I ]) fkB\)ttton kU TBUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINOIPLEb NOT MEN." vol 3*j No. 45 Fleshierton, Ont., Tliursciay, March '-^O, IQl"/ W. e TEDRSTON '-^^Z KOPBia '^ â- < 1 ^ Ceylon Chat ! Pithy Proton Pointers y^:'-^ GaA&di&A Highway Aa5ociatio'r\ i Duke of Connaught W. J. Kerr (. Ill last week'« Advauco an i»rtic!o appeared on ihe lifu* uf the lafc Jnhn Kerv m which It stated thit i!r. Kerr hid Lis ijcluie puljlished alongside fhat of ihe Duke of Conuau;4ht us PiesiJeiit of the Hi,''i way's Association. By favor of the Norwood Registci' wa arn enabled to pul>lj»h this cut heiu«ilh for the beiifiic of our readers. A fiiend writing The Advanc-", snjs : Poor Kerrâ€" I ngret lll^s fate, but admire his spirit. Tiii.'* old \vi rid would be very .slow without some men of his pu.sh. -Sone day when that uieat nation.'X undertakinc; â€" a liithwiy from Vancouver to Halifixâ€" is complete I (iierhap.s before) the people of tbi.-> country will erect an eiidurins^ inonnnient to his menioiy. 1 have undci-scood from men who 1 ai-e lived at the C' ,ist tint many miles of ihi< loadway baa been constructed. A'.-i that a start has been made on tno eas-teni end. I rem amber Kerr well as ayounij fellow. He was always ambit iais and II' I cuiteiit w.ih the '(uieti: h- if n'.d Artcines.a. Mr. Joe .Snell left Monday for Wood- bridjje to spend the sn:iiuifr. l^uite a number fioiu hero atrenued the funeral of Jlyille Kadley on Thursday last, at Maxwell. Mrs. ,J. Kennedy spent a couple of days li.st week in .Markdale. Mrs. VVni, Wilcock visited hei daui>hter in Markdale last week. Mrs. T, Chisleit his letnrned friin visiti lis her d.«ughter at Owen Souiul. Mr. Hugh ILauiiiio'id moved his fimily list week to Eu:;enia. Mrs. Thoa.Ci.ok, Markdale, at;Liidid i the funeral of the late Chiirlcs I* ckel I o 1 Friday la»r. I Mr. T. WriKhc •â- { \\\st T'-ioi,iu, .Mi. tjuy Pickell and Ml-,. W. (J. I'lck.-ll ol Tortage l.i Prairie were miesl.s :il llit.- home ot K. Cotk the pnst wetk. The road.s are aliU'jsi iui[M-.--aMe. Thi bus had a very hard lino uettiiii,' up the iJiansi'' hall hill Mond.iy uii;ht, m time to catc'i the trak:. :%'"? Obituary 5000 Facts About Canada On Tuesday, Much 20, Myrtle Edith lUdley passed away in her ".Jlit year. She was the eldest and dearly beloved I '''^ IX'pular and valuable cyclopedia of The public will welcome the "cw issue for 1917 of ••j,(NKJ Facts About Canada,'' ^^ d»URhter of Mr. and Mrs. James E. Radley of Maxwell, Ont, and lite of Ceylon. The funerol to.ik place from her parents' residence Thursday aftertioon March 22, interment in Maxwell ceme- tery. Ill Octolter last she had the jaundice, from which she never fully recovered, being conTined to lior bed ever since. She grew weak lately and passed iway nuieily DeceiuseU is »ur" viveu by her parents, seven sisters and two brothers, one brother at the front. The pall beaters were si.x cousins : Levi Coults, Ro'ierl Hill, .lohn Seely, Willie Jameson, .lolmnie Kulley and Oeorge Young. 9 The death of Charles P. Pickoll took place at Woodstock on Tuesday of last week. lie was the fourth son of Mrs. W. c;. Pickell and the late WtJ. Piiljell. r ^Ho wa.s born .'IT ytars ago at Fleshorton, Canadian dales, compiled by Frank Ye'gh of Toronto, the well-known writer aid lecturer on the Dominion. No up- l<> date and intelli<{eutCan.idiaii can afford to be without this "handy annual," which U a revelation in concre'e form of the wonderful -jrowth of our country in a single year.despite war condition; indeed, it circulates all over tlie world, and as such is a splendid adverti.semcnt. The chapter of ••\Vjr Facts" is, by the way. both timely and ilUiniinating. Fifty oth- er chapters are devoted alphabetically to evety phase of our national life.fiom A;{- riculture to the Yukon, while stveial sketch maps are of hiih ^alui-. Cojjiis may be hail from newsdealers or by send- ing 23c to the Canadian Facts Pub. C,i., 5?.S Huron Stieet. Toronto. Can ida. Maxwell Deal h has again visited this iioii'hbi r" When a few years old his family iiioveU ', hood at the home of Mr. James Radl.y, 10 Markdile. In his younger years hoi when h.s dui^hter, Myrtle, passed away was a great favorite among the young j on Tuesday morniUiC. Wo e^teiid our peiple, and was .an active member of thej heartfelt Methodist chinch in Marhdale, a member family. symp.tliy to the bereaved of the choir and president of tho Epworth League. He »-as for 12 years ,a valued Kssistaut ill the McCnlloujfh A Youn.; Back, when fa lin.' health forceil him t>- retire from «ctivi> l.ff. The sad break in his proni'sing lifi- was h(jrne by him with wonderful path nco. The funeral took place from the residence ot Mr. Uoiiert Cook, Ceylon, on Friday afternoon la.st to Fleeherton ceiiie'ery, his mother and brother, C.uy. haviim arrived fion Port- age La Prairie atid his uncle, Mr. Thor^H' Wright, from Wist Toronto. There was a service in the Methodist church, Klesh- erton, where Rev. l>u<tL;ooii conducted an appropriate seivicL', and the Maikdale choir led the sinijin,'. They placed on his casket a b.'au'.iful spray of roses and lilies. ^~««-"*'Tho pall bearers were U. (.'ook, J, L. [/ McMullen, John Tliibuleau, W. Trimble, Charles am'. A! In It Stewart. Tenderly he was placed bcsidii hi.'* father, who preceded him two and a half years «go. lie leaves to niourn his lo8«, a loying Mls^ Osborne ha.s returned to resume her duties at home after haviiii; spent a few weeks at Ceylou. We are glad to loirii that Mrs. Maiy Browurid:;'', who Ins leeu Inid up fcr some lien-.', is improving. We are also pleased t i note tint Mis. John Kerton is able to be around ag^iii. Marshall .and Chailos Kerl in are home for a «h u't time on acoount of their mother's illness. A letter wao tec ntly received by Mis.s Peail Field from P:-. H. T. West In Kngland acknowledging leeeipt of a muc.'i pii/.ed package of goodies fioni the ladies of the lied Cross. In Loving Memory Mr and .Vlrs. 'as. Hodgins of I'.ir )nlo visited for a few days last week with tli.- litters sifter, .Mrs. T. Wyvill. Miss Mildred Wright of Fleshcrlon spent the week end with her sister here. On Friday list Mr. and Mrs. Wm Mitchell, Mabel ami Percy moved to their new home in Ow^n .Sou.id. They will be gieaily mi.-sed in our villag! and we uisli them happine.'-s ami |<ro-.p, rity in their new home. Mrs. J.hii MeConnell •'( Dundilk is visi'iu'.^ with her par^Mits. We are very S' rry m hiiov, tliaf li'tln Ja:k Becker is . n the =i-'k li.-'. Mr'.-. A. iV.'^an I'nl little s.,n if Duiiililk, -ire vii-i^in.; uilb llie furnier's pare;;ts. M'. aj;,' Mi>. rioi'Oie. I in spite iif th- inip'is,«ii'n|.- Toronto Line North Mrs. John Osborne is scn-yusly ill a: ilio home of her daughter. Mrs. Will Stewart. We hope soon to hear if her recovery. Mr. and Mrs. D.ivis rtceivod word o£ their sou Tom's marriage on March Itlth. Tom was Wounded siniie time ago at the front an 1 (.irtially lost his hearing, so «r s appiiiited ward sergeant in ne of the hosijitals in England. This position he ha.s held for over a year, which speaks crtdi'.ilily tor him. Sir. and Mrs. Ch-is Stewart entertain- ed tl"e otticcis of the Presbyterian Sabbath .School last Wed. evening. Master Harold Uichaidson gave .i birthday party to his little frieud« on Saturday last. We are sorro t- report Mrs. Fred Mathewson seriou.sly ill wiih an alt ick of appendicitis. Thit neighborhood was saddened by hearing of the death of Charles Pickell. The fami y lived here many years b fore going to Markdale where Charlie woikel in one of the banks. The family have the sympathy of their old neighbors here. We are glad to report Mrs. Wm. Burnett able to bo om again alter being la^d up for some time. The Red C.oss tea given at the liome of T. S'ed was well attended. Filly ladies being present. The S..ci.-ty made §8 To from this tei which will help along their good work. Thanks ate due J. A Lever and T. Sled for conveying the ladies back and foith . Mr. and Mrs. .1. A Leer attended the funeral of the f ruler's atnit, Mrs. •lohii Holly, ai Vaiidelein. Of ^^rs. M irgatet Ijowes, whodiparted this life, March 24, lOlli. <)i.o year lias pissed sin;o tli-if tad diiy mother, two sisters and four brothers, lo \ vVhen our dear mother was called aw whom B'uch symp.ilhy is extended. Card of Thanks Mr. and Mrs. James Uadley wish to thank their many relatives anj friends for their kindness auj sympathy »liowii during their recent bcreareinaut. God cdled her h,>iiio ; it was his will. Put in our hearts she livelh still. â€"The Family. »y. Power House and Vicinity Fust electric storm of the season was realized in this vicinity on Friday. Mis. Wm, Campbell returned to her home in Toronto on Wednesday last. Mr. Adam Hislop had the iiii.sfortuiie to get his collar bone brokin. Ur. .Mc- Lean, of Fhsheiton, w.is first aid and set thi fraotiiio. Hope Mr. Hislop will simu be able to be around again. Mr.s. U. UraJy is visiting her pareiil-, Mr. and Mrs. J,,hn Weber. Mr. T. 1). I'.erry spent the week end in Oriiiigeville, Mi.ss Mary \\ eber s|>eiit a few days at her home here. Cilad to see spring time around again. Ur. iMuriay and laily friend, of Fesh- erton, visited the power himse recently. Mr. and Mrs. T. tJeiioe, m Eugenia, j spent a day the i'Uest of Mv. aiiJ Mrs. Ad-iiu Uisloi). i Mrs John Weber h.i.s been liid up I with an attack of lumbago. Mr. li>t>rgfl Hislop left oa .Monday fr the Wis- Mr. Arthur VVilli„mH, of the Advance stiti'. Fleslieitor, vijitoii 'Vcr the week end with relations in this vicini'y. Victoria Corners Bornâ€" To Mr. and Mrs. Walter Aohe^ son, a dau^ht.'i. Mr. and .Mrs. Caeser, visited at Mr. Laidlaw's. of J. II. Bates of Slielbuine has started a ] large laneh in Alberta a few miles frciii Calgary. He se.it out rtcenlly a carload of registcrvd Herfiad and Durham cattle. i He has already on the ranch a laigo \ mdeleur, j nt'inbcr of cows and some brood mares I and live hundred .sheep. tha rads IdtIi R.ns. MeVicar .ml r.l'.ekwitll man o.'-hI 1 I r-a -'i Pr 'on :i'iii I'liniiiic'ed tlie'r "n-rv^'os h.re : n .Siiiiil.iy las*. U.'V . niaekwel! ciiii.» up ml a hantl cir fnoii I'mi !alk nil .Mr, Mi;"\'icir drtvea ei upl.' it no!-s fr.oi Flesher'on. wlien he ile ije.l ll'at iii' wou'il do better on toil, -n leaving,' li:- horse in i n.-iriy stiii'e. wilked tl.e reinainiJer of th»! wiiy. Mr. Percy Slitchcil ot S r .tl nd.vi^i'ed with his parents I'.H' i c uple i f d ly- la.-t week. Married â€" '111 .'>,itur!.iy, .M iicli '.U. nt the home of the brides aunt, Mrs. tjreenwiy, 2t)2 Cone ud Ave, Toronto, Reta Phyllis, daight.n of Mr. iind Mrs. Thomas Wyvill, Pioion Station, l- Cail Harvey Whitney of Toronto. The bride looked charming in a white crepe de chene and satin wedding gown with bridal veil and tl.wers. .\fter the sumptuous wedding lunchern the l.appy young couple left mi th" evening triin for Proton Sratioii, where a number o^ the friends of the biilo waited to receive I hem. A'^iry good wishes for a long anil prospe; h life were showered upon the young c uple. .\ strange co-iiKiden-e in comiection with the old timers' r.iee at the cirnival held in Slielburne rink on Tuesday evening of last wee^t is the fact that the competitors Jii this â- icasiou. Messrs. R White and Thos. Y JIoKay, were the contestants in ihe :: mile rice held here just 25 vears ago ti.is week. On that occasion Robt. Wh.te carried off the first prize, Thos. McKay second, and Noble Black third. In ihe race held here l.tsi wiok Robt. White foled to do the come- back set ind wss il.fealed by his old tune rival, T. Y. McKiy. i'V one lap .â€".Shel biiriio Free Press. William l,i\i, . : iliis place, received a teK'gram this week mnouncing that his Si 11. Pte. John .\ Levi, was seriouslv woondod, anil in Hie liospitil, .md later the .sad news of hi, death has been aii- ni'Uiiced.- Stand ud Notice to Creditors In ihe iii'tt. r if the Estate of .\nn Peecioft late .f the Township of .Vrteniesia in the ( 'miiily of (^roy, Spinster deceased. Notice is heie'.iy given, pursiinni (o 'The Trustee .Act" and ainetidinoni- iherelo, that all cieditors and o lleis haviiii! claiiiis , against the et-tale of the said Ann Ueecrott, whn died on oraboui the Iwenfy-siMli day of .laiiiiarv, I'.UT, are re.|Uired mi or before the Thir- teenth ilay of April. I'.ii;. to send by post prepaid or deliver to Wright <V Telfmd, of the town if Owen Sound, in thet'.iunty of I. rev, Solicitors tor William Slo.iti and Fiedetick Pedlar, ihc Kxeciitors of the l.is' »i 1 and tesiainent ot thd Slid il.c.-iise I, their C iristian and surnames, iddro-ses and descriptions, the full parlieiilars i.f their claims, the statement of their accouiit.!? atul the nature of the securities, if anv. held by them. And fiiriher i iko notice ili.'it after such last mentioned date the s>id executms will laocced to disiribuio the assets ,>f the deeeised aim iii; the parlies entit- led thereto, having legaid only to the claims of rthii.h they .«lmll Iheii have no- nce, and ihit the .-iiid executois will not be liable for till" s.iil a-ssets or any part thereof to any person or persm.s of wlio.se clai'i; notice shall not have been received by tlicnl it the time of such distribution. l»ittd March 27 h, A. D. lyiil. WRKJHT c^- TELFORD, Owen Sound, Ont., Soli'ritors f.«r the eMCU'^;rs.. Bates Burial Co i. W. Bates, R. Maddock, Pi'asiJciif. . .Min.tger. Kunira' JUi ec: .r> »nl Kii.baliuers 124 Avenue Road, Toronto Telephone Hillcrest 268 Jewe Iry .M..t 11 l'llil.-;:il I -.ij" uuii Lilll til (Aiaetei y ;ii .iii,.H. .-r',,, •frartii •. •.â- hicies. il-lues II ii-e- A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se lection. We cai- ry Photo Supplies. DF?, ouFix W. A Armstrong, Eye, Ear.Nose and Throat oFKM.;-i:;,Mm;,.,tv,.,,,...,.,.,,i Jeweler At the Rover.. h„i.,e. .Markiialo. -Jod ^-LESHERTON, Thtirsiliy each tii,.n;h fi-..,,, h i,, ,i jo., ^ Du.-ialk.ls We,ino.s.!.,y ,,f eaoi. no.ni h . ONT f^O0000^H:^00oo00o<^0oo00ocK^^ ^li •sif I lifllTWiiyJoiltarJaMollifarJhile, llfak i Md Eiass, 9ape ki. At Reaaouable Pric«s. [orn Iniveil. 'i First Class S; .'k I Mi]f [ar of ^ Also lots of sliorts. Bran, Middliugs, Eclipse Floar. Puritv "^^ five Rose, and Pasti-y •»ic m m Bring your WflE.4 T add exchange it for FLOUR. I waot 1001 hshls Oats. S W. BUSKIN g The Up to-date Fleshertoa Grocer. # -:-Wet and Snow-:- .Mf.iiis yoii unit a X.nv Pair of Riilili,'i-s.ii- ( )vri-- M .shoL's. to keep your feot Dry uii'! W.uiii. O' Call atCLAYTON'SauiI .uctynur -.xaiit.s -uiiplifil. Or it y.iu liavc a Pail- of nM LoarliLT Tops and \\aiit new Bottoms on tlieiii Leave them now bet'oie tlie lau.>-li. lu'paifiii:: .'H n.-u.il. Tho». Clayton's FLESHERTON ANN OUNCEM ENT llaviiiL;' piii'eha.'^etl thr Fmniture business > -lohn Chapman at a rate on the dollar, I am ' to oHei' l''urni:iire at unheard of prices. For ti. fifteen days the publie will he aMe to profit hv thi^^ as I must dispose of most of it, The .'Stock is new np to-date in every respect. Dros.sers. iStaiv'^ P T" • IS Sets and other choice goods at prices tl-r wif?«n,.!!l- i von. War time does S^ot affect those ll ,t "'^ 1" I nit.stly purchased before the raise ami ar^a^a , c, I order to make .puck .sale. Come in and hok ml the sU ^ W. H. BUNT Furniture and Undertakinc* FLESHERTON. . ONTARIO. t 1 i I ?