Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 May 1916, p. 1

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/leslj^rtxrn TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLEfcl NOT MEN.' ?oi m No. i Pleahierton, Ont., Tliiirsday, May 11 1916 W. H TfiORSTON ^.°J°« \ Pithy Proton Pointers The farmers around here are wishing for line weather to enable them to pro- ceed with their seeding. Privates Wilburt and I. B. White of Owen Sound, Bpent yuuday at- the form- er's home at Saugeeu Junction, Mr. Wm. Taylor was in Owen Sound for a few days last w 'ek. Miss Florence Trelford is visiting friends iu Oi-angovilli;. Quite a number of our citizens spent Wednesday in Owen Sound and report a very plensant time. Mr. Albert Stinson has ourcbased Mr. Wright's seoeral store. The Women's Institute intend holdins a Patriotic Bazaar toward the latter part of June. All are expected to do their bit. One of our enterprising young men started off on Sunday with a very dashing outfit, but ere he had journeyed fat ''"'^ pretty driver conceived a decided prefer- ence for the ditch. Before long he was seen homew«rd bound with Walker's Bus behind the horse and a span of Shank's ponies on the bungy. Hope he will have t>elter luck next time. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Taylor are moving to-^«y. Monday, to Owen Sound, where Mr. Taylor has secured a situation. We are very sorry to loose these popular citi- SADS but we wish them success iu their new home. Mr. ana Mrs. Jos. Trelford aud daughters, accompanied by Miss Mabel Wauchub, motored to Markdale ou San- day last. The Women's Institute will hold a meeting in the Presbyterian church at 2 :30 on Thursday afternoon. A full at- tendance is requested.* Eighth Line, Artemesm Miss C. Russell resu .led her duties as teacher at No . 9 »fter spending E*ster holidays at her home at Durham. Miss ^iid<i Lawlcr has returned to her school at Kirkheld after spending Kastur holidays at the parental home. We are pleased to Imvo Mr. and Mrs. Sam Murphy take up their abode on our line. Mr. Muiphy isassistinif Klv. Ben- sou with the spring work on the farm. Miss MiuA Benson is visitini; with her brother Will and wife, near Kevornhuiii. We are ple.ised to hear tiiut, Courtlaud Smith is recovering from a severe attack of pleurisy. Seeding is slow on accoant of the wet weather. i - . It was with sorrow that news was re- ceived hero of I ho death >( Mrs, .Jon. Hickliug of Coliingwood, at the ns{o of 82 yis. The remains were brought to Ma.\well, and laid beside her bu.sband, in the Knulish church cemetery, who had predeceased her abuut fourteen ycivrs axo. Mrs. Hicklini;; wis highly respect- ed by all who knew her. Kiaiberley boasts of Mr. Jas. Fawcett having rhubarb ready to ilse, but so can Mrs. Hanley, she havint; made rhubarb pies on April 27. Mr. and Mr*. Bert Magee visited with the lattcr's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry LeGard, near Flesherton, recently. Miss Mabel Lawler spent the WL-ek end with Mis.s Krancie Alexander, at Fcvershaui. Karl Atchinson and sister Ada spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Edgai' Belts. J.\^ Heathcote Intended for last week. Mrs. Pollard of Owen Sound visited with her sunt, Mrs. Fiegehen, the latter part of the week . Mrs. J jhns, who has been visiting in CoUingwood f"r past two months, return- ed home on Friday. Miss Mable Young spent her Easter vacation with the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Walace of Clarksburg. Mrs. James Bovair is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. R. Hutchinson of Union. Mr. Thomas Sewell moved to Mrs. J. McClung's house, on Thursday last. The Hev. W. E. Hassard of Toronto. Sec. of the Upper Canada Bible Society, addressed the Bible Society here in the Presbyterian church on Monday last, to a spledld discourse on the languages of foreign countries. Miss Myrtle Ellison is visiting with her friend. Miss Gertie Fawcett. We welcome Mr. J. W. Leach of Toronto university, to our villsgH as principal of the public school, until summer vacation. Miss Ettie Owens, who has spent the past winter mouth in the village returned bo«ii« last week . Rev. Mr. Robinson of Toronto, viaited with the Rev. and Mrs. Laidlaw, the latter part of the week. Mrs. Herb Kerr of Duncan, was the guest of her sistei, Mrs. Ficgehco, the latter part of the week. Mr. Jas. Gardner of Thoinbury is busy seeding on his farm here. Mrs. John Vickers spent Easter Vitca- tiou with frienda in Toronto and Uuelpb. Through D^ Coach to New York Leaving Toronto 5.20 p. m. daily via C.P.R. aid NY. C-Line* 4Jommenciu{i2 Sunday.May 7, day coach passengers for New York miiy board 5. 3tt p.m. Canadian Pacific train at To- ronto, daily, and arrive at "Grand Cent- ral Terminal" in the heart, of New York City, without change enroute. Particu- lars from C.P.T.A , or W. B. Howard, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. NEWS I FLESHERTON Don't fail to read. You all know that P. Steinhart buys up a little of every- thing p.nd pays top price for everything. Please to ring up Steinhart, Markdale, 87, for poultry alive, hides, skins, wool, horsehair, rubbers, rags, copper, brass, zinc, iron and lead of all sorts. Drop a ;card if you wish me tooall. Don't mis- take the name - P. STEINHART Walkerton The Bruce Battalion is now 1325 strong, or nearly 200 over strength. The surplus of 250 men for a base com- pany will soon be reached. The Grey Battalion, which started recruiting about four months before Bruce, is still under strength, and murniuriDgH about con- scription are heard from that quaiter. At a joint meeting of the Red ("roas and Patriotic Society held in the Town Rail on Friday last, it was decided to institute a two days' oanvasK in Walker- ton on May 18th and litth, and to .strive to raise the sum of $12,O00 for Red Cross and Patriotic purposes. A sad drowning accident cccured on Friday afternoon at Metcalf's Bridge ou the Sauijeeu river, about ono and a ([uarter miles .south of Uanov<.v. Mrs. Chas. Oppertshauser of that town, ac- companied by her three children and a servant, Mis.s Lobsinger, went there to lish. Mrs (Jppertshauser stepped on a piece of loose sod, wliich Ljavo way and C'lused her to fall in. Unable to render any assistance. Miss Lobsinger rin with the babv to a neighbor's house and gave the alarm. Before helpavrivod, however, the unfortunate lady had sunk out of sight. Her Hve-year-old daughter, who remained at the river, saw her mother for the last lime with her hands waving frantically in midstreaiii juut before she disappeared from view and was swirled away to her doom by the rapid current. All ell'orts to recover the body have been so far unsuccessful, although the river ha.s been dragged, ond a Toronto diver secured, who workfd for many hours at the task. The river at this point, which is 1-t feet deep, ha.s such a swift under- current that although uearly one hund- red pounds were attached to the suit of the diver, yet he was unable to place his feet on bottom and after many fruitless alteuipts to reach the river bed had to •aritJidraw his servicas. Five charges of dyiismitewerealso exploded in an attempt to raiac the body, but without avail. The deceased is survived by a husband and three children. â€" Herald and Times. Ceylon Chat Mrs. Grffiin spent last week with Oweu Sound friends. Miss Margi'etta McArthur returned to Vancouver Monday after a three weeks sojourn at her home heee. Mr. Robt. BroddJe left Friday for Toronto for the summer months. Mr. and Mrs.Chas. Hodgson and little son of the West, are at present visiting the former's aunt, Mrs. F. Chislett. Miss Dipple, trained nurse, who has been waiting on sick members of the Ferguson home for the past nine weeks, returned to her home in Walkei-tuu on Friday. Vuile a number from here took iu the 147th Battahim excursion to Owen Sound last Wednesday. Friday was observed as .4rbor day by the scholais. In the afternoon the boys went over to Durham Rd. school and played a friendly game of base ball whiuh resulted in a score of 18-14 in favor of Durham Road. Uunner Sprutt of Kincstou, was a guest oyer the week end at Mr. G. Collinson's. R. Cook was in Dund»lk Saturday. Born â€" Ou May 6, to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Spears, a daughter. PU. Meads, J. J.Pattison, S. McLeod and T. MoArthur returned to duties at Owen Sound Monday. Mr. G. MoArthur left Tuesday for Saskatoon. Victoria Corners Mrs. Tbos. Bannon is on the sick list. Mr. A. Stinson Inis traded his farm for Mr. J. C. Wright's store in Proton. We wish them success in their new un- dertaking. Bornâ€" To Mr. ani Mrs John Corbett, on May 5th I'Jlti, a son. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brewster visited at the latter'a home, Mr. .' 'liert Stevens, taking back with them their little daughcer Irene, who has been visiting here. Mrs. <j»»rgc Ludl'.w took her little son Robert to Dundalk last week, where Dr. Burt operated on him for atlenoids and enlarged tonsils. Tin.' children's Suii.lay and annual garden party will be held on June 18 and lit. K^uther nolice later. Rev. Mr. Lamb of Singhamptou will give an illustrated lecture on Wednesday evening, in Iiiistioge church. The annual meeting of the Inistioge Epworth League was held nn Wednesday eveiiii»45 May ;}. The following oftioeis eleut2d fur the ensuing yonr : W. Duncan, 1st Vice I'res. 11. Coriiett, 2nd O. Cornett, :{rd V. Stephens 4ih K .'Vcheson, 5lh (Pres. of Jr. Dept.) E. Best, Sec. E. Stephcn.s, Trcas. 0. Bust, Organist, E. Acheson. were Pres. Portlaw Canadian Pacific Great Lakes Steamship Service â-  Effective at oace, Canadian Pacific Steamship "Manitoba" will sale] from Owon Sound, 11.00 p.m. each Wedn<)s- day during the season of Navigation, for Sault Sle. Marie, Port Arthur and J'ort William. Connecting Imiii leaves Tor- onto 5.25 p.m. Full particulars, reservations etc. , from any C. P. Agent or W. B. Howard, District Paasenger Agent, Toronto. Lou Sander.sou, a newly enlisted re- cruit at Orangeville, took an overdose of laudanum for insomnia and died from the ett'ects, Everybody now seems to be iu favor of a dry Ontario during seeding time at Mr-.. J. L. Wood of Port McNichol, is visiting wiih her sister, Mis.Wui. Taylor. Miss Gladys White, who has been at- tending McMaster University, is home for vaeatiiiu. Mr. and Mrs. D. Wiileman have moved to Victoria Cornels. "There's a great day coming." It will be on June 2(i, when Mount Zion church and Sunday school will hold their big garden party at Mr*. Taylors, (The M'i|)les) for which coiuiiiittees have been appointed and preparations are already in progress. Ou the previous Sunday special anniversary services »ill be held, which will be of a patriotic nalure. Re- inoniber the date. The annual meeting of the Sunday school was held in the church last Tues- day, when an encouragini/ report of the work of last term was given. Mr. W.A. Morton was re-elected SuperintenJant, with the following oflicers and teachers : Sec. Treas., Alvin McKenzie: Libraiians, Robert Taylor and Murray Jorntjeld; Bible class teacher, Mrs. MoKen/ie; Sr. boys, Mrs. J. A.Thompson; Senior girls. Miss Vina Watson; Junior boys. Miss May Cornfield; Infant's class, Mrs. Lyons and Supcrintendant of Cradle Roll, Corn Held. School opens next Sabbath at 10 o'clocK. Miss Wallace of Flesherton, spent part of last week with Mrs. W. Jaraicson. Boyd's Elevator A Prey to Flames Boyd Bros.' elevator al the station was burned to the ground Tuesday eveninj^ of this week from some unknown cause. The tire was first noticed at 10.50 p.m. and had gaijied considerable headway. The building contained a large amouut of grain. Only strenuous work of the bucket brigade saved other buildisgs in path of the cinders, numerous other rtres bein^ <iueuchrd with water. The build- ing was insured for 82000 ; that on con- tents is supposed to cover tiiem, allliougii the exact tigurei could not be learned. Fevers ham Items Seeding is going with a rush now. The roads are in fair condition but there were some boggy plac!s last week that gave the fellows who were rushini,' the season with their aulus, occasion to remember Miiir's hill, near Fleslieiton. Even one of the demonstrators f(jund it too much for him. Miss Lawler of Toronto is visiting with her parenLs Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawler. Miss Lyla .Alexander is viting wiih friends iu Flesherton. Mr. Henderion of Elsimorc has rented the Wideman store, has his stock of general store goods on hand and will be in good running or Jer soon. Mr. John Hale has returned to Van - couver after spending the winter with his brother Freu. <i()I.»E.N WSDDIMi AT Ron lloV On March J2, 1!»1«, the home of .\lr. and Mrs, James Mullin, Rob Roy, was the scene of a happy event, when their children and neighbors to the numbur of aboutoOgathcred to celebrate that worthy couple's Hftietih anniversary of their wed ding day and their children presented them with the following address and a gold watch to each • To our dear father and mother, â€" We, your children, are gathered here to do honor to you on this memorable occasion' the oelebriling of your tiftieth year of married life enjoyed together. W? wish in sifMue sm ill lueasure to oon\-ey to you our beartfilt thankfulness tlial we liive been perniilted to have you with us for so ntMiuy years to guide aud cheer us by yonr loving and cheery presence. Wo hail with gladness this happy privilcuo which very few arc permitted to enjoy, and trust it may be an event which you will always remember with plea.sure, and one wliiuh will remain a plea.Siint inemniy Willi U.S. Wu wish yuu to accept ihis siiihII toki'ii of our love for you, and to cxpixiss our wish that you may enjoy many more happy yoars together and you may livo to enjoy the celebration of your Diamond anniversary. In a few well chosen remarks Mi-. M'llliu thanked his famly, after which all sat down to a sumptuous wedding supper. After supper the neighbors present, presented Mr. nid Mrs. Mullin with a purse of gold, after which all spent an enjoyable evening together until 14 o cluck when the company dij. perscd wishing Mr. and Mrs. Mullin con- tinued health iiiid prosperity. fllr. and Mrs. Mullin weri! married on a farm two lots of vvliere tlioy now reside, Mis. Mullin's maiden name being Margaret Unihani. Dundalk Fiiriner.s residing close to the village are complaining because llio boys from the village visit their bushes with shot guns and riHes and are killing oft" all thu song birds in sight. Parents would do well to ndviso their boys regarding this .so that the law may not have to be u.sed to protect the birds. Mrs. Priest, of Dundalk, is in receipt of a souvenir gift which was presented to her husband, Sergt. -Major Priest, in England by Princess Mary. The gift is in the form of a long rifle shell or cart- ridge. The bullet may be drawn from the shell and when reversed makes a neat lead poroil, Tho shell is contained iu a souvenir box of brass, with a hook- let and a luonograin from the Royal Princess. The souvenir is highly prized as a moineuto of the great war.â€" Herald. Jewelry DR. BURX $pclallit In discues of the Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat I t>FFICE-l:;il lOlh St, West, Owen .Sound At the Revere house, Markdale, 2nd 1 Thursday each month from 8 to a 12a. m Dundalk, Is Wednesday of each month.. A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, - ONT â- =^ .it!. •iHt, .&*«. Ji^t, .»<<. . LOOK-We Sell 'Timobty seed â€" .UammotLâ€" Comiuou Reti â€" Alsikeâ€" White Sweet Cloverâ€" Alfalfaâ€" (Jrcbard grassâ€" Vetchesâ€" Peasâ€" Oats Wbcatâ€" Baileyâ€" Buckwheatâ€" Fla.x and Fonnalin to treat your seed with, FLOUR Eojal Houselioldâ€" Purityâ€" Eclipseâ€" Pastry. FEED Shorts --Feed Floutâ€" i>at and Barley Chop-Calf Meal Oil Cake. Coming in a few Days Corn Maugles-Sugar Ceet-Sngar Mangles-Carrots-Turnips-Rape Millett-Huugariau grass. Five Rofc- Bran Liiiscad Mtal Von make no mistake when vou drop iu at # W. BUSKIN I V^ '/(«•'/!> V '4«- '/.y '/ix> '/)x^ '/,«> w -/It- '/iv^ •Jiv'- :j)\*tj^-/j^^5,jf?/i«rr,^^^ I FOR THE PEOPLE % WHO WEAR BOOTS AVc havt' tluMii in Men s Box C'.iJl. Kid aiul r'Uentt. ALso amnr piod linrs in Plon^rh Boots. LADIES' WEAR We have thtMii in Bnttoii with Cloth an. 1 Leatlier Tops, I'atent Vamps. Li^hn and heavy hoys and ;,'ii-ls Imot.s, suitaiilf for tlie s-t>ason. Trunks, Telescopes, Agent for the Dominion Ex orders. press Suitcases. Co. money Thos. Clayton^s I FLESHERTON Flesherton Furniture Warero oms i cnr MAKE HOME ATTR.\CTIVK with Ftirnitme selected fiom stock. Every day wc are new desigus iu FURNITURE that are ma-vels of beauty, of strength and of skill Wit|, ^p^t cash we made good terms with the manufacturer. Keen buyers will notice the difference in our prices when they see our maguiiicent ar- ray of bargains. This week aio showing we Many hnndsoiue designs iu our new SPBING STOCK that are nlB«<,;.,„ to the pocket as well as the eye. Pleasiog UMDEUTAKING--We carry a complete hne of caskets and robes. All work guaranteetl. Phone 17-Kt John Chapman Successor to W. H. Bunt rr:''-?%W

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