%Hmu. "TRUTB BEFORE FAVOR," â€" " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN.' ?0I 36 No. :)7 Flestierton, Ont., Tliursday, Kebruary 1, 1Q17 W. H THURSTON "l^f °«op«,k Eugenia Paragraphs Eugenia school waa burned to the ground Tuesdiiy iii'inii'^'. Ciiu.se un- known, lu.suranco 1!^ :g. 800 which w;ll Bot near cjver the loss. Born â€" To Mr. aud Mrs. L. Oeiioe, a dauijhter. Cungraluiitions. • , Saw-logi;iug seeniii to he the order of the day. -^-^ Dave Gtnoe, wife .itil Jaughtei-, ot Markdale, are vi^itii •,' with friends in this vicinity. Angus T.vohy, i'f Kitchener, aud G. McUee were the guesLS of A. Hoy and wife. Ale.\. Cameron attended the County Council at Owen Sound iast week . â- <^- Many in tliis community have been ^ ' ButferitJg from colds. Wes Orr, of W illard, Sa-k., is viaitin>4 his staler, Mrs. \le.\. Cameron. Mr. KJ. LeGaid shipped a cir loud of stock and iaiplements tj (ilcuside,^dek., ^ la-st week. Elwcod I'artridije took ehari^e of the car, ,Mra. Partridge hiw^gone to visit her patents in Toronto, and intends to follow her liiiiband about the tirst of M^roh. Mr. and Mrs. Tlios. Geuoc held their thirty lifth wedding aiiaiveraiiry on Sat., January iJO. Ws are glad to be aide to report baby McM^kSter, who has been under the Dr.'.s cire, about well. We arc lorry to report Mr. H. Cairns on the sick list. Hope to soon see him able to l)e around again. Master L. Martin is spending » cou;)!e of wrelis with his cousin, Clinton Mc<tee. Sorry Xa hear that Geo. Hopper is un- der the doctor's care with a sore fool. Eugenia W. I. will hold their monthly ineeiin<; on W'ednecday, Fobrjary 7. at the home of Mrs. F. tienoe. Papers will be given, the subjecLs beini; '•fhe Sunny Side," by Mrs. Huijh Fenwick.of Kevershain, and '"The Power of InHu- ence," by Miss (J. Smith. Visitor* are welcome. 4 Mrs. Slurso >d and two children, of Btouvhton, are visiting her old friends here, who are pleased to see her again. . Wes. Smith, wife and little son, from the Wctt, are visitirg the former's uncle, Mr. A. Smith. Miss Auu Deecroft, another old )osi- • dent.paised peacefully away at her home on Friday, January I'li.after along illnesx, , at the age of 74 years. The funeral took place to Flesherion cemetery un Monday afternoon, the service being conductrd at the house by Rev. J. Dudgeon, a.ssi»- tecJ by Uev. McDonald, both sf Flesher' tor Beautiful tloral tributes w^ere given In the friends. Pithy Proton Pointers Mis. Trelford, who has b.>en with her daughter at^Orangeville, returned home on Tuesday last and reports Mrs. Greenis much improved in health. Mr. J. C Wriifht visited '.\\ Toronto during the jiwit week. Mr.R. O. Ache.son iiid daughters, .Vdn and Edna, attended the instructive Kpworth League convention held at Duiidilk. If you h.Tve not purcba?ed ii ticket for the Red Ciohs iiuiit. do so at once. V^u m~y receive them for 2."i cents from any of the Ked Crc ^'3 lauies. Mr. Biiinie attended the funeral of his >i~t<.r in Toronto. Miss Lottie Brook, Diindalk, visited her friend, Miss Winnie Wodehouse, Mr. Lloyd Waueholi, Owen Sound, returned to his home here on Saturday. The managers' metcing of Ivno.t church h.».s been postponed until Wednesd.'y of this wrek. Mr. R'ly Xeilson, Toronto, is vi.siiliii: his brother here. In spile of [lie stormy weather, the Bgriculiuial .ind Insiitii'e 'neetiii'.'s were fairly well attended lust Monday. Mi^s Campbell and Mr. Graham were the only speakers atle tj be presc-n', but their addresses were appreciated by all present. Ceylon Chat Mr. .Mclveiizie, (Jntario, is visiting ot hs •, Niw George uncle, MoKenzie, at Cedar View farm. Thomas Wilcock,who has been visiting his mother for the past six weeks, loft last week for his home near Regina. Mrs. John Love, of Alsa.sk, Sask., viaited her uncle, U. Cook, last week. Mr. Uatiin, of near Moosejiw, was a vi.sitor ac S. Hemphill's last week. Nurman .McLeod left Monday fL-r \.\.v <,,'ueen city Kfhel Bei.nolt is spendim a foitnight at Corbetiii. D. Muir received iho sad news Friday night that his brother, Peter, in B. C. was dead. The body i.s being brought home for burial this week. t »ui village wa.s visited with another tin! Monday morning at '> a.in , when T, Chiiletts stable was discovered on lire by Ja.s Patlison, who gave the alarm, but l)ef re noiglibjis cnuld yet tliere the lire was beyond control. The builJmg along with hay, hens and a valuable cow were all burnt It is a saJ Ws for Mr. Chis- lett and much sympathy is e.\prossed f^r him. The lire is a cumploto mystery. 248th Battalion Njtes / Orihaiu Bros, are busy cutting shingle timber. A Letter of Condolence Brother Robert Cunipbell â€" We. the I tticets and ineiuber.s of Loyal Orange Lodge, No. 1118, wish \o convey to you our sincere sympathy in the loss of your beloved wife and helpmate, and also t.> the family in their loss of a '.sind and loving mother. VVf know we cannot in any way replace your loss, ?o will give you and yours :«11 we can in brotherly sympathy. Signed in behalf if the T-odge, Alex. C.irruthers. Ainingoments for starting the 24,Sth brass b.vna an cl liming a good deal ot Col. Rorke's lime. The band trill bo got under way as soon as a few more bindsmen aro obUiined. [uslium^^nts hav..' already been arrange 1 for. Mr. D. M. Butchart of Owen Sound presented the Utith battalion with a cheijUH for $500 to -id recruiting in Grey county. Col. Uorke decided to give the membera of the battalion who have been doing such good recruiting an oitportur- ity to earn a little pocket money by giv. ins to each member of the battalion I'vc dollars for each recruit brought in b.'fore January'3lst. RiHes fcrc making their appearance on the 248th par.ade ground. In futiira ritle exercise will form pait of the battalion training. That 248th Greys out of town recruit- wdl be well cared for while iu Owen Sound is assured. The council have plans under way which will provide recreation and entertainment amidst comfortable surroundings, for the men in khiki. More abou' this later. The people of Sfathavon had a social gathering on Monday night in honor of their boy«, Pts. Sparrow .â- «nd Morrison, who have enlistetl in the 24Sth baitalion- Board of Agriculture Nine recruits record last week. day was tl e Victoria Corner* Mrs And- rson of Killirney, Man,, vi>it?d her brother, Mr. Jas Laidlaw, last week. Mr. Jno. liibinson of the 220lhVoik Rifles visited his sistor, Mrs. M. Bannoo. Mr. Woods of Corbettou took liiistioge work on Sunday last. Next Sunday Mr. Madden, sr., expects to admiiiirtur sacriiment. The weather looks as though it were going to weep f t last week's doings. A good stoi7 is told ot two whiskey spotters who canu- to Barrie aod asking a jituey man if he could drive them where they could g.tadrink. The driver said he could and after he had driven to near C;iurobill thoy asked him where ho was going »ndhe,repliod to Montreal. It cost them six dollars for their experience. Lieutenaut-Cul'Uiel J. liilliiid Rorke and C.iptaii White of the 248lh rL-cruil- ing start'ga.e very interestin'.; addtesses at a patriotic meeting in Duiidalk on Friday last. The more the county hi-ars about the l(t( 10 League the bettor tiny seem to like it. Tlio training diss for N. C. O.'s wdl C'limiieiice, as previously Minounced, on Fi-bruary 1. Thoso who have not alrcaily eiiioUed sh'iuld do so at once. No one should uiiss this opportunity. Eviry 111 in weaiiiig the unifortn ha» an ei] lal clmice. .â- V 248 h (ireys signalliiig ehus n 1 eing formed in the near future. .\ sp.'cial ftl'.irt is being made to enli.st a laige number 'ntere-ted in this bra;;c'i of the SLUvioe. Ciip'ain J. H. .-Mien, liCiul of ili.- ))ub lici'y ilei>iriiiieiit of the 248th Pafaiu n, has gone on specid duty in c^ niuciion wiih recruiting at Thornbury. Here's success to ihe genial Caiitaiii. The liJt'O Lei\4ue i-s still to the fioir as the chief recruiting agent of the 248 h Battalion. Tbf meiu'iers are re nin ed that the lime is halt up and to redi eiu iheir pledges it .vill be necess-w to "Get Busy." Th-i Board of .Agriculture iiiceting liclu in the loivu hall Tuesday of hist week w^ks well attended and successful iu every way. There were two speakers â€" Mr R.diert Murphy, of .A.IIis;on, and Miss Cani( bell, of Toronto. The latier spoke- to the ladies in the high school in the afternoon and her talk was highly appre- ciated. Mr. .Murphy talked on dual purpose cattle to the men and hisaddiesn was most instructive. lie e.xpkined tne merits and dernerits of dairy and beef breeds, and among other things said the milking s' rains of Durham cattle were the ideal dual purpose animal. Frof. Day hid imported some of these breeds from England and the records were surpiising. They have l.een kn-iwn to produce 13,000 lbs. of milk per year, while the averaue in this country was only three or four thousand. He also explained thi- Seed Control .-Xct aud told S.iiue tilings that arc not gen .-rally known. For insiTince, Extra No. I must be ab»i> lutely pure ; No.l can contain !M«)0 weed seeds to the bu.shel : No. 2 admits ;W,I.IOO weed sccdb to the bushel, and N >. .!, l");i,iM)0. Thi! is for alsike, but red clov- er IS sniiilarty graied. Mr. Murphy also discussed the advauttge of drainage. In the evening a goexl crowd turned out to hear Ihe speakers Mr. C W. Bellamy occupied the chair. The musi- cal u.ut of the program w-w provided by the Women's Institute, which included sjIos Innu little Laura Boyd and Mr. Ht-rb. Sullivan, and all sany the M lule Leaf Forever. .Mi is .Acliesou ilsogaM.- a recitation. Mr Murphy's talk was very interesting, his subject being The Farmer and the War, during the course of wliieh be '.iive some very interesting ficis. Miss Campbell, we mutt say, is a very excellent spt.iker aho. .She ga\e an address en " The iutluenco of men and women, which was iiuicli apprceiated. In lie-r idJress .'he spoke highly of the work that (.'anaoiaii women are doing iu France aud elsewlio:e as nurses. \'<>rious other Items of interest were- also touched upon. .Vgri'.-ullurf wis tlie tirst occuju- tioii kiiiuvii upon this earth and today i; is the ini-'<t import iiit and mo.-^l e.xten.Hue in the woilil, o-pec'.iiiy in the lino c! in ikiog t living. Kimberley Budget The long cold .«pell came to an en 1 on Blonday with a real old January thaw. We" are pleased to report Mis? Winetta ' McMullen of the East Mouutiin on the mend after her recent illucss. R. J. Stuart of Thornbn y visited friends in our burg over the iveek end. Wb saw some wild ducks Hying anmnd one day la.st week. Thi.s is about a.-i late H8 they were e\er seen in this locality. 5Ir. and Mis. John Brown of He'atli- ojte visited with their daughter .Mis. Wm. Flood, on Monday last. •All o|..en air rink un.ler the manage- inent of Uartl.-y Lowience was in full blast hibt week with i line' sheet of i^je- \Te Wonder when l!i«; cari.ivil will L,,- held. Sli-'S Eloie Ple.ves is r d nvj-jc «-ith Iter s;-,ter. Mrs. Jir.. Cox, Cnllin:;«„i.d. Our bl leksinitii, Wiij. V\ > il, li:is purcliased .i 'j^a.solilU; elijiue ii.d l.s putting in a turning latlio. MaiLsel l.'i. .k puiclLised a handsome driver, reee-ntly, one of the pr. tiient we Itave seen for some time. Y'ui cm guos-* whe-re the smiles of the fiii- c'dui^cls are going now. Pa.->ti'r Lane of the Mcih disl chtiieh give an illustrated Ici-tiire an.l hi.tern views 101 llij war, in the church en Mniuliy e-veniug last, which was well atrended Jewelry OR. BUFtT Sjjiali.t in disaa-i „( ;hi. Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat t'FKlrK-l.MiDih .:,\V ,.„.,,«.,.,. s„,„.,j At the fl.-veie li„usu. M.irkd;ile'. 2nd lliur.sihiy oaeh m.-nlh fi-.im 8 to a 12a m Dundalk, Is \V..-dnesd«y of each mom h . A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se lection. We cai- ry Photo Supplies. W. A Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT it FEED ( 'at.-; > I'l'ti W li'at. >raii IT- This year Jas. Shou'dije inisod on his big ittiO acre farm 70 miles east of Calgary, 220*>» )>u.s ol wheat and 8'JOO bus. -if oats. Che avorage price r< ceivcd for his wheat was afcou' 81.7-"> per hoshel aud as i c ist him about 50c to produce a bush -1 it will he seen his big ciop made him a J pile of nioiiey. In Northee-n France. "It is strange and terrible to visit Paris â€" and no one can be happy â€" but to one who has loved Franco It is far worse to visit the lovely North- ern country. There is here a sense of emptiness, as if terror still hushed the normal cheerful noiso.s of uian- kind. The people oJt these regions have lost everything: their house.? are burned; their animals, even the rabbits, are gone: their farm imple- inenla are shapeless pieees of grotes- quely melted iron. They live in tcm- poraj-y, patched shelters, and in the houses built by the Society of Friends, or mass themselves in some nearby village that escaped destruc- tion at the hands of the crown prince's retreating army. After a time In this .silent country one gets the sense that destruction Is noripal, and tears start to one's eyes at the sight of an undestroyed French vil- lage smiling In the sun. So ch&nged are all values that I could feel no- thing strange in the words of the wo- man who told me, 'Fortunately, my hu.sband is a huuchbaek.' '' â€" Mary HPftton Voree, In tUe January Cen- tury. An Inhuman Mother Mond.iy night was far from beim. sultry yet a young boy, according to his story and that of some others, w-ia coiiipelliU to Slay out of his home all night by the acti-in of his jwii motiier It appears that the Imy had earned a few cenis by tliovelling snow and had spent it, .ind his mofher on learning the fact was %o incensed that she thiust him frniii the doubtful shelter of hi.s home, with no outer clothing, to faro as best lie lagh!. .^.''out seven in the morning the poor little child asked to be allowed in a ueiuhbi-r's house so that ho iniaht net warm. This was of course permitted and then the story of the cold night was told -the walks around the house to get warm and lying in a cold »hed when too tired to walk m-iro. The at'enlion of .Mr. Trout of the Children's .\id Society was called to the oisc and the unnatural inoller wis relieved of the burden of caring for her »oii and the sonâ€" what a buideu was lifted from him. â€" O. S. Sun. Appeal to the Farmers For two years and a half war, red and rulbless. has raged through the norlJ.aiid sliU no deci.siori has been reached There IS rcHS m to hi'[)e that before lt'il7 cli se^ the ^tiiiiigle for liberty will have bt-eii Won, or -iieally advanced, .\niid the Varying phitcs of this titai.ic coiiHiet the fact stdndtt out more clearly lliaii ever that agriculture i« oT supreme iinport.ince. Extraordinary mea.sures are being taken by the a lied couiitiiis to inc ease and encoinago produetion. It is carneal'y hoped that every farmer in Canada will shivc to increajc the food supply of the Kinpiie. .\ still powertu! aud uiisciii|iu- louj enemy opoiily avows its intention ti,- try ami sink ill ship.-, carryiot' snp|il'es to Ei.aUnd durinu the coming year. In the tremendous strain yet t'.i come a viial f loto'- wi I be an ample and unfHiling llnw of fool to Kii^liiul and Frmce. No iiiaiter wh'il lUlhculties may f ice ii-* iho su|ie:t>e duly i-f e«cry man ui ihe land is to use every energy iu the diiecniiii if pioJuciiiif â- more, and still m .ie .. Agncii'lural Gazette for Januarv, I'.'IT, FLOUR f ive Kusc iii'irv a.-ri'v Fi-e^Ii ri.sl) H vJv.St(.M'S ei'i'iiTit: < 'rinberii-'s drocerit.'-; t)l all kintJa W. B U S K I N i -/If The Up to date Flesherton Grocer. #t^#^^##0^^^41^#im0#0^##^^^^X9»^ -:-Wet and Snow-:- .Means you w uU a New Pair ot Ktil)I)ers nv ( )\-(t- .shofs ro keep your feet ry ami W'ai-in. (/all at CLAYTON'S ami ner your '.vant.-s sii|tplje(l. Or if y )u Iiave a Pair ol' old Leailier To|is ami want new liottom.s on tlieiii Leave them now before the Ku.-h. Kepaii'iivj: as usii.il. Honor Rolls Ceylon I'ubl e J-che>ol. Geography â€" Sr. 4- F Stewart ti ', M McuacliUn -;S. Sr. o â€" 1 McLachlan "•"', W J Corriuau 08, A Bennett .'ii>, .\lhe McVIu en 2:i. ,Ir. A- ,] White ()S, 1 MoD maid 27. Sr.2â€" G McLichlaii .'^1, M Stewait'^o. Jr. 2- -V Ranis 82, V .McDonald ri4. Istâ€"C Stewart 02, E McUcblin SS, D White "'•', J McMuUeu »>:;. â€" K. K. WILCt'CK, Tesoher. Tho5e Clayton^s S FLESHERTON § Mm. McKelvey of Mono tounsh'p boUKhl fiom (5eo. Gier, of Waldcmar, a \7^ months iild short horn l)ull. which weighed 1"00 pounds and was an aaiui-l of vety tine i|Ualiiy. Tne price paid w.-is $:j.'iO, n. â- ' '• John Chapman Furniture and Undertaking Successor to :-: W. H. Bunt Calls answered day or night. Day phane 17 R2. Night phone 1 7 3. The old stand opposite the Town Hall ^♦i ->^'„ - ' . ..^.^ila, .-t.^|!» •fÂ¥^