- '' â- â- ) l ! f. ' | *lg l f* li !jl> i,m<J W >ii» ' »l* i i "iH(W^ i ' i U- i |IU. I I IJ.M.iU. i u i » >»i M.- » » ! -- Pune 10 1916 THE FLESHEKTON ADVANCE BUSINESSCARDS I ^t»TmTJ:iiu»z*^'ir,\;,i:kZi^^^ w RIQHT. TELFORD A McDONM-P - BurlBter, SoUcitord. ic. Office*. Drey * Briio* Block, Owou Bouud. 8t»ud»rd b»tik Block, KiMherton, (Saturday «). W, H. Wrlgbt, W. P. 'I'eltord J'-. ,J. 0. UcDouaH, U u. .». A Societies O U W meet! ou the tM» """i** « in »ch mouth, in their lodge roj" CUytoo* ball Flejhertoa. at 8 P"- Jji,j^.: li. i. ll'r'&ie.'^t^.iti^a hrVS^'^'trj ;n•,?o"."t''h%^â- ^•}s;r"rcc•TIi.aU!t?^v'! M ; Clia».Uanib»w, Secretary. Pie we pay dueeto Fin. S««. before the nr«i av o' tbe mootb. _^ CROREN FRIENDS-Fleeberton V'^",';'! , ^Cbo^n Friend, meet, in <:'»Vton •''»', "'^^ ud third We<lne»d»v of each month « V- «" Fay a.8es>in.e.u» to (lie "e'-o^^" .??,-°J„^„o7 tDo nr.t .lay ol each month. Chief CoancUlor . Blakelev; Recorder W. H. Bant. Medical Offl«« and ro«idence-Feter »t., Fle.herton JjK. W. T. ^J,j^j„;'tg"o, Toronto luiveisltv Medic.l Collefie. "''"â- '^?," »".ir*i Park Houie, K.esherton. l'hon*-.Mr<. JP OTTEWELIi Veterinary Snrgeon „„„„. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Collwje rwideoce â€" .acond door »outb wMt.op iTIuy .treet. Tbi. .treat rune outb Preatyterian Cbnrcb. h t If h I- HEADQUARTERS FOR IftMsey-Harris mnA Cockshutt Repairs Cockshutt Implements, Mek>l)i!e Cream Separators, Lialler Gasoline Engines, Baled Hay and Straw The Adam Wagon Agent D. McTavidi FLESMERTON, ONT Dentistry Dr B. C MURRAY U D. fi , dental snrgeon bonoi Rraduate of Toronto Univereity and Hcyal CollpRe of Deutal SurRcoin of Ontario, Ga. adiuiiiui.tered for teetb extraction Ol&ee at reeidenoe, Toronto btreet. Heaherton . LEGi . CCAB. 11ASF,Y ML jv AD. .......... * hF.NRY-Barrl.terf. iiolicitorii.ejc.-I. ». Lucas, K. C. : \V K, Bao^ K. C. W. D. Henry, It A. Ulhce., rorcoto, htiC-'J TLdcrs Hank ItWl!., phono luaiii 1112: Warkdalnl.uca. Hlock. Phone 2 A. Branch oSice at Daudalk open erery Katurday. Business Cards i5 CULLOUGH * YOUSO 1^ llaiikeri Markdale iieral baukiug bubinan. . Money loaned reaaonabla rate. Call on us. DMcrHAIL, Licen.eJ Auctioneer for the • County of Orey. Terinn moderate and tit action Kuarauteed. The arraOKenieot. f. ] late« of naleB can b« made a>, Tiip. Advakck vUice. Kenidence and P.O., Ceylon, Telephone ouuection. Dec. 0,07. Ceylon's Busy Store JiMt arrived a fall line ol Grauitewaie at vtiy r«a*onable prices. Also lloe«, Itakes, Sliovcla, Haice Po}t«P, Watering Cans. Piris Green, Screen Doorsaiid Windowi!, and Roots and Slices. Attractive Prices on Milliiiery. Fruit always in season. iVOOli \V.\NT1CDâ€" Cling along your wool and get best prices, either easii or trade. IIIGIIKST PRICES .ALWAYS EWII) I'OIl PRODUCE 1 '^ VirM. KAITTINO, Llcemwd Auctioneer foi '' the couutio. of lirev and Sinii-oc. Karm and Ntuck .ales a Kpecialty. Toiiiih oioderate. eitl»factlcn guarautte'l. Arraii|,'i'- c;eDt. for date, may be mads at the Advance iRae, or Central ti'leihono ofV.t'e I'nTfrsham crbyaddreBiing we »( Feverabau, Out. JAiVlES PATTISON & Co. OlU- Motto â€" "SmM.I. I'llOiriT Wh f^l KK liKTfllNS Columbia Grafonolas Records, Needles, Catalogues Tiic Columbia is the pcrfool talking maciiine. Compare all others, then hear tiiis and we are iicU afraid of the lepult. Wc can kcII machines on easy terms to rcspon.sible people. All the bc»t appointed city homes liaVG their parlor inachiiicH and ihtnv It DO reason why the fanner should not have the best music of the day in his home, including band music, vocal artists, and performers ou all kiiid.s of instrumcntH. You can have it on u fe Columbia Grafoiiola, as perfect as tiie ^..original, and for luiich Icsi-. ihan von ^Vlvonld pay fur u Comnion Organ. They lango Iroin $20 up. IThe Perfect Columbia . , Is a iiiarvcl of recording mstiii- I nients and the Coliunbia reciirds, made in Canada, embrace tin n ands of selections from whicli to chwre. W. H. Thurston ^'ligent Flcshcrton SWP means Sherwin-Williams Paint (Prepared). ! This is the best paint for you to use because it is made I of pure materialsâ€" pure lead, pure zinc, pure Linseed I Oil, and pure coloring pigments which are thoroughly { mixed and ground in scientific proportions by powerful ; machinery. It is better than the old fashioned hand-mixed paint because the materials are put together according to correct ! chemical formulae which have been tested out in a practical way. • Its fine grinding makes it cover nearly 50% more I surface than liand-mixed paint. i SWP is an economical paint because it will cover the ' greatest amount of surface, wear longest, and look best. â€" Ask I us for color cards. FRANK W. DUNCAN ' Hardware, Paints, Oils, Glass and Crockery FLESHERTON 1000 Bull for Service Pore bred shorthorn bull, "Aberdeen PJfjrvia-ft.OrtOâ€" for keivlce on li.t *2!), S.S. M,, ArteineHin. Ttfrms- $l.ti'> fur jjtinlui, Pura bred tawK «:» fJft. , pure Intxl Tiinuwor'.li hou for •crvico (Hi tbo libuve li)t. ^UPeniiS" Sl.oO f )rjtll animttlH. Kfirvod 1 be oiitl for, â€" W.,I. Meads Bull For Service jf.roHghbr»,il Hlinnhoin Ifuji, " Hill- iOovernor," Nd. rtr»4»lfl, fur Hervico HOI 27, con 14 ArtumeHiH, Torms 'i50 lor avA«le8, f .'I for fhormighbreila. i -ALEX, CARIH THER8. >? V 1 . ^ ^ ) nil (.'.ill tii-^'iii liny d.'iy M g .t Ih. ^ y 'f^ M OWr.N SOUND â- ONTARIO ^^ OWKN SorND, ONT.. Individiiiil liistrik'lion. Oiii riwii llni'c .sliiry liiiildini! and ;i+ eiiccesHful yeiith uf t-x- pfliii'iicu. ExpiJil iimliiiel' r<) produce ilie very host rmnltJ. Oiila!i)2Ui! Kioi'. C, A. FLKMlNCi, K. C. A., Principal. ^0 1) KliKMlNG Socitttary. Resumption Can. Pacific Great Lakes Service I Pftssniiger Hervice via tlio Great Lukes Cioiadiiin Pnoilio route frnni Purl Mc- , Nio 11 will lio vosiiuucl iionimeiioinn Sat- urdiy, Mny 22ii(l. Tlio HiTvice lliis Ifeii.ion nil! )iu maintiiinod by ^tlii' SleHni- t>r« 'â- Kecttatiu' sAilin<; Tucsdiiyn, lli' ".MHniloUa" Wi'dnesdiyc, ".Mbnta" ThiirsdHys and "A.ssiniilHiiii" on S.ilur diiys from Port McNinoll at. 4 p in. Tim "Miiiiiioliu" s'liliiiK Wi'.lnoH.lays ivill iiIho cill Hi Owen Sound fiich sailiii.' dali- !if. l<).;<ft p, m. Special train will loivu L'uioii Stution, Toronto, at 1'i.4.i p.m., arriving Port McNicoll 4 Ot> p. in. D.idy uxccpl Friday. Kor r«Borv«tion.s or other inforinntioii roKHriiiiiB thi« service, coii.siili any Canadian Paciho .'X^'cnt, ur writo M. (J Murphy, District; Pasienijpr Ajjoiit, roronto. ANADIAN PACIFIC The Ideal Vacation Route Cunvonieiilly Reaching POINT-Al -BAUIL FRENCH and PICKEREL RUTEWS SEVERN RIVER MUSXOKA LAKES RIOfiAl; LAKES LAKE ONTAttIO RESORTS Ooneral Change of Time May ftO Particulars from S. Ra.ids, Agent, Fleah- erton, or write M'. <». Murphy, D. P. A., Toronto. Cement Work Wanted Thft under.siniie.l is prepared to do gil'i buiklios and â- eoBCi'ete work . H«''u bad Ihirtfteti years experienoe »n«l feel that 1 cau give entire satisfaction. Have steel forms for silo and all on lit neces-ary for all kinds of cament work. Cin also attend to carpfnter work. THOS. BENTHAM, 1 July Flesherton. House and Lot for Sale In Feversham Uiughoist Vouse, stable, pig-pen and [louliry house, good large lot, for sale in t'le village of Feversham. Apply to E. C.kHanmiell, FeveiBhain, Ont. Phone. 7 July FORTIFICATIOXS OF QrEBEC. Were Citadel Xow Stands Was Formerly a Bald Kock. In bis masterly sketch of Quebec and Its origin in 1603 Parkman touches on what for the visitor to- day â€" fifty years since he wrote â€" is still the most striking feature of the situation of both Montreal and Que- bec; namely, that these cities, one of them at least the very glass of modern progress, seem to stand In a romantic and beautiful setting of primeval forests and rocky uplands. Parkman says: "Champlain spread his sails, and again held his course up the St. Lawrence. Far to the south, in sun and shadow, slumbered the woody mountains whence fell the countless springs of the .St. John, behind ten- antless shores, now white with glim- mering villaRes â€" La Chenaie, Gran- ville, Kamouraska, St. Itocbe, St. Jean, Vincolot, Berlbier. But on the north the jealous wilderness still as- serts Its sway, irowdiUK to the river's verge its walls, domes and towers of granite; and to this liour its solitude Is scarcely broken. •Above llif point of the Island of Orleans, a coustrlclion of the vast channel narrows it to less than a mile, Willi the srei'U heights of Point Levis on one side, and on the other the dllfs jof Qiicboc. Here, a small Klreani, the .St. Charles, enters the St. Lawrence, and in the unsle be- twixt lliem rises ibi' promontory, on iwo sides a natural fortress. Be- tween the cliffs and the river lay a strand covered with walnuts and oilier trees, l-'roni this strand, by a lougli passage gullied downward from the place where Presiott Gate now (ISCf)) guards the way, one might climb the heights to the broken plateau abo' e. now burdened with its ponderous load of churches, convents, dwelling.s, ramparts, and batteries. Thence by a gradual as- cent, the rock sloped upward to its highest summit, Cape Diamond, looking down on the St. Lawrence from a height of three hundred and lifty feet. Here the citadel now stands; then the sun fell on the bald rock, decked here and there with mosses and lichens. Two centuries and a half have quickened the soli- lude with swarming life, covered the deep bosom of the river with barge and steamer and gliding sail, and reared cities and villages on the site of forests; but uoiliing can destroy lh<> surpassing grandeur of the scene." The Colonel and the Kecinit. A prominent business man of King street west, Toronto, tells bow the llnancial stringency has unavoidably urged curlailmeuls in several de- partments in his factory. He even had to call in certain men and i x- plain how they must be laid off until times got better. One â€" a big. husky hand, wliose skill In his line was .Mch that he. did not want to los.' himâ€" was offered other work ai slightly reduced money if he would slay till business got better again. The business man is also a colonel on the retired list. He had been summoned by the Militia Depart- men! to report at Valcartier to assist in the preparations for receiving the first contingent, lie was to leave that night, but be made time to have a regular heartlo-hearl talk with the valued employe referred to. But he sajs that pretty near all his pri- vate business worries were forgotten In the turmoil of the bustling job at V'alcartier. The troop trains kept pouring into camp from all over Canada, and Invariably just before all their efforts could manage to per- fect reception arrangements. "I re- member that we had a breathing- spell just before the 48th Highland- ers arrived, and with several other officers I was awaiting Col. Currle's appearance on the scene. The pip- era had passed us on the swing, and the brave boys In kilts themselves, and we oBlctTS were moving to head- quarters again, when to my astonish- ment (and that of the staff with me) I heard; "Hollo, Mr. , how's things?' Perched aloft o« top of a supply wagon there was my big. Jolly, husky chap from Toronto that 1 had been so anxious to keep on. 1 thought 1 should sink through the huckleberry bushes. "Hello, Mr. ," It sounded so famllliar a greeting, and yet so unfamiliar down here In the shadow of the war cloud, _ _ - •â- - Honor Rolls Report of Kimberley Public School for May. Sr 3â€" E Harris, C Hutchinson, A Lawrence, M Fawcett. Jr 4-1 Walter, L Stuart, H Wallace. Jr.'5-E Ward, A Burritt, B Carruth- eis, H Fawcett, M Stafford, H McConn- ell, W EHis, G Ward, H Cornfield, R Ellis, M Hutchinson. Sr 2- R Myles, V Fawcett, E Lawr- ence, R Stafford, T FerguKin, C Fawcett, C Carruthers, P Eeid. Jr 2~M McConnell, N Burritt, J Lewis, T Myles, H Wallace, L Aber- crombie, E Reid. Sr 1-B Stalford, T McUoni.ell, W Wallace. M Stuart, J Elli«, M Harris. .Jr 1â€" R Waid, B Stuart, W Weber. A_A Wel*er, B McConnell. Bâ€" D Good, W Flood, E Reid. 0-F Zimmerman, M Flood, R Ander- son. ' Report of S. S. No. «, Osprey, fo May. Sr 4â€" M Douglas, G Holrnyd. Jr 4â€" B Short. Kr 'iâ€" S Izard, S McMullen, L Fields, S Short, F Hollinjjshead, W Parker. Sr 2â€" L Short, I Izard, S Sewell, V Roberts, D Pcole, I Hambly R Hcdroyd, B Cameron. F Hollingahead, K Howard. Sr 1â€" M Poole, W McMullen, D How- ard, J Thomson. Primer A â€" C Holroyd, V McKenzie B Short, D Robeits, E Poole. Primer Bâ€" Lena Izard, G Kaitliiig, C Short, H McMullen. Present every day â€" M Douglas, II Holroyd, B Cameron, kV McKenzie, C Hulroyd, L Izard, G Kaitting, C Short. â€" G. Davis, Teacher. Report of S 8. No. 3, .Arteine.'ia, fur May. 4 W' Orr, R Best. Sr :!â€" S Cl.ard, .M Sharp. Jr :5â€" F Irwin, A Mooi-e, M Caswell. Sr 2 â€" I Brccn, G A kins, .\ Breen, M Moore, G Irwin. Jr 2 â€" k Uogarih, M Moore. Part 2â€" M McMullen. W White. Primary Bâ€" M Breen, H .\kins. Primary Aâ€" M Hogarth, II Allen, V Simmons, .J .Ailleu, II Blackburn, L Sharp, K .VI. o"e. Notice to Creditors lu the mittcr of the Estate uf .luliu Douglas, late of the Township of Oiprey, in the C'juuty of Grey, Fann- er, deceased, N'utice is hf reliy g ven, pursuant Ui '"The Tiustco .Act", and Hiuendiueuls Hitu'i to, Ciat all cicditors and others lining c'liiuis aitainst theestito cf the sai I .liiliii Dougla.s, who died on 'or about the t>(cnty- fourth day of April, .\ D. im.'i, are rcipiircd on or before the Hrst diy of .luly, A. D. PJIj, to send by (io.kL prepaid or deliver to Messrs. NVriitht, Telford & McDonald, Owen Sound, .Solicitors for the Executors uf the la>t will hihI tfsiament of the said Jehu Dou.^laii, deceased, thuir Christian ai.d surtiHiues, addffs.ses and descrip- tions, the full particulars oftheir claims and tlie nature of the secuilus, if any, held by them. .\tid funbcr take notice that after such last mentioned dale ilic said Exccu'ors niM proceed to distribute the assels of ihc dic.-H«ed aiuoiin the parlies entitled thereto, havini; regard only to the claims of whidi they shall then have iiolice,and that the stid Executors will nut be liabfe f'.r tbo said assels or any pait ihcreof to any person or persons nl whose claim nolice sliall nol have bten leceived liy them at the time of such distribuliou. Di'ed ihe liist d«y of June, VA\a. Wright 'IVlt'ord A McDonald, Owcu Sound, Out., Solicitors for Executor* Court of Revision 1915 Village of Flesherton Tlie (list sitlini; <if the Court «.f Ucvis ion lit the .-VsKessmeut of thd Village of Fleshorlon wii be hold at tbo Town Hall on Thursday, the lUth day of ,Iune, l!)ir>, at 7. .HO p. m. Dated this 2,> day of May, lOlo. â€" W. J. BELLAMY, Olerk. House and Lot for Sale Jl Coincr lot oppo,site the Presbyterian chilli h, hou'c contains '.M-ooms and bath, cciu ^iii c.-lUis, cement cis ern inside, good well and stalle. For ItM-ms apply on P-niisos. ^^^^^ ^^ ^ ^^^^^^^^,^ l.„o, Flesherton. Hound Lost Ten Dollars Reward will be paid for information that will lead to the recov- ery of a hound i hat strayed from Piice- ville about May Vlh. Photographs and a thorough description of iliodog furnished by the owner on application and all cor- respondence treated cnnfideniiilly. S, L. WRIGHT, Pri Seville. Walkerton Billy Hough, aged 40, who absconded from the Houkb of Refuge at Walkerton and was arrested by the Chief of Police at Owen Sound, stated that his uiotber wouldn't keep him when arraigued on a vagrancy chari»e in the Owen Sound Pol- ice Court the other day. He wat com- mitted to the cells and will likely be transferred to the Guelph Prison Farm. Mr. David Karges, proprietor of the moving picture show here, was fined J20 and costs, amounting in all to $2.'5.75, by M»gi.strB*e Tolton on Saturday last fi» employing an unlicensed operator to run his machine. Herbie Hauck, the oper- ator, was also up for engaging in sucb work without a license, and although he was liable for a similar fine, ihe court let him off with a warning. Nor* Ernst, the 1« year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Ernst, was sen- tenced by Magistrate James Tolton and Robt. Richardson here on Saturday after- noon, to two years less one month, in Ihe Mercer Reformatory at Toronto. Her father, who was the chief witness against her at the triai, claimed that she had be- come unmanageable at hon>e, and would go out and come in when she liked, often remaining out until a very late hour of the n'ght. He thought, for his daught- er's own good, that she ought to be put under some restraint, and the court ac- i|uifsced in this view by sentencing her to the Reformatory. While repairing .shoes on Saturday night, Mike Scbefter noticed that the lamp by his side was about to explode, and grabbing it he rushed from his shop to ihe street and while casting it forth it blew up with a bang lilte a German bomb. Although the gUss flew like shrapnrl in all directions, Mike came through the ordeal unhurt, though all the curl is said to have been taken out of his hair when it went up straight. It was a close call fron. a serious fire, and as Mike occupies an attachtd store, his neighbors are A\ glad that he had the courage to grab the lamp and not tiddlo around like Neio while Rome burned. .\ man named Collins, who left Eng- land about four, monihs ai:o, and came 1 1 thisc ouuiiy to ts:*])* enlisting for the front, wa.s b«iriended by Robert Lym- teuy iieir town, who took the wanderer in and put him up for a week. .After his departure, Lymberry noticed that his silver watch, which had been hanging on the wall, had been removed, and a worth- less timepiece without hands hjid been hung in lis p!ace. Suspecting his late uucst, Lymberry notified Chief Ferguson, and found that Collins had just been p'aced by Immigration OHicer Uicliard- soii on Uio farm of his ^m, Mr. Jnhu Richardsi.n, in Brant. In coiupHiiy with ilio iinuiigrati.ui Officer, Lymberry start- ed out after the man and found him re- clining ill ease in a corner of a fence on the Richardson farm, the to s of the works having sent him out to r/pair the fence. On being sccu.scd of the theft, Collin.s, after some hedging, linally con- fessed lb having stolen his late hcnefact- or'a watch, and drawing ic from hia clothes delivered it up to its rightful ow- ner again. The ihief was then brousht: into town and handed over to Chief Fer- guson on Tuestlay" night, bht iho othcer not caring to have the iimn sentenced .and ipiartered for a spell ou the country, g'«vc him a few minutes to get out of town, which he did without delay. Al- though only nineteen years of ago this gent would seem to have already i^uali- tied as a suiouth, worthless guy. Homeseekers' Excursions To Western Canada Particular attention is directed lo the remarkably low Round Trip Fai' .< in coiincc;iou with Homeseekers' Excur- sions to Western Canada .ia Canadian Pacitic Railway. • Tickets are on sule each Tuesday until Oct' d)er 2titb, inclusive, and are good to return within two months from date of sale. The C. P. R. otters the tiuest possible eijuipment and fastest train service via one of the most scenic routea in the world. It is the only line operating through standard and tourist sleeping cars, also dining cars to Winnipeg and Vancouver. All eipiipment is owned and operated liy the C. P. R^, afl'ording the highest form of efflciency. If such a trip is under consideration apply to any C. P. R. .Agent f(Nr ful particulars or write M. 0. Murphy DP. A , Toronto. Bull For! Service For service. -Baron HoUy^ No. C422. Aberdeen AngiK, on 'ot 34,!)ih concess- ion, Arteineaia. Terms, $1.00 if paid before 1st Jan. 1!".").- W, J, M.i«ce. May 15 BULL FOR SERVICE The uiider'igned, has a Puifl Bred Shoi thorn Bull for fteivicB <u» Lot 146, Con. 2, S. W. T. AS. R, Arlimesia. Teiins$1.00. All cows solved must be paid for liy Isl Mar«h, 191(1. Isept â€"11. Pipe*.