ine 17 1015 ^HE FLESH EKrON ADVANCE XHK- Au indepeudent uew«l>»|>er, miblisheil overy Thnni.l»y kt th"" office, CoUin(r«o<>d Street, Â¥i -sherton. Subscription price $1 i>er aiiimm wbeu pjiiit inadvMic* ;$1.5-) whin not «o [laiil AdverUiiin« rates on ttpplii-atinu. CircuUtion 1,100 w<>ekly JV H. Thurston- Kdltor Ficshcrtoft Methodist Church Rev. James Dud«eoii, justoi. 11 M III. »iid T |.. III. Ti>i' pastor Sunday, 10 ». ni. FollowsliijJ Service. Mondiy eveninR Epwoilli League nt S p. in. Mark Everette WrigM cl oil le«der and Organist. to be the iraniDg Powers' contention Cliicago News.â€" If tlie Anieiloans wisli to send their shipping paat the flcrinau submftiineii, ihey might senil a battleship or two akng to clear I lie way. Does "(lUJtter" ihytiie with IJryan'.' Wliat is so rare as a Jay in JnneV Well, we're not going to talk ahoul the night iu Uuie, when the frosts come. BASEBALL The Ruok Mills Ba.selmll tfim p'syed :t return ^.'iine H I'll the locals lisre on Thursdvy niKlit latl and wure ngiiin dv- ftiited, the KCore Leinx lc-11. Although tliK sc'Mu wai rather lurgi- there was some Koiid hascl'iill, running cjitches hy .Smith for Itocli Mills ami White for (he locals hcing two •>{ the feature.'-. The last innings whm (ilajed in darkness and the visilui's scored Feven runs in this per <>d. Hock MilU played n good si<»e> ° ° ' cijnsideriiii,' the fact that tliey played a Wouldt't that jar JOtl, was the re- gaine in I'roton the nijiht before. This mark of one luan a5 he was dliving j <;anie makes four stiuiuht wins for ihe over some Artemcsia roads. ; l.icaU and if they continue playing the same btitnd of ball disp'tiyed to date, they will win many <;:inies befoie the 1 Letters From a Warrior ^ The following letters were received hero last week troin Beit .lamie.s in, who \» in a hospital in bujjland.hy his iiu.ther and tister here. Exeter, Knglaiid, May 2V>, I'.HS. Dear inc'ther -Arrived in Kngland all O. K., and am in the hospital here gett- iDg aloiii; tineâ€" able to net up and walk, 3Ut not very far. It is jus' cne month odiy that T have leeu in bed. They lure use the Canadian.s fine over here hi-y can't do enough for them. The jfas that the Oernian.-* use is a terrible thing. Lots of our fellows died that were along with uie. I hid charge of a section of nine men. I don't kno* where any of them are now. The frllow^ .sure sh jwed what kind of stuft they were. They give the crack i'ru!t.<.ian Guard of the Germans all that was couiiiit; to them. .\s far as I conid hod ( ut there was only 24U l.-ft out of our Ucyt. of llOO. It wa» the Krench that «ot ii-. cut up so Ixkd. Tney la i when ihey saw iho tJjr- mans romini!. It just rained bullet.i aiouiiil where 1 was and the shelt.s dropped like hail. I h;ul some clote cttllf. but didu'i get hit. The fellovs told me I vrub not born to le shot I vnesi they are right. 1 don't etpect to be able to do much for a ni>>uth or two, anyway. I think the war wi 1 be over by that time. There is bound to he a lot of fever, as dead Germans and Frenchmen are lying nil over. I iia4 up yes-terJay for a while. My lei;^ are awfully weak, they refused to hold nie up. But I will l>o able to ^et out in a couple of days. I suppose you got all ihv new« in the paper of how we made out, to not much usi- of wrilinK it h-re. Best remrds to all the jieople. \s ever, . â€" T. A. Janiicson. season is over. McAuley and Bealtie were in the points for F'lesherton, while Akitt and Alhrtoii performed for the vi>it(irs. H. Sullivan and F. McT«vish acted ill I ho cap.ici'V of uinpiiej in a very impartial maniiei F. R W. HICKUNG FLESHERTON ONTARIO. Special Millinery Offering We have just made some very advantageous in Millinery, including shapes, trimming.s and Howers, etc., which enables us to luuko sonic .special offerings this week. These arc entirely new- goods and everything is made up to our usual first class standard. Trimmed Hats, regidar $:J.0(» to $3.')0 value, special $1.99. Trimmed Hats, regu'ar $4.00 to $5.00 value, .special $3.00. Artemesia Council The .Muir.cipui Council of the Town* ship of Artemesia met at the Town Ha 1 on Monilay. the 7ib day of June, 1!»1.^. The ineinhora were all present, the Reeve in the chair. Communications as follows were priseuled and read: The .Secretary of the Uiilway Coinmissioii with s'ati- inei.t of truthc over railway crossina on west back line at lot l;i(i; Fred Pedlar. claim for sheep killed by dogs, flU.OO; William Walker, claim fur sheep killed hy dogs, Sti.tli; W . H. Tlmiston, account for priiitii))» and advettising. ?17. •'>:!; F. W. Duncdii, account for supplies for crusher, $:< tW; The Muiiiciput World, i.c--ount for hlaiiky, T-'ic : The Iteeveand and Mr. Cjinenni icpoit as committee, re townline Aileinesia an J < >sprey. Brown .\ the account of the Municipal World foi 76c. for blank forms be iKiid . â€" Curled. Brown (irahaiiiâ€" Tiiat the account ot W. H. Thurs'oii for Asset-Kuicut UoUs, Notices and adverttring Auditor's Ab- stract be paid, ?17.53. -Carriea. Cuneion -Brown- That Frnnk Dun- I can's account of $:{ tj;! for supplies foi_ crasher and hall be paid. â€" Carried. Ciiineion- Aldcorn That the report of coiniiiitlee re townline Aiteniesi* and Osprey, Cjn. 1 and 2. S. U. U,, te re eeived and when the Council of (Jtprey has deeidrd as to the action th-y ate pre- pared to t:il<e, this Council w II e nsider what action they wi 1 lake in the iiiJitter. â€" Carried. New Shapes Selling at Half Price 8ee our vvindow display and special tables. Novelties in Summer Footwear for Ladies HIGHEST Price for Butter and Eggs Dr. J. Ralph Smith j^' OSTEOPATH Office and Residence- 4r.S ',Kh St. Ka!>t, Owen Sound, O'lt. ( Hoursâ€" 9 to 12 , l.M to 4.*) p.m. to 8 p.m. (.>ther hours by appointment. I>t. R. F. Knkli'h »iU be in FUshetton on Tuesuay and Friday afiernooUK of eiioli week. The Old Adage n. I.e. Iia (jrahani â€" Brown That the Couiuus \m (j^n fionjr division No. 2 i* 'luihorizcd "â- ',l3?= s.â€" ^mp IA Business SchooM That auccessful tcliool whose graduatei occupy prominet.t po- sitions from the Aiiant.c to the P.tcitic, re-openi for the FALL TKRM .H-ptember 1st, 1!»I4 Send for free catalog at once to COLLINGWOOD BUSINESS COLLEGE T. E. Hawkins. - Principal , inuwo' d, Ontario. H The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating A NOTE TO BRITAIN I'reaiileul Wilson of the United biates spends most of his off time writiOg notesâ€" when the White House lahiti do not re.iuiie GiauU Dad's attention. His Islest attempt is said lo ho a nolo to Great IJritaiu, which will be pieparcd shortly, and will demand a relaxation of the gtrictnoaa of tho liiilish blockade of iieulidl ports. The note is said to bo prepatod, not so much becaufio Great Britain lias been an offender, but becanse it would convince Oerraany that Britain is not being favored by the United States. Wlien tlie note is despatclied it will be interesting to see whether the British diplomats are as smooth cus- tomers when it comes to side 8teppin« as the OorraaiiH have proved to bo. Of course, a second note would thou le despatched, full of loopholes fo.- tlio British to slip tlirouahâ€" or else Kseter, Englmd, May 27, U>15' Dear May â€" I |;uehs it't about time I lui uiitiii^ to you. I told moiher to let t'ou know 1 was in the hovpital. I am !ottiiij< aloiii{ pretty uond, hut don't ex- )ect to be able lo ^et out for some time. I ar.i just sble to net up, ami my le^s ;ire iwfully wiak. They lefuse to hold me up. 1 ({ot an awful dose of the (tus. It pretty near put me Uii.ler. I would i.ilher have a dozen w.^unds than i<el the KSi again. It's t-rrible ulutf. I suppo.te you saw in the papers all about us. Tho Canadians are tome scrappeis when they get rtait'd. You siioiild see the (ler- main' lun. They are worse than aavaijes. They can't fiuht sijuare. They are about ithe bi(/({e»t cowards you evn saw. The ,only way they fi<{hl is in a inasscd f jr â- nation. Well May, I an. xettini; the best of tieatineiit here aid the sisters and nurses can't do cnoimh for us- There were a lot of Canadians came in last night. They have been in another lii^ht and not cut up prelty bidly . Wu only had '240 left out of the 48. h I have not heard of Fred .Smiih. I don't know how he made out. I just had a parcel fiom the Canadian Red Orosi in lAUidon. Thiy sent ine a pair of socks, u b')x of ('andii'S Hiiil some cigarettes, and if I waul anytliing juat lei Iheni know. Thoy l(»ik after us pritly well. My hand is netting shaky. I am not very strong ycl. Ai over, â€" LaiceCo'ji'l T. A. .Jainiuroii. 4rtlh Highlanders. No. 1 Temp. Hospit- al, K>oter, England. Shelburne Mrs. Saiimiil Moore of .Shelbure, when •he went In mi.k her oow in the paatiire Held early on Tiieiday nioining, was altacked by a .lersoy cow, owned by It. 8. Jackson, and badly injured. The c< w hei, procure surticient six inch tile to drain a iMiod on highway on deviation at lots â- .'I, coucesa'ons 13 and 14.â€" Curried. AlJeomâ€" Oraliani -That Mr. Camen n be paid i't.W for services inspect inu Valley I! lid Hiul meetini; Osprey Con.- mitt on Townline, and the Rt-eve be p»id 8- <">0 for »er/icJson Conl'ui'teo re Os- [irey Townline.-- -Carried. Cameron Aldcornâ€" Tint i he. follow in.; parties be paid for sheep killed by does, beiuit two thirds of loss iu each ease: K. I'e.l'ar, jl-."2.00, and Walker a 00, the claims being to by Inspeulor Rubt I'lantt. Council adjourned. William certihed Carrieii Germany would liavo been dii!trm n- i knocked her down and tr.impo.l on iiilliuiitiK severe bruises . Mrs. Moore aled iu ii favor of, NOTES The headlines in onr daily papers these days inal*« t''" '"''»''<''â- â„¢'"'^ than ever proud of his country says the Winnipeg Telegram. Thoy do, eioept when out reads the headlines of tho Manitoba graft standala. Aioivica i« supposed to use the «e» oWy when the warring «r« through with it [Powers -or such appears was rcseied by Jonah Allen or tho re- s lit* might have boon noiro serious. Dr. K. K. Davis ai tended lo her in- juriec, Frank Keltsclien if .Shelburne, who livja opposite Iho eemeloty, met with a bad accident on Sunday. He niid hia wife and child atarted for hie father's at Mt Zoii wi'h a horse and ImgKy. When near his dfstiiiation tho harness broke and the hoise butinii to kick and Mr. |)e>t!<cli«n wu-i kicked on the light arm, which was fiaciuied in (*o (ilaces. Tho other (CCUpMiis of the buxny escaped in- COUUTOK UKVI8ION II. VV. Walton appealed agninat h s asseasnitnt on lots N. parts 'Jtt and 27. coll. 14, as being too high. The Couit reduced tho assossmenl |50.0(). The Hydro K'octric I'owor Commission appea'ed against lo s :i'2 iUid 3.'!, con. 8. and lot 31, con. 10, buini; placed on lh< Uoll for taxation. I'lie Court thought that tliesH properties wure liable t'> iis.sesainent on account ol being occupied by lenaiil or lessee and sustained the Koll. The Court adjourned to Monday, June 14, at 4 p. III. Fiiher-Lyons The iimriiage of Islay Muriel, daught- er of Mr. an I Mis. .lohii W. Lyons of I'ort Law, to Samuel Wesley Fisher, only son of Mr. and Mia. Thos. Fisher vi kock Mills, look plaea at the bride's home, the Itev. II. CKorr othcia'.ing. The biide wore while crepe do chine and a biubil veil caught with orange blots- oins, her faiher giving her away, and Ml s I'e'iil Lyons playing the bridal chorus from Lohiiigrin, Mias Mildiid Lyuiis of I'roton wore a brides-inaid's frock of while voile. Mr. L. F. Lyons wan grooiiismaii. After the wedding breakfast a iileassnt time was spent in the home. Mr. and Mr«. Fisher will lesule at Kock Mills. jury. -Free Pio«». Hound Lost Ten Dollar:* Iteward will bo piiid fi>r lofLriiiilion that will hiail to the recov- ery of a hound thai straye.! fii m I'lice- ville about May Till. I'hotogiaphs and a thoroughde.soriptionof thedog furnished by the owner on applicniioii aiJil all cor- reipondtnco treated oonHduii'. i .lly. S. L WUItiHT, PrioeviUe. HEREFORD BULL FOR SERVICE The underaigned have a pure bred Hereford bull for service on lot 171, 3rd W.T.S.K., Artemesia. Termsâ€" $3 for pure breds, 8I..">0 for itrades. All cows served must bo iiaid tor. -T. & J. WATSON. 1 m ir 1 Property For Sale Part lot lol, con. 2. N. K. T. .V S It ctmtaininir 28i seres, about 1 mile from Flesherton. "i'here is a gnod frame house and stable *and the property is well fenced and watered. App'y lo .lo.seph A. Leliard, Flesherton or on the pr(>per- ty- The .sinie is erpiallv true of the ll»Ob (iravity Washer. Try one and be convinced that there is none better S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon Full line ut McC'orinick Farm Implements, Binders, Mowers, Kakes, Loaders, Drills, (Jidtivatois, Plows, Kiding anil Walking. Harrows, Krantford Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping and Fittings of all kinds,^ Beattie Hay Carriers, Hay Forks, ISlings, Filter Carriers, Folding Bath Tubs, Wire ami Fence, Cutters and Sleighs. A Call Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. Notice To Creditors Hjj Flesherton Tin Shop > < > I 'I In the matter of the oslate of Jane Cotbett, kte of tho Townahip of Ar- temesia, 111 the County of Orey, widow, deceased . j Notice is heroby giventbat slicioditors andolhera Imvin? cTaima against tho es- ' tale of the said Jane Corbett, who died on the 7tU day of Maioh, \\>lb, are re i|uirid on or bohne the liJih day June, llUo.toaend by post prepaid deliver to C. It. MiKeown, tbangevill 1'. ()., .Solicitor for the executor of the estate of Ihe said deceased, their names and addresses, with full particulars of their claims, and the amount of the security, if any held, by them. .\nd fuilher take notice, that after tho 12th day of June, I'.Uo, Ihe said executor will proceed to distiibuio the asaels of] igsj the aaid di'ceased s ealate umolig the'l^Jll IMirlies entilhd thereto, having reL'aid||j|l only lo the claims of which he shall; |j|| ilien have iioiioe, ami the said e.\i'eu'or^ jJJ' will not be liabh' for the said assets, or any pari thereof, lo any person or per- .soiia of whoae claim notice shall not have been received by Ihein at the time of «uch dislribulioii. Dated at Oiangoville this 2Slh day of May, litLI. C. U. McKKOWN. Oraniteville, Out. Solicitor for the said Kxeciitor. 1 have J list placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. ings. F^ivetroughing. Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- Repairing of all kinds pi*omptly attendetl to. Pipefitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare lii>os. Furnaces. 11 BULL FOR SERVICE The uiider.iigned has a Puie Ured Shorthorn Hull for sei vice on Lot 140, Con. '-'. S. W. T. i^ a It., Artemesia. Terma $1.00. All cows solved must lo |>aid for by 1st Match, IDltl. Isept â€" H. Pipar. Bull For Service For serviceâ€" llaron Holly No. (1422. Aberdeen Angus, on lot 34, Olh concuss- ion, Artemesia. Terms, #1.00 it paid bflfore lat Jan. 1915.â€" VV, J. Mai(ee. May 15 D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK ^ I FLESHERTON jm ONTARIO. 1 B m i stock for Sale A oouitle ot brooil HOWS. 1 KcriiHloie anil t Tainwortn for »»lo, Te>uis to suit iMircliaaer. QKO. W. U0S8. Maxwoll »». t>. Pire Bred Holstein Bull Chan)!ellng Prince J^e Bred by Changeling Huttor Boy out of Tidy .\bbekeik Crineoss .losephino The griatest butter making ,«train known Term of sorviceâ€" >1.50 fur grades, f6 or pure bred. QKO. MOORK & SON, Piopa., Fleshei^toii ^^ Tonsorial '^ Parlors We Aim to Oivo Kiitire S;»lisfaction LAl'NDUY-B.isket closes Monday night, delivery Friday cveni-ig CLEANING and DYEINOâ€" W^ aiv •gents for Parker's Dye Worksâ€" Clothea cleaned and dyed, feathers r«>juv«>i>!\ted T FISHER, • . PROPRIETOR