Hints for the Home \\ . ii' olnocolate and oucoa Ktaiiie with soap in tepid water. People who suffer from acidity should eat acid fruits with farina- ceous food. When there is a s'ight leak in the sprinkler, try a little hot paraf- fin on the broken place. A bit of horseradish placed on K ITCH KN Klt'S ARMY TRAINKR. I !.-!, II. Illllllrl Doing IIH Vllliallt Work as If in the 1'lrld. Napoldori I'ot'diim with the maimed fit was on his way to vis:t RoKebery at Dalmeny, near At the same time Nothing will clean walls so well as a piece of flannel tied on the top of a li.ng handled broom. scortch stains with the brow n upots. pairs of .stockings will remove Make all with different colors HO that Soups for Thick n. > in i- 'liing *>ups make a very good lunch-. .n dish for .wmler , davs. Served with quantities toast they make a hdariy and healthy luncheon. Black bean soup i cheap and very good. It resem- bles a Ufcxsk turtle soup. Two cupfuls of black beans, brown stock, brown roux. bouquet of bsrbs nwiV of <-ne sprig of thyme; four pepper-corns, and <.m.- onion bhin slices of >mon w ^ matched, hard bulled cjiirs. -i.t anU l>el to tirte. Soak two cupfulis of black IKVJUI- over nigilit. I'ut the >aked begins into a saucepan with the herbs and oover wkh cold waiter. Let them boil slowly for several hours or un- til tender,' adding more water if ne oessaiv. When the beans arc very ^ soft remove tho herbs, drain To 'stiff, n -fnvh. a<Ut to one water and p.ys the I.ea s t, ,,,,.,,,,-ed March n tea a sieve Add to t.,e ,, n|ifu , \^ brovP K.-k to ike a s , >!iki a; <lisKl , h< . , a H , t!l . ,,, oons'iMency of Ih n r.--iin , >, . ,. Place it air.-! in n fie fire and a<W le ' '" ,. -,,i i J" i'1'iiinjve machine grease f brown n u.\ made 't <> [ADJe- 1 ... Edinburgh. *x mu \JL iivi avi M Lan iii-cfci t vi \>u . , -.y t<.p of sour pickle will keep mold .Archie Huntc-r happened to be- wiin- awav from the vinegar. J """-ding the troops m Scotland. I mi <Ai s the genoral officer commanding Cordurov suits for the small boy* ' vs e general oin< ill t,,,i' M .| U u.l I*.!-*! t*,,r h^t. . ' attended at the railway station to welcome there is an the Emperor, Now ancipnt legend that bone* Scotch horses at any rate strongly object to the near presence of the evil spirit. Whether this had \. i J i-, <F\.* ..'II "'.11' >' * I . I O* 'I* [ > l.l_ * I "1 f I 1 suds and placing them in the Bun n>thing to do with what followed, 1 who can say. At anv rate, hardly had the "Scourge of God" taken his scat in the cariiage that was to con- vey him to Lord Kosebery's place White, and all he did to keep up the spirits of the RometimcH d< sponding garrison during the siege of Ladysmith has passed into liin- torv. Incidentally he had a row with Admiral Lambton, critici/.ing with an astounding flow of language the nln H>t ing of the naval giui Lambton is said afterwards to have remarked : "What loss a man with such a fluent tongue is to the navy." Hunter was the life and soul of the whoie defence, and was responsible for planning the successful fighting of Lombard i Kop, Wagon Hill, and Caesar's Cnrr Also he, led the little band thai set out from Lady- smith a y id destroyed tho IJoer "Long Tom." Light shoes, revol- vers, and mi talk ng were the ord-r of the day or rather night. Silent- ly the party crept in inky darkness over the hilly, broken ground right i*_ rv ij laJWM ' IVTXA . . /] i**ij(wjv/n.ii(j ( ivji*ii^, Grapes and apples are among the ' tlia , n . th( ' horses bet-am:' terrified, up t() t))e H(>er gun w ? tnml . t _ : ... e nutritious fruits and .should bo . * j* .^ n !?.^ r l^ u^".'. .I 1 !? ! discovered. The work was practi- cally over before- the Boers knew it had begun. When the alarm was at last given the well-known Major Karri Davis shouted "Fix Bayon- ets!" There was not a bayonet with the party. But the Boers-fled. All returned to Ladvsmith in safety. BuMer should nlwuvs bo kept in i . .. '. could f-top them from bolting and carrying Wandering Willie extreme- ly swiftly to a destinati<in which he a st.-ne jar, with tho" lid on aglit, | " ow . . Beem ! b( ; nt "., Caching. othcrwi,,- it i, liable K> absorb -V^hie. _sei-uiK the peril, dealt o;.e odora of other foods k<>ja in the add to of the ho r PCS a cmuwhing b!ovv on the nostrils a very good tip, by fr.hs . . . , el in ^J fc\J i (i i r nui i v II ui i lJl J , way, when deahnp; with a frightened | A fter the relief he 'c<.mmanded the Kec-gee-Ild saved the situation. | 1Qth ]ji vision a!u! hacl manv nota ble Ihe Ka:M>r was gratitude itself, and | successes. One was when General " spoonful of and table- | table !'" m taki,.K the colors gave Genera] Hunter a standing to the Koyal Palace at invitation lVt-d<ain. ^H'liful of tl..ur .-..oked together ' "? "I". *!* SSbroJn; dilate k to noo& ''" '" <"' W "'** before adcli-.g. and . , f , soup for five minutes. Season wit pepper an<l Ji't. -train through a t-iic\e T:i'ii a.!d a few thin sl'.vc.i of leni.'ii ami twi shced bard-buiied eggs and <T." (|i'aitfr of acuplii 1 "? The late l^.rd Roberta inly other British general '!*MI, \.-> v. i i ':. ' u I Itliviliu lilt" I'OIOI 71 , , i / rtv '., ,* out, rub the , : 0t will, a solution ''o shared the honor ?) with him ammonia and h have Prinsloo with 5,000 Boers surren- dered to him. The Boers feared hut respected him. When giving up their arms they never dared t'i palm , off weapons on liim that had proba- SometmiM u scorns almost a puty bly becn used by N<jnh wh( , n he ihnt Hunter was quiie so pr unpt. went big-game shooting in die Ark. become loose on (.upbraid d.mrs or'! bureau drawers, warm ivme povv- ' de-red alum in an old iron spoon and apply it, to the handles. making apple pies, cut the H. VMIV WBM MMMBW miu-wnip, m Mft &iiv> i.s father was a London m.-r- Thcv knew thut he wailted the :r i i-hant .and Archie was born at Ki Mausers, and they had to give them burn fifty eight years ago But tH i to i lin) But ht . had time t(J think a Scotsman thai General Hu-.ter of kini | act i ons , too. Ho returned I'.e airl quickly made Siin- two or three liarge onions, fry them wi butter or i dripping until they are soft an.l red. then add three tablespoon ful* j of flour. an<f slir until it is ;i Ivt.tle cooked Add to t.his slowly a pint of boiling water, stirring al! the tini<> tlwit it will bo smooth. Boil and mii-i'i three (fmid->i/.ed potatoes Add to them s'lovvly a quart f s'-u!<!vl milk, ftirring well, | ao it will bo smooth. Add th- 1 p p a t>. and milk mixture to ihe onion 1 mixture 1/et it get very hot and' then p.i s k, through a strainer.] Sprinkle over the ([> a little pars The pieces will m>t lay so flat or pack together, and they vvi'.l Cook nujre quickly. If. uhen M-ndirg <,r taking a hat by train, it is secured to the bottom of the box by a few strong stitchc-, of thro. it, the n.ost dvlicatu hat will not be crushed, as, no matter how the box is turned about, the hat will nt n>i\e. + NO IIISI 01 NT ON I'lKS. I HI i Hcpaiil Mi-. Castle .n Her . lupld'd v4-r> fun'. an<l .1 f--w Mis Hannah 1'itV.i. a wulow, who earneo! lier living by renting rooms Parboil a heaping tabl<'spo..nful f " r ''K 1 '' bous.-kecping, had the re of n "icaroni for ten or fifteen mill pulat.ioii of being a shrewd man Hi. Strain off the water eind cook I gar, and muoh iin-iinul t.. carrv the macaroni in boiling bouillon or economy to th fart-hesi |...-ible < n .iniiii' for t'ne minutes. Serve point She -\:i- hard workisi-g with wi(!i L'rati^l I'armi'Sian cheese al, and scem.'d never t'. reach the end of her daily hiboi ( )n a eej Uainlj IM-III-. tain day, Mr. Castle, one of the t IHTM- ( nslanl. One cup gra.K-d: "'>'' housekeep.-r.s," finding a cher-... one ha 1 f cup cream or rich : ""I""* of lime ,,n her iiaiids, kind milk yolks of two ,-ggs, a speck of '>' offered to bel[ Mr.*. Delarey the horse on which her ton had been riding when he met his death, which touched her deeply. For his services in South Africa he was promoted to Lieu- tenant-Genera! and received the thanks of Parliament . On his re- THE SUNDAY SCHOOL STUDY INTERNATIONAL LKSSOX, IM I.MIU.K 6. Lesson X. Christ KUrn From the Dead. Mark I6.I-H. Maii-'-.i l-i .. Gulden Text, Luke 24.5,6. Verse I. Ami when the sabbath was past After sunset i>n the sev- enitli day of the week. No pur- 'vhaf.sn were allowed before sunsft on tliis day, that is, the Sabbath. 2. And very early on the first day of the week They bought the spices after sundown on the Sabbath so that they could go very early to the tomb the next morning. They come to the tomb wh?m the, sun was risen As they started very early they evidently had to go some distance if they arrived after the sun was up. But love knows nei- ther distance nor fatigue. It i significant tha.t the sun was risen when they came to the tomb, and that the, full Iright of day shone upon the open grave. 3, 4. W'.liio shall roll us away the stone from tli door of the tomb 1 . . . for it was exceeding great Natural obstacles frequently seem much greater than they really are. 5. And entering into the tomb . . . they were amazed The fact that the stone was rolled away carried no surprise to them, even though it was tho stone whioji gave them so much anxiety. They werp amazed ait the. young man. Luke says there were two men in shining apparel. Matthew says an angel was sitting on tlve stone outside the tomb. 6. The younff man spoke with par- ticularity. There was to be no doubt as to the fact. He did not say only, Ye seek Jesus; he added. West Kilbride wanted him to present t a demonstration in turning home the good people of the Nazarene ; and then to leave no be po&sibil'ity of mistaken identity, he bis described what had happened to honor. He refused, saying; it would | ''Jesus, the Xazarene," he who hath been crucified. Again he is careful and emphatic in declaring the further fact, He is risen ; if you do not believe it, look, he is mt here: behold, the place w lie re they laid him ! These words came in short, breathless utterances. The inference of the resurrection fnoin t. <;.,, at air Arch. Hunter. become him to go to a s<.vne of rejoicing when so many of his gal- lant fr ; ends lav dead on the battle- field Actually Got Married. After this lie went tu India, where Kitchener was Coinmander- in-('hief. and commanded succes- sively the Western Army Corps and I hen the Southern. Probably the ehmate affected him, for on coming In -me he bitterly grieved and disap- pointed his chief, K. .f K., by actually getting married. The lady if his choice was the widow of the -'nd Lord Inverclyde, and to show he was forgiven Lord Kitchener was his best man church could ba=e their account (A the d ; .np[>eiarance of Jesus 's body on the supposed! truth of the sol- diers' ftaite'me.nt. People would biv lisve them when they said, "The soldiers itoM us so." ThJ* saying was spread abroad among the Jews, and continueth until this daySome people will al- low their prejudice to had them to believe anything. Others with- out prejudice wiH believe what Sfprr.fl to he told them with Fume paiticulia-riity. Many a juft man has suffered because of statemeinit* cun corning him which had no founda- tion, but which "spread forth," continue in their falsity and harnv ful effect. forces which form a gha*t!> Ml TINY AM) DISKASK. Fm'.s Which Are Making Havoe in Austrian Army. A Rome correspondent of the London Standard says: "Harrow ing details of the condition of the Austro-Hungarian have reached here tale of death and suffering. As wan reported before the last great bat tie which proved such a crushing . defeat, the Austrian War Office sent to the front all the men of the Landsturm, three parts of whom *. were scarcely fit for police work and railway watching, which the,\ .* had done up to then, much le.is ^ capable of rendering service in the field. "The military authorities had no ^ choice ibut to call them up. for all '. the best troops had been put out of - action in Qalicia, while the Hun- garian cavalry, which are the first soldiers the Dual Monarchy pus ; sesses, had all been drafted north long before to help the Germans f push through to Calais. They be haved splendidly in Belgium, but, were almost wiped out by the naval guns. In a single list of losses suf fered by this crack corps in one week alone appear the names of 8G7 , Magyars belonging to the most ex- clusive circles of the Hungarian . aristocracy. "Apart from its enormous losses - t in the field the Austro-Hungarian army has been seriously affected a> , a fighting force by indiscipline. Even sedition is seething in the the fact of the empty tomb is too I ran k s . Some tweutv-four regiment.- stupendous for calm description. 7. But go, tell his disciples- The excitement ccotaouee. Do not re- main here : spread tho newsabroad, spreud it immediately. Awl Peter Peter would be a most important herald of the news. He had denied Jesus, it was true. But lie had learned his lesson. He Dllt it. I offered t _.. and paprika. .\Ux crea'm ami [with her overflow of w ..rk die, -e and In .it until che< >< is Well, if you feel like jnelt.d Kemove fr- in tire, add i wouldn't eare if you'd take hold yolks of - ggs, Lc.iten, amd p<iin in and bake me up a couple of pies," to cif-.tard cup- ,,r ramckiiiK. To "Mrs. Fifer conceded. "That'll help be serve<l with jelly <ir preM'rvi'-. I'ulato Halls. !', ,|- these inanh i"> '.<i p. tato<'.-, iin .'iitu'e of butter, nd eitlier two OIIIK-.'S of boned fi-Ci. miiui'd iii-t liecf or twine. an ounce of bread crumbs, pepper. is not .Scotch and ho will brain vou. Now Hunter is down at Aldershut could be trusted to tlie end. And If you ba<l heard the yells of ap that greeted him at the la c t A iiejr 1 .'iiiie.i' dinner you woii'd have had no doubts as to his turning Kitchener's cubs into an No one could do it better. army but , ne*lt-breaklng , he he would understand the meaning of the resurrection perhaps as no other disciple. has in front of him -not as regards j Intl , o a ,H!ee- It was in Galilee the men. they are good, very good,; tl , at Jesus d w l arrd hinw-elf to his Bait ;i pinch of mixed herbs ;in<l an egg When this is thoroughly mix ed f"rm it i-ito ba'!^ t'i<- -i/i- -.f an eggniul frv them in boiling fat. ( llecsr I. .ii_. ; !,i . ..il. On,, ni"l:i S*. tw cup- of (lour, me a lot. There'll a bowl of sauce that I'm afraid won't keep if it ain't used .soon. " After Mrs. Castle had begun work Mrs. l-'ifcr appeared with n supple- mentary suggestion. 'While you're. nUiiit it, " said she. mcbby you wouldn't mind bilking four pies "IVoii't take any nationality, and i cours Scotch his father wa- a and his mother one of lilennv. be is ' )Ut . 111 arranging for their housing, clt>Kl . goo >laile Name in KK.ypt. When be was but a lad bis fatlier Scotsman Coding. cl.,thing, kits, transport f the (irahanis """', ntles and ainiiiiinitii.n. i he Wt , uW -None of these things can be got in j t}\nt the a moment. Because Britain had a fine toy model army in voirs gone by it does not follow that it can s as tho Christ the groi be 'more coal to bake four than two, ' and that'll U- a saving. You .-an 1 1 make the fillin' hold out l.v hnvin DUH > "t < liee- . two teaspoon- of ' <l|lt 4| f j,,i ( ,,, t) , , t oda, one-half teaspoon of dak. one ' \i,. / Mrs Castle a^re.e<J t<i the amend half cup of water. 1'ut moluseea , ,i , C ,i in.! che, -- togMher in d-'iibl" 1,. ilei ' '" ( * or f ed . awa > ""'"f.";' i". i ,. melt. Add , "*'.v until h. r task , accomplish Mix and sift drv in <1 .' 1 - wll(1 . M - aed with her labors. *,.,. ' retired to her own apartment. In :\ short time. Mrs. Kifi-r's small daughter, died, and young Hunter went north, be turned into a real one complete of the Tweed, learned how to nhoot to the last button on the giiiters use, hunted with hounds before I Without time, pains, and self sacri- was in his teens, developed at ftce. The. work he is doing is hard- Krc/at love for horses, indeed, pets i er. braver, more unselfish work of all kind, and was duly sent to than fighting. school at the Glasgow Academy. From there he wont to .Sandhurst. f the living (j*d. In Galilee show these fame disciples jaiidfe of death could not him. H. They fled from the tomb ; for and he is the only one thai counts - thii' with General Hunter at Al- and irt ('IP eh BII.I ;n- liaid Mix Jtnd si gradients. n<]d them to 1'he and rh''- mixture aJteriMteJj wi ,'i the waiter. H.'ik.' in small huM/r this fifteen minute*. Oiitiueal l.iin . Put into .1 [>m j. in .f cookc I !' nr"i i . a K| : :lil to it luilf ;i t'-:i.pi^.nfiil of stilt and fcbe yolk of an egg ; mix md add lidf 'hev dry out, and a <'M|if'i! each nf boiling water .md know if you won't Tnnlk. a < upful i'f \\lliolo whi a.: or wlnir II ur and :i iMiind'ing t ji--p<n.li of linking powd T. Beat wi-ll for two iti.nui"- and atld tJu wlivu- of appeared at her door Mil say*, report. ..I [Vggy, that she du'n't b'lieve she'll ho iiliie t-, us all tlie.in four pie.s before she wants to buy two of "em (iff liei for Iwcntv cents and she'd lik' th* trt-enty "in- i ijiht away, please." Mr* Castle IniliKlit t.lie pies, ob- getting ;i commiMion in the -Itli derhot the right man is in the right King's Own Koyal Lancaster K-'gi place. In maxing a speech to some iiii-nt in liTI He became adjutant,! Scotch students a year or two ago and after .some ten years of regi- [ Archie begged them to "keep keen mental service joined the Egyptian I *nd keep clean." That is what he army and made his name. Made it ; will t'-ach the new army, to "keep on account of his personal valor, keen mid keep clean.''- London shrewdness, geniality, and the con- Tatler. lidencc he could instil into those Hervina; under him. He wa.s four- teen years in the Nile Valley, and when lie left it he was a major- general, and a K.C.It., a D.S.O., ami innumerable medals and men lions, in despatches, as well as a brace of wounds. At Ginisa he was trembling and a ston inimical had come upon them To go to the tomb with spices to anoint the body of Jeitus, hi full expectancy that they should find him, and then to be received as they were, with such an was Fox , e , . I ^*. *l VXI *t ^> IJH * W IV, ll'll Kitchener knows - j overwhelming announcement, for fifteen <v,ii -i.lei 11 the egg. Hake in grca.M'd gem pans: serving to her.+elf with n dry Hinile, lor half an hour in a hot oven. .S!ii> might have 1-1 me have t-, v .i Apple Charlotte. Cover the hot- bom "f a grra-ed pi di-h with ra bber th.ck slu-e.s <,f appV. r-.prink ling K^nerou.-ly \vitji sugar On top " i< llighur; overlappintr thin ec v of bread and butter. l!''|ient lie la.vc-r*,. turning tilw b,ittTed of the fiiwl |II>T of bread out Bake in a moderate oven un- Ttwii^t. i*oji i i /v iiji>*j* iwn mi' r* 'ii til tli. ar>r'l- re fully cooked, llien '' ri ,' / P"lde<J. Vll \v. Till I'u- ilnlil \ . Mn-athles.-.l\ be rushe<l into t i. u I., r -liop His hat, collar and necktie were off in a trice, and he sprang into the chair over which old VVOHMII:\. SPVHI: THAT NKST; \Vhen it (in-at Inventor Did a Kind Deed, A very charming story in told of Mr. Corliss, the inventor of the severely woimdtsl in the left arm. The doctors wanted to amputate, i plans for building an extension to great Corliss < ngine. He had made Hiinter sail : "Take off my arm and his engine works, had chosen tho put rnc on my legs and I'll blow my, Kite and begun the work, when the brains out." That speech saved ; workmen discovered in A clump of his arm, although it is not a great, bushe.s directly in the line of tho deal of tfoo<l to him now. He was foundation a bird sitting on a nest sufficient to make them afraid, the time being they said nothing to anyone. I>ater, when they were calm and could estimate the impor- tance of what they had seen and heard, they opened their mouths and told whait they knew. 11. Now while they were going, beliold, some of the guard came into the city These, too, had se>e.n and heard what hd token place. The occurrences were sx> iin|Kirtant that they told unto the chief priests all 1h tluingH that were come to pass. It seemed the mutural thing to tell t he thief priests, for even the guard know that the chief priests were the ones particularly interested in tin- death of Jesus. 12. And when they were a-soni from the Carpathian region were ghot down, more or les by whole sale, at the very outset of hostiliti -s for refusing to march against tlie Russians. Despite t!ie terrible ex ample made of the mutineers flu- spirit of insubordination has not been checked with the consequent that in the very first engagements- whole regiments went over to the Russians at a time. In Bosnia and Herzegovina things are rapidly approaching .1 crisis. Natives are desertinp fruii their regiments by the hundreds There is a constant stream of men returning tu their homes from al 1 sides. German troops have been detached to fetch them back, and as all villagers side with the deserter-, civil war is raging over enfcirs ( tricto. "The Germans are relentless their methods of dealing with the mutineers. In order to strike ter ror among the population, execu tions are carried out by the whole- sale. At Bugojno, for instance, out of 380 able-bodied men whio!: that placed contained only 111 es caped being shot. At Mostar eight;, men were executed at the sani'- time. Frequently whole villase* are burned down as a further ev. ample. "It is easy to und 'rKiancl aftet this how the Russians are drivins the Aiisitrians like sheep before them, without taking into account the terrible ravages cholera is maV ing in the ranks of the unfortunate' Austro-Hungarian soldiers." Just Like An Officer. Lord Lovat, the head of the fani- Ifivei't on a hot <l y';\ ;in<| sjinnkV wit'h Mignr. < urn I.eim. ThvMf are i HJH i ially go<J for :k hot bread for lirc.nkfast. is tlicy only tmke fifteen miniiU>s to pake. Two ogKs, one teaspoonful of will, one 'U])ful of cornflour, one f btntter, one half of white flour, one cupful of and >',< U aspoonful of bak wder. Itreiik the yolks of the <U1 1o them milk, ra.lt. an<l butter; mix them woM t<i mill., Ing ]> "J want a shave anil a hair cut and J ,'iave only fifteen minutes." lie said. Old Frit/ st.ijipitl to ronpidi-r Af |. r a few ^eoonds, ho a.tked : 'Viteh do vou vant Ihe most ( "A hav<>." III., shave took ahoul eleven mill utes. \s 1 ril/ reiinoved the towel from one of Kitchener's discoveries about the best K. of K. ever made and in Kgypt he used to be called the point , f Kitchener's Innce. Where fighting Hunter and hi gether. and (hat all might know I hat. held four blue eggs. Her fright nnd fury at the inva- sion of her territory ws voluble and pathetic. Mr. Corliss happen- vwis there were | ed to bo near by; he hoard of tho. men gathered to- discovery, and came over to we the bird mother and her nest. Tho bltxl with the ciders, and 'bad taken | ous l^ovat Scouts, tells a good st in regard to very much-ruffled i" ; vate who was under arrest for soiii" offence. Lord Lovat inquired of th? sergeant as to what his offeiu v'v "He's a verv troublesome f nck, he oid : 'Minn friend, don't nefer again whore they were to be found an old flag usexl to accompany his force Known as Hunter's rag. Quit:; apart from such trifles as wounds, Hunter on one occasion nearly lost his life by drowning. The Ill-fated boat, the El-Teh, capsized at the fifth cataract. Hunter was on board, and on jumping overboard was struck by the side rail, which knocked him out of time and nearly led to his feeding the crocodiles. He heard hite.r thai tho unluckv sight interested and moved him. He ordered all work at that point suspended until the little family re- been hutched and reared. So the maHmis laid aside their hammers and the carpenters t he-it arm silence fell upon th where the distracted little mother was now snux'thing her feathers and attending again to her domestic duties. Not until the lasif awkward youngster was safely launched on et'her. then add the two kindh of -hafe harbor to cut your hairs and i boat had drifted down stream some | his career was the silence <listurbcd Dour HfAt <he whites of t,)i<- bo a -tiff froth ; wlicm they are r< l i<ly idd the baking |w>w<ler to ihe flour Blixtiirc and then fold in lightly t.h*' whipped wluten. Turn nt once into ' caue n fifteen minutes. soini-timr vou might fm< \.-it would <lo it." In rubbing ii|> againsi tlie world lTnii muffin pans. H hMevpOOflM .,;, will di.se<.v,-r that W batter into each i.n, and hake rtrantfv t'lmn li<-ti,,n In 41 li<vt oven for nfteen I -ml Illnl- Liiien m a fabric which <-an be Muiily <lrir.d at home. Hie wwidwio^i -.vith rich filling low not ryquW butter. truth is may he v.ns-idered thn canker of l.ifo thin <li-t,tro\n the vigor and eherks the improvement; that creeps on with hourl.v <lepreda- lioiis. nnd ta.int n<l vitiates what it cannot <-on.nnr.- Dr. Johnson. thirty mile-H, stuck <>n an island, and that Uipping was heard inside Seedy ns he was owing to his acci- dent he started off for the wreck, and sat happily for twelve hours on the keel of the. steamer while a hole was bing cut in her side. Out of it, l>y the re'turuing workmen. It would be plea*ant to believe counsel -- A succession of uiKligni ed hard upon the determirni.tion to crucify Jesus. The spectacle of the*:t> high churchmen advising with the soUlem as to how to suppress the truth shows how large a pries- in spiritiuil ami religious power they had to pay. Gave much money The ready re- source of the high priests seemed to be money. They placed peculiar value up* mi it purchaisin# powfr. 13. Say ye, His dis;-iples came by slept- This counseil put tlui in a double prediianiient. they were i:uninhiib!.e with death, :as soldiers. Aj-aan, sleeping, how couUl they know what had ha-ppem- ed" 14. If til us come t<i the governor ' car?, we will persuade him, and rid you of care The high prints nud elders liad hud so little success in persuading the governor that it is If sir," the too sergeant lip, goe rrplied. "Got without leave. comes back when he likes, and drunk when he likes -just was an officer." if I e that, each one of the four birds lives Mr. Corliss had mad*' their words when urging tht w lio^e possible straightway the gardens of their friend, and there devoured KO great a quality crawled two native firemen. Among of noxious -in (< ts tJwit the harvest's the jobs he was given in Kgypt were 1 of that year becanie, the governorship of the Province of Do-ngola, and afterwards of Omdur- nuui. Wan in Ladysmlth Sirgr. He began the South African War U chief of the staff to Sir George But kindness in this, a<t in many nther cases, was no doubt, its own most satisfying reward. 4> Marysville, N.B., is to have a new skating vink. not likely they laid much weight on their words when urging the sol- diers. But they were giving th* j-okliero much money njid hence were confident of winning them. Then, too, -they evidently thought they could also persuade the gover- iwr with money. 16. So they tJo.k the immt-v, and did as they were taught -It 'is not likely that these soldiers did muoh talking, danger. Thcv were, in too much But the leaders of the An egotist is a man who iluuks if he hadn't been born people would have wanted to know why not. Barber Your hair's very thin on the top. sir. Customer- Ah. I'm glad of that; I hat' fat hair. When a knife-Made lost 1 !, its fin per it 'becomes dull, but when a fo man loses hers ahe becomes cutting. ''What doctor do you preftr, al- lopath or homeopath " "If make* no difference ; all path* lead to the grave." ''I thought you said his word was as good as his bond ?" So I did. but I forgot to add that his bond is no good either." "How'll yeh have yer eggs " de- manded the 'busy waitress. "As well as could be expected Tinder the 'ir- cmmstances." replied the absentr minded physician.