/ksli^rtxrn %hmnu. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLEb ROT MEN." yOl 36 No. io FleshLerton, Ont., Ttiursday, Augfust 24 IQIO W, H THURSTON ?„i^«oPBiK V ,'â- a Eugenia Paragraphs! Ceylon Chat Mifls E. Litiuier has returned home after apeuding » week with friends in Alliston. Mr. Arthur .Johnston, wife and sister, spetit the week end with the former's sister, Mrs. L. Latiau-r. A number froai here (pent Saturday at Camp Borden. Arthur Williams of The Advance staff, FleshertoD, visited his aunt, Mrs. Robt. j Campbell, in the Vulley, over Sunday. â- Pts. J. Armstront; of L'doip Bjrden, and friend, MLss McDou<»ll,of Pricuvillc, , spent the week end with the former's i mother, Mrs. W. Aruscroii<{. : MiBses M. McMulUn and Bowerman hive returned to the villa^^u after a two | weeks' visit in Mi.'iiford. ! Pleased to henr thtt Mrs. F'. Martin is improvic|{. I A nuiaber from this burg received invitations tn the recdpti'iii held at Camp Horded on Tuesday last, when the l4T".!i were preseuted with tlieir colors. Mrs. .1. Williams and daugtiter, Hildii, have gone to Toronto to atte<.d the D.v Ml-, aod Mrs. Uaruld ^^mith have gone to the West for a trip. Mrs. A. J. Twohy has returned to her home in Berlin <tccoiiipanied by her sister, Mrs. A. Hoy, who intends spending a couple of weeks. Kev. F. W. Madden has nnm away on his holidays. Mr. Woods is taking hi« place during b>8 absence. Harry Pell and family of Toronto, accompinied by Mrs. Angus McDonald of Creeniore motored to K. Whittaker's lastlreuk. Mis. Coleman and Miss Farley, Owen Sound, list week. Mabel McMuUen left for the city on Saturday. Mrs. McK.eown, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. S. Hand, for the past fortnight, left for Toronto Siiturday. James Adauis spent the week end with Markdale friends. Mr. and Mrs. R. Bates, Proton, spent Sur.day at H. Bennett's. Mrs. Uislop of the valUy is visiting with her sixter. Miss Bella McKenz'e. Mrs. Corkendalo and two children of CoUiu^'wood visited the past week at J. Paitisons and returned tiio first of the week, Mrs. Pattison accompauyiug her as far as SiiKbamplon. Pts. J. J. Pattison, tjuowden .Mc- Leod, James McMullen, and Hunter Harrow, Camp Borden, spent the week end at iheir rospective huiin's. Mrs. Gordon McMuUen, Toronto, is a visitor at Jas. VIcMutlen's. Pte. Will liadley, Cainp Borden, and Harold L'outts, Toronto, are spending a c >up!e of days with the former s father. S. Hemphill and family motored with A. Keunedy to Camp Borden Tuesday. Mrs. D. Muir of Port Arthur is visiting at Mr. McFaJdeu's. Dundalk Proton voters' litt just issmd f,tll« short by about a dozen names of the lOUO necessary to give the township tepreoen- tatijn by a deputy reeve. The do|{ poisoner gut in soiue of his nasty work in town the past week. Louis Decker lotta collie. Both McWill- iains, a hound ; and Earl Wellwuod a pel terrier. Two sports »unc Kshini( for trout on Friday- an unlucky day fur tbjiu the tish wcreu t bitingâ€" the auto turned tuitld into the ditch on the home trip. The sports sulfertd cousideinble from cuts and bruises in the niixup and the car i.'^ in a i>holburne gars^e for repairs. The Junior Matriculation results pub- lished in Saturday's dailies show Dundalk U gh tjchuol pupils to have been iiuite successful. Hazel Acheaou and Arthur Broughtou pasiied in full and Kathleen Bolger partial pus, having to re-write Knglith Cuinpu&iti<iu,, English Literature and Algebra. Stanley Achesou gets his junior matriculation by working on the The League picnic held on Wudi.es- i f^^^ ^^j ^^^^ t,,g recommendation of Principal Wright. Herald. Priceville Jottings The grain is all cut on many farms and m'.at c.'f thi! farmers will have their hat\- est all in the barn at the end of the week, (if all goes well.) Shortly after ."> o'clock p.m. on Monday the villagers were sliocked to hear that Malcolm McKinnon,yo_llge^t son of Mr. Hugh McKiiinon, South Line, had fallen from the top of the mow to the cement floor in liockie Mc.Vrthur's Imrn ou the east side of village. Dr. Lane's asvistaui was on the scene in a few minutes and Dr. Jamleson of Durham, arrived later. The youni; man was still uuconsiuus, had his arm broken, neck Injured, and other internal injuries. The Doctira removed | the patient on the evening train to| Owen Sound. H. R. McLean has purchased from Mrs. J. UcArthur the farm composed of lot« 1 and 2, 2nd con. north, Aitemetia, 1^ miles north of viltsite. Victoria Corner* day at la$l Eugenia was not largely ai;teoded on account uf the rush of tht harvest but was thoroughly enjoyed by all present. We Hre having very hot weather ; a shcver would be most appreciated Card of Thanks The Cit'zeas of Ceylon desire to thsuk j the people of Fleshertuu and otheis who I so willingly turned out and worked .so Mr. and Mrs. S. Jickson and childten ; faithfully, helpintr to iiuench auJ save of Uamilton, Mrs. Prime and little at>n ,' other buildings in danger at 'he two tires of Vancouver, B. C and her sister, Mrs. ; '''"<='> *" h»*« 'i^^ »" recently here. Signed on behalf of the Citizens of Ceylon S. HEMPHILL, CAP. McLACHLAN. Jas. Wallace Hornins^ Mills we e recent visitors at Mr. U. Gallagher's. Miss Sarah Tucker, Droin )re, is! visiting Mrs. James Beat. ! A line mounted specimen of a srey Mrs. Montgomery of Toronto visittd | '«»"»»* been presented t<. thu Huron Mr. George Moore's. I Institute, Colltngwood. Flesherton Bakery On and after Thursday, August 17 we are compelled to raise the PRICE o f BREAD. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦^^♦♦♦♦♦♦* 3-lb Loaf of Bread 14c. Full weight-First qu ality. 3 LEAVE YOUR ORDER OR ?HONE. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Pinder & England FLESHERTON MARKDALE Wo de house Doings The thermometer reached 101 here on Sunday last, and it was warm withou: a dou^t. The social gathering in the cliuicli Monday evening proved a success. Mr. Stewart, district chairman, was present and gave an excellent addres£ on "The advancement of this age and why not so in the converting of souls for Christ." Those who were present tujoyed a treat and appreciate his comiug very much. The board mseling was also well attend- ed in the afternoon and this circuit is looking forward to a *"i)ew year s wuik wi:h interest and pleasure. Messrs. Wiilard Wiley and Harold I-readnei took in the excursion to the West ou S;iturday. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Abercron'ibie visited Sunday with Mr. -tnd Mi-s. Geo. Pritchard, Vandeleur. Miss Reua McN'evin is laid up with ar. atuick of rheumatism. Mr.T.Gilray and stall' of Kocklyii have been busy thre^lllIlg in our liur«. Those who have alsike a c disappointed, it being almost a failure. Master Kendall Hawkin of Eugenia is holidaying with his aunt, Mrs. .^iiutres. Misses Nettie and Ella Mc.\rtbur are visiting fi lends at Ready. Miss St .Johns of Dundalk is a visitor at Mr. T. I. Fawcelts. The Epworth Leagve meets Wednes- day evening. The topic on Citizenship should prove interebtiiig. Mis. R. Kawcett visited a few Jays with frienUs at I'nion UUl. Mrs. Pierce WUhanis of Toronto visi- ted with her daughter, Mrs. Thompson, the past fortnight, 5Iis. Rt.berl Bradley spent a few days last week with her brothers in Proton. Mu.ster Ernest, who has been spending some tune there has returned. Fever sham Items The farmers arc getting veil along with the harvest. The warm, dry weather, has ripened the uriin very fast. Messrs. Geo. Pallister and wife. Win. Bmckeiibury and daughter, Ethel, and Harold Smith and wife, left here for the West on Saturday la-.t. V number more are inicnding to go on toe next excursion on September 2. Miss .Arnott of Hatherton, is viaitilig her uncle. James .\rnotr, at present. Mr. U . .Alexander and wife, spent the ATuek end in Klesherton. Miss Annie Brackenbury has returned to St. Mary's after visiting friends in t-.iwn. Miss Kihel Winters i>f Por'law, spent Sunday with friends in Feversham. Miss Cassie Davidson of Portsmouth, U.S.A.. i.s visiting at her parental h->me naar Kob K y. Very uood yields of tall wheat and a good sample is reported by si.nie who have threshed their fall wheat. Three auto loads visited Camp Borden last Sunday and report the camp a sight worth seeing. After visiting friends in Kevershani and Colliiigwoud for a few days, Mr.Ja!>. Davidson of Niagara KalN.left for D'arcy, Sisk., where he intends to spend two or three mom ha harveslinir and threshing. Ill liUl Itie poultry and eggs sold off Canadian farms were worth lietweeu *31,iK)0,OOiJ and »J2,0O<),0<)<). It is esti- mated that the rgg production alone in Canada for 1915 was worth ^'50,000, (JOO. This is two and a half times the value of the whole fiuit crop of C.niadi, six times the value of all the sneep, and half the value of all the cattle produced. Pithy Proton Pointers Wanted â€" .\ good heal hy shower, on or before -August 27- For full particu- lars apply Co the farmers of Proton. Miss Myrtle Wright is the suunt of her cousin, Marian vV right. Miss D.jrotliyk Nichols is visiting friends in our village. The W M. S. of the Presbyterian church intend holding a public meeting on Monday September 11, at 8 p. ni. Rev. and Mrs. )lcVicar, Flesherton, and Rev. and Mrs. Keiidad, Dundalk, are e.xpected to be present. A silver collection will be taken in aid of the luissionaiy cause. » Misses Chester and Fisher are visit- ing at .Mr. Jas. Nellsuu .-', Miss Mildred Lyons has taken a pusiiton in Mr. Becker's store. Mil.ie is a popular saleslady. Two adventurous little! t;ir!.•^ in seaicli of excitriiieiit ran away from ihuir homes here befoie dawn on Saturday moiniug. They walkid to Dundalk intending to take tlie tr.>in g<iiig south but uiifortur.- alcly i'ji theiii, fell into the h^uds of tne Dunualk constable and Were taken lu tlieir hjines, sadder, but we hope wiser little lassies for the futuic. Mlbses Margaret aud Genevieve Eadie, Toronto, visited win Mrs. Robt. Neilson. 3Ii'. and Mrs. U. Waldeii, Markdale, visited with the fonnei s brother here. Jewelry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily maJce A Satisfactory Se lection. We cai- ry Photo Supplies. DR. BURT ... - . 5p.i.ii., in di.c«.. o. ihe W. A Amstrong Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat <>FFICE-l:itJ loth St, West, W wen Sound kl the R-svere house, Markdale, 2nd ' Thursday each in..nrh from 8 to a 12a Jeweler Dund'ilk,Is Wednesday of each mon 2^,â„¢ FLESHERTON, ntii . ' ONT £"i.;^'i.£'-'i. i'it£"t.£"^<"- -i''- •»"' J'«..J'^ .^'<. ^o, .^•^ »>'», -i", o'<- ^m, ^'/^ ^tr, ^u, ^u. ^</, ^it. '/.«• •>!!• '/,v- '/.,- -/,{â- -/.i« '/,{. ',tf '/;?%''/,?'„{= '?.?'/,?Vi? v,v= '/,v"„? '/, .• -/,â- ?',?'/,? ~/i?W SEASIDE EXCURSIONS via Canadian Pacific .\n excop' ional Vacation Trip is olfered by the Canadian Paciho Seaside Excur- sions. Tivkeia on Sale To Lower St. Lawrence, Maritime Provinces and Newfoundland Rosorts : â€" Good going August 18, lit, 20 and 21; good returning until September li, I'.Jtti. To Maine Coast Resorts :â€" Uooa g"ing .Vugust 2o, 26 and 27; iruod returning until September 11, 191t). Very Special Fares. Full information from any Canadian Pacific Ticket Agent, or W. B. lluwai-d. District Passeagcr .\gent, Toronto. Walkerton It's a loni' way to Salonika, as Mr. C. W . Cryderiuaii Itariied lust week when he undertook lo wire to the Canaiiiao Militaiy Hospital there regaidug t.i' coudiiiuu of h<8 son, Sargt. Wilbur Cryu- ernian, who is seriously ill with cholera, li lust cost Ml . Cryderiuan 3t»c a word or about $7.0ii for tile message, but con- sidering that >.he distance covered is nearly half-way round the world the eli.irge is not lOo exorbitant. It is ijues- ti'iiable if a longer distance despatch his ever gone out of W'aikertoii. -After < iglit days a reply oaiiie back aiinouuciiig that Wilbur was out of danger, a fact that banished anxitty and lifted a hjad from his iKirenta here. Lea\iiig his barn 111 a safe coudllion about eight o'clock on Tuesday evening list. Mr. George Lippert, son of Mr.Jos. Lippcrt of Walkerton, and who resides on a farm abuu' two miles west of Chep- stow, was slaitled out of liis sleep abnul 11 o'clock at night by a refiectiou on Ins window, and looking out behe'.a the struc:uie in flames With the aid of the neighbors, who gathered to the scone, he gucoeedel m saving a pig, whivh was the only animal in the barn, and about all of his implements, but a crop of 40 tons of hay, I.~> loads of straw, '< Inada of tiniotby and 8 loads of wheat were tntirely con. suiued, together with the building, on the latter of which there was no insur- ance, although the crop is partially insured. The cause of the Hre, which started <m the barn Moor, is a mystery. A sad fatal. ty occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Beckberger, 1^ miles south of Cargill, on Monday noon, when their 3 year old daughter, Margaret, fell into an open cistern and was drowned. Ju.st how long the ciiiUl was in the water is unknown, as no one saw the mishap. Paralysed ill body and busted in foi. tune, Andrew Himmelspach was a physical aud Hnancial wreck whm Chief ^'er^uson gathered him in as a vngran; here on Satuiday last. Ue had been in the Orey House of Refuge for seven yrs.. but hearing of the f*t table that ihe Bruce shelter stt ho coveted a place arou id VValkertoii's free festive board, aud lauded hither in full sail and high hopes. On Chief Ferguson fell the sad- Utf«« of letting him into the secret that none but the sum of Btuco could lee* their feet under the groaning fables at the charity food plant. .\lthough he had relaiivjs in Carlsruhe.wiih whom he stayed en route ti town, yet their influ- \ enctf as tax-paye.s couldn't Citch huii a 1 place <n the free food farm here Con- tiiieuieiil in the jail was the only available | scheme known, and for no more cerious | crime than poverty he put on siripid c'.othes .ind wi lit into the colls with the | loud pattern brigade on Saturday. I • will seive thirty diys for vagrancy, accor- ding lo the decree of Magi.strate Tollon, aud on being released will probably be ticketed bask t'. Grey's Free Grubbory 1 at Markdale. â€" Bruce Herald and Times m m m m 4c ^ Get Your T\yit\e AND Flour 81 Feed AT W. BUSKIN m m â- aiu < I FOR THE PEOPLE § WHO WEAR BOOTS J VVV have them in Men .s Box Calf, Kid and [J P'Uent!?. Also some gooti linc-^ in Plough Boots. LADIES' WEAR We have tliciii in Butron with (..'lo^hand Leatlier Tops, Patent Vauip.s. Light and heavy boys and girls boots, .suitable for the season. Trunks, Telescopes, Suitcases. Agent for the Dominion Express Co. money orders. Thos. Clayton's I FLESHERTON It is ttfttpil tli»t "hKi w< iiicu of (iroy cou..ty are<toiii8 tl>» lari» woik iMcaiise tbeir Lot. \ tjaada aud sous liave cutis'.ed iu tbe 147th Halt. John Chapman ir Furniture and Undertaking Successor to :-: W. H. Bunt Calls answered day or night. Day phone 17 R2. Night phone i7 3. The old stand opposite the Town Hall