gkBhuim %imnu TRUTH BEFOBE FAVOB." â€" " PBINCIPLEb NOT MEN. ?01 36 No. 14 Plcsh-erton, Ont., Tlnirsday, Augrust 17 I9ie W. H. THDBSTON ''^Sopuu. i Eugenia Paragraphs L. C. Ernest Morsan, Pts. Robert Lepptrd and Ernest Hopper spent the week end at their homex. (iriselda McKee has returned tu To- ronto alter vistting ihe paat month with her sister, Leone. Mr. and Mrs. John Htard of Flesher- ton visited ut Wm. Hopper's. Mies Dell Wilson of Kimberley spent the past week with her sister, Miss Adoie, at F. Jainiesou'H. Mrs. Ben Wilson and children of iit. Catharines are visiting ihe former's par- ents, Mr. and Mri. Wui. Uaoley. Mr. Carrutlier'i, wife and children, uf Toronto, are visiting the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. b. Turner. Mifs I.e^ne PedUr spent the week w'.th fiienda in Flesherton. H Focster and wife. B. Graham and V. Urahitm motored to Camp Hoi den. Mrs. Park, Miss Marjorieaud Master Jack spent the week and with friends at Duihaiu. Miss N'eah Williains ia visitiui; friends in Torouio. Mrs. Win lar^ge and children have re- turned home after visitiii>; Friends jit Markdale. Fred Martin bas returned from the West on account of his wife's illaess. Mrs. W. McCalnion of Lumsden, Manitoba, visited her nephew, .\. Hoy. Wo de ho use Doings Pithy Proton Pointers A number of our youth and beauty en- joyed the garde 1 party at Wareham uu Friday night of hist week . 5ligRes M«rgiiri>t and F'ossie .\che8on visited with friende in town. Mrs. Wilson is holidaying in Toronto. Mrs. Udbt. Neilson .Ir. .led children • e visitiuK at Mr. James Neilsou'.s Mis. Woiitjjf.inery, Toronto, is visit- ing wiih her cousin, Mrs. "K. G. .\chtson. Mr. and Mrs. Wris^ht visited with friends at Owen Sound. Miss Gertie Wyvillc is vigitinj; in Dandalk, Kev, and Mrs. Laidlaw :ird family' visited at Mr. Robt. Acheeon's. Master Fied Maithews, Markdale, in the guest ot Jackie Wright. Miss Lillian Wyville, who has been holidayiiis( under the parental root for the p;isi two weeks, returned lo Toronto on Satuiday last. â- .. s) Victoria Comers Miss Mary Wyville, Pro*oii Station, visiting her friend. Miss Mina Heard, Mr.-i. W. Heard recfived a s-lmg from a bee lasi Thursday aw\ has beeu very ill ever hince, bn t ia improving. Mrs. W'. Irw^n't sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Coleman, are vi8itin<j her. Somehave harvested and are ihieshinsj. Lovely, cool weacher, Huckleberry picking is the order of the day. The crop is excellent; and pickers are sharing them from far and near. A tea meeting is beir.;; held in New England chuich this, Monday, evening, a combine uf the entire circuit, to raise funds for refurnishing the parsonage at Ilocklyn. Mr. Stewart, district chair- nun of tjwen Sound, is to be present at the board meetiuf; in the afteraeon and to give a lecture in the evening, together with a short program. Miss Kmily Lawson is home fur a abort slay afier spending some time in the city Mrs. Ed. Wilcox and son, Jselson, are visiting with Mr. Joseph Lanktree and (umily at Maxwell. Mr. Stewart Thompson whs home a few dayi the pa-'t w*ek. Stewart accom- panied the remains of his grandmother to Port Perry, and since then has enlisted for king and country and was home in his uniform, returning Fr.day tu bin duties >%t Othawa, Aaron Thompson happened with a sirious accident on Saturday. He wis shiogliuit his recently erected strawshed when in some way he lost his balance and fell from the roof to the ground below, ulightini; on his hip, which is badly ciushed, having fallen on a stone, and he is otherwise badly bruised and shaken up. Mrs. ThomiMon is al.'o in a critic il con liiiun, having suffered a very severe attack of appendicitis. Their mtny friends deeply sympathize «ilh them in their painful misfortunes tWm busy season especially. Mr. and Mrf. John Wiley spent over Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. John Morrison, at Maxwell. Mrs.George Alton and little daughter, Helen, of Markdale, ^pent part of last w»ek with her uncle and cousins, .John Buskin and family. Mrs. Lemnn and son, .\rthur. Mis. G. Best and little ilaughrer, also Mi.ss Ellie Best, all iif Woodfor-l. and Mrs. Be.). Best of < )wen Sound, motored down and spent Sunday with Mr. and .Mrs K. H. Wiley and family. Mrs. W.T. Wiley, little Mis-s Hazel and Miss Klla Buskin visited fiiends at Flesherton the in"'' week. Mr. and Mis. Elijah Gilbert also Miss Eva Harris of Kimberley, visited friends here a few d^ys ago. Miss Mary McXau^htoii from near Meafotd i.s the guest of her friend. Miss Ella Mc Arthur. Mr. ana Mrs. Fisher and baby of Griersville, wereKuess of Mr. and Mrs E. Donnelly over Sunday. .\ peculiar and distressing case of in- sanity developed in Notmanby towiishi(.- this past week. Tom MoGauchie, aged 'â- 23 years, son of Mr. \* illiam McGauchie, became violently insane aj a lesull. it is ! supposol, of working in the tields in the hot sun. He was bmught to ll.»i,over We have been receivini? some most | and placed in the lock-up for ssfe keep- welcome rains lately and the temperature | i„g u„iil arrangements are completed for is much pleasanter. i sending him to the asylum at Hamilton. Kev. Madden is slartiwg a series of Tun is highly .sp.iken nf, .md his many sermons which we -ire sure will prove .friends in the vicinity trust that he nisy interesting. [ recover. Flesherton Bakery On and after Thursday, August 17 w c arc compelled to raise the PRICE of BREAD. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 3-lb Loaf of Bread 14c. Full weight-First quality. LEAVE YOUR ORDER OR PHONE- E ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Pinder &. England MARKDALE FLESHERTON Kimberley Budget Weather nuite cool of late. Most all the spring grain in thiH part will be cut by the end uf the week. Hartley Fawcett of Heathcote, is threshing alsike clover at present on the Valley road north of our burg. It is turning out well this year. Harold Proctor and Albert Smith of the 147th Batt. , were home for a few days last week. The boys expect to leave foi England soon. Mr. and Mrs. Wax. .^cheson of Hai-k- awy, visited recently at G.Hutchidson's. Mr. Jas. Heatherington, manager of the Beaver Valley Municipal Telephone Co., made a business trip to our burg one day la^t week. ^lessrs. J. n. Fawcett, Geo. Hunt, C. Mack, Mr. Boales Mr. McKenny, nut- ored over from Collingwood one day recently and spent the day fishing in the waters ot the old Beaver. Mr. Fawcett landed a beauty nearly a foot and a half loiisj. We weren't far away when the biK fellow was caught and would have guessed him at two feet in the excite- ment. Six trout was all the bunch secured. Th's seems to be a very poor year fur the disciples of Ike Walton. Mrs. C. Good and little daughter, Dorotliy, of Toronto, are holidaying wiili the former's mother, Mr^. Jchn Plewea. Mr. and Mrs. Jas, .AIcMillan of Dun- dalk, spent a pleasant visit during the past week with the latter's sister, Mrs. Geo. Hutchinson. ♦Juito a number attended the baseball toiiruamentat Kocklyn on Thursday last and all report some fast ball beirg played. Si|uire Stuait is spending a few days this week with friends in Flesherton. Portlaw We wish to testify to the efficiency of the Auvance as an advertising medium. Ill last weeks budget it was announced that we needed rain right away, and before it v'as thought possible for the primer to have the notice in type a bountiful supply of the genuine wc^ goi'ds was pro upily sent hiniie to us The majority are delighted with the result. Still there are people in other parts who stick to ild methods and go around with a watering can and their back belli in-tead of advertising the-r needs . A very successful srarden paity was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Winters on Friday evening last under the auspices of Maxwell Anglican church. Vfter a friendly game of ba.se- ball, played between Rock Mills and Shrigley teams and a sumptuous supper, the pastor, Itcv. Mr. Ablo', tock the chair and introduced a varied and good piogiain. Dundalk band added oiuch to the pleasure of the evening. The proceeds were in the iioiijhborhood of 8125. Oti. .Mrs. Allien Thompson is under the doctor's care, suHering with a very sore ankle. We all hope to eoe her well aga ii soon Mrs. Jaiiiiesoii .a recovering as fast as can be expected. Rlr. Woods of Col be. toll had charge )f the service in Mounl Zion church. Mrs. John Jamieaon and son, George, of Tiironto visired last week at the lioiiie of Mrs. W. ti. Jaicleson. Mi.ss Moiton has lelurned from a two weeks vi>it with friends at Toronto. Niagara and BuS'alo. ?.'i(>L) was lite nice sum of money re- ceived last week by Mr. Geo. McMawler, for a jag of swine. Mr. Geirne Thompson is visiting with his daughters in Toronto. Ceylon Chat Ptea. W. rUdley and T. McArihur spent the week end at their homes here. Mifs Irene Whittaker and little brothi r of Durham, are visitinir this week with their grandparents. Mrs. W. H. Wright, Owen Sound, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. D. Kenneily.wlio is very ill. Mr. John McLeud left last week to visit with Toronto frisnds prior to leaving for the West. Roy Fletcher leaves this week to cununud his studies at Kingston after spendiii;4 a fortnight with his mother. J.Kennedy went to Toronto last week. Miss Kate Taylor, Toronto, was a caller iu town last week. Mr. G-ji'doh McMiillen spent the week end with bis wife in Toronto. Mrs. .\rcher and three children of Toronto, ,110 visitors at Mr. W. Whites. Mrs. Sparrow ind four children are viailiug with Mrs. lloy Gibson. The Stewart families held a pic .lie at Mr. D. McLeod's on Wednesday iasl, a most euj'iyable afteruocn btfini' spent. Those from a distance being present were >frj. McDonald ,md Mrs. Wenze', H )chester, Pte. Snowden .McLeo ',Caoip Uoiden.and Miss ZellaMcLeod, Toronto. Miss iKto Bayler of Toronto,is visiting her cousin, Velma Hands. Mr. Levi Coutls happenetl with » bad i accident on Friday last. While lolling logs at Rock Mills one log rolled on to his leg breaking it. He was brought to his home here. Fevers ham Items The weather has changed and from being extieiiiely warm and dry it is now cool at nights and bright days with occasional showers. The farmers aie •busy with Ihe harvest und a good pef contage of grain is cut. Mr. and .Mrs. Win. David.son of Collingwood, and son, Hughie, are visitiug with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. .V. J. Conron. M\».i Ettie and Vera Ney of Port .McNichol are visiting with their frifuds Li'a and Francio .\lexander. Mr. James .\ . Davidson of Bull'ilo, N. Y., is renewing ac<|uaintances iu this part at present. Mr. and Mrs. Brooks of t 'wen Sound are visiting the r daughter, .Mr... Itobt. .Vlexander. Mr and Mrs. Walter Marr Sunday with the latter's inothei S. Col<iuctte at Flesherton. Mrs. .\. Stewart and Miss Richardson of Flesherton visited with Mis. T. H. Perigo, on Monday last. Master and Miss .McGowan of Uivinna spent Sunday with ll.eir uncle, Frtd Weldiick. .\ number troiu here attended the spurts in ColliiigwooJ on Monday. Mr. Tbos Stephens of Siughamptoii spent a few daj s at K.J. Cohniette's last week. Jewelry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se lection. We cau- ry Photo Supplies. r>R. BURT 5pclallat in tflaeasea of ike Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat' t)FFlCE-l;«) 10lhst,Wc.,st,'JWeii Sound I .\t the Revere house, Miirkdale, 2nd | Thursday each month from 8 to a 12a.m â- Vl FQUITDTrMM Dundslk,ls Wednesday of each month . j ^*^"t.K 1 t>IN, W. A Armstrong Jeweler ONT ^'/.? '/If '/iv- â- >,> -/.j. ',„>. ^j. '„? --/i?'/i?^;?'/,? 7,;«:'/if vix'^': -45'rt?%- ^A^^wmM m m Get Your Bitidiiij^ m • •»? .jt*. ; '/i? ' J'& •Sis' m m m AND Flour 81 Feed AT W. BUSKIN 4Sk A5^r'^#'^*^"''$'!^#'^i^'^*"'iaV«:#«::S•«: -Mi vM(. â- ^", ^<(. ^it, ^\<(, j.\>, .m/, .ji/^ m, jij. » . ^ W V^S- '/iF'/lv' vii- '/If '/!«• '/.? W '/,v"/iV~« '/;? '/..--/.?'/,?-,.? v.?'/A^5i??,.?# f? '/i?K-^ .•»[>eut Mrf. fW"W"> w â„¢ MW â- t w -^ w - s w ' i> ,w v »' >^wr »â- ' . » .% * I «â- -â-¼â- '• '•' .• ,*l^w,'VW V/f ^/tt >- ^"^ *'^. '-^ '-^* â- *• ^ '^ fc. -^ -^ ^-_::^ â- f^.--'*t --"^ A." ..fc. ',^' .^ -* jfS SEASIDE EXCURSIONS via Canadian Pacific .\ii oxcepuonal Vacation Trip isotf'ored by I he Canadian Pauihc Seaside Kxcur- SI OILS. Tickets on Sale Ti Lower St. Lawrence, Maritime Provinces and Newfoundland Resorts ; â€" Good going .August 18, i'.}, 20 and 21; good returning until Sept«nibcr t>, '0I(>, To Maine Coast Resorts :â€" Gooa g' ing August 25, 2li and ^7; srood returniu:^ until Stpti-nibiir U, 191«. Vciy Siiecial Furcs. FuU.:l3|!ioriUA.tion from any Cana.di;in Paeiti.- Ticket Agent, or W. B. Howard, Ois'rict Prtssciiuw .-Xgtfiit, Toronto. Priceville Farmers are very busy, sotuu hoe- ing LiiMiips, some wiiuling up tlitir bay liurvost, stid snuio at their barley and oat harvest, Colin McLeau has beeu ont with Ills big macliiuc thvesliiu!;; fall wheat. Tlio goverumeiit judge was arouud here last week inspecting the oat fields entered for coiupetition iu con necliou with the Priceville Ag'l Sec., and the following are the seven prize- wiiiijcrs â€" W, .1. Meads, O.D.B.; Don McMillan, South Liue ; Thos. Nichol Glenclg ; Hubert Kuox.Swiutou Parii; Hon Campbell, North Line : .yohn Dnriiett. !:>oiUli Line : Josepli Ferris, 8oiitli Lino. Mrs. Cook has removed her new piano and other goods to Torouto, where she intends living during the aiilnixin and wiu'.er. Piev. W. NiclioU of Dnndas return- ed lo his liouie last Mouday after visiting his mother aud other rela- tives here. Mrs. Don. Cameron and two young daughters (ire up from i lie city visit- iug relative.^ on the O.lVll. Widow Cameron of Toioiito, wiio has hoeu visiting her sisler^iu -law, i\Iis. McDonald, O.D.U., seems to be beneiitcd by the pure country air up here . Oh, say ! Don't the b'.Uoher make a charming caller, ch '? I FOR THE PEOPLE WHO WEAR BOOTS We have them in .Men .-^ Kox C'alL Kid and Pitent.-. Al.'^o smno good line.-; in PidUifh Boots. LADIES' WEAR We have them in lUitri^i wirii Cloth and Leather Tops. I'ateut Vamp.s. Light and heavy boys and girKs boots, suitable tor the season. Trunks, Telescopes, Agent for the Dominion Express orders. Suitcases. Co. money I Thos. Clayton's i FLESHERTON John Chapmati Furniture and Undertaking Successor to :-: W. H. 5ut\t Calls answered day or night. Day phone 17 R 2. Night phone 1 7 3. The old stand opposite the Town Hall <'i!S2ii;?^ V-.- *..