Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 22 Feb 1917, p. 8

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Febiuiuv 22 1917 T H 1^ F L E S H E R r O N A D V AN C E BUSINESSCARDS Honor Rolls Societies DMMCK ABTnUK LOOGB, No. :tia,A.K.t{ F A M. nioetii >â-¡ the UnBonlckftll. Arui . tTOBC'8 Block Klosbeitou, every KrlJiV on before the lull uiocu. T. llciii) , W. M. ; H. W. Hickling, HecreUry. { I CJIOSKN Klili; >D»- F 111 nil II Crnnr I tint kiiu lliiid ^Vtoller(1av •â- â€¢ ixli ii:iMli a ' H p,tii. Fay ft^KcFiiitnta ti> Hitotdii' tit o| belori' tli« flmt cIkv â- <( emli uiiui)'. (hie ' Councillor, \V. 11. XluLt ; ItcccicitT. Mrt.l.. A, Vutier. KOR JANI'ABV. J, S. S. No 1 . 4lh CI. â€" S Ludbw, li Acheron, Ldckh.'iii, U Scovciis. uf lime iii'oiiiiBing tu assign fiiithcr securities whicli he iKissesied but which were c msider^^il of n doudtful vaUie. Sentence was [j»ssed as aUled ikbove, Mr. W. H. Wriglii intiun for tlie Ajprivilt; prosecutor, Mr. T. II. Dyt-r |C .unty CV.'Wii Attorney for the Crown. Sv. ;{â€" &1 Nicholls.M Athcson.A Litt!e,|1'he cute m the re.nult of apeculatioii in L Xich'ills. 1 real I'st'ito in which Ruljertson 1iec»<nu J)!;ntistry Ur E C MIRRAY r.. O. fi , flenUl turgeou h uoi KrttduHtc of Toronto L'DlverBity •n^l h.yal Lolltjcf c)l Ui'iital Suri;f<MiB of Ontkrio, tiae aduileiuiittered for teeth extraction Oice kt reeitlenoe, Totouto Street. KlecUerton. Medical JP OTTKWKI.L Veterinary Buri^eoa Jraduate '<t Outatic Veteriuary Collage raaideuce â€" aevoud door aouth westioo k«ry street. TbU etreet raDa outb PraabyteriaD Clinrcb. Jr. 3â€" E Nichulls.V Moore,D Stevens, F Nichiills. Sr. 2- B Hoard, P Badjerow. Jr. 2â€"1 Lockhurt.MScott.M Achcson, J Bidjcrow. 1st Cl.-E O-illttUfthcr, K Gi»llaughcr»[ K Moore, M !fixon. j Ps.â€" ai MooiH, LNidi.ille. ! -CLARA (J. DINNIK, TeHclicr. Gets One Year hea\ily inv(/lvL'd Hiid only sucuocded in his I'lIortH to extricate Iriii'elf fruui hia' dil'icuhies .\dveriiser. Fawcett â€" Ranger <»ii thi' ITlh iiist. at IJiillowtree ;,'itf C.Jii^rejjiilioiiiil ohiiroli by the Rev. .1. I!. Lpsg.'. M. .\,. I'tc. K. 1. Kiiwcilr, Cium'li'411 llinhlaiider, of Kiiiil>erhy> Out., to Winifred Hose U^niier, youngest diiugliter of Mr. and Mr». R in;<er of 111 Kvington Road, Leicester. An VA:r*, .Sisk., man ii woiiderins? j .Mr. Milton Huber, a pupu'ar youni; why his wife tulei^ripiied her coiiKmtu- | man uf Hanover, met with a diitressior^ lalions »nd best wishes in response to a j aciident in Knechlel's factory recently, telegram of hi». He had ens;aged al when he i;ot liis right hu^id in a machine [ lierib ahead of time and was comfortably | and had p:irt of hiK four fingers severed, fixe.l. Atone oft'.e stalitns an aged j Death came suddenly to Wu,. Dyer, a w.rnan boarded the cars but the ^ locotnoMve driver on the O. T. R. one weri) all takni. The Kdna "laii's | j^j^jj^ ^^^g,,^,^ He was in the siding at r-liivalry nuu. to her reseuo. and he k-wc j,,^^^^,^ ^.^-^^-^^^ j,^^. ^^^^ ^^ ^^^.^^ ,,^ ^^^^ the old l.idy IjIm birlh, while he stit up at eight o'clock. He had been working all ni^ht in the smokintr couipartment. ^^ ^^^ ^^,j ^^.^^ ^j^,^ ^^;^ j;^^_^^^,,^ ^^^^ ,_^ The next moaning he sent hw «'fe M jropp.d the work .ay ins- '"I feel sick, " R. D. L*Nt. M. B. I'liy^j-ian .ind Suifjcun. aiHl Chas. E McLean, M O. C M, Speculiy â€" S>uri{pry, .Midwifery it Women's Disca.>ies Otmts- Hfi-lKTtoiJ, Late Dr Carter s I'riet ville, '•alue na iivloie Hotna-U' :!•• to 12 a m. 2 to iM) i 7 to s p ni at lacli office nr Mcl.ean will be at K'eilieiton oHioe Sloii- (laytt aa<l Tliiira''ay« : oVer (la>B atxl iiii:litA I)r. I.aLe. < harKes made fioui nearest < nice. 1 eltl>liuiii- 111 i^atli office lor iiicht ar.'l ilav. Vp-to date niiiKbtnte in eout'cctioii with Piiceville office. Lecal LUCAS. l;.\NF.Y A hi;NHY-Harri»teiB. iiolicitor>..«K.â€" 1. IS. I.iicaK. K. C: \V. K, Kaney, K. C. ; W. 1), Henry. 11. A. Ollicen. rorouio. HUV'J Tiadi'ra Xaok IHiIk., [ihoue uaiu 1412; Uarkdale Lucat lllock, I'bone 'i A. Ursacli atUce at Duudalk opao every Saturday. WKIGHT. TF.l.lORD A- McDONAI.D Harriater. KohcilorB, Ac, Otllceu, <irev * lUnc* block, (Jwuii Kound. Standard Uank block, Klerbertou. (Saturdavci. W. H. Wri(;bt, W. K I'ellord Jr. J. C. McUouald, L. i,.. K. Business Cards As the culmination of u case which has been before (he courl.s and attracted cx:enaive interest for some inontlis, j James S. Robe-Uon, a well known: .losepli .1. Kellcy, of Oraiii^eville, was Owan Sounder received asuntence of one knocked down by a street car in Toronto year in the Untariu refuriiiatnry. When a few d.'ys ugo at-d llie front wheel passed ihecise came before Judjie Sullierland ,'"'er hia hand, cutlini; otl' three fiigorsl Monday morning, Robertson, wlio had and a thumb He was t.iken to the! been out ">n bail, received the above hospital. I sentence. The charge originally came; With catt'e selling at the highest price up f.)r hearing before Judge Suthuland In many years. Mr. Henry Ho nfeM, the on June the lOtli I'jni and was that of well-known stock breeder of Carriclr, hasj misappropriating fund.s subscribed to buy a grade cow which rivilslhe famous Tiihnto property. \t that time Robert- a„oso iliat laid the golden egg». On SHii jileaded guilty but tentene was ti„ee occas , iis during the last twenty- postponed until the 12th of January last 'six months this cow has giv.n birth to to permit hnu 1 1 in ike rostituti »n. < >n I iwi„ calves. .Ml six were dandies antl th.i' date through his cut sel, Mr. H. O. are Khapiiig up into go id b â-  f calt e. Tucker, applic^ition w^s mad i for i j With live beef aelliii"^ around ihe further extensi n of time to Keb. l.'ch. | hundred dollar mark. Mr. H.j.'afeld When t'le p:omised resii ui)u filled 'o j should have no dlHculty in ficuring a material ze -it the pr)m-etd»te, Mr. | profit on this cow's progeny. â€" Walkcrton Robertson asked for a hirtliei ex'tus on ' Telescope. (elcurain. which when it reached hei read as follows : â€" "Gave biith to an old woman la-t niglit. Am all m." While in the net of carrying an arinful of wood into his house Patrick Dillon, a real estate dealer of Mcatord, dropped dead of lieiri failure. Deceased was .')8 yrs of age and has resided in Meaford more than oO yeais. A w^dow Mid si.K child ren, two sons of his b, in.' st the fii.n'> are lefc to mourn the loss of a Iming husband and fcind fatli-'r. For the tirst time in iong centuries ilie eigles luive this winter abandoned that lofty f pur of the Suabian Alps upon which the Cistle of HolKr.zoUern is per- illed, towering some thouaauds of feet tSe uniijQe distiuctii n of bain,; the on'y aljovo the «uiToiindini! valleys. The j.ewspapi r in the districH of Muskoka oiigina! n.ime of the Casile Hohenzollein and Parry Sound which is represented WIS Schwartz Adiers Hoist )the Eerie of ^nerseas in the groat wsr. Both lie the Black Kagle) and edicts without «difor's eonsâ€" Lieut. .1 . H. Fancett and nuinb.r assured the f.iglns who have I'te. R. Cecil Fawcetlâ€" are with the niidc tlieir home on ihejc crags for l,i»)0| o.dors, and no less than four former y.ars or more from all harm and iii'er- i niembers of the .Arrow .'staff, viz. .Sergt. ference. No one ever disturbed them, i 9.""'".'"?:' ^V'"'.'\l''"- " liT''''..^'"'.'',' ^'"'• Tliey ha\e been preserved and protected I in the nn st rigorous fashion. That ihey and climbed into hia cab and there on his Seat the liremnn founl him dead a few momenta later. A yimiig owl fell down the chimney in the oflice of the Ontario Kariner.^' Weather Muiuil Co. in Grand Valley, crawled aloig the stove pipes and down onto the da;iiiier in the pipe almve the stove. I'pon turning the danipei in the pipe the owl drcppcd down and Hew rut of the door of the slove. The tire had been allowed to die down before the noise of the owl in the pipes was heard. The bird was kept for a few days before being given away. The Bi;rks Falls Airow says it enjoys sbou'd at this June ure have my-olerioiisly Husjh Boyd anJ Pie. W. R. Fasvcett, were al.""! m the biu ti'.;!!!, but were so severely wounded thut they wi!l probab'y lie sent back to Canada, Indeed Sarnt. e.P.R. MiUtary Medal Hertf ideseited the cradle of Ihe Hohenzollerns I ''""''• '"'*' •'l»''»Jy returned. To aive money f'lr putriotic purposes has called for very little self-denial in mo...l instan- ces, but to risk one's life for others is a is regal ded throughout the length and breadth of (ierinany as an evil omen fur the HohenZ'itlerns and for the Kaiser. very difl'eren' matter. *' OULLOl/'GH 4 YOUNG ' Haukurt Uarkdale ffe.jeral tiankiiiK buninet^H . blouey loaned at reaaouable ratet Call ou as. DUcPIIAIL. Llcrnsed Anctlooee foi tlic , * County of Grey. Teruia nio<lerate hikI • ^atia hctiori Kuarautced. 'ihe airaiiReuit-att [ • lid dale* of aalett can hr iiia^le at 1'lie Apvaiice | office, heaideuceaud F.o.. t c)loii. Teieiilioiie t c >uilection. Dec. 11, 07 j t\ru. KAITTtNG, Icenaad Aucttooaer foi ^^ the countien of (iroy and biincoe. f-'afui aMd htuck nalea a aiiecially. I'eriiia j*o<leiat«. aatlHfactlon Kuaraoteed. Arrange- iijeuta for 'latee iiiav be made at the Advance jflite, or ( 'eutral telel bone oll'.ce I'evernliatn ot liyaddiaaaiuit lue at Favartliaiu, Out. Boar For Service I'lii-e lireil \ (irlc'liire Uiui for aerv ice ut llie Al' Kae faiiii. near Oylim. Teiiii»â€" ♦! •'â- n I mail. â-ºÂ«!«!. l.^..^. -.1 K COI.I.IXSON I STOCK FOR SALE Taiuwoitli S«iiM', iJaired I'lyinoiitli J{ jcks. Roil' II Ducks. J have f"r ipiick «ale luiiiie nii i vuiinu .Siiw» f»>:iil.v I'M liKc'lini;, a l<* jf""'! II It.' "i keiclH MU'l i">ine K'""' lioucn lliick^ uiid Dnikf'. **ri<'ri. riifht rh'iiie ".â-  iviii»lit â€" (JKIl. W. Uo.-i.s. Octl'.llli (J»|'rry Tl. •'â- '.VKtciii. .\li.\wcll. I'D Farm For Sale 1...1 n;*^, 'Jii'l N.K.T. A SH.. Aii'iii. -itt -jonlniiiinK "0 ai Ki.. < hall :iii<l nn-ler K' '"• I ciilti^ati'iii. (i.i. il I uililiiigi-. tfoi.ilwell. ««ll I wali'id. ><inMll '"cliaiil. It.MJi. Thif)| mil' r. A|.|.lv foi piinanl U'nii" to the iiwiic. -.ii)Iim;i.aiki;i UN. | Kle.l.(rU.nI'.(». 1 N"^ â- ; | jvi rin niirin fTTinn rtnrLTi rtrirtn finn n lilKI,-^ WANI'Kl) Ki'r 1 lb?'! ai'fk '" lill the p'lnii III iN> II who li.iM- lioi.e I'l ir â-  l^iUiig lo tlie Kiort . V ni'.; Ij wiiiiioii can 111 (let i liu ('iiiihliy le'il fervice by pri'i'.iiii'g I'lOike p .siti'ili" 111 l.aiil." iiii'l iitlii es, .Special C"Ul^es of traiiiin.' in Bnokkeepin'.', Shiptlliaml ..1 idher i'liniineicial siibjeils mov 111 Vrign «. St .iili'iilNHiliiii'lei! ij ii' 4iiy t iiiM'. jlln.l all <1 i' il.i ?' li'gUU fll I!. 5 C l.iMirni 2 & OWFN S(»r.\D, ONI'. i? ?â-  C A. II.F.MING, Principal^ | C lJ^n/uu^rlA/ injvruiAJLnji f uxru 3 R. J. COLQUETTE Fevershnm, Ont.. I Aiient for the Cotkgliiilt Plow Co:* | Full line of r'aim Implemrnlr ' Wagons, lluggies, (Intlurs, Sleighs, aiiil (lasoline Kin>iiiei<, Meloitu Cream .Separators, ItakiT Wind ftlills. Pumps, Piping and Pipe Fittinus always oil hand Ilenlly I'ms'. of Keigus, Barn Tracks, Litter Carriers and sl.ible fiMings, Oockshuit and Frost \ 'Vood Repairs always on hand Fevcr$b(im» - Ontario (1) Proctor-Gamble Co.. H.imilto.n (2) Core Park. Hamilton, Ont. (3) The Gray-Dart Motor* Co., Ltd., Ch.itham, Ont. (4; Canadian Ingeraoll Rand Co.'s Plant at Sher- broake. Que. Tilt; process of the eslabllshinent of hrunehes of American industrial coiuerns within the borders of the liotBiBloo of I'anada has been golUK on for a good uiiiB/ years -ever since It became apparent thai no polilicnl party was likely tu modify very nerlously the •'protective- chamcler of the countrys fisial policy. It miKht reasouably havo benu expected that the shock of war would put a stoD. temporarily at least, to thi.s process of peaceful peiinlration ; hut the op positi- has been th<; case. Keen since the recin ery of (npiial from its paralysis, eieht months or BO after Iho hcgaii. the eslablishuient of Am- eriran bianrhas in faniida has he. ii BoiuR on with Krealer ciipiKy ;inil ileicrminatiou I Man lielon'. has i-hi/wn ihu; the war. instead of (ll.-,couraKir haa uffordoil i;»\v reasons to ju.-itify It. .Spoaking l.roa'ily, the flrm.s which have c't-jbllFhe i henisehes in Canada duriUK th? past tweWi, or fifteen luouih-, law- hpcii iicluat.',! hy ,,„.• or both of two main consideiHlion.s -.ilhK.- they havo hid an eye on the Cvnadlau domosllc market aii'l have r,i;ai.!ei| ih" pre ont as a favorahlc opportunity for a la-. paiKU In it hr;aii/e of llieir own .'ili:. ii lual cash roservei. iin:! the .M-plionil pro.'^pi.rily and aotlviiy oi Ihn Doniinion; or (this is the explanation in ilio iiKtjorlty of lases) Ihcv h:iv« hud an only lo II,.. faiiailian inarko; Init iil;:o to' the vast the I'JnU'iito Allies, uiil arc eojivincpd that in i ment.s which will follow ||„ of poaio, no n-iSral .ouu try will rccelvi) "iiios! ravofod nation" treilmcut tioni Allinl countries. eye not ti-i litiiry or fiscal arruiiRe- of the ( aiiaila. coniblniiiK ilic ei onoinli- advanlaKes of tho American (ont.ocnt. with lis wo.iVh of ravv- luatfriiil and of sUill'-d labor wlIU till! iiidiKci I ..f a niombcr ..f the liolliK.'ient Mnieule. l.s 111'! n.lural hasl.s „S operation.s for an Ainericttii concern with de- HiKiis iiiion lOuiopean markets. This, nccordInK lo llio industrial <oninii;si„jie,s of vHil.nis I'anudlan titles, and of Ihe Canadian la.llu; It.iilwav. Is the main in.itue In Indncin;; most of Ihe n-.eiit l.ran'li .'slaljIlKhinpnts in Canada, ami is likelv to bring t') ( anadi within the next lew yeai.s Industrial capital running to many hundreds of millions. Anurii an conci! I> c 111 largo huKiiien.s and for carryin.!? on. not nirrely a sales atieiuy nr an assem- j KloiklngH. iinil other artjcles. Thn Aetna Explosive Comiianv. al Drum- Ming proc.'ss, lull iira.llciilly Ih.! entire process of proiluction fi-oin the i tnondvlll.-, Quebec, lias been iniproperlv regarded us h war industry; it is purrhasod raw nialerail to llie finiihed iirllcle, j .so for the lime being, but its plant has been designed so as to be (ine of ihi' fir.-a Amnrican prodiuls lo nu'Ot wllli an avowed policy of i "Pplicable to the m.inulacturo of dyes when the explosive business falls fiscal discouraKenii'nl In I'tee Trade lOngland, as a result of the war and I off, A rumor, which appears to have good foundation, though uot officlallv Is effec' upon trade bnlauces.was the automobile. The eslabli„hm. tit of ^'irmed, assertn that one of tho gi-i ;;f .Muoriran chemicar and explosives biun.hes of American aiiU.tnobile concorns In Canada has already been go : concerns has made all preiiaratlon.i t.^r 111.' cslabllshuunit of a plant tor Itig on for some years, owing lo the great growth in Canadlau (•(msumption [ the production of nitrates from atmosplierlc uitroBcn at one of the hitherto of Ihc article and tho popularily of Amrrican brands. Hut the I'lurnpean iindeveloned powers of IJuebec rrovinee. f.tuatlon has given a In inend.nii. Irii)uliis lo the inovenient. I'lxistiiiKl .Several American con^-erns already oponitlng In Canada have found plants li.ave bcLu vastly cnlarRed, and three new and Important plants have that their existing plants are not eiiual to the demands which they antld- uiany nnniireds of millions. Anuri. an concerns which have established planln Ki Caiinda since llio been small compared with those of Ontario, nut the present labor silualioii. iieKinnln« of .il;., Tu an ImpoMiuK * idenc- of the attractive power of llie! which Is much more favoSrable ii Quebec, is Ilkelv to lorrc't that tendoncv anailian market and of Canadian export poiislbilltii'S. It should bo added to some extent. An Iraporlant afiset to tb.! industries of Sherbrooke, Que- hat all of the ori iblislimenls are Hubstnntial plani.-i. built lor nieeting a, bee. In tluu of Kayser & Company, the famous tnanufactuiers of silk hIovcs. 1 ecu undertaken, those of the Maxwell Motors at Windsor, Ontario, tjie Chalmers ,M,.lor Company iit Walkervillo, Ontario, and th.! Chevrolet Motor Company al (lahawa, Ontario, This is exclusive of Ihe acquisition and en lurgenieni of C.iiiadian-owned plants hy American firms for the manufacture of American brands of cars. One of Ihe blKRost Indiiitrial undertakings of tho year was that of Ihe of an Immense plant in Hniiilllon, Ontario, The famous packinK house of Proctor & Camble Company, the proprietors of Ivory Soap and of sundrv olher soap and r.iltonseed oil products, who have coiunienced the erection Llbbev, .Mc.VoIll /;â-  l.lbby ha.-, established Itself tn llumilton, Ontario (whicli city, it will \n\ noted. Is a favorite with American induatrles nwlng to Its combinalioti of .heap power and roo.l labor supply with the best of shlppinK fa.ilitie."). Tho Kliul Varnish & Color Company has put up a braiieh fac- tory al Toronto, (),ntarlo; and ihe Idnk Hell Company i.s locating In the «auio cllv. .Sherer ft Olllelt. makera of store coufYters. are ostiibllshlng ut Ocflpli. Ontario. The Maple Leaf Condensing Conipanv, a Uetrolt concern. Is al Cheslervllle. Ontario, j. 7b9 u(iiub«r ot cuucerns ent^^^ibtnt in the Provioc« 9^ Qu«bejj has pate. Tho Dominion Sugar Company, which is larm ly financed by American sugar refilling capital, is ad.liug a biK rdant at Chatham, Ontario, lo its ex- istinn building.s al Wallaci^biirg in the same virovince. The tioodypar Tire & Kiibbor Company is removing from small premises at llowmunvtUe, On- larlo, lo an Immense property which it has boupht at New Toronto, Ontario. These examples, all 01 them boinK enterprises undertaken long after Canada's parliclpatlon in Ihe war and her fin;iiicial sacrifices for that were known and allowed for, aro convincinK evidence that the progrcasivi; manufacturers of Ihe United States have perfect confidenco in Canada as a field for industrial investment. A.s most of them are looking for an export trade. It would appear that Ihey are satisfied that production costs In Canada will not be tnalerlally altered after the war. either a.i regards labor supply, cost of living, or burdens of ta.xaliou. Mr (irahani W, ("urlis. In dustrial Agent of the Canadian I'aclfic Kailway. gtati d roccnlly that he ha I found American business men greatly imiirossed bv the showing of financial American confidence in, and .â- omprehension of, Canada was itreatei ihi:i strength made by the Ooiuinlou sinco lUu war, and that undoubtedly ftl mt wth« 9^JiliSS» slat* ^^*^^rr -_ . . Co'p-jral Hal;;U u. Mu.r...v , wtio for four years previous to the out- break of war was in the Passenger DepartmeLt, C.P.ll., Liverpool, haa won the Military Medal. Corporal Murrow joined t.''.e K.Ij. }l the day war was (i"':iarcil an* went to France II ^l)iu-ry !915. Jl^iore tho war he wa^ a v.oll- t'^.own member of the l!arr.,w'by Football Club and it is in:er<rf.;tns to record the fact that the act which won for him the covuto.! me- dal was performed in the res.- •â- .« ot a club mate. A II KoL<ertson had been seriously '.vounded Cor- poral Murrow picked up his om- panion and carried b;m so:):..- '.ni* yards under a lieavy fire lu lUa BrUi«k llaes. Farm to Rent L it 2:i, con, 11, .Artemesia. lOU acres, good frame barn and house and xo'd orchard, known as the Andrew (jrahina farm, .\pply for particulars to the undei»i'.'ned. W. J, TALBOT. I .4pril 17. Fletherton^ WANTED NOW Reliable Salesman to act as Agent in Grey County Pay wc'-kly, outrfl fre->, exclusive terri- tory au'l uioiiey making specialties. i.>ur agaiieies are ihe best in the business for we sell the highes' ar.ide of stock it most reasonable prices and guarautea deliveries in tirst class condition. Nurs- ery stock is selliug well this year and good in.iney c n be made in this dis-trict. Kor particulars write Svt.i:s M»nm:fr Pelham Nursery Co. Toronto f ARMS FOR SALE For sale or rent for grazinir. let 3.'»-, j eon. 1;'., and part of l.>ts 114 anil ll.'i, cou. U, .\:tem,>8iH, LSI acics more "r less- known s the L'.iipei farm. Will rent for ; pasture athia season, or take stock 111 by I the mon Ih. This is a splendid grain and arazing farm, well watered and fenced, tk lot of v.iliuble timber and cedar and about IM) acres Mt cultivatimi. It is well worth the attention of stock men. \Vill sell for reinoii*ble cash |>aynient, l><ilanc» easy terms. Apply to R. J. Sproule, July«itf Fieaheitou, tb.t. Public Notice Take notice that all persons are here- by forbidden Irespassing on, or dumpiojt .iiiy lubbish on, or taking, ami, gravel, earth or o;her matter ofl' Park lot known .IS the Fleaher sand pit, in Flesherton, cntainiiu about two acres, as all persons trespiissing or cimniittini^ any wa-fo or reinovini; .toything therefrom, on ,iuy pint of the Klesher estate in and around Klesherton Village, will bo pros- ecuted seem ding to law, DR, T. S. ^PRorLK, July Kxecut.u- for the Kstate Sc!iool GMldren's Eyes. Many lives have been ruineo- through neglected eyestrain in childhood. Tlie eyes of every child should be examined. We have mndtf a special stud^ of this branch' of optics, and"^guarantee satisfaction. Consultalicn free. ^ ;.;- W. A. Armstrong:. Boar for Service 'Phe uiul'rsiniiid Ins a tliorousi ,irod V'lrkshire I*. 'ar for service on lot II, con, S, Ospiey. Terms gl.Olt. HiKDspOKFARl). Farm for Sale Lot -T, C.ii .•<., almut toitv aa«» .ileared. till! balaiiis' n. »tlv hai-dw ud bnJi well \i-itereil This f.'u-m iiin.'.t Ih' kiIJ to wincl iipnu estate .\pii"y -WM W TUC.M P.SOX, Ad.iiiuiMrotoi, H"''-'! Miiiihanipti.n, RR

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