbed and (old Frame â€" Both .\re of (Jreatest .\<e in Obtaininj; .Vn Early Start With Market Produce. The gardener's greatest aids in raising early crops are the hotbed and the cold frame. The hotbed cnaldes him to plant seed and i)roduce seed- lings long before the .seed planted out of doors has begun to germinate. The cold frame enables him to get the seedlings produced in the hothouse .gradually accustomed to outdoor con- ditions and to raise these into strong, sturdy planting stock by the time the garden is ready for them. I The cold frame is used in hardening position and liank the sides and ends with manure. Place about three inches of good garden loam on top of ^Vo„(,en, 10, Tin; 12, Silk the manure inside the frame and cover it with the sash. After the heat has reached its maximum and has subsid- ed to between 80 degrees and '.)0 (k?- grees F., it will be safe to plant the seeds. Select the plumpest, freshest seeds obtainable. Use standard var- ieties and get them from reliable seed houses. 1 Crisis in Plant Life. Keep the bed partly dark until the I teen, of which a few titles are: "Birds V.D.F.:â€" A good play for your That Every Child Should Know," school concert would be "The Making "Earth and Sky That Every Child of Canada's Flag," in which from fif- Should Know," "Water Wonders That teen to twenty five children may take Every Child Should Know." Some of part. Another patriotic play for boys ; the other subjects treated are: "Wild and girls is "The Key to Jack Can- .4nimals," "Pictures," "Songs," uck's Treasure House." It deals with "Trees," "Famous Stories," "Heroes," our splendid national resources. Both "ft'eroines." This series afTords a vast these plays may be obtained from amount of useful information in very city booksellers at J-^ cents each, readable form. ! S.N.: â€" A mixture of one-half ounce L.W.:â€" The wedding anniversaries borax, one-half ounce glycerine, throe are as follows: 1, Cotton; 2. Paper;.3, ounces rose water and two ounces bay Leather; 4, Fruits and Flowers; 5, rum will soften and whiten the hands. and Fine Cornmeal is also excellent as a Linen; 15, Crystal; 20, China; 25, whitener, and glycerine and lemon Silver; 30, Pearl; 40. Ruby; 50, Golden; juice mixed is recommended. If a bowl 7."), Diamond. j of oatmeal is kept beside the kitchen mond. I sink and rubbed over the hands after Il.L.R.:â€" 1. Milk dishes are the washing it will prevent roughness. the plants which have been Ktarle<l in seeds germinate. the liotbed or in mild climates for After germination, however, the starting plants before the can plants will need all the light possible. <MmJm^ "^Wahr^i be safely planted in the open. Resetting plants from a hotbed into the cold frame gives them a better root system and makes them stockier and more valuabl" for transplanting n the open ground. Building of Hotbed. The hotbed should be in some shel- approved cow, and tered, but not shaded, spot which has led to do his 'a southern exposure. The most cori- onibinatioii . | venienl size is a boxlike structure >ix Above all things let no one pester ' <â- Â»'«' wide and any multiple of three the bull. Nine out of ten cross bulls •"'"'^â- t >"">?â-  «" 'hat standard three by are made so by wrong treatment on *'" '"'"''t hotbed sash may be used, 'liio the part of some one who .•ither does f'"anu< should be twelve inches high not think or who does not know any '" the back and o.ght inches on th- ln.jl^pr I front. This slope is frr the purpose With all our kindness let us keep a 3."). Cast him outâ€" See verse 22 and John Iti. 2. The Son of .Miui ( margin » - So read, beyond doul>t. Since this great tille refers tacitly to future Judgment, there Is special signitlcaiice In verse Z'i lu this couneclion. 37. He it Is â€" Compare Jr.Un 4. 26. 38. Worshiped- -Jesus accepts a re- THE ART OF GRAFTING. When in the spring the sap begins to move in the stock, be ready; this The tested ami Chroniciniiigestion is iiidicatedliy 'he following symptoms: Unthriftiness, the dairyman determ capricious appetite, increased thirst, best, make a winning irregularity of the bowels, dry, star- ing coat, hide bound, .sometimes slight, colicky pains. If due to imperfect mastication have teeth attended to. (live purgative followed by a dram each, ginger, gen- tian, nux vomica, and bicarbonate of io<la 3 times daily, and foo<l of tirst- clasK (|uality . Increase th<' feed gradually, and give regular exercise at some kind of work. When the hair begins to shod, the heavy coated horse; should be clipped. When not at work, have a blanket , storms, but by daily exeicise on sun- hai.'ly t.i throw over the clipped horse shiny days, and careful stabling when j and he will not take cold. the winds whisk aiound the corner There will be no delays in the spring Btfore we offer a farm for sale, we' work if the work teams are properly know it pays to slick it up and make it firm hand and a good stout stalT on the bull. The cow due to calve soon should be fed only laxative, easily digested food, angle for the be faced toward of securing a belter sun's rays and should the .-.outh. The hotbed not oidy must ccdlect any heat it can from the sun, but also must generate heat of its own from Toughen your cows, not by expos- ' f^,,.„„.„i,„i„„ j,, f,.^.,,, manure. Fresh ing them to the raw spring winds and ,,,„.^g manure, free from" stable litter. prejiared at the start. (iradually toughen up the horses that h:ive been standing in the stable. A poor collar hurts worse than a hi^avy load. Adjust the traces to the length of the horse. Get your horse as near as po.ssible to the load he is to Jjull. Mud-spattered harnesses on a clear day look as if something were wrong. Wash them up after the spring storms and bad roads are over, and keep them I washed. A harness that is permitted i to go dirty will not last so long as one j which is cleaned and oiled often . ' A hoisa that does not eat when food is before him is wrong somewhere. | Look at his teeth . Watch all danger ; signal.t. I Wind up the \wek'» feeding with a' bran mash. look the very best we can . Same way with a cow wo want to sell. We can't expect men to lake nuicli interest in a rack iT bones or a dung heap fast ened to a pair of hind legs. ("lean up. Put a good coat of flesVi on your cow, and then offer hor for sale. Pastures which are used one week too early in the spring will generally run short at least three weeks earlier than if they had been properly con- served . iild inisture lor the hogs It will be a great Having Stop feeiling geese twelve o hours before you kill thi^m . | A few sickly hens will underminn - the best-founded efforts nt succes.s. | F'ive to ten per cent, of the feed I given in winter should Ite meal in some ' form . I Fresh cold air is the only thing that will keep the hens from freezing to I death . | It will help to get eggs the year | around if you thin out the overcrowd cd hnuHCB. When chickens are permitted to roost in and about the stables, why should there be surprise when horses and cattle buconfR lousy? Some folks try to make money out of geese without water. Quito like making bricks without straw. If na- ture has not provided you a stream ur pond fed by springs, make n pond of your own . Eggs from geese that have water to swim in are mcue apt to b» f«rti> than those which come from dry -land layers. Rig up an ; this season, in feed . Lots of folks downtown never know \\hat good bacon or ham it. Make youM extra good this year. The constant colil weather of the pa. I months has been Ibe means of keeping many pigs closely housed, and this has resulted in a great many cases of crippling amongst the swine herds of this country . It Is es.sential ihni the brood sow be fed a well balanred, Kiuiident , nu- tritimis, milk-producing ration while suckling the litter. Dairy by-pro- ducts, such as skim-milk, buttermilk or whey together with meals such as shorts, ground oats, barley, oil cake and the like are all highly suitable for the feeding of the how nt this sea- son. One reason why the atorms of win- ter break so many panes of glass in tile farm homes of this country is be- cause the putty gets loose and lets the glass break easily. Take some com- fortable day very soon and go over all the wiiirows. Ton cents may save a dollar's worth of glass. is best for generating beat. If the holbeil is to be an annual af- ' much water. It is best to keep fair, make an excavation eighteen soil rather dry. inches to two feel deep, about two In 'transplanting, remember that feet greater in length aiiil width than plants usually thrive better if tr^ii'^- the frame carrying the Line planted into ground freshly cultivated, the excavation with plank or with a brick or concrete wall. A drain to carry otT surplus water is es.senlial. .•\fter a suflicient amount of fresh horse manure has been accumulated, fill the pit, and while it Is bring filled tramp the manure as lirnily and as evenly as possible. When the ground level is reacbeil place the frame in exclusive of the direct rays of the , verence which angels refuse (Rev. sun, to keep them growing rapidly. , *, yj. This is a crisis in plant life and ven- 1 tilaling and watering with great cars are of prime importance. Too close planting and too much heat and water cause the plants to bconie spindling. W.iter the plants on clear davs in the , • â-  , , i_ morning and ventilate immediately to ''^•'•"•"'' ^^'''^ "' ^^^ P'""" '""' 'â- ^^"â- 'â- >'' dry the foliage and to prevent nil- dew. ! The cold frame, so useful in harden- ing plants started in the hotbed and for starting "lants in mild climates, is constructed in much the same way as the hotbcil except that no manure is useil, and the frame may be cover- ed either with glass sash or with can- vas. A cold frame may be built on the surface of the ground, but a more permanent structure .suitable for hold- ing plants over winter will require a pit eighteen to twenty-four inches deep. The cohi frame should be filled with a good potting soil. Tlie pl.ints should have more ventilation in the cold frame, but should not receive so the Transplanting to the open field is best done in cool, cloudy weather, and in the afternoon. This prevent.s the sun's rays from causing tlu- plant to lose too much moisture through evap- oration. In transplanting the garden- er will fln>l a child's express wagon an excellent trolley tray for bedding out his seedlings. INTERN.XTION AL LESSON AI'RIL I. .essou L- Jesus (Jives .Si(iht To The Blind-Johu 9. 1-38 (Jolden Textâ€" John 'J. .I. Ilioir hard theorl/.iiis in the presence \ of sorrow. They should be looking out , for opportuidf lea of Joining their Mas- tei' In Ills I'Vahor's works. While It is ' dn\ See John U. Ii; 12. Vc. The par- 'able ilsell' Kuards agalnsl misuse: j man's Intellectual and spiritual work j Is ofioii italic ui iiIkIiI. Mut jiisl as eur I work f(U' dally bread uorinally "stops ] at sundown, so the opportunity of nilnlslorhiK to uion In their sorrow will cease with death. When There Im a distinct sag- \nrKP 1, I'HHHed by .V lipurUuis ad- dition lo John 8 r>!i iKoo iiiurgln) would link tills Kii';e w iili the last iiulto goiionil "one ibiy as ho wont iilong the ulroet" Krom IvIh birth • I'Mdently a well-known charaotor, whose history the illNcii>les know; compare von;«i S. 2. HaIiIiI The actiutl word u»o<l wliorever our (iosipels have "Master" tllterally, Teacherl Who slnnod- Tills Is India's iirobleiu, (ui whliJi the whole suiKiralniclure of relMcaj-natlou Is lin!«'d .lews liellevod In tlio posst blHly of prenatal sliis; this verso iIobn not moan thai tliey tluuight oT a i»ie vioiis exlsl«iice Parents Coniparo the old proverb about the father's ent Ing sour grapes and the cUlldreii's tooth set on edge Jer«nila\i reiiudin tod it, but there was a, partial truth In It which h« retaJiiMl iJer 82 tSt. :l J0KIIS re|eit« ilii» ilitM>ry of suf- fering altogether. .Man's sufferfiig Is onlv (lod's opporniuliy; conipnie John 11.4. and i I'or. 12. 9, 4. We must Note the rebuka to ge.s,tl.ui that this visit tconipare ,lohu , "'n^''"';.^ '"'"'J't^, «''-' separate families 17. Ill Is not the only luie. See son Text Sliidlen for March IS, verso 12. tV Coinpnro Mark 7 .S3; N. 23 PUo primitive liolief In the henlliig virtue 1 It Hoeiiis of saliva Is used liy Jtvsiis lolielp faith: 1 tho point Is ihat what heals comes from lilin .Xnolntod Head, "put hl.s olsy on his eyos": the margin has an Improvement on tho text, hiii li mioses the true indnt. 7, Wnifh The word used Implies the washing of n part, here the face. Pool of Sdloani "Sllca's brook that flowed fas^t by the oracle of Ood," as Milton calls It. Tho pool l« still there. Sentâ€" Thst la "Isfliilng, gushing forth." Hut Joha fastens on a mystical Inter- protallon: the siiilng Is a type of the water of life R Hopgar As ti>-(lay In India, there was no other livelihood for a blind man who hud no relmttves lo support bliii. !l. No For of course Uie fact Ihat be coul<l Kce. with them disproved Identity. 11. Went «way--A« with the ton lepers, faith was tosted by hbldlng hini leave the Hoa'.or's preseuca. \ THE PARIS DOLL LIKES HER ^ NEW HOME. It was past J 2 o'clock in Toytown and the big fat Policeman had come around as he always did every night to see if there were any new dolls in the window. 'Sure enough! There was a new doUie, wiih big blue eyes and light golden hair, and the big Policeman thought the big Boy Doll was Uioking at her very strangely. No wonder, for the Paris Doll hud just been put in the window of Toy- town that very aftc:t'oon, and she was so very beautiful that all the other dolls flopped looking out of the win- dow just to see her. The Brown Monkey stoppeil pulling the Stuffed Cat's tail just to see what it was all abeut. The Tin Soldiers stood up very straight as if to salute, while the Wooden Firemen looked around to see if there was a fire ar\"where. 'Have you been here very long?" asked the Boy Doll of the Paris Doll. "Oh. no," said the Paris Di.ll. "I came from across the water. The dear little girls packed me in a box and gave me a lot ef kisses to give to Canadian boys and suls, and one of the dollmakers taught nie Englisli so that I could understand what was' said to nie." "That is very wonderful," said the Boy Doll. "I hope you like it here." "I know 1 shall," said the Paris Doll, "Every one is so kind." 1 Just then the big Policeman turn^ When gratting large trees n is best ..j, j,is back and thr Brown Monkey not to cut away too much ol the tree t,,,.^,^,. „ ,,1,,^.^ „( the window and the at once; therefore a few secondary ^.j^ f^i|^,„, j^,n^p,,^l ,i^ht up in the air. branches should be left uiitouche<l, jj^ xwvwA around verv nuicklv and and these, after the scions are thrift- thought he saw all the dolls, tin ily growinir. can gr:ulually be cut soldiers and firemen laughing at him. away the following years. Or, part of \ wonder if they really were? a tree can be thus top-grafted one ."-_.c> â€" year and the remainder the next. Many a worthless tree has thus been , entirely dumged. | You can't graft a pear or an apple on a cherry or plum tree, or vice versa. The stone fruits and the po- ate not doing well, there is no mystery about it. Remember parasites, iti- nnd refuse to intermarry. ternal as well ai external. The following formula for grafting D" y^'u are up to date you will read wax will be found satisfactory: Melt the experiment st-Htioii leports on together until thoroughl.v mixed four sheep and lamb feeding, and then file pounds of resin, two pounds of bee»- them ti> rend again, wax and a piuiiul of tallow. Pour this Blessings on the ewes that bear mixture into a vessel of cold water, twins, and this is the year that it will (irease the hands with tallow, and pay to rai:--e them. In every sheep when the wax is cool pull it like taf track there springs up a clover fy until it becomes light and smooth, plant. Sheep and clever arc groat It may then be shaped into balls or partners. For genuine pasture im- sticks, and will keep indetinitely in provcmcnt, at little exj-eiise, the sheep a cool place. Paraffine substituted for l-< the leader. Did you ever think beeswax makes a harder as well as a that millions of weeds that would oth- cheaper wax. i erwise mature seeds get nipped by Here is a substitute for grafting sheep? wax that is much cheaper: Take com- 1 Many pounds of wiHil are lost every mini putty, put it on good and thick spring by letting the she«>p run whcrft and fill all the cavities .smoothly, i fences and bushes will catch them and Then take cloth, tear it in strips, wind , tear off big pieces of the fleece. Small it around the putty and tie it with matter? Nothing like this is too string. It is best to use scions which were and later in the pear and a'T^'" "o the grafting, if possible, on a mild day during showery weather. The 'i.' .-s- sary tools are a chisel, or a thick- bladed knife or a grafting iron (with which to split open the stock after it is sawed off smoothly with a line- tooth saw), a hammer or mallet to aid the splitting process, a very sharp knife to trim the scions, and a supply of good grafting wax. Saw otf a branch at the desired point, split the stock a little way down, and insert a scion at each outer edgeâ€" taking care that the inner bark of the scion fits snugly and exactly against the inner ; bark of tho stock. This â€" together with the exclusion of air and moist- ' lire until a union resultsâ€" constitutes the secret of success. Trim the scions wedge-shaped, insert them accural dy; the wedge should be a trifle thicker on the side which comes in contact with the stock's bark. Lastly, apply graft- ing wax. Each scion should be long enouirh to have two or three buds. The ; "spring" of the deft holds the scion â-  securely In place, and therefore tying should be unnecessary. If both scions in a cleft gi'ow, one may later be cut ^ awnv. ! »H ,.0 Wl a fl. iiulix idual.-- in it cut very early thi* spring or last full; small for the farmer's attention. C. Pity the people who lire in th« tro- they can be kept in moist sawdust or! pics; they never enjoy the miracU of «ank. spring. I t- V !• V

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