•/ .1 /leslj^rto %hvanu. "TBUTH BEFORE FAVOR." _" PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN.' 701 3t No. :U Flesherton, Ont., Tliursday, February 4 lOlo W. H TflORSTON '^°™«o v-t Singhampton Au at-lioiiie given by the Presbyteiian ttembers of the Y.P.C.A. on the 18ih was very sucsesaful, about twenty being present. The music •vnd games ^were much enjoyed and after refreshments had been pai-takeu of all joined in sink- ing Auld Lung Syne ai:<I returned home feeling t'bat it wm poud to be a Y. P. C. A. niembei-. The Creemore hockey boys came up to p'.ay our boya on Monday, 'he 18th. It was a fine, snappy game from the begin- ning to ead and much euthusiaHni was shown by the players, i'he score was 8 to i in favor nf the home team. Wj are sorry to learu that Mrs. Wm. Murphy had the .iiLsfortune to fall down htairs on Friday, the l.'ilh, breaking sev- eral bonoa and suffering a number of painful bruises. The dance given by Mr. Knglish in the hall on Friday, Jan. 22, was well at- tended and fully enjoyed by those iu attendance. Congratu'iitious to Mr. and Mrs. John McGibbnu, who were married on Wed- nesday, Jan. 2<). A number from here attended the bo; social given by the Kockside Sunday 8:hool and report a good time. Rev. A. £. Tliornley, Presbyterian minister, of Duntroon, was chairman. The school- bouse was well tilled and the music and Hinging and the pipes of Mr. James John- ston were appreciated. The boxes were numerous and artistic and were auctioned I'lf amid.st much laughter and brought good prices, the proceeds amounting lo over fl^. Rev. Mr. Jones of Flesherton occu- pied the Methodist pulpit on Sunday evening, Jan. '.'4. He exchanged with Rev. Mr. Brock. The .sermon was en- joyed very much and the people of Sing- hampton will always have a welcome for Mr. Jones. Dundalk Sergeant James Inkstar, of the !Kith Lake Superior Reg't, who is on guard duty at Fort Arthur, iu a letter to Reeve Smclair and wife ir. response to a money contribution writes as follows: "Mrs. Inkster bus informed nie of your kind consideration towards my family, and i beg to e.\press to you and the citizens of Dundalk, my appieciation of the kind- ness extended while I aiii conscientiously trying to serve the Empire to the best of my ability." On Friday the Augel of Death vitited the home of Mr. aiul .Mrs. J. E. Kichards of this place, and took their [^little baby daughter, Amy Agar Deans, aged one year. The baby suit'eretl from indiges- tion fir some length of time, but death wa.S unexpected and came us a ureal shock to the sorrowing parents. Much .syinpathy is felt for them in tlieir sad- ness. Aft.'r a sliorl illness of heart trouble and other cotiiplicationN Mrs. tiolt, wife of Wm . Oott, sen., paswoil away 'rhurs- day morning at the home of her step- flaughter, Mrs. \V. G. Nixon, where .she ].vi;il for the last tew yehrs. â€" Herald. ««««-3««M-J»»C The Anniversary of Sedan (Written for The Advance) No Frenchman forgets tho' he always regi-ets The defeat at Sedan and surrender of Metz, .And the loss of Alsace and Lorraine. Their grandfathers ran from the field at Sedan, But the Freii 'liiiian today is a different man. And such things will not happen again. Hut those who compete with German deceit Must make up their minds to certain defeat. Of that there can be li(tle doubt; "For ways that aru ilark and tricks that are vain." Of the "Hoathen Chinee" we no longer complain. For the Germans have knocked hint clean out. They thought to advance through Belgium to France, But brave little Belgium has Ie>l them a dance, -And one they will never forget. The troopi: of the Kaiser no longer despiss her, And those who get back will be sadder and wiser. But the end of this war isâ€" not yet. The great Kaiser sleeps and a safe distance keeps, -And dead Gertnan scldiers lie buried in heaps, Neath the soil of the land they assailed: Whilst the Allien unite in a desperate fight, They will win in the end, because they are right, When lying and treachery have failed. Go on "Tommy" my boy, our pride and our joy. In what better way couid your power employ. Than defending tho laud of your biith; Till the great German nation in deep degradation, And lasting disgrace to civili/.ation. Shall be swept from the face of llio earth. â€" S. B , Toronto. ft««-»««-J«'0«-»»»«-»H« Markdale E»rly this morning Mr. William Sum- mer.", of Berkeley, had the ii)isfortniie of hiviug his barn, with all the coutcni", destroyed by tire. Dr. and Mrs. Snroulo leave on Thurs- day for Ottawa to put the house in read- iness for the opening of parliament a week later. Throe young ladies left town on snow- Khoes at « o'clock on Monday evening. 'Twas an ideal night for snowshoeiiig.and tho airls, full of courage, and /.onlous sports, tramped to Flesherton to witness the hockey match. They m»de the trip in au hour and three nuarters. Stand- ard. Victoria Corners I.,aRt VVoeJi's items News sTOms scarce in our bur^ now- day*. IW«. Brook of Hingbaiuploo filled the pulpit for Rev. Mr. Jones on Sunday. Mr> ftttd Ui^j Wallace, Mulmqr vtsitod at Mr. H. Gat»agh«r's. Jtx. and Mn. Alex. McOonuell intend leaTing l-o-day for Ihwr home in Swift CutfMttc. Institute Meetings A very interesting and insttuclive series of meetings wts held here on Tues | day afternoon of last week under the auspices of the F.uuicrs' and Women's Institutes, when the attendance was rather abuve the average, especially at the night meeting. The speakers were A. K. Moorehouse of Cairo, A. .E. Wcsi- bruok of Caklnud, and Mrs. Parsons of Cochrane. Our reporter was not present at the afternoon sessions, but both were said to bo highly instructive aud worthy of all support. The jj'int evening meeting was pro- sided- o.ver I'y tho president, Mr. I.!. Carriijiiers of Kimboiley. Mr. West- biook spoke un "tlie home," Mr. Moore- houso on "the roiuisites for a successful farinei". Mrs. Parsons gave an a^ldress on "Our Inheritance," which was one of the most elo((uent we have ever listened to. The ball was well tilled and all thoso present were thrilled by the earn- est and elo(|uo»t words that fell from this lady s lipc. No father or mother present could liolp but bo in»[iired by the Kentiiiiciits expressed so forcibly by this talented lady. Mrs. Parsons has lieen hero before, aiul we can atfure her that she will always (iii'l a hearty wel- come should she return again. She is a woman of eduoaiion and retinenioiit, accompanied with much talent and largo e.\perii.'iice. She .says she was Giouaht up on "Fo.x's Book of Martyrs and the shorter catechism. To-day tho young people are brought up on EatAJii's cata- logue and moving pictures. " The ad- diesH had a »trong coloring of patriotism and was a powerful appeal for all that is better and more beautiful in home and school lift) for the children. She waited the farm implement class of art discarded !«hI something better substiiu'od She would like to see every community possess its Boy Scouts and the women sboald decorate tho achool.s with pi.turos pf great men, uio. Miss Emma Whlttakor gave two solo.^ and Mrs. K. Wright one, all of a patiio- tic nature. These wcro very much apprtHjiatetl. The meeting closed with th« Na'ional Aiitheiu. Durham Mr. Chas. Parrott, a native nf this town, but a resident of Toronto for the pa.st si.x or seven years, died on the '.J'ind insc, after one day's illness from peri- tonitis. He was a comparatively young j man, abuut 40 years of age, ^ind leaves a ' widow and two children. He was a member of the Independent (bdcr of ; Oddfellows. Mr. Duncan MacKenzie's driver did an aerial atunt in front of McLaclilan's i grocery on -Monday morning, and alter gracefully gliding across the road, nearly went through the po.st ollion window, I thereby disturbing the ei|uilibrinin of I that popular domicile. As an aeroplane, he Wiis not much of a success, for whi't he seeuiod lo ri.so all right at tho rear, the otlior end stuck lo tho ground. Practice, however, they .say, makes per- fect, and ho may yet succeed in soarinL^. The line geiting caught under bis Iiiiid- I most, hirsute appendage was the caiiso I of the trouble. No dauiage was d jiie. I Chruiiiclo. 1^ rpHE ONLY MAN ^ § 1 WHO SHOULD ^ ^ NOT ADVERTISE IS ^ g THE MAN WHO HAS || ^ NOTHING TO OF- g ^ PER IN THE WAY g K OF SERVICE -AND ^ H SUCH A PERSON ^ 31 IS A DEAD ONEâ€" ^WHETHER HE If KNOWS IT-OR ^ Walkerton Cpon applying to the Oul.irio License Departineut, Inspector White was grant- ed permission on Monday to remove Nightwat'jhman John W'eiler of tho Rattan Factory and his wife fioni the Indian List of South Bruce, as after in- vestigation he discovetod that tliey were not drunkards or in :iny way addicted to the excesfilvB use of bonze, but were raiher placed on the interdictory roll for what looked Ike spiteful or pernicious purposes. Strange to say, Inipoctor White had no other alternative than to enter them on the list, especially when the demand was made by Jos. Schmidt, brother of the woman in the case, who signed Form A of the Act setting the lady and her husband forth as excessive pa • rona of|the Howing bowl. I'nltms •Schmidt can prove such an allegation he loaves himself upeu to a very serious charge of slaiKler . I pon arising from dinner on Mondiy last, Mr. H'lrry Smith, bar tender at tho l^ueeri .-, Hotel here, was seized with a tit of c )u<>°ning and during the spasm swal- lowed the tooth pick which he had in his mouth. The mishap didn't alarm him much at the time, but later in the day the pick becamo so lodged in his throa' as to ciu.se him great pain [and distress, md to render luni violently ill. After working long and hard to rcmovo the obstacle, a doctor who was suninoned gave him emetics to eject ihe jiick, and after lying in bed until Tuesdty night, the bar keep bt ought the pick up and cast it like the whale did Jonah imt of doors. The pick was broken in three places, bul this was one time that Smith didn't mind breaking his pick at the Queen's. John Leisure, who travelled under the alias of John Langton, and who was the culprit that escaped from County Con- stable Mills by jumping out of a train window near Dobbington lust December while being conveyed from Tara to the Walkerton jail to await trial before the County Judge for stealing a team of horses and other articles from his em- ployer. Win. Trelford of .Xiraii Town- ship, was re captured by the Chief of Police at Peterboro on Tuesday of las-t week ai;d was brought to Walkerton on Wednesday night by Constable Mills, who went down and brought the tran;.- giessor handcuffed to the Bruce capital, where he was met by Bailiff BriL'g", and the two otticers escorted him to the county jail, tho prisoner having boasted when leaving Peteiboro thut Mills wi^uld never succeed in phiuiug him in Walker tun cells. Besides admitting ilie theft in Airan he also confessed to stealing a horse and cutter from D. J. Matthews at Chatsworth on Dec. '.), the mysterious disappearance of this outtit having caused much speculation among the authorities there. < >ii being arraigned before Jmlge Klein hero on Saturday and admil'ing his guilt, made a strong for leniency on the ground that he had only been inarriod six iiionths and was leaving .i sorrowing young wife in dire .'traits . The Judge listen'id to his spiel and cioscd toe drama by sentencing him to one year in the Central Prison, Toronlo.- Bruce Herald and Times. NOT. eib«>t Hubbard ta Uk« Fr* |t9^Xt>^X^^KX>m;KsJ The British Fighter By Walt MasDii 'J'liis is a recent prose poem liy the well liiiouii bald of hJmpori.a, Kansas. Wall Mason is a Caiiadiaii-.^mcrican, born in Columbu."', Out. Whenever dauntless eyes have 'smiled serenely in the face of doom, wlieiie\er man ban lamed tho wild and made tho howling desert, bloom, whenever pioneer has tilled Ihe virgin clay, wherever sett leis hew and build, the Biiti.sh lighter led tho way. 'I'hc tighter of a thousand yeais, bis deeds all history reciuils : he circled both the hemispheres lo find his dangers and rewards ; his bones are buried in the deep, and in the snows of Hudson's Bay ; wherever rnen their out posts keep, the British lighter led the way. Wherever there are loi.ely tii'il.s that lead away to No Man's Land, wher- ever there are purple sailp, by brccxes to strange harbms fanned, wherever grim adventures lure, from Arolic wa.sto to far Cathay, where'er men struggle and en- dure, the British tighter leads tho way. Aud V?tt?r etill, whei'ev^r liigfjt would brcik tlia rusty ohaiiKS i)f Wrong unJ nwke a beacon in the night to guide the wailing world along, wherever Justice lifts her sword, the -slimy enemy to slay, (he British battle cry is lojtcd, the Bii'ieh fighter loads the vtay. DR. BXJRT 5pecl«li«r in diseases ol the Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat Office- 130 1 0th St. West, Owen Sound At the Revere house, Markdale, 2nd : Thur.sday each month from 8 to a 12a.m j Dund'ilk,lst Wednesday of each month.. ' J ew eiry Flesherton Planing And Chopping Mills I am now prepared to do chopping i every day ill the week except Sundays; and every week iu the year. Bring along ' your grists. \ Our sash and door factory is always at our dispofal f(jr anything you want in ourlineâ€" planing, matching, etc. Floor ing, .sash and liours, and all house fur- f^r mshings supplied promptly and at leaS- VV . imable rales, Cet eHiiniates. Blakeiy and Henry! Proprietors A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. A Armstrong, Jeweler *j Febl.") i;! ]y FLESHERTON, ONT I FLOUR I fe :S!fe ife Lran, 8Iiort.s, Keed Flour, Barley & Chop, Wheat. Buckwheat, Karlej', Ife ami ()at.s Coming in a Few Days A large shipinenr of Clover aivl Timothy Seed. .See our good.s and get our prices. We cannot he beat r:)rprice.s and (pxality. ^V^'^Vv^V^^V^'V^'V^ W. BUSKIN ^te- >^ -ji^^fe vV^ jM. -M^ft. ^tt. ^i«. vM^ :M. ..M4. .^^^ m, â- iu^^v^ â- »!>â- -^ â- *".- â- i't.-i.v. ^'.'i^'A:^'jk. ^Y^ ' i RUBBERS! RUBBERS! Those in neetl of lliiblier.s, either High Lace Leather Top.s or Low Lace Tops or Rubbers with- out Tops or if you have old Leather Top.s briiij,' thcni in and get new bottoms on them. WltEUE; WHY AJ- Thos. Clayton^s FLESHERTON " NEW SUITINGS New Suiting.s just to IuukIâ€" some of the nobbiest weaves to be fountl any- . ; .â-º where. Leave your order now for tliat new suit. You will never regret it. Satisfaction (guaranteed. Don't forget that we do cleaning, pressing and repairing. Our prices uitj right and our workmanship is the Q\ery best. S. J. BOWLER Sole Agent for the Hobberlin Tailoring.