* gk^\i)cxim %Hmu. TBU*rH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN. vol 35 No. ol Fleshierton, Ont., Tliursday, April 27 IQIG -^ W. H THURSTON ^F^^l and PttO Eugenia Paragraphs Mrs. Knos and chiU of BJii'd River, are the j^uestof Mrs. Fred Graham. Eafiter services on Suud«y were <]uite interesting and edifyini; at the Presby- terian services. Metliidist lervices were also assisted by the jjirls singing and recitations. Rnvs. JfcVicar iiiid Madden both gave excellent addresses. The churches were lasteful'y decoraied with flowers Pte. Russel Park h is returned home from O. S. for a foiti ii;ht. We are pleased to lei Mrs. VV. Arm- strune' able to be out ii;jain. Mr. \Ve9. Cjoey visi'ed.hia brother in O. S. the past week. Mrs. Hugh Hammond uf Priceville, visited her people here recently. Miss Millie McMullen is home from Elk Lake for the holidays. Mrs. Thompson and son, who have b«en speudiPK a couple of yeai.s with us, moved to their honie ou East Back Line, near Fleeherton. The Regular monthly and annual meet- ing of the W. L will be held at the Methodist church on Wed., May 3. All members be presenc. A number of our citizens had their Hags hoisted on Saturday in honor of the S''. Julien battle. Mr. Robert Purvis spent the holidays ^;|be City. â- ' Mr. and Mrs. E. Rowbottara have moved to the City. If Uriel Carruther* is visiting her friend Miss Ellis in Kimberley. Mrs. Saunders of Walters Falli:,vi«ited during the Easter holidays with her sis. ter, Mrt. L. Latimer. Miss Etta Latimer in home from Allis- tou for the holiday*. Mrs. Cameron, sr., we are pleased tu report improving from her recent illuesb. The Women's Institute lold two i|uilts on Saturday, Mrs. S. Hoy buying one •nd Mr^Eliiier of Welland, the other. Mr. and Mn. Elmer of Welland, holidayed with Mr. and Mrs. Jske William.s. Mr. Arthur WillianiH of The Advance Btalf, Fleiherton, spent Easier holidays with his aunt, Mrs. Robert Campbell of ttie Valley. Proton Station Dundalk Bruce Fo^arty, the 4-yearold son if Mr. and Mis. Geo. Foi<itrty, of this place, met with a mishap ou Wpdiiesday afternoon last whereby the sight l4| one his eyes w.is nearly destroyed.' He little Mervyn Neithercut were pla;- in the stable and the latter was uain;; >rk in filling a box with straw which « was packim; down with his hands. Id loaning over he came in contact with the fork which penetrated the eyeball. Dr. Martin attended che injury and Mr. Fogarty look him to a specialist in Owen Sound. The eyesight wilt bo saved with- out an operation and it is hoped that no future bad effects may result. A steer which wm being dshvered to the local stock ytrda one day liuit week, created some excitement and put the owmer to a lot of trouble for which he gets no returns. Archie Mclutyrn wis the owner and had got the animal tu the yard when it became enraged and charg- ed for Geo. Bailey, one of the local droveis. Mr. Bailey was knocked down and received a bad gash in the back of hi* head, which struck a stone in the fall The animal took to the track with sever- al men in pursuit and proceeded in the direction uf Proton Station Mr. Thos. Aichesun tried to head it ntt' at his 'place but was forced to climb a poet in order to save himself. It was fullowe<l that evening to Jiks. Robinson's sAramp, 14th con.. Proton, and next luoroing Harry Palmer used the rifle to put an end to its career.â€" Herald. MCCON^i EI.r, â€" l.ORBETT On Apiil 20 at half (ast two, the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Jaa. Cotbett was the scene iif ii very pretty event, when their youngest daughter, Sarah Vict^jii^, was united in marriage to John Charles McCoDiiell uf Duadalk. The ceremooy was performed beneath an arch of ever- greeu.s and white satin ribbon by Uev. Geo. Wauyh uf Duudalk, in tha presence of only immediate relatives. The bride who w.is° unattended was given away by her father, and looked very beautiful in her wedding gown of white sitiu and white kid shoes. After tha ceremony a sumptuous wedding luncheon Wiis served and the happy, young couple left, amid showers uf rice and confetti, ou the even- ing train fur Toronto, the bride travell- ing in a suit uf navy blue giibardiuo and hat to match. Alter iheir return thtty will reside on the farm near Dundalk. Mrs. J. C. Wright and little gon Jack, sad Miss Clara Binnie are visiting fribuds in Toronto. •- â- Miss Flossie (Judf(ins b visiiioi; friends in Owen Sound. Miss Minnie Galbraitb, of Fleshertuu, spent the holiday with her mother, Mrs. U. Hodgins, Mr. Harold McLean and aistea Bernicu ol Toronto are holidaying at their home here. Miss Annie was hume fur Good Friday but hw^returned to her Luttes in Katou 8 store ^^ Miss Murray, teacher, ii i-peuding the holidays at her home in Tavistock. Mr. T. Gi'oenis Tisited at Mr. Jus. Trelford's. Mrs. Shooke of Corbetton and her neiceis, the Missus Thompson of Toronto, spent Easter with the foriuer'a brother, Mr. Wni. Taylor. Mrs. A Culgsii of Dundalk, is visit- ing her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Roome. Our High School atudent* are all hume fur the holidays. Me. Robt. Cii-son was in Shelburne on business over Sunday. Mr. Walden, our blacksmith, spent Kjster at his home in Loiiduu. Pte. J. While of Owen Sound was home Sunday. Mr. L. Becker and daughter Alyda wenc to Toronto uu Fri. last. Miss Alyda intends entering upon a cuur-e of train- ing in the Western Hospital there. Her many friends wish her success. Little Beryle Hawkley of Markdale is visiting her cuuitin. Miss Edna Hodgins. Mrs Wed. Sound. McPadden and family left on fur thtur irtw hume ii Fevers ham Items Very wet, cool, backward weather prevails over :hia district :tnd larmeis hare dune very little work on the land aj y=t. MisH Davidson of Newcastle,Ont., is visiting her sister. Mis, Win. Mullei»» on this 12ih lire. Company Quartermaster VVinslow Ker- nahan of the 147tU Greys, Owen Sound, spent Easter with his parents here. Miss Sadie Pelch of Toronto spent the b jliday with friends in this village. Miss Bateaon,our public tcliuol teacher, is spendim; the Easter h:lidayi at hrr home in London, i^nt. Miw Mary Whiteoak of Toronto is holidaying at her home here. Miss Stillwell, nur continuation school l-acher, is spending the holidays with friends at Redwini; and Thornbury. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Hendry and a number of other friends from Culliiig- wuod attended the funeral cf the late Win. Muilen, sr.. in Feversham en Saturday Ust. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Murphy have moved ou*. uf our village and Sam has stone liack tu 'he farm. They are farming near Eugenia. We wish them success. Mr. Murphy ran a barber shop here for the past two years and is greatly missed in that capacity. Mr. and Mrs Matthew B. Cnuron entertained a number of their friends one evening last week. The ladies of Fever-iham and vicinity euteitaineJ the Sunday school .scholars at the home uf the superintendent, Mrs. Henry .Mexauder, on Friday evtning. An enjoyable evening was spent with music aad games. Diedâ€" At his home on the 12th lint, on Thursday, April 20, William Mullen, sr. The Methodist people uf Fever?liam appaw(<benl intend having a tup[>er and eoaiBkiiiilietit on Juae 'i. Particulars lalsr. Ceylon Chat Miss Bella .McKenzie was very kindly remembered on Easter Sunday by the gift of .» beautiful pot uf Easter lilies from the ladies uf Chalmers church, to whom she is very grateful. Mies .\gnes McPhail, ^teacher near Hornings Mills, is .spending. Kaater week with her parents. Pts. J. J I'at'ison, James McMullen, Will Radley, W. Armsliong, Hunter Harrow visited at their respeclive huiues. Mrs. Bennet and dau>;hter, Mildred, spent Easier with M^ukdale fiieuds. Mr. and Mi-;. S. Grittin of Toronto spent E.^tcr at W. White's. Mrs. McPhatter returned Thut.sday to her home in Owen Scuud. John Chiali-tt, Glenelg, is visiting his brother here. Mrs. Luke Bowers of Glenelg is visit- ing his t'iiter, ^Ir3. J. Corrig'ni. (ieorgo Stuait and W. Gibson cif Parry Sound spent Easter here. Mr. and Mis. Young of Toronto spent Easter at J. Radley s. Miss Elbe Chislelt of Tirunto ia a guest of Miss Ella Wliittaker. Miss Elsie Wrii,'ht is an Easter visitor at R. P. Legate's. J- W. Cushnie and Master Cecil of Toronto are guests at R. Cook's. Mr. White, sr, Dundalk, and Mrs. Will White, went tu Owen Sound on Monday. Victoria Corners Portlaw f left on y^ Mrs. J. F. Acheson and her sister Mrs. Coinpbell of Angu.s, visited their father Mr. Ed. Kutherford last Monday. %. Maxwell Valuable jewellery, belenging to a New York lady, was recently .sent to » iayudry in a pillow case. Inttead of following her usual custom of locking her jewels in a closet, she hid them iu a pillow case in her apartnnent, aud a maid sent them to thejauudry. $5000 worth were recovered from the laundry, but there are still some aissing. His greatest ambition has almost been realized by a man of Farmersville, Tex. He has only to increase his girth another inch to have the same circumsfsreuce as altitude. Us is six feet two inches tall, and <i$l inclna aroiind his chest and 73 inchM around th* waist. The maple sugar .season is over ones more. A number of syrup makers are real sorry. Pts. Fred Long and H. Morrison spent the week end .it parental homes. Mi.s.s Mao and Pearl Whiteoak uf b^eversham, spent Sunday with their sister, Mrs. Chester Long, Miss Prentice from Collingwuod, ia visiting with her sister, Mi's. (Rev.) Tiller. Mrs. S. J. McCallum spent he Easter holidays , in Toronto visiting relatives. Miss Jhisholm departed Thursday for Toronto, where she wilLspend her Eastor and then return to Chalsworth, her parental home. Wedding bells are ringing iu this ncighberhood. Pte. C. W. Field of 78th BattalibB who has been training at Winnipeg, visited in this vicinity for a few days last week ou his way to Halifax. His batliilion is now on its way to England. > The Brijmi Goveruaaent has awarded a contract for 600.000,000 1-lb. cans uf beef stew for use as army rations to the Imperinl Canneries, Ltd., Montreal. The valve is placed at $91,000,000, and the contract will ..bo distributed amongst Canadian and Uuited Stijites tirms. This contract means about. 3OO,000,C(^O lbs. of beef, 1,600,000 bagt of rice and millioiifi of lbs. of while beans,ciyrrots and onions. And if each British soldier Hot one tin » daytheorder Would just last lilt l>,U«)0,0(iO men about three monthsv it costs some* thing to feed an army. â€" Uuatdiau. The recent heavy raius are making seeding somewhat tardy, but it is encour- aging to hear the ploughman's voice in the held calling " Go along there, Charley. ' Fall wheat and clover appear to have stood the winter well and are donuing a healthy emerald hue. The home of Mi. and .Mrs. Kred 'aylor was invaded one evening recently a company of forty or fifty of their y.mug friends from Warebam ami Hatli- ert 'u, who presented them wjth a mis- cellaneous shower of household utensils. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wyatt have taken op their residence on the .Anderson farm. The service on Sund*y in Mount Zion church was very interesting and instriic- L^M. The Easter story was told in reci- Wlon and sung by the Lily clo-ss of nine gi^ and boys. The pastor preached a tifiiB^ sermon on the Ueauitection. Pte. Luiiiley uf the Bruce battalion visited with hi.-- sister, Mrs. L. Badgeiow, M iss McKay is spending her holiday s at her home in Owen Sound. Misses Pearl Watson and Viola Corn- field of Toronto brought gladness to friends by spending Enstertide at their parental h bines. W. H. McNally has made arrtnge- menl.s to worit Mr. Shei wood's farm iu c mnectiun with is hown. The Red Cross Society met on Wed- nesday last at Mrs. W. 11. Little's. The next meeting will be held at the home of the Misses McMillen, Centre Line. Mrs. Francis Shire is recovering from a serious attack of illness. Hiss Bertha Abbot ot Hauorur is spending holidays with her si.sler, Mrs. D. Wideman. ATTRACTIVE DINING CAR SERVICE Probably nothing helps more to uiAe a railway journey really enjoyable than a visit to the "Dining Car," especially if it be a Canadian Pacific Dining Car, where the passenger is assured uf the highest form of ethciency in the culinary art, the choicest provisions the market afford «, prepared on the scientific princi|||B knonn as " Dietetic Blending. ' Your favorite Talk about doing year bir. We hive just been hearing of somu hens which have dune ihe:i bit towards contributing to Easter. One owner claims to have 00 hens, eiigs gathered regularly, getting • m the average 4:1 eggs a day, and one dny got 70. Wonder if he'd acll a few stittings uf those egvs ' Miss Marjory .\cheaon <«f Proton Sta- tion is viaiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Moore. Miss Louie Corbett of Toronto Normal is visiting het aunt, Mr* .las. Lockhait. Mrs Buhner of Flealmtou is visiting at Mr. W Heard s. School closed for Easter holidays with an enlettainment in the afternoon. Ini.stioge ">'"-"i' 'i|l|y "iTT â- •"â- [â- -â€"â- â- â€" leister service, vtn yo||pg gtrU dressed iu white and wiiii Kitslcr lilies tunned theohoir. There was also an Easter address by .Vlex. Irwin .iiid Eiisti'i- reii- tstiuns l)y Mina Heard and Marjoiie .Vcheson . Xiter the splendid sermon, a very vivid desniption of that first Erister nearly nineteen liundfBd years ago, and proof of Chrietik death and ressurcctioii. dolivered by Mr. Madden. Messrs Oscar Patterson, Ord and Oliver Cornet united with the membership of tile church. Mr. Ord Ci.rnett was home from Owen Sjund for Easier. Inistiugt) Sunday schotd annual meet - iug and Epwor'h League annual meeting will Iw held on Wednesday, April 2K, in the chutch. Vandeleur Happenings Air. ai.d Mrs. Ben Buchanan of To- ronto, and Pte. S. Buchvnan of Owen Sound spent Easter with friends here. Mr. and Mis. Bal. .\bercronibie of Wodehouse were visitors at G , Pritch- ard s the beginning of the week. Mrs Mitchell of Toronto is the guest of Mrs. J. M. Davis. Miss Jean Wright of Harbord collegi- ate, Turunto, is spsnding the holidays at the parental home. Mrs. Uurnick of Syracuse, N.Y., who spent the past three months with her sisier-iu law, Mr«. J. M. Ddvi.i, rsturned home last week. Her niece. Miss Fler- ence Davit, accompanied her. Mr. Ualculm McQuaig of Cuckbuin island is renewing «ci|uaintanoes here. Mr. and Mrs. Albert McNally of Haywards Kails spent the week end with the Utier's parents, Mr. John Warling. and Mrs. NEWS I FLESHERTON Don't fail to read. You all know that P. Stelr.hart buys up a little of every- thing and pays top price lor everything. Please to ring up Steiuhart, Markdale 87, fur poultry alive 13 to 13c per pound' hides, skins, wool, horsehair ;t0c, rubber^ rto, rags 2e, and u^), copper, brass 12c xinc 10 c, iron and lead 4 to 5 of all sorts, 1 Drop a card if you wish nie to call., dish, aa you.lik« it, mmf- be enjoyed at jj^g't mistake name- rea.s()nableco8t,amid8t ideal surroundings, ry ^T F^l MH A l?T while travelling oa the Cauadian Pscifi« â- • *^ ' Cli^ 1 IrVIV â- Bates Burial Co. J. W. Bates, R. Maddock, Prasidiiii. Manager. Funera' Di eet >i» »nd Embalmeni â- 124 Avenue Road.Toronto Telephone Hillcrest?26 8 M'>l»ir J-'Miieral Cars and Lini' UFiues t<) Cttuiti-ry at kaiaei-usc. as Hors*- 'Iruwii vehicles^ 1 auj: e we A Splendid Stockf from which may readily A Satisfact lection. W ry Photo Su W. A Arms DR. BURT ^pciallst in di!»t_as<--s uf 'vb« Eye, Ear, Nose and Throaty OFFICE â€" 1;!0 lOlh. St, West, Owen Sound j At the Rijvere house, Markdide, 2nd ; Thursday each niontli from 8 t») a 12a. m , FLESHERTON DunilHlk.ls Wednesday of each mouth . Jeweler •>&.Mk:Sk£'^ •'â- '.'' •»"â- • •*"- >»It -^'<' ^ •»"• •*<*• â- »'«• vM*. .}'«• •>«. â- i<f' -»t«. â- »<. -lU. -n^^^ .»•<.; LOOK-We S jL Timoiuy seeil â€" Mauimotb â€" Common Red â€" Alsike ^ Sweet Clover â€" .\lfalfaâ€" tJrchard grassâ€" \'etchesâ€" Peas â€" Oats' w Wl'eatâ€" Barley â€" buckwheat â€" Fla.\ aud Foimaliu to ueat fff your seed with. FLOUR Five llosc â€" Kojal Householdâ€" Ptirity â€" Eclipseâ€" Pastry. # # FEED ^ Branâ€" Shorts â€"Feed Floiiiâ€" < lat and Darley Chop-Calf Meal tp ' • Liusead Mtal- -Oil Cake. W Coming in a few Days ^ 1g W Coru-Maugles-Sugar Beei-bngar Maiigles-v. arrois-'Ult'Biptf-Rfiiic iP Millett- Hungarian (jrass. Yoli make no mistake when vou lirop in at iW. BUSKIN^ â- ^ , i FOR THE PEOPLE ^ WHO WEAR BOOTS ,: \Vo have them in Men s Box Calt, Kiil ami P-itents. Also somo good linos in Plough Boots. LADIES' WEAR We have them in Button with Cloth uml Leather Tops. Patent Vanip.-^. Light ami heavy boys and girl.^. suitable for the season. Trunks, Telescopes, Suitcases. Agent for the Dominion Express Co. money orders. Thos. Clayton's FLESHERTON J A I Fleshe^ton Furniture Ware rooms MAKE HOME .ATTRACTIVE with Furniture selected fiom| our" stock. Every day we are adding new designs iu FURNITURE thai are nia'vels of beauty, oi" streugth aud of skill WitJi spo* ^ cash we made good terms with tlie uiauufactiuer. Keen buyers will notice the diiTerence iu our prioei» when they see'our maguiticent ar- ray of bargains. This week we; are showing Many handsome Jesigus iu our uew SPRING STOCK that are pleasibK to the pocket as well as the eyt. UNDE.KTAKINtjâ€" -We cany a complete line of caskets and robes, AH work guaranteed. Phone 17-Rl JoHn Chapman Successor to W. H. Bunt m -^ "A^ p^'^ii