Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 20 Jul 1916, p. 1

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/Ie0l)^rt0n %tfmnu. ^ ^ "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOK.' â€" " PRLSCIPLEb NOT MEN. fOl 36 No. 1 I. Flesherton, Ont., Tliursday, July 20 IGIO W. H THURSTON l^'Tur *Dd FBOPBIElO Ceylon Chat Mr. and Mrs. GraaL Whitaaker and • two cliildren of Toronto spent a couple of (lay.s last week wiih tin former's par- ents here. Miss Elsie Wright left Monday to join her parents at Cudo^an, .Mberta. Those from a dijiiance who attended the funeral of the laie Cl.ira Cook were : Mr. and Mr.9. W. J. Cushnie and two children, Mr.s. Ed. Emlmry, Mr. A. Walker of Toronto ; Mr. and airs. W. McFadden, Varney ; Mr. itnd Mis. Thcs. Cook, Markdule ; Mr. and Mifi. Thomas Glence, Elge Hill ; Mr. and Mrs. R. Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. \V. Greenwood, Mr. and Mrs. .1. McNally, and Mr. and Mrs. .V. J. Cook. Ebordal. Mr. and Mrs. Park«, who have l>een visiiing with Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Pi[>er, retaraed to the city on Monday. Stanley MsMullen, who has been visitioK hin parents, has teturned to Toronto. Pie. Wili Ruiledge returned from the frjDt on Wednesday evening last after an absence from Ceylon of eight years and will remain at bis home here for a couple of weeks before returning lo Toronto. Mr. D. D. McLaucblan had a very Bucces.sful barn raising on Monday after- noon, when over 100 were present and took tea. Mr. Cameron entertained in the ereniiig with the ba!» pipes. Master Earl and Edith R)bert.son of Toronto, ure holidayini; with their uncle, Mr. Jat. Radley. Mr. F. ColHnson spent a couple of days week in Owen Sound. Mrs. .J. McMillan and little .son, John, left last wtek for a mouth's visit with friends in Toronto and Cleveland. Miss Mary McMulIen is spendin;{ ;i fortriijjlit with Toronto fiiendsand while there will attend the weddin){ of her cousin, Miiw Hyacinth Wilson. Miss Eiuma Whittaker of St. Mary's is home f')r holidays. Etc. J«R. McMulIen, T. McArthur, W. Uadley are home on a furlough. Miss Myrtle Hemphill u visitin.' Fever»h»m friends. Mis. Cuntinins left Saturday to sp^.nd a montii ritb Toronto friends. Mr. and Mrs. Jonnstou and daughter, Gladys, and Mr. Ccnn of Tli<uiibury vioited Mrs. Geo. Stuart. Mrs. Mitchell and daughter, G(!orj;ie, Toronto, are vis tors at Mr. Frink Cuirns. Mi«s Myrtle Radley spent the week cud with Toronto friends. What Each Municipality Will Pay Dy-laws conlirminsc the e<iualized ns- setement of the county of Grey for the years ll>ltj-17 and ti\ing the a.nount to be paid ly e.tch municipality in the county were passed by ihi? county council at the June Ke.s,sion. The total assess- ment IS 8."W,354,!I00 and the am. nut p:iy- able by the rt'spective uuinicipalitieK f ir)0,0!)7 05. The county rate was struck at 4J mills ; current expenses, two mills; p:ovincijl war tax, one mill; Patriotic and, U mills. The amounts are as follows : â€" Equalized Amount .\sse8sineiit Payable. Artemesia |1,.^(H),0«K) $«,r.->0 Bentinck 1,800,000 8,100 Colliogwotid 2,O0<),(.XtO >t,000 Dtrby 1,230, OOti 5,535 Egremont 2,000,000 !),450 Euphrasia 1,800,000 8,100 Glenela 1.100,000 4,050 HolUud 1,;!60,0<X1 ti, 120 Kcppel 1, 108 8»5 5,»8» Normanby 2,500 6«0 11,252 Ospiey .. 1,000,000 7 -.'00 Proton 1,870,500 8,417 Sarawak 281,900 1,268 St. Vincent 2,000,000 »,000 Sullivan 2,0ia,500 '.MtiO Sydenham 2.043,5C0 9,195 Owen SiuiMl , 4,000,00<.» 18,000 Meaford 700,010 :i. 150 Durham 450,000 L',025 Hanover 700.000 :!, 150 Tbornbury 200,00tl 000 Chaisworth 116,000 517 Diiuualk 200,000 9i)0 NeURtadt 130,000 .'•SS Markdale 275,tHt0 1 , 2;$7 Shallow Lake 141,115 035 Fleshfirton 135,t'O0 607 Eugenia Paragraphs Muster C.itl'.)rd Willimn of Toronto, is spendiiis; the holidays with relations here. Mrs, Will (.'ampbiill of Torono. i.^s visiting here At present./ Pte. Will C.i.iipbell of the i:?4th Bait., Camp Bordi-n, \isited here ner the wuek end. Ptes. .Jack Armstrong and Emerson Smith are home on furlough. Mrs. Win. .McKee and d^iu^hter, c' Tor.inlo,ate visinni; the former's inolber, Mrs. JoK. Pedler. We express much sympathy with Mrs. McKee in her troubles. The tirhermeu of Toronto aie again vis lina their reserve in the Valley. Pte. Erni St Hopper of Camp Burden, is spending a fortnight at his home, as- sisting with the haying. Mrs. Larrre has returned to Owen Sound after spending :i week with her son, Win., accompanied by her grandson, Freddie. Mrs. Elwsod Partridge visited with freinds at Eugenia the past week. Pte. Jaek Wilson .tnd sisLei, Dell, of Kimberley, visited at Mr. R. Park's. A number »re enjoyins themselves tishing. < )ne young lady hooked one that took a lig to take it home. The farmers are busy hiying, the crop pro/ina very gcod. Mrs. JohnatoD of Griorsville is visiiing hL'r daughter, Mrs. I^. Latimer. Bussel Park and Wilfred McMas^er hive purchased i:ew buugies. Surely the young ladies cf Eugenia will wear a smile now. Mrs. H. Fenwick of Toronto, is spend- ing the summer with Mr. T. Fenwick. Miss Viola Williams of Toronto, is vis- iting her old schoolmates. Pte Henry Tudor and George Hen.soii spent the 12th at their home?. MLss .Millie McMulIen, who has been teaching at Hagersville, is .spending her holidays at her home. Master Gerald Large is visiting friend.) at Mc. .'Albeit and Toronto. Pithy Proton Pointers 'Kimberley Budget Foley-Conn .\t four o'clock on Wednesdey after- noon, July 5th, the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Conn, eighth line, Osprey, WHS the scene of a very pretty wedding, when their second eldest daughter, Ethel Alice, was united in marriage to Pte. Thomas E Foley, 157th Battalion, C.K.F- Ths ceremony was [lerformed by the Rev. C. Abbott of the Anglican Church, Duudalk. The bride the parlor on the aim of her faher lo the strains of the Lohengrin wedding iiisrch render- ed by Miss Rita Oaburne, and took her place under an arch of evergreen, I'nion Jacks and red, white and biua triiuinings suspended by :i l.irge weddiiii; bell. The bride was attired in a gonii of white duehcsa satin with tosebud Iriininings and Irish point She cirried a bouquet of bridal rose?, caruatii'ns with ferns, and was atteiidcil by her cousin. Miss Myrtle Somberger wearing a dainty drea« of wliite embroidery voile. Sl.e carried a bouquet of pink and white cai- nations. The groom was attended by the bride's brother, Mr. Convert Conn. The groom's gift to the bride was a ban 1- some 'ioU wrist watch, to the biidcsniaid an elegant watch fob, to the grooui.Hinaii a gold signet At the signing cf the register Miss Rita Osborne pl-iyed and sanjr, "We'll Never Let the Old Flag Fall. ' After C'.ugratula ions about thirty guests partook of a daiiiiy wedding ten seived on the lawn. The bride was the recipient of many hand- some and useful presents which showed the high fstcem in which the young couple were held. After a brief honey- moon siiiong friends the gioom left to join his battalion at Camp Borden . Pte. Foley i"? tho eldest son of Mr, and Mrs. Thomas E. FoU-y, Walnut street, Collingwood. The 12lh passed off c|aieily, most of tho people went to Dundalk and all "•eport a big day. Mi-is Louie Roome and cousin, Miss Coon holidayed at Mr. Roome's, Pte. .1. Bryoa visited last week with Mr. J. C. Wright. Mrs. Ewres and little son, Victor, are visiting in .Markda.'e. A number ftom here attended Swintm P.ak Garden Party g and report a gocd time. Mr. Dalton Corbett visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. James. Mi.-is Myrtle Wyville, Toronto, is visit- ing under the parental roof. Mr. Percy Correy is visiting with .Mr. W'alden, the bUckkuiith here. Pts. Wilbert, James and L 15. White are off on a few days leave. Misses Chapman and Mathesou, the ady evanaelitts, Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Nicliolc, Mis. McDermid, son and little daughter, Suudayed at Mr. Kuiherford's. Mrs. Neilson, Toronto, is visiting with her friend, Jlr.s. Roht. Neilson. .V number of relatives from here atten- drd the funeral of the late Mr. Wm. Nesbett, who died at North Battleford, on .July 8. His body was brought to Bethel cemetery fur inteiment. Mi-s. Ed. Whitten. Mrs. Jas. Sanders and children visited at Mr. Clias. Lyons's Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wright and family Misses Clare and Mildred Binnie and Ml-, Archy Neilson motored to Can p B 'rden on Sunday last. Mr. Geo. Neabi'r, Meldown, Sa^k. visited with his cousin, Mr. R. .Acheson. Eaist Mountain Having seen no news in your pappr from this part for some time, I th.jiight I'd drop you some news. Haying is the order of the day now. Magiiiticcnl weather, but a oood rain woul.l be very acceptable. We extend our .<ynipatliy to the editor and his wife and f.iniily in the lo.-is of their son and brother in this war. Miss Cora Martin has gone to iiwin Sound to resume her trade. Mrs. .\lex. Carruthers has returned from Collingwo )d Ilosp tal n iii;- proved in health. •Miss Eliza Martin is visiting fii^nds in Flesherton. Tho Misses Wrights and lady friend of D-'ttoit, are spending a iro.ith with the M s^es Stafford. Mis? Lu. Gorley has returned lo Mirkdale after spending a few days at h-.'r home. .\lbert KUis is putting a new roof en his barn, which will nitki; the place l<iok better. Mrs. John Martin and little griind- daugbtor, Hilda, Itft a week ago to visit with relatives in Owen Sound. Ottawa says that western grain have excellent prospects. crops |i;<.l,;».l,»00 |1WJ,097 Nc wsue Farmers Now is yourcliaiice to get rid of and scrap iron. P. intends to load a couple of car loads of iriin and will pay 'op price in cash. Mao 2c for rags any 5o for rubbers, 30c for horsehair, all f.o. b. Markdale. Sell to i.o one but myself, I have no agents. Enquire by telephone or mail. ' P. Steinhart. Markdale Toronto Line North Haying is the o.uur of the day. Mr. Wes Latimer spent the week ind with his paret.ts it Eug'iiia. Corp. .1. II. Gibson, Camp UuyheF, Manitoba, lenewed acquaintances in this vicinity. He returned to the west on Tuesdiy last. .Vlrs. George Wickens of Coaldale, Colnradr, visited the past week at Mr. Emerson Wicken's Mrs. Geo. Conne'l of Toronto .â- vcconi]- allied by her son and Master Victor Patterson are visiting at Mrs. George Swai'ton's. We are sorry to report that Master Harold Richardson received a very nssty gash in his foot. Dr. Carter dressed tho the wound, which required stitches. Pis. Davis and Beattie are home from Camp Bordon for a week or so. The Methodist S. S. hetd a very successful picnic in Mr J. Lever's ^rove on Friday of last week. A bright "Ray" from Eugenia u.-^ed to shine in snr burjj, but the ''Lever" g)t turned and it brightens up the "Hil." near Markdtif, now. Mr, Herrick Stewart of Cliceseville, w visiting with his uncle, Mr. .Mbart Slew.irf. Pte. Roy Lever, accompanied by Pte. Philip Lemon, visited at his home. East Back Line. Mr. and Mrs Thos. Cho.van of Barrie, are visiting with the latter's mother, Mrs. Alex FawcL-t'. David Thomps'in of Owen Sound, i^ renewi'ig old acquaintances in our Lurg a' present. The Pith <J( Ju'y celebration iu our village w«» a grand success. Thee were three lodges in the lice up: Eugenia, Rocklyn and Kimberley. Ihe procession wa.s headed by our worthy master.Taylor Abercrombip, mounted on a tine steed. A pleasing feature of the parade was the presence of Thos. .\bercrmbie, one of the oldest (Jrinne uen in the Dominion, he being a momber of the order for over (SO years. Meals were served during the day by the Traveller's Home and the Women a Institute. .\b)Ut 2 o'clock the crowd repaired t ) Mrs.PIewes' < •n.-hiird, where a platform was erec:ed. Excel- lent addresses were delivered by Revs. J. R. Wilkinson, a former pastor of our church; Vouns; of Ueathcote, and I^ane. Iveeve Miller an I Past County Master J. W. Patton, and District Mister Albert Clark also spoke. County Master Cha.--'. Devitt presided. .Vft.-r the Oratorial a baseball gam« between our boys at:d Rocklyn was pulled ot)', resulting in a « in fur the Utter. Miss Lilian Garbult of CollingwooJ, visited lecenlly \v:th her aunt, Mis. Hy. Cargo, Mr. and Mis. Wellington Graham of E Jgenia, accompinieJ by the fornier'a s stcr, Mi-8 Jeiiuie,renewed old acquain:- a ices in our burg on Friday last. Mr. and &lrs. Huuh Hanimonu ai.d f i.iiily if Pi'cevil.'e, viiited recently witli friends in this vicinity. Bates Burial Co J. W. Bates, R. Madduck, Pi jsiaeir. .M in .-er. Kum-ra' Bi eo; mm uid Eiubalmers 1 24 Avenue Road.Toronto Telephone Hillcrest 268 .\l..tor Knii«ral Cars and Liiiit n?hie« to Cemetery at same e(i«c* as Horse- drawn vehicles. 1 :oi.. Jewelry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se lection. We cai- ry Photo Supplies. DR. BURT ,,. spcuH.t in ..i...... „. he w . A Armstrong Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat <JFFICE-l:iii lUthst.West.'jwciiSjund At the Revere, Markdale, 2nd lursday each nionrh from « to a 12a. ra Dundalk, Is Wudnesday of each month.. Jeweler â€" . ~..„, I Thursday each nionrh from « to a 12a. ra FLESHERTON ONT -/I*- '5jF '/,? '/iF '/,? -/I.- ',> ^ '/,v'^'/i;> '/.«. -n? '/|V w' '/,«J'/,??a«= '/iP^Pvlf^Sr^a*- "^i: '/iF WW Maxwell News Tho Presbyterian garden parly held la.>t Thursdiy evening was a decided succesi. The proceeds excoi ded tl'.". 'rh..> baseball match betweeii Fleshertou and Bock Mills girls came otf in fivour o- Rock Mills. Ptes. H. Muriisou and .1. Clinton .i:e spending a few (lays at their parental homes here. Tho Osprey Sunday Schixd Convention « as held at Maxwell on Friday of last Week and two intensely interesting Mddresses Were given ly the Rov. Lucas, of London. The funeral of the late Richard Heron took place a' M ixwell oo Moiidiy last. Mr. Heron died in Toronto ai>d the re- mains were broualit to the Methodi..t cemetery for interment. Mr. and Mrs. W. Mullen and litiio daugliter. Marguerite, visited fiiends in this burg during the past week. Miss K. <.)!•!) jrne of Fevershani, visited a few diys with her friend. Miss .\ tiuy. Dr. and .Mrs. J. P. < • lewell. Kev. J. St.;4rtonl, Mrs. (Dr.) llttewell and Mi,-;* M. Ui-iJ of Toronto, paid a shi.Tt visit at tho h-.ineof .Ml. W. Wright. Of, ^K. •itt. w Mt, THIS IS CHERRY VyEEl^ AT W. BUSKIN â- ne. v^!& /H:>J&iJfe^!«;i^'<;5V'ii^!&^"ii*!i'M<.;JI«. JSle. ^.W. j,l/, vM«. ^V, ^K J>t/.. -l", vM/.. ^<>, -Ht. J^tt, V- si/ The Late Richard Heron t >ii luly S, IVtlii, there passed from oui' presence on ear' h iiie of the beautiful c'uracteis thai; doinonstratcs the power of God uu'o Sa'vatioo, in the person of Rchard Heron. Horn in the to»nship of York, .Ian. 1."), lf<;U, he nioved to < )spri'y township Ctl years ago. He mar- ried Elizabeth dagger oH years sgo, by whom he had three children two sons and one daughter. Mrs. Heron died at Maxwell l)i years ago. He was a inein- l)er of the Methodist chur-di and an active christian worker for 04 years, and spent uearly 25 yeaiH as Superintendent of Maxwell Sund»y school, and several years on the Quarterly DHicial Board. He was I'lved and honored by all who knew h in as a iii-tn if godly I fe, w s* counsel and generous he.kit. He always gave the preacher ^'. "â- tlcuuie from an honest ho.trt. There wm no bypooicy in Richard Heron. Honest lo tite cure, he looked for the best iu his fellows,and was ready to help all who came to him. He had a humble spiri', which ever kept him conscious of h's nred of Christ. He was buried at Maxwell <u .Ju'y H). A lar^o nutuber of ueighbota gathered for the fnneial .service, which was conducted by Rev. Tiller, pastor of .Maxwell circuit. He is survived by two children- Mrs. Joseph Henderson on the I2fh line of Osprey lowi.ship, .\lbert at Los .â- Vngoles, and two »i.steis in Toronto. The pall beiergwere: Robt. Morrison, Wni.Scutr, Ritlit. Fenwick, KicJ SpofTor d, W. I Kernihaii and K. .Mister. § FOR THE PEOPLE S WHO WEAR BOOTS f Wf have them in MtMi s \]o\ (.'all. Kid aii-i ij r-itciit.-. Al.><() SDiiic i^ood lines in rion^h Hoots. LADIES' WEAR We have them in lUitron with Cloth ami Leather Tops, Patent Vamps. Lii:ht and heavy boy.'* and ^ii-ls hoots, suitable for the season. Trunks, Telescopes, Suitcases. Agent for the Dominion Express Co. money orders. Thos. Clayton's I FLESHERTON John Chapman Furniture and i Undertaking Successor to :-: W. H. Bunt Calls answered day or night. Day phone 17 R2. Night phone i7 3. The old stand opposite the Town Hall

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