r'.>'i-' i{t^\)ttim 2l^tnlna♦ TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN. ^ 701 3.> No. 2 Flestierton, Ont., Tliursday, June 17 IQlo W. H THDBSTON ^^^, UdfBO Kimberley Budget CropA are 1 lokinj^ some better after the leeeut rain.s. Mr. and Mrs. Wilcher of Piotou vwit eJ during the past »tek with the laiter's euot, Mrs. Geo. Hutohinai'ii. Ueeve Miller and C.juDC.llors (Jaudin and Cook made a biiiness trip to our t mrj; on Monday. .Foaeph Weber of Heathcote visiied friends in this vicinity on Saturday and Sunday la»t. Misses Kiuuia and Nrllie Burriit, who are atteiuliiig the Mealurd High School, visited at their p.u-entiil home recently They were accompanied by Miss Suthei- land of Meafurd. There ^ire seven pupils writing on ex- am' iia'iona tt our public school this week, live from our school and two from Fevershani. R. Jolley A Bayview is the presiding examiner. Ihos. Hutchinson i.s visiting Dundalk friends at present. Moore Bros. i>f Meatord delivered a load of >helr celebra'ed fiour to W. S. BLshop on .Monday. Mr. Murphy of Feversham was a caller in our burif on Monday. The farm and chattels behtnging to the late Archibald Mc.Auley were sold by public auction on Thursd«y ktst. Jaa. A. MyteN (f Heathc»>tB wielde-l the Kuctioneer'.s hammer. Klijah Gilbert purchased the farm, the {jrice paid beinx 11800. Miss Myrtle Carter of MarUUk visit ed recently »t Haddeo Hutchinson's. Mi.ss Sadie I'clcliis attending the bed- side of her mother lu Fevci^ham, who is id at presenl. Jo'ieph Wflier of Fleslierton visited friends in our iwiig durinij the pa«t week. Ignite a number attended tlio dance at Thooipsou .^lien's, ou Tuesday evening Ust, and all Trfp irt a very pleasant even ilia Dundalik Uund>i)k Cit '^enh' Band h»»i been re- • â- ryauizod under the letdcrship A H. C Cloridge. K. S. b'ra-ser, of ^'entry, received a nhipment this wh)«4c from 5larkham of I he coiup'ute uiif.t-rial for a now silo, ready lo erect. This is the lirst of its kicd iu the section and Mr. Kraser's en- terprise is cjmmeudable. He deserves euccerw and uo doubt other farmers will follow bii lead. Sdo fodder umkes the fetding of stock an easy nia'ter. The silo will come Into general use. During a h'gh wind on Wcdnesdny of hust week Firman Iri-h's shingle mill at VVarebiiii whs de.striiyod by tiio. A (>|)irk in tlie sawdust is .-supposed to have leeii the oii^iiu of the tire. Tlie engine, which was on wheels, was reiii^ived from the building. Mr. Irisli esti.iiates his loss at $1<H)0. He carried iiu insuiaitce. He will likely rebuild ni^bt ii.w,»y. Mr. John Sinclair has »uld his Wuolleu Mills in Dundalk to MeM.i«i. Irving and Ksy, of Pembroke Out , wlui will take po.sses.sion this week and will be on the market for the purchase of wiuil. The mill has not litfeii i<|Mr»t«d f>^ severai years. We understuxl the new propri- etors are both practical nt«u iu that line and the starting up of th« mill sliould l»e a decided bonelit to Duttdalk a<Ml eoui- muniiy. \ runaway accident which iui<ht have proven very serious occurred on the farm of -lames Falrbairn, nc:kr (.V)r!»etl<«i<, on Wednesday, May 'ittlh, when liis son, JanieK, a lad of 13 years, was driving a team hitched to a laud roller. llie bridle had got over the ear of one of the hwrscs and the lad went along the tongue between the horses as the shortest w»y to adjust the dithciilty. One of the horses being a lifey coll jumped to one side, and the boy fell in front of the roller and under the horse.s' feet. The team ran a*ay through the lield and the roller went ov. r the young fellow. Fortunately there were uo bones broken but he was bidly cut on the forehead and face. His head was forced into the ircwlv cultivated ground and the roller went over his face. He was rendered •Mic<mscious f<ir a time but he soon came to, and is now iittle the worse of his .Tiisbap. He has learned the lesson that it is not the .safest plan, when do'og any work with horses and machinery lo take short outs. â- « Caution is a tirst rcquisitr, _Het:i'd. Ceylon Clippings Miss Maud Hemphill is epmding a fo. might with her friend. Miss J. Cook, at Fergu.s. Miss McLeod gt Piiceville it vitntin^ her cousin, Miss Edna McLei'U. Miss Xessii Culliiison has returned home after spending a month w ith Toronto, Welland and Port Dalliousie friends. J. J. Pat'ison, who has been attending school m Toronto, ariivtd home Monday for bolidaj.s, and is spending a couple of day.s ;it .Swintoii Park this week. Messrs. Kerr, of Eppins;, and Ellif, of Kimberley, spent the week end at Geo. Siuail'«i. D. Brodie, Toronto, is a visitor in town. .Mrs. Loucks is a yuest at Mrs. Mc Leod's tbi.s week. S. R^riids is taking a week's hoi .days, A'ex. McDonald is relieving. W. Hanley, of Ottawa, Mrs. W. Ro.ss, \\ est Toronto, and Mrs. W. Slewait, of Flujherion, werecalleiH in town the p<ut week. .After a lint^ering itiiie.ss if several months there passed away at her liouiu on Monday at midnight, Mrs. J. <iib<oii. The reuiains were taken lo Toriinlo uu Tuesday eveuint; for interment. She (eaves to mourn her |os.s husband, daugh- ter, aud Uiree s<jus, for whom much sympalliy is expressed. The Hydio Klectric Co. have a bunch of iiwu on atriiigiiii; wires fiHjui here to Priccville . The C F K. dati the gravel train and a crowd of in tu mi this week balasting tlx* road. Hatfaerton Fai.uiers are wetriui; broad smiles since the refreshing showers duriii;i the past week. Rev. James Pbiuiister at; ended con- ference held iu Toronto, also Mr. .Arthur Browuridf^H ns delegate. Miss Winnie Seeley of Fle-sherlon s^ent Sunday at herpaiental home. Mrs. t.'anipliell and children are spend- in« a couple of weeks with lier oareiits, Mr. and Mrs. J aiucs Seeley . 51 r. .ind Mis. S. Grumiiiitl visited friendt! iu Honeywuod recently. We are pleased to see Mrs Jeis Gruin- mitt able to be around again, and is at present vi^iLiiig with her ais'er at Cree- more. Mr. and Mis. U. Seeley and children uf Siugnauipton spent SaiunUy with Mr. and Mrs. Down. High Constable Cook, Ceylon, assisted lu the search of Mrs. Winters one day last week. He was accompanied Dy Mr. Pattison. The search for Mrs. Winters still goes on. but wiHibour success. .\ blood hound was tu:t)ught fiom Ouelph, liist Kiiday, but the do;.: should liave been on the scent iuaide uf iH houit>, and it Imd tieeu then aliuoK*^ two w«eks, so it proved a tadure, the mystety still remains. It ha.s beeu one cf the «.iddest thitigi which has iccurred iu tliispuit of the country for yeais. The Maxwell M«»thod(8t diuroh hss lieeii iu the hia is i^f Mr. Cruss, [tainter aud ilecoi'iilor of .Siayaer, for the pa^'t two weeks. It will also be reso.ited with chitirs, witch will iidd to the coni- U>ti uf the coiigrrgatiuti. Tlie Ladies' Aid, wh ch has been doiiiu splendid work during the past four ytiirs under tb« president, Mrs. Phiuiister, who h>is been an act.ve worker in everything penainiii); lo church ami Sundsy •«:h<iol work, hns a.ssuined le^ponsihility ftir renovating the church. Markdale ^(r. John Fallaise, » pionei'r if the 4th concession, Olent Ig, died on the 27.th of May, Jit the home of a daughter in King Township, where he had been re- siding. He was !tt) yeui-.s of age. The autoimvbile owue's, with (ine- ex- ception, agreed ti contribute Ji'.oO enoh towards vepairlnu the bad places in the roads adj.»cent to Mirkdnlp. Thirty ow- ners are contributing Si~r>, which is biiog turned ovor to U. O. Whitby, who will ex|>aitd it on the roads, uiving his time fvic of charge Some of th* w^rst places have already been eliminated, and »s a conser|uoiacc there will bo le»s abase heaped upon those who are responsible for the condition of the roads through mo*t of Grey County.- Staudard. Eugenia Paragraphs Mr. and Mrs. John Park and f.iinily and Miss Warnick motored over from Dornoch and visited with Jfr. and Mr.«. Jake Williams recently. Rev. Kendall of Dui.dalk vinited with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McKee and preached a very able seimon to the P esbyterian congregation on Sabbath morning. Mrs. Booth and daughter, Nhia, of Edmonton, are visiting their aunt. Miss Beecroft. Her many frien Js here were glad t ) see her aaain. Misses Stella and Sadie Pedlar and friend of Toronto are the guests of the Misses Parsons. Mr. U. Hoirg and brother, .\ndrew, of Manor, Sask,, visited Eugenii frieiidi>. Mr. McXally and sister were guests of Mr. and Mr.s. Joe Williams. Albert .Vrmstrong and sister, Elsie, of Kimberley, were the guests of Slias U Paul. Mr. and Mis. James .\imstiong of Kimberley were the guests of Mrs. W'm. Wil*»n. Bornâ€" <»n Thursday, June 10, to Mr. and Mrs. Jvhii Campbell, a daughter. The luistioge people picnicked at En genia on Saturday and spent a very pleasant day. We were all pleiused to see them. Eugenia still holds great at- tractions tor visitors. Mr. (U'aham is rilways ready to assist any one over the construction in his au'o, also gasoline lauiK'h for the lake and the two refresh- ment booths are di ing a rushing business. The Sabbath schools <if Eugenia pur- pose holding their annual picnic here on Saturday afternoon. Kiorybudy welcome Mr. Silas Hauey of Gillies Hill visited his brother, Robert, of this plac. Mrs. M. Leitch of Paisley was tlie guest of Mrs. Thomas Fenwick recently. J. K. Jamieson an 1 dau^htjr visi'ed with Mr. and Mrs. Hillock of Wtreham. Mis. Fred Peulor visited with Mrs. Henry McLoughiy I'f Vnndelcur ilio past neek .Mrs. Will. Ross and Sirs. Uober Me'dru<n «.f Toniiiro. and Wm. Hanley of O titwa and Mr. and .Mr-i. Charles and Wm Slewait of F.eshtrton weie guests ai b'airview Villa the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Purvis and children "f Toronto are the guests of their iiarents, Mr. and Mrs. K. I'm vis. Mr. Alex. Carruthers had the misfor- tune to have hit h.kud badly cru.shed on Friday while working at the stone crusher. The Hydro people will shortly start work on the 8ih line to laise the road and build biidxes for the Rocommodiiiion «if the people living in th.»t localry. The Women's Institute met- at the home of Mrs. Win. Ho|>per on Wednes- day lust. Aripinrsia Sabbutb school c invention is to be held in Kiigonia on Jiioe 34, af- ternoon session in the Methodist church. Tc:« servtd for all visitoi's. Evening session ill the Presbyterian o'lurcli. liidies, turn out with basket* and give tile visitors a hearty welcnme. Reeve McKenzie.md Councillor Biowu woro hoie inspecting the r. ads where iep.iiis are much nc»ded. Councillor Cameron is busy with th« stone crusher on Ills be:it, improving the roads. Tlie Women's I sti'.ute have .secured a travelling library fr mi the Department of .\i;riculture aud anyone wishing for Kood readiig can apply to Mis< .\llie Williams, libraiiun. Mrs. Hutchinson of .Aberdeen, Sask , wa.s the guest of her sistar, tUn. W. .Armstrong. Maxwell Sam (jsborne and George Ross attend ed Jury at Owen Sound last week. Mr. Hanley of Ottawa is a guest i\ Sam Osborne's this week. Dr. and Mrs. Roszell aro visiting with their parents in SmilLvd'e this week. Dr. tjuy is taking Dr. Roszfli's practise in his absence. Bornâ€" On June 12ch, to Mr. and Mrs, Clias. Lona, a dauuhter. Mr. aud Mrs. Jac'i Stephens of Des- boro spent a few days last week with the laiter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. EJ. McCallum, 4 h line. Rev. Phiuiister and .Arthur Brown- ridge attended t'oiiference in Toronto last week. Mi.ss Mau'le Guy spent Sunday with friends in Mclntyie. Mrs. Belleihy ot Shclburne is visiting at her parental home, John Mc<.^ti'«y. •S-rvice will be held morning and evening on .'Sunday in the Methodist church. R'V. Bonn, a forniiA' pastor, will conduct the servicet. DR. BURT Specialist In diseases ol the Mr. .VIcx. Duncan, a young nriii liv- ing at (Jriinstou. had his left leg broken while playing a gamo of baseball in that burg. He waii O'l third Iw.ie and the luniierat. thit ba.se jumped inu him and Itoih fell to the ground. I', is a bid break and .Mr. Duncan will be laid up for seveiiil weeks. NEWSI FLESHERTON .A new phone to ring, to P Steinhart, I Markdiile, 87, for pou try alive, produce, I hides, skins aii.l wool, ni'jbevs. rags, i horsehsir. iron, cop^im, bis,ss, z'lio. load of .ill sort', top price raid in cash, or I drop a card to Box 121. Matkdale Will I e.'dl for it. Don't mistiike llie iiiiiu-, iP. STEINHART Singhatnpton Siiighampton se.-ins to bd the tuecca for "iiotorisis this spring, and we cannot bliinio them, for the country up bete now is beautiful ii its fresh greenness. Mr. and Mrs. William Smith and Mi.ss Phoeinie Smith, of Sniithdde, motored up on Sunday, and Httended service in Sjl. Paul's, after spending the day with .Mr. and Mrs. .Alfred Brameth. We also noticed Mr. McDonald "I Collingwood, Hccompinied 1-y Miss ThriMjp, here for ihe day. Mr. John Bawdeii, of town, ih here on a visit to her sister, Mrs. Mitt. O'lJ- sniitli. The meeting of the Cemetery Board which wu called f.ir .Monday the 7lli,was held, and idl ihe business connected with Slid Board transacted. The old trustees of the B.iard, and a new Board was ap- l>oittted as follows :â€" Tuistee.s, James Loukiheed, William Uamdl, H. William Jac<|UeB ; Sec - Treas., Jos. ph .A Taylor. Wo ire expecting to see something done i I our cemetery now. The Y. P. C. A. hell their regular weekly meeting in the Methodist Church here on Tuesday night. The meeting opened by siiiiting and prayer, and Mr. Brock readiii'.; the lesson. Kev.Driniiaii gave .1 vciy iiiieiestiiia talk on the lopi â- chosen, nlucli wa-< the tiist inhaliilniis of our country, and what are we doing fui their desceiideuts. Ho spoke briefly "t I be first inissi'.nary work done by I lie â- lesuit Fathers iu the sreat Northwest, and fri'iii that until the present day, tell- ing u.s -â- onsiderable ab mt their reserves in Ontario and other places. The Kev. gentleinnn is an excellent speaker, >ui'i his talks are very much appreciated, t' ihouvh brief and CJiicise. they :iie llioi â- oualily enjoyed by «1'. The tinaucial re port was given. Some di-^cussii n follow- ed on some busiiieas mattor, but as the Society was n it fu.'ly represented, iliey were left over until next meeting. ^Ii. .lo'iii Brown of Dun'roon piys Snighiiiipton rtyiutr vis. Is fieijuently. Wu wonder if he intends to learn t' a milling business. Victor Spence of Thessalon is on a vi<it to his grandparents, Mr. Robert Brown ; also his aunt, Mrs. C. .Asbuiy, with little son and daughter. â€" Mes.seii- "er. Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat OFFICE-BJi) lOth St, West,Owcii Sound At the Revere house, Markdale, 2nd Thursday each month from 8 to a 12a m Dund'ilk,Is Wednesday of each month.. Jewelry H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT JAILOR Feversham - Ont. Fashionable Tailoring Seasonable Goods, first class VVorkmaRShip. i â€" .ALSOâ€" ' X line of Ready-Made CloChing Which we put alterations m free of | charge, if reijuired. Isep Portlaw The disappettrance of Sirs. Winters, iiiot'ier of .Mr. John Winters of this neiahl>orhood, remains as iniicli a mys- tery as ever. Although hundreds of eenrchers have been over the marsh and swamp*', and found her tracks and some articles she had dropped, otherwise their setrch has bei ii fruitless. The \rliole communi'y ha.s been stirred over the sad occurrence. .A libersl reward is oHeied by her sens for hei difcivery. Mrs. Will. Chard who has been very ill for some time is now thought to be on a fair way to rec'ivery. Her daughter, Mrs. J. .A. Hu'chinson of .Saskatchewan has beeu atteinling her mother. Mrs. Wmichope of Bo!ton hiis returned home "fter visiting her daughter, Mrs. Lewis ShoHrdiwn. The lidies of the Red Cross Si ciety ate ninking prr[}ai-ations for a bumper si'endiuce and a bli» time a' thiir gaitleii I pirty on WoJnesUiy evening of ih s I week. A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A â- Armstrong, Jeweler] FLESHERTON, ONT .!t«.;}i& 4j^d.t& ji", â- }<(. .}l^ .^|«. ^fe, -at. ^'u,jv, jie. »««. -yt, »««. •>'(• â- i't- .^'«• su- â- >'t'il^^ik:il'k^iSk %5 '/iF W^i- ^? '/i?'/i? '/.? W ^vi? ~n^~'i? ~^ '/i?'/i? '-»?'/(? ^if '/i?^ <ii,^ W •»<• '/.«• W W '/li- •â- /,«• '/,? '/!<• '/I? '/Ii- '/ti- -W '/I J" '/!«• -»!<• '/(«• ^i*- '«*" W W W •»<• '/<«• W "W SEED CORN .sib |fc Coniptons Early. White Cap, Wisrou.sin No. 7, ^ North Dakota, Imp. I.oaniin«r, Giant Ensilage, ^ (iolilen Glow. ^ ^lan^^'le. Siigai- 3Ian,i:le. .'^ii^ar Boet. Tnrnip, Carrot, IJape. MiHi'tt. Hniipirian. '/iT â- AV!, •Si? 'J4»'* •w m -Mb lis 8onu; Timothy and Glover Seed yet. 10,000 Pounds of Wool Wanted w. bUs K I N Jib f V '<.«• 'iif "Ai" '/li- v.c- --if '/if '/jFlif WW W *5 W '/if^if^.f ^F^'MPWW tIF W gp- i Nice Summer Shoes The FIt'sherlon Shoe Store is well stocked with many varietie•^ of Sum- mer Shoes for ladies and ^ents, at right prices. .Ms'i) Trunks aud Suit Gase.s:. Kepairin!^ as usual Thos. Clayton^s FLESHERTON 55!l^!T?R-^.^'^ .'^.â-¼.^.'RT.^ W.W..T.!T.W.JT. 'TR.T.T.^ ."F.T iV ^ NEW SUITINGS I New Suitings just to hand â€" some of W the nobbiest weaves to befountl any- x where. J^ Leave your order now for that new ^ suit. You will never regret it. ^ Satisfaction guaranteed. j^ Dtint forget that we ilo cleaning, pressing aud repairing. Our prices are right an<l our Avorkmanship is the vcrv best. S. J. BOWLER Sole Agent for the Hobberlin Tailoring.