Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 1 Jun 1916, p. 7

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! / ) I â- i^ k # > / irniE WORRIES IN THE HOME It Is These That Bring Wrinkles And Make Women Look Pre- maturely Old. Almost every woman ab the head of a home meets daily many little wor- ries in her household affairs. They may be too small to notice an hour afterwards, but it is these same con- stant little worries that affect the blood and nerves and make women look prematurely old. Their effect may be noticed in sick or nervous headaches, fickle appetite, pain in the back or side, sallow complexion and the coming of wrinkles, which every woman dreads. To those thus afflict- ed Dr. Williams Pink Pilla offer a speedy and certain cure; a restora- tion of color to the cheeks, brightness to the eye, a hearty appetite and a sense of freedom from weariness. Among the thousands of Canadian women who have found new health through Dr. Williams Pink Pills ia Mrs. N. Worrall, Broughdale, Ont., who says: â€" "After the birth of my second child I was so weak and run down that I was unable to do any- thing. The doctor said I had scarce- ly any blood in my body. I could not walk half a block without being com- pletely exhausted and all the treat- ment of the doctor did not seem to help me. I called in another doctor, but with no better results. My feet and legs became frightfully swollen, T suffered with severe pains in my back and sides. I would be all day drag- ging around at my housework, and I was beginning to give up all hope of recovery. I had been urged to try Dr. Williams Pink Pills, but like many others, thought they could not help me when doctors had failed to do so, but aftar much urging I decided to try them. To my surprise in a few weeks I found myself getting better. I then gladly continued their use and found myself constantly growing stronger, and eventually able to do my house work without fatigue. I strongly advisa every •.veak woman to give Dr. Williams Pink Pills a fair trial." You can get these Pills through any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. <» MEN BLINDED IN WAR. Taught Trades at St. Dunstan's Hostel, Regent's Park, London. Fifty-one soldiers who have suffered perhaps the worst injury possible in war â€" blindness â€" have been taught to support themselves despite their handicap, at St. Dunstan's Hostel, Re- gent's Park, London, during the first year's work of the institution. St. Dunstan's was donated by Otto Kahn if New York for this work. The work has been largely done by the itistruction of blind tutors, for it has been found that a newly blinded man is inspired to greater efforts under the supervision of ateacher similarly handicapped who undergoes the same difficulties and appreciates to the same degree the difficulty of the task. The fifty-one men who left the hostel after receiving courses of in- struction had learned one or more of the following occupations: boot re- pairing, mat making, net making, basket making, joinery, poultry farm- ing nnd market gardening. In addi- tion, typewriting. Braille shorthand and massaging are taught. The hostel started on March 26, 1915, with fourteen blinded soldiers. It has grown until there arc now at St. Dunstan's or at annexes at Brighton and Torquay 1 40 non-com- missioneil officers and men. These in- clude seven Australians and seven Canadians. In addition ten blinded officers live at 21 Portland place, which was at the di.sposal of the com- mittee in charge of the hostel by Sir John and Lady Stirling-Maxwell. In typewriting the blind soldiers have shovi'n great proficiency. The typewriting test, to write a page of descriptive matter and a long busi- ness letter at a fair rate of speed without a mistake, has been passed by lighty-three of the pupils. A type- writer is presented to men who pass this test. A typewriter ompany, after consultation with the most ex- pert teachers of the blind, has con- structed special machines for blind men. Six men, besides one officer, have learned to be masseurs and to these are offered positions in military hos- pitals, where they receive lodging, attendance and about $13 a week. The work of St. Dunstan's extends beyond the mere instruction of blind men, however, for each man receives free of charge when he leaves the tools of his trade and is helped to set- ;le in a good locality. T. H. Martin, an expert in work for the blind, will be in charge of the department which keeps in contact with men who have left the hostel. The blind men will be supervised to see that their work does not deterior- ate and they will receive raw mater- Scored Air Service Lono cirARr,i:s ulkesford. He wcoiitJy ninilc >itroiis allegations in the House cf LiirclH agaliist tliQ efl'icency olf tlie Itrllish air itcr- Tiiv, uikI later, before tlic lii- vcstiifUlhiK euiiuiiittee, retracted^ bis clinrges. , Your Spring House- Cleaning should not be confined to beating rugs and scrubbing floors. Clean out the accumulated "toxins" that come from heavy Winter foods that clog the liver and lower the muscular tone and vitality of the body. Eat Shredded Wheat Biscuit with fresh berries or other fruits and green vegetables. Get back to Nature. Shred- ded Wheat will bring the bounding bouyancy of new life and vigor. Contains all the goodness of the whole wheat grain made digestible by steam-cooking, shredding and baking. Nothing so strengthening, healthful and satisfying. Delicious for any meal. Easily prepared. Made in Canada. SECRET OF SNAKES GLIDE. Method of Contraction That Enables it to Crawl and Climb. A snake moves along the ground by contracting the ribs on one side of his body and separating those on the other side, says the Philadelphia Re- cord. This forms one curve. An- other contraction takes place at the end of the expanded side, and bends the body in the opposite dii'ection. Thus there is a series of alternate constrictions and spreadings of the numerous ribs throughout the length of the reptile as it lies on the ground. When the snake is in motion some part of the bdy must secure itself against rough or projecting surfaces, from which the forward part can be impelled. Then the forward part takes hold and the hinder length is dragged to a new position. The row of shields along the snake's belly is very (luick in seizing upon the slighP- est projection, so that any rough sur- face affords a good track. In climbing a tree the snake uses the same process. It must find points of vantage for its curves. Doctor Tells How To Strengthen Eyesight SO per cent In One Week's Time In Many Instances A I'Veo Prescription Vou fan Have tilled and X,'se at Jlome. I'lilIiKli'lpliln, r:i. Do yiiii wear tilasBes? Ai" yoii a vlitlm of I'.vn Htralii or (itliiT eye wcriUiii'.sB<'S â- / It' so, you will \m ulnrt to know tliat iu-conllutf to Dr. I.cwIb tlii-re Is rpiit UopR for you. iMau.v wliose oyi-s were falling Kny tlit-y have had tliilr eyes ro- Htorcil tlirougli tlie prlacli)lc> of tills wou- (li-rful froe prcscrlpttou. Uiio man Buys, afli-r tiyluB It: "I was aliiioBt bllud ; could not HOC to icail at all. Now I cau iwul cvorytliliiB wltluiiit tiuy (,'lasses and lay eyes do not watiT auy inoic. At night tlicy would iialii droinlftilly ; now they feol flao all tint tlino. It wau like a nilrncle to UU'." A lady who used It Kays: "The at- uioHphero Bofini'd h'lzy with or witliout SliiKNi I, l)"t after using this prcsprlptlon for llftccu (layK rvcrythlutf nei'ins ulear. I can I'vrn ri'iid tini> print wltliout kIkb'cs." U U bflW'Vt'd that ttu>iisiinds wiio wear ;ihisscs fail now dls-*urd thcni In a roHBoii- ublH time and mullltudes luoro will be able It iH sold In Toi'oiilo to BtronRthon their eyes so as to he KpntcJ the trouhlo and expense ol ever Retting KlOBBes. ICyo tninhli'H of many desirlu- tlons may lie wonderfully benuflted hy fol- lowing the nlmple rules. Here ia the pra- scrlptlon: (Jo to any active dru({ Htoie and get a bottle of UouOpto tablets. Drop one BonOpto tablet in a fourth of a giuHs of water and allow to dissolve. With this ll<iuld bathe the eye.s two to four times dally. You should notice your eyes clear up perceptibly right from the start and lii' fluiumatlon will iiuhkly dlwuppear. If your eyes are bothering you, even a little, take steps to save them now befon; it Is too Into. .Many bopeleSAly blind nilKht have l)eeu SHVJ-d if they had eared for their eytis in time. Ncrtei Another prOTi'.tnent PhyslrUn to whom ttio .ibor* ojltcl* was Bumitted, sauli "Kon-Opto Is a vrry iemarkat/16 remedy, lu consUtuetit iDgredlenls are well known to enilacnt eve f und vrldrlv preGcrited bjr tliem. The manuuc4 turers tiuarantee It to lOtntlhrn eveai^ht K tier ceot In on* week's tune la many IcMAU'esurreftiod the money. It rtui t>« obtained fiom nnv tfood 'tni^^xt ui:d is on* of (he very ttw prriMrriti'.ns 1 feel .Itould Ix; keiit on Itaud lor regular una fa ,ai:uobtcvery iamily." Itistold in Albany tjy Win. Sautter d( Cm, by ValinuH Di'tig t'o. iais and their finished products marketed. Masseurs and shoemakers will receive steady employment. HAS REALIZED $24,250,000. I Great Britain's Net Gain From Selz- I ure of Enemy Ships. ' A net gain of $24,250,000 has been realizeil by Great Britain from the I seizure of enemy .ships and their car- goes in the last twenty months of the war, according to the record of the prize court. The Government has captured 157 ships, which have been j disposed of after decision by the prize court as follows: No. Tonnage. I Sold 42 54,772 Requisitiivned 42 5l5.1(>2 , Detained till after the war and requisition- war and I'cquii-i- , tioned 73 85,0.3(5 I Total 157 13.-).'J70 I The results of the sales have been appro.simalely: I Proceeds of condemned vessels and interests, $1,(574,026; of 'sale, $S2()540! total proceetis of sale of ships and cargoes, $:M.25O,00O. There are many more vessels and a large quantity of cargo still befijre the court. 4. They AB Went Away Together p. .\. BONNOrs RHEIMATIS.M CI RED BY DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS l.\nd With It Went All Those Symp- i toms Which Mark the Earlier Stages of Kidney Trouble. Grand Clairiere, Man., May 29th I (Special.)â€" ".Ml persons who suffer from I'heumatism should use Doild's Kidney Pills." This is the statement volunteered by Mr. P. A. Bonnot, a well-known resident of this place. Asked to give the reasons why Mr. ' Bonnot said: "I siilTered for three years from rheumatism. I consulted a doctor with- out getting any results. Four boxes I of Dodtl's Kidney Pills lixed me up." ' That rheumatism is caused by sick kidneys failing to strain the uric acid out of the blood was again shown in Mr. Bonnot's case. His earlier symp- ' toms were: heart flutterings, broken and unrefrcshing sleep, fitful appe- tite, a tiretl nervous feeling, a heavi- ness after meals, neuralgia and back- j ache. When he cured his kiilneys with Dodd's Kidney Pills the rheumatism and all the other symptoms of kid- ney trouble disappeared. ^ NEW BRITISH ECONOMY. Railroads Decide ' Tourist I The congestion English railroads to Sii.spend rickets. â-  All Bmciss ti .'"V'*''- mmm ARE CLSAiV' !niOSIiCKiNE.S.S ALL DEALE=15 G.C.Briggs & Sons HAMILTON on the principal and the necessity for economy will result in the suspen- sion of tourist tickets and the with- diawal of a number of dining curs from service. It is thought that the suspension of tourist tickets will cause a greatly les- sened volume of passengers on their way to holiday resorts at con.siderable distances from their homes. The transportation of militaiy and naval suplies is the mo.^t important function of the English railroads at pre;-ent, ii'ul passengers and -rdiiiary freight tium' give way befoio the war cucds. PRINCESS LIKE "PETER P.VN." Mary Is Nineteen, But V.-ry Girlish In Her Ways. "She's just like one of our own lasses," a Canadian soldier remark- ed of Princess Mary the day he was one of the party of wounded entertain- ed by the King and Queen at Bucking- ham Palace, and he proudly displayed the invitation card to the Palace which the Prineess had autographed for him. It was only one of dozens of such cards that she had good-naturedly signed. When she wasn't pouring out tea she was surrounded by little groups of soldiers and sailors who begged her to write her name on their cards, too, and in each case the Princess smilingly agreed. Princess Mary has been aptly call- ed the "Peter Pun" Princess, so ex- tremely girlish and youthful is she in her ways, so much so that it seems hard to believe that she recently cele- brated her nineteenth birthday, and that if there had been no war she would have been one of last season's debutantes. But she enjoyed the homely birth- day tea-party given to her own inti- mate little circle of girl friends who came to help her eat the wonderful three-tiered cake the royal chef had made for her. even so much mure than she would have enjoyed a regul- lation court ball given in her honor with all its attemlant trappings of state for, like (jueen Mary, the Prin- cess has very simple tastes. She is gifted with the sound common sense of her mother, too, and forms very decided views. Once some of her friends were hav- ing a friendly little argument as to which profession produces the brav- est men. Some said the army, others the navy, others voted for the medi- cal profession. The Princess listened very quietly to what they all had to say, and then remarkcti vei-y deliberately, "1 think you'i'e all wrorig. To my mind air- men are the bravest men that can be found." She goes about a great deal with her mothi'r now,' accompanying her to most social functions which have ihe helping of our soldiers and sail- ors as their object. She works very hard indeed for the CJueen's Ni'edle- work Guild, and the table in her own little sitting-room at Buckingham Palace is always covereil with gar- ments she is making for th â-  soldier-: and sailors and for the children of the poor. "What a pity it isn't Mary who's to be King," the Prince of Wales re- marked one day as a liny lad, "she's so clever and .she's so good at man- aging us all." And her brothers arc maniiged by "Maiy" to this day. •!• - FISHES C.\N S.MELL. Odor Travels Through Water .\s It j Does Through .Vir. i .•V lish hasn't a, but it can ' smell. Recent experiments have prov- ed this. What is more, these experi- ments have proved that oiior travels through water, just at is does through air. Anglers have Inid so much stress on the need of exciting a fish's inter- est by the look of food that the efT'-ct ! of scent has been overlooked. A shark j will bite at a hook containing a piece of fat pork, although the pork does not look like any kind of fish that swims the sea. Why, then, should the trout be expected to be interested only in an artilicial "grey hackle"? It may be heresy in angling to sug- gest that a "fly" should smell like a fly. These scientific experiments .show how large a part smell plays in the food pursuit of fish. Bait such as small cuabs was found and eaten by the fishes two or three times as rapid- ly when the shells were broken. Bait placed inside a gauze bag was smelt within three minutes of being lower- ed in the water, and almost at the same time all the fishes began nib- bling at the bag. When cotton was stuffed into its so-culled "nostrils," the dogfish would seldom observe the food that came near them. If they saw other dogfish eating, those whose nostrils were stuflfed would join them and take a share in tJic feast, but when kept to themselves they starved in the midst of plenty. â- *- It's a waste of time to loll hair rising stories tu bald headed mciu BABY'S WELFARE. The welfai-e of the baby is the fond mother's greatest aim. No mother wants to see her little ones suffering from colds, constipation; colic or any other of the many ills that so often afflict little ones. Thousands of mo- thers have learned that by giving an occasional dose of Baby's Own Tab- lets to their childi-en they can keep them well. Concerning the Tablets Mrs. Richai-d Boston, Pembroke, Ont., says:â€" "Baby's Own Tablets saved my little girl when nothing else appeared to help her. I would not attempt to raise a baby without keeping the Tab- lets in the house." They are sold by medicine dealei's or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Words in Your Vocabulary. I Tlio voiMtbulary of a rich and long- ' cultivated language 11U« the RngUsh may be roughly estimated at about 100,000 words (although this excludes a great deal which, if English were ' understood in Its widest sense, would have to be counted in) but 30,000 Is a very large estimate for the number ever used. In writing or speaking, by a well-educated man; 3,000 to 5,(Hl0, it has been carefully estimated, cover the oi'dlnary needs of cultivated in- tercourse. Classified. Her old man â€" Well, you wasn't iiO spring chicken when you mirriod mo, neither! Her â€" Indeed i-.otl I was a big goose. SEES POTATOES Solder Sarcasm. For several weeks a wounded sol- dier had had no solid foodâ€" nothing but milk. At length the doctor told him that the next day he could have a light meal, and the soldier, great- ly rejoicing, conjured up visions of underdone beefsteak, potatoes, cheese, etc. What he was given for his first meal, however, was about a table- spoonful og tapioca. He swallowed it, growing and grumbling. "That's all the dinner yuo can have," the nurse said, "and the doc- tor orders that even,'thing else must be in the same proportion." The patient pushed away the plate. "We'll I'll do some reading now," he said. "Bring me a postage stamp." Minard's liniment Iroinbennan's 7riend Struck to What She Said. In one of the English Courts a lady, who hail appeared more than once as a witness, was on this particular oc- ; casion asked her age by the presiding judge. "Thirty," said the lady. "Thirty!" said the judge; "why I have heard you give the same age in this Court for the last three years." "Yes," responded the lady, "but then, you see, I'm not one of those persons who say one thing to-ilay and another thing to-morrow. SEED I'OT.VTOES. IRISH COB- blera. Deleware. Carinan. Or- der at once. Supply limited. Write tor quotations. H. W, V .HtiT . I'rainpton. FOB SALE. RECI.STKUICI) I1MI..STEI.N.S. .\LLi aKos. .Stinic \ ci-v Iliu* bulls Qiiebeo prlci-H. 1^. A. i;illospii.. .Abbtitsford, Que. HEI.F WANTED. h? xi'i-;kii-:.ncici) Li .â- iM-i-.i i;ii-i.s II. r -Mill. Al> ! I' 1 l.illiltctl. I):iinill"il. ni'Mt vvaK**^' [([till. .Mi;j-fur\ A.M) i.\i;.\i'h:ni. Ilositrrt iiiul riiiler- !«•«• ViiuiiK .Mm. .MlllH, L.\r)llCS \V.\.\TKI> TO DO PLAIN and IlKlit sowiiiK al liome. whole or , Biiare time. K<'oU pay: work went aiiv (Jis- I tum-e. CharK,-.' palil. yt-iui .stamp for I imrtiiuUus. National Munufaiturinic I Coinpaiiv. M<mtrcal. Keep Minard'i Iilnlment In the boasa At the Yarmouth Y..M.C.A. Boys' Camp, held at Tusket Fulls in August, I found MINARD'S LINIMENT most beneficial for sun burn, an immediate relief for colic and toothache. ALFRED STOKES, Gen. Sec'y. â- fV^ANTHI) i:NI'IJi{Il':.Ni-|;i) iil'KU- \ TT ati'iM till l.adlfH' Wawh and l-'uncy . Dii'Ksi'.s. I'fi piaiifiit worK. HiKhPHt I waKi-M. IdcMl fai-torv lulitloii.s. H. C. j HoiilliT Co.. Ltd.. II,". Kill); SI. \\' iirar ' SEW8?APEBS rO B SAIid. PIKlFtT-.MAKl.Nt; Mi\V.y AND JOB tjlljifs lor lain in Kood Ontario towns. TliB useful and interesting of all IJUstiieHKeH. Full information on apidliatlon to WIlBon PiibllKliluK Com- pany. 7 3 W-at Adel aide .Stieet. Toronto. MIBCEI.I.A1TEOTTS. ClA.NCEn. TU.MOKS, LUMPS. ETC.. / internal and external, cured with- out pain by our Uome treatment. Writ* UB before too late. Dr. Hi^Uman Medical Co.. Limited. Colllnirwood. i iit. Urged to Keep Chickens. Householders throughout England are being urged to keep a few chick- ens to increa.^e the home production of eggs. Each year in normal times England imports 258,000,000 eggs. The woman's section of the National Poultry Society, which is behind the movement, declares that much waste could be avoided if householders had a few chickens to throw scraps from the tabic to. Reptiles as Pets. Singing Insects and reptiles are great pi^ts with the Japanese and many varieties are caged and trained : for the dnllght of their alinoiid-i-yed masters. It being said that frown Pi-luce Hlrohito himself keeps a pri- [ vate stock of kajlka. or siiigin;; frogs. | Tlie favorite singing insect is tin' kttii- tan, a specii'S of Unicii.«t, wlilcli imist ^ always bo kepi in tin- shade and never', sprliikh^d with water if lie is to vocal- izt!. Write for poclal offer I Ttlis Late.Ht Model H a n d (.' e m e ii t Mixer jtay.s for It.'^elf ill T days. Mixers 111 all sires and styles. Wjite fi.r I'alalc'KUe W'ltlaiifir ;lrjs Ltd 178 D Spaainn Ave. Toronto. C» ^^mm^^ Granulated Eyelids. ^^B «9 r^Wj Eyes iiitlanied Hv cxpo- wurng Rock Salt Bnt fox Oattl*. -Writ* tern Price*. WOBKS, Hopeful. Parkedâ€" "How is your rheumatism getting on?" Fcri-y â€" "It's getting along slowly, but I'm very hopeful now." Parkerâ€" "I'm glad to hear that." Ferry â€" "Yes, it commenced in my feet and has gradually worked up to my shoulders. I'm in hopes that in about a week it will go off into my hat." WANT sure to Sun, UusI and Wind quickly reiievrd by Murine |Eye Remedy. NoSmariing, just Eye Comfort. At Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Murine E) « SBlveinTubet25c. ForBookoflheEyeFreeusk Druggists or MuriDeEyeReniedyCo.,Cblcogo Eyes^ He!p for Woo/en Mill Carders, Weavers ; Fuliers, Napper Tenders. I (lood waKe.s paid in all Deparlnients. .and steady work as.sured. We have sovorai opeiilriRM tor Inexperiem-ed lielii. where eiieiKV and aliillty will tirinc iiroinotion. I WaKiiS palil to apprentices while leiirn- I iiiK weaviMB, Special iiulueement to Kaiiilly workers. Write. statltiK full i exiieri'iTicc-. If any. .\ko. Ktc. to | THE SlilNOSUY MPa. COMPANTr, Iitd., Brantford. Cut. Pants Warmed by Electricity. The latest invention of war is pants warmed by electricity. Two German professors invcnt<ed it, Profes.sor Max Beck of Innsbruck and Dr. Von 1 Schrotter of Vienna. The soldier puts ! on a pair of pants into which are I woven extremely supple wires design- I ed with a view to insulation. Each ' pair looks exactly like the ordinary trousers of the khaki uniform and can be connected and disconnected at vvill to batt'3ries. With each pair are a \ couple of connecting wires a hundred ! or more yards long which permit the \ wearer to walk about with some free- ! dom. Soldiers in the trenches find j these garments very comfortable dur- ing the winter, and it is suggested ' that) aeroplanists will find in them much relief fiom the chill air of the altitudes. I'rcilt Dr. F ITehgy:cKornt<ill* ineniiiror.ipjt;:iita co»,ilolfils,Spile»» iiy,^'SlciiMt> crOor.vulsions t> â-  Irci saincb of Br, Acol'a icnciiir, Wt PArEXniESliUCoi PnEETDIUBOini II vou C'JT our iut nCTUIIKTIlliiAg 1» rouf Ifllet. fl"> 'ol letllmcnij'9 cntll*. Z'u Jga ai«l '"" oarlltuian^ HARVEY ROOF CO. Dtpf. A i' Sl..N,N«wTor% m Wheclock Engine, 150 H.P., 18x42, with double main drivins: belt 24 ins. wide, acd Dynamo 30K,W. belt driven. All in firs: class condition. Would be sold together or separate- ly ; also a lot of shafting at a very great bargain as room is required immedi- ately. Frank Wilson & Sons 73 Adelaide Street West, Toronto. Ask for Minard's and take no other Off the Track. "We were lioundirig along," said a recent travel r on a local South .Vfri- can single line railway, "at the rate of about seven miles an hour, and the whole train was shaking terribly. I expected every moment to sec my bones protruding through my skin. Passengers were rolling from one end of the car to Ihe other. 1 held on firmly to the arms of the seat. Pres- ently we settled down a bit quieter; at least I could keep my hat on and my teeth didn't chatter. "There was a quiet-looking man op- posite me. I looked up with a ghastly smile, wishing to appear cheerful, and said: " 'We are going a bit smoother, I see.' " 'Yes,' he said, 'we're off the track nov;.' " Mlnard'8 Wnlnient used by PU.VBlolans. Father --"When we're young, my son, we think we know everything." Son â€" "And when we get older we know we doâ€" eh?" Wife- -'Would yoii he lonely and miserable if I went awsiy for a week?" Hu>;baiKl -"No. not a bit, dear." Wife- -"Then 1 won't go." ^^^mmms^mkun. Reduces Bursal Enlargements, Thickened, Swollen Tissues, Curbs, Filled Tendons, Sore- ness from Bniisus or Strainsi stops Spavin Laniei'csi, allav-i pain. Does not blister, remove the hair or lay up the horse. 52.00 a bottle at dniE'jists or dclivricd. Book 1 M free. ABSORBINE, JR., for mankind - an antiseptic liniment for bruises, cuts, wounds, I strains, painful, swollen veins or gl.tnds. It heals and soothes, $1.00 a bottle .it drug- gists or postpaid. Will tell you more if you : write. Made in the U. S. A. by W, F. VOUNG, P. 0, i'., 51. i tymiins BIctg., Montreal, Can. Usoibloc aQtl Atootbmc, Jr.. ire miilc In Cauija.. |m QUEEN'S '^"i^ UNIVBRSITY KINGSTON ONTARIO ARTS EDUCATION APPLIED SCIENCE Inchniintf Mininit. LMirminil. Civil. M«*ch- ..iiual flii'.l l',;r»:lri.-;il ]iu;(infc:inK. MEDICINE PttrinH the VVi*r ; i«r« will l>« oonUnuous â- cssiona in Matltcina. HCIMH STUDY The ArtsCourw iv.ry be tr.W'ti 1\v cot to np<>iul^n'^<*. but stutlt n *« dc!Urint{ to grmiu- rtie imist fttteud uno sc».-:oa. SUM'^iER SCHOOL oto v chown JU1_Y AN-WN^CUr i' F».-0.5TnAR i^ EU. 7. l!r!,)l'K 23â€" '16.

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