Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 22 Feb 1917, p. 1

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^ks\)txim TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRIN^CIPLEb NOT MEN. VOI 'M No. 40 Fleslierton, Ont., Tliursday. February 'J'2. 1017 W, H THURSTON 'Ji'J^^ovy, IE Eugenia Paragraphs The thaw Saturday ac J snowstorm left our roads in bad Bha{i« for travelling. A. Hoy lud ;i uansw escape from lire 0) S;ituid>iy, l)ut willi the help of iiei'^h- bors the house was 8,-i> ed wiihout much diii)aL){«. It started tioun the chimney. L. L%ti!uer atl-.ended the ijuarterly BjHrd held :it Mt. Zi.tii last week. Airs, lian S'uri<<;o;i of Stou^hton, Sank., nee Edith C»rr. and two children, h^\â- e been visituM fiitiids in this viciiniy for i couplii of months. List week her huAband came to acco'iijMny her hotne. They are spending a f-.-iv days in town before noias. Uiey nill visic friends in Toionto on the lecurn journey. We are glid to report Kusscl P^rk out after bemg under the dix-tot's cars with pleurisy. Mrs. «iaruet .M.igee and two children, accompanied by her grandmother, Mrs. Parliament of Paisley, visited with ^Mr. a'ld Mi-^. A* Hoy. Ed. Graham, who h*s spent a couple of inonihs in Toronto, is visiting wi'h his fainilr. We are sorry to i-eport .Mr. Latimer, *5r., on the sick list, but hope to soon *ee him able to be out again. .Mr. WjoJs of Corbctton preiiched a very interesting sermon Sunday even- in..; Use and expects ro be here next !iu:iday as well. The W. I. will hjld their monthly meetins! at the home of Mr^. L Latimer ou Wednesday, Feb. 28, wh«n they m- tend to arrange for an eulertainment uf some kind, and would like all m«mb<is t ) be present. A'isitots welcome. Ill a letter received recently from Pte. Fred Smith, a prisoner in liermaiiy, lie w shes 1 1 thank his many friends for many little comforts they luve sent him. Jfuch sympathy is extended to Mr.and Mrs. Bert McUee, Bert havina had two ribs broken and badly bruised about the body recently, owing to a span of colts running a«ay. Bef<ue being able to be around he hss taken ijuinsy and iMrs MoOee is ill with tousilitis. WV hope to soon hoar .f their recovery. Mrs. McOee. of Vandelcur, is vui-in,, wi:h her sister, Mrs. Mnn-haw. Pow^r House and Vicinity Last Week's Item.", •lack Frost was in the Valley last wtek, but we did not invite him to stay- Miss Etta Latimer, of Eugenia, visited hir friend, Miss Nellie Wickens. Messrs. G. f Oiaham, K. .McMullou and C.Park, of Eu!{enia,spent «n evening with the operators hero. Mr. George Dawson spent a couple uf days in Toronto. Mrs.^. I. Graham and sou, Wilfred, of Vandelcur, accompanied by the f.irmer's sister, .Mrs.T).isiioy,o( Manitoba, visited friends in this tieiuhlMnhood. This Weok's ItoiiH. Mr. Adam Hislop his been laid up with at; attack of I.aGrit'po. Mr. L'rick hsd the misfortune to get kiokcl on the knee by a horse. Miss Mary Welier bas gone on a visit with fiitnds in Fleslierton. Mr. .Arthur Will, am-, of ihe .Vdvancv- slatl', Kleshortijii, spent the week end wi^h friends in thi' Valloy. Glad to repoit Mr. Russel Pivk able to be out auain after an attack of Mr, and Mis. T. Huggard and liitle dHHiihti'r, of Dincui, vi.sited Itio hoau' of Mr. F. H. Grab nil. Bornâ€" In Buli'ilo. to Mr. and .Mrs. W. D'irrant. on Februiiy l;f. a daui;hter. Mrs. I>. I'ark, of Eugeiii*, visited hor son, Russel. Mrs. .Uck Wiol>ons and childrtMi. of Kiinborlty, pponf a day with friouds at llie power house. Messrs. T. P. Berry and F. Graham Pan give a vciy g lO 1 ace lunt of how the <hi'iaioiiio'or registered last Monday tiioriiiiig. Going out before breakfast to locate line trouble, b<lh sullivcd with very severe frost bites. Mr. W. Ourrant has gone to vi-it his wifo in Biitl'ilo. Mr. George Graham visited his son. Operator Fred Graham, here. Messrs. .\. Hoy :ind G«id Graham are bisy drswing gravel to the power house. I (."harh'S, .Jack and M.irjorie Park st>eut | an evening with there brothe", Hussel. | Messrs. Stanley faiiipbel' and Wallace '. Giaham are drawina lo^ to Kimberley. j Messrs. .\tthur Williams and Stanley ('.iiiipbell bad a ni' st doli«hlfiil drive to ; l*'.i;iaw on J^niulay. I Mrs. L B.idj.^row, ,,f near Portlaw, is »i8i!ini her daiightes .Mis.Fred Graham, ', Kimberley Budget Mrs. Goe. Hutchinson and ton, Ha.'deii, .spent a few d>iys lecently at the lioii.e ot Mrs. Thos. McQuay. Meaford. Quite a numijer attended the sale of Mr. Butler's up the vall<?y on Thurs. Muusell Cook tisited at his parental borne, Rocklyn, one day Ust week. A ;;oih1 lime is expected a: the cai nival on Friday next at our open air rink. .\ go<jdly number of prizes have been offered for the different costumes. Diedâ€" At CoUingwood, recently, Mrs. .John Diiiikle. She was an old resident of this pUce and was highly respected. Miss Homes, teacbei in Flesherton High School, accompanied by Mis. Kobt. Irwin, visited at Jas. Stuart's one day last week. David Weber sold a heavy team reoenrly for a handsome sum. Mr. Gio. Hutchinson made a business trip to Markdale on Friday last Harold Ellis and Thos. Ciilray of Hocklyu called in our barg on Sat. The report has now been confirmed that Harry .-^lleu wjs killed in action ".SoiiiBwhere in France" aljout a month ago. lliny was the eldest son of Robt. Alien, formerly of East Mountain, who went West seven or eight years a^o. Wm. Stuart was on a business triii to Flesherton during the past week. Mrs. ELer Smith is visiting friends in Eugenia »' present. Hatherton Intended For Last Week. The ipiestian has been asked so often recentlyâ€" Why there wns no Hatherton c rrespoudence in the local paper.-, so we are going to try and throw ofl laziness or something akin to it and let the many readers ut your valuable paper awake to the fact that we are not dead but have only been taking a napâ€" so here goes. (Mieof the lirst items of interest isâ€" Mr. J. tl. Stfeley has purchased the'ii belonging to Mr. T. Wilton. The many fiieuds of tJohn are awaiting further pioceedings. Mr. T Wilton has bjuglit a farm ntar Siiigbampton and will remove there with his family shortly. We are sorry to part with Mr. and Mrs. Wilton and family but wish ihfui every success in their now homo. Messrs. J. S. Winters, D. Gillos, .Mr. Priddel and Mr. Miller have e»ch purch- «s..'d a Ford car. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gordon are c(jnifottably settled \a ihtir new hunic which was built last summer. Harold I.DUgheed has taken a position in Toront), while J.-hn M. Winler»,Miss Louie Winters and .\lfred Down ate m Collingwo id. Miss Lui<f Men-s. Maxwell, spent a few aajs with iier friend, Wilma Down. Mrs. Campbell and little daunhtrr. MarJLrie, of Toronto, are visiting the former's pareulal home. Centre Line Miss Milhe White, who for the jmst two years has been wiih Mr. D. Gdlie's, lett last week and will take a posilion In Toronto. Millie, who made many friends wliile here. le:ives with liost wslies from a largo circle, who wish her every in ber new undertaking. The little infant daughter oi .Mr. ai d Mrs. J. S. Winters is qiil'o ill at time of wilting, but we hope for a Mieedy recovery. .Miss Alice Fciiwick is visiting fiioiid* 'n Aurora. Mr. Wid Guy, of Konira, who l'.:is botii vi.siliiig his piiouts in Ma.xwoll, lift last week to resume his duties. Miss Prentice has started to give her entrance class of seven pupils e.vlra dril- ling for their trying ordeal. Mr.and Mrs.McCutthcoti and children of Albetta ure visiting Mrs.Mct^utclieou's parents, Mr. atd Mrs James Secley, Centre Line. The lied Cros.s of Maxwell aio doim- splendid work. T'ley s-iut a large bos of iAK-ks, towels and other articles to lieadiiuartois recently. Mis U. II itlg<->ii aii.l Mr. and .Mrs. Had, Maxwell, visited at .Mr. Down's last week , . Ceylon Chat Mr. Cummins spent part of the pa>t week in Toronto. Mr. Neil Brodie from near Hamilton is visiting his sister, Mrs. Ben. McKenzie. The little girls of our public school held a 00 afternoon tea at the home of .Miss Hazol McLeod on Saturday for the benetil of the Red Cross. The latest boys here to join the i-l.'sth are Harry Hazird, who went to i)*tn •Sjuiid Thursday, and Will Mc.^rt'iui-. who signed up Friday. Mr. anj Mrs. .Sam Spears, who are soon to leave for their new honu in the W'est, were given a surprise en Friday evening at the home of the hitter's bro- ther, Will Mc.-Vrthur, where their neigh- bors auu friends gathered to bid farew^ell. -A I'lost enjoyable lime was spent. Dur- ing the course of the evening, Sir. and Mrs Spears wore presented with a well til'eu purse as an evidence of the g >od will and wishes of their friends. Much conceru was caused when on Friday 'amongst th o wounded was noticed the name of Pte D.U.McKinnon, Ceylon, son uf .Mr.aud Mrs.Far<[uhar McKimi >i>, living ou the ".Mike Henry ' farm. No otticial word has as yet been received by Singhampton the [larents, so it ii to be wounds are of slight n-iture. hoped tr Toronto Line North Fcbruiiy Fun '. Mr.Sled, of Lumsdeu, Sask.,i« visilin;: with his son, ThoiuiU>, here. Mr. Bert (isborne, of Fevorsham, w:»g a caller at Mr. .\b. Stewart s ou Saturday Mrs. F. Ma'.hewson is ou the sick list. Her mother.Mrs..T.Maunin'.'. of Bru'sels, IS visiting with her. , Recruiting orticers are busy around here now. Th.'re are not many young man in th^s part now, and those that ire here are certainly needeil. N.) one should say ihjy ha\o "cold feet. " Mr. Charles Perivo is visiriuj with his sister. M.'s. A. Stewart, at preset. t. Charles iutenH« taking some horses lack with him ill March to his home in the Wesr. Hu' is on the lujk out for some good ones now. JJr. Thos. Leier was lai i ii[i with lagrippe during the pist week. Pte. U.Johnstun accompanied by Miss III* Smith, of Markdale, visited at Mr. Wui. Stewart's. We regret to hear of the ilhuss of Mr. L.Currie, who is visiting at Mr. .\.Buie's. H. Ciuipb.'U his the skating rnik in first clii.'-s conditio:! ,ind iii iny of the yimng pe-!ple from the surr undo g country as well as rl.oso near by aie ta'ting adva:»tcge of it. Mi-ss N. T'.yl â- :• i.-, recijveiin r after a ssvere C"'id. Ernest N-tf.-.vife and bab-, of Tor-ut. , ai'c spending a shoit time wi'.li irieiid-, here before leaving for the \\ es" . t,)u're an iuiores.t i» heina taken in the lied Cross work meetings every Thursday a''ternooii, but the need is great and ihe more workers there are the be.'er. -^ larue hale of goods was shipped in Janu- ary, but it is liopsd to ship one each month. Tlie hearty supp iri of every won III and uirl in the neiiihborho d is invited. .Mrs. D I'-innichael i* serving a ten cent lui c'l in the worli rooms this week. Sirs. Speuee served tea last meeting. The regu'ar monthly meeting' of the Womeu's Iiisiitate wis hold oii Thuis., February S, at the home of Mrs. Thos. Sootr, when a large numbjr ol members and visitors were present. Ko itini; was the chief oliject of the meeting. Al ttie ottioers were present and the president had charge of the inectinif. Mis. Lamb gave a paper oa "rhe Little Kirgdoiu of H'>me," which was Ii.stened lo attentively and enjoyed by all. \t a tavnr Mrs. L WHO was asked to have it published. .\ffer the lu.sinesft of ihe meettog the Indies Were shown samples of Red Cross artic'.es, hosp.tal slippers, ho-iscwive.«, etc , by .Mis.Bristow, of i;ob Uoy. Suoh articles are ureal !y in demand. Mi«. .Scott served a bountiful lui.c'.'eiin which was appreciated I'y all. her Chiistmas ctke being amon;st the dainties. rii-; meeiinit »as closed with singiM: and prajei. .\ny lady not able to atieiid these II e tiuas and wibhmg to lu-ip at home will bo furnished with knifi^i; â- t sewing. â€" Bulletin, ewelry J. W. Bates, I'.is.i-.n' R. Maddock, .^1 iiiager. Fu!ii-iii' ti tnj £jib.a]iuers 124 .ivenue Road.Toronto Telephone Hillcrest 268 M-.t..rK.r!,',usaudLiu.. r.4ue> t.> Cemetery at vanie , .ist! as H.irse- Ira-.vii vehicles. 1 aui» DR. BURX ^P-ltlJjt In dis> asui o( Ihe A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se lection. We cai- ry Photo Supplies. W. A Armstrong, Eye. Ear.Nose and Throat <.»FFlCE-l.;i) lOth. St, Wesr,nwen Sound At the Revere, M.ukdaIo, 2nd Thursriay each m,,nrh from 8 t.) a l"a m Wednesday of each month Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT FEED I ''♦"â- '1 Wheat ()at.s Bnm Shoits m m ^ ^ u. Duncan W -ddini^ bells aie ringing. .Miss Jennie Proctor and Miss Mitchell are working in the city. Miss Brown of Southampton is again teaching in our scheMd. Mr. W. Wilson and family are now living in their now house near the "olaok- smith shop and Mr. Robt Beacon and sister. Miss Lizzie, are living in the house which Mr. Wilson departed from. Mr.and Mrs. hvin? MeKinon v sil- «1 the litter's parents, Mr.and Mrs .I..1. Kiitling on Sunday, before Misf tjuoenie Kilning departed lor tl-.c West. Thete's a ceita'n young man in E.;ypt who oomos to Duncan in search ot "lubies Mr. '•lid .Mrs. Korr and f.noi'y have moved troin Ued \\'iiii» back to this comuiuiiuy again. Wo ivo'c une them. Mr. Jamie's Beacon and family have moved Iv CoUingwood. Maxwell Red Cross The Msxwcll branch of the Red Cio-s Society held ihfir concert on Wednesday, February the H\.h in the I (range Hall which was a ::r«nd success. Mr. Irwin .Morrison prrsideii' of th>» Pa'riotic Society oc'iiimd the chair and a so favored us with a very instiuclive ildress. i >ur membership is still increasia-.- which shows the iieople are becomin)j interesttd in the work. The proceeds amounted to f-2i>. t". The noit weekly meeting wid be in the Orange Hall on Frilay ne-ii ri:>.cl). %,. 'HP ^vP 9K' Five Kose Fixsh Fi,<li FLOUR Pmitv Pastrv E. Ovst cnpse Heiriii:: ers < 'I'liiheries (Mi)ceric »\ all kiiiils W. BUSKIN The Up-to-date Flesherton Grocer. 5"^ ^- ^it» '/Ii' â- iU. ,1.11, ^^##^i^^i^0^#0Ck:^o^0^0^hh;>00k^ Tryon Wedding bells arechimini;. Mr. and Mrs. .\!vey S rnberner iiiti lui celebratiiij; ihe'-'.-ith anniversary â- â- i ilieii wcdiling on Frid.iy February -Z.i. Miss Myrtle SornluMger, who h-is bo.n visiting -v Eugenia, has returned homi', Mrs. Tumble and s(-n, Doiigla«. ••: Smiley. .s>isk., visited a few dus at Mr. .\tox Mornsoh's, Dundalk Wright, local recruit- •.i4.Slh Bait., w.'iit to three- weeks course 'ii -:-Wet and Snow-:- ]Mi'ilii.>i ymi w mr ;i Now I'.iir of Rtililiri;: do ( )vei'- slides ri) keep yotif k'ct vy .mil W'.inn. Call at CLAYTON'San.l -ft yniu' '.vaiu.s .^iipiilio-i. Or it \ ill luivo ii rail- ef nld I.i-ailit r Ti)t -; aiiil want iK'w r.ottom?; on tlioiii I. cave tliciu luiw liofoie tlit.' i\u.-h. Tii'paii'iii^ a> nsu il. Thos^ Clay ton*s FLESHERTON East Mountain Mr Mrs. ) - I .lys I'elee S inoi-s, who liai lieeli visiting with her parents, Mr. and Wui. Iluinbeisione, has return. -d i home near Fevershaiii. Mis.s El.sie Martin spent a few with Proton fi lends. We olJ'er congratulations to Miss Sidio | Smut, nho h.%s taken a lite partner, Mr I Milloii Morewood. We wish the young couule a successful j.-urney through life. We are pleased te report .Miss &.'ildred j Lieut. W. .1. .\. iii^ â- â- llioor (or the To-^oiito to lake a bo.nhin^. Mr. Jamos I'lk-tor, husband of Mi--. Iiikster of Uiindalk, met with an unfort- unate iccidciu at Port Arthur. While at werk a week or so ago cutting ice i>ii the b«y hohidbisleii bioUon U t!ia k'-e^- and is in V rt .\ithiir tlo-ipilal. Thos. Wilton, Proton. .iwns a sow (1 I winch L;ave birth recently to twoiiiy-one | | I D 'liters. .-\t la-t lepiirt sevenlooii of i fl I til -ir luimber wore a ive ai;d thriving, â- â- <\\ ^ j siroggliii'.' f r -i place at moil nine. Mr. i Walton is in luck .viih such an increase J | j-^, ^-,^^•^,^. Kuruiuin'e at niihoanl of pricos. FoF the next hen the price of hogs ,.s ai-ovmd iu per j L {ift,,^.„ ,i,,y.; ^l,^, p„i,ii^. „ ill he' to profit hv tliLs salc. c.oep.n- ui>. I [y ._ , , „„,^f ,i;^.,„i..,. ^c most ot it. The ^toek i.s new ANNOUNCEME.NT II en the price ot hundroi'.w. i^llt niicl s^ill Herald. TTavin.: pnrciM.<e<l tlie I'uri.iture •John l'lia[tinan at a rate on ilie tloDar lai.'siiK .-; I am mi Mr. preparetf after McMiilten able lo be around agai an attack of pleurisy. Miss ^ottie Martin of Oiveii Siuutl visited a low d.iys wiih her mother, Mrs. Ih-p'.vli r C.iMli.beil wis oil'o-l to Toronto la-st Friday by 'be educatioiuil I 4 authorities there, lo help soUe t' e ': kiioMy problem of Supeianiiualion if ,R Miss .-\niiio (uiy, M iNwell. visited over }• John Martin. I l',.Mohfrs .-X vote for an I »u«iiist has j it the week end with Wi!iiia Down. Mrs., Robert McMulleii M.sitcd re- 1 bcca i-iken rerently but t'le rifult is not j i; Born -On Thursday. February lo, to i cently with her ra >lher, Mrs. W. Chird, j satisfactory, ami the -govornmcar is jlJ Mr and Mrs. George McMaster. twins, I »t Rock Mills. Mrs. Chard has since j anxious to secure some soluli. n of a ; ii| a hoy and '.Jill. Mother and I abos ara i -'"ii "*'<»' •"-' »"'"'i '»'-''' diughlcr, .Mrs. | <|'i°'-tioii iha" is ^ct'ing '.;o»ry i! S as I nmst di.^pose oi tii u. i ue ^coeK i.s new an l[l up [o-tlate in every respeet. Dres.^ers. Stantls, I'arlor I j] Set.'< aii'l other ehoieo goods at price.s that will snrprise you. War time tloes not att'ect the?e as they were mo.-^tly purcha.setl before the raise and are again eut in oi'i-ler ti> make iiiiiek sale. Come in audi oi over the Stock. hoy doing well. < n th ot ago. W. H. BUNT Furniture and Undertaking I FLESHERTON, ONTARIO, i Hulcbinsou. - Revie -v. -if' r

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