TWi!- . ..LLlif The Business of Being ft Boy is a strenuous em- ployment. Sturdy boys and girls are not bi^lt out of books alone. The best food for growing youngsters is Shredded Wheat, the whole wheat food that builds healthy tissue, good bone and develops sound teeth and healthy gums. For breakfast or any meal, with milk or cream. Delicious with preserved fruits. Made in Canada. For Bright Spring Days >WC»l->« CANADA AS A PAPER MAKEK. Capacity to Produce Pulp Wood in Enormous Quantities. Indications point to Canada as one of the most important pulp and paper producers of the world for many years. There in no reason, except apathy respecting five-protection in the pulp producinj^ regrions, why Can- ada should not produce perpetually a large part of tho world's paper. The large spruce forests in the oast and north including the sub-arctic forest which has value chiefly for pulp, show Canada's capacity to grow suitable wood in enormous quantities, sufficient with any kind of protection and man- Bgem'-t, to supply the d;»mand of all time. Pulp forests are, however, particularly susceptible to fire, and need careful protection. It is gratifying to see that some of the most progressive pulp companies are successfully protectiwg their lands from fire. On account of the com- paratively rapid growth of pulp tim- ber to a commercial size it appeari that pulp companies will be the first who can pi-ove that scientific forest management ia good business for a private concprn. The increasing production of pulp and paper in British Columbia con- tinues, and it is announced that the plant of the Empire Pulp and Paper Mills, at Swansoii Bay, 100 miles soutli of P*rince Rupert, will be turn- ing out chemical pulp in commercial quantities, the daily output when the plant is in full running order being between thirty-five and fosty tons.' - I MICA AXLE GREASE Makes your wagon run as if it had ball bearings. It is the Mica that does it. Mica makes a smootlier bearing sur- face and a longerwcariag grease. Dealers every- where. THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY Lifnitcd HRANCHES THROUGHOUT C.\NADA To Relieve Catarralh Deafness and Head Noises If voii havft UaliirPhiil DoRfness of ni'art not.spB «u to your â- IniK- Kist ami K''» 1 ounce <>( Piirmijit (iloul)le strenrrtlil, luifi luW Ui It i pint of hot water ajiU 4 ouih-ch of granuliitcd HURar. Takn 1 ttiliK'Hijuuiit'ul four times a day TIiIh will oft«n brinK qulclt re- lief from tli« dlHtrewBlnR liejui nolseH. (riogK««l noBtiils pliould open, brc:i.tliiiiK become eK«y and t'lv muuuH stop drupplnK Into thu tliniat. It is eawy to priquare, i-oBt!) little ,ind te pli^a.'^iint to talti'. Anv one uhii liius Ciitarrliul Deat- noss or qoIhka .stWiUld givo this presi'riv'tlon a trial. .Any (inip^'JBt cian Bunply yon. ur a iKiftl'r Will lie aoiit on reeeii»t ul' (Bo. p^jstal Tuiie or money oi''i<!f. Addre.NH IjiLei'natiunal 1-abomto- rles, 7-1 St. Anl<iiiie St.. Montroal, ('anadu. A sports frock in all its glory is here illustrated. It may be culled a versatile design, for it U as suitable for the afternoon frock of plain and figured pongee or foulard as for the morning frock of plain and figured poplin. McCall Pattern No. 7tt43, Ladies' Blouse Dress. Pattern in 6 sizes', 84 to 44 bust. Price, 20 cents. These patterns may be obtained from your loefil McCall dealer or from the McCall Company, 70 Bond Street, Toronto, Ontario. "Dept W". 4 A Madagascar Industry. Ono of the oldest native Matlagas- car industries is the curing and manu- facturing of silk into what is called "lambamena"; "lamba" in Miilagasy means dress shroud, or clothing, and "mena" means red. "Lambamena" is made from a heavy grey native silk principally in the Betsiico country, in the southern part of the Central Pla- teau. This material was originally used for wrapping the bodies of pro- minent natives for burial. The more celebrated or wealthy the deceased or his relatives here, the more lamba- mena wna used, but this custom is be- ing graduall^iscontinued. Vou Q^n Snap your Finjers V at the ill effectfi of caffeine when you change from tea and coffee to POSTUM "There's a Reason" WOMEN WHO SUFFER Can Obtain New Health Through the I'se of Dr. Wmiams' Pink PiUs. Every woman at some time nocds a tonic. At special times unusual demands are made upon her strength. Where these nre added to the woiTy and work vhich falls to her lot, v/eakncss and ill healrh will follow unless the blood is fmtified to meet the strain. Weak women find in Dr. Williama' Pink Pills tho tonic e.xuctly suituil to their needs. Mff-'t of the ills from which they suffer are due to blood- lessnes.*! â€" a condition which the Pills readily cure. These pills save the girl who enters into womanhood in a bloodless condition from years of misery, and afford prompt and per- manent relief to the woman who is bloodless, and therefore weak. Mrs. Wm. H. Wagner, Ro.sonthal, Ont., writes: â€" "After the birth of my se- cond child I suffered from troubles which mothers will understand, without going into details. The doc- tor who was attfiuling me said an operation would be necessary, but as I dreaded this and as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills had been of great help to my sister I decided to try this medi- cine, and 1 can truly say that after using the piils for somi; timv tliey made a complete cure and made life more enjoyable than it had been for a long time. I think every woman suffering from the ailmentH of our sex should give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial as I know from my own case the great benefit that fol- lows their use." You can gel these pills through any medicine dealer or by mail at oO cents a bo.x oi- .six boxe.t for $2..')0 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockvillo. Ont. - .>. GERMANY MIST BE Ht'MliLED. American Visitor in England States Attitude of British People. The fact is that, whatever th<' Brit- ish people Ihought at the beginning of the war. they are realizing more and more, rvery day, that there is something between them and Uermany which cannot he compromised. The war began over Belgium, to be sure. There wa.s never any jingo spirit in the people, no matter what the press was saying. But very gradually the real reasons ot' the conflict began to become common knowledge. Intelli- gent people may decide that there can be no solution in the field, or that it would be belter to leave Germany and Austria intact. But the great mass of people believe that Germany has done unspeakable wrong. And they think that what they are doing i.^ an un- speakable right. They never speak of it, at any rate. But they think of it, night and day. Life goes on almost as usual, getting harder and harder, of course. But they are not flinching. The terms of peace are definite enough for the avei-age Briton. He knows what he is fighting for and he is not concerned with territorial ques- tions. He expects the .Allies to pool their demands at the end and to ad- just them. But one demand they will not adjust, because it is the same for all. That is that Germany shall not rule over central Europe, To them aad to their people the war is the sim- plest, as it is the grandest thing in the world. They do not see that Ger- many, actual or potential ruler over everything from Berlin to Bagdad, will necessarily be satisfied with what she has. Nov do they seo why they should allow the Serbs and the Croa- tlans In Hungary and the Rumanians and the Slovenes and the Lithuanians and the other subject races of Hungary to become the subject nations of the new German Empire. They really be- lieve that they are fighting for the liberty of Europe. The thing.s which were only Words in 19U are terrible actugUties now. A SUCCESSFUL SOCIETY Canadian Order Of Foresters Hoe A Splendid Fiiuincial Basi.s. The Canadian Order of Foresters which has for years occupied a pro- minent position as one of the leading Fraternal Insurance Societies operp.t- ing in Canada. Was instituted in 1879 by 488 members who seeded fnim the .'\mericnn Oi-der of ForeKters. To-day it has a membership of over 90,000, which it the largest purely ("anadian membership or uny of the fraternal insurance societies doing busines."! in the Dominion . The Society has had a most .success- ful record anJ has aecum'ilated funds, which, at tho presei,'; time, amoiirt to between five and a half and six miilion dollars. Lai-t year was apparently one of the most succr?frful years in the history of the institution. The amount added to the insurance funds for lUU) v.'as between four and live hundred thousand dollars. Notwith- standing this success the manngeraent defide<l to ascertain wlwt the actuar- ial stariiing of the Society was, and seturetl the services of one of the most competent actuaries on the Continent. -â- Veting on the advice of the actuary, the Society decided to re-adjust its rates and place itself upon a basis which will give it at leaat lOO'i. actuarial solvency By taking this course, while its funds were still piling up, it has been able to treat it» members much more favorably than uny of the societies which re-adjuste<I their businesses during recent years. The management is to bo congratul- atud upon a course of action which will place the Society upon a splendid fin- ancial basis, and insure the future of the Order for all time. THE <^OOK-HOUSE CORPORAL. Onerous Dutieti of the Olficer Who Has Charge of Army Meals. Out of sight of tile rest of the camp, peeking with perspirsnion. htir- rying from oiie mun t.o another, urg- ing thi'm to frvsh efforts, he is always at work. Twtnty-four men, hidden in clouda of steam, half deu£ene<l by a roaring, hifising, rattling raclcet, are doing tlM>ir best. Th<Ti> is a mixture of odors. Onions fight for prece<ienco with stewed apples, boiled cabbage with rice and pattry. The floor runs with water from the stenm, grease from the cooking, and mud from the workers' boots. Hither and thither rnu men. shoutintr, swearing, and then bur. ting iJito song. Th(3 corooral hut; t;he responsibility of the oookinj;, and smiles through it all, admonishing this man, issuing an order to that one. lie possesses the deli;'htful kna-rk of being obevod without commanding. Yet this iiuiet little man bocnmes ruffled after the wtrk is finished â€" that is, after the meals are sorveti. Ignoring his own f(.od, he wnits for tho. complaints to come in. Here are a few: Ilut XI. â€" Porridge not conked, tea like washing-up water. Hut Xli. â€" Porridge over-cooked, meat like leather, tea too swoet. Hut X3. â€" Tea not sweet enough, meat too fat, not enough butter. So it goes on for half :in hour, un- til, in sheer desperation, the unfor- tunate corporal seizei- some food and rushes off to hin noisy hut to try to get a "little rest" before he is needed to prepare the next meal. AN EXCELLOT MEDICINE BATS LEAVING SHIP. Austrian imperial F'amil^ .Storing Treasures in Neutral Countries. A Swiss correspondent of the .\gen- irfa J,ibera, of gome, reports that a great sensation has been created at Vienna by revelations published in Austrian papers, to the effect tha*^ treasures and money to the ext'int of many millions of kronen, belonging to the Austrian Imperial family, huv5 been deposited in tjanks in neotral countries. The despatch declnres that the news h.TS been fully confirmed. It appears that money, va!ual)les and securities, worth more than l.">0 mil- lion kronen (over $30,000,000), be- longing to the Emperor ami certain Archdulces, have boon sent into Swit- zerland and Holland. The "Corriore d'ltalia" learns from Berlin Ihat the news has caused a very bad impres- sion even in Germany. FKNCLNG THE HIGHWAYS. They Msde Him A D^fferenJ Man What B. Draper Says of Dodd's Kidney Pills His TrouWes Were Numerous and of Long Standing, But Four Boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills Drove Tiiem .\11 j Away. I i Sedley, Snsk., Feb'y 12th (Special.) I â€" "Dodd's Kidney Pills made me a dif-' ferent mar." The speaker was Mr. B"n umin Draper, wuU known and h:(.di!y respoctpil here. He is a line henlthy representative of the prairie provinces and he says he owes his health to Dodd's Kidney Piila. "I was in bad Khano all rtnind when I started to use Dodd's KiJney Pill.'!," 3Ir. Draper continuoti. "My troubh- came from hard work v.hen 1 was young. My joints got tiff, my mu'-clos cramped and I suffered ter- ribly from a sore back. I was de- presiied and low spirited, I was always thir:-ty and I had flashes of light be- fore my eyes. "I had rheumatism and henri flut tj'rires, my annetite was li;fu!, my memory was failing and I was troubled with shortnes.s of breath. Four boxes of Dodd's Kidney Piils made me a new man."' Dodd's Kidney Pills curc.i all Mr. Draper's troubles because they all came from sick kidneys A ConspicuouH Evidence Of How Can- ada Is Being Rapidly Settled. In a journey to-day acros.s the Do- minion, one is imprciiood by the miles of f;\rm fencing, particularly in tho far west. It seems but a day when the vast stretches of our Western ter- ritories from Manitoba to the Coast wern one wide field. To-day, for hun- .Ireds of miles, in any du-ection you travel, railroe.d and other property is substantially fenced; it ."hows to what extent these vast areas have come under ptiltivntion either for crops or 9tn(Jf. No better evidence of sub- stantial growth could be had. It is also a tribute to the quality of fencing to be had of Canadian miinufaoturers. Why Steel Ships Float. Steel ships differ from those of wood in that their hulls are made of steel plates riveted together, instead of the old method of using wooden planiving. They are enabled to float becaubu, Ije. iiijr hollow, they have what is called bui;yancy. .V steel ship displaces a vcihime of water equal in weight t« its own. The principle of buoyancy may be tested by flouting an iron pail in u buthtubful of water. Klaara'a £lii]»«nt Curen OUMmvar. The Dififtrence. "Weil," Georjte," said ll'e president of the I'ompany to old George, "'how t'oes it ? ' "Fair to middlin', sir,"' (Jeiirge ans- wered. And he continued to curry- comb a hay horse. "Me an' this hero boss," George said, suddenly, "has worked for your firm sixteen years." "Well, woll," said the president, thinking a little guiltily of George's salary. ".And I suppose you are both pretty highly valued, George, eh?" "H'm," said Gfjorge, "the Iwth of us If you have was took sick last week, and they got a any of his symptoms Dodd's Kidney doctor for the boss, but they juet dock- Pills will help you. | ed my pay." LAND OF M.VNY REPTILE.S. EORLiTILE Ol\ES!''"^*""'; fas too species of S„ake«.l I But Only Five Deadly. Speaking of .Vppetites. A huge eating competition had been held by some brawny sons of toil in n country town in Yorkshire, ami one of the competitors had .succeeded in dis- posing of a leg of mutton, a plentiful supply of vegetables and a plum pud- ding, the whole wn.shed down with copious draughts of ale. He was unanimously declared the winner and wa.s being triumphantly escorted home when he turned to his iidmirers, and .><aid: "Ah say, lads, don't thoo say nowt of this to my ole woman, or she won't gie me no dinnerl"' ,When Your Eyes Need Care t'scilmiiifK. "SiiMiicinc. !;i>.1iiiiiriini'-l''ii Is Flue â€" Acts yuickl.v Try It f(.r KcJ, Wnik, 8ur«'san.i (Jranulaied Eyt'llila. Murine In compounilvd by our OcviihT^iâ€" uoi a "raliiit Meiliclne"-butusf<liiitiii,i'i(i3tiiiPh.vslclaim' Praellre fc.r many yejirs. Ni»\v detlifntnl tu the Publl.' nn.l moM by Dnifplsts at »c ptr Uollie. .Miiiilio K.ii- .w^ilvo 111 A5»«pll<' Tiilii-B '.'."e iiniLW,-. Write fur bntilt of tlio Kvc Fiv*'. Murina Eyo Ramedy Co-npany, Chlcaso. Adr. Kir."t in Something. According to th^ir own account, tho children wore first in something at school: One was first in reading, an- other in :ij-ithmetic, another in sports. Bertie alono remained silent . "Well, Bertie, how about you?" his â- Baby's Own TaWets are an excel- lent medicine for little ones. They I Hweete.T the storaacii; roguiate tlie I bowels, break up ooids and simple I fevers, cure oonatiiiBtion and make teething easy. Conoerning tiitm Mrs. E. Quiim, Parjane, Quo., writes: â€" "Baby v.-as trtiublod v.ilh constipa- I tion and nothing helped him till I liegan using Baby's Own Tablets. â- They are uii exouUuut medicine for little ones." Tho Tablets are sold by j medicine dealers or by mail at 25 . cents a box from The Dr. Williams' I Medicine Co., Brocla'ille, Out. * I His Acddoit Policy. "You stepped rijaht in front of that '. nutomobile. If the driver hadn't turn, ed sharply ynu mij^t have been kill- ed." "True. Very true." j "Were you trying to commit sui- 1 cide?" j "No, I took <ut an accident insur- ance policy yesterday, ;ind I v/as just experimenting to see what sort of pro- tection it wmdd give mo By jinks, it Worked like a charm!" Some folks are sati.sfiod to be just acnu-iintanee and sometimes that ar- rangement is perfectly satisfactory to both parties . uncle asked â- '.\ren't vou first in anything?" "Yes," sai d honest Bertie. •I'm tirst out of the building when Uie bell rings." Mlaard'a Llolmant Ciuea Colds, Gto. Australia has 100 species of snakes, three-fourths of them venomous, says tho N'atiunal Geographic .Mafruzine. The big pytlions and rocksnakes arc harmless, but as one travels from tho tropici southward the ilungeroiis var- ieties increase in numbers, and in Tas- mania all are venomous, thouirh only fire are really deadly, and, fortunate- ly, these nro rarely seen. The continent is also abuntfantly supplied with lizariis. Three hundred and ninety spe'des are recorded, and they may be seen not only in wooiI.h and prairies and deserts, in the water, among rocks, and in trees, but also in the less frequented city streets. <• The (lovemmont of India will ex- tend its wireless system until every army post hn.s a station in the ehai-ge of a traineii olt'icer. Fairville. Sept.. ;iO, l!Mi"J. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Dear Sirs, - We wish to inform ymi that wu consider your Ml.N.MlD'S LINIMENT a very superior article, ar.d we it hk a sure relief for soro throat and chest. When 1 tell you 1 would not be without it if the piioc wns one dollar a boUle, 1 mean it. Yours truly, CH.AS. F. Tll.TON. HAYEYOUf icxEMA : V/ould y»u Uhe to exi that ter- rible iuJiine, that turning iKtin; to hfiiil tho«« horiid aoras* You have tru^d ail surt^i of fatty olnlmaats, loduns and powdnra. Put them iisjda now and give Nar<ir« a cbtaen as r«pnisented hy Zam-Buk. Zam-Bulc Ih aiade froai borbal es- snui^oai. ts a natural b«<aler. In not goojoitalnx you bare to s«ud to tha and of the world (or, aad p*ty a li«»?7 price! Every dniultii will Bell ynu Zam-Auli and for 50c. only. Just give It a fair trial and Incl- denily gtve yourBfllf easw by tjie qnl ok au t route. tie« name •â- box: â€" USI-P WAWTEB. 1J li'l-l !l;,-ht s^wlllK .11 lOilllC. 1'1.,\IN WliolH f'l ?.jmr»» finic <*.in>il iiax. W «• h sent :iiiy iii>i:iiici!. ('lmr«'>s iimIiI. s.-n<l stMTiip ;or !'â- ' ''ii'''il-'it ». .N'.iU'HUi] -Miiiiu- f.ii nil iu^ < *'â- .. M'liiti-'-itl. t i u ' wmr LrmaM ros aAX>a 1>uoFrr- MAKi.Na .NKwa and jou Olfl'fi lor siila in gnort Ontario totvnn. Tlio noBl nsoful ami lnt»r<>.'«ttn« of all hunlne.ssos. l-'ull lafiinnatlun on â- ppUittiUiM ti. Wll.ion riilyllsluMK Com- pany. 7S \Vnst Adpli.l.lP Strnyt. T'>r<'nto. alISCELI.AI7i:OUS I stranger Than Fiction. [ .\ shipping paper publishes a true I .story so remarkable that few writers I of sea romances would dare to offer I it as fiction. In .lanuary, 1904, a tidal j wave loft tho British bark Avenger I high and dry on a small island in the I Gulf of Mexico. Last July another tidal wave swept the vessel back into deep water. Now, after a vacation of twelve years ashore, she is once more in tho merchant service. The war has raised ocean freight charges to such a figure that the cost of repairing her was a small matter in comparison with what she can earn. R heumatism attacks the 'ouhidc" man. Pains and aches stiffen his joints and MAGNESIA For Dyspepsia, Indisr«s?- 'Ji, Heartburn, BelchljiK. Sour Stomach. Ha» In atornach. bIc. taUo a teaspouorul of r.leoratert MaKnesiii In a halt k1iib» nf hot watei alter eatlnK. Is safe, |j|ea- nunt. ami harinlcKS to use and ({l\es In- stant relief from a.11 forma of stomach 41aordsr. Hold by drunlsts ovsrywiiore. muscles and reduces hi.s efficiency. At the first twinge jlct Sloan's Liniment, eatiy to apply, it pene- trates fvithout rubbing and soothes Ihe sorcni'ss. After that long drive or tedious wait in the cold rain apply SloaaVf'i Liniment to those stiff fingers, aching wrists and arms. For gout, neuralgia, toothache, hrulset, sprains, cold feet, it ia promptly effective. At all druggisli, 25c. SOc. and $1.00. Who's .\fraid? Mos.sages had come to the otfiee of a great illustrated paper that Zep- pelin,; were approaching London. Tho editor at once summoned hi^ stjifl' of photographers. "Now, boys, we've got to havo a . picture of this Zepii. We wore badly j l>ealen on the last. The moment it I approaches 1 want every man to rush ' to the roof with his camera mid stay there, whatever happen.s, until he gets a picture. Let me know directly ynu ! get it. You'll find mo under the head I of conl-bags in the righi hniul corner of the lower cellar!" (^WCEIC, Tf.MOKS. l>UMr3. KTO. y liiternal atid oxiornal. eurtril with- oiii iialii l)v our liom« iiKatitimit. W'ritB un bcrfcTP loo late. Dr. Hellinan Medical O. l.lmKod. Collingwootl. Ont. Amraa's Pliineei Ooj Rtirisdles BUOK ON DOG DLSEASr.' And How to Feed Mn!l«l In nny flJ'lrc-^ â- â- • .^11. nor H.CLAY GLOVER CO.. I«. 1 1 8 WmI 31 M Street, New Yr.rk Itinard'i xaslment Cnros Slphtuerla. The Soul of a Piano Is the .\ction. Insist on the "OTTO HIGEU' PIANO ACTiON ,Slpai0 Linirar Our I'uzziinu Language. Now," said a teacher to his class - during a les.son in Unglinh, "can any- ' one give me a word, ending with 'ous,' j mt-aning full of, as "dangerous,' full of I danger, and 'ha-.'.nrdout*', full of haz- I ard?" There was .<(ilpncS In the class' for a moment. Then in the front ruw put â- â- Well." said the teacher, word?' "Please, sir," e '•pious,' I'ull of pici" a boy sitting , up his hand, j "what is your i .line the reply, ' i HfLL^ </i\ ^^.â- â- \^ The linest harbor in the world is .-aid t'l be that of Rio dc .lar.oiro, i Brazil. KinarU'i Iilniiuaat Carta a»rit«t la Cowa. ^;i'mB LARGSgT FIREPROOF RESORT *"' HOm W THR WORIJ) '"^ The Bplrlt of Aiuvrlca at piayT Maarnltuila and Chacrfnl^ieas AMXWOAH PXiAN XTTSOPBAM FI^AH O. B WbiM, Fni, t. W. Xott, M^r. ^ ED. 7. ISSUE 7â€" '17.