Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 7 Jan 1915, p. 1

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\*\ 1 k. Q â-  *•â- *<â- : fk^txiort %tfvmu. J X.â€" . .o:_L„_^ \ !!S»9!HK!H- "TfiUTH BEFORE FAVOB." â€" '• PRINClPLEb HOT MEN. ?0I 34 No. no Plesherton, Ont., Tliurstiay, .January 7 191v.j W. H. TEDRSTON Z7^- Wo de house Doings #. - Inteadiid-Foi- L«^i Week ristit»*s;-tiiiy was a tiuo, l)ri'^ht Jay, a heavy frost was in the air. Cdu- TderaWe dmiiis w«s ipilulseJ in,, some c inijiv; and some goiu^ imt'lo celcLraJo. \Vh:iL »ew1re8()lu! ions for the -new yeaif Mr. Hii^ Mlâ- .^. Elti'ii- D.iinHrfiy Kave » riiusic;il eveniiig to a it w ot their fiientLs Chiistuia.s evenins;," winch was henrtily. I'lij lyai by !lll [irvseiit. Voui' ecu;. «-,ts I : e of tl.-e hicky lu'.in'.'er. W. .J. Wuvd hiut tlie ni'sfortuiie t» lose ;i valuable liofM iei;eutly fioin acute iii- iligesliiin. Miss Eil 1 McArlhur, who is wieWiuR ilie[,birch in Cherry Grove school, is holi- iLtying witli tier |)iirent«^!|t.The e.xct-Uent c incert >,he and hoi- pupilShad prepared HIS [KMitponed until Dec. 26. We ii-e x'**! '" report Mr. S*iri Wiley .Ir.'Ofiuch improved, he liavini} suftered an attack of pleurisy. Tha foUowijigspeDt Chriatma.s in and out of our hurs! : >*«•• '»1>'1 M'"*- ^- ^â-  Abetcromltie with the latter'i mother, Mr«. Cook, Rocklyii ; mi- and Mrs. Ernest Horwocd with the lalter'a parents, Mr. afld .Mrs. Thom:i.s Ha^vKen^', Epping ; W, and Mrs. Robett Brown and children with the lather's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ueury NVyville, towulitie A. and K. ; Mr. and .Mrs. .J. W. Wiley with the Utters pireata, Mr. and mir. Wm. Irvine, Kiv- erdale ; Mr. Joseph Lankiree and Uaugh- temrtth liis mother at Kocklyn ; Mr. »ud Mrs. James llarbotUe with the lattot's mother, Mrs. Xeely, Vnndeleur ; Mr. nnd and Mrs. W. T. Wtley iite Christmas din- ner at the Utters parental l»i«ie, "Green- hill," aud teti *ith the fotwer's paruntH, Mr and Mrs Wm Wiley : Mr and Mm Johp I.awson aild family with the latter* patents, vir aud ms Win Wiley ; Mr and »ns Victor Bowes and family "<>f Sirath- nairn at t!ie latlec'x parental home, Mr Bush and family'; Mr .^nd Mrs Fred I'ul- linand family with the laitev's sister, MIS. Ephraim Brodie, and family, town- line A. and f..; mv. and MIS. Fraser Gil- ray:*",d children, lUo Mes-srs. Ken Don- nelly aud Tom Gihay of Kpping, were the guests of Mr.and Mrs.Kdear Donnelly: Mr. and .Mis. .\ .-V 'rhuaipsoD and baUe, MIS. Wni. Thonipwn, Mr. and Mr«. Bert Thonipaon iind family, of Sljpo, with the ai-e'l ^landniother, Mt». Aaron .Thainp!j«>a, aud dauKbter, Sarah; Mr. and MM. John Ward nth their daughter, MM. J B Hutchiusou. and family, Mr. and Mrs. NVill Ward, .Messrs. Anhitr and Willie and \ti«s '.^ueenie Bowen, Mr. and MOf. Ham lUwkeus and family of Eui(cnia, tuade a pleasant reunion with the M-^sdameK' mollier, vis. Wostiritk : .Mf. Lorn* <'ornlieldwith his sister, Mri< liiiilije, in Markdiilo. * Dundalk On Decc'uber 'iith Mrs. Kli/.ibeth Fry, fi.rnierly of this place, passed awjiy at her home in Toronto in her With year. >*A uniet wcddiu)? look place at ihv- home of Mr. and Mr-s. Tlios. J. Brown, iicfti- Warehaiu. on Wednesday, Dec. 'S,\, utiiiuh n<>->», wh'jn Miis .\delaide Ross was united in niarri»i{B .-to Mf. Sriinuel ij, GtuuMiielt. of Hatherton. The cere .Hioiiy was i>erfoiincd by Uav. O. L. Abhotf, <â- !* DtmJalk. The hride and t;tuoiii were nnntteiided- The tiro alarm at niidnigUt on Wednes- day gave the oitizons a scare when a blazd wasdifcovoied in the jewelry stoic of G. \V. (iuidou on Main street. The brigade wa.s »iM)n on the spot and afier a aood hard lixht got I ho Hames under con- tfbl. The tUuius started appirently in a -»'»ll sin w „case oi below it near the roar ' (itilio frtMit stDre, and burned it» wnjf iiiio the ceilins above. Luckily the hi,>se men were able to re^ch it. T'he siJo wall and C^d wall worj d*u»»8ed and the stock was diimi.^ed by wAtei and smoke. Chaiiip'a VjarlH^ in the same block WaBiiUo biidly smoked u[>. The build- iuK is owned by James Cola of Cl»rka- bttVit ^Wtj uudeiHtand there i« insur- aiW*' «o*'«*' '''* '""' â€" U'iraid. , -. â€" . jjj^.---.^ .* â-  ,' â- â- â€¢â- â€¢ â-  jjjlfl Liotiiso Inspe.oor of South Grey usi'bc sound a.sleep those ^lya it he imn't seo t bat some pa.ties in Uannvor We btitiionl^ breaking the law. The liuinher of >oU»»j! boys, AH^NUontly iiiider «je, »h<i »»ji'») coming to W'«i|keilon uQder the hiftumtco v)f ttquor from Hhc factory lu*0, in cjkttMOg the local authoritiea hcVe l9rw<(.>ndtM bow the ordinance can gj OH itad M»«3SiJUiepeci(^r#r»t |i?t wised np to «.^« ftot that th^ir is^'iOjtieth'Wg rotten *vtSt»Tc \>l Denmark." . Horol}. Vandeleur Happenings T!io Meaf jrd R<r^ 8iJnJny school hald Llveir anniversary on ^cw Vears eve., A Koe niijht and "ood roads brought a full house, and an excellent program was ren- dered. The procced.s amount od to 82H. Mr.s. Wdl: Timnion.s of Ulenelu spent Christmas week with her parents, Mr. aud Mr3. J./hn Warlin;^. Mr. and Mi.s. Auios Smith of Meaford attended the weddlug of Iho latter'a sistfer, Miss Eva Gilbert, on Weduesday. Leslie returned to her duties at the school' after spendiug the liijlldays at her Iwme in Markdabj. At the annual school lueHint; W. J. Alcox was elected trustee. John Flynn secured the contract for supply inij wood, John Warling wa.s appointed caretaker, George Pritchard Sac. -Treas., and Geo, ShaniiQir auditor. Mr. Fred Garner of Toronto spent the Christmas holidays wi'li friends in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. George Wright and daughter, Jean, spent New Years wi.h friends in Markdala. Mr. Buchanan of the Northern business college, Owen Sound, siienl tho holidays with fiiends here. Mr. and Mrs. Harci>url Heady of St. Marys and Miss K »tt» Davis of Orillia were holiday visitoiy at the home of .Mr. and MfB. J. M. Davis. .^ large mimber of fiicnds and ac- (|uaiuUtnces took possession of the home of Mr. and >h'M. I.undy Johnston on the vvaDiog of Dec. '.':!, and pre.sented ihein with a number of useful and vjluable pre-senta as a token of their esteem. Rev. W. L. Cjllia of Liurel .spent the week end with his parents, Mr.and Mrs. E. Ciillis. Miss Violet Gilbert of Kiniberley spent Christmas with her aisler. Mm. Will Hutchinson. Singhampton Mr. Campliell has the skating rink in splendid condition and that it is appreci- ated was oiade plain by the large iiuni- liei on the ice in S vtui-day eveniu". Miss Susie Biistow suti'ered the loss of one linger. Soiiio time ago blood- |ioisoniDg set in iu her hand and despite the best efforts of her physician who tried to save the member, it was found necess- ary to perforin the oi<eraUou and am- putate the tinger. Much sytiipalhy is felt for her. Mr. and Mrs. English, si., s[>ent the Christmas holidays with their son, Mr. John English. The Young People's Christian Associ- ation meet each Tuesdny evening ai; eight o'clock, when tiiv leaders alway.s try to have an instruttivo .and enjoyable pro- gram. A society of this kin-l is just what our village has bean looking for, and we trust ihat all will do ihuir best to keep it Hourishinj;. The .sympathy of the coniiuiiiiity is e.v- rended t.) the friend* of Mi.xs -Nellie Tay- lor, who i.s seriously ill at her home in the Weft. All hope for a speedy recov- ery. Cnngritiilatlons to Mr.and Mrs.ISlakey of the lownline who celebrated their silver wedding a short lime ago. Their friends are uow luokitiu forward to the golden wedding. OiM' friends at Uocksido have opened a Sunday school in the -school-house, and are having a large attendance, Ceylon Clippings Mr. Cecil Legate of Hards'y, Alberhi- arrived home Thursday to spend a couple of months with his motlier here. Miss Tra,sville of Hillsburir leturncd home Friday after spending a week with her friend, Miss Agnesj MoPhail. Sir. and Mrs. ,Vle.\, McDtinald spent Now Yea'-i with the former's mother in Priceville. Mis. (Dr.) Huliuca .md little daughter, Jem, of Owen Sound, and Fred Chislelt, Shelburne, spent New Years with theij- l>arents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Chisleit. J. W. Cushnie returned to Toronto Saturday after a f irlnight's visit at U. Co.'k's. On Thursday evening last the hrnne of Mr. P'tank Cairns was invaded by ihe young folks of the vicinity and gave a miscellaueous shower to Mr. and Mrs. A . McDonald. After a pleasant evening sjieiit in panics anu music all rei>aired to their recpective homes with best wishes for tlicyiiunis couple. Miss Kile Wilcock left, Saturday to t.tke up her dutieH at .\!ion. R. Cook was ill the city the tirst of the week. Mr. Patterson aud Miss /ilia McLeod who hare been visiting the latter s par- ents flit two week.s, relumed to Toronto Monday. Mr. and .Mrs. Emerson Adams left Monday for their home iu Bi-ampit m. Mr. Giinln and Stanley and .Jack White ruturued Siiturdry from visiiiug Toronto friends. .At the trustee nieeti::g Wednesday .VI r. .J. McDonahl was elected of .la.s. Radley. Miss Myrtle Uidley is very ill and is under the care of Dr. Lane, Priceville. Mr. Woods of Corbetton supplied the pulpit here on Sabbath for Rev. Mr. Kerr and preached a very iiupresdve sermon on prayer. Woi-d was received Saturday evening that Mr. .\ll<in Saunders who had been taken to Owen Sound hospital uii Mon- day night to Ix* treited for blood poison- ing in his hand, had pa.sied away, f^ater pneumonia aud pleurisy had set in. The remains were taken to the home of his mother at .Saugeen .Jet. ou Monday, and were interred iu Flesherlon cemetery on Tuosdiy. He leaves a young wife and three little children to mourn his loss, the youngest being about 4 months old. Elections FleKhirton viiliige eleclii)n on Monday was a hotly contested Hffatr. -All the idd Couiicil s'ooj for re-elociion aiid live uew aspiiHUfs. The race for llie Reevc- ship was a iii?ck and neek artair between Mr. Fishnr and Mr. .McTaviah, the hitter winning out by only four voles. The old councillors were nimply bowled over like uiuepius, only one, Mr. j'Mk Wil- 8 ;n, wea'horing the gale. The new council is ; D. .McTavish, Reeve ; I Councillors, f. at head of p dl, .r.iuies pHtton, Mark Wilson- and Wes Bu'kin. OSPREYCorN'CIL Reeve John Thomson, ;u:clania*ion. Dep. Iveevo - Irwin Morrison, accl. '.ouncilluis- Albert Arnott liW, W H. <jyy :J'J4, Jos. Hendeisini 17.!, John K. JtS:?. <Jeo. W. Ross 141, T. H. Wetherall iL'l. Thos. Scott, Clerk. I>R. BURT .â- Specialist In dis. asts ot itiu Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office-130 lOdi St. West, Owen SouaJ At the Revere, Markdale, 2n ; Thursday each monili from tj to a 12a. m ! Duiidilk.lst Wisdnesday of each month.. Fieshcrton Planing And Chopping Mills I iim no-.v prepared ti) do chopping j every day in the week except Sundays I and every week in the year. Bring along ' your grists. ()ur .sash and ilooi factor5' is always at (,'urdit.potal for anylhiim you w^nt in onr line- planing, matching, e'o. Floor iiiu', sash and doors, and all house fur- nishings supi)lied promptly and at teas- oiiable rates, (iet esmiiates. Blakely and Henry Proprietors Febl.") l;! ly Jewelry A Spendid Stock from which you may readJy mak A Satisfactory Se- ection. We car- ry Photo Suppies. W. A. Armstong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, QSL. y Much .sympathy fkinily. is expressed for the A Valuable Paper *'â-  The opportunities of the (Kiming yeai, from a fanner's point of vipw appear to bexniny. Owing to the wir there will be a shortage of crops in F/'irope, and therefore an extra demand for all kinds %f farm products in Canada. I'his will attoiJ â- '" op[)nrtunity for the firmer who manages, his farm in a business way to reap a lijh harvest. Every fariuor, who is farpiiiyj for pr ilils, should be a leader of ^ho Weekly Sun, the Farmer's Business p:ip.!r. There is no other farm piper iu Gutario that .supplies the farmer with the same reliable • information fts tlie Sun does. By^ p»rusiiig the Sun, ] you will gain a ku'iwledge »h.' miijk-."'!*, I which will euaUo you to sell your jr.O- ducts to the heSt. advarifayo. T'hi.', su'vi acription priae will ijnly be a fiiotiai of th«Mditv>aski profits joti wilttiiftke by reading the Suu. When renewing; your subscription for tho Advance, yon will' ,niike no mistake it you subscribe lor tbo Suu, the Fanners HosiiicM I'.ipLi Heathcote Intended for List Week Cold and .stormy weather. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Arinstrontr are visiting with friends in St. Cithaiines. Miss Leaves, our juiu)r school teacher, is visiting at her pi'ental home at Clin- ton. Mr. t.'. .). Devius, of Thornbury, who is attending I'niva^rsityai Toronto, called ou fiieitdi here while home on bis vaca- tion. Mr. Uaininoud Maxwell, who has spent the past ye.'U with his father at Kincardine, Sitsk., returned to his home for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Nermaii Isitic and little son, Cecil, of Truax, Sask., are visiting wi'h friends here. Bert McMorris of Sadley is visiting with fi lends hereafter an absence of ihir- ioe»years. Dc. Creasy, our senior soliool teacher, is visiting with friends in Toiontvt. Pleased lo hoor that Miss M. Dales is iiiip)'ovjng. >» Dr. and Mrs. MoKee, and the l.iltor s brother, .\ichie, .are vi.siling with fjiends in Toronto. pi^^^r. Williaiii I'riiickshank of Rock Haven, Sask., on lieariiiK of tl^e death of his brother, Jaiuos, left for Thoriibmy. but had I bo misfortune of being dolaypd on th 1 way and was too late for the funeral. .Mr. Uruickshtnk, a£ er' *ii abReilC] of a number of years, rcLuru.'l to his old lioino to mourn the loss of two brothers, who dieil within a week of each oUier. The sympathy of the ue'ghbor- hf>od iscxjeudedtu the bereaved f iiailies jind friends. Death of Earl Beattie .V well known young niau, .Mr. lOarl Whitby Beitlie, aged -7 year.", passed aw.iy iit llie home of his parents, Mr. and .VIis. \. Beattii', " luglehame," Orange Valley, Chrislnia* afternoon. Ue had been p() -rly for some weeks before Koing lo the sanitarium at (iravenhurst. After being there three weeks he took the ad- vice of u doctor and returnetJ .he first of September Ust, thinking that a fen lOODths on the farm woiill bring back his health. In spite of all that nourisli- meiit and tho best of care could do, he continued to fill. For four months hi- lay in bed without a murmur. Bii' heart l.ailure and inward heinorrhai-e hastened his death. For some years be had lived iu Toronto and thirteen months ago wai married to .\iinio C. Paul of To- ronto. Ills youiin wife nursed him during Ilia lonst illiieKS. He was laid to rest in the Fles.tertoii ceineteij on Sunday, Deo. 27. Service ivas held at the house, cjii- ducltd by Rev. Jamna Dudgeon of Flesli- erton and the Markdale I O.O.F. He leaves a young wife, mother, lather, six sisters and two brothers lo mourn the lobS of their beloved one The flowers contributed were Ijeautiful, bciiii: -v wreath fioiii the Broadview I.O.O. F., Toronto, a spray from the Markdale W. C. T. C. ; a spriy Irom the Orange Valley neighbors and frieiid.s ; a sheaf of white lines and ferns from the sisters, .Jean and Luell i, of Calgary. .\ beau- tiful Bible Wa.s jireiented Mrs. F. W. Beitde by the neiahbors and friend*. Owing to il being a holiday and Sunday following the absm' ones of the fa. inly could not lie home except Dell of To- ronto, and Lolita of Tiniinins, New On Lario, who had just arrived for Ihe holi day, Friends wiic came from a distance were : Mrs. E. W. Beattie's mother, Mrs. Junks, her b.other, Mr. Georee .funks, iind his wife, all of Toronl o. ,51^ .^|<- .^t^ .j'-i. •^^', .^l^ â- '/if ^& •»l«f ft 'rtC •?!«â-  tii- '>!«â-  '/Ik' '/l?^I?'/lV^'/iI?'/lSJ^vS^?'/i?5>,f "'/l?^^? '/l'?-'/!?'/!'!' '/,k- W 'tt-f ^iS" '/!> FISH Fresh Trout and Herfing. Salt Herring liy thedo/eo op kej;. A lull line Feed, oT Flour, Hr;in, Sbort.s, Fltjiii-. Barley Chop. Wheat. Barley, (latsand Buckwheat lioUjiht and .sn|<l. W. BUSKIN W?!? *Rf^? '/iy^'/i?'/i? ?ifW^'/is-'/»'f^'-i«^W'/ic-'/i?'*i?'.'i<'''"''^ 4S? ^!i .Ml m Address and Presentation .Vbout thirty of the younn people of Chalmers' churoh .Sabbath school, mostly members of Mr. Charles .Stewart's elas.s, spent an enjoyable time at i.he home of Mr William â- Stewart on Wednesday last. During the evening the .scholars of Mr. C. Stewart's olass iiresented him with a beautiful, l.iige sized Bible, accompanied by the following address, as au appreci- ation of Ins services : To Mr. CharleK Stewart ; Dear Teacher, â€" We, the unenibers of your .Sunday sclio d class, have met here this evening to show in a sni.all way our appreciation of your .services as teacher of } our class. You have always hofii faithful and painstaking on our l>ehalf, and 111 spite of.oiir indifl'erencc you have l.ibored on for our i;ood. We you, therefore, lo accept, thin small gift, nor for its intrinsic value, but a a .small token of our iipirec-ation of your services. M^y you live long to cntinue your Bood work, .and may you .see auiiiiid you, in the lives of those who are your scljolais, the boixI ffiiils of your iiibo'jrs. Signed im behalf of the â€" Ettie Thompson, Rclft Bus vi-t*: r _„.. u>i,:«.» i RUBBERS I RUBBERS! I Thee ill need oC Riibhers, either Hi^h Late Leather Tops or Low Lace Tops or UubMers with- out Tops or if you haYC old Leather ''."ops brinj; thcni in and get new bottonis on them. WHRHEr WHY AT Thos. Clayton^s FLESHERTON I Christmas km, Donald heitd. MoVicar, Lawsou White- Honor Rolls â- 4r Report of rriceviUe Junior Room for .December . « Sr. a-uR Clark, W MncLeafl, A Mac- Lean. « Jr. :J^L R:4clteU', R Car8«n. ^. 8r. 2 -A, WRvoLftaii, ff MacLean, V. WfaoLcan', K MacDonald.T Clark. •"'fa,<S 1 Si-. D Nichflll, F MacDoUgall, d. » Suitings I Just received a bunch of nobby new suit- ingR and ovcrcoatitigs, an immense ehoice- olnewest patterns and at very roa-sonable prii'Oi^^. Leave your t-nder for a Christmas siikiiow and ha^'« first choice. * We aim to please everyone and "Ave hit the bulls- ey,e every time Call aft d look aA*cr oup stock. \ .fi ''v«'vrf«v«\A'»v-'«v» . l„v MswDouijall. T" MncLeai., D MaeLean. \V luio wotithi V dojrtt « Bikt yClAot *ell , E Watson.' on his faiihVtjjt of Walkect^ri', Mi. Beo^ ^ Primary (0) â€" !^ .MaLhow.soii, J Ferns, Wae«Ktev tas*struck ot> tho Ji^caiJ hy aj ' '^1 S icket% M Cavsoii, N MacPougall. â-  ib, Htonii which iwcaino loos; la/^ a£ the i •(^b)--JlMieLeai . M n atsQUjiD Mac- top Of tlwV^lLandj'.dropped .oijio hi«i. t*""*!?!' * -'^ Twelvcr»tilc'tef w^se reijlljrea >-..''ni?n.l j - (i)-J MttjMeekJn; D.MacLo.iii. â-  U'dioii-.'- ' ' -â-  'â€"\] T.rrn.i-- Ti'iU'her. lull 11;.' S. J. BOWLER ; Sole Agent for the Hobberlin Tailoring. • \ *.* ^ \ \

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