Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 22 Jun 1916, p. 5

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June 22 J 916 / \ THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA HEAO OFFICE - TORONTO Efficient and Prompt Service in every Department 2U „^ „ „,, SAVINGS BANK at all Branches. FLESHERTON BRANCH GEO. MITCHELL, ii^nager. C. p. R. Time Table. Trains leave Fleahercon Station as ioUows : Going South Going North 7. Ma. m. 12.01 a.m. 4.27 p.m. 9.i8p. m. The mails aro osed at Fleaheiton as ollows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south â-  mail close at 9 p. ra. the previous ev'g. VICINITY CHIPS ^ Mono Uual and tlu dispanier of rad-eve SfAve A snort of aurpisie, tuu through the trtin an 1 jampai oS'.Uavi.'ii; th.; r.-miin- der of his litDctc to thi2 amrines. And up Vi the hiiur ot iioin;^ to presj nothing more lias been hearj uf !iim. â€" Oianse- ville Sun . July 1st in Flesherton iij- -r ^ -r -T=---V^,V -w -^ -r r^.-r- ^. ,-»-.J^ '''..-r .-^^7^. .-r-^-^.-T, .T--'^ ."•^-.-'^-â- n-J'M^S-^ V^T .â-¼. â-¼ -^ ir -^^SJUT F. G. KARSTEDT, KARSTEDT BROS. \\ . PRICEVILLE Mrs. Ralph N'lxon called un Mrs. R. Benthaiii, one day last week. Miss Buck k'j', milliner with F. G. Kiirsteclt, left for her bunno this week. Mrs. M. McClockliu of Glenelg, is visitin:; with Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wilson. John Miller, Kovernor of the county jail, has resigned after 54 years service Diedâ€" In .\rteuie8ia on Monday, June 12, lliKi, William Blair, aged !»1 years. Miss May Moore ut Francis, Sask., is Tijitii '4 wilh her uncle, Mr. \V. Moore. Mis.s Mamie isuUivan of Montreal, i.i spending a fortuiglit with her luolher here Rev. SV, Gaudin, wife and two child- ren, of Woodford, called on friends here last week un their way back from Con- ference. Electric storuis last week destroyed •even of the village street lithls and e of the priavte lights. Tha srornis were ^erce. We omitted mentioning last week that Miss Lilian .\riijstroOK has gvne tn make uu extended visit with her sister in Ni w York. Mrs. Uyland. The Moil and Empire has dropped its weekly publication after 54 years of publication. Its subscriber! will ge'. tie daily edition for balance of term. The plutholders of Salem burial ground kre re(|uested to nttend a meeting lo bo held at the chuich <'ii Saturday, June 24 at 7.:5'i p.m.â€" b'rcd Pedlar, Sec. Pte. J. McDonald of the 147th Kitt., whi> has been sick in Owen Sound with pueumonia ciiice the licgiuninu nf M:iy, was visiting his uncle, Mr. Mark Wilson, sr., durlag vhe past week. Mr. Arthur Johnston has purchased the ulJ Meaford Roiid otone chuich which h;is been etanding uiiuccupud since the Primitive, Ei)iscopal Meilio- djst and Methodist churches united uver thirty years ago. Mr. .Avery H iwkiMi went to Turt Huron on Thu.s'lay last to attend the funeral uf John Park, who died theie lust week. The deceased gentleman wa.s a brother uf Richard I'ark at Eugenia and Mr. Uawkeu's uucle. Mr. Ephraiiu Uoupe of the west back line is a progressive farmer. He has •dded lo his farm outfit this spring a new pump, installed the telephone and eiecu- ed a wire fence along the front of his fatui. An auction sale of blacksmith too?s and household furniture will be held at Maxwell on Friday, Juno 3i>, at 1 p.m. This is a gulden opportunity for anybody Deeding such things. Wm. Leitch.firop. Wm. Kaittiiig, auctioneer. Miss Long, milliner with F. II, W Micklirg, was giveu a sh iwer by young ladies of the town at the residence of Mrs, HIckling one evening last week. That popular young la.1y will buy her millinery in the near future instead of luakiug it. Miss Oldham, B..\., teacher in the high school here for the past two years, has been engaged by tlio Board of Owen Sound collegiate at a salary of $10UO. This young Udy has given the greatest «f aatisfaction here and her departire is regretted. Sumething iu the nature of a cloud burst broke over Sullivan township on Friday afternoon. The headwateis of the Rocky Saugeeo carried the flood westward and by the time it reached Chesley, at 4 a.m. Saturday, the river was a raging torrent. Five dams at Cnesley were washed away and a number of bridges destroyed. The damag* doi e was enormous. Several citizens attended a joint uuvt- ing of the Liberal-Conservative Assooia- tons of Eatt and South (irey at Markd.Ud on Friday l;nt, when oliioers were appointed for the two tidingp. Speeches were given by Hon. 1. B, Lucas and Mr. B»l! . Misses Maud Boyd and Dell Thurston reuriied last week from their studies at Normal. Pte. R. Wilcock of the 147ih at Niag- ara, was home on furhiugh for a couple of days this week. A meeting of the Red Trosa workers will be held in the town halloa Thurs- day of this week at 2.30 p.m. The .\nnual Convention of Artemesia Markdale and Flesbeiton Sunday school Association will be held in Mount Ziju church on Wednesday, .luly 5, afternoon and evening.â€" H. I. Graham, Sec. Comity Council is in sessun this week at <»wen Soun'i. Reeve."" McTavish and McKeuzif and Deputy Reeve Ciineron are in attendance. Mr. John Martin of East Mountain, died on MonJay night after an extended illnes*. Mr. Martin abiiut W years of age. There were three deaths in Markdale the latter part of last week â€" Rev. Mr. Phalen, Presbyterian minister there for the past four years; Mrs. Hu«!i Mtrcer, ar.d an infant ( hild of Mr. ind Mr*, (jeorge Bellamy. The latter wa.s inter- red in Flesherton cemetery. Mr. John Carson of the wtst back line had a thrilling experience on Thursday afternoon last and a narro'nr shave from death. He was plowing in the field when a stunning crxsh of lightning knocked him senseless. When he came to he li.und both horses lying dead. Thit was a enough call. Mr. Thomas Hogarth, for forty ye»rs a teacher in the Turontu public school^', an 1 fa'.her of Mr. John Llogir h of the wejt back line, .Artemesia, died at his hime iu Toronto on Monday of this week. He is survived by three sons and two daughters. He was an Omngein-in and a Methodist. Kimberley Auxiliary and Circle of the Women's Missionary S<>cie'y will take tilt service iu the Methodist chuieh next Sabbath evening. A good program is being prepared consisting of solos, duet», etc. Also readings of a missionary character. .\ free will offering will be taken up. All, old ai:d young, are invit- ed to be present. Several young men from a neighboring town are in the habit of motoring down to Flesherton of an evening and making themselves conspicuous by wh'«t they would call (.inging, ogling the ^oung ladies as they pass and conducting thein- selv.^8 like iiiniatfs let loose from (trillia or Hamilton a.sylums. These young men, we are Informed, are all eligible for en- listment and have been approached time ar.d acain by recruiting i ttioers but declined. Thty prefer easo and safety. If they knew just how I liey are looked upon by everybody here they would take to the back roads and sideroa Is. We saw one of yellow imbeciles doff his hat to a young lady the other evening â€" a stranger in town- and she gave him the cold stire with a vei gennce, which was light and proper. Such fools should have their position in;id« clear and unmit* takable to them. A good day of sports will be given in tiie agiicultural grounds on Ju'y lit, under the auspices of the Red Cross and .Agricultural Society. The following is some of the sports : â€" Men's baseball, Ladiea' baseball, Ladies' hitching race, Relay race. Needle race, liirls' foot race, tiah puud. The ladits will serve supper on the grounds. A concert will be given in the high school in the evening, for wtiich gjod talent ha? been secured. Come out and have a good days sport. Mrs. A. Stewart, Mr. t-'. Stewart Pre'. Mrs H. S. White. W. A. Hawktn, Sec. Killed in Normanby FLESHERTON The uncertainty of life was once more manifested in this vicinity on Saturday; ,;| last when Michael Himmelspach, son of|/jj Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Himmelspach, ^\fi atiilwarl young yeoman of the .soil, passed ' '^ away as the result of injuries received by I )f\ oeing run over by a wagon load of stone. ; ^^ The young lU'tu waj engaged '.earning stone on his father's farm when t he ai;cident occurred. He w:is seated on a sheepakiii covering a board on top cf the waggon load of ttoDO, and his feet were renting on the double-trees. Ongoing down a steep grade, the board slipped, and the youus: man fell down on his stomach in | front of the waggon, the wheels passing' over his back. The teum did not attempl ; lo ru'. away, and after the wheels had, passed over him Michael j^ot up and' The first sittiu started after the team. He walked abuut ^ ion .ni the assessment roll of the towu- 41) f}et when he sank to the -round. His'ahip of Artemesia for PJlii was held on| ! father was in Hanover at the lime, and, the third cay of June, iust 1 his mother, a lady of 7lJ years of age who 'of Council were present and Flesherton's Busy Store HAS TO OFFER STAPLE DRY GOODS:â€" At the old price of a 3 oar ago. This is au exceptional offer â€" when vou coi:6ider the recent advances ou the.«e. This applies to lines we already have in stock and comprise a full range of Prints, Ginghams, Galaiias, Flaaneleits, Shirtings, Flannelette blankets, Scrims, Nets, Houey cloths. Sheeting, Circular pillow cotlou. Our stock is complete in every liue. MOUSE DRESSES, WAISTS AND MIDDIES ^Ye have the latest I'ancj' materials. The Waists are pretty. A nice lino at 81.25 each, and we have a ffcw pretty lif.le childreus' dresses and white Middies. Then wo have a full range of pretty Voiles, including White, Blue, Pink, Black and White striped Voile. Just the thing for Summer wear. MEN'S OVERALLS, SMOCKS, SHIRTS AND TROUSERS Two factors enter into the scarcity of these necessary art.cU'? ot apparel. There is a great labour scarcity, as svell aa the uuability to get theDorim and Stifel cloth. Prices have soared to unheard of levels for fall placiugs. We have a good stock on hand. Let us show you them. To baud % new shipment of Men's line Shirts, HARDWARE HARDWARE We have a lull ranire ol Hardware. Everything in Forks^ Snaith, Hayroper And how abuut your Paris Green? liakes. Scythes, Don't me when you need your Bimler Twine. WOCL. WOOL. Bring your Wool to Karstedts'. We aro paying the top hgure. price.s for - • -â-  - forget AI.'iO highest Court of Revision of the Court of Revi.s HARVESTING THE CORN CROP Members ach made was alor.e ou the place at the lime was the prescribed oath as â- * member of the ^ unable t. heip him into the house. She Couit, when the following appeals were ; ran to the nearest neighbor, hut there heard and disposed cf ; | . _ . â€" . were no men there either, and it was, H. W. Walton, lots tJli and 27, con. s'^metinie before she could get aid. How- 14, appealed again.-,i lii.s assessment as, Xho day of the sickle is pai:, at least for cutting coru on farDis ever .she eveulually got assistance, and J being too high ou laud. The appeal was ,yl^^;,â- e any material qtiautisv is grown. With the" increased acrea"e the young fellow « as removed to his bed dismissed. ' pluuted each year to corn, a Corn Binder wa^ a necessitv. It ° ou an improviied stretcher. Drs. Meains s. Hill th iUght his assessment .'n lit mvcuted, tiicd and Sialkor were got on the telephone ioj^_ ^.^^^ j^s. W.. was too high, but the and arrived at the home shortly after, (^Vm-t ihought otherwise and the roll but medical skill was of no avail, and he ,.jg sustained. passed away libout 1 o'clock, probably | James Pritchard i;f lots 3t>, ;W, 4it. from shock. The accident occurred |^.,|||_ .5 ;j d ^ _ appealed against hi« aPou: 111 i. clock Decea.wd was a strap- j^eyi^„i^,„t ..^ being too high, and after ping young fellow, of gen'al disposition, j^^. cousideraliou the couit sustained and had many fi lends who are shockad 1 ^j^^ |^^j|_ at hie sudden taking' off. He onlyj ^^._ „ Williamson thouaht his 2" v-.a:.i .lui 1.' •i.u::l.:' â-  I . Lie conscious to the end. â€" Hanover Post, W. I. District Meeting .â- ISfiCS-- meiil on lots 22, 2^! and 24, con. '.i S. D. R., was too high, but the Roil was • lined by the Court. S. .J. Blander uf Piiceville appealed against n.-isessiiient of .several lots in Priceville as being loo high. There was a reduction of ?25 on lot i:i. North Kincardine street, after which a resolu- tion was pa.*.sed accepting ih.' Roll and tli3 Court adjourued. The .Annual District meeting of Centre .'irey Women'.-* Insti.ute was held in Eugeida 00 June l-l. Dele.ates from Fleslo-rton were, Mrs. Richardson, Mr.-. BlaKely. Ml". Phillips, Mrs. Stewart. Mr-*. .McTavish, Mr?. McVicar and .Mrs. Uawkei'. Tlie W.I. and Ued Cross have done wonderful woik during I'.Ho The iimfall for .Amil, Miy and .hine and It'll). Otficers for ensuing year are this year is the heaviest on record for as foilorts; President. Mis. Buclianaii, ; ihese months. Uaveuna: 1st Vice. Mr,s. Mcltlyre,; I'^.^-jiJent Wilson has calcd out was out, tupcrimtuted with and changed, till now it is as 'perfect a piece of larm machinery a? the grain binderâ€" and just as uccessary. With it you cut your crop at the piopertime. you handle I it in less lime than hve or six men could do with the sickle; and you get it into your silo witliou': lo.-s of any of its feeding valueâ€" and .remember that's what cj;iu'.i with the condition of your cattle iu the ' Spriii:^ Frost & Wood Corn Binder has proven its ability to g\\s Its aw tier better satisfaction than they can get I with any other. WORTH REMEMBERING ( That I WOli of SIX or Booze Seller Jumps Train OuSaluiday r.ightan amusing incident took place on the C.l'.R. up train from Toronto. An Orangeville man and his wife occupied a seal iu the day coach and ijuitea number of soldiers were also on the train. The soldiers seemed to take a sudden liking to the C>rangeville man and every little while one of the boys in k4iaki would come up and put a flea in his ear. Our btav4 citizen would arise and follow the sodger lad, apparently to remove the tl ea. It was soon noticed that some of the defenders of our country were rapid- ly brimming over with g<iod humor ai.d their tongues Happing like the rags about a beggar on a windy day. Some otticars on the train couldn't un- derstand what the cause of it was. They could tiud no trace of German gas, sausaije or saurkraat on board, but they soon began \o smell rat and it was not loDsr until the cat was out of the bag. It appe.ais, to make a short story long, the Orangeville man decided to combine pleasure with business and ho made » little liquor store out of himself. With a valise crammed to gun'ale (please ex- cuse this nautical term on a railway train) with i(iiari, bottles of the family disturb- er, the OruigeviUe man was doing a land olHce business at $2 per. An otlioer caught the perambulating spirit merchant riglit in the act and threatened to have him arrested. The train h id left Dui.d.ilk: sec, Mrs. B. A. Cirruihers. Kimberley; .Auditors, Mrs. Myles, Kim- berley, Mis. Hawken, tiesherlon. The next Distiict meeting will be held in U'cklyu. 1 r. S National Guard for service on j Me\ioan border. I Chuich union was carried by I'ieneral A.ssembly I'f the Presbyterian Church by a vole of 4tMi to tW. the the t he ^â€" A Frost .S: Wood Corn Diuder will do lb seven meuiiuickcr and better. 2.â€" It saves many a sere lack and tired body. »,â€" No crop that can be cut by hand will stick it. 1.â€" In time, labor and value cf the crop saved, it mons dividend on the capital invested. 5.â€" Bundles of uniform to handle-are delivered «.â€" Sheaf carrier lays bmidles out of the way of llie hoises iVct en pays an enor Annual Meeting The aiinuil ineesing uf Centre Orcj Kiirmers Institute was held at Euueiiia on the 13th inst. tiuite a number of In- stitute otticers and directors were in at- tendance, also a good number )f direc- I tors appointed by the ditl'ercnt townships and agricultural societies according to NOTICE Notice is hereby given that a by-law was passed by the Council of the Town- ship of .Artemesia, on the third day of .June, It'll), providing for the i.ssue of Debentures to the amount of $2iiiW.0lt for the purpose of enabliiiit the board of next round. 7.â€" If you grow coru for ensilage and want to harvest it projuptly and ' without loss of feeding value, get a Fr ,st & Wood Coru Binder, fl wili «b the job for vou. D. McTAVISH. Flesherton the new regulations by the department 1 Public School Tru.stees of I'liion se'".ooi to form Boards of Agriculture in each J section No. 12 of th.; Townships of ,.,,•,., .Vrteinesia and Gleiielg to e.xteMd and re- electora! district. .. 111 1 i- • i pair the school house in said I iiion After the reports of the various com- ' School Section and that such by-law wasi mittees and windiu? up the business of ! i:egistered in the R-gistiy & ottieefor' the institute for the past year, the dir- ectors proceeded and elected otheers for the coming yoar for what will be known as Centre Grey Board of Agiiculture : Pres., Bruce Hamilton, Collingwood township; "Vice-Pres., Mr. Wm Inkster, Osprey; Sec. Treas., J. I. Graham. I .Auditors â€" George Warling and George ( Wrieht. The meeting was larger than usual, harmonious and { enthusiastic. ! Hogistration Division of South Grey on 1! the ir)lh day of June, liUti. ! ! .-Vny motion to iiuash or set aside the \ \ same or any part thereof must be made 'â-  within three months after the tirct ' publication of this notice and cannot be < m.ade thereafter. Dated this 17th day '. of June, lUlt). I â€" W. .1. BELLAMY. Clerk. Tender For Arch Bridge, will rate The Ux rate in Meaford for IDlti probably bo Sii mills, although the has not been sot by the council. From rumors atloat we learn that 35 inills will not cover their reijuiremeiits and some Sealed Tenders addressed to the Clerk, , Connty of Grey, will be received up till (1 p.m. of Saturday. .July I. IWlti, for the construction of a Concrete \rch Culvert ou deviation of townline between the. Townships of Euphrasia and Artemesia. ' .\ marked chf()ue payable to the Treas- , , , , , . .. , urer,County of Grey, for u per cent, shall members of the board are dancing a l'« | accompany each tender and will be re because they have so many debts contrac- , turned in case of non acceptance, ted hist year to look after and provide j The lowest or any tender not neces- , for. Things i.over will be any different : sairly accepted. Plans and specihcations until a different system of management i"''y '>« "-'"'» "^ ^^^ offices of the Clerk, NOTICE Now is the time to renew your buggies, etc. Sherwin-Williams Bug^ Paint Is the best for this purpose. A Varnish Gloss Paint of great durability. Especially adapted for outside exposure. Double the life of your Vehicles by protecting them with good Paintâ€" it S.W.P. didn't" make good it couldn't cover the earth. A Paint or Finish for every formation regarding Painting or tarnished. Varnishinir Anv iu- ladly gi F. W. DUNCAN is inaugurated and as long as the rate- payers sanction the same old trail they cannot do other thau expeco to p ty the lung piicj.â€" E.xpie8i. / Towndiip of Euphrasia, the Clerk, Town- ship of Artemesia, and the county Engiu eer. K. KCTHKRFORD, County Clerk. R. McDOWALL, C.E, County Eng. Hard^vare Merchant FLESHERTON, Phone 30 r 2 ONT. K

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