/leslj^rlxrtt "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PEIx\"CIPLEb NOT MEN.' VOI W No. 4 Fleslierton. Ont., Tliursday, JTJne 1 IQia W. H THURSTON '''''^^°'' aud PKO The Knitting Brigade 'V I â- ( (Wiitten For The Adviiiie;.)' Wuineu now iiie knitiii)!; SockiJ, subduod :ind grey, For our soldier laddies Who have gone awny. Ill the ciuse of ju-iice Freediim'a flug's unfurled, Soon ils folds expaiiding Will cover ill! the world And by WBy of heljj ng Eiich must make 4 stiirt, For all hive got a place ti fill And all must piny a part. All can't go to bsttl'-, AIL can't face the fo;, But ihey can put h -artenin;; Into ihoso who a,». So, as our brave soldiers Cruss the sea in Hocks, Each is well protected Wearing hnoie-made seeks. Those who tight for freedom (Jujjht to be well shod. Ought to have some comfort As through the -nud they plod. And our Women's kiii;tiug. Knitting all the time. And their needles clicking With tlieir tlioughts keep rhyme <>;d, old woiiieii knitting, III the easy cbair ; - -*- Vounger ivoiuen knitting * When they've time to spare. Each inteiif on keeping S ddiera faiu and ti', Kich one wi h a niche to till -\nd keen to do their "bit." MiD, lor sake of noaiaii, Fights as best he can, l!ut the weaker vessel. Too, protects the man. Tliii.k of cold wet tronchos ; Think of f ?et near bar>'. Think of dire pneumonia Often lurking (here. Women, stil keep knit iiig, For the lids afar. That with uii-ad of comfnrr They may win Ihi* war. Keep on k«i(.'.iiiL', knitting DH'eri-nt sh.ides of gioy, And fur dual vie 01 y Ever hope and pr ly. < )n, Canadian soldios bravely lake your knoeki 'Ihiiik "f iiinibli- Hiisieri llusy knating socks. â€" Mrs. Waller Buuhan.tii. J., Priceville Jottings Meadows are looking hue, but seeding is not all finished at time of writiii<{. A. D. McLeod lost a tine c iw a few days ago. Colin McLean, village, las*, week whi'e rolling a field one of the team â€" a very tine inara â€"dropped dead. Judging by appearances elderly hearts are not proof against Cupid's darts. The several contracts for remodelling and r^pairinv the public schojl buildings aie let to se\eial mechanics in the local- ity Mrs. McMillan ffo'-inerly .Mrs. Stuirt) aged '.)7 yt-ar.s, pi,s.sed away after a ling- ering illness at the home of hor dauviht- er, Mrs. R. J. C^nkey, village, 011 tne evening of Monday, May 22. Uev.J.A. Mailieson conducted ihe funeral services ami interment took place in the new cemetery. Four diughters survive : Mrs. .\tkinson, Vancouver, formerly cf Priceville; one daughter in Biy Cry, Mich.; and ;)iie in Detroit, who wrh Iwr husbaiii a' tended the tuneral 0:1 W^d- ne.sday 24. Deceased was born on same day as i.^ueen Vijtoiia and came from Ireland to Canada when about 20 yrs old. A. D. McLvod p'aced a very nice gran- ite moiiuiiieiit in his plot in th.- new ctmetery, where !:i? late witc will be i-einoved to in the early .suaimer. (jeo. IVl lies and family .lie inovi>i<j to t'lH MoMilhiii house north of C P. R, s'a'ion. T. A. Ferguson li,i>' b .ught the two acre* eist of .school grou.id iuteildiii.; to build. Portl aw Ceylon Chat Miss Willa McLeol, Toronto, spent the 24lh with her parents. Mrs. Griffin, whi has spent the past ini'uth with her Jiughter, Mrs. W. Wfhile, has returned '0 her lunula in Toronto. Mr. EJ. Sargent spent the lirst of the week with Owea Sound friends. Mi's Edna McLeod spent the 24lh wi'.h her sister in Toronto. Mr. Frank Collinson was in Owen Soui.d la.st week. ',)uifc a number from here took in the sprjris at Walkerton on the 24th. Mr. .J. B. E^an, Toronto, called 011 friends here lost week. Miss McLean spent tlie24tli at her home at Fergus. Mrs. ri.ick of Chicago, is \isitiu.; her parents, Mr. and -Mrs. J. Melia Mr. Fielding, Toronto. AIis. A. W liittaker, .Miss Ella and A"gas, motor, el to Durliaiu Sunday by .Mr. A. Keunedy. to visit friends. •Messis. Kerr and Elli.s of llocklyn, spent the tirat of the week at Mr. (ieo. .Stuart's. Mr. (jcorge Stuirt jf Piny Sound has returned home. Mis. John Kenilidy paid .Mark dale a btniiie>'s tiip last week. Cap;. Dr. M. I'ojk of Calgary, M) h Biitt., and daughter, Margery jnd Mrs. Thos. Cook of Markdale, were visitors at R. Cook's last week. Mr. Cummins retuined &Ionday from a t Ao Week's trip to Tonnto- Walkerton The Bobb.n Factory here his not only enlisted the most of any factory in tqwo, over 30 employees signing up, or 2 out of every .") of its old stall'beiug in kliski, but it likewise cor tiibuted nodily as nuchas allihe other factories in town put togethc during the PairiolicaiiU Red Cross Fjiid canvass here last week, no leirs than J.^dM.OO being donated by the manageineiit and the hands f.jr this purpose. Few factories of its sizo ihroughmt the Provii.ce can probally plume themselves ou as good a showing. Mr. David Coates. * youug Ib.uit farmer, met with a serims mishap while returning with a lojd of hay on I'ueaday , noon. In goii.g around ihe corner on the 4lh conce.ssion, near the luuiie of his father, Mr. Thos Coates, tlij whei-ls on one side began lo sink cceply into llio mud, and feeling the load lojipling over he attempti'd t > leap to safety on the opposite side. Descending through the air he lit 01 his side on the bolster of the wagon, ju.st aslheloai went over, bitaking two of his light ribs and badly cracking another. As one of the frac- tured r.fis pierced his lung, his coiidituri wasreiideied soiious, and althoui-h he i.s now progressing favourably under the care of Dr. P.Mier of town, yet it will bo some time before h.> is arnuiid a^aiu. According to tlio assessor's returns this year ihrt popnlalion of W^lke'ton barely exceeds tee HOOD mirk, w lucli his a consideiiblo faliiiii; oil' from list yar, when ihfc population «oir over the 3100 milk. â€" Urfr.iKI a: il I'loiei. Ncwsi H Farmers Now i.s your cliiincn tog<t rid nf any ^ctap iron. P. Siendiarl n tends to had a couple of car l.iad.s of iron and will pay top t lice ill ca.'-h. Also 2c f. r nii;s aid oc for rubber.s, .'JOc for lioi>elKiir, all f o. H. Markdale. S. II In i o o; o but niysi'lf, ! I ]] ve no ii.eits. KmpTiio by Ulopl.o. ' • â- r loiiil. I P. S I ei nhart, Markdale' i.orDs.'-wait m«.Z» Si'.d^nu u practical'y over and the fields are be<j;iiiiiiiij{ to S'uile ; in fact smilis ar.' becoming nnre general. The wet season h-id a .lepiessing elt'ect and a gooit many people appeared as gloomy as the weather, but now that clouds line g ven place t.- sunshine, the <dd ad i^e is leiilfed "hU things come to llhise who Wili'." Mr. S. Sheariown received llio sad liens last week i.f Ihe death of his br.alier of Bol on, which locuird at Grace Hospital, Tnrohto. Mr. Sli-.irUo'vn aln Mrs. Lewis Siieardowii ahinded the funor.il. The latter visited with her uarents near Uoituii. Mrs. Thomas Brett of St. Catherines, visited with her sis'er. Mis W. J, Benson i>f ihe 8lh line, who is seriously '11 and al.so with hor brothers and sister here. â- Mrs. Maxwell of Dundalk, visitrd with hor sister, Mrs. .1. \V. Lyons. Prof. Zavitz, lie id of ilie .field hii.s • bandiy deparliuen' at the Ontario Agri . cultural College, is not ,.f the opinni, that an) thing H.;ii-. could be termed a 'seriou.s" .'^ituatioii has yet b,oii created 'b/ the Wet weather interferi. g with tl e seedini; < ppcratioiis. The body of Mrs. Clias. Oppershaus.r wis rt-eovered from ihc Saugeen river Salurd.iy morning. She was drowned I'll April 2l<.b. The body was discovered by Mr. Jainos Cri.spin at thy reiir of his firm, not a great ilislause from the gioiind covered by .Mr. (.has. Fl-mi 'g, d ver. The body w.is lloaiing about a foot iriiii the siirfiicj and was cauglH in thj soft soil. The remain.s were convey- ed to licr late residence, iind the funeial service held there on Sunday was pri- vate. - Hanover Post.. It Sold the Calf 1 askcii ei;^lit do lais and a half f.ir ui e fine lilacK Pcdled .iiigns calf, which pi ice was not too high ; I hoofe^l it «e-t, I hoofed it eist. endeavoring to se'll the be.ist, but 11(1 one wished lo buy. Day aflo day I loiLd along and bored men wi-h the .s.inie old jciiig, "1 have a calf for sale ; 1 axk eijjht bone* and fifty cents for ihii uneipi.U ed cntt.r, gents -who will diK up 1 he kale.' ' Then .5 lid a friend ' "Oh rest your feel, and (juit your wear- I iiig out the sireel, :iiul liowHiig by ifie ; year ; spend tifty conia and advertise] your siiwvdi'cow of pocket sze, and buy- j ers will appea-.' I followed up ihftt' s line adv cv;, a,id put iny j-uU-d f. ct on J ; and when lli.Mid. appear. d len cus- Eugenia Paragraphs Ladi.s, doiit forget to attend the m^'etirig in the Methodist church on Fii. June 2 at 2 o'clcck and hear the leciuie given by .Miss (Jerirude Cray, a delegate of the Dept. of .Ai^iicultiire, Toronto. .Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Munsliaw haie leturiied lioiih! to All stun alter visiting friends here. .Mrs. P. .Mu;:shaw accoiu- pinitd theiii houie. Mr. and Mrs. El. iJrah.im ami family idio Mr. \\ ill. Caiiiei-on and Mrs. Ed. ' >rr, enjoyed .1 trip ii Hanover recently, .Mrs. Jake Williams and dau«hfer. Hilda, visiud the past wefrk at her 1)1 other's, Mr. Clias. Siewirt. .Mr. and Mrs. Dave ijen.ie of Maik- dale reiiuncd acipiaiiitaiices here. Mrs. L. Latimer .iiid Mis. ,). SVilliaiiis aleiided the I.istilue meeting in F.esherion i;n JHoiidiy list. Alls. Fred Grali.iiu and sister, Mlss Bad^ero, visited Walkerton friends over the holiday. Mrs F. T. Cirr- is visiting in T..- ri.iiit,o at piesenl. Miss Geiioe of Tor ii'o, is visiting her aiiHt'.s, Mrs. Thus. (!eiiue. Miss L iile llisiop has reiuriied lun e from (.'.yloii. Mrs. Jus. Purvis of T.>roiro. spe n the hi hday wrh Mr, and. Mis. Uobt Purvis. Mrs. ^N in. I'urviss:. Ins n - turned from Toroiit.', where slu has spent the wii.ter. Inspector Hulf, .Meaford, vsited <nir school. Tlleliitle cliiVlieii must atli ud achodl rejjularly if ih-'y ,vaiit to luak.^ piogiess. Miss ElviLever, accoiiipanied by her iMiisin, Mi?s Kiia L"ver, visited with Miss .M Hie .Mc.Mulleit, East Mountain, recently. The garden ] aity und.r ho auspices of the Alethodist cliuieh of Eugenia was a decided success. The pr^ gramn.e uivoji by Proton Guild was enjoycU by a'l. The ba.soball ma'.i.h belwciii Fle-sllertoii and Eu;;eiiia ladies resulted in.Sr-t ill bivoin- ot Euijeii a, Tliepio- ceedd amouiite I to over •S72. A vole of Ih.-.iiks is extended lo the Ptoiou t"!uild and Fieshert ill ladies, for sj readily eoiitiibuting tvi the d'lv'sfi.n. Pithy Proton Pointers; .V r-pvesentatiou of the Voung People's Society of the Presbit rian chuich at eiidid the Mellndist (Jaideii Party at Eugenia on .May 24 ,ind provivi- edthe pro;4i.uiinie ill llio evening Ad reported a very enjoyable lime. Miss Vioht Sephens if V.c . ria Coiners, visited with Miss Mildred Biiinie 011 Sunday. Miss Christina Bell of Dundclk, spent the week ei.d with Miss Marie Wyvill. Mrs. W. Badgero and family visited at her home in Duncau ou Wednesday ll^l. NN e hive leariK-d, during our short ex perience as correspjiident, tlij uuthin the old saying : "person d remarks are never in go. d taste.'' The automobile accident which we indirectly leferred lo a c.iuple of weeks ajjo was meant tj be considered as a j,-ke, de hud no malicious inteutioi.,s whatever. We have lenrtied siiiee it was the fault of the stcer.i:ie not the aleerer ihat was at fault. Weaio indeed very Sony ;f we have huit any- one s feelings I y our inconsiderale remarks. ./J^ .Mrs. Guest ofl'^'Torouto, v, sited ovi i the 24 h with h& 'pareiiis, Mr. and .Vhs. John Koome. JSt Mr. and Mrs. Edward liJjKi.r.d visi ed with friend.s at Eiiii. ^^ Mrs. L. Becker, who hasten visitiiiji fneuus in .Milwaukee, Wi-consoii and Toronto fur the pas: few months return- ed home on Wednesdny laat. Mr. aud Mrs. Robcil Bales visited 11 Sunday wi h friends in Ceylon. Mrs. Ilooiue, .sr. jii.o of O.-prey s pioneers, passed away'oii Thursday, Miy 2,->. at the rij(.e old age of ',10. at llie home of her dau'.'hler, Mr*. John U.,oiiie of tins ])lace. Interineiit took place lo . M.ii^ well cemetry,.)n .Monday aftcriiuun»'?4ft^' Mr. Tiller, of Ma.\ well, olliciiiSJp The son of the deceased, Mr. Fied Roouie • I Weyburn, Sisk., ai.d .Mrs. F. liibli .,' '>\:iie!iaii!, Here p.-esi'Ul at the fuiierii Bates Burial Co. J. W. Bates, P: iaiiell' R. Madduck. .\l.iii»i!er. I Je we Iry luinera! JLi eet us md Kiiilj:dni. is 1 24 Avenue Road.Toronto Telephone Hilicrest 268 .M..t<ir K-i.i."ral Cars .and Liiu. ii,iiies to Cemetery at «iiiieeost" as H.irse- drawn vehicles. 1 U'l!; DR. BURX -*p-ialisi In diseas.1 o« ihe Eye, Ear.Nose and Throat "FFI(.K-l.;.iluih St. W..s,,ii«en Sound At the Revere hou.se. Markdale. 2iid Ihursday eaeli m.uilh from 8 to a 12a m Dundilk.ls Wednesday of each month . A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We cai- ry Photo Supplies. W. A Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT ^;i ^;? '/if '/I? Me, ^? WOOL Will pay cash for any quantity. ^^ f h.ive .-soiKe Tiniotliy and Clover .sct'il k-f; ver. Al.<.. a hill supply ..r FieM ,iii.l (ianlen Corn, Maiiylii. Beer, Carnjts. Tninip.<. Ifape. Iliin-arian an<l .^lillett. Plants-' Tdiiiaroi's, Celei y. Cal.ba.ue, Caulj. H<)\vi>r,!i!i| H(iii.<e planrs. Si.S .^t^. 5iP Heathcote liiLeiide.l 1 >r last wei B autiful Weather at time .Mr. J. W. f, 'icli-Bpimt the f WI .luiL'. week end at liH paieiitat home in Meofoid. .Mrs, Johns.. II, of L iree, is visiting wi'li .VJrs. J. A. (Jardner at present. Wo tie Bnriv to repoit that Jhs. tjeo kiekio is ill We In pe for her speedy recovery. The Ueallcite Women s liislilue held their annual iiitetiug for election o ortioero, on Wediiusd,iy 51 ly 17, at Ihet home of Mrs. Walter Kiekie, The foUiwiug olHceis were eieeted : Pus. .Urs. .Vlien Bjya ; Vicei'ies. Mrs, Fi.-d Fa*celt; Sec-Trpt.s. Miss Elsie Gardnei , Dist, Rep. Mrs, W, Ueekie and .Mi-s Gertie Fawce't ; .Vtiditors .Mrs. W'alt i Ueekie and iMiss Gertie F.iwcell. Tii s hi.s bei'U a very s.icccs,sful year for the Iii.stitute. .\ large amou.it if cash his b;eii conlrihuled as well as .socks, ahiri-, fruit etc., that h ivo been scot lo Ke i cross HI. 1 to ou.' lu'iive Cinadian boys. Wo ate plms d to hear lh»t Mi.ss Elsie Giidiier, who li..s been ui.der I lie Di s .•arefi.r the pisi two week.", is uiiproviinr. Wc liopc she may soon be out a|.ain. Rev. . .Mr. all. I Mrs. iVall.ice ana family, uf Clark-burs;, (.Uector of !st George's cliur.h; spent the Ihe early piirt of week with Uev. .Mr. an I ; rs. Y.m g Mrs. (Dr.) MeK.'O anl s m, James, re luriud home on (Monday, aft t vLsitirig witli fi tends in Toronti, tlio pistwce'-, T.ie .Methodist chuich, having been ch'S, edfor some time.w.is re-opened on Sunday last, Tiie church his bj^'ii re diciated and pic^oiits a Very pleasing a,i uearnuce. liev. Mr, G Lawienee, foimer piiilor, occupied the pu Ipit. Mr. and Mrs. .Mutllew I>itliou mid family, of Claiksburg. iiiolered over and spent. Sunday with .VIr. and Mrs. Fred Hu ehiii.son. Mr. mill Mrs. James Giidner,i>f Chitks. bii l;, Heio ilie gnists of the Jatter's ! b.ollier, J- H Gardner, over fSi ndsy riour and Feed of all kinds Our Ice Cream Parlor is now in full swing W. BUSKIN Yif â- '/,?',.??,,<: '„.< = .,s v.."/.,s-%f ?,.? %,,i ^A il^ ^;•:-r $; i"{ f^ f'i fi £•'- :5": i^!i ^". ^ % Vr|^ .}l«. •He- -MS. ^% '/is? '/I*- FOR THE PEOPLE WHO WEAR BOOTS ^ W.'ii.ive Iheu, i„ :^I,.ns 15„x Calf^ Kj.l ami r-lteilt.^, .\1.^.) .^(iiiie ^ro.ul liiirs ill V]nu<Ji V, )Ol> . LADIES' WEAR ^ ^ W,| Iiivc tliriii iif^c.ii wi;h Cloiiaii.lLeatlirr 'r->p.<. I'arenr Vaiii[).s. l.i-hr au.l heavy l.oy.^ .'iinl -ui^ iMmr.s. .vuital,!,. tor rlie s-(>a.soi!. Trunks, Telescopes, Suitcases. Agent for the Dominion Express Co money orders. t liners came to my uatc, uno b:)iigbt Ihe ' ^""'l' '" ''''""'*'J*>" â- -"â- ci'ii'g l.i.s', .Mr, Moiloy L). Lemon liJiiub d Major G. D. All act of kindly suppoitwh^eh will gieally a.ssist the 147ih BaraHon io se- curing tlij iieoeitsyties of camp l,fi'. Ins bten perforiiie(i'% the Weil ki.own linn of Lemon Bros., produce dealers. Jus! befoio leaving Oweii Sound for Xiiig.sra ""'•'"' '""" "'"' "•"' •"**'='^ " '"*''" P«"''>''" ThiOulario fj!gl s'l'tnre hss decided that the "miitkei"' s'uioters must e Thos, Clayton^s g FLESHERTON Flesherton Furniture Warerooms freight, mid oth cdf and paid ih buekod and reirod iiiil little Ills., tLu w SI man ga-tlirr the -iculs, and le^ts his achin;; ouus lillle lid. will hfiy-seveu In.-y boys, all :oii ing on tlie.r un^oi., fi.iiu I'Liieis 1 . - - â€" And thus, by pi, lit- i ''"l«n'i"!{ * the.iuo for iaCD for the U'o of (lie Bit all! n. It is i.eedl<s< lo siy that siioli a splendid gfifiom the linn of mske m^e<» nois.- than!'""'"' i''»»- "â- ll'':'-'''s of Ihe UJ.h, and I,., :â- • I '''" e.li/.O't.-; geiioially will he LM'.t lli-.i to leain of siu-h as anb.Uai t al c 'iitiibution . x^_ â€" X- .MAKE II(..:\1E AT'J'RACTIVK with Fnriiitme .KLdocred from our siccli, I'.vtiy d.iy wo aro addiusf new desioD.s in FURNITURE tliat iuc iiurvcls of bcanty of- stieiiytli and of skill With gp^t casli we made good terms with tho mamifaettiicr. Keen biivers will noiioptliedifl'oience in our price* wliui they s.fi our magnificent, ar itiy cf biiiyaiiis. This week wo. arc .showing' Mn,)v 1 .uii.-o.iuMk-i uslnou; new BPlilNG iSlOCK ibut ttio pTwisirg Such an net is woitby of iinitatiou. the sde of wild diick.«, wild goise or any o her wi'd wnier fo.vl. The object of ihe law ii lo put out of busiius.s men v.h • shoit for iiioiiitntaio piiipo,ses and s'liy I the f'wl ill g-oit nnnibcis for ninrk< t, â- | An rtriio dineiit w.a.s also passed proliib- i i ing any nori-reFMon' of iho pr.iviiic,' lo ciirv or .sho.it tti h a â- uii \vilh..::i a 1 TL /^1 w_. John Chapman Successor to W. H. Biunt to I lie pocket ,is wpjl as the oyt UNI)KkT.VKlNG--We rairy a co.nplHo line of Ciskcts anil robcv. All woik ouaraiiUv 'I. Thon-ir-Rr ^ li:vns„ from the province.