Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 17 Aug 1916, p. 2

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mmgmm Italians occupy the entire doberdo plateau The Austrians Have Been Driven Back Beyond the Line of the Vallone River. INCOME EIIUA15 BRITISH BURDEN I Chancellor of Exchequer Mc- Kenna Reveals Financial Strength of Empire. A despatch from London Markers of ibe V/orid says: Rcgimild McKciina, Chancellor of the !.' '^,"' *''^'„.;'^'"- '^'}" ,, , 1 • 1 I i -i- • N"- 3. do., $1.03 to »I,0 Lxchequer, was subji'ctea to criticism - A despatch from London says: â€" tho principal pains have been made The Italians continue to press their n^rth and south of Gorizla. Severe Hr,n..P nf rnmmona nn Thiirs tlEhtlne Is beluE wuKtd In the Pluva iiouse ol lommons on inurs advance on tl.o lower Isouzo linos. ,,!-g,„„_^t,„, Austrian^ claiming that all d"y on the ground of over-relianco They have now reach«.d the line of the their linos Imvo held. â-  "Pon Treasury billii, liis critics argu- Vallone Ulvor, advancing, since the The Austrluna are sllU holding out ing that the large amount of such fall of Gorizla, about four miles ou aoniAlonte San Cabriole and Mnnto Stfh bills outst«n(ling constituted a danger, front of 20 miles. Tho entire Dober- Marto, the Italians admit, but It Is as- and that the Government ought to do plateau Is now in their posassslon, sertod that the attacking troops have according to official despatches from reached the western elopes of the lat- Ronie, as well as Uie towns of Uubbla ter poHltlon, as well as tho line of Ver- and San Martino del Carso. Thei tolblzza. number of Austrians taken prisoner j Austrian aeroplanes have again Is ropcrtetl to liavu been Increased by. raided Venice, and Koine admits thai, several thousand. while some damage was done to build- Thft Italians are now approaching' Ings, there were no casualties, the strong defensive line established' The brunt of the lighting is l>eing present financial year to be £3,440,- by tho Austrians in the mountains east ; borne by the Italian third army, under 000,000. of florlzla. and a resumption of the the leadernhlp of tho Duke of Aosta. i From that amount said the Chan- deeperato battles for high peak.s 1b ex- | This army, which captured Gorlzia, ' p^jH^,. ^j,g nafjo,, ^^3 entitled to de- pected to mark the new phase of the; has been in almost constant action for â- â€žâ€ž^ n cnn nnn nnn in»no,i f« Aiima -mH tracC'i'oronto. offensive. a week, the dlvlsiona lighting in relavs uu^t i»"".""".^'"" loaned to Allies ana ^ Vienna reports the repulse of Italian: day and night Their advance In this dominions of the empire, the sum | Country Froduc attacks east of Gorizia, as well as in ! short limo is one of tho most notable i '•^f* being a burden it could well sus the Dolomttes, but Rome admits that | of the war. Brsadstuffa. Toronto. Auk. 15 -Manitoba Wheat- No. 1 Northern, $1.5i» ; No. 2 do.. |1.57 ; No. 3. d.i.. »l.oJ. track Hay pons. Maiiltdbu oatB â€" No. 2 C.W.. 65|c ; No. 3, do., 544c ; extra No. 1 feed. 644c ; No. 1 feed, 64c ; No. i, do., 64c. track. l^uy ii4.>rt8. American cornâ€" No. 3 yellow, 98c, track. Toronto. Omurio oatsâ€" No. 3 white, 50 to 61c. accoi.linK to fmights outHldc. Ontario wh«at â€" Nt>. 1 commercial, $1.10 to $1.12: ; feed. »6 to 'j7c. a'cordliig to Ireltthls outaldo. New crop. No. 2, <1.16 to $1.17. I'eiiB â€" No. 2. $1.76 to $1.Sj, aorordlnK to Kuinple. $1.26 to $1.5U. uccurditiK to freights oul.-iido. li.ulcyâ€" MalllnK. noiiiliial : feed, noininul. Hucliwheat â€" Nominal. Uye â€" No. 1 commercial. 9ti to 9Sc, ao- corilin); to frelelit» oulHlde. havo issued another war loan. i Manitoba Hourâ€" First patents. In jute T„ ii, . t \.- I lu r-'T. I hag'*. $7.60 ; second palenLs. in jute In the course of hi.^ reply the Chan- bugs, 17 : Ktrong bakeia'. in Jute bags, cellor claimed that Great Britain was $n ho. Toronto. able to borrow abroa.l at much lower ,o"i'.!;;X.""$"^,f''iT-lo"rM'tugs"'t?i"^ terms than any other belligerent Toronto, prompt stiipment ; $6 20 to He estiliiated tho nation's to- »^a" .''""'. s.-ahoard, proaipt ahipment FRENCH TROOPS NOW STRADDLE MAURtPAS-HEM HIGHROAD British Gain Additional Ground North of Bazentin le Petit and North-West of Pozieres. power. ! tal indebtedness at the end of the Mllll'ced â€" Car lots, delivered Montreal frciKhtH. baKS Included â€" Liraii, P"r ton. $23 ; shorts, per ton, $26 to $26 ; mld- dllnK.s per ton, $26 to $27 ; good feed flour, per bag, $1.76 tu $1.86. Hay â€" New, No. 1. per ton, $10 to $12 ; No. 2. $& to $U.6U, trark, Toronto. Straw â€" Car lots, per ton, $6 to $7, GERMANS KO LONGER THE "TOP TIGER" But They Are Fighting Like Tigers, Declares Lord Derby. A despatch from London says: "The allies have been having a jolly good time since I saw you last," said the Earl of Derby Under-Secretary for VVar.jn meeting the newspaper correspondents on Wednesday. Lord Derby discussed the present military situation frankly, but declined to make any prophecies beyond the as- sertion that he was convinced there was no possibility of the initiative aKain falling into the hands of tho Germans. "It is not a bit of use comparing the casualties on our front with the Wholeaala. Kutter â€" Fresh dairy, ctiolce. 27 to 2Sc; tain, as it was practically balanced by ["'f.}^"' ^< '" 'If, â-  '-•r';'"""^ i"""^' ^^ ... , , â- ;, , 1 1 to 32c ; solids. 3o to 31c. the national Income. He declared Krks â€" New-laid, 2S» to 30c ; do., in Great Britain was in the position of i;''"""-''. 33 to 36c. , . ' , „„„ , Hean.s â€" $4.60 to $a. the latter for a man whose income was £5,000 and hand-picked. vlrhose debts ftmounterl in fi 000 Cheese â€" New, large, ISJ to 18|c ; wnose aeots amouniea to io.uui;, ^^.^^^ ^^^ ^^ j^^^ . jripie^s jsj to i»c. which was not an alarming position. 8,000 PEOPLE HOMELESS. thing in the war exceeded the fight our troops had with the Branden- burgs on the Somme front. "While I have no more information concerning the Russian victories than I you road in the press, I am convinced | that the operation is tremendously ! ~~~ important, for you will notice that Property Damage in West Virginia ' 2,000 Germans, not Austrians, have I Cloudburst Very Heavy. j been taken with some of their big ^ despatch from Charleston, W. I guns. Such a thing does not happen ya., says: Investigations every day. A despatch from Ijondon says : â€" The French and British contlnuo their steady work of extending and consoli- dating their positions In the German second lino and preparing for a pow- erful thrust at the third. There has not been a let up of an hour on the western front now In weolts, the allies here reallzln.^ that they must keep t!ie Germans busily engaged to prevent the withdrawal of men to otlier fronts where tho offensives of the other En- tente powers are sweeping back the Germans and Austrians. As on other days this week, the Bri- tish and French concerned themselves principally with attacks beyond Poz- ieres and In the district of Hem wood. Some particularly brilliant actions oc- curred on the French front, resulting according to the ofidclal report of the French War Office on Friday, in the further advance of the French l>e- tween the Somme and Maurepas. The ridge for which Gen. Foch's troops have been fighting for more than a week is now completely in their hands, the summit having been reach- ed In a dashing charge this afternoon. The French now straddle the Manre- paa-Hem highroad and hold the most dominant position In this sector. Night fighting enabled the British to gain some additional ground north of Bazentin le Petit and north-west of Pozieres, where the apex of the British wedge is now approaching the Martinpufch ridge. Hnlg's report on Friday night deals principally with aerial adventures. In which 68 British machines carried out extensive bomb- ing opr^rations against the German concentrations at Brussels, Namur, Mods, Busslgny and Courtral, all points far behind the Kaiser's front On the Verdun front the respite continued for another day, broken only by small raiding actions, in which the French gained minor successes on both banks of the Meuse. The artil- lery combat continues with violence, and another German aeroplane has been shot down by a member of the Franco-American Flying Corps. Two more British aeroplanes also have been lost as a result of their dar- ing exploits behind the German lines. Dressed poultry â€" Chickens, 26 to 27c i fowl. 23 to 25c. Live I'oultry â€" Chickens, 20 to 22o ; fowl. IS to 1S)C. Potatoes â€" Virginia, new. barrel. $3.75 to $4.00. iloney â€" Five-pound tins, 12| to 13c; do., lU-Ib.. 12 to 12ic. ; Maple syrup â€" ^$1.50 per Imperial gal- lon. I "We are applying pressure on all sides, and will continue to apply it until the successful conclusion of the war." conducted ever since daybreak, in the face of Frovlatons â€" Whclasal*. QUEEN MARY VISITS MAPLE LEAF CLUB. A despatch from London says: Dacon â€" Long Clear, IS to Isjc per lb. . , , , . . , . , , Hams â€" Medium. 24 to 26c ; do., lieavy such obstacles as prostrated telegraph 20J to 21c , rolls. 1» to isjo ; brcakiaat and telephone lines, vanished or im- [""on. 25 to 27c : backs, plain 25c ; ,, * 1 i_ -j 11 baika, 27 to 2Sc. Cooked bam, passable roads, bridges and streams, 35 to 36c. prove that tho storm which swept the I.ardâ€" rure lard. tl. ces. 16J to 17c ; •^ , . J 1 u /â-  /-• 1 tubs. 17 to 17Jc ; pails. 17i to 17ic ; mining and lumber regions of Coal compound. 14 to l4jf. River and its tributaries on Wednes- | XoBtrsal Marksts. Montreal. Aug. 15. â€" Corn â€" American ._ ^ „„„ , , , No. 2 yellow. 9!)c to $1.0 mately $.5,000,000 and made between dlan WeHtern. No. 2. R7c extra No. 1 feed. B64c. NEW BRITISH LOAN KILUNG OF BABES FOR $200,000,000 HAS BEEN RES^JMED WiU be Floated in the United '^«" Zeppelins Raid the English States About a Month Hence, i ^^^ Scotch Coast. day took a toll of more than 100 lives, [caused property damage of approxi- ^.,»I?n«J«'f,!,„, '^'^'J. ^^^.^^^ oats-Cana ~ '~ No. 3, B6ic Flou»*-Mani' ground gained," continued Lord 1 Drummond. who received a pleasing Derby. "As a whole, tho problem tribute from Her Majesty, on the ex- must l>c concsidered from tho stand- cellent arrangements that are made point of the effect on other fronts, 1 for the soldiers' comfort, in the first place, and in the numl)er Queen Mary made an unexpected call ^.O^ «"<> lO-^OO homeless The flood ,--ba-Sprinir wheat patents, tlrsts. $8.20 at the Maple Leaf Club of the Daugh- extended over an area of nearly 400 Beoonds, $7.70 ; strouK b",''*"'- .JJi^j; . ters of the Empire branch on Tues- ' «'iuare miles, and reached its greatest \^}nt_ej Pa«^;ntj.. choK-e, $,.oo^.^^stralKht day and was welcomed by Lady destructiyeness in the valleys of Paint to $3.0u of (lerman.s we are able to kill. We have prevented the sending of vast German forces to the eastern front, where the Russians arc making such Impressive progress, while it is in- disputable that the latest offensive on the western front has relieved pressure upon Verdun. INFANTILE PARALYSIS AT FORT WILLIAM. A despatch from Fort William, Ont., and Cabin Creeks, which are lined with coal mines. The mines are flood- ed and otherwise injured to such an extent that it may be weeks before they can again be operated. AU.STRIAN PRISONERS A nEGG.\RS' BRIGADE. Uolled outsâ€" Bbls. $6.35 to $6 66 ; do.. baR.t. $0 lbs, $2.66 to $2.66. llran, $24.00. Shorts, $21; 00. Middlings. $2S.0O. Mouillle. $31. Ou to $34.00. Hay â€".No. 2. per ton. car lots. $17.60 to $18.50. Chaest â€" Finest Westerns. 18 to isic ; niiest easterns. 17i to 17|c. Butter â€" Choicest creamery. 32 to 32ic ; seconds. 3oJ to 31c. Kgsrsâ€" Fresh. 36c ; â- elected. 33c :' No. 1 stock. 32c. A despatch to Tho London Times ! Wlnnlpsff Orkln. Winnipeg. AuB. 15. â€" Cash auotatlons : â€"Wheat-No. 1 Northern. $i.Cli ; No. 2 Northern. $1.49 ; No. 3 Northern. says: Two cases of Infantile paralysis ' from Italian Headquarters says: "The f 1 "» â- . ^9- *J**°*.- . ^S' S *J; w'' .... ii.v-i itu:.., . II ttats â€" No. 2 C W.. 49Jo ; No. 3 C.W., the I havo broken out In the city, one In tno Austrian prisoners whom I have seen h^q ; extra No. 1 feed, 48lc ; No. 1 â-  â-  â-  â-  â-  ..--.... Barley â€" ".:Jo; cast-end of tho city and the other In were made up of stalwart youths and fefd. <'•**'' â-  No 2 'fed. 4«c. Barlj .. • â-  I'i » XI I • TU^ ' i> . rtiL . . 1- No. 3. 7S»c ; No. 4. 76c ; rejected. 66 the municipality of Neebing. The men over forty. There seemed to be t»»d. gb|c. Flaxâ€" No. 1 N.W.C, »l. "You will recall that last year the ,,..,,. , ,â-  , , ,.,, . , Germans using their railways to tho health authorities arc taking every none between. They were in the worst No. best advuntage, sent reinforcements ' precaution to prevent a spread. A | possible condition, with nothin re from one front to another with the '«.'"•?*' n""''''''' "^ children have died gembling u uniformâ€" a veritable beg within the past few days from Sum- mer complaint. utmost facility. They are not doing this now, and will never bo able to do it again. "P^very Austrian killed or captured must be replaeed with a German. This ALLIED GUNS ACTIVE process cannot go on forever. The AGAINST THE BULGARS. pendulum, now stopped, will not again swing for tho Germans. Wo a despatch from.Saloniki says; The are killing many Germans, and this heavy allied guns of the Entente al- work will eventually end the war. Ues havo begun a bombardment of "It is foolish to belittle our own ] t^o Bulgarian positions at Lake Dol- troops by belittling the Germans. Al- 1 ^an. In Greek Macedonia, it was seml- though they are no longer tho 'top officially announced here on Thur.s.lay. tiger,' they are still fighting like fhu bombardment was of great effec- tigers. For concentrated fury no- ttveness. gars' brigade â€" and they tiuito bore , GB»C. t e.w. $ United Btataa Markata. "•tlnnea.i)olU. Ann. IB. â€" Wheat. Septem- ber, $1.49i ; December, fl.4!l| to $1.60 : out the KtjittimtmtH of an escaneil No. 1 hard. $1 661 ; No. 1 Northern, out ine hiJitomenis 01 an escape<i ^^^ ^^^^^ . j^,^ j Northern, $1.46g Russian, with whom I spoke on Sun- t„ ji.dii. Cornâ€" No 8 yellow, (>2 to day morning, about the extremely bad "'• Oatsâ€" No. 3 white, 43i to 43J<\ ', ,. J .. 1 » .1. . ^ • Flour, fancy patents. $7.90 wood ; rtrst ciiulpment aiui food of tho Austrian ..ijurs. ♦«.2A ; otiior k-ruJas unchanged. troops on tho laonzo. Very few of I'nin. $19.uo to $20.60 .. . , .. u 1 1 I>uluth. Auk. 16.--l.inseed on track, these men had more than one hundred 12.13 t„ $2.13l|; to arrive. $2.18; Hep- cartridgea in their belts, which goes temb«T. $2.13 asked ; October. $2 19 asked ; November. I2.14J asked ; Dec- ember. $2.12 bid. Wheatâ€" .No. 1 hard, A despatch from New York says: Several prominent financial interests in this and other large cities, it was learned on Wednesday from authori- tative sources, have been approached by J. P. Morgan and Company, finan- cial agents of the British Govern- ment, regarding a new loan to that Government of between ? 150,000,000 and $200,000,000. The negotiations thus far have not been in the form of general terms, but simply as feelers as to how a loan of this sort would be taken in the near future. The credit, it was learned, probably will take a similar form to the French loan recently floatetT by the same institution. Noth- ing definite could be learned regard- ing the terms. Wall Street does not look for an announcement for at least another month. It is generally expected that the new loan will be secured by Ameri- can stocks and bonds which the Brit- ish Government have been mobilizing through the borrowing process. According to information available at present, an American corporation owned American securities. This cor- poration will issue its own debentures will bo formed to hold the British- against the collateral, as In the case of the recent French loan. .A. despatch from London spys: I From seven to ten Zeppelins took part i in the air raid early on Wednesday on I the east coast of England and south- â-  eastern Scotland, according to an of- ficial statement in the afternoon. : About ItiO bombs were dropped and ; 23 casualties were caused. The com- manders of the airships seemed in I doubt as to their whereabouts, as they fretiuently shut off the engines ; and hovered in the air for minutes at a time. The raider which visited Scotland flew over a sparsely populated dis- trist and Its bombs were dropped in fields and on hillsides. Another raid- er dropped twenty-six bombs in the open ground between two villages. ' One man, two women and three chil- dren were killed in a north-eastern i town. Five men, six women and six boys were injured. i Correspondents in the districts visiteil by th» Zeppelins telegraph that the airships flew at a great height. They were subjected to a very heavy fire from anti-aircraft guns, which compelled them to make I a hasty retreat. One airship dropped twenty and another incendiary bombs, [ some of which fell into the sea. As on all recent raids, .aany of the bombs fell on open ground or into the water as the airships were making off. to show how unprepared the Austri- ans were for an attack upon thorn. FOE'S PLACE DESPERATE MORE RUS.SIAN TROOrj HAVE LANDED IN FRANCE. A despatch from Hrest says: An- „ . n»Vi«.r rnnfinffHnt of RuhkIbii trnnna •" $*-60 ; dO.. common. $6.35 to $ otner conungeni or uussian troops butchers' bulla, choice. $7.26 to $7 60 $l!531 ; No, 1 Northern, $1.61i to $1.63; No. 3 i>;orthern, $1.4S to $1.40 ; Septem- li6Si ; No, lo. 3 her, $i 60 XdT* atook Markets. Toronto. Aue. 16. -Choice heavy tours. $8,16 to $lt.»6 ; good heavy steers, 17.76 to $8.00 ; butchnra' cattle, Boort, $7.00 to $8.16 ; do., medium, t^ t? FLA . Am ..J $7.36 0.60 ; ira bull (id builii has been landed hero. Tho soldiers do., good bulls, $6.06 to $6.76 ; do . rouuh uropn iriven nn enlhiixinHtic u-n1cr>m» bolls, $4. 60 to $6 00 ; butchers cows. were gi\pn an eniniisiasiic welcome. ,,^y,^.^ J^^j ,„ ,, ^ . j,, _,„„, ,,50 The first Kusslan troops to land in i„ $6 76: do., medium. $5.76 to $6.10 ; ON THF FA^TFRN pRONT r:"r "'''â- '" •I'^^r*"''""".^':!;" .t.'i:'e"â- â€¢?eu!i"eV"de^'iSri'ed;urorol?;J5; l/ll 1 Illj Li/U11jI\1i 1 null 1 -•'. having sailed half way round the ranners and cutters, $3 60 to $4.60; world from Vladivostok. They were milkers, choice, •ach. $70 00 to $6;^00 1 , ,, 1 , .u ii. .• i do., com. and in«d., each. $40.00 to $60.00; followed by three wther contingents, Horlngers. $60.00 to $90.00 : light owes, and after a short rest were sent into $7.65 to $8.76; sheep, heavy, M SO to .. . v 1 /II X, ... 15.35 I spriiiK lambs, per lb, II0 to lUc; the trnches in Champagne. Nothing ,'uiv,.h. wood lo choice. $10.60 to lu.bO ; has been made public officially as to do. medium. $9.00 to $10.00 ; hois, fed .. 1 « .1 I n • II anil watered. $13.60 to $12 63; do., the number of this Russian cxpedl- weighed off cars, $12.76 to f 12.S5 ; do., tionary force, but unofficial estimates fob., $11.76. have placed the strength of the first uX^nf't.t^l^i $7 "t.?T7'76''' and' ill contingent at not less than 20,000 lower Krades down to $6 to $6.36 men. ENGLISH CLERGYMAN FOUGHT IN RANKS. A despatch from London says: Capt. 1]homas Riley, who has just died in France from wound.-;, was min- ister in charge of Kennlngton Mission in British Columbia when the war broke out. With his bishop's per- mission he returned to Burnley, his native town in Lancashire, and was gazetted captain in the R.F.A., hav- ing previously held the rank of major in the Territorials. MINISTRY OF LABOR IN BRITISH CABINET. A despatch from London says: Arthur Henderson's new position as labor advLser to the Government will be made regular by legislation. In labor circles it is understood that the retention of Mr. Henderson in the Cabinet will mean the creation of a Ministry of Labor, the problems of labor and trado after the war render- ing such a step desirable. Teutons May Try to Save the SlaniHlau Situation hy a Fhinliing Movement to the South. A despatch from Rotterdam says; Austro-IIungary have been in hand Th" present position of the Cimtral m»ny months, lately have been re- sumed ill Berlin, and are nearing con- ^'owers on the eastern front is desper- ate, and it is within the range of pos- GOVERNMENT HELP TO FIRE HIII FERERS. elusion. The well-informed military critic of sibility that desperate measures may j The Nieiiwe Uotterdamsche Couiant be resorted to. Those under contem- writes; "The Central Towers already plation are of a combined political havo given evidence that they do not Federal -Authorities Contribute $100, •nd miliUry character, and are quite fear to Uike thorough measures under ^qq t<, ludief Associations, apart from calling in Turki-^ih aid. i extraordinary circumstances, and any This last is, I learn, of substantial j such measures will undoubtedly affect A despatch from Ottawa says: A character, writes Leonard Spray. ' Poland. U may bo supposed that the ' |;!^«Bsage has been received by Turkish forces concentratcil at Lem- ' result of tho present negotiations over '^ "^ ' "^ ' berg number probably ir)0,()00. Poland will bo directed to securing Shanislau is gravely threatened by more men for the Central Powers. the Russian aifVance. The Central The Poles might bo supposed to bo Pow^s may try to save their position willing to join the (leritral I'owers on fcy a flanking movement farther to the fighting line, iti ortler that consoli I buloher cows, from $5.36 to $7, and bulls from $6 60 to $7.26 per cwt. ; lambs at $10.60 to $11 per cwt. Sheep, $6.60 to $7.26 per cwt . and calves 41 to 7o. Hogs at $13 76 to $13, and short-run heavv weights and rough stock at $11.76 to $12 60 per owt., wulgned oft oars. ANTHRAX IN MICHIGAN. STANISLAU CAPTURED IN THE RUSSIAN SWEEP Great Railway Centre in (Jalicia Talien by General Letchitsky's Army. the Animal Near Fremont in Newyago County a Victim. the south. Another de.operate measure con- cerns Poland -that is all three of the dated autonomy and partial indepen- dence be given them. If this object is to be attained the Central Powers Polands. The negotiations over the will have to be ready to take some- Polish rjuestion between Germany and ; thing more than half measures. GERMAN WARSHIPS TO SINK VESSELS WITH CONTRABRAND Orders Given to Naval Commanders to Destroy All Bottoms En- fiaged in Trade Without Distinction. A despatch from London says : I ed to sink all ships bound for enemy The German Minister at Stockholm ' ports, carrying cargoes which con- has issued in behalf of his Govern- ! «i»i wholly or in part of contrabrand, . , ,. , . . , , ' either absolute or relative, ment a revised list of contrabrand, ^he loss to Swedish commercial in- lays a despatch from that city to the terests from the stoppage by Ger- IfforninK Post. At the same time it many of timber exports to England (s announced that the commanders of and France, the despatch adds, is Oerman warships have been instruct- 1 estimated at £6,000,000, Government from tho president of the Northern Ontario Fire Relief As- ! A despatch from Lansing, Mich., sociation exprossing his thanks at says: A case of anthrax, the most the generous conU'ibution of $100,000 dreaded disease known to the cattle to the ^re sufferers, and asking the world, has been discovered in Michi- Government to nominate a member of gan. Ap animal near Fremont, in tho board which is to supervise the ! Newyago county tiled last Saturday distriUution of the relief. This the with it. Tbe case was reported and Gioveniinv'it does not think necessary, ' investigated at the time of the anl- as it is confident the money will be , mal's death, but no announc^^nlent was wisely expended. *_ PROPOSAL TO CLOSE LUTIfERAN SCHOOLS. A despatch from Melbourne, Aus- tralia, says: 'Tile Govornment of Vic- toria has under cot>sideratioji a pro- posal to close all the Lutheran schools in the Statu. It is expected that action will be taken in the near future. $2r.,000 FROM CANADA FOR KITCHENER Fl'ND. A despatch from Ottawa says: The Doijrtinion Government has contributed fc2S,0OO to t|ie Kitchener Memorial Funr, which is teing raised through- out' the ^napli'e in comtnemoration of tHe tf^eai Btitish so14ier. The thanks of tne pommitteo w.htch is handling the matter liave been received. made until Wednesday, when labor- atory tejits and the injection of the blood of the dead animal into rab- bits and guinea-piifs proved beyond any qtiostion that the trouble was an- thrax. 1.500,000 Tons of Ships Building. A despatch from London says: Lloyd's Snipping Register shows that there were i4fi merchant vessels of a tonnago of l,6Q0,OOO gross under con- struction in the United Kingdom at the end of June. BRICbV' LYHATS ARE CLEAN iNOSriCKIKESS ALL OCALER3 |G.C.6riSE[s&Sons HAMILTON A despatch from Ixmdon says : â€" Stanislau, next to liemberg tho most Important railway city In Galicla, has fallen to the Russians. Qon. l/€tchltzky's army, which has be«n hammering at tho city's gates for more than a woek, taking one for-' tified barrier after another, captured ' Its objective on Thursday, in a swift daiih across the River ("zarna Jiystri- tza. The city's fall was ofhcially an- nouucQd by Petrograd on Friday, and Is admitted by the Austrian War Office wlUch in Its statement saya : I '^'e evacuated Stanislau without a fight." I The garrison and the army wnloh had been defending the city's eastern apptoaChes escaped. Fleeing iiorth- j wards along the Stanislau-Leinberg railway, tho Teuton forces are hotly pursued In tho direction of Halloa, another Important railway town 15 miles to the north. The capture of this town is believed to be only a mat- ter of hours. Meanwhile tho Russian left wing, acting In conjunction with Letchltz- ky's Stanislau ar«iy, resumed Its drive against the Teuton Carpathian forces and captured Uelatyn, their main base, according to official admisi^lon oa Friday ulght. Petrograd Is slleat ojn this success, but ajl luOlcatlons are that the \i)hg and bitterly-fought for Russian aim, to eeparafe the Teuton southern wing from the northern armies is near its realization. If It Is uot already acompUshed. GOVERNMENT MAY CONFISCATE ALL GERMAN-OWNED PROPERTY This Action Is to Ensue in Retaliation for the Execution of Capt, Charles Fryatt. A dcspatc}\ from London says: That the British Government is con- templating the confiscation of all the German-owned property in England in rotft%tion for the execution of Captk C^llea Fryatt of the English liner Brussela, was reveaUd in tne House of Led* o;^ Wednesda}^ Lord Lanadowne. Ha staUd tWi^ Government was cimsuUiug with J ancial nouses as to tike advUal of taking the step. Tbe German perty (n Eugrlftnd tap» {f>X9 ^ny IkMn-^ dreds of millions ox dOlUra. ' ' ;: ;; ^â- ! i .» * a 'i i

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