September 211916 THE FLESKERTON ADVANCE â- I,- - 4. â- • It- -I •t IS r 3 V .« •V tt «-•«' â- * TM STANDARJ) BANK OF CANADA HBAO omCK - TORONTO - DEPOSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO CHEQUE. â- •T'D 1*7* Savings Bank Deposits bear interest at highest current rates. su FLESHERTON BRANCH CEO. MITCHELL, Mknager. C. P. R. Time Table. Trains leave Flesherron Station as follows : Going South Going North 7.53 a. m. 12.01 p.m. 4.27 p.m. 9.18p. m. The mails are osed at Fleshei'ton as allows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south mail close at 9 p. ra. the previous ev'g. VICINITY CHIPS Miss Lottie Wilson of Durham, is visi» tinR her brother, Mr. Mark Wilson, jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wilson, jr., visit- â- ed friends in Durham over the week end. Mrs. M. A. Fogi?. Mrs. R. Fogg and daughter, Miis Eyleen, of SViunipeg, are ' visiting with W. A. and Mrs. Hawken. Mra. Dudtreon, R. Bantkam and wife . and Mr. T. Bebtbam motored to Owen Sound last week and visited Mr. Alex. Stewart and family. Mrs. Rutledge will sell a iiuanticy of f liousehiild furnituie at her residence, â- ' Flesherton, at 2 p.m. on Saturday next. â- See bills. U. J. Sproulo, auctioneer. Dr. Burt, Specialist in diseases uf the . lEye, Ear, Nose and Throat, will be at the Munshaw House, Flesharton, for consultation Wednesday, Sept. 27. Eyes tested and glaHses supplied. W. A. Armstrong and wife and F. H. Vi . Hickling and wife motored to Camp Borden on Monday to be present at the (Mreseutation of colors to the loffth B«tt., commanded by Lt.-Col. Krn. Armstrong. I An endeavor will be made to bring up the number of voters in the township of Attemeiia to the re«iuired 1000, so that « deputy reeve may be elected, and for that ourpose a judge's Court of Revision will be held in Flesherton on Thursday, October 5. An advertiser in the Sbelburne Fn»e PreM anaoances that "summer in here." Evidently he does bot get up In time to see the morning frosts from day to day. We fancy the freeze of Monday night will bring him up with a jerk It it don't he is beyond redemption. A Mount Forest auto owner drove over one day last week and delivered a quantity of fool jiice to a priv:kte party •near this village. The sleuths jjot alter him and he was tinei twenty and costs. The case was to have come off in Mark- ,. dale but was not defended. The Owen Sound Advertiser don't like the brand of poetry supplied by the Owen Sound young ladies descriptive of their trip to Bord^o Camp, and proceeds to pick it all to pieces. The paucity of verbs especially appears to infuriate the young man of the Advertiser staff. To look at this gentleman one would never imagine him to be an authority on poetry. Of course if he chooses to qualify as a critic of tlie Owen Sound brand of poetry we have no kickâ€" but let him look out when the sweet singers of the lakeside town and their escort (especially tHeir escort) got after him. They will make b im feel m silly as his oriticisn. appear* A quilting in the Methodist church on Thursdsy last w«a a huge success. Over fifty ladies turned out and with merry chatter as well as with needle and thimble quilted and bound thirteen quilts. Three were kindly donated by Mrs. H. Thistlethwaite, and one by Mrs. Robert Waller, making eighteen in all to be sent to the Rev. A. A. Wall at Cochrane, to be distributed by him to the needy ones. Some ladies »re con- tributing pillows and slips, towelf, sheets, etc. Contributions are asked for and all are t» be sent to Mrs. Clinton nt onee as the bales are to be sent o9' this week. Candj- wa.s passed around and iunch was served, and a busy and pleasant afternoon was spent. Saturday was the last day for dispens- ing inloxicant.s in this province. The amputation did not a&'ect the situation here and everything wagged along in th® old way. We had our execution of King Alcohol here some years ago, and the throes of dissolution did not have to be repeated. It is said that in sonic of our neighboring towns the holelkeepers lad- elled out loCi»l option besr by the barrel to thirsty souls who thought they n-ere celebrating in the real thing, and evi n imagined they were drunk. Now, if the drinkers can be educated up to the point where pure water will produce an imigin- a'.ive "jag" everything will be lovely. Miss Corrine Frost of Owen Sound, was the guest of Miss Maud Ricliui'dsuu last week. Mr. Charles McTavish of Regina, was in town Friday. Charley is general sales agent for the Chevrolet car for Manitoba, Snskatchewan,Albertaa.:d British Colum- bia. Hib territory is a big one and bis salary the same. Corp. (Rev.) R. C. Kerr of Camp Bor- den, who was of on a six day furlough, occupied the Methodist pulpit on Sunday evening and preached an excellent sermon to a large congregation. Mr.T.Bentham supplied in the morning. Rev. Mr. Dudgeon will be home to take his own work next Sunday. If you are thinking of buying a Coliira- bia Grafonola this fall for your enter- taininent during the long evenings let us know about it now. These have to be ordered considerably in advance, .is, owing to the immense demand prompt delivery of some mod'^ls is impossible. You can place your order now for Christmas time or sooner and thus be sure of getting it when you want it â€" At The .\dvance oHice. Mr.Scott, the oil expert from Petrolia, who wa« here last year examining the Karstadt oil well, dropped in again on Tuesday of week and examined the thing once more and with the same re>ult. He still bnlieves the oil coming out of this well is a tiltration from some bed of oil, but the location is beyond his power^ of dehninc. He says the oil is nearly a pure coal oil with al>out 'l\ per cent, of heavy oil mixed with it. It is. he says, the nicest oil he ever saw. It is simi'ar to a partially reBnnd oil, but this condi- tion could be brought about by lillration through certain soil. Mr. Scott says ihe only way to solve the riddle is to bore, and this ha advises. He does not be- lieve it possible that the amount of oil that has come through could be a soakagg from only local storage. Mr. Fred Kar- sted, jr., went down the well one day last week to recover a pail. In this he did not succeed but on the contrary was uvercomo by the fumes and had to be assisted from the well in a semi conscious slate. Flesherton Library '^ '<^^^^^:r^i^r:T^r^l^^ ^^^^^^^m ^ir The intelligent public must and will read. There is no better sign of the mental development of a people than tnat they are readers. Let us be light on eating, live on good, nourishing but simple fare, be plainly but comfortably dressed, yet bent on nourishing the mind with the best books. Second only to the moral and spiritual, reading turns out men. Read widely and you will oome to be able to do things ; have largeness of vision, enjoy social life and seek recreations in which stimulants or even coffee and cake are only very secondary things. The library has not been in better form for years, thanks to the president and its numerous subscribers. Twenty- tive dollars' worth of books and six magazines are expected in a week or so. Subscribe now. No magazine is to be taken from the reading room. Your neighbor has paid bis dtUar fur its uio. On Monday last, workmen on ihe Creamery Hill were using dynamite to blow up some blue clay. When one charge went off, Mr. Robert Mitchell of Derby, was struck on the head by a lari's stone, the presence of which in the clay wai; unthought of. It smashed through his straw hat, and cut the scalp to the skull for auout four inches. Mr. Alex. Forgrave, councillor, who was overseeing the work, drove the injured man to town, where Dr. Rutherford dressed the wound. It was a very close call for Mr. Mitchell, who may congratulate provi- dence if no complications set in. The injury will keep him from his work for a week at least. -.Advertiser. Mr. J. E. Brown, of Fergus, ha^ certainly some bus team. One day he [eft them standing, tiitched tu the bus, iu front of the Commercial hotel as the regular passenger was late. However, ^ freight passed through about the tims the passenger train wis due. I'pon hearing its whistle, the team with empty bus started for the station, attaining Dome speed, ss they seemed to think they were late. They made the turn at St. Andrews street all right, and upon reaching the station wheeled arouna, stopped and backed into thiir usual position as neatly as it Mr. Brown had been along. Here Mr. brown found them kter, no damage whatever being done. \ F. G. KARSTEDT, FLESHERTON KARSTEDT BROS. - PRICEVILLE FALL IV|iilir|ery Opeqing ^ ^ :ile> â- 41^ .4lfe -Ufe <)tt| >U& ..^ 4IAi :^ 4|fe ^y^ .)!(! 4!fe <tt& ^ !)lfe Alfe FRIDAY & SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 22& 23 F. G. KARSTEDT ^â- <l " ' " il! ^, J ' ' ^ ' ' -- ' J iilii ^ ' '' M liii. it *> %> S«2k£)£;k2id;^ Cemetery Again A writer in the Review-Herald, spcak- of the Thorobury and Clarksburg union cemetery, says : Much has been said by many uf our citizens concerning the management of the Clarksburg and Thornbury union cemetery, and I noticed an article in the Flesherton Advioce and another in the Meaford Express about the general appearance of their respective burial grounds in which they speak of them as a bush. I have this to sty, that the committee of management of the union cemetery here is to be congratulated on the general appearance of the cemelrry and the fact that they are working on a system, which is essiintial in every kind of work. Persons purchasing lots in this ceme- tery are under obligatioa tu pay to the secretary annual fees for the upkeep of their lot. Every lot owner is furnished with a copy of the bylaws and must be governed thereby. Insteui of having the appearance of a forest, the cemetery is attractive and shows care and order. No shrubs or trees can be planted without permission. Trees formerly planted can be removed hy the executive at their will and Iota are sold according to location. An :ws- essment of from 50 cents to 9L00 is levied annually by the executive and this must be paid to insure the right of burial. As this is an ideal location and the greatest care \n being taken to have everything in good condition, the excutive deserve the CO operation of all in their efforts, and there should be no iirrears in payment. The Ontario Goverment in 1!U4 passed section 34 sub-section 1, which makes verydetinite rules regarding burial piMjcs, but long before this the management of the cemetery had made an effort to put the grouds on a proper basis. Such places are the last resting places of our loved ones and wo feel proud to think that though they know it not now, they knew it in life that their grave would be cared for and not be run over by .stock or have the hay that grew above them mown for fodder, ns many of the burial grouni^j are to-day. Thanking you for thissp.ico, I remain, Yours truly, A PLOT OWNER. Notice to Creditors In the matter of the Estate of Mirg- aret McArthur Itte of the Township of Artemesia in the County of Grey, married woman, deceased. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to "The Trustee Act" and amendments thereto, that all creditors and others having claims against the estate uf the said Marg-irct Mc.Xrthur who died on t about the Thiiteenth day of April I'Uli, are re.juired on or before the twenty- first day of September, I'.tlti. to send by post prepaid or deliver to .lohn S.McMil- Ian of Ceylon in the Twp. of Artemesia in the County ofGrey, (armer.the Admin- istrator of theEslitte and effect* uf the said deceased, their christian and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full par. ticulars of their ctaiins, the statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. And further take notice that after such last mentioned date the s^id administiat- or will proceed to distribute the assets af the deceased among the parties entit- led thereto, having repaid only to the claims of which they shall tiien have no- tice, and that the said administrator will nut be liable for Ihe s>aid assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such diitribution. Dated September 18th, 191(5. WRIGHT & TELFORD, Owen Sound, Ont., Solioilors the Administrator. Voters' List 1916 Township of Artemesia Notice is hereby sivtn that a Court wilt be held pursuant to the Ontario Voters' Lists .\ct,by his Honor the Judge of the County Court of the County of Grey, in the Town Hall, Flesherton, on the lifih day of October, 191t>, at four o'clock in the afternoon to hear and de- termine complainta/of errors and omis- sions in the Voters' List of the Munici- pality of Artemesia for 1!»16. Dated this 21st day of September, 1911) -W. J. BELLAMY, Cinrk of Artemesia GIRL S WA NTED Fur < »tlice work to fill the places of men who have gone, or are going to the front . Yuung women can render the Country real .service by preparing to take po«itions in banks and business offices. Special Cuurses of training in Bookke-iping, Shorthind and all other Commercial subjects now in progress. Students ad- mitted anytime. Illustrated oitilodue tre*. OWEN SOUND, ONT. | C A. FLEMING, Principal. | , t* J: -"-^^^"^^-"•-^SV^fflr.v.-;?;!,^^^^^ Flesherton Carriage Works mm WHEN IN TOWN or when requiring Blacksmithing Liue do not fail to come auythiug in to McTarishe'a the Old Reliable i^ where first-class Workmanship is always guaran- teed by practical men. If yo,i have never dealt wiih us we would ask you to give us a call, and we will be pleased to sen-o you the best we know how. â€" Phoneâ€" No. 9 â€" D. McTavish :-:-: Flesherton New Furniture i s^i-^^yi^J-J> ' ^^^^ ' ^ - y^ ^ JUST PLACED IN STOCK' , ^ -- ' ^^^^ . ^ Latest and Most U_p-to^da_te 1 |^^^^^^JieiH:8:B:^;^!»4()t(-i^^-».4^^^^|e^ BeilsJalteBS,SJniijs,[iiairs,:| HAROAVAUK ^ AND OTHER NECESSITIES !^ ^*^ WW A ^A'^A.^ ^ AND OTHER NECESSITIES for ^ Houseturnishings^^ W.H.BUNT;i Undertaker'! .\ N D \iL E mb aimer Picture Framing and Iplioistering Office and Showroom: Richardson's Block (Over the Postoffice) FLESHERTON For Sale or Rent l(X)-»cre fann, lot 1.'), con. (>, Osprey Kramt hoiHi' .ind bank barn. Good well and wind- mill One mile from Maxwell; li miles fmni Ft'vershnm. Rural nute and telephone. Term» reasonable. Apply to r.Eo. H. \vhith:oak. 21 3ept,.4 Keverflhain. Public Notice Tiike notice that all per.son.s aie hero- by forbiJtleii trespassing on, or dumpiiJK any rubbisli on, or (akiiiij. ssnJ, gravel, ei\rth or other iiiatler uff Park lot known as th.t Flesher sand pit, in Flesherton, containiiiK about two acres, as all persons trpspassing or coiiiinittinn any waste or rcinovin^j ;«iiythii)g therefrom, ou any part of the Fleshnr o,state in and ei'dund Flehhorton Village, will be pros- acuted accoidini^ l" la>v. DK. T. S. SPROULE, July G Executor for the Estate ^ ^f II rpHE ONLY MAN |[! ^ 1 WHO SHOU LD ^1 g NOT ADVERTISERS ^\ ^ THEMANWHO.HAS ^\ ^ NOTHING TO OF- ^j FER IN THE WAY g OF SERVICE AND ^j SUCH A PERSON |[j IS A DEAD ONEâ€" ^ WHETHER HeIJ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Glasses and Putty- Locks and Hinges Nails and Bolts Salt and Cement Eanges and Heaters Crockery, etc. Highest prices paid for produce FTWr^DUNCAN i Heu-dware Merchant Phone SO r 2 ; FLESHERTON, - - qNT ^ Si iii Sctool Children's Eyes,!''^^^rRms - IMPLEM ENTS This famous make of implements is vvell known all over the country and ihuir own i?ood work is the best recom- mendation they can receive. If -»bu require anything in the line oj, Binders. IVIowers. Seed Drills, CultivMors, Pull- ers, Plnw.s, Sleighs, \W«ons, Cream Many lives have been ruineo ' ^,^:^'^^,:v,»;;'^,:v,f '|.--„,^^ ismes, Sawing outfits, etc, give us a chanee to'quote pnce,<;. KNOWS NOT. IT-OR ^1 Elb,rt Hubbard ^ ! in the Fra Jit I 0^1 through neglected eyestrain In childhood. The eyes of every child should be examined. We have made a special study of this branch of optics, and guarantee satisfaction. Consultation free. ^^^^^^S^X^^^^^"^- A. Armstrong:, John Wright, - Agent Flesherton Boar for Service The undersigned has a thoroughbred \orkshiie Boar fur service on lot U o S. Osproy. Terms SI. CO. ' -FRKDSPOFFAKD. ,oon.