Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 8 Jul 1915, p. 1

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f^*f*>.- --.- »«»>^wgw»*ii f< I M l*> K 1: gkBhtxtm %hmnu. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN. vol 35 No. 5 Fleah-crton, Out., Tliui'sday, July 8 lOlo W. H TfiCRSTON ^''''^''"' md PKO I?' I- Ceylon Clippings Miss L. Radley ia visiting with Toronto friends. Mi.s3 Mand Hemphill ha? returned from a three weeks' visit with friends .n Fergus. H. 'iriffin, teacher, left Saturday to spend his vacation with friends jn Toronto. S. Hemphill paid a business trip to Duudaik last week. Mrs. J. McMillui:. of McDonald Hall, Guelp!), is horaj for her holi- days. Frank CoUiusoii spent the 1st with Owen Pound fiiends. Alex McDonald is rflieving at Park >3ale station. Mrs. McDonald accou<- panicd hhu. •John Steward and two little son.s spent a few days last week with Toronto friends. Miss Bella McMillan, Bouth Line. was a visitor the past week at Frank Cairns'. Mr. and Mrs. F. Ulrich are spend- iuf; a week with friends ou the South Line. D. Pivnick and -Mijs K. .^ppleburg, Toronto, are holidaying ai N. Piv- Eiek's. Mrs. Smidendorf and Mrs. Tiyon of Ackron, Ohio; and Mrs. Lyness and daughter of D. C, are visitors nt D, 7*uittikers and other friend.s n Stone's Line. Andy Kennedy motored to Thorn- buiy on Sunday, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stewart and family to ^isit the latter'd parents. Mr- and Jtlrs. Palistcr and family of Osprey, spent the week end at Jap. Kadley's. Miss Lena Legate of Iiish Lake ^rhool is holidaying a*, her parental boue. Mr. and Mrs. Will McLeod and daughter, of Oregon, are visiting Mrs. McLiods brothers, John and Sandy .McKaddeu. Mr». Pat isou and babe of Owen Sonud spent the week end at J. Pattlsou'^'. Miss Mable Firness returned to Toronto on Monday, after spending a fortnight wiih her friend. Miss Helen Gibson. Miss Myrtle Hemphill is visiting friends in Fevergbam, Mrs. Jas. McClockliu aud two little diughtets of Moosejaw arc visiting ri^laiivea m this vicinity. Vandeleur Happenings Conn Vandelear hal a very success fol celebration on Taly 1st. The principal feature cf the afcerncon was a baseball match between Markdale and Holland Centre, the former winning by seven runs. Donald Mc- Gregor, the celebrated Baritone of Toronto, assisted by tiw Wodehouse Orchestra and a noBiber of local speakers, fnruisLed tbe eveniugs en- tertainment. John Tennant, C . O. F. organizer, occupied the chair. The proceeds amounted to $1G5.0(J. Mrs. E. Gilbert, of Kimberley, accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Wliitlield of WardsvilTe, visited at W. J. Hutchinson's on Wedneisday of last week. Miss Cunningham of Toronto is the guest of Miss Tillie Buchanan. Richard Sanderson and niece. Miss Brown, of Brampton, visited with the termer's sister, Mrs. T. A. Diinlop, on the 1st July. Sam McOeavitt was a visitor at J. H. HoUey's recently. Our baseball team journeyed over to Flesherton on the 1st and won 1st prize at the baseball tournament. Mr. and Mrs. E. Baker and two sons, Harry and Otto, motored to Collingwood on Wednesday to attend the wedding of the former's, sister, Alice, to Wm. Best, of Saskatoon. Thos. Randal and family motored from Owen Sound and si:ent the 1st witli friends in this neighborhood, re> turning the same evening. Thos. Gilbert of Colpoys spent the week end with relatives here. We are pieasetl to report the marrs age of Geo. Summer^ of this place to Miss Nettie Brown, daughter of Jas. Bronn of Euphrasia. The ceremony took place at the home of tho bride's brother, Geo* Brown, at Markdale. We wisii them many years of happi- ness. The members of the Ueafoi-d Road Church have torn down the old shed which has been in use for about forty years and have erected a tine frame building 00x00. .\bout thirty of those interested turned outonFrinay afternoon and raised the framework, which when Hnislied will make a commodious and much needed shelter for the hoises. Mrs. Ed Holley and children of Meafurd were visitors here a few d»ys last week Walkerton The Knecht«l Furniture Facti.rv, Walkerton, h«ve received from the Do- minion Governmeut a large war order for 25,000 boxes for howitzer .shells, and for which the toctl tiriu will rvcei^o t20,00 ). - Ueiiihart. a would-be gtoo:n, whn l>ert«i9ted in c»lling at tlie house whore thi» gill Ua loved, wurkod, after beini! warned by Cous'aUlo Kdrgusoa to slay itway, and who its a conseviuuiice waf ivrrested l>y the orticur and placed in jii'. ploadcd guilty last week to a trespaea and disorderly conduct ch4r>;e sud wn.s tiiud by Maij;istrate James Tidtou tho c iHtoiii- ary dollar and coits, or a total ivsites-imeiit of about $6.00 for the utt'enoe. Herbert Schill of Ciirrick, ii youth undo.' the a>{e of 21, wii.s lined Jf'i.iK) and cost.s or » total of $4.50, by Mii^istr itfs James Tolton and Robert Richardson in Walkerton on Thurs.lay erening lait for loitering around a 'ic ^nsed The boy, who admitted the charge, made a clean breast of everything, and iK>ufe8seil to getting liijuor at Schuurr's Hotel, For- mosa, and two other lici'osed places. The result was that the pDprietors of these moisture plants were h;uled l>ff'> e the Walkerton uiagis rates on Satunlay afternoon and a.sse8-ied SIO and cokis each for s-upplyiiiK li^iuur to » minor. This makes eleven convictions since the lirtt of May that Inspector Whita has K«cur«d a^tinsit |Murtie< iu this diatriet loi infractions of the Liquor License .\ct, whi'e three other case* are still hanging Hre. Heii*ld. Eugenia Paragraphs Hurrah for KuKjnia on Jul} 12. Oood dinner! will be provided for all by pri- vate parties and hotels. Mi.s. R'ibt. Campbell is ill at present with a severe attack of appvodicilis. Mi-s. John Campbell is aUo very ill. Ml', and Mrs. Wiliner Turner >isited friends at Fleshertoii recently. Mils Mabel Williams of Flesherton visited wiih friends liere the p.tst week. (leo. (tnhain irentid the Sabl'iith !>chool !•< a tide ou the launob at their picnic im Kriday. Kev. Mr. MadJeti was welcomed ou Sabbath by :i full house, and .v;i,s over- j.'yed at his tine discourse. We uust he wilt have a happy and prutiiable yv\t amoiiK us. Rev. Jones will occupy Mr. McVicar's pulpit on S«bl)ath ne\t. Osprey Council NEWSI FLESHERTON A new phoiie to ring, to F Steinh.'«tt, Markdale, ><7, f<r poultry alive, produce, hides, skins and wixd, rubbei-s. r»jf , horselxir, iron, cop^tei, luiis*. uinc, lead 4i( *\\ (Kirt«, top price iMid in ca»h, or .lr.<i> a raid to !'> .x 121, Matkdale Will call f"r it. Him't ini.srtke the iHme, P. STEINHART The iiieiiibcrs ot the Muuicipal Council of (hM Townshiu of l)<prcy met at Suig- li:iinpiou on Salurdity, June UUh l!*!.'*. The members were all present. -The â- niiiutts of iho l.»st nicttii.g w«ro rtad .-iud ikdoptod. (.'.imiuuniciilions, .\ccts , etc , were received from Joseph McGrade, clai:n if 5f'.i.00 for sheep killed by dogs. Treasurery IVpt. Ont. regaidiii>; war tax levy. t\>llingwood Oeneral and .Matint- II' s- piCil reaaixliug keep of Pivd Leech, and account of t;504 .tW Lorenzo .\dair, cliini for woik done on Dr»in No. S. Irwin Morrison report rejiiirdinK CoH- ingwo<Hl Uiwp tat ricc-uuit f r keep of Fred Leech. Srtwyer-Mas.'ser Co. iccoui.t $1:5 .V) repairs fur grader. Orders were i.'isued on the 'l\-e.isiMer i to p.»y .l.vs. MctS.ade «6.iJ<), two ihirds j va'uo of <theep claim. | S*wyor-Ma»soy Co. »lS 3(1, rep-iir- to !>radvr. CoUiumvood Hiwpital 1145.00, keep of Kr. d L-cch i..r l-t."* da)«. Fever8h2un Items Mr. and .Mrs. Merrit Kerr of Duncan calle4-on Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Col<)uette on Friday last. Mrs- Irwin McKeon and two daugh- ters of Duncan visited with tbe former's mother, Mrs. John Kaitting, last week. Miss Hemphill of ITlesbeiton ia visit- ing with her cousins, the Misses ."^peer, in this village. Mrs. John Buckioghatu is visiting her sister iu Listowell at pi'ea.-Dt, Mrs. Mcoie of Mclntyi-e is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Walter Kerion. Walter Alexander of Toronto us visit- ing bis mother, who is very ill. Mr. and Mi's. Samuel Murphy spent a few days with the totuier's mother io Flesherton last week. K. C. Uammel has gone to New Har- riaburg, where he has secured a position as miller in a Hour mill. Harry Heatbcote is aronnd tow« again after spending some weeks in Markds e. School S'Ctien 6 held their annual pic- nic in the tchool uruuods on Wednesday last. .\ Urue crowd of people gathered and thoroughly euj"yed the.nselves. .\fter the games ind foot races all »iit down to a !>ouiitiful repast '.su|>plied by the Udies of the section, and all expres- sed themselves is having spent a most enjoyable afternoon. VVe noticed lliat our Reeve â€" who, by the way, is a bach- elor and is keeping bach h;dl - thoroughly enjoyed himself, bith at the table 4ud io the company of the fair lex. Surely some of tae fair ones will take pity on him and try and make bis life more ct>ui- fortable soon, and if you are a little bashful, well, cheer up. Jack, Kap year is coining again iooii, and then you may 2et some help. Recruits Wanted J Young men of tirey : Are yon conteut to let your chums go and tight for you' Moihera, fathers and wives: .\re you content for your naighburs' sons and husbands to endure dangers and hard- shi(>s. and to risk their liies for you. white your own sons or husbands remain in comfort at homr ' Field Marshall Sir John French says he wants more Canadians. .\gain the call goes out for young Canadi.tiis to oti'er themselves for the defen.v of the British Em[itre. Again is Urey County to have the privilege of contributing her iiuott. Grey County has not yet failed to supply the number of aieu that ba-s oeeu askeo from the .'tlst Regimen'. It is for ihe people of (5rey County to see thit she does not fail. t)f the first Orey Conlinj^ents there are now but few l'>ft in the l^^ting. The second contribution is nciring the liiing line. More are in training and on the way to the front. So far our Couiiiy has sent away four hundred v.ilun'eers. But more ate wanted. THK KVM^KR IS KF.AI. ll III iiioic Hiul more apiHirent the British Emp're is in givhior danger thin ever before lu its history. And if the K<iii>tre is iu d;mger, then Canada is in dan;er, and the home of every individual cil /.en of Caii-uU is in daiKer. t_Jermany i.s tiot b^'iifen ye". It is ''Or task to see that she is be-Uen. F< r if the incimceivable should happen, and Uermuny sliould win, (5ie<t Bnta'H has the most to lose of any nf tiie Malioiis. iSeriiiany will sr-izo the niiiny ricli piizcs of tho British Empire; and of all those piize.s Canada is the r chest. It is not a time for indecision. Y'lir King and Your l^â- untry do netd \i'0, ;nid they need you tod.iy. .\t the foil >wing points in the county, youaie )>rivilegtd to enlist : Owen Sound, .Maikilide, Hanover, Meafon) and Clarkf- burg. Full parti.'ulirs can be supplieit at auy of these points. Kimberley Budget .\ very sa 1 occurren> took place at the home of Mr. Geo. Hainss of the 4th line north on Wednesday last, when his little SOD, George Ivan, 2 years and H months old. was drownel in 'i well. It teems that the children were playing near the house about 5 o'clock in the ev- ening, when George noticed that the little boy wa» not witJi them. Quickly making a search, and nuticiiiu that the c-iver was ilf the well, Mr. Haines got a ladder and g-ing duwii found the deid boly of the little lj«iy. The re-nain.s were interred in M-trkdale cemetery jo Friday List. Mr. aud Mis. Hainet, have (he sympathy of (he whole neighborhood in this their sad hour of bereavement. Mrs. (jieo. Hutchinson and daughter, R<kchel, are visiting with friends on Man- itouliii Island. John Lougbeed and daughter, Laura, of " Slabtuwu, " visited one day week with (he tonner's sister, >Ls. Jiihn Fawcett of the Traveller's home. Miss Henderson of Fleshertim visited with her friend. Miss Klsie Plewes. Married -.41 Markdale on WeduesiUy last by the Rev. Pbalen, J4ihn Butrell of Euphrasia to Miss Ethel McClung of Kimberley. On \Vedue»day ev. ninu a reception kud shower held at the home of her foreiits. Mr. and >li-s. Wni. McClung of the Valley Road north, when a large number of the joiing people of the iieii;hborh<K>d were present. Ethel Wits one of the luost popular young ladies of this vicinity. Your corresp indent joins with their many friends in wishing then, a long and pii>epeirou8 voyage through life. The pastor. Rev. Marsha'l, occupi:;d the pulpit in the Methotlist church ou Sunday evenin'j last. Quite a nujibar attended the Dominion Day celebration in Flesherton and ill report a good time. Mr. Charles StUiirt of the Embro piib- lic school staff, and bride, arrived here on Wednesday Ivst ri> visit friends. OR. BURT 5pe<;Uli«t In dis<^asea ol ika Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat < •FFKE-l;;ii loth St, Sound ' At the Revere Maikdale, 2nd j Thursday each numrh from 8 to a 12:4 m I Dundilk,ls Wednesday of each month . I Jewelry H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT JAILOR Feversham - Ont. Faihiooable Tailoring j Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. â€" ALSOâ€" A line of Ready-.Made Clothing i Which we put alterations in tree <â- {' A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. sharge, if re<juired. Isep W. A Armstrong, Jeweleri FLESHERTON, - ONT il^^-^^c-J^-'^-'-.i'-- "ii'ii'Ife"**^' â- Â»*«• •>•«• •»'«• «"«• •>"' -'"- â- '"' -'"- -JX- •>«• â- >"- -J**- -5"- â- it' ^ 'Ilf m ^ « ^ ^ « Straw^bcrrics Art' .It their best now. ns vour crate onJer. Give A ;.'<xj<l supply of Flour Feo<l always on liaml. and 10,000 Pounds of Wool Wanted 1 W. -BUSKIN Iff Mr.-*. John Bruce of Kist Luther may louse one of her feet as a result of a di-iv- ingai.vilent on IMonditj niyht. She drives the mail on rtiral loule No. I, Colbeek, and lier horse look fright when she rai.sed her parasol. She threw the par^uol away lo get butter 0<>utiiil of the horso, hut it only t^tshed oo iiior* terti Heathcote We welcome Rev. and Mrs. Laid- law and family to our village. Mrs. iVr.) .Moore of Bitindon. who has been visiting frieudi here, left last we»k for Newmarket, where she will visit before returuiug to her home. Miss Hannah Bake.- i-etunied home from a mouths visit with tneuds iu T<routr. Miss Mable Yoang visited a few days last week with friends iu Fair- mount. W«? arc pleased to hear that Miss Yiola .\rmstrongis improving. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baker aie visi - ing at the paiciual home liert. A large munber troin here attend eJ the sports in Tiioiubniy and irport au excellent lime. .Miss Uhoda Docks of TliDrnbnry speut a few days last week with her frieui's here. Heatbcote Woraeu's Institute licKl their monthly meeting at the home of .Mrs. Boyd on Wednesday. Mrs. Boswortli of Toioiito is visit i ii; ler parents, Mr. and .Mrs, P. Shrigley. Miss l-'.lva .Arinstroiig spent a f t w dajs last wit'k witb-Xrituds IU Tliorii bill}. Mr. McCiUUHll aiil Miss Boyd of F-iping visited with the lalter's sister. Ml--. Feighoii. over Sunday. Portlaw ilev. .Maddou prcacLed his first sermon in .Mount Zioii church on Suuday last and crcAtetl a very favor able impression, pieacliiiij; au instruc tivp and inspiring sermon. Five iKW uiembeis united »-iili the olmrch a week ago Suiu'uy. They weic h'' mcinbevs of Viss Pearl Wat- son' Sunday Scho«il clasf. Mrs. E. Montgouieiy of Toronto \isiled with fiaeuds lici-e. Miss McKay, |wlio has been re engaged as teacher in our school, is spending her holidays at het- home in Owcu Sound. i'bouift? Tn^Iiji bad lue u;i=l\>mt;e to have a foci bailly bruised wit!, a '4F IK" lip 'Of v'tS. i«P iJF =1^ w ^'ii?^?'SF'/j?'fl? w W*i?^ lis- â- Â»Â«â€¢ W 'Hi- -<»«â-  -/iv '/i?^»5TiF '<if^^ii?W 0^ i Nice Summer Shoes « The Flesherton Shoe Store is well stoeketl with many varieties of Sum mer Shoes for ladies ami jjents. at right prices. Also Trunks an«l Suit Cases. Repairing as usual. Thos. Clayton's g FLESHERTON NEW SUITINGS New Suitings just to hantlâ€" some of the nobbiest weaves to be found any- where. I I Leave your ortler now for that new suit. You will never regret it. Satisfaction guaranlec«l. Don't forget that we do cleaning. pressing antl repairing, (.htr prices are right and our workmanship is the very best. tied than e»et. Mrs, Rtucc indeavvred to jump from the ri« tmt mivsed her»tep, ! sioiie while allendiug the lOok ciush and her foot jjui oaiiuht iu one uf iho er. i whee'v Tbe hoiicH aie badly broken lud 1 Mr. McKiuuJU of T«eswaier viwl- j m>pliceil, >ne lieii t{ turned coinpleiely »d with his nephew, Mr. Lewis Shear . upaide down, but Ihj dccters ar« inak- ' do-*u. ilia every ettut to .^ivo the foot. -Ci-aiid ! The bricklaycis ai-e busily engaged | I Valhy S-ar. on H, Arnoti's new house. i S. J. BOWLER Sole Agent for the Hcbbcrlin Tailoring.

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