July 20 101 i niE K L E S H E JON ADVANCE r* ^ V H Km /lcQl)crtoii vlDuancc Military Camp at the Exhibition An iiii4«(H>ndent newa|>ft|xT, piibliahed every Tii'ir»d»y at th*" oHice, C<illin(fwi>od Street, i Kl ;aberton. Subscription price $1 pri annuiii ! «'h<m lUkidinadviince ;S1.50 when not >o p'Aid | A'lvertiHimr rate* on application. Circnlation I.IOO HTekly M U. Thiiraton> Kdltor Every branch of war activity to be vividly portrayed at Toronto Fair FlesKerton Methodist Church Rev. James Dudijeon, ptstor. Communion Service at 10.301 Every bruiicli 'jf war :kclivity to lie seen in Kur 'pe to-d»y will be vividly [«)i- tiayed a( tlie Canadian Nittiunal Exiiibi- tiot«, Toronlci. Aeroplanes will land »l the Military Cnnip after taking obscr- vatioiiK in niiJ-aii ; minitture buttle^slups twill be bloaii up in the lake ; there will Tuesday evening Epworlh League at i |,e bridge and sheltered trench huildiog, P- â- "• lariiiorei cars, huspital autos, field am- Mirk Everel;«j Wright cl oir leader and ; ba'anoes with stretcher bearer sections. Org^niK. _ 'Held bakeries .lud cookeriet, aniDiunition -. _- [coluini's, bomb throwers, niijoal corps, THE ENTRANCE EXAMS. olwi-rvaiion masts, etc. The Camp vill be iKJCupied by several hundred utticci's and men now trainii <; for uvertets »>er- At time of wiitiiij,'. llio oewspapeis i^i^e at Silvan and o her cimpa for tht of tilts county bave not been atitlior- ized to publieli tlie I'esiiU of the En- traoeecxaminaiioi), aitliuugli tlie te- salts in otlier couuliea were pnblisbetl one und two week.'? ago. We want an explanatiun of the delay, aui ll • public want an explanation aud are entitled to it. TLere appeals to be soniitliing wrong about tbe regulations, or ibe officials, when a delay of this kind 13 possible. There i.s an examiniog board foi eacl. in:<pectoiate, consist- infantry, cavalry and artillery unit«. How to Help a Town hs hat The null »ho hvs the we'f*te of town at heart should remember level'heiwled pritc'ical business men corn- ply in a cole of w iris wh ch are ca'li-d tu niind by the following cuoib dropfied by Horace Ureely in an »d(iie«s delivered in an ambitious western town : Older your ojooda from New York. Buy of peddlars as often as p. ssible. Lower School Exani$. The result of the Lower School exain- ination.s WH!i pj) lished in last Friday's papei'N. In the whole county of Grey only four pupils took honors. Flc^hertun school made ati excellent showing, pass- ing eighteen out of tweuty-two who wrote. The suicestful pupils cf the Flesherton school arc as follows : A Achesoii A Guudin W Harri.iDii I Laidlaw C Lever H McLean F Parliauunt R Sharp (arilli) G White L Dudgecn (arith) A Hamilton (aiith) K Karstedt (arith) M Lejiate D MacMiUau L Muir W Pattiaon S K Smart (art) D WiUou Go I') sime other place to jjet your job iog of three (lualilicd teacher.", who ||,jj,j,j^„ j^,,,, i-ead and mark the papers. Itiij Contribute what news you li»ve> any simply the names of successful pitpi s i ut home |.i per*. that are submitted to liie Department I Glory in the downf»ll of some mio for endorsatioii â€" or something;. Ti c | |>apersdo not have to be gnbmilted.' Just why the Depaitineut should lio'd these names for four or five week? . before releisinj} them fjr publicttiou 13 what we want to find out. If some of il;e happy-go lucky of fi.-ials looking after tiiese matters were obliged to answer torty or fifty telephone calls evety day fjr a fort- Explosion at Oriliia Or Ilia, July KS â€" t)ne gir'.Miss Myrtle Beach, lost her iifH,aiid i«o lueu, George Fra.iur and a man iianied Tre<;a/. •, received severe injuiiis in the hie which followed a heavy eipliraiuii of "asolinis aid coiii- plrtely dcstiojed WjUer's g-irajje ht-re today. The .ou break followed the fili'nu of ttie Ka^ tanks underneath tbe building aud completely u'lecked th'; whole pr<>p- erty,dee'.ro}in^ a.s well iha tifteen inutor- CHis in the ga age a' the tune. Veiy little damat^u was done to the adjoinin? lutldin;;s. Geo. Walker, oue of the propriitoir, was the only one on th« pieniises who succeeded in escaping. R H. W. HICKUNG FLESHERTON ONTARIO. GROCERY SPECIAL NEW BULK TEAS AT OLD PRICES Anticipating the recent advance in all kinds of teas, we piirclia.sed an extra .<*upply of bulk teas â€" 151ack.s and (Jrecns â€" early in the season and can otier special values. JAPAN TEASâ€" 2-'c.. nCc. 35c.. 40c., and 50c. CEYLON TEAS-30C. and 40c. 'I'liese teas are really worth today from 5c. to lOc. per pound more than we ask for then). Lay in a supply and save money. Butterick's Fashion Publications The Delineator on Sale Butterick Patterns. The Business Man On His Western Trip who ha* d> ne much to I ui'd up the town. Patioii'ze out ''f town exclusion of y lur o»r. pi<[>ers to the and denounce I hem f 'r not Iwing a» hitif and aa cheap as ti'y p'pT<. Attend the servicei of some minister w'lo lives in a bitfger town nod has a big9er iJilary and lot the homo preacher live on sawdust and fine needles. It's ftshionaMe. you know. night they would at least know what ; â- , a: 1 1 J. n Theninieof Campbell U f.iniiliat in the newspaper offices have Lad to put* .,,.,... ., . , fhe rejordu of i-ii.i'ary hi-romn, says tlie np Wf.h this year. Vancouver N'e*s-.\dvertis.-r. but Lieut. Will the inspector for East Giey c in. pbell of Western Oiuaiio, who was kindly rise in hi.' place and give U« woun led while supportinij a machine gun Cannot alTord to leave out the cities that handle the crop, Fott Willian and Port Arthur. Take the Canadian Pacific route to WiliiiipeB, the w^y the business tiavels. Diiy service, ob»eiv»tion and dining cir^, electiic Ighted iquipinent. Dcuble tracks more timn half the dis- t.»nc'. Com'ort, sc ni-ry an I one man a^-einent all the w.iy. Dietetic b'.ended nienls, the itc entific comliination of food for tra\eller«. P.iiticulirs fr mi Canad- ian Pacific ticket a;en8s. Sugar for Preserving Wallaceburg St. Lawrence Red path Lantic Choose Your Favorite Brand And Leave Your Order To- Day Jem Jars, Jar Kubbers, Parowax, Preserving Kettles ^ au explanation NOTES on hi* haok so that the corporal cculd.fire it into an eiililad'ng hostile f itce.deserfeK a place ill the honor roll, Lieut. Canip- twU's honie is in Mt. Fo.est. The Eutei prise says "Culling wood | meeds indastrie.-J and needs them i liadly." Granted. Automobili.fls I travelling through that town this , sumtncr have noticed that they need- ed something', and we take it for ^raited that the Knterpritie knows , vrhai'^ wanted. In the meantime the take i.s out for five dollar bills. I All autoins will hope tlity may soon | ^«t their industries. I H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT TAILOR Feversham - Ont. Fashionable Tailoring Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. -ALSO- A line of Ready-Made Clothing Fall Fairs. Hie followia.! are tie dates of tte fill faira thisyetr in >Im vicinity of Flesherton. Chatsworth Sept. IG-IT Chesley Sept. Ui 17 Collingwood Sept. 22-25 Uesboro Sept. 2:^-24 Durham Sept. 2:r-'J4 FLESIIEUTON Sept. 182!> Hanover Sept. 10 17 Maikdale Oct. 12-1:! Walkerton Sept. 14-1.'> Dundalk Oct. 7-.'; Meaford Sept. :!0,(>ct. 1 Owen Sound Oct. 5, *i, 7 Priceville Oct. 7 « Uocklyn • Oct. H Dr. J. Ralph Smith ^f^^ OSTEOPATH I office and Residence- 468 9th St. East' Owen Sound, Ont. j Hoursâ€" 9 to 12 a.m., 1.30 to 4.30 p.m. o 8 p.m. Other hours by appointment, j Dr. R. F. Enifliah #ill l>e in Flesherton on Tuesday and FriJay afternoouf of each week. The Old Adage ITa Business SchooMi! That successful school whose graduatei occupy prominent po- sitions from the Ailant.c lo the Picific, re-opens for the FALL TERM September 1st, 1914 Send for free catalog at once to COLLINGWOOD BUSINESS COLLEGE T. E. Hawkins. - Principal â- i Collingwood, Ontario. jlj The Proof of the Pudding ii is the Eating The same is equallv true of the 1900 Gravity Washer. Try t^ine antl be convinced that there is none better. Cm Where Cows Give No Milk Which we put alterations in sharite, if required. free of Isep Aarric'tns who travel through llio in- : â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" ^â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" • tenor ol Chin I i^'eatly ini(-s "Cow.s' milk 'â€" - > 1 • â- 1 rtt C -And her butter," a/i a Japanese siun puts y OteFS LlSly 1 «/ 1 9 it. The people of the Orient use little ' _ â- of either. Maies' milk is sold to invalids | -at a hi)(h price because the Chinete bt - Village of Flesherton lieve that It is a "ource if j^ieat bodily Ktiength. liut ihe natives use co»s sole- ly for draft purposes, and, having earn- ed her living frr years in this manner, (Kjssy siands upon her dignity when Amer'csna demand milk of her. To her <iffspring she will nwe \>, but notio man, if by any posaibiluy she can avoid in. With three coolies to h.)ld the little V iw and ano'her to hold the call, hir owner succeeds in getting ^ cupful once ilia ahile, but the itiu'.'gluis too rx- liaufit'nK to be kept up every day, and he •oon tells the co*. In Japan thc-e are i owa few .\iner'c>n- brad cattle, owned by foieiiinerx, that II ake t'lenai'e c iws !ook like aoats. â- One of these lows w.is iinpi rted into Korea by a niitslonary, but he had <lith- culty in ge'.ting hs coolie to tend the' beast. The servant was fresh from hit country home, where he had heard little and seen less . tif took the cow for an «lephant, and fled before her. In Korea the little native cow is a petted darling that has been indulged to such an extent that, incredible as it seems, she refuses to eat (iraas unless it has !>uon boiled. It is not unu.iiial in very cold weather to nee a pet cow clothed in a thick, waini Notice is hereby ({iven that I hhve transmitted or deliveied lo the persons iiieiuioned in section 9, of the Ocit«rio Voters' Li«ts Act, the copies re(|Uir. d by said i>pction to be so transmitted or de- livered, of the list, made in puisuaiicu of the fta'd Act, of all persn s api'eariiig by the last revised Assessment Koll of the »aid Munici|ialily to I.e entil'ed to \ote in the said Municipali'y i.t Klectioiis f.ir Members of th» liKgicUtive Aaseni'ily an I Municipal Electiois ; i.inl that the sa'd ll Ht was first posted up in my othce on the 24lh day ot .July, MM 5, mid rc- u aiii.s tlieie for inspectin:i. And I hereby cill up< 11 all Volors to t.ike iinniedi.-»te pri'ceediii^s to have fcny errors or oni'8>.ions cirrected accoiding In la v. ' W. ,). BELLAMY, S Villa^o Clerk. Dated this2tl h July, lt)13. MAIL CONTRACT Skai.ko tkniikrh addressed to the Vwt ' master Oeneral, will be received ai , .. .. . ,, t .1 £ 1 I Ottawa until noon, oil Friday, the .'{tVh blanket, while the children of the famly j^,^ ^,^^.^ f,,^ ^,^^ conveyance of Hi. «liiter in their cotton (Jsrinenli and j Mdjenty's iVlnilson a prop' sed Contnct for four years six time.s per week each way over i*in«hampton (via Dunt-ooii) and Rural Mail Route from the Postiiiasttr Oen- eral's Pleasuie. Print- d notio's containing furtlim informaiion as to c iiiditions of propos d C' niraci, may be seen and blank foiins of T' inler may ho oblained 'it the f'ost OPik-es of 8in'/lnniiito.i, Dun'roon, and at the OtJica of the I'cst Otfico fiisjieclor nt Toronto. P,«t Ottioe Inspootor's Office, Toronto, June 14lh, 1915. A. SUTHERLAND Post f tftiie Ii speclor in their cotton «ifteii very few of them.â€" t'ouths' Coni- es iiiim. All unusual fish was taken froui a night lino ^et out by Mr. Allan Ij-sbe in the bay in front of their cot'age on Tuesday. The unusual pisca'ori'd tpeci- «nen was about Ihe size of an ordinary trout, but it was almost pure whito and fiad aflat shaped head. It create! coi . •idarahle interest among Ihe shore c it- tftgara none of wlioin leoogniieed it as belonging to any species known to them. â€" Times. Cement Work Wanted The undersinneil is prepared to do i-ibi building and Concrete woik. Ha'e bad thirteen yeais experience and feel ihnt I can give entire firiifaction. Have steel forms for silo and ai| o I'fit ntces ary for all kinds of cement w.uk. Can diso attend to carpenti r w.ik. THOS. BENTHAM, 1 July FleahertoM. Attempts have been ni'tde rec n>ly to do th.i burglar act at seveial place.'i in town. First McKsy's bhcksmith fh'p WHS entered »nd the safe opened, but ili>3 would-be thieves didn't get anylbing f r their trouble. At Oilpin's barber shop a box of cigars was secured. This week .in attempt was iiiide to enter the store if the Norton Fisher Co., but the maraud- ers Were feared oft' before they ac-'oiii.i- lished anything:. It is evident that no- thing short ot the jiil or reforiuatoiy will sa isfy them.â€" Shelhurne Econo- niiiit. Frank Douva I of Shelburue apteaied before Magistrate) Falconer and Hall on Thursdiy last, on the charge of aellinn liquor. Inspector Robioson of Oianue- ville boina the cinip'ainnnt. Cioun Atloiiiey Island id Orangeville conduct' d the |)iosecution, and Deuvall was defiii- ded by Mr. U ilkinson of Toronto. Af- ter hearing some witnesses, the trend < f theeiideiice being igainst thenccus.-l, Mil adjournmont wat made to Wedneadiy afternoon of this week. A.s this i-i a second offeiic?, Deuvnll having been fined for selling liquor before, conviction this time will mean a four months in jiil.-- 8lio butne Eccnomisi:. HEREFORD BULL FOR [SERVICE The undersi<;ned have a pure bred Hereford bull for service ou lot 171, 3rd , W.T.S.R., .\rtemesia. i Termsâ€" $3 for pure breds. tl.50 for erade^. All cows served must be iiaid ' tor. -T. & J. WATSON. I 1 m it 1 1 Property For Sale j Part lot 151, con. 2, N.E. T. A S. R. containing 28^ seres, about 1 mile from Flesherton. There is a good frame house ' and stable 'and the property is well' fenced and watered. Apply to Joseph A. Letisrd, Flesherton or on the proper- ty- S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon Full line ot McCorniick F.arm Implements, Binders Mowers, Hakes, Loat'ei-s, Drills, tultivatois. Plows, Riding and Walking, Harrows, Brantford Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping and Fittings of all kinds, Heattie Hay Carriers, Hay Forks, Slings, Filter (iirriers. Folding Bath Tubs, Fro.st Wite aud Fence, Cutters and Sleighs. A Call Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL Agent, " Ceylon, Ont. BULL FOR SERVICE The ander«igned has a Pure Dred Shorthorn Hull for spivice on Lot 146, Con. '.», S. W. T. * 8. R., Arteniesia. Terms Jl. 00. All cows solved must le paid for by 1st March, 1016. Isept â€" H. Piper Flesherton Tin Sho|K Bull For Service F'-r service. â€" Baron Hollyâ€" No. 6422. Aberdeen Angus, on lot 34, 9th concess- ion, Arteniesia. Terms, $1.00 if paid before 1st Jan. 1915.â€" NV. J. Masjee. May L") ANADIAN ^ P/\CIFIC I I® SS5S5S- t'iit I have just placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipefitting, incluiling puiup work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Furnaces. Bros. Teacher Wanted Prottstant teacher w»n'ed for S. H. No. 9, Arten:e-i.i, Oriiy County. Dnfej lo ooiiinience Septenilerl. Apiily lo Jhc 'll r*ailiaiii nt. Sec -Treiis., Eugenia P t). The Ideal Vacation Route The Canadian Pncitic ci> .venlently reaches Point An Ibirii. Fi nch and I' ckerol Rivers, Severn R ver. >tiiNkoiia Li'kfH, Kawarll a Lake?, RiHeiu Lak^s, Lnko Ontario Resoris, etc. If you cohtcinplato a tiip of any ii.i lire consult Canadian Pic; He Til kel Ane r. or wri'e M.G. Murphy, District Pa.ss.ngpr Agent, Totonti). I I^O^I^INION DAYS D. McKILLOP SINGLK FAEE Oood Koin« Thura day, July Ist, return limit, Thursday, July 1st. 1915. FARK AND ONK THIRD-Uood going Wednesday and Thuradny, June :iOih and July l«t, return limit Friday, Ju'y 2iid, 1915. (Minimum charge 25c.) PACIFIC COAST TOURS AT LOW FARES INCLIDING "CALIFORNIA E.KPOSmONS" I'artioiilars from any Canadian Paci6c a couple of bicod »ow3. l Berk^bire ao.t l Ticket Agent, or write M (}. Murphy, Titnwoith tor nale. Te.ui!. tosuit iiutoliaser. D. P. A., south ea.t cor. King and Yonge ai 0. W. RO.sS, Maxwell P. i>. Si s.,T<.lon'o. I CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON ig? ONTARIO. Stock tor Sale $10.00 Reward Pore Bred Holstein Bull A reward of ten dollars will he paid to ' Chaojjeling Prince Joe any one Hiving information which will bo lead to ihe conviction of the individuals Bred by ChanKelinc Butter Boy out who hayo been breaking glass in the; of Tidy Abheketk Princess Josephine windows of the Presbyterian Church, The greateft butter making xtrain known Flesherton. ! Term of service- $1. 60 for grades, |5 - J. Tj. McMiiUen, j or pure bred. Chairman of the Board. OF.' ). MOORE A SON, Props., *l^ Tonsorlal '^ Parlors We Aim to Qive Entire Satisfaction LAUNDRYâ€" B.i8ket closes Monday night, delivery Friday eveniig CLEANING and DYEING- \V>e are agents tor Parker's Dye Work;'â€" Clothea cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenated T USHER, - - PROPRIETOR ;< Jh^