Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 4 Feb 1915, p. 8

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TcT)mary 4 l<Jl» THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE BUSINESSCARDS WH.WBiaHT. TELFORD & MoDONALD . , H&rriater, HolicitorH, &o. Office*, «rov | '"I' J""" «ry ^k llruca lllock, Owuu Houiiii. Kt»ii>Urd Hank | Ulock, Kleshurtun.lHaturctavo). W.M. Wricbt, | W. V. 'i'uUord Jr., J. U. MoDonal-J.^i. L>. U. Societies O U W uieeta ou tbu iMt Uoudaj in ach uiautb, In tbeir loaga room (ItjrtOD'a >iall Kleitaerton, at H p.m. M. W., W. J. ItuUamy; Reo., C. U. Uuaahaw: in., B. J, Hproule. VtiitlDg bretbito Invited A Honor Rolls Keport (.f Fletilu-rton Public School 1915. Room 1 4 F Bum, B Trimble, Fibber, M Field, KC»rgo.W Ariiistioiiu.a Wright. IIâ€" K Httvis, K Uiiyd, K MeVicar, (J Milcbell, J Ucid, Ed Levor, O Dudgeon, A Uuiiduraon, S, I' Shuiik, J Wilson, K Kells, Kouiii 2 Jr. ;>â€" A' Lever, H LeGard,B MoLeod, Vi Levor, R Lever, F Richikrdgon. 8r. 2-E F»Tii.s. J Writ-lit, eijuii ; Hilda Ooidhawk,Mauiie AIcTavisb.eiiu'il; Kd ()tt«well, Wilfred Lever, equal ; R Trueiii.'iii, L Hu.skiii, (i RIakely, Jim StttUbid, H Cuirington, -. -j Jr. 2 R IJoyd, <• McTavinh, ./ Kar- nnoSKN FhIENi3B-FlMherU.n Council i stedt, V Wiit-m, L McMulloi), O Malh- W Choi«>D Friends niwta in Clayton «lianflr«l ' nd tlura Wt.luatday ofeacli month b p. m ; ewsou, F MBth«ws<iM, J C»riill|;toII. fay aaao«8ineiit» to tbu Hix-order on or before ' toe Arat day of eacb month. Cliief Councillor . Blakeley; Recorder W. B. Bunt. PRINCB ARTHUR LODGE, No. SS3, A.F 4 A M, uieeta In tbt Manonic ball. Arm •troiK'B Hlock.Fleaberton, every Friday on or before the full mocn T. Illakeley \V. M.; C'liaa.Uunakaw, Secretary. COORTTLiBKRERTO.N. 905, I. 0. F. meete in Clayton'i Block tbe laat Wednesday eTeuinR eacb lunntb. Vlaitini; Fcreatera heartily coDie'C. R. 0. Hellauiy ; «. B, O, C'airi.B n. Bee , W. liiiakin. Fleaae pay duoa to Fin. Sec. bfltora the nrat ay of the moutb. DK CARTER ] U C P ft 8 Got, Pbytician, Sorcaoo et« , Medical tBOnt,Phyaicl OtQee and realdenceâ€" Peter at., Fleabertoa WT. LITTLE, M I).- ,. , Graduate of Toronto Uuivermty Medical CoUeiie. lleBideoce and OBIco at Park Houfe, Kleaherton. l')ione'24ii JP OTTKWELI. Veterinary Burgeon Jradaate of Ontaiio Veterinary realdence â€" ascond door eoutb Mary atrset. Tbii itreet ruQi Preabytarian Cbnrcb. Clasfi I, Sr. â€" M Nubn, M Dudgeon, D I t'olgan, A Xonis, ( ) Fisher, L Oiriro, I Lever, N Shunk, U Wyville, A Fields,E Ferri>^, K Trupinan., W Carrington . Class !. .Ii. L Rlakely, B Stdrart, 1) Fisher, O (i<>ldhawk, E Dudgeon, A Teeter. oath I The folUiwin;; ii the report of Ceylon l*ublic school for the month of Jauu.try . loo I'upils are arranged accoidiii*^ li> the iiitrks ol>t«ined each day. Sr4-MMcMullon. Jr4â€" K McMullen, A White. S White, W .Stewarr, J C McLauchlan, 1' Hemp- Denti.stry Dr. B C MURRAY L. D. rt , denUI aorgeon hunoi graduate of Toronto Uuivoraity and i :ii . i,i„„.„ Koyal College of IJenUI Surgeona of Ontario. '""• -^ •â- *"!""'»• $r .'tâ€" C Cushnie, M Mcl/iuclilan. >>' Ridley, KiLiik Stewart, K McDonald, I Radley, V Kennedy. Jr :{-R McMu'len, B RutleJ.-p, L Gaa aduiainiatored for teeth extraction OUice at realdence, Toronto Street. Fleahertoa. i Legal liarriater*. riolicitora. eK.-I..II. Lucaa, K. <;-:,W. E, Meggott. Sr 2â€" A Bennett, 1 LTAS, RANEY 4 hENKY Kaney, K. C ; W. I). Henrv. H. A. Offloea, j-oroiitn, (*6u Tiadcra Hank Iildg. pboue Sr 2- A Bennett, 1 McLauchlan, Ujainl41'.';MarkdaleLucaB Mlock, Phone 2 A. .. .. , , t- •> Branch otlice at Duudalk open eyary liaturday. McMulI'Mi, II MiLeud, r iK-nnett, Business Cards k". CULL.OUGH & VOUNQ ^ Rankcra Uarkdale iiaraJ banking bualoaaa. Money loaned reaaoMklile rata* Call on ua. . iJurrigan, N Stuart. i Jr2â€" A R»dley, K fjtuait, I Stewart, J White, U Cushnie. J McDonald, M •Stewart, M Pivnick, O MoLaucblan. I'r Sr R Hemphill, ii Rjidley. Pr Ji-V McDonald, L Stuart, D White, C Stewart, E McLaucblan. J C DUcl'HAIL. Lic»naa<l Auotiouaar for the McMuUen, .VI K:tdl«!y. • County of firey. Turma luoderata and Xoonroll4'i. Average.!i8. - H. Gui*»-iy., Teacher. tia'auiioo guarautued. Tbe arrangenienta a J lalca of atflea can be made a*. Till ADTahOa stbce. Realdence and P.U., Ceylon. Telephone ounactton. Oec.«.07. â- fV'M. KAITTIXti, *' the countiea 17, Rock MdUi, Mcenaed Auctioneer foi ' 'leP"'* <>f S. S. So of ilrey and Hiuicoe. foi- January. Farm and Htock aalea a apecialty. Term* ' moderate .«tl«facli.)ri guarauttod. Arrange- «,.. 4. L P.trtridae, L -VikinSOU, F luenta for date* may be made at tbe Advance ^* ^ ufXicu, or Central t4,l«rtione ofljca Faverahatii BettR, I Smith, S White, 11 BiMth. or by tddraaaiDg ma at Favanbam, Ont. | P PorteouM. J Milne, L I'utleiiufj, ' Bull For Service For xervice.â€" Baron Hollyâ€" No. m'S'2. Aberdeen Angua, on lot 'M, Otii cimc«a.K. ion, Artemema. Torini, t$1.0() if paid before Ut Jan. HH.'i.- W. J. Mmee. May 1.0 Bull for Service Pure bled nhorthorii bull, ^AIm'.iIcc-h Fyvie K.tXJO foi nervice .m lot if.t, S..S. R.. Arteiiieaia. Termn fl..'<l for grade*, Pure bred grave, D Porieou* cown f } <X». Pure bred Tnuitwor'.h tioe for arrvice nil the nbovo lot. TeriiM SI.M f ir all BiiiuiulM. SertVd niu*t be jiiiil for. t'loiar W.J. Meads I Jr,4 I Sr. .•! L Park. I Jr. ::â€" J Black, L Smith, D Black, C Pailriduc, K Beli«. 1.' M BetiN, II Porteou!). Clitu 1â€" M White, R Smith and J PorteouR, C"|ual ; C Bells. ClaHS (â-  (• Kelts, W Black, S lilack- burn. Class I! K White, (! Thoiiiptoii, A l.tiigblaii, J Purteou.s. Claris \ Ii Milne, B Hawkiu", F liar- F'leshei:*tori ^l^ Tonsorial "^r- Parlors Wu Aim 1(1 ijivu Entire S:itisf action L.\rXDKV-Bi»kot cloKOj Monday night, delivj'ry Friday evening CLEANING and DYKING- WV an agentN for Parker's Dye Works -Chjlhc: cleinod Biul ilyed, fM^thcrs rcjincn ilml. T FISHI.R, • . I'ROPRIHTOR Report of •luiiior Room, Kimberley Public School, for Jai.uary, Itil.'i. Sr. 2 E Lawience, H McCmnell, K Stallord, G Wallii,:e, R Stilloid, C Faw- celt, V F.iwcult, R Myles, P l{eiil, T Ferguson, C CarrutherH. Ir. '-' M McCoiinell, .\ Wall..ce, N l.uiilll, M li.illuai'll), .1 Lewie, II tVall- iici'. 'I' ilyliis, K liuiil. .Sr. I- L Aln'KToiiibie. It Slatloid, L MeConnell, J Ivlm, M lliiiiis, W W tU- aci', M StUHil.G Drinkwinc'i. Class A W Martii'.I! Wai,l,\V Wohcr, I) Stuvil. Class I! A Wrb. r, I! .Mtl uiinill, t; Diinkna'ct, K Itrid, I) (loml. -M. K. Ill u iiixsoN, Teich r. if S. .S. N'>. f<, Arteine.Nia, fur i==«t â-¼- T^^ -T T -T-T-T-= F^ g -T-T-y •-•JV-^^ -T' -?â- â€" ^â€"T-' Ceylon's Busy Store SALE I SALE ! SALE ! Commencing Thursday, January 28th, ending February 10th Grrateai sale of the season in Dry GoodB, Gioceriea, Boots and Shoes and Rnbber?. If you are warning auylhing in Ladies' Coats aud Furs, .Men's Overcoats aud Pea Jacisets, Boys' Overcoats and Pea Jackets It will pay you to inspect our slock and get our prices, wliicli will be posted up in our store. Also on Groceries and Flour, aud almost on^vcry line of goods we cany, we must reduce our stock to make room for spving goods. In Kelt Boots for men, women and children you will find prices interesting. Ladies' Coats, regular SIO.OO for IS.OO Ladies' Coats, regulai $0.00 for«3.75 Ladies' Coats, regular 8S.O0 for *5.()0 Ladies' Serge Dresses and Suits selling regardless of cost. JAMES PATTISON & Co. V 'f ^ l!jl ' « i « f^'-^ --^-* -'•^- - â€"â- ''â- â- 'â- 'â-  â-  « « «•. â-  vgv « v « ig « v « w » HEADQUARTERS FOR Sleighs, Cutters, Cockshutt Implements, Melotte Cream Separators, Lister Gasoline Engines, Baled Hay and Straw Kj D. McTavish FLESHERTON, ONT 'mS- -^ ^ ^ J>>-^ ,w ^ '. wwyrw A ^ CRA TER 'U KES.~ I •tid 8o Hm Jtva. | WonderfDl lakes are oftan foTUd in- side the craters of volcanoes. One o( tfaeae can be seen opon Easter Island â€"the Island \rbict) bearg wonderful re- 1 mains of an tmknown andent people. ! Inside a crater Is a lake, near the bor- ders of wblcb Ue eereral nnfinlsbed crowns composed of tufa, evidently destined for tbe huge flgnres on the shores of tbe Island, but never com- ^ pleted. And on this lake Boat many waterfowl, ooe of which is said to be ' a goose nnknowD to sclence- Another curioos cmter lake existed nnUI recently within the Icebound cra- ter of a volcano In New Zealand. The water was heated to boiling point, but a short time ago an eruption of more than common rlolcnce tossed the whole lake Into tbe air. A most Interesting crater lake can still be seen in Java In tbe yolcaDo ot Papaodajan, and it is possible to eiiter the crater and gnzo down on tbe scene below. Standing on the rim, one can see tbe vast seething mass of boillog mud. Erery now and then a wave ot mud CQoyes bearily along the sides of tbe cbasm, only to fall Imck Into tbe molten mass, and here and there col- umns of sulphur thrown out of the lake of mud are gradually forming walls. It is indeed pleasant to escape from this dismal inclosure to breathe tbe free air once more. CURIOUS FIGURING. It's a Way the Russian Peasant Has, and it's an Enigma. A UNIQUE WAY TO MULTIPLY. ISOLATED ISLANDS. it Is SImpllwty Itself and Ab»elut«Iy Aes'jrate, but the Why and Where- fore of th« Method and It* Results Are a Puxzle to Mathematiciana, This Is not a meanlngle^i. freaky, tATlster of a puZEla But it is a pnzzle;. It Is tbe m^hod by wblcb Bossiaa peasants multiply, and ns yet the boasted mental superiority of America caimot solve* the simple riddle of the Slav. Suppose you want to multiply two numbers together. Divide one of tbe niunbers by 2, Ignoring tbe frac- tious. Continue the process until the divided column reaches one. Then dou- ble the other number and continue tbe process until It equals In lines the first column. Then \ihenever a number Is even In the first column strike it out, together with its corresponding num- ber in tbe second column. Add tbe sec- ond column, and, lo, the answer! Now, TVhy does it do It? There seems to be no reason for It, but what is It? Can you work It out? It Is Infalllbla. It bas never been known to fail. But what principle of mathematics is behind It all? Perhaps It Is some queer freak of numbers, some one say a, but sucb things are not Lonely Tristan da Cunha Gets Outside News Once In Two Years. Though sclcutlflc progress bas made it possible to do a double Journey be- to be turned aside with sucb generall- tween England and America In a fort- tle& Mathematics Is not built upon so night, there remain many islands with lax a system. There is some rule be- whlcb it takes years to communicate, bind It all, > Off tbe Scottish coast are tbe gronps Take the simple multiple 12 by M. of Islands known ns tbe Hebrides, Ork- Obviously the answer^is 120. Try it neys and Sbctlands. Of these the most H^o Russian .way. Place 12 In tbe first Isolated Island Is St. Ktlda, some three colonm and 10 in the second. Divide miles long and two miles broad. Tbe 12 by 2 and multiply 10 by 2 and place Inhabitants lead lives of great lonelt- the respective answers beneath the ness, for it takes a month to get to tman from which they were derivedt. the next Island, and the sea oftca It will stand 6 and 20. Dividing e by 3 eO Y£ARS* EXPERIENCE 7r*de Marks Dcsiams CO^YRIOHTS Ac. Ar\ron% vending a â- kAlrli «nd 4««rrlptl.'>n mmr ._ _ _ ipinlon ff*« wfiet" . . Ht«ntAbli^ ('Mill lli>n**lrlcllr<''>n<>ite»tlnl. HANDBOOK u" l'*ti>ut* ^nlrlilf ascertain niir upinlon ffa« w! inTwntlon Is probshl^ pHt^ntf^bli i^r au iiiniuiilca- salil frea. <Mil„st Hifenc I'aleiita taaeii tliruui ^ V , . ^ M ) 'III cHii lit".;iii iiiiy liny &(â-  lit tlio V OWKN .SOUND, ONT., j^ Individiml IiiHtruclion. M Our own Ihrei' Htory bnildiiiu M Hiid .'!4 BiU'cesafiil years of fx- ^ paricnco. #V Kx|MTf iiiHlructors i>ri«liicB il.c \uiy l>est rciiilti. CstHloxiie Fruo. C, A. FLEMING, F. C. A., i'riiiui|wl. D FI.KMINO Secretary y OWENtSOUND • ONTARIO II Tliiimpsdii, K riiliiiM.t; Wiilsi.ii, U 'port J Jitnuiiiy. Sr. I I Tiiylor, Whit.', UTrtjlnr.M ( If Whit.'. Jr. I LIV.llar, V MiNilly. Sr, :l Ii Tliiiiii|)ii)ii, (â-  Itlnki'y. .Ir. :i I) Wiitw.n. Ii I .lull, II lllakcy, .1 Wilkiiih'.ii. .Ii. U It LyciiiK . 1 -L I'di'll, 11 lihik.iy, O Wilkiimnn. I'riin.'r (â- ' i.ynns, M I'liilipn, O llml- Hiiiow. K. .\. &lA<;K.i\, 'roiiiln^r. iih Munii ^ c./. recelre tte*cM Koitxt, vlthoul o har» e, la the Scientific Hmericaite A haodsooiulT Illu.lralcU wi^aklf. I.araf»t clr- culadno of any Pi-innlin,; jt.urnitl. 'lunii. fur Caiiatla. S.X7:i a ru" |><>Miu(e pivpiihl. >4u|,i h] all nswaijaaleri. Bnincb OOkio. Oi K b« ~ ~ ~ Public Notice Souled teudfi'M will lie rei'eive.l by the uiuhMkiuncil up to Ihc iii„'ht 'if \\iiliirs-| J«y, Filinmy loili, l!»l."i, foi the .«iilo .if I farm, Ill-ill),' jmrl of lot 27 anil MK, li«ini;| I2."i Hcros ill the townHliip of O pr.^y. tin (lie .".lino is good fr.tiiio lnuis.' iinil friuK' bimi, ."ioxT'', nil slnm^ «iill. (iood well lui'l wiii.linill. ll:ilf I III' |im'L'!iasi' money down, Imlikuco (III in(irli(n};i! iit fi.l per cent in'ei' st . Tiio hinhost or miy .itlu'i tuiulcr II- 1 r.'i'i'Hsurily aci.-nircil. TiiuKn ndilreHH.Hl m J. »4. KLLIOTT, \\. It. .No, -Xy Sini;h:tini.'»n. WhilluM- il is lull! or Oil ily n.wivntioii, Iho iiriivnl 'Aw Imnt fnuii an uulsiilo poit lit t^iillitimv.ioil nil FriJiiy, .1 III. Sih. is an cvi'iil v.oithy of li.-iiia v.mhIimI, siiyi- till! Itullttin. C',i|it. Diivi.1 Miilculiit Hiih! till! tiij<, Kiiiily Miiy, whioh he piirvli.utcd' ^On .Srttmd.iy the C"o]lln^,«ood Town I'.ilicf iiia.le one of their usiiul vJHts to the fiviaht »hc.l Hnd .'.Heiny .-, «us,,VTo.i8 p:icking casi', libelU-.l •'s.UssnMie," a,„l conii^iieJ louiie.l.,.' MtLciil, they do. cidod to iiivestlgair with tho re»ult that Chief .l.^hiistonunJ 1'. f. Phut disc. .vor- ed it was full ..f wliiNkey. The Htfi.^hed -IlK) Ills. The oas.' mid tcni.s now lie in the Chiefs sloio awsitini; the uppoanmort of .I,.e MiLeod lo cl liiii his nood.i, mo of a or M.'iul case COII- r.i nil, -.upon makes any communication with St Hilda Impossible for months. The group of eight Phoenix islands in the Pacific has n total population ot only 153, while another little bit ot tbe British empire is Fanning tsland This Is a landing place for the Pacific submarine cable, and usually there are about 100 people in the place. Tbe loneliest of all parts of British territory Is the Island of Tristan da Cunha, In the south Atl.Tntlc, which Is also tbe smallest inhabited island In the empire. It Is 1,800 miles from land, bas a population ot seventy-four Scottish Americans, and tbe inhabit- ants get news of the outer world Bsnaily once every two years.â€" London Stray Stories. Recognized. A Pennsylvnnla liiwyer known throughout the state for his sharpness once met bis mntch In a very unex- pected quarter. An old woman was being cross ex- eqoals S, and multiplying 20 by 2 equals 40. Continnlos, 3 divided by 3 and throwing away all fractious wlU be 1. whUe 40 multiplied by 2 will be 8<X Now strike ont aD tbe numbers ia the first column which are even and svltb It their parallels In the second cohimn-12 and 6 .will go out. leaving tbe last two parallel results. Ignoring tbe first column and adding tbe nnitk- bers In tbe second, (be answer will be tbe resnlt of 40 and SO, or 120. The qnestlons are: Who ever worked It ontr How did be start? Now try working the problem by puN ting 10 in the first column and sub- jectlDg It to the dlvldhig and 12 to tbe multiplying. It will result like this: Ten and 12 will become 5 and 2i, :trhlch will in turn be changed to 2 and 48 and finally Into 1 and 9a Then, •trlklng ont the numbers 10 and 2 with tbelr corresponding numbers 12 and 4Si, tearing the second colnmn figures £4 ond 06 to be addedâ€" this becomes 12a Tbers Is no escaping It No matter amlncd by him as to how tbe testator v«â€" . 1â€" .k ,. . . ^ bad looked when he made a remark to ^J^^ ^,"?« ^f r"** ' "^Tl °^t '^^' hnr fliwnt .n,„» r«i«fi,„. Wl"» distressing surety. Take the odd 'Skates Ounces Lighter and Stronger her abont some relatives. "1 don't remember. He's been dead three years," she nnswerwl testily. •'Do you mean to tell me that your memory Is so bad that you cannot go back three years?" demanded the at- torney. Tbe witness was silent. "Did be look anything like me?" the lawyer finally ventured. "Seems to me he did have the s.nme sort of vacant look," responded the old lady.â€" New Orleans Picayune. Spe edoni To Make Business a Science. I The science of sellinj; offers n great I field for study for the dopartmcut of ) commerce niul for the many business i schools which are sprlnsing up In onr I colleges. Cotnnicrce Is uot mere money I getting; It Is a science, as banking and i law and uiedidno are sciences. It I should bo Btiidled ns such, for with such study comos not only greater ef- , flclency, but a higher stnudard of ethics ns well. There is no niore press- i Ing public service to be done than the 1 dlscoA'cry of the best ways of reducing the cost of distribution nnd of elevat- ing business to the st.nndnrds of a pro- fcsslou.â€" Worlds Work. Bull For Seivice Thoioughbri.lShonhorti Koll. " Hill- ci-estOovernor," No. WV4<W, for K^ivice on lot 'J7. con U, Arl«in6»>ii. Ti-rnwâ€" tl..'>OI«u frwdef. Sa foi' ehoioughbred*. - Al.BX.CAJIfl»THKRS. ANADIAN Pacific New Train Service TORONTO-MONTREAL OTTAWA \"u "1/iku Ontario .Shore Line'' FiMt I'lnu In Oshawrt, Port Ilopo Cttlwurs;, Dt'llovillo, Trootoji, t»ti-. I'lii'ticuhi ill Moiifonl fioni Will. Uoho, .lid the Iriuk, Mo clcurod from Mcaford bo I twecii iiiiii' iind ton o'l'lock and iirivod jn (^lUiii^woinl ulioiit inioii, the Irip I liavino been inado without .lillioulty. 'riiia ia early in llio your and has .-.ul.loni ' boon r.'..'iiilud, tlinugh on .Inn. rith,18.S!», j Ihi) lni» Itaniiy won' froiu ('Dllinswood' j 10 M(i»f.ird. Th« engineer on Uiaid wn>-\ Mr. Will. Hose, fi'oiii nlioiii Capt Mul-' onlm puruhasod tho tog. { Ktiwvte in wireless lole({rii|)hy arol Kiotttly plensod at the oxiroine lant'o and power of the governuieiil wiioleivs ttutioii j ut AihuKlrtn, in Virginia. The station . isiu coiift»ni conitnunicitii.'u with Iho ! slat ion on tho Kifl'i.l Towe* Ju Purls. It has alw* Kvn nblo t<> ooimnmiieato willi fioiu OaiuMiian |P«.lfi< Tuifcct I ***" '^'''"' '" * '''''»'"»•»•». ''""no thed.iy. Agi'iil or wiiU' .M. (}. .'Murphy, IKntrirl I'liiwiturfr Ajjciit. lonici Kin({ uud V.mirc .Siit'fi-.. 'IVriMitcj.* I*. RANDS, Agent, tVylon, lime, ItecaiiM of iitnin.spheric condi- I tions, uoiiimuiiiuttion* with that hM licrL'ti'f.^re U'en j»,.s»ible only al i "ybi. The lightest, noaLest, s|)ecdiesl and most coni- forlahlc of all skates arc Aiitoniohile Skates. They are used by nearly all amalciir and profes- sional oluitiipion hockey teams and tliey wouldn't use them unless tliev were the best. Call in. Ask to s« Automo- bile Skates, and we'll give you a dandy Hockey Guide for the Season HI14-15. FOR SALE BY FRANK W. DUNCAN ThougVitf jlness. "Lndy," said Plod.liiig Veto, "would you mind lettlns me Imve some mus- tard or somo horseradish '<" "What for? 1 haven't given you any- thing to eat." "No one knows It bettcr'u me. But I'u n member of the S. P. O. A. an' harbor no Kmdga That dog of yonrs has Jes' bit n piece ont 0' my leg an* I want to give him some seasouUig,"â€" Washington Star. Hardware Merchant 1 Phone 30 r 2 : Flesherton One Way to Get It. "1 have coino to your town to get some atmosphere in my now story." "Well, If you go right down tbe street nnd turn to the right, then keep on to the first engine house on your nay, they'll prob.nbly lend you their ptilmotor."-Baltlinore American. f Plsaisnt Oullsok. "Well, dc.ircst. I'll speak to yonr fsther tomorrow. yo»i might put Win to a good temper for me." "Yea, III be to beastly obstinate that ben b« pottlfely grateful to you for taking ID* off his bso4s,''>-l>>ndoD Opinio^ Did Hsr Best. "Maty, tm« jon entertttxiiDi • mni In th« kHsIiw tatt sKbtF "That's for Lin to n/, nom. X imf lotw tea DM wttlt tli» ttatRrM 1 oumben. Perhaps there Is some twist tn the (cbeme that applies to even Dumbera. Take 2S and O. Qolng tight down tho column they become U jnd 80) then and CO; then 3 and 120; then 1 ond 240; 12 and 6 go out. taking' with them 30 nnd CO. Add 15, 120 aud 24a Answer, 375. MulOply 25 by ISao. cording to our methods. Correct-375. Now, why Is It that the even numbers must be eliminated on the right side when they do not coimt at all In the addition? It Is plain to be seen that all the numbers In tho second column will be even, but by what freak of calculation are those corresponding to the even numbers h> tbe first column of no con- sequence when the correct sum la to bo obtained? Where no even number results in the first column, as In 19 x 13, there Is no complication; 15 und IS in tho process become 7 nnd 20, then 3 ond 52 and finally 1 and 104. Adding 13, 2d, 62 nud 104 equals lOo, tbe correct sum. There can be no multlpUcatlou In tig- ores which will divide down to a place where there are no odd numbers, for the final aumbor must always of ueces* elty be 1. In the sum 10 x 4, IQ divides Itself Into S, i 2 and 1 succes- sively, while 4 becomes 8, 16, 32 and 64. All of tbe pairs are crossed out, with tho esceptiou of 1 and 04. In that coso the addition of tho second coluum will be C4. Despite the puzzling nature of this formula, there is some mntheinatlcnl principle by which It can be explained. There Is some rule awaiting tho fertile minds ot tho workei-s by wblcb this "stumpci"' can bo demonstrated to be simplicity Iteelf. Another quizzer: Why must frac- tions bs dlscanlcd? How is It that tho result will be true when several ui.lts are cast aside? Fur example, consider tlie number 47. Dividing by 2 lbs resQlt will be '28. One whole unit U thrown away. Twenty-three becomes by the same process 11, another unit discarded. SlereD resolves itself Into \ making tbe third uolt passed by. Tht next step re«att« tn 2 and tttea 1. bnf wby 13 it UiAt tiiei* tbret onlta eonafc Tor DOthlogr Tb« mars fiict thai th* •zplanatloi^, Is neat, that the whole thlog is aimpl*. If the key can be found. Is one tha| cannot help but draw attention to tbla â- lorel tneau pt BMm.-PI>llad«(pbli( vonh Amertcan. The men 1 atudy tlie worM tbo dmi* I am oQDTlnoaa of tbt loabtUty ot (Uaf tu craatt tAjtUfi* aiinil>i%<»Napolt«|r

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