r'V.-4i,-^«B*W*(*F» â- <»i i>li»« .i > .my ii I .Taniiiwv i?>^. 101.') •HE J< L E S n ]• K rO N A D V A N C E 'I'UK. /lcsl)erto.n. SlDunncc An iudeiH'iident uewi«iiik|>er, )iul>lii>hed every itiniday «t th** office, CoiliiiKwood Street, ?sherton. Snbscriptiini |-.rice $1 |>erannani len paid in advance jJl.SJ when iii>t so paid IvertisiuK rates onapplii-ati'>ii. Circulation 1,100 weekly â- AT H. Tliuraton- Editor •""lesherton-^vAA/^ iiap t isl C hurch r V. Kerr. I attor. IMiniie :i.l li. 'J >iiiiday School 10 a . in. .Service at 11 .-i m. Nu 1M>I- Stud^ at i' 'jrl^ii lliU «„>. k. Methodist Church Rev. James Dudifenn, ptxtor. Sunday, Jmiuiry :<1, litir>. Uuv.I.K. Dean '•{ Turoniv â- <'â- boih heivicec. l'iiu)ii Evannelihtic Services, Metlii Jiiit !iiul r..H|>tist dmrchis, iitu i.triiia held cwry iiii:ht at M n'cKick in the Metluidisl church. Conducted hy Uev. I. IJ. Dian ..«' T.ironlo. Hev. 1. U. U.'aii «ill delivci hi.- celt- trat^'d lecture 111! the " Uil.le Bid Sci- ence " n''\l Monday evei.iu!;, Fob. 1. Thi* lec'urc! Imn been dt'tiveicd live (iuics in the city nf Tipmutu t^ increaspd n«d â- enc -â- • and Iih.s I ecu |>iiliii>lied in |>iii<[)h- let fdrui nnJ uniiy ll.nusandN of them sold. Osprey Council Maxwell, .lat.. 11, 1<.)1.'> On tlie almve da'e the fidlowinf -ieiitle tnen, kIi<j ci.ni|) f^c the Muiitoi|ml ( \.uiiiil «)f ihe To»nsiii() (if O.'jircy fur th.^ ymr l!>l."i, met at Ma»»ell :iiid severally maile the Ntatulory drt!aiaiioii of ofVicu and (|u:ilificitti'>iis, Ht d (ilrd the same with '^'1'*'")' -^ the Clerk aa f..l.c«M .I.,hn Thomson, "'"•"â- •"'" l"'"'*"'""^ »""" '' Ueevo:lr«iu Mornson. Depu-v |{,.,,.e; i '^ »•' -^â- "- ='â- »â- '"-* ''"^'''- '""â- ^^'"r^bll- John 1(. .Mui.heaH, W . H. (Uiy and | '"' '''^•^'•l'"'". '^ ' ^""â- ^^'^ ^^ â- » ^'"i- '" Albert .^rnott, CouHcillo... The inim- j "'^' ^â- '""'- *'"" '"•"'"*' '*"'' ""'''''''' t«.ofthe U,t u.eetiu;5 were read .^.d I '•^"' """"y*''^^'"-*^ "f "'O ll^J"' '"'"^l'. •dopteJ. 0,m..mnicali..i,s, ac.,.nnt... | "'"* "'^ »PPli««"tH »erd received f. r . x- â- , n., .. ,, > altation :i' the next reifu'ar mcetini;. etc., »eie leceival from llio.s. .Scott, ! " ° ,,. 1 , i: . , 1 .• Afie the hi)oli» nerc audited anil other t lerk. ceitihca'e as tn el<ctioii e\|>enRe • Notice The party or |mrties wlr- took a hhVm hood, (gr.'-y, tiiiuiiiud niih red) from the fill's cl.'ak lo'uii ai the public school, Flesherton, .January 2"2iul, 11H.">, «il| they be kind enouxh to return it ti) the bake shop. Tliih is the second hood that has been taken fr iii the Hame pitriy lliis winter, and if not returned thta week further steps will be taken to try and tiiid out who is taking thiiii^s that don'i beloii;.; to them. Osprey District L.O.L. Tlie aniuiiil nieetins! of the I.oyal i U- a ije District Lo^!<e of Osprey was lield ill the hall of L.D.L. No. 1085, Fever- sham, on Tuesday, .Ian. TJ, 191.'>. There was a Pood turnout of the brethren of the district. The inual basinets bciiifc triiisacted. the Worshipful Master, Hrj. fienrije Klliolt, declared all otbces vacant and called on l>io. A. J. Coiiroii, 1*. ('. M , to loiiduci the el^ctionaud iinla'- lalion of otlicers wliich resu'led as fullowa : Dist. M.-is ei, liro.lohii Stiii.soii, 1J.-P Dist Masler, Hi.,- .John ^H .Sclley. Disi Chaplain, liro Kobei*. Edward.i. Dist Kec Sec, IJro Thomas Scolt . Di-t Fin Sec, Bio .\ J Coiiion. Dist Tros, Hro .lames Klliott. Di-t D.r of Cer. llro Win. Tay'or. Dist heciuier.1. Hun Thos Taylor and lleiberi Clark . The otIicoiH were duly installed and the iod'.'e c'osed in due form, after which the members of Feveislmm Ulack I're- ci'i.t i.v. No. .'U.t, invited the visilina brethren of the district to the Tem[)er- ancc house fur supper, wheie Mine Dost, Bro. Kerton, and his good wife, spread a table loaded with every good ihint! to teinjit the appetite, and iuimediatelv after piMakin'.< of ilrs roy.»l feast th.; memliers of h°e^rr^llam l!ouil Dlack I'lv- o4:t relumed to the hall, nieeliiiij of R. J. COLQUETTE Feversham, Ont. Agent for the Cockshutt Plow Cos Fu Line of Farm Impementi- Wagons, Duggies, Cutters, Sleigha, and Oasoliue En^«<nes, Meloitu Cream Separators, Daker Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping and Pipe Filling.s always oh hand Bealty IJros'. of Fergus, Uarn Tracks, Litter Carriers and stable fittinys. Cockshu't and Frost iV Wocd Repairs always on hand. Wareroomâ€" Wellingon Street. Fevcr$bam» Ontario. ^â- ji^m^^s fmsrsvfsm^s^i^ ;'^».â- *': "»â- ^â- t â- >',«â- /.^^^^g^^C^^^t^i^^^^^j^^ii^gSig^^^ AUCfiON SALE At the W iileinin store. Fe\ ersliain, in the afteiiio-.n and evening if Krii'ay, January ..''.», 1!»14. Sale begins at 1 o'chx'k (.haip and will continue iiniil fi p. m , also from 7 to ID p. ni. Store will be closed Friday afternoon to mt the stock ready for llie .-(.•lie. .\ll gooils unsuld liy Thursday evening will be put up by auction and lold without reserve a< we must vacate 'he building by SaturJiiy, .latiiim) .'Mlth. Stock lo be sold consists of Dry (jood", Gtoceries, ILirdware. Tinware, Uranite- ware. Paints, lioots an'd Shoes ^^'^ Uubbers. All kinds of Pat. lit Medicines, Crockeiy, Dibhes, Mitt*, (iauntlets, Furs and Wall Paper. Kverytliini; nlU^t b© cleared out. Vuu kiiotn' what that iiieaii.'-. Be here . Terms of sale Cash. The MeichuiU.' Hioker»:e Co. -W. K.^rrriNG, Auctioneer. yi F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTOr ONTARIO. 20 Per Cent. Reduction on Men's Overcoats and Ladies' Cloth Coats 'I'lii.s discount applies to all tlio Men'.s C'oat.s and Lsidies' Coats in .slock. Wo mark all goods in pbiin tigures, so yon can easily figure the saving yoii make on each garment. Special Prices on Boys' Suits Twelve oflly lj»)ys' Two Piece Suits, stjuare cut, donble brea-sted coat, straight pattern knickers, good durable wool tweed, nice pattern's, well made and finished, sizes 25 to "iO, regular $5.95 to $4.50, selling at $2.9H K: Agency for Butferick Fashion Pnblication.s. fashion I>ook on sale. Delineator and ?jg .. - .> ' ^J ! ^^TO ' ^ ' i^ g g g ^Sggg5g R!SSg g ^ ^ Peterborough Time*, kcci unt ?(i S(l, | oleclioii giationeiy: Tlio«. S-ooit. account I J*!.!'.!, express chanie*; IL tleitn.an, I -icc lUi.t tS.Ott, pos'n'.'e s'anips to ( |.-ik; 1 Isaac Ti.iynor, Civil Kniri'ieei, ceilitiea'e to Jos. Bowler fr r SlCO.'Ht, jMtrt con- trast onGruniniett I'ltch; .Xdvanc OIHce, Flesherton, account i*!!.^ DO, prinlii'u: <Jeo. Wright, luconnt .'Oc , iloublitrej «'oi gradei ; tieo. Linley, account "oe., Repairing trader: 'ieo Coutts, ."jskiiig iin- provemt-nt OM 40th sideroad, coll 1), S D R; A L Smith, propmed contr.ict for opening :.t)ih slder<u'J, ci>ii. I aid 2. S D K. Bylaws were pissed appointing the following othc rs: .Jam -s Potts, assessor at J^'Jt); Alex Pon^liiH and Itubt Heioii, .•iuditor»; Dr itoz-ll, M H I', .lohn Thoiii son and Irwin &Ioliisoi), Hnard of Health. < Mdors were issued on llio Treasurer asfolli««, H Heitman, jiostage fur clerk, $>; FIcbheitoii Advance, printing, f2H; Ttos Scott, express, ff\ !l."i: Peer- lioroiigh Tiniei, election snp|)lies, ifli..SO; O o Linley, rep»irini gradei, 7"> cents; •lot Botvli'i, |/urt payment on contract of Otutniiiett dich, tlOt); (;eo Wiight. n- pairs to grider. .'»»> conti-; Municipal W. I Id, ix suhiicripiions, ^^i. 'I'll* tol'owini; Deputy Petuiiiiiig (Jiticers wi-te paid i'.> ea';h: F Irish, C W Lon/, I H Peiigo, C A lOdwurds, II T Roberts, T S Freet'i, Wu. Norman and Jus Gordon. Pol Clerks were pad 82 each as foll)w-; .) McnziuH, C F Horor, .1 Speers, WNitl, A Mcln'yie, A F: Caul- dron, D Ma:klem .lud .J [..oiigheed. Polling pl«ce» were paid for ss fol'ows: li" Irish .*•-', W H Guy »:.', It .) Colquette f4, U Hammill S2, Mis McLean S'.', .1 Mullen 52, Mrs Lusty *2 ^nd .1 S Win- ters «2. The Clerk was instructed to uolif) (jouis Moore to rciuiii to the (Jlerk dul) signed bis contract agreeiuenl and cun- tractot s l.uod for contr.ict on Drain Ni>. >t, also to pay h s itsHe-ssmcnt on lots 41 and 42, con. 1. 8. D. K , 1202, for Dmii. No. :) as agreed by him, both to be innd.- forthwith. On motion the Council adopted the liropositiin of A. L. Smith to build 180 I'uda of road on ^lOth tideroad, cons 1 and 2, 8. D. K., and thai the Clerk pre- pare a contrail agreement for the same for nest meeting. Council adjourneJ to meet at Feftr- «hftm on Feb. «th. Thos. Scotf, Clerk. bu«iii.s.< was go! thr..'jgh with, ihe elec- tion of olh.ers to.ik place »od resiil'ed as foil iws : W Precep'ir, Sr Knight W ]{ Guy ; Di'p, S T Wilton ; Chaplain, I It J Cohpielte : ICegistrrr. J G Elliott ; I Tr.'asurt-r, .Limes .Speers ; 1st Loet, .\ J I C 111011 ; 2nrt Led, John K liot' ; 1st I Censor. J II .Sci ley ; 2iid Censor. W L . Tayli r ; l>t Stand ird B arer, Itobert ' Kiiwariis 2iid Standard Be.irer, W ,1 ' Javues ; Paisuivant, J -S vVinteis ; 1st Coiomiiteetnan, .loseph Allison ; 2iid Coniiiiilteeinan, Thomas Scott ; ."inl I'om, ' W. K. Hrown ; 4th Com, Kobeit Little ; I .'fill Com, Uobert Cou ts. TIih Prccep i tory is in a uood, prosperous cotidiiion, ' haviiiu thirty memlieis in ';;oii I standing I with good piospeets for a eoiisiderablu increase in iiieinbeiship duiing PH.*). C. N. R. Completed Vancouver, IJ. C , Jan. 24. -The Can- adian Norihern Riilway is now coniplet- ed f.uiti Lake .Superior lo the Pucihc coast. Thu last rail ivai laid at nmui Situiday a' li.i»ipie, â- » tillage oil the North riioin|>ion Kiver, 2olJ miles east of Vancouver. It will reiiuiie until April !.'> to ballast the line, and the otlicial ceremony of driving the nildell spike prob.ibly will lake place about May I. It may be in dsuinui.'r before a regnl' ui ihrough service is b..'KUii. The C X. Ii. eiiteiH Lhiiish Coluii.bii th ough the Vcllow Ilia I P..S', where foi many mi'es ii parallels the Gland Tnink P<icitic, for Ijoth of ihe r.iilwajs leave Kdmonton and thence strike west toward the Pacilic. P'roiu the nuininit of the Iluckiet' the line runs along the valley of the Thomps mi Biier until it imelH the t'aiiaiiiii Pacilic lino at ICimloop.'i, 2JU miles east of Van- couver. Thence t 1 Viii.couier the (,'«i.- adiaii Norihern runa along th.) Fraser, on the eafcl bar.k from the Canadian Pai';lic Dr. J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH Office and Residence- 4(58 lUh St. East Owen Sound, Out. Hoursâ€" 9 to 1-2 a. m, l.^JO to 4.30 p.m. to 8 p.m. t)th«r hours by appointment. ^ Tl '* A Business School I The Old Adage That mcc-.ssful fclioi.l whose graduates occupy pr.jiiiinei.t po- si*. ions from the Ailant.c 10 the Picitic, re-iipeii9 for the FALL TERM .September 1st, 1914 Semi f .r fiee dialog al once to COLLINGWOOD BUSINESS COLLEGE T. E. Hawkins. - PriiKipal Colhiigwood, Ontario. h». ^i The PrtcM>f of the Pudding is in the Eating The sauiG is e(|ual]y true of the 1900 (inivity Washer. Try oiie and be convinced that there is none better. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon Owen Sound Woman Dead Oireu SoonS Jan. 24. â€" The death took place here last tvenin i of Mrs.Pcott, widow of the late Rev. lames "^cott, and mother of Mrs. Scott lUtt, principal of the MbrKAret Eaton Sc'ioul of Flipression of Toronto, and of Mr. Alex. (Lucky) Soott, the welt known Canadian minor and traveller. Deceased was an octogen- arian, and had been a resident here for over 40 yean. Miss Scnlt, librnrian of the Public Library here, is irdaugh'er. Horse Killed by Logs William llicks. who lives on Sixth a couple of miles west of Colling- Mr. stleet Wood, sulfeicd ttie loss of a valuable horse on .Satni'ihiy inoriiiig uii^'cr peculiar cil- cums'iiiec'i. His son was teaming Ioks rioMi I lie inoinitain to the Kent-Ci.pper mid ill Co'liiiLiwo. d and was in tliu vleiii- iiy .f Deerl'i.ik when the chain lock nil' d for cheeking the speed of the sleigh broke, permitting the heavy load to slip iiowii tirade guiibil only by the horses. All wiiit »ell For siiiiui distance, but as the bolldiii of the hi'.l was reach mI the driver ducoveied nuuther sleigh aUo loaded with logs stuck. As it wmh ini- piwible for it to iiiove out of the way Hicks ileteriiiiiie.1 lo pass it on the side, but in so d.iiiig a collision occurred , with tin; result thai one of the hortes was cauulit Htnong the logs and killed out- right. The animal was bi dly sma.-hed aiid it? death was almost instHntanejus. 1 1 is .1 heavy los-^, Mr. links having but lecei.tly refused »2(I0 for it. I'.ulletio. .lack Laiii>toii, ll 1! nnin who ifave the constables fiMiii Tara aiiu Chatsworlh 8 ich .1 .nerry chaae about six weeks ago after he ha I stolen a team of hones from one ni w and a horto and rig f om an- other, has been caught down neiir Pe'er- bnrough. Word was received here on Tuesday by ("ounty Constable Mills fro.n tli.o chief of police at Peterboro of the arrest of John Langlon in that city. Lanvlon escaped from Ihe custody of Coiistible Mil's after being committed for stealing H team of hordes and oiher ariicle.'i last December fiom his employ, r .Mr. Will Trolford, ii farmer residlnj n-ar Tara. He managed lo mnke hiH> escapj by jumping out of the window of a fust moving train between here and Dobhintnn while en route to Walkerton. Mills got his cue from letters which Langton had addressed to his wife here, he evidently supposing she was still re- siding at Mr. Trelford's. He always signed the letters in the name of his wife's brother, but the scheme provid his undoing as the authorities soon caught on to his game and the postmar'k divul- ged his place of residence. Constable Mills left on Tuordiy afternoon to bring his man back and will take him before Judge Clein at Wall ertim on Saturday for Roiitence, -Times, Williiim Johnsti 11, of Cedar St., Col- lin^uoo.], made another apiieaiuneo in the Police Couit on Wednesdsy, .it 10 a. III., charged with rteuling a leti'.lier belt, (value ^lOO.OO) the properly of the Charl- ton Sawmill Coiupany (in liipiidutioli). Johnston pleaded uuiliy and watt >eiiteii- C3U to three months in the County .l^i', Ihe Magistrate i>ivin.j him a lecture be- fore imposing senlence. .luhnHton's ar- rest ii a scipiel to a charge nf stealiuv coal, preferred aga'nst h in last week, with one Pean.'en, when ho was allowed to L'o on su-peiided sentence. C'hiel Jolinston [iiid a second visit to the res - denee of both men, and foui;d a i|Uaniity of cl'ithing stiden fioiii the east-end of the town ; also the bell, which had been wantoiily cut to pieces. .lohnston had the III It concealed in the wall of his woial s'lod. A good deal of property stolen hid been liurned or olherwi.se dis^niscd of, iueludiiig a liarrel of candies. â€" Mes^- enger. Mr. J. 15. Shepberdson, of F''i|)hr»siii, liHR a calf which weighed on the dny it was live iiMirths old 4IIK lbs. T iis i. fully eijual, atciiidiiig to ane, to Mr. T. Davidson'N ciilf, mentioned )a>-l week. Euphrasia fai iiiurs are certainly sett teg a commendable i.vtin|ilo in stock feeding. â€" Stindard. Columbia Grafonolas Columbia Records And Supplies FOR SALE Columbia records fit disc machine any The latest patriotic records in 4tock. Come in and hear some of them if you are interested. The Advance Office CHEAP FARM TOR SALE 92400 â€" tuenty-fmir lunulred dollars will buy the west h.ilf of hit No. 2 and part of the North west i|uarter of No. I, all on the 4'h con. of Euphrasia, coii'ain- nig iitiiuit 12."' acres. There is supposed to lie ninety acres cleareJ, the balance good hardwoud bush â€" imiple, beech ami elm. There is on the property a frame hiiuse and kitchen, a fraiiiu barn, straw hojse with Htone foundation under it, also wood shed, driving shed, pii; pen and hen house. There are also two or- chards on ilie farm mowing diU'erert kinds of fruit- apples, pears, plums, cherries and urapes. This farm is well fenced with wire and paieiil frncing. Is freii from fnmi. It is also well watered with water ill nearly every ti Id. There i-i a uever-faihns! sprinu within 40 y.irds of the h 'iLse This farm is wiibin one iiiilo of the thriving village of KimWiley. For further patticulns apply lo â€" I AMES STC'ART, Kimberley P. O. ISepl kinds, Filter Fence,. .Full line of McCormick Farm Implements, Binders, Mower.-;, Kakes, Ltjaders, Drills, tnltivatois, I'lows, Kidin^ and Walking, Harrows, Hrantford Wind Mill.'i, I'unips, Piping am' Fittings of all IJeattif Hay Carriers, Hay Forks, flings, Cjirrier.s, Folding ]?athTubs, Frost Wiie and Cutters anil Sleighs. A Call Solicited.. Satisfaction Guaranteed.. S. HEMPHILL j; Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT TAILOR Feversham - Ont. Fashionable Tailoring Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. â€" ALSO- A line of Ready-Made Clothing Which we put alterations in free of aliaii/e, if required. Isep We have been fortunate in securing iiiothur shi|iment of frech goods at re diiced rates and will give our customers the benefit of ihu reduction. All kiiid^ of feed and several kinds of flour ti choose from. Also some bargains ip groceries. We have purchased the stock of Inter- national Stock Food from Mr Fisher You are making money when you are feeding thelntemationalStock Remedies. We want your butter and eggfc and will p!«y a little more than market prce. S. R. Hehderson FLOUR and FEED WOOD CUTTING Hio-A i^"\v Wood Cutting with neatness and despatch, .Ml to iiO cordu per day. \\m a good straw. cutting oiuHt. Satisfaction giiaranteeil. I/eavo ytvir orders with the undersigned. 1.1.16 -UKO. HRAOKKNKURY, Fi ver.<hnin FARM t-OR SALE Lot 2, eon. », (»«prey, UK) clfiiired : good building*, well, small orehud, u< od to WM. Eugeida I*.(». acres Sd never failing firm .\|>ply LAWLOU, III II Flesherton Tin Shop^ I havejust placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Niekelware and Agateware fordomesti:c use. Call on me and get your supplies. F'avetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- I ings. i Kepairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipetitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Furnaces. Bros. D. McKILLOP CHRI5T0E BLOCK FLESHERTON m ONTARIO. m^^^^^^^^^^^^^m^^^ i I i I II Tamworths tor Sale Botti SOX nearly ready for breeding. PricM rleht for quick »»lo. „ GKO. W. R038 MMWell ro Farm For Sale 1(X) acres, II miles from Flesherton Good buildings, easy terms. â€" .lOHN WRIGHT, Fleiheiton. HEREFORD BULL FOR SERVICE The undersigned have a pure bred Hi'd by ChaiiaeliiiK Butter Roy on Hereforil hull for service on lot 171, 3id of Tidy Abhekerk Princess .Toaephine W.T.S. U., Artetnesia. The -greatest butter inakina strain kiio Termsâ€" §3 for pure breds, $1.50 for Term of serviceâ€" 11. .50 for grades, urades. All cows served meat be liaid pure bred. tor. â€" T. & J. WATSON. GEO. MOORE A SON,Props., \ 1 mar '4 Pure Bred Holstein Bull Changelinj; Prince Joe fe- « » » « » Jl^