Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 20 Apr 1916, p. 1

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/leslj^rtuti %hmnce. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN. ?0l 35 No. oO Flestierton, Ont., Tliursciay, April 20 191G W. H THURSTON ^°"°" and FRO Eugenia Paragraphs Spriiip! plowing has commence J. Master Nelson Evans bfts goje to Owen Souuil to juiii his parents (here. Ho spent ihe winter wilh Mr. U. Pl.intt. Miss Hazel Stujirt i f Kimberley is the guest of Mrs. McMull ii. MiH. S. hoy visited with her mother, Mr3. PHrliaiiient of s^h line, the past week. Mr. and Mr*. T. Genoe, Ceylon, were the guests of the's pitreiit.s here recently. Mrs. F. T. Cair h-T* refurned horue after spouding a cuuj le of wet-ks with Mrs. W. Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood P.ulridjje of R'.ck Mills, w«re the guests of Mrs. Kobt. Campbell lecently. Mr. and Mrs. Wiliuer Turser had tneir son, Gordon, baptized hy their pastor. Rev. McVicar, on W-ednesday bvening l«st. We UM sotry to learn of Mr. Gold- hawk's removal to Seafi>rtfc, as he was faithfifl'to his duties towards the staff of life. We had a chII from one of the iomatea of the House of Refuiie on Friday last. He escaped in the uight aud waudured to lEuKeiiia. Word was phoned to Ift. Sinclair and he drovit -over and took the p^iicleinan back. Ceyloo Chat Mrs. Wilsor and Mrs. McPh^tter of Owen Saund aiteaded th^ funeral of Mrs. McArthur or Wednesdar of this week. Pte. Thus. McArthur of ()««n "Sound wa.s called home Wednesaay to the bed- side of hismothec, who paased away the same eveniux. Mrs. Grittin of Toronto is visiting her daughter, .tfrs. W. While. Murray Legate of Torotito Norm*] Kchool is holidaying at home, Mr. Hunter'(<£ Ma'kdt^ ahus -a gue« of Mr. Grirtin the of the week. Miss Lily MePhail, wh < lua I ecn attending Normal in spending K«ter VHcation at home. Edgely Hazard Durham. left Tuesday for The Misses Wikock of Toron'o are T. siting with their uncle.'Mr. W. Mead.s. Miss Mclia of Toronto lij vi.sitiug her brothel hcr>!. Mrf. A. C. McDoimld is visitius htr parents, Mr. nnd Mm. "F, Cairns. Heathcote Mrs Stuart of Croemore who has been visiting nith hcr^au{{>TteJ'ftIis. K. $ewel returned homo on Monday. Bornâ€" .\t Heathcote on Friday, Ajjr. 7 H»lt>, to Mr, and Mr«. HanlULVickers, A daughter. We are Eony to repot't tlutt Mrs. .John [Vales iir , is ill and -we boiiie fur her np«ody recovoty. Wedding bells are rii)gi«g. Mrs. Thomas Soweil is visiting; with her m.ither, Mrs. Stuart of Creeirore. Mrs. John Dales Jr. «f Red way, is visiting with friends here. Miss iDi'll Aberciombie of Kiuiberl«y is visiting with her cousin. .Miss Elda Rorke. The Bei»ver Valley Municipal Tele- phone Co. l«''d a inoetin<j; in the village ,h'»ll on Monday afternoon. Kimberley Budget A very hpavy electiic .stornn passed over our bur^ Monday cvpn.'ng list Mrs. W. T. Ellis is at present visiting with her son, Victor, at BrantfoiJ. Mr. .John Uhtrry, who purchased Gee, Hutchinson s farm at the deviation north of the villaijc, moved his household etfec's on Monday. Dave-Thompson of Dundalk is visilii'!; with his sistiT, Mrs. John Plewes. J.Stafi'ord of Markdale, visited recently at Joe Cornfield's. The pastor, Rev. Marshitll. prejiched an excellent East«r diicoucse on Sunday inorninir. Pnviitc HulchineoD of Wodebuuse w^is a pleasant caller at J. R. Fawcett g one day last week, Singhampion <.iuite a number of the villagers attend- ed the tatty pull given by Mr. Ewin: on Thursday, Gh. Although the weal her was not very pleasant, the afternoon was enjiiyed by all. Bornâ€" To Mr. and Mrs. M Murphy on March 20, a dauithter. A number from here attentlod Ihr funeral »t Feverbhaiu of Mrs. Uuwes oti March 25. The symisthy of all is extended to the family of ihe late Miss 'L.Sheard, whcse death occurred on April 1. Miss J. Morton of Totonio is visitinit with friends in this neighborhood Ri>))ert Maxwell appeared before P. M. Mackay »t Creeniore charged with rioIatin.{ the Ontario Li'iuor Act on four occasions. He pleaded guilty to the tirst charge and was tined iiioO and 1^1 j 50 cust.s, the other three cbM^^es beii.g withdrawn. The way of the ivaaigres- sor is hard. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. T. Scott, whose niairiay« "ti'ok place at Duutroon on March 29. J. Algeu's sale on April 1 was Tery successful. ()wiD«r t-o Miss .Alueo being III Toronto Mr. ThoHias McConnell had charge. Mr. Wui. IwKilttng made a splendid auctioneer. (^>uite a number of t«milie8 around here have been suti'ering wilh the measles but at the time uf writing «ll are lecov- erini; nicely. Wm. Taylor and familyihave moved to the house fnmerly uccupiud by the late Susan Taylor. All are glod to see Mr. John Taylor home >'.;;ain after his remn'. lilne's in Collingwood. â€" Bulletin. Victoria Comers Pricevilie Jottings Held over last week. The cj!d weather of lute has alljwed the spring freshet to go down the Sau- geen gradunlly, eo there it no dan^'er of the mill daioa or bridges being damaged thus year. There has been a number of changes of residence, and also ownership of property, around the village this spring, A. McDougall of north- east Egrvmont, rented his farm and has moved to the Cioss Home 'n Tosrn Line street, and James McDuugal has purchased tht McLacblan property at the old cemetery corner ; Mr. and Mrs. F. Frook of the 19th Proton, have mo>-ed to the farm purchased frf'tn T. .A. Ferguson on the east side of the villuge and ih<s later has moved to ihe Scott house near the new bridge, and we he^r uf others coniinii to the village in the near future. A great i|uantiiy of chop Ins been coming tv'. the mill here and the sawmill had to Jo ci!nsider*l'le work at night. Th« friceville Agricultural S<)ciety is olfeiini< S75 in seven prizes for the seven best rtulds of white oats. Five acres coB.titute.'i a licld. Persons wishing to compete for thise liberal ^Jrizes had better send in their names vf T.A.M. Feigus'>n, tli3 seciet iiy, anJ f'ley will be supplied with entry forms Mid any (ther information re-iuired, AU entries should be in by May 24. The I'oard of Direc- tors htve authorized a competition as follows : The two members of the above .SLiciety who baud in the largest amount of cash to the Secretary from the sale of tickets, donations, cash special piizes, etc., will be sent as dalegates to Bhe Fairs convention next winter, and iheir expenses paid. No* i»et busy Many Horses, Cattle Burned Mrs. Milton Baunon has been on the gripjie list, but is iuiproviiij;. Wo are plea.sBd to report that Mrs. W, Gallagher is able to be up and around a little ai;atn. Chas. Moore ha.s been on tiie-siak list. James Lockbart has purchased a piano. Mrs. John Corbett gave a ijuiUiu^ to a few neighbors on Monday. Rev. Madden is able to i«^umc his niinisterlil duties. Dundalk Tho measles epidemic is still inifadins the homos whera there are little folks and some of Hi!', older ours are als> BtrioUvji. Miss Wibiiier, teaolier i f li.e primary form in the Public School, feel- ing sick «ent to her home at Port Elviu. It U leariwod that nionsles has devel ptd. Gnr. Don Gillies ol the R. C. H. A., arrived from Kingston camp on Monday for a farewell x isit at the old homl^ in Proton befi'i'o jjiing overseas. Don Ins been in a>ii;ii:il oorp.-i of lati^ under in- atructiais uiid I ad piomito of t'lieo â- tripes veiyso<n but he was si keen to j House of Refuge The House of Refuge Committee, coii.- prisiny Warden drdinnly. Reeve Dobie of 4<ullivau and Reeve McTavisli ivf Fle«hatton,iiiel and inspected the Couuty House of tiefuge on Wodnesduy las'. The Tondws tor supplies were opened resulting in the fedlowing awards : Giooeries J. Oe W. Hnyd ; Meat â€" H.isUm ifi: J^Jinson : Bread â€" Hinder \' England ; C-calâ€" R. English. After auditing the accounts and ijeneiiil- ly inspectini; the!i, the couiiniitee expressed noreial salisfaclion with the conditio;; ofatfiirs. Theie are now .w Card of TKnnlca it iiiates.--Standard.. We wish lo extend to the nriny friends and ac<i«HintaiiC08 our deepest thanks for their iiumcuuis acts of kiiidnesis and Pro'iab'y nothiin helps more to make -"ympalliy during tho recent illiie.«s and a railway journey teiil'y enjoyable I h-in a death of luv dikuisbtor and sister. Miry Olark, of Fevorshim fclio^l, »h> passed ATTRACTIVE DINING CAR SERVICE Fuui vtlu-tlde horses twenty live head of cattle, tifteeii pi^s and a lar^e number of heius wer» burned to death in a tire which destroyed the uiamriiolh barn of Mr. Alex. Mclutyre on the 'Jih cooces- 8 on of Brant about three o'clock on Tuesday luoruitig. The batn which was one of the largest in the townstiip, was also well tilled with implements, inclul- ing a pnrtable steam threshing engine, together with some ItiOO bushels of grain and a lar^te crop •>( luy and s'raw, all of which were des'ixiyed in the conHavratioii. t>f the entire contents. .f')Ur hoises iiid seven cows were aloue saved. The origin of the hie, which it si^posed to have .stirted in the straw mow, is a mystery, as no lantern had been .nuar the barn that night, the owner haviiij; been away all eveiiii'y attending a i'mniers' Club meeting along with the retii of neighbors, and on returning about luidn ght bad sti»ghtway retired. He was awakened about three o'clock by « glare i>n his window, and lo.<king out ^.tiscovered his barn in tl.iMies. His sister, who resides with him, suinnuaied the neighbors by telephone, while Mr. Mclutyre rushed to the rescue of bis sinek. Wtil« loosening the horses, he wa.* kicked by one of them on the thigh, and knocked to ^the floor, while seveial of the animak passed over him. Luckily be was able to grope his way out, for before help arrivud live part be was in was entirely envelo[)ed in tlames, and he must surely have perished in the blaze had h:s injury been such that ho couldn't have m.ade his way out unaid- ed . .\s it '.ras he wss severUy burned about the h ^ad and neck. Of the twenty, tive cattle buriud, eight of tiieiii were f^.t s.eers, which hi<d been sold and were 'o be delivered this wtek. Tne origin cf tire is shrouded in mystery, as Mr. Mc lu'yre has no enemies, and no likely reason or theory can bo advanced for it Tlvehss, which is eeliinated at fti.OOO, is putially covered jiy ?2,."i0i) iinuiaiice in tht' Faimeis' Central Mutual of W'alk- erton. â€" Biuco Herald and Times. Wode house Doings Ap-il showers cirry oflf the snow. A few ..f the farmers have commenced plowing. Mr. S aniey Wiley is home from Ve- erinary College, Toronto, till fall term. Mi.-s Pearl t reeborn of Markda'e is thejiuest of jjis. Will Woods. Mr. Jos, Lanktree of Mix-vdli, cjlled on friends here the past week. Mr. Dave Bradley is in^iged with Mr. Saiu McKuiijht for the summer months, having commercial duties the lirst of the month. Mrs. John Wiley has returned from a two weeks' visit with her daughter, Mrs. J no. Morrison, Maxwell. Mr. Will Woods had a successful wood-Lee on tjiilurdiiy afternoon. Mi,ss E.lie Wiley has returned l.^iiie fri;m Tlii)rnbury, where she has spent the past three mouths -It tho dressmak- ing art. Pte. Will Bowmen <<( (Jwen >5ound spent the week end wilh frionda here. Cousjratulations are in order to Mi. Ed. Donnelly whc wa.s successful in wiuniag the silvnr cup the second year in the Rocklyn Rifle Club. To win it one more year and the cup will bo his for all time. Ed. is captain of th:s jolly c!ub and his many friends wish him every success fur the coming year. Miss Ella klcArthur is home from nchool teaching duties with an attack of the measles, but is recovering nicely. Her mother, Mrs. J. D. .McArthur, who has been fer;ou.sly ill with neuralgia vt the nerves for some six weeks, is a(.so able to bo about ajjain. Mr. Will Carruttiers arrived recently fiom the west and loft on Monday of list week wilh bis family and household effects on the return trip to his prairie home. We wish him everythijis; i{ot>d. Roas .Mcox of Vand«leuris working at present wilh Will W«od.s. Mr. .\aron Birch btvs engagad Mu.ster Russell Moors of Beaverdale, It the sunimor. Proton Station Wilson's sawmill is asjain ia operation. On Friday eveuiusj last a larsje nuiuber of Miss Victoria Corbett's village frieBJ> assembled in her buine and pretM^uted her with a miscellaneous shower pi^vious to her marri.»«e this week. The jniefwiits were both beuutilul and useful uid <.huw h»ivv populir the ycmn^ lady is in Proton. Vickey will be greatly missed b«: we wish her and her partner in life all c'h' happiness and prosperity that this world pan alVurd. Mr. J. C. Wriijh*, is again doiii<f bu^t- ne«s ill his old store and looLs as ihoii^b he belongs there. Mr. Dalton Corbett is visitinii; his parents heio Miss Ina Achi-son of Markdale, visited hut week with her cousin, Miss Edna Acheson. Miss Louie Corbett of Toronto Nornui'. is spending the li(ilid.<ys with her grand- parents, Mr. and .Mrs. .lames Corbett. We notice the plea-sant face of Miss Gertie L/ons behind the wicket in tho post ortice. -Miss Lillian Wynll is spending a few- days with frieuiU ii; Flesherton. A number of boys in khaki called in our village on 5atiiid.iy afternoon. Mr. McF.idden has secured a situatii n in a factory in Owen Sound. Rev. Mr. F'oitiine from Chicago, prtacheil an impressive sermon in tho Piesliyterian i hurch on Sunday uveuing ill the iiiierost v( the Diniinion .Mliance. Mis. Wodeliouse visited friends in Owen Sound over Sinday. We are pleased to re| ort t!iat wo have a b'acksiiiilh in t iwn again, Mr. Walden of Markdale having r>'iitcd the eld Po!- 1 jck .stand. We hivo already heird very f ivoral le reports of his work Bates Burial Co. Jewelry J. W. Bates, P. aaiienc. R. Maddock, Manager. Fuiiera ' Bi ect irs and Kiubaimers 124 Avenue Road,Toronio Telephone Hiilcrest "26 8 M^.t-ir Kmiiral Cars and Linn tisines ^) Cemetery at >ame<iii<t as Hors*- iliawn vehicles. 1 i'i-' r>R. BURT 5pcialist in diaeasu* ol the Eye, Ear.Nose and Throat (iFFICE-l:;ii 10th sr.West.iJviei. S.>u: d At the Revere Markd.-tle. 2nd ; Thursday each m..nth from 8 lo a 12 1 m Wednesday uf each month . A Splendid Stock! from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, - ONT WC- Itf '/!«• •?!«• -ifii- â- >!<• ',fi 'nf '/iV "1^ W '/I*" tit LOOK-We Sell 'Tiuiohty seed â€" MaiuinoiLâ€" Couisiioii Red â€" Aisike â€" Wiiito •Sweet Cloverâ€" Alfalfa â€" <.)icliard grassâ€" Vetches â€" Peasâ€" Oats Wi'eat â€" Barleyâ€" I3iickwlieatâ€"Fla.\ ami Foruialiu to treat your seed with. FLOUR Five Rose â€" Rojal Householdâ€" Parityâ€" Eclipse â€" Pastry. FEED Branâ€" Short.s--Fe*d Flout- Hat and Barley Chop-Calf Meal Liusead Mtal- Oil Cato. Coming in a few Days Coriiilaugles-Sugar Beet-Sogar Maugles-Carrots-Twrnips Rape Millett-Huugariaii grass. v*'<- •i^t- 4**1. Von make no mistake when vou drop in at W. BUSKIN m :»iP 'Jif â- iU. •^i.^'i.S'' ^^i. hi- "Hi %'/(#^F%<^v|F^?'/ix^^o'^^^vi^^^}^^^'^^^^0-^^ I FOR THE PEOPLE § WHO WEAR BOOTS We luive them in Mens Box Call. Kitl aii.l Piteiit*. Also some goo^l lines in Piougb Boots. LADIES' WEAR We have them in Biitton with Cloth ami Leather Tops, I'atcnt Vamps. Li^'ht ami heavy boys ami i^iils. snital>le t'lif the season. Trunks, Telescopes, Suitcases. Agent for the Dominion Express Co money orders. Thos. Clayton's S FLESHERTON viau lo the "Dinin.' (.'a'," espoci.illy it It bo a Caiiadini raoili.? UiMm« Car. where I the pussfusor is asMUid â-  f iht" liijthest j f.iim I'f elticiencv io the culinary art, the j Toiout ' choicest plotiaiona t! e inarko: atl'iuU, NEWS I FLESHERTON away on April oth.-Mr. and Mis. J. If . ' I Clark and Family, .''(12 Huron .otreet. Out. Diiu't fail to read. You ail know that V. iSleii.liait buys up a lilllo of evcrv- thiiiy iind I'liys top piice lor rveiythini; to rin:^ up isioinhart, M.iikdal.', S7, f'.r pooliiy alive 115 to Vic per ponnl. hide-, skii s. W"(d, horsehaTr.Oc, luhVers , ,â- â€¢..! »• IT, a.. .„ I"'- r^ws 2i-, and ir,\ ci>iii)r. bta-ss. 12\ lofiet nearer the front tlwt ho diopped | pr< pared on tho scionlihj priu-'tpe kno.y" >orui«n J. Rcaunu-. St.. h si.n of Hon | ^j„„ ^^)^^ uvn and load 1 to 5 of all son.-. hi.-t chances <(â-  Bijvr's honors when the i ft'' " Dietetic iUeudinj^." Your favorite j Dr. J. O.Rcaumo.was tikoi; into custody J Dioj. a cml \f you wish me to ciil. oppntuuiiy cune lo him I'f uettiua into di-li, as you like it, iiny ho enjoye I at : at Windhor on a chaijje of iiinhiotf a fog- 1 Coi't mist iko niiiu a draft of 100 nun from Kin.;3'i.'n lo'W- ; re;vsotii»Wec>'st,amid<t idoil sutrounlints, ed chcquo for .:<2,>, which hs" nUejjid was Flesherton Furniture Warerooms M.AKE HOME .\TTR.\CTIVE with Furniture stdtcud frciu, cur stcck. Every day we are a(?diiig new tle.--i:^DS in FURNITURE tluit mc mu'vtls ol' beaiitv, ol stieiitjtli andof skill With spot cash we made giioti terms with the iHHunl'acttu-or. Keen buyers will notice the differi'iice in our prices wheu they see our nia«uiticent ai- iiiy of bBigaiiis. Tliis week wo 010 showinu iug for £ir;{lau I sj->ii. -tloriUI. w'liJti tr/iYpJIina 9fl 'jje C:«nAdinn P.titie ' j^ued Vy his f f Ij>'r Many Iiiiidtoiue f'esi^us ill o it uew SPRING SIOCK that are pleasirg toUie prckct .is well as the eyt-. UNDI'.RTAKING---- We ean-y a. complete line of ciskets ami fob's. All work I'vuirantept'. Phone 17-R» P, 5TF:IN HART John Chapman Successor to W. H. Bunt ""^, A . :£jst^^sssL^.

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