Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 Feb 1915, p. 1

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^mmmm «_-:"?'i!e»-» . « JUT iiii wu ii ej it /lesh^rt^n %hmnct. ' TRUTH BEFORE FAVOB.' â€" " PBINCIPLEb NOT MEN. vol 31 No :55 Flestiertoii, Ont., Tliursciay, Kebruciry 1 I lOlo W, H TECRSTON ^'iVZ W ode house Doings Stonubouu:! Ljist W.-ek Fi.'Iiruary breezes. The .[ttarterly saci-aniental service wiia held in N'ew Enalancl cliuich on Sund;i}- aftert'.o m. .Mr. ami Mrs. .John r.ckeiing are visit- ing friends in Marlidak'. Mr. anl .Mi>. Sa nu.l Wiley, sr.. vi;il- «d during the past week with the la'tei s !«i6ter, Vrs. Harris and daughter, Et», at Kimbeiley. Jacob Loui^heetl has sold hia farm to Ed. Wikoi, Vandekur Joe Cherry spent I lie «vek end with hia parents at Th.-nitury. Mi.<» .Ann e | Caiiierun a;coinp«nied him and wi'l visit friends th:re fur s<3a>e tiiu". Sorry to report Richatd Bennett ((uile ill; also little St-'wart WcN'evio ia suffer- int; from an abscess uii the side of his neck. We boj)e for their speedy recov- ery. Bornâ€" 0,i Fridiy, January 29, UU5, to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest M(>r<rcH)d, a HJIl. Mr. s.ud Mrs. Aar>>u Thonii>son visitid the Utters sister, Mn. J. W. Wiley, on Sunday. Edgkr Douue ly is ens^^jed iem>vatf ing the interior of a huute for Mr. Itui- chill at Waltersfalls. Quite a uuniU r of uur >ounv: folks have been ;ittending the rink at Kocklyn of late. ' )h ! that Wo !ebi'use could only (port one. Mr. J. W. Wi!ey lost a valuable cow on Satur-lty Ust. Mr. and Mrs. W«-s. Lyons were (he guests of I be Utter '.s parents. Mr. ^nd Mr*. Wui. Wdey, recently. The sever-il couiniittees apiwinted m chante of the patriotic concert, the date .IT which ii not yet jmlilishcd, aie busy fude^vorinx to make this one of the best concerta i{iTen here for tome time. Mr. and Mrs. C B. .Vbercrnmbie wtrc ih^ ,ues s of Mr. and Mi-s. Pritcluu'd, Vandvteur, on TiK-sday U.Nt. The form- er'.- sister, Lilly, returi.ed home with tbeui tnd left the foUnwiuv; day (<> vt.sit fiiend-t ir. Itocklyn and Me.tford. Smith of Mcaforil ia the gucit ut' her c>u»iu Mia« Nettie Mc.Vrthur. Miw Kdnk Wilkei- of Dwidwii, Snak., visited with Mi.s.s K»a Biii»kin the p.v»t , week. It is ten yeius since she left those parts, and. altUou^h she likes the west to a certain c.itent. there is still uo place like the old home and old scenes. ' She l.'»ve-s ihis week lo visit friends in Owen Suind and Tovont". She Waves , al out ihe middle of March fi'i hoi homo in the west. Victoria Comers y Patriotism and Production g Agricultural Conference ^ '- V L'n«ler die Duiniuion JJepiirtmeiit of .Ajjncnltiire in jo-opeiMtion with the (Jntaiio Department ot Agricultnie. will beheld in the MARKDALE ARMOURIES at Markdale on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24th Mre. Mary Walters . \> !â-  are h niii^ plenty of snow this «ii ter r»nd still ii;i iv conits. Mh.x Hannoii, who h.-\s lieen I'li tie s'lU list, is hone for a few weeks. Mr. and Mis. .las. Lockhaidt enter- l-^nicd » fuw iieijjhb.'is and DumVilk -nl Be"'.i l fiieud* on ovoiiiii-;. .\l report a enjoyable lime. Mis. Johnson nnd .Hon of UirUeley " \ isiitd the formei s neico, Mrs. Mi'.loii 'Itiiinuii, a fi>w days last wesk. At her home in CoIliBfiwut d tuwuship, on Tuejdjy morning, February 'Jud, Mrs. Mary Wa'tora passed away t.> the urent beyo d. The causi of her death was heart disease. For the [>ast tive jears, once ill a while she had brief i>eiiods of sickness of more or Jet.s severe nature, hut fur the gri'ater p-irt .'f the time en- joyed guo<l h»a It h. On Wednesdty and Thursday of the la.<<t week of Jdiiuaiy | she was sick with stomach trouble, but , recovered and »a.« ;ip(«rently in her ' usual Hate of healt. At li u deck M.)n- day night, February 1st, a sudden attack of heart double came iHH>n h. r aiil at 1 o'clock she died. Uer icaiden name was Mai y Currie, ! her birth tiace Islay, ^'collauj. and she rj yeaiTi of ii^e when she came with | her pircn's to ihiscouulry. In Wki she j was li.arried to Willjaiu Wntrers of the ; township if .\rteiuc$:a. who predeceased ' her t*'eut}-oiie years. There «ere ei^hi children. hvi> of wh.mi live u> mu-irn the losa of .1 iii.ither who (acriticed .streni^th, coinfutt aod pleasure for their sjo.d. IIui>li lives on the o'd liounfst«;i I near l*riceville: Rich- aid 4nd Marjaret (Mis. Km.- 1 live in ' C >liii>«t'»od toonshii: Caroline (Mrs. John McKichnie) ;n IVIhni^wu* d lo»n- .«hip a'ld Williun in Uoiruit. Mi.h. There alsj survive lier three luother.*, William t'lirrie of Vaiicuuver, IS.t'., and Hugh and Malccliii of Mauiroba: and two sisln'. Mrs. tiawley ii-ar Hami'tun and Mis, .\K'L:;o<.i of .Maiiitob.a. .V funer.1l service w:u hr!d t.ii Wedncs day eveuMig at her htiiiie in Ci>Uiiiv(w.<od towiisliip .tiiii 00 TMiii»lay t.Ke u-inains were ttken to the boioe iif her sou, llugh at Priceville. From there tlio funeral was conducted on Friday and the le- 111 liu.s laid in the f.tuiilv plot iii Mc- Kcchnic cemetery. (11 the tai.ier j.iirl ..f her lilV she. with her husbaud, uuitcd with tiie Methodist church and up to the lime of ber death she continued to look the w.ty of the Cii>s.<. She wasboin March 17, 1S41. was and thus in hoi' -seven! y-fouith year. ficr bfe of devotion to her children to the stcritico of her ow^n interests caiiiioi soon be f^.r^.iilen by those who survive her. Dundalk 3 p. m. â€""The duty and the Opportunity of the Canadian Farmer" lit) In relation to t'.inii ciop.v A. li. (i .""^uiitli. New Hanibiir;^. Presitlent \Vaterlt)o County IJtninl •jf Airnculturc (1») In relation to .\[onteitli. .^^traiforil. live stuek. â€" Hon. Nelson Mayor Funis will pir^ide DR. BURX ' ' 5|Kciali>t in diacaae* of ihc Eye. Ear. Nose and Throat Office-130 i 0th at. West, Owen Sound .\t the R..-veie house, M^irk'Lile. 2ii.i Thursday each month from 4 to a lit. tn Dundalk. 1st We dnesday .f each month . Fleshcrton Planing And Chopping Mills j I ani ;<:d o, d.j choppi:i- every day 111 the week except Sundays I and every week in the year. Bring along j y"ur grists. Our Siish and d.xir factory is always at cur disposal for anjthina you want in -urline- p'iiiiing. luatchics, e'c. Floor in.'. sa»h and«, and all house fur- nishings supplied pr.iraptly in J at leas- j tmable rales. (jVt estimates. i Blakelv and Henry Proprietors J ew eiry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON. - ONT 7.30 p.m. â€" lu ii'l'litinii tn the above sipeaker.-; M. K. lliehanlsoii, exM. I*.. Hesherton. and oMieis will rttldre.<.s the uieetini:. Mayoi Knnis will |nv siile. Musical proirraai. i â-  . {\^^V .^AVK. THK KING ^'t. J'«. ow^vW- »»'^vM4 Jlt <tt^"^^t. .?'{. Olfc i<r, ^1, .}!{. o", ^1?. <'r, ^>t, ^u, .}•>, c", J"- »"";i"';i"i. Eugenia Paragraphs, Ceylon Clippings Miss Charter* of Me«f.>rd was the, â- .ruest of Miss McMull-.-n recently. Mrs. 1*. Munshiw his tetuiued from the city after spendinj some weeks with . friends then s5t.)rml»i«u;id Week Miss Kut'eU^je of Muliuur v!.»ite.J with Mrs. A Rutledg* hert last week. Mr. D. Muir took a load of :?»» out to the lecture 2' von in the Metbodi»t church Mi*s Kmuui Walker of Creeiiiote re. ' •"' Monday evening of last w.ek. Walkertcn , Ale.v Mc!«iuis. who walked fi..iii Kiii- cardin.j to Walkcrtun la it wevk in search bf wor'«. and \vl:o found hiiinoU strandeil horo wi;h the luorcury hoveling around E-'tv. v,as gathered in bj' ^t'hief Koitrusoii and taken bofoio Magistraie Kichardsoii, ^vltu scat him to tlw cjUs for sixty days f -r v*ii',uicy. In llio iciiim ! ro,l;4lit by Mclircijor i^ I'ritcli.irl to compel their ni-ishlior N.l*. k limidt 1 1 trim tlia branehos etl' his fruit iftein«"'i', Keiuo-oA II, . line i< Henry Ulid. the t'riniean Veteran, who has b.'eii a resident if 'to Ititluon., Protou. for » gre*: m my yt-ars and Past- master st liirdell. {>aseJ awny aftir a b ief illnesi on Sunday ni^ht. fun- er:vl n as held Thursd.iy aftern x'ti tulle Latter Day i^am/s ccintlery on thj 14tli concession. .Mr Then Hall. ex-.di'or oiilmitieat ila'o. Thursday f«ini!y j.nrual, later of the Tara Leader, at :i.;W a id then of the Winijhimi .\dv«nce, is Hen.y Wiili«.ii.s hul th.. misl 110.V r. si biii; at i'a«adeiia, ealiforiiii, re- "^'^ '» '''"' *•â-  '" "=' Friday. tired. In a letter to tie Wiiu.h.-,iu Ad- Mrs Kiai.k W\.lH."f has been visit uj vaiice last aeok Mr. Hill tell.s of the h^r piteiils in Kiu.beiley ih-.> p.i<«i week woik and contribution of fi;t,d« iu that Mrs. Alex Oarvuthcr* spent the jmS .pi.irter lor the The hulies «t'^'' "''"^ *''* ^'-''^'^ McKe.? .-f V. ri '.heio >.vei>tcp the b- uiils oi .lutjr in the '''^^ latest fiid ol "kuittiiM in chur.'h" while Jamos I'uivis i-^ vi-itin- his 1-r.i her, i luleniii..; t.. the .st-rmon. Robert vi this place, «ho hv moved his I K \i k- . - I I VI 11 1 family into bis new l.oiuo kiv>wn Joseph .McKittiioK, of Mielburno, aijcd ' 1 . ,.,, ,- i c 1- W..<.Hlbuin ( i.ttmiu. al'out <>li, soclum foreman of tliat oivisum , , ', , , ,, ,.,,.,,,, , ,, ,, , .Mr.s. biod liruiam ana children are of the t. r. K.,aiul tieorj4e I''eJ , •• , »f ,. , .>,, ,1 . . i â-  j' , viMiiiisf her parents, Mt. and -Mrs. md- ^eesllmthana .nor their fence. Judge I â- "•«'"•« PU'hmg a handcar ahead ot - f Pon Uw ^leinU,tweek allow.Hl . KiiMiir. ,,u^ .^^^c^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ e:..,.i.h, .Le track '*''^,;;;,,.^. ,i,i,^a her father in Dur dollar for tho dama;o cause.l by the "" ">""'^>;>- *'";" "•'^'' "^•^" *'''^";'"'^^ ,.,„, «h„ „as k-eu ill for some -ime. iiiubsshadina their land and olotruciimi w^'*' '"""«"""' »y <♦ siiowp!o«- diivui their lane, ami a!sJ gave orders coiupeU- ', "•"^-'l ^>f «" ^'"SJi"" "' ^â- Â»"»n!C of Kni;iuec. ; A seri us icci Unt U^fol o.w of the (,i^. Schmidt, to trim tho I ranches so that ': •^â- â€¢'â- 'â- - '^^â- *"^'" *"^» «-'«'nductor f. 11. Mc j yo-«>g l'«t.^'' f"> » our sis er vilia.e !a«t they wouldn't ovcrhanst pUiutlls fence ' *'"^*"''- T'"' l-'ii sr.owplo* ifi f utuio. Mr. Schmidt was alsj saddled i ""^' ''iviiounten from the ensmeers view, ilh the entire ousts of the action, which i .McK.ttr-ck wis scriou.sly injured. h»v. .said will amount to about SloO.lM. •. '"^ '^"'^' "«'" broken, one shoulder dislo. I cilid and one lej( brokon in two p^nce.i. Pejus- n tscajieil uuhuil. Herald. turned home after .spending a few weeks with her aunt. Mis-s Heecn.ft. We are sorry to heir ih a' Mi.s» M.iu.l Ducliettis very piKirly at prv>tni. .Mr. and Mis. Fred I iciies-ni and son visited in \V«relv.iui recently. Mr. an.l Mrs. Laiie have ii -nsd theu family into their neat little buni^ilow in Maple tjitjve. Mr. Wilii;»uis has returned t.i ld.i'n> after .speudinii a t«w v.teks with his. :-ister, Mrs. A-Jaui ^iiiilli. Ern Murgau Ux'k 1st and l' .d piiws at the poultry Tiir in Kiinteiley. Mr. Shari> of Durhaui wics the yuest i>f his slater. Mi-s. Glass. Geo. Giahaui i» home Oil a visit fioin Farry SouuJ Diattict. The many fiiends "t H. IVaii were â- iV. â- M. * FLOUR Bran. JShorts. Feed Flour. lUrley Chop. Wheat. Buckwheat. iKiiley. and Oats Coming in a Few Days A large .shipment "f C'lover and Timothy Seed. .'>ee our ;^od yet our price?. We cannot lie hr prices and nuality. an<( )eat The F.iiaier-'s Mill, Fipvershani. un- loaded a cir of wlieal he"e i le day list week . Mias Ners Culiu:son, «ho i as neeu ill, I ia better. Walter Hemp lill >>/ Keifina. arrived Monday to viiit h s uncle here and other friends. Miss Majittie Fergosou leaves this week for Toroat.) after spenditi . six weeks ! under tiie iwrental roof. { K. L'jok paid a 1 u-ii ess trip to Owen j : iMUiid l.v.t week. j Mr-. S Uands an.l children spent a i couple days of last week in Ti>ronto. I Mr. D. Coleman an.l Vits Virty K^i • >nen Sojiid .aid .Mr. J. Robinson and • W. BUSKINl # ^^ \^ "Hr TIV* Tl^^fF^i^ TjF^tF^f* >|0 'it^ -viV -rti«^lr?^.?^i?^i?^i<' '/If. •>!<* -/|.^ •Vi^ '/iV '/4.^ '/lO 9^ Mrj. Ilalpenuy of Wiarton were v"'*' sorry to learn of hia departure from the I ,^ ^,^ loUuwoi.s laat week. Hyilro heiv. Ikib h vs made many tr.ends ^ during his St ly IU Eugenia. ^ .p^^^ ^y^^.^.^ ^^,,_^ Mr. and Mrs. Geo. \Msliams. who iv- sitle ill Tmii Fen wick's ie>idcnc-', Kot a bad scire during; the recent tire of the Dr. , . 1 . . t Miss Neilsou biuu there. < »«iiig to the prompt actum I , , , , , ,11 1.1 , -I her sister, Mrs. of friends ihey s«ved the h.iuse. .altIioU',(li itil contents were hurled out in « hiiriy. lliiukniy; til* b'juw would also go. Mr. \Vh te of the Hydro has riilisied. < >ii I'.c.iuiit ..f tl.o Iie-«»y stoiui oi l.u.. week the Women's Iiis'iiulc wis uiialil â-  to .nT:et at M<s. tieo. Uorley'.s foe thvir Mr. .lohn McDonald is \eiy ill Lane, Piioevillc, is iu alteiubtnce. IVoton, is vi.siting with MclXuiald. Mr. .1. Neilsi>ii, Proton, wtv< in t.iwn Monday. Mr. Walter llemphi 1 relurneJ t.i the city Siturdiy after siiciidiii.^ a week wi'h fricuds here. Me-is;». Hugh and J. din M»niry .f r.l Iv •Mt-euiig. but parp<we lio!diu»{it ttii.s week ; K.<cklyii s^ieut a couple uf days ,11 the .MeMiiHlist church. ».VIl niemhois with iheir oiusiu. Hu^jU H»iunioiid, neir try Hiid lu present at ibis iiieelini;. f.jlon. .Kck t.\,iriis, Kuijeni-i. and W'. Visitors a'so welcome. Rcmenin.T the'H. Maishvll, ^shelburue, »Ko visited the tirsl part of las: week with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ham non.l. Mr. and Mrs. t.rant W'hitlakcr an.l 1 w.i c'lildreii of T.uoi't,', and Mr. and .Mrs. •lo'iti Whitraker and daughter of l>uili>im isja-nt Sikiid-iy at A. Whil taker's. Walter 1 attls.wi and Misi Wiison s|iciil Siiud'iy with Proton fiieuJs. Mis« Hemphill, Floaheiton, »pe»it Sund.iy tti;li her bix^thcr here. Mis. Maviar.l, Markd-dc, visif«d htst â-  ok with Mrs. Hvnnott. Thomas MeArthnr and Beit >V hitlakcr iften-o'l ilu' \:\)\ 111 Puihaiii on Fri.tay t \ut):iu. Rod and Gun I RUBBERS! RUBBERS! | Those in need o\' llubher?;. either High Lace Leather lops or Low Lnce Tops or Kubl leis w ith - out Tops ' or if you have old Leather Tops bnni;theni in ;uid yet uew bottoms on theui. WllKKK' WHY \T Thos. Clayton^s FLESHERTON NEW SUITINGS : It IS ; ' I'he water pipes attach«Kl to Ihe kitchen HI <ve At Mr. M. !•. nip^iels houie havini; li.coine fro»cn on Friday 'nornin!} U»i, a briak fire was kindled in the 'range with A view to thftwiog Ihoai, when of a suil- i!.iii an explosion iv.'uried tha' blew tlu> uf.vfe lo fttoim and scaltored the furiii tAae about the rtvoiu like loo V ihars in itrtilmy wreck. llenilU. riiec'iiten'^ of U>l and (iun f'V itinceiled week. Snow ahoeius is vety d.««ii.eious Feb.uiry include Sientrles of the Wild by ; ! travelling i.» fr-vity »ealhi,'r. Sii.ce this H. Mortimer Uatten ; .\ Itrush With i ! is not leap year the ladiea would l>e w ?e Po'ar BearR in the Hudson btrsi's of j ! to le.ave the sn .w islioeiiij; to the -^cr.tle- Northern Can.ida ; The One F.ired Wolf. â-  men «tle? they g-t Ihiousjh work. i by H. t" H«ddo>i : Pv.d.' the Pup, vs.' ' I A' *^'**^" *** ' ^'*' *^'**^* •*' TrauscoutiueiUiil 1, .1 f , 1 ,1 .. i Game LauJ of N'orthtru t^hieW, and | fro.n her V13U with in the CUV. ».. , â-  , .. i I other stvrie«. The tiuns ana Ainunition : Mrs. U. Wiekeiis and gnnJ chiid of; dejiartinent occupies ten [ayios of rcadini; ' J'h *•: ui»tt-r this ni'inth and i-ither iley*rtuicnts , .atcvie'l inaiDtaineJ. Tha well known: Mis. F. T. Oarr has returntd Tiie Uruce County Cuuuci', in ses.-i. n at Walkerton list week, pissed a g^a^ll of ?f'W,000 for jwfriotic fundi. For iho ', Kimberley visited Mr. an I Mrs puriK»>es a la\ of one anil is levied on ^'eU'w ou Sunday . flu entire .a-sscssineut of the cuUDly Ha'f the amount will be rai.sed t1>;.s ii.d half nex' year. Vk i>r Campbell is vi.aitin;f with hi» ^'â- ''^^ I \{r«nd|>uent», Mr. and .Mt.i. W-n. llysl .p if t'o . Coti Valli>v. Canadian fportsmaii's )Hihlication ia i.s- ; s»ed at WoodsiiK-k. thit.. ly W. .1. Tay- j ;«»â- , Limited, ^-uMUiei. 1 New Suitinj^s just to handâ€" swuic ot' the nubbiesc weaves to be found any- w lie re. Leave your uider now for that new- suit. Vou will never reiiret it. !Nitisfaction iinaraiueed. Don't toi'iiet that we do cleaninir. pressing and repairing. Our prices are right and our woiknian,*hip is the Qviiy best^. S. J. BOWLER Sole Agent fcr the Hobberlin Tailoring.

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