Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 Jun 1915, p. 1

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^ieB\i)ttim %hvanu. "TRUTH BEFOEE FAVOR. PRIA-CiPLEb NOT MEN.' m 'J.-) :} No. Flestiertoii, Ont., Tliursday, Juno 'JA l91o W. fl THDBSTON "^'^"^o W ode house Doings The recent ra;as haVo rcoewed eveiy- thiiig and evevyoue amiits with nalui'e. New EiigUnd Sabbath school picnic tiikes place Wednesday cif thia week on llie church grounds. A ^ood time is ex- ' pected. Markditlo and Blantyre base- ball teams will play, lea will be served, followed by a ^ood program. Stanley Wiley, who is practising in the veterinary work near Toronto, is spending a fjw d-vys »• the parental home. Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Wiley were the tfueats of their daughter, Mrs. W. Lyons, Markdale, the pi»st week. Miss Adeline Bic'>s of CoUini^wojd is visit in;; old friends around here. Born â€" On Wednesday, June l(i, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark, a daui<hner. Joe Cher y was in Colli mwood a few days the past week, where his siiter, Mrs. J. Brown, underwent a serious oper- ation, but ts, we are (^leased to say, re- covering. Mrs. Ezra Cook of Ricklyn is visiting her daughter, A rs. C A. Abercroiubie. Messrs. Robert Drown, Wni. Fawcott and Joseph Squires have each had the phone installed recen ly. VVil ard Wiley and sitter. Miss KIsie, were the );uests of friends at Ilarkaway the week. Mr. and Mrs. Chailes MerriKeld and ' c'lildruii of Beitverdali', also Mr. and .Mrs. Auoii Thouipsoii and son, Alvui, . -•>! Riv.:idale, were vLsttom with Mr. and ^MiH. J. W. Wiley. , f Richard Wilcock and lady friends of Fleshertoii cilled on Mr. and Mrs. W. 'I'. Wiley recently. Kiniberley Budget Eugenia Paragraphs Vandeleur Happenings On Junw 18, 18!»0, the marriage tf Mr. Jossph Buchai an of Vandideur and MIb.s ^ailartha Keid of Riahoro was sulenini/.od by Re*'. V. W. Dewey of Ueaboro Tneir silver annivj-sary was celebrated last t'riday on the same farm to which Hr. Buchan.iu brou;.;hl liii- bride tweniy- hve years ago. About sixty ijuests i^ath- eted r<) preseut their good wishes to the br>de an I gruoiu, no^ f<ir<{etiing be uti- fill and useful Kifts in silver and chiha- WAre. A plea-sant evening was spent in i^nies and felicitous sijeeches The fol- lu^winj; guests were pii'sent from a dis- tance : Mr. and Mri. Walter Veiitress aiid Master K, Furdy, Bobcaygeon ; Mr. arid Mrs. Cl'arles Reid, Mr. Win. Rfid, Afis-s K. Held, Mr. K. Keid and Master Ef Rjid. Reaboro ; Mr. S. tl. Buchanan ofOweii Sound, an I Rev. Jsmes and ItfFs. Dudgeon, B'leshoiton. Miss Ruby Stone of Stone's Line spent th« week end with her friend. Miss M. Lt'plie of this place. We are .soiiy to repoit Mrs. Ueorgo Pikchard laid up with in attack of ury- 1^ Baker, U Ale '\ uul S. J. l>o»les alteudeU the Conservative coiiveutiun iu Duiijiam nil Kriday las'. The Women are Workers -\ â€" Tne Annual nieuting o: the Centre (iiey Women's dimliiuro whs held in JIarksburg .\rinoiirios on June Kilh. Representatives were there from Rock- lyn,):^Kin)berley, Heathcole, Badjeros, Vaaijeleur, Eugenia, Hopeville, Dundalk, Clarltj^ig, Thornbuiy, Ravenna, Mill Creek an I Fleaheiton. President Mrs. Buchanan oft^^avenna occ\i|ned the chair, and repoin^ were Riv«i> from each of the branches show- iog all to be in a RourisI inx c >ndition. Kafih branch has done good work for the &ed Cruiis an I Fatiiotic fund<i,Kivin4 a lot^l of oTor ^lOOU, and a oreat many garments were gathered for the Belgian Relief fund, and knitting and sewing and cdthcr work was done f<.r the .soldier*. Gwy County Convention will he h-ld in Durham on Aa({ust 2K. Th« following otticers were then elect- ed :â€" Pce8ideDt,Mrs.BachaiiM[i,Ravenaa ; Vtci Pres., Mrs. J. Wi It«a 9, Eugenia ; Sac.-TwosM ^'rs.. B. Carruther*. Kim- berley â-  8aT4ral splendid papers wetv giveu by th« Branches. . A diiinty lunch was served by the lad- ies of ;the Thortibury and CUrkshurst BjTW)vh<w. To« Farmers IrMtirute who Idm) ui«\ duw»«>la>ra shared in this wu-t ot tUe p>(>,'i-uiu. The ulvetiNK was olt/»d by H'ittj;!. 1; "jod Save the Kii«;. Hidden tlutuhinson, oUrf of the popu- lar young men of our burg, leceived a nasty cl:p on the side of the head from a ooU that be was bieaking in tecenily, rendering Li n unconscious f u- over 24 hours. We are pleased to report that he is progressing favorably and will soon be around aiain. R. R. Fawcett, accountant with the Steel Co. of Canada, Toronto, accompan- ied by Miss Tsabella Ly berry, visited fritnds here one day last week. Rob. is an old Kimbeiley Doy who is making «i«od in the <^>ueen Cit). Miss Elsie Plewe.s, whj lias beeN visit- ing friends in Flesherton, returned home last weak. John Murdi.'ck of Haikaway wis a caller here on Monday. •Juite u number from outs'du points attended the district meeting of the Or- ange order held here on Saturday last. The energetic trustees of our school are having a handsome fence built in front of the school grounds. John and Wni. Duncan of Inistioge viiited last «eek at Geo. Hutchinson's. Matt Ciark, supeiintendeut of the Collingwood tisli hatchery, accompanied by a fiKn I froin Feterboro, spent a couple of days fishing in this vicinity last week. The Pele.bir.) gentleman had both father and mother lost lu ihe sink- ing of the Lusitania. His luve for the (jiermars is ah, well, you can gueas the rest. Mina Fa»c;tt of M.trkda e is visiting at her parental home. Victoria Comers A vary eiijoyabl:! tune is reported from the Lea.{ue picnic at K it^enia on Satur- day. A lar„'.- cruwd attended. Mr. Henry Wati.m.late of V.iucoiiver, called on .Mr. (ieo. Mm. re last week. Mrs. Walter Achesou has t«o sisters visiting with her at pre.sent. The English church people at Proton gave a vjiy ar.cce.s.sful garden party last Wednesday evening. This Wedk'a Items. Geo. Ludlow has Ijte 1 iuil up with a cold III the â-  yes. Sunday, June 27tli, is to be S r. Jono«' last service hero and is 1 1 bo a hpecial on â- . Mr. and Mis. Due M rrow, Bieton, and Mr. and (Mrs. Will Ludlow, Dundalk, visited at J as. Uoht's. .Miss .Mina board is homo from Hesh- oit. n .school fur the holidays. MaxweU Mis.s MUii McDowell .f IWk Mills spent Sunday with her friend, Miss Ida Osborne. Earl BrownriJuo 'of Niagara military camp visited at liii home over Sunday. This « ill be Ins iii|i In-ine, as he wil' SI) in leave fur across sea.". Harold West of Owen S ojiid .-pent Sunday with friends in this viciniiy. Re.'. Brown, a foimer pastor, and wi e, if Bran.ploii, are renewing old aci(iiaiii!ancus. M''. Brown ucouim;d the Methodist pul|>ic on Sunday. Dr Murray and Vli.-s Henderson of Flesherton ns- s'sistod ih« choir. Portlaw The l.idies of Poitlaw Red Cross Soci- ety are very much elatcJ ov<'r the success I of their garden party (eld on Wednesday : of last week at, T. R. McKonzie's. Tho weather was ideal and there was a large attendance. A baseball match between Flesheitoii and Rock Mills teams whs oalled oT before the gan e was completed on ace >unt of disagreement. ,4n excel- lent program was reiul< red over which Rev . Mr. Kerr presided in a .'ery pleas- ; ing and acceptable manner. .-Vinong the numbers oti the program were spirited addresses by tl e cluurman and Revs. Messrs. Jouea and McVicar. reoitAtions by Miss Moore of Warehain, gramophone selection* by Mrs. Badgerow and Mr. Blakey, aud voc^l and instruinrn'al muaic by tha Misses Heudeisou, Mi»s Stevens, Miss Acheson, Hiss MeDoweil, Mr. donee, Mr. D. BUkey, Dr. Murray, and the fourth line string lund. .All ap- peared to enjoy themse'.ven, and weiil away >ud happy wit,!i the salis- facliou that they had contributed to a wurthy cau«p . The piojecds amounied ••> ov-r *»;. Born- To Mr. and Mrs. G. Graham, on Tuesday, June 22, a daughter. The beautiful weather and occasional showers are rushing the vegetation. Mr. and Mis. C. Munsliaw and Mr. and Mi-s, B. Weltou of Flesherton were the guests of Mis. Large recently. There are 1 company of Hydro em- ployees at present wiring our town. We hope I hey will have a p'easaut time and everyone give them a kindly welcome. Graham Bros, entertained the com- munity on Friday and Saturday evening to a moving picture show, which every one considered first cla>:S. We are sorry to hear of Mrs. P. Muu- ahaw's We hope for a speedy recjvery , Mcsdames Parli.iment, Smith, Benson, Latimer, McMuMen aud Williams motor- ed over to Clarksbur? to attend the annual meeting of the district of the Women's Ln^titutc. Sundiy was Cou>muiiiou Service iu ihe Presbytjriau church and a large number of members were present. Next Sabbath Mr. Jones purposes preach ng his fare- well sermon. Rev. Honey of North Bay motored to town on Monday and was the guest of his old Iriends, Mr. and Mis. Williams. Flesheiton boys drove over on Monday night to play our boys a game of baseball. Both MtiH had a number of ladies to cheer for them and the tianic wenc along .so nicely you couldn't tell who won. Rain chased them oil' the grounds. Mr. and Mrs. Brignel and son, Frazer, of Owtn Sound, were the guests of C. Fr.izer of this pitce. Ceylon Clippings Mr. .1. 0'.VIolia went !o Tiionto 01 Thiireday last to attend the funeial of his ^iNtcr-ill-law. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cook, Ebordale, visited the former s brother here lust week. Bad.;ley return/d to her home in Or'Uia last week, her aunt, Mrs. K. Sar- geant, ace >.iipaiiied her home for a few weeks' visit. Mrs. .A. McLeod happened with a serious accident on Friday at noon. Whik< go 114 some stu|Mahe iiiii.sed her footing, and fell aud sroke her arm close to the shoulder. Urs. Little if Flesherton and I^jiiie of Fricevilla were hurriclly suminoned and set the injuiod mjinbor. Mr. F. I'lricli of Cleveland, Ohio, has joined his Wifo here for a short visit at Mr. J. 0'Melia'.s. Miss Best of Shelburue and Mrs. Hall of Osprey were visitors at Mis. T. Cliis- lelt's las' week. Mis. King and two little nieces nt Thorn bury are visiting her brother, Mr. Hugh Waiters, Dnrhain Una I. Miss Jeiinio Muir lias leturnc! to Tor- onto after j-pend t\'4 a fortnight with her mother. Miss Helen Gibson ret lined fnun Tor- onto Saturday, her friend, Miss Mable Ferness, accoinpaiiicd her home for a couple if weeks' v sit. Mr. Chas. Chislott and Miss McDon- .ild of Durham, were visitors in town the of the week. Moss.-^. Geo. Sueli, V. McLcod aud H. PipM- motored to Durham on Friday and attended the Liberal-Con le. vat ive Ccnventioti Our Subballi ^choo' inlet. d holding their annual picnic on Friday afternoon of this week. Born â€" Juno i;;tli, at ftledioino Hat, to Dr. aud Mrs. Hawk, a son. Our popular Magistrate ia wearing a very broad smile these d»ys, since he has assumed Ilia title of gratidpi , Born To Mr. and Mrs. Da ley, (nee Ida RutledgeJ June 4th, at Ltthbridge,8 daugh'er. NEWSI FLESHERTON A new phone t> ring, to P. Steinbart, Markdale, 87, for puuTtiy ulive, produce, hides, skins and woo), lubbera, rags, hot«ih«ir, ttei>, copper, brass, ?.'nc, leiid of all sort*, top price raid in cu»h, or drop a card to Box 121, Markda'e Will call f<'r it. Doii't mistake the name, P. STEINHART Fevers ham Items Last Week's Items. <jood rains have fallen and very rapid growth is the lesult. Some of the farmers have had to sow some of their grain a second lime on account of the ravages of the wire worm, but we hope Mr. Worm will have to go out of business now on account of the frequent heavy rains that are falling at present. Mr. and Mr.s Lawrence Tuck of Singhampton spent Sunday will Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Haniinel. Mrs. Andrew Gilchrist and Mr3. John Siewart vf Ceylon spent Sunday at R. J. Col<iuett's. Miss Sadie Felch has returned home from Kimberley on account of the illness of her mother. Miss Sadie Julian of Rdi Roy spent Sunday with her parents here. Mrs. John Buckingham is visiting friends on the lOlh line. Mits Lixxie Buckingham has returned home to Collingwood after a two week's visit with friends around here. The continuation school hus ch>sed for this term aiid our teacher, INiiss E. Biuukard, htisgonu to her home iu Elora for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Lush of Stayner are visiting in 'liifi neighborhood this week. Hudson Bros, have bought a mate [tut iheir driver and ntw wil be driving a pair of as nice driving horses as this coun-ry folds. The shift I f the water wheel in the Farmer's Mill broke last week, causing the wheel to be taken to Meiford to be lepaiiod, and we hear tl.e hogs around the couiory -ipiealiug because they don 1 have their teed grtmnd now. Duncan Beautiful weather. Herb Kerr had a veiy successful barn raising on W, cinesd ly of last week. Miss E. Le'er spent Saturday and Sunday at her par :iiial homa at Flesher- ton. Miss Binilia ^icKeown, who is visiting at Muaford, called on her friends here recently. A numler from tt.i.s^part attended ihe Falriotic Corcert at Ravenna on Thurs- day I.isr. <)ur baseball team journeyed down to Kimberley > u Tuesday evening lust and played the l-oys tlitre. The score was Ki !.â- ) in favoi of Kimberley. < )iu- boys are doing well at the (anie ai they have had very little prac ica yot. Vnite a ii'iinber from here siieut Sun- day at Eugenia, viewing th-j hydro works there. T. Faucett ha I a very successful Kee on Thursday last and on Friday ev.'iiiiiL; iiH gave a d nice to his neighbors am! friends. ^ Miss Elva Lever ha-, resigned her position as teaelinr in "Suiihea 11 .\ead- emy. " We understand she intends to go to Prince Edward Island to leach next term . We wish her success. Miss Mabolle Boyd of RocMyn vlsitid a few days with her ^i^te., Mrs. Herb Kerr of the suburbs These are beaut il'.il evenings for "iiioiuilight drivins.' Wo offer congratulations to Mr. Goo. Holmes, who has taken as life partner Miss Edith Pr. ctor of this place. H athcot: Last Wcek's.ltenn Rev. Kobin^oii of Clsrk.sburj,' visited with Rev. Vo Mig the oir^y ptrl of the week . Mr. and Mrs. .A bert Vickers of tiiiers- ville visited on Sunday last with the latter's mother, Mrs. Win. I.ougheed, who isUI. Mrs. (^*».'l Vouu.j; sjient a few days last week v sitirg friends in Fairmount Parish. James Boyd of Eppiug spent Saturday I s> the guest of his daughter. Mr.«. Feighen We are pleased to te\Myt that M. KIlis is iinp'ovluf;. Janice h. White is remodelling his 1)41' n this wtek. The Loyal Orange Lolgc hell their annual c iVintT tnertiiiu in iIh Village Oraljge Hal' iin ThniS'lay. DR. BURT .Specialist in dixases of ihe Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat OFFICE-l:!i) lUlh .St, West, Owen Sound At the Rflvere house, Markdale, 2nd { Thursday each month from 8 to a 12a. m Dundalk, Is Wednesday of each month . i Jew eiry H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT .TAILOR Feversham - Ont. Fashionable Tailoring Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. -.^LSOâ€" A line of Ready-Made Clothing Which we put altei-ations in free of chaige, if rei]uired. Isep A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A Armstrong, Jeweler] FLESHERTON, - ONT Strawberries m Alt, '/if Art^ at theii- best now. us vour crate order Give gooil supply of Flour aii<l Feedalwav.s 011 IuukI. 10,000 Pounds of Wool Wanted W. -BUSKIN 0.^|^, -M'isV'i i^fi •*"-: Sib. :J!fe^&:^ A^iiJ!*:^ •*'<: -i"^ •»"- •*«' •»'<• s\t«. <".. j.t^ .m<, ji«, ma, .jk. 'CIVS <ii«> .-/ij. '/is»'/,xs^{. •>)F->|F^S'^|^^'p^it- '/iv'^c^ip^jys^jy^^cy^ptjjjr^f ^^^^\5 4^ -516. '/iC- â- at, 'At- JtC I Nice Summer Shoes g O llic Flosherton .Shoe Store i.s well \\ stocked with many varieties ot'Suin- S mer Shoes lor ladies and merits, iit right prit'es. Also Tiiinks ami Suit Ciises* Iiepaii'in<; as usual. Thos. Clayton's I FLESHERTON »ooo»»»«»o cosa »o<> caw coeacoes 5ii -- â- .-v..' va.-s»-\a.-s«^ Nj,-sj,-vj/M,-NM/Ne^M.-vA-sj.-Na se,- Nt nm/ se." Nil/ V • va.- v^ mn- I NEW SUITINGS | ^ Now Suitings just to hand â€" some of ^ j" the nobbiest weaves to be found any- g^ X where. ^ ^ Leave your order now for that new 2; suit. Yon will never regret it. X Satisfiiction guaranteed. Don't forget that we do cleaning, pressing and repairing. Our prices are right and our workmanship is the very best. S. J. BOWLER I Sole Agent for the Hobberltn Tailoring. m ^ M ^ JÂ¥. ^) Â¥ ^^ y^ **4H*!i|Ji*^l?rl!iM-!**-l^**JC

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