" '' .: ' AS A GHOST Pale or Sab w Cheeks One of the Fir t Signs of Anaemia Pale a/mi sallow c-heeks, with blanched liips and gums, and dark circles under the eyes, are the first eign.s t.lia; -uiaemia has begun its , ,, ,, . ,, : ^IIM-J* vi mr niuaL UUM;UIC uinvn deadly pro.- res*. This first warning of nayal servjce that ^ qualities BRITAIN'S SIBMARINF. IIFRO. l.i'-iii. 1 1 uriii ii Would Sooner Hug a Torpedo Than Marry. "The qualities demanded of a first-rate captain of sub-marine are extraordinary to the point of genius,'' says Admiral Bacon. It must be obvious to anybody who realizes something of the means and end of the most obscure branch it had never been done before, it I will always be done in future. "K9" did, as stated, hoist a little yellow Hag, decorated with the grim in- ' signia after the sinking of the Hela in September, and on October 8 she again hoisted it along with a little white flag of the same design, in token of her second success. ' Lieutenant-Commander Horton has similar flags of other colors stored aboard his boat. ON HEAD CRUST IMRKIIAS PAKAI.YZK KNEMY.! Fury of Attack Has Pitiable on the i. .-nil in-. KHVcl great weariness and s after any exertion. 'lancho!y, have fre- required are extensive and pecu- liar. In aviation the lange of con- trol and change of conditions are headaches, awake in the ; wk[e en , h . in &u b n ,arine work- tired. You become ; t i,o,- --. TI,O ^ D =rr.=h they poi wider. The nearest of rese-mb lance is reached by 16 breathless. You grow qucni Jnorning ft i.ug morbid and nervous, starting at the ^ re ^ IIlolivut slightest noise, and your heart pa!- ' aircraft travelling in cloud or fog; pltates vK>lentlj- even on .going up- , and even there th(1 Cljmp a r ison is stan-. Mot girls from fourteen to in j ete for air . craft face n<>n twenty suffer from anaemia Neg-, of the p .. oblems of t(jrpt ,<lo launch- 'lectto^upplj new b kod to the i ing Bomb-throwing from an aero- languisiiMig. bloodless body, means , ane is U|e ^^ e!elnentary form a life of misery indeed it is an open invi*a.t.on to that most hope- less of all diseases, con-sumption. The new. rich blood that cures an- aemia and gives new health and strength is readily created by Dr. Williams' Pink Pi'lls. That is why tlif-e pills have cured more cases of b!oridl-e8ns.s and blood disor- der? than any other medicine. They !ia\e mode thousands of girls and women strong, well and rosy, with briiflu joes and new energy, jus.t be- cause they nourish the body \\ith new, rich, red blood of health. n . Hair Came Out. Burned. Scales Like Sawdust. Cuticura Soap and In ^\ conceivable of getting at (<>r miss- ing) your objective ; you leave it all to the law of (gravitation. The A Jova Scotia Case of Interest to .411 Women Halifax Sends Out a Message of Help to Many People. Halifax, N.S., Dec. 15. When Inter- viewed at her home at 194 Argyle St., Mrs. Haverstock was quite willing to talk of her peculiarly unfortunate case. "I was always 'blue' and de- 'Here is a typical Laura Dempsey, Auburn. X. V.. t.a\s: "For several months I was in a ver, bad ftate of health, with many r>f the symptoms that accom- ,b!"<i.i! would I was pale and launching of a torp.do. on the other Pressed, felt weak, languid and utterly unfit for any work. My stomach was so disordered that I had no appetite. What I did eat disagreed. I suffered greatly from dizziness and sick head- ache and feared a nervous breakdown. Upon my druggist's recommendation I ; used Dr. Hamilton's Pills. "I felt better at once. Every day I improved. In six weeks I was a well woman, cured completely after differ- ent physicians had failed to help me. It Is for this reason that * strongly urge sufferers with stomach or diges- tive troubles to use Dr. Hamilton's Pills." Dr. Hamilton's Pills strengthen the ' stomach, improve digestion, strength- en the nerves and restore debilitated systems to healtn. By cleansing the hand, is the most elaborate and delicate job that conies the way of a marksir.an. Lieutenant - Commander Horton loves his tovpedoo.-. : they are per- verse, erratic, and devious in their wayj. and n.-ed the delicate hand- ling that those- who ar" vedded to the service can give them. "'Ira marry!" exclaimed a seaman who , was being teased ab.jut his pet corn- instance. ^ ili_s- ' Bander. ' 'Im marry ! He d - n- er ling a torpedo any day ! The I) OH bio-Toothed Pirate. The affection that Lieutenant- I Commander Burton give- to this 1 had terrible headaches, ' elaborate toy of a torpedo he gives 'blood of long-standing impurities, by breathless at the least j likewise to his submarine. A few ; bringing the system to a high point Having tried a Dumber years ago, when it first attracted . of vigor - the >' effectually chase away of medicines without relief I natur- ' him, h \\ a .- in r. a 1;\ hardly more be i weariness, depression and disease, j It is a tradition of the Ind. -in army that Highlanders and Gurk- j i has work together. Here is a de- i o i scription of a charge by the High- ; bcalp ItChed and landers, which, in spite of the un-l flinching heroism, might have fail- Ointment ec * but f r tne timely intervention ' ; of the terribk kukris of Gurkhas j The Highland regiment was sent forward to carry a line of hostile trenches, but their heroic charge ' was checked by a murderous fire and barbed wire entanglements on ' which they stumbled. Between the gaps in their ranks si'pped the Gurkhas. They insinuated them- selves like cats betW'.-'Mi and unde r the barbed wire. Their kukris on their teft hand disappeared in tf : Ointment a few days I found a great dlf. enemy's trenches, then trose ii ter- rible medley -A cries, the harsh bat- i tie cry of the attackers and tne groan or scream of the attacked, as the terrible knife went noire. In the tumult of carnage the c -m- mands of German officers who ought to rally their men were './-t In the mud and slime of the | trenches a terrible struggle, hand- ; to-hand and body-to-body, was ! proceeding. The end came quickly. In a mad frenzy of fear the Ger- mans broke and ran, throwing their rifles from them and biunderinz into their own wire entanglements. ' . Such prisoners as were taken bore ' in their eyes a nameless terror. F- r 1 hours after they were brought; :nto the British lines tiiey trembled co.i- , itantly. The terror of that c'ia -.: deprived the:n of the power of ' lion, and almost of the mower of ! motion . The Pa. Manitoba "Four yean ago I began to lose my hair. It used to coma out. any time that I combed It. I think It w;t.i because my head waa full of dandruff. Whenever I brushed It the scales flew off like saw-dust. My scalp also Itched and burned and my head was like a dry cruut. The dandruff showed very plainly. " I applied several remedies but found no Improvement till I uaed Cutlcura Soap and> Ointment. After using Cutlcura Soap and ference so I continued with them six weeks and they completely healed me." (Signed) L. O. Lock wood. June 4, 1914. RASH OVEfl BABY'S CHEST 99 Follia Ave., Toronto. Ont. " From birth my baby grandaon had a rash over hi* cheat which prevented bis sleeping and teemed to Irritate him a great deal. They were a ::i...-o of tiny red pimple on his cheat and arms. He was too young to scratch but was very cross and fretful. " I uaed the samples of both Cutlcura Soap and Ointment and they appeared to afford him relief immediately so I bought mure. In three or four weeks he was entirely healed." (Signed) Mrs. L. Compton. May ]. 1914. Samples Free by Mail Although Cutlcura Soap and Cuticura Ointment are sold throughout the world, a ample of each with 32-p. Skin Book will ba lent free upon request. Addms pot-eanl! r Cutlcura. Dept. D, Boston, C. 8. A." Highest grade beans kept whole and mealy by perfect baking, retaining their full strength. Flavored with delicious sauces. They navs no equal. His t hoiee. First. Laborer (gazing into jewel- ler's window. H-'-.v \\..Mi":d yi/u like to have v.jtir pick amongst that lot, Sco- ni Lai>..r'.T Id > oii-r . * mv shovel. YOL'B OWN DRUGGIST WILL TCLL TOO Tr; Murtne Ej* RHMn 'r Rc4. Wrai. Watery and liranu.a-.t 1 Erelldc; No 8m&nlDi{-~ K/ Com/or- .".Vriio 'or Book of :ho Sp allFre*. Mririnc jRmedj Co., XS=XSfSS*. * : B . SS^UTSOSi ; *="ua. <> Ui " ORTAL1TV '" A " to fear t'h<at I was doomed t" con- ,tinucd iUn-eca. At this Mage a friend who Iva-d herself been bene- 'fittc:! by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills urged :ne to try them. I did ?<> and Bunks to th pi'ls I a.m now enjoy- tng the best of health, and feel that I cannot recommend tlii 1 - splendid niedicino- to highly." Oilier weak and ailing girls can also obtain new l>ealth and strength through die u.-e vf Dr. Williams' Pink Villa. You can get these pil!> thro:iirli any medicine dealer, ov 'they will be sent by mail post paid at a" cents a box or *ix boxes for $2..V> by writir.K The Dr. Williams, IfediciiM Co., Brockville. (hit. Sir I'.'rcy Scott declared that the "introduction of vessels that .>wim under water has. in my opinion. entirely dune away with the utility of vessel* that swim on the top of the \\ater." I'ntil then nnh.xlv had women, for children. All dealers sell : Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. MY RIVER. a New Ill M.I \ s I.KIM/KD. r.inile Sitpin 11. ' a (in-at Kecord "' Heroic .VHs. N.I lie'gian soldier is receiving m.on- aoi'laim in the French press than I'lnule Sapin, \vho, at the age of 2-. has received the decoration of the Order of Leopold and the cross of the I.cgion of Honor. Le Matin, of Paris, tonfeises it could not be- Jieve all bhe brillianr exploits at- 1 Itributed to this young man. wh<> i was a private when war wa> de- ' olared. ar:d who was made a I'or- por.i! only a month ago. bin that it has investigated through inquiries not only of Sapin himself, who i? now in Cttetbourg hospital, but also of many others, and it cheerfully rec"gni/.cs th" following achieve ineiH- First, during Hie siege of Liege. tvij'in wa.s iu tin 1 fort of l.oncin. Cliinliincr a. tree, and concealed by Jts leaves, he kil'ed an entire IKI; tery of heavy artillery. said to mini ber -I. men. It is claimed that th" commanding officer of this battery reached the foot of the tree, rovol- ver in hand, only to fall, as the rest had fallen, from a of Sapin 's rill '. See. 'lid. two weeks later he per- lonally captured the flag of a regi- men; of Hussars, whose Colonel he R'SM .shut . Third, tie-a-r I.;nivaii>. s,-;-t out in a company oj six men, Sai>in suc- ceeded in capturing to -soldiers, in- chulinir one officer. Just how it has pi-o.if of achieveinrnte, Le Matin does 'not lay. but it adds that General Leo. of the Belgian army, and two t'al> liiet Ministers, have personally gone t<> C'iierb.iuryf to congratulate SH-IIUI. who is n. dangerously wo '.i in led. * \ Lieut.-Comniand''r A/OJ- Horton of British Submarine "-E9." l.iciit.Ciiiiiinander Ma\ !li>i t"ii o( lri:i-h Siiliiii.-irinc "K9." ventured t<> diaw conclusions, no- bi ily h-ul foreseen the fate of the \'n nkir. tlu- Cressy. an.l th H 'S'.:e ii'liody hail r^a'i/cd that a dou- ble-toothed pirate uf the Max Ken- nedy Horton type cou'.d. in the Course of three weeks, twice plant his ''rooties" in ships protected not only by their own tfuns, lr.it by niine^ ami a fortress-base. T" "C'utts" Horton- the nick- nam" i- on , f tl'.e mysteries of the deep tile difficulty of the enter- pri-e is th-- cr-iwniiu stimulus. When hi. 1 leaves d ek saying "t won't come back till I've done mething." h.- onlx does By Dr. J. L. Hughes, Toronto. ! Clear was the spring In the pasture field. Close to the foot of the tall elm tree, Source of my rfver a half yard wide, Wonderful river it was to me. Far to the heart of the woods It ran; ; Often I followed It there alone, Daring to go with a throbbing heart Into the depths of the great un- known. j Barefoot and batless 1 worked all day, Changing its course with my wood- en spade; j Building a bridge or a water wheel; Sailing my snips on the lakes I made. j Mine were great visions of power to ' plan; Mine were the joys of achievement, : too; Mine were the glories of earth and sky; Mine was a wonderful world all new. Back to the farm as a man I went. River and spring and tall elm had gone; But all they started to grow in me. Vision, and power, Jtid joy, live on. The Present War Will Set Low Record. Since the outbreak of war, Sir William Osier, Regius professor of medicine at Oxford University, has supervised the work of the army hospitals in England. Toward the close of October, hesaid to a correspondent of the New York Times. "I think this war will set a new record for low mortality among the wounded. Formerly, with the best first-aid and hospital work, a mortality record of flve or six per cent, of those agk 'Merfilwe" Ends Stiff \eck A I. oiii liiiod-li}. (..me ^.n. B: -: old burglar in disgust. 1 - to use wasting t.rne here. "Don't you think iho.se Ujv- ^ ^. t <'ff ::i'- -t ; - - ,. uueried the new burglar. V I just heard him *ay that was th'- last k. ; .s> Th--;. ';. tie an '-: .r yet _ Minaids L inincnt Curt* Olphttiirla. Any Curable Muscular or Joint It Instantly Relieved by Nerviline. Pain GET TRIAL BOTTLE TO-DAY. You dan't have to wait all day to get the kink out of a stiff neck if you rub on Nerviline. And you don't need w around complainiDg about lum . h any more You can rub 3Uch who reached the base hospitals was ,, awav jcklv wlth Xervl . considered creditable. lp to date. , fne if the grandest liniment, the there has been only one fatality out quicke8t to penetrate, the speediest to of more than seven hundred wounded eaae mU8Cular pain of anv klnd . who have reached the base hospital at One twentv . five Cen , , rill ] ^^ ,, f Oxford. That death was caused by Xerviline w ,f, cure an> . attat . k of lum . tetanus. This result is owing partly ba or , ame back ThU Qag been to the self-stertlization of the modern d thousand times, just a it high-velocity bullets and partly to ^ ln ln f Mr , E j Urav j en . efficient field flrst a d^ 1 Have yet to of Ca i edo nla. who write- -"I wouldn't see a wound inflicted by either a dum- tUlnk of , to bp(1 wllhout knowlng dum or an explosive bullet If the d Xervlllne lu thp housi? . , nave experience of the pas', counts for any- used u fof twentv od(1 am , thing, the expeditionary force on the preclate its value as a f . amllv remtfdv more an(J more eve d - [f a . of Cont nent has more to ear from the bacilli of typhoid fever than from bul- , he chljdren gets a STiff nock , N>rvl . ,;,, cureg liulcklv , f ,. lfl , h ,, lets or bayonets. In the Boer War, bacilli accounted for fourteen thous- and of the twenty-two tliousand lives lost. I have never seen a group of recruits marching to a depot without earache. toothache, cold on the die? 1 throat. Xervlllne Is always my stand- by My husband once cured himself ., of a frightful attack of lumbago by mental y asking what percentage will N( , rvUine aud fur a lluildre j allm nt . die legitimate and from wounds, and . .. auurc <.i'iijs **- wj %.'>, ' "' e\ery sportsman lias done since the beginning. The remark is remem- bered in his ca* % because it was made good In hundreds of lees for- tunate cases it is forgotten because it \vas no: nuut - g ' d There is no such thing as ccit:iinl\ in the busi- ne^< cf getti'jg liM'iu 1 at the Geinian *, ''i tlfi't. .-Mid l,icu:en:int Horton knows and enjoys t!v who'e gamut of un- such . He will tell you that in the >pe<Hiv enterprise of a -iilunarine attack there i" time for i-MTv sort of 9?!is-itinii. from the CRYING CHILDREN \V1" .: l>u.hy cries it i> lici-ati-e he- is unwol!~TK>t boeause he is li.ul luaturtxi as so many imagine. Cry e'atii'ii t-o th To wait submt-rgod until the right moment i< a process that turns minutes into hours; and to refrain from 'etting g at the enemy (in one insliince he ha<l to keep his men in check for tho very .^ocd rea- <iiti that they were- t.H> near their nliji % i % ti\e. aiul would themselves h:i\.' been s-nt to the bottom by an explosion^ makes an eternity of I'OWN \V1TII A HISTORY. I Something About Nicuport. in Belgium. Nieujxjrt. which is frequently mentioned in the press despatches from the Kuropean battle line, is a ' Belgian town situated half a mile from the sea coast and half way be- tween Ostend and the French bor- ] der. It has recently been the scene ..f some hard lighting. The town is on the Yser, a stream which the what i Germans succeeded in crossing only to be mown down by the guns of the Allies. Although Xieuport is badly situ- ated and unhealthy, it is visited by many tourists in the summer who arc attracted there by its bathing facilities. It was destroyed in 138:i bv the English, but was rebuilt and fortified two years later by Philip the Bold. It was captured three times by the French in I7i;>. 179:.' and 1794. The battle of the dunes, in which the Spanish were defeated by Philip of Nassau, was fought honorable deaths what percentage will perish miserably ironi tlii neglect of ordinary sanitary precautions." that turn up in a large family NVrvi- line is by far the best thing to hava vou." 5.000 OUT OF WORK Not uifii. but corn* t.liat nerv put out of sistiim Temptation. S, !; . : !' .t r 'A . Doctors are n-.-t a j w:--> .1 think their pati^ni/s think they are. ar th<- ^-a captai:. luck He married a girl ami -\i* ran aw.i. from him \>--; he ''r a mate, hut she FARMS FOR SALE. H. w OAWSON. Nintty Colbornt Slrett, Toronto. IK vof WANT TO BI v OK .shLL i r n .:. stock. Gra:.i jr Da.rv wr '. II W D.I-ABUII. Br:i:a^".ni. or V l'i born.> I' r ir.o. H. W. OAWSON. ColOon* St.. Toronto. _ MISCELLANEOUS. _ CA.NCtR. 1'LUOIl-*. LVMPS. ETC.. :r-ern-i'. and external, currj witii- out ua .1 by our hcme treatment. Wr-.'* u* bfl TO too l.t'e Dr. Bt-llman 11^-U v.U Co. L-m.'od. Ciil ntfnaA. Out __ Machinery For Sale LiiK.-.- -haf:.: : "it. puilf.vs, ii-^ for sale. \Vhr>'. k HHU'.II.V ;- by li. com with <> .iider fra;i:.\ nj wheel, beaj- - . al :n c>. 1 1 Condition. Sliaftini: from oni t" thre nieii--". pullej > i liirl.V nn.-l'e< to fifty inches, be'.tintt six inelie- t> twelve nit-!'- - - r in part \0 lil VM>\ \lll.F OKKKR Kill I Sr 1). > V'i ai:k \\':' ,." 73 Adelaid - - - >'- . T. did you ever tlgt ! i biiKlun*. la-t wit-It by Putnam. Corn i Willie "Yes'm, iue Sunda Eiinu-KT. So coru can liw If trUd by School Teacher "And what nobie Putnam* I.- U fe. p..nW and .ur* semiment Prompted ' Willie The jam \v is .n the toj- IW onl, Putnam*. _J S e. a. .11 dralorB. ^^ ^ { & ;f , ]; . _, , ; ;, Biith >Vero Sold. Gent'lonu'ti, 1 can't lie about the horse ; he is blind in one eye. " said the auctioneer. The horse was soon knocked down to a citizen, who had ; -j- been greatly struck by the auction >,,.,,.). f v ,, m the u"- : N ri> the horse he *aid--" You were h<.-n- , *" r y est eii'mgh to tell me that this ani- mal was blind in one eye. Is there any other defect?" "Yes, sir: there is He is also blind in the other eve." was the prompt reply. . 1 .'.le: - Ywur.. W. A ( 1 i:la:!ij:.i ro;r< . LINI ' ' gloomiest t j lefe iu 1000 lt . nas a iigh t l K , u ,e that was erected in li^l The chief industries of Xieuport are ship- building, rope and net making and fishing. Its population is about 1,000 ing is tho way the little one lias of. i;f tee ti minutes. II U "Kix-iinN." jii'i because of th telling of liiii pains ati<l tli<- \\isv mother can ir.sUintly tell what a-ils her Hit lt> ono simply by his cry. \Vhen bu>t>y cries a great deal give ihitii Baby's Own Tablets and lie will BOOM be happy again. tVnce ruing itto Tablets Mrs. Jus (iaudreau, Notre l>ain dcs Bois, Que.. says: ''Mv babv cried dav and ninht and : , . I was griblydiscoipaaed, I Ugpn | "OoUfljr, and tJioy serve his pur- givinj; tlio Tableit-s and he was sool liealtiliy and fat." The Tab It U ju^i because of the strain, b>.th as science and sport, of a sub- marine attack, that a man like Lieutenant Commander Horton is known for tin- excellence of his s]iivits.. They a: <f his armor-plat- He has more whimsies than a arc sold by medicine dealers or by mail at So cents a b>.\ from The (Dr. Williams' Medicine Co , Hrock- ,ville. Out. Ijad\ Is this a pe<ligree<l dog ' ;DeaK'r Pedigreex.! : Why, if that |<ikig could talk he wouldn't speak t j either of us! Easymark- I've loaned so much money to my fri-ends tJiat 1 am al- ^nost ln-oke. Owens -Let me make i the finishing t<>uoh. weli'l. His gramophone and card-games carry his men through the stress of inaction. If he is adored by his men it is because he knows no. only how to achieve a triumph, but also how to enjoy it. It may be note*!, in regard to his manner of taking a win, that the legend of the skull and cross- bone* is a legend founded on fact. The papers speak of it as if it were the accustomed thing for submarines to fly the pirate's flag as a signal of success, and those who knew that it hftd never been done before were. In consequence, inclined to disbe- lieve the whole episode. But though A man who is looking for trouble never loses his way. "I think. William. I'll ask those new people next door to take din- ner with us to-night.'' "What for?" "Well, the butcher, by mistake, left their meat order here, and it seems onlv fair." "DODO'S KIDNEY THE# ISSl'K 4! *U. lilt' Mr. Newly wed Uid you sew t'-se button on mv coat, darling ,' Mrs Newlywcd Nu. love; I couldn't find the button, and so I just sewed up the buttonhole A WARM WINTER. June wpallwr prevails in faUfarn ... 'tin ideal Wintering placo. reached comfort ably and conveni^titly by the (."hicago and North Western By Four epleiidid tr-iine d:>ily from the new passenger terminal Chicago Tlu- OTerlaml Limited, fastest train to San Francisco; , the boe Angi'l LnuitoJ. threo daye to Land at Sunshine the fiimoun San Kran- cisco Limited and tlio California Mail. Illustrated foldete d*iTihing the great California Expositions, and aleo giving rale* and full particulniw. will he mai_>J prmi>tl on application to B. H Benne'tt. Genera 1 Azvnt, Chicago A Sorth Wwtcrn Ky . <6 Y units' St.. Toronto, o.-it Sly. O'Brien Clancy's married a wo- man that weighs three hundred pound*. Mulligan -He's the shly wan! He knows nobody can tight at that weight. Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. _-^- ! Never say unkind things about ac ' quaintances and friends. This world wants nothing so much as sunny people, who see the bright side of[ tilings, and find something gixxl in others He 'You'll be sorry you didn't marry me." She "Well. I'd rather not be married and bo sorry I wasn't married than be married and be sorry I was married." Boarding Ho;t*e (io>sip. Billson \,-:uier te la ;:: p i" tr-i^ts !>is :ie ini'. 1 icit l\ a lutely, but "Well," -We'.i. 1 " e : s th change and hi* li-'.ilu' 'k- use :i the sani-' po -. Jen Mlnard'i Llni:nrnl Cures Garget In Cows SOMI .il Year (>!' Married Life. It is, say tin - !-:iers. .lui- iug tlie second year <!' inarri.d when its glamor of newness La \\-ar ;!K oil. that <l:li!!ter af!"-^- The man then beg. us : - : .l-wu. iv.i; the woir.a't is by nature retr'-sp-i- tive Much tact, t/t'i ' :' >. i s need- ed to harmonize ;'! pr.-s.n: the i^ist. F.'i-tunat'.' kins was eminently taotful. suid his \\ ife to Iran 01:0 day. don't bcaeve von love me any nior.'. at anv i-ate. notiiim; 'ik>- o \i\-\.-\\ a- once you did." "Nonsense, dear ! replied the husband in a nu.u cing. soothing voice. "Kut wliy .' "1 don't know." A pause of litt'.e ways." An.'tiier ;>ause "Why do y u always let me get u;- .^hc the fir.- now I" "Nonsense. darling. Being able to come down to a nice warm room a'.wavs me love you more. .. '-'ten mt-ans exchang- ing a lor of little troubles for one big "ii ' Min.inr Curt* *.. Chapped Hands Quickly Healed CHAPPED h*nds and V_^ lips always coir.e .-. ith ceU v\. either, but CAMPHOR ICE bnngs sure and sp.-edy rel'.er Children esrvciddV need "Vaseline" Camphor Ice for t'.ieir rough and snv.rt- ing hands. In tubes and tins at drug and general stores every- where. Ins'st on "Vase- line" Camphor Ice. Our new illustrated book- let describe* ail the "Vase- line" preparations. A post- card brings it. CHB^EBROUOH MFG. CO. (ConnfcdtMd) !S0 CHASOT AVE MONTOEAL