PALE AND SICKLY BOYS AND GIRLS Need All the Strength That Good Red Blood Can Give Youth is the time to lay the foundation for health. Every boy and girl s'hould have plenty of pure, red 'blood, and strong nerves. With thin, impure blood they start life with a handicap too great to win success and happiness. Pure, red blood means healthful growth, strong nerves, a clear brain and a good digestion. In a word, r-ure blood is the foundation of health. The signs of thin, impure blood are many and unmistakable. The pale, irritable boy or girl, who has no oppetite or ambition, is always tired out, melancholy, short of breath, and who does not grow strong, is the victim of anaemia, or bloodlessness the greatest enemy of youth. There is just one thing to do for these boys and girls build up the blood with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. You can't afford to experiment with other remedies for there must 'be no guesswork in the treatment of anaemia. Through neglect or wrong treatment anae- mia gradually develops into the pernicious form which is practical- ly incurable. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills work directly on the blood, giving it just the elements which it lacks. In this way these Pills build up every organ and nerve in the bodv, thus developing strong, rugged boys and girls. Miss Anna Loseke, Grand Forks, B.C., says: "I think that before taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills I was one of the most miserable girls alive. I was hardly ever free from awful headaches, was as pale as a ghost, and could not go upstairs without stopping to rest. Now since taking the Pills the headaches have gone, j my appetite is good and I am equal j to almost any exertion, and you may be sure I will always recom- mend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." Sold by all medicine dealers or sent by mail, post paid, at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by writing direct to The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. while he was a student at Trinity' College, Dublin, and 22 years of age He was appointed a clerk to the House of Commone. The appointment was decisive of Mr. Redmond's fate. The clerks of ... the House of Commons have the privilege of standing near the bar, or sitting in a section of the mem- bers' galleries, during a debate. Young Redmond was to be seen in Wonderful "Nerviline" is the Remedy. A marvelous pain reliever. Not an ordinary liniment just about NO MORE STIFFNESS, PAIN OR MISERY IN YOUR BACK OR SIDE OR LIMBS! the gallery every night, watching with interest and sympathy the de- velopment of the policy of obstruc- flve times more powerful, more pene- tion which Parnell had 'initiated, the fating, more pain-subduing than any policy of speaking on any subject,' 11 J . ck ' f^. or ammonia liniment Ner- or at anv time ttiir at- all tended vilinfc falrly eats up tne paln and stlff ' I nj time ttat at all tended nes s in chronic rheumatic joints, gives ! to interrupt and delay the regular ,ck reUef to tnose tnrobblng ' p s alns , ECZEMA ON FACE, SCALP HOW TO BECOME OLD. Metchnikoff Eats No Raw Food of Any Kind. Professor Metchnikoff, is seventy years old. According to the professor _ _ the phenomena of old age are the re- | suit of contamination of the blood by Came Off in Scales. Itched Badly, ^ intestlnal poisons. Among these one LUJ *- T' u j i ^i \ti A ' tn e chief is Indol. Mad tO 1 16 Hands. Little Watery I This poison can be eliminated by Pimples. CutJCUra Soap and careful attention to diet along the flintmr,n+ f\,. fviiJu " nes indicated in his books and arti- Uintment lompletely Cured. , C i e8 . The object of the diet is to in- Clark's Parks Bean the movement of business. and never burns or even stains Took Seat in 1891. | skin. Consequently Mr. Redmond was ' "Rheumatism kept my joints swollen not new to parliamentary life when * n . d sore f r ten y ears - M y ri K ht ' Fph . tnfa V,; a .,*' Jmt was often too painful to allow me to walk - In this crippled tortured con- Mr. Pprnpir f w R as a Parnelhte for New Ross, a dltion j found Nervlne a bless i n g. its I d borough extinguished by warm> soothing actioQ brought re ii e f I ! Gladstone s redistribution had given up hoping for. I rubbed on I scheme of 1885. He was then in his quantities of Nerviline and improved | twenty-fifth year. It was a mem- j steadily. I also took Ferrozone at | orable day that Feb. 2, 1881, in the! mealtime in order to purify and en-' annals of Parliament. At 9 o'clock rich my blood. I am to-day well and that Wednesday morning Mr. ' can recommend my treatment most : Speaker Brand had terminated a ' conscientiously. sitting which had lasted continu- 1 ously over forty hours, debating; the motion for leave to introduce (Signed) C. PARKS, Prince Albert. Not an ache or pain in the muscles . or joints that Nerviline won't cure, the measure of the Gladstoman It - s wonderful for i urab ago and scia- Government for the better protec- tica; for neuralgia, stiff neck, earache tion of person and property in Ire-! and toothache. Nerviline is simply a land, by refusing to alloww any ; wonder. Best family liniment known more of the obstructing Nationalist and largely used for the past forty members to speak, and thereupon years. Sold by dealers everywhere, peremptorily putting tne question. ' I ar 8e family size bottle 50c., small There was then no rule, written or' trial size 25c - Refuse a substitute, unwritten, to justify this unprece- i take on 'y "Nerviline." the the Speaker; but that it was "in accordance with the evident sense of the House." The House met again at 4 o'clock, seething with excitement, and after Mr. John Redmond was introduc- ed as a new recruit of the Parnell- --*- A PERTINENT QUESTION. "Is the Brain Necessary Existence?" to Human 1307 Davenport Road, Toronto." Ont. "My eczema flrst started whon I waa a baby, on my face and scalp. It seemed dry and when 1 scratched It. it camo off In acale*. It Itched very badly and I was obliged to nave my hands tied up so aa to prevent scratching my face. Little white watery pimples canxo on my bands and face and I had to stay home from school for nearly two weeks, it caused my face and ImiiOa to look badly. The eczema took a very bad form, appearing oa my face In little watery ulcers so bad that I could hardly bear to be touched. My hair being naturally very thick 1 found to be getting thinner and won- dered what could cause it to fall out. " My mother tried - and - and spent no end of money trying to get me bet- ter but it did no good. At last a friend rec- ommended Cutlcura Soap and Ointment and my mother used them. Wo applied the Cuticura Ointment to my face, head and hands and washed with the Cutlcura Soap and the eczema began to disappear. Before six months bad pawed I wan completely cured." (Signed) Mini Constance Jane, May 20. 1913. Cutlcura Soap and Ointment do so much for pimples, blackheads, red, rough atlas, itching, scaly scalps, dandruff, dry. thin and falling hair, chapped hands and shapeleM nails, that It U almost criminal not to lisa them. A single set Is often sufficient. Cuti- cura Soap and Cutlcura Olntmont are sold by druggists and dealers everywhere. Foe a liberal free sample of each, with 33-D. book, send post-card to Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., Dept. D, Boston, U. a. A. ir. John Redmond, the Kationalitt Leader. Can a man live with faculties un- impaired after a large portion of his brain has been removed, or with no | brain at all? Several recent cases are i leading scientists to answer the ques- : tlon in the affirmative, however much j such an answer would have been scouted a little while ago. There is now in the service of Dr. Daniel Moliere. surgeon in the Hotel i Dieu Hospital, Lyons, a capable little j fellow of 12 years, who is apparently I in perfect health. Some time ago, in i sliding down the balusters, he fell and fractured his skull upon a chandelier below. As a bowl full of brain matter ! oozed from the wound, no hope was i entertained for his recovery. He lay | in a coma for ten days, in fact, but upon awakening began to Improve and is at present apparently sound in ! mind and body. The famous surgeon, M. Destot, comes forward with an incident as striking. It Is the case of a stone ma- son, who in mounting a large cornice ; was so seriously wounded that he lost the left frontal bone and the left fron- , tal lobe of the brain. After twelve days of unconsciousness he began*to recover, and, according to the sur- geon, is not only well, but in the pos- session of all his senses. When in Algiers some time ago, Dr. Bruch treated an Arab for an ugly wound about the left eye, which had been caused by the blow of a ham- ' mer. The patient remained in the A FLY'S PROGENY. in troduce good microbes into the sys tem. These are of two kinds, the one producing sugar and the other lactic acid. To an interviewer he said: "For 17 years I have eaten nothing except what bus been cooked; no raw food o: any kind, in the form of fruit or otherwise. I find my sugar in dates surrounded with Bulgarian ba- : cilli; the lactic acid comes from the well-known preparation of soured milk. This I take in the early morn- 1 Ing at my flrst breakfast. I begin with ' a plate full of vegetable bouillon. After my pot of soured milk I drink a cup of weak tea not black, as you have it in England." Professor Metchnikoff is notoriously vigorous for his years, and seems to find no need for holidays. He is ab senting himself from the Pasteur In- stitute during the month of July, and has taken up his residence in the for- est of Rambouilet, where he is devot- ing himself more ardently than ever to scientific research! Professor Metchnikoff says that he persists in his regime because in his own case it has given such good re- sults. He comes from a short-lived family; he is the only one remaining, and he attributes this fact to his sys- tem of diet. Many savants of his gen- eration are unable to continue their labors, whilst he supports with ease the close aud exacting labor of the laboratory. He takes meat and vege- tables at his two principal meals in the day, lunch and dinner, but his consumption of meat is very restrict- j ed, though he does not insist that it shall be white. Compote of fruit forms a part of each repast. Highest grade beans kept whole and mealy by perfect baking, retaining their full strength. Flavored with delicious sauces. They have no equal. j Spavin, Ringbone, Splint, or Curb from putting your horse in the barn but you can prevent these troubles from keeping horses in the barn very long. You can get KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE at any druggists at $1 a bottle, fl for $5, end KcnJuU'swillcure. Thousaiidsof farmers and horsemen will say so. Our book "Treatise on the horse" free. oi Dr. B. J. KENDALL CO.. Enosburg Falli. Vu Death Nearly Claimed Brunswick Latlv which one half would be females. resolution investing the Speaker! during that time did not show the with a power of closure, the power' slightest eyidence of cerebral trouble. which Mr. Brand had that morning At the end of that period he became 1 ^rvitvi^n exercised arbitrarily on his own : unconscious and died in a few days. CITY COUNCIL DOINGS ,pn.ibiHtv. All the National^ j ^ r aZT In^ members refused to obey the order ^ destitute of brains. of the Speaker to sit down and each The anatotnist and the psychologist , was compelled to withdraw by the| a u ke are studying these cases with The cure ' B "**n*'." the old reliable sergeant-at-arms tremendous interest, but no explana- ing. JOHN REDMOND. By Nature the Irish Leader Is Re- served aud Eveu Shy. One of the dominant and most powerful members of the British House of Commons to-day is John Redmond, the leader of the Irish Nationalist party. For four sessions now, since the general election of December, 1910, Mr. John Redmond has enjoyed this position of unusual power and pre-eminence in public life or perhaps he has disliked it, for he is a reserved and somewhat ites, a scene of unparalleled con- shy man as holder of the ! fusion and disorder took place. _ 'oTpoiiticaf power In "the votes ot Gladston rose to give notice of a [ hospital service fully two months and his party, over whom he wields undisputed sway. But, anyway, he would still be a commanding per- sonality in the chamber by reason of his character and ability. An English political writer recent- ly said : "Mr. John Redmond must be giv- en place among the first twelve men of the House of Commons, his compeers, in my opinion, being Mr. Asquith, Mr. Balfour, Mr. Lloyd George, Mr. Bonar Law, Sir Ed- ward Grey, Mr. Churchill, Sir Ed- ward Carson, Mr. Austen Chamber- lain, Mr. Ramsay Macdonald, Lord Robert Cecil, and Mr. Philip Snow- den." In the House of Commons, as in all bodies of men, looks and appear- ances tell in making lasting and true impressions. As the National- ist leader rises to speak from the corner of the top bench below the gangway on the Opposition side, he is seen to be of a portly habit, with an impressive air of dignity, suavity, and strength. Mr. John Redmond may perhaps, be described as the only orator in the House of Commons. His style of speech is far removed from the flowery and ornate, which is asso- ciated with the popular idea of Irish rhetoric. On toe other hand, it is not stiff or formal or severe, like so much of the oratory of the British Fchool. Mr. Redmond's speeches are models of consecutive and lucid statement and of terse and cogent reasoning, embellished with pas- sages most eloquently expressive of feeling and emotion. He is also i perfect elocutionist, and there The Complete Inswt Emerge Ten to Twelve Days. The three kinds of flies commonly found in dwelling houses have simi- lar or identical histories. The fe- male deposits from 120 to 150 eggs at a time and may repeat this per- formance as often as four times in Was Restored to Her Anxious Family a season ; a prolificity which, if un- When Hope Had Gone, checked, would leave little room for S t. John, N.B.. Dec. 15th.-At one other forms of life upon the earth, time it was feared that Mrs. J. Grant, ilie eggs are deposited by choice; of 3 White St., would succumb to the in horse-dung, but when that is not 'deadly ravages of advanced kidney available, in any description of' trouDle - "My first attacks of backache excremental or decaving refuse in ancl kidue y trouble began years ago. which the larvae burv themselves as For slx years tnat dul1 snawing pain soon as hatched and" on which thev bas been P re8ent - When I exerted my- feed 11 til fho, nej !self It was terribly intensifled. If I =t TlL Pupa I caught cold the pain was unendurable, stage. The complete insect emerges t u * ed ,,,. everything, but nothing in ten to twelve days, more or less! gave that certain grateful relief that according to temperature and other :came from Dr. Hamilton's Pills of .Man- external conditions, and req u ires j drake and Butternut. Instead of being about ten days more in order become sexuallv mature. FAHMS FOB SAZ.E. R. W. DAW Sour, Hlaoty Colboma Street, Toronto. IF YOU WANT TU BUY OR SELL A Fruit, Stuck, Grain or Dulry Farm, write H. W. Dawson. Brampton. or 9l) Colborne St.. Toronto. H. W DAW3OJT. Colborne St.. Toronto. WEWSPAPEBS FOB SALE. GUUL) WliEKLV IN LIVE TOWN IN York County. Stationery and liook bulnes In cunnw.lon. Price only $4.000. Terms liberal. Wilson Publisti- InR Company. T* West Adelaide Street. Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. [; OK SALE. TEN PAIUS BHIiKDINQ p:*>U |Mi;.!|ort <j3Ut>puoUia.ii;oj >*>xoj lir-w. H.ithwi'U. Ont. ANGER. TUMORS. LUMPS ETC.. Internal and external, cured with. out pnln by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Or. Bellman Medical Co.. Limited. Crlllnirwood. Ont. to . Dr. Howard gives a calculation bowed down with pain, to-day 1 am ' strong, enjoy splendid appetite, sleep _ soundly. Lost properties have been of prolificity based upon the" hvrjo" ! instilled into mv blood cheeks are thesis that all the oggVare hatched ! r , 08y ?* ? lo , r> and l , thank I? at day an j n ii ,. L """ that I heard of so grand a medicine as d a 1 the lanae come to maturity i Dr< Hamilton's Pills." and shows that under these eondi- Every woman should use these Pills tions a female surviving the winter regularly because good health pays, and depositing 120 eggs on April 5 ' and It's good, vigorous health that might occasion the issue of the tenth comes to all who use Dr. Hamilton's of the following September of 5. {Mandrake and Butternut Pills. 598.720,000,000 of adult flies, of GET THIS CATMjQGUEJ To out through the will require some tall time lote of oorna will u-cii.-fo reduction huuthnic. Mean- be trumped on. , Among those who were thus sus- tion that harmonizes with our prevl- pendcd was Mr. John Redmond, a'ous knowledge seems to be forthcom- ' couple of hours after taking his seat' ' "As I regard the whole of these pro- ceedings as unmitigated despot- ism," said he. in the first words he spoke in the House, 'I beg res- pectfully to decline to withdraw." "Mr. Redmond," said Hansard, "was by direction of Mr. Speaker removed by the sergeant-at-arms. com extractor t.hat ha.* been curing cornu and warts for vears. "PutnainV nver fails. 2V. at all dcaJero. the market is not in the House a voice more melodious or persuasive than his. From Wexford. Mr. Redmond comes of a county family of good standing in Wexford His father sat in the House of Com- mons for the borough of Wexford in the seventies, and his mother was a daughter of General Hoey. He was educated at Clongowes, the great tchool of the Jesuits in Ire- 1 land. "All I am I owe to the Jesuit j Fathers," he proudly declared at the St. Patrick's Day banquet of 1908, held at the Hotel Cecil. At school he distinguished himself as an actor, appearing as Hamlet and as Macbeth, and also shone as a speaker in the Clongowes Debating Society. Mr. Redmond was good, two, at g:unps, especially cricket. For a time the choice of a pro- fession was a matter of doubt. Mr. Redmond thought of becoming a priest and joining the Jesuit order ; he thought !so of the army, with which his family was connected on both sides. The matter deoWed A BARGAIN IN CHEESE. An Incident in u Spanish Market Place. At early morning place of Medina is a rare sight, says Mr. C. Bogue Luffmann in his "Quiet Days in Spain." It is thronged with hundreds of tilted carts aud pack animals, loaded with all the materials that the popula- tion requires. So universal is the practice of buying in the market square, that there are very few shops, and those are both small and old fashioned. At a stall in the market place a bright-eyed dapper little woman was offering tiny cheeses of goat's milk. A countryman examined one carefully, tucked it in his pocket, and put down a real. 1 thought the cheese a bargain, and said to the little woman, "I'll have one," and gave her a peseta, which is four reals. She beamed, and gave back two reals. I remarked, "The price of the cheese is one real." "Ah," said she, with a winning smile, "but you are a caballero." 1 enjoyed her audacity so much that I had to laugh and say, "You ftre ft liule rogue " . an <i sne , see- ing that she hud beaten me, curtsied and laughed as she cried, "Ah, great senor mine, you are many times a caballero !" I do not complain. Such inci- dents and compliments are cheap at the price. of Time to Reform. "George, do you know that you haven't got home before 12 o'clock any night this week?" "Well. whatch complainin' about? This is only Thursday." NEW IDEA. His Anniversary. The palm for absent-mindedness is probably taken by a learned Ger- man. One day the professor notic- ed his wife placing a large bouquet un his desk. "What does this mean!" he asked. "Why."' she exclaimed, ''don't you know that this is the anniversary of your mar- riage !" "Ah, indeed, is it?" said the professor politely. "Kindly let on i me know when yours comes round, : Helped Western Couple. It doesn't pay to stick too closely to old notions of things. New ideas often lead to better health, success and happiness. Thvs couple examined an idea new tn them and stepped up several rounds on the health ladder. The husband writes : ''Several years ago we suffered; from coffee drinking, were sleep- I Unard'B Liniment Cnrei Cold*, Etc. less, nervous, sallow, weak, and | tiflcate that it will keep a child afloat irritable. Mv wife and I both lov- and head above water. It is not a ed coffee and thought it was a ! cumbersome or a complicated arrange- bracer." (Delusionand tea is j ment - and ls ver y readl 'y donned, just as harmful as coffee, because they both contain the drug, caf- feine). "Finally, after years of suffering, we read of Postum and the harm- fulness of coffee, and believing that to grow we B-hould give some atten- tion to new ideas, we decided to test Postum. ''When we made it right we liked it and were free of ills caused by coffee. Our friends noticed the change fresher skin, sturdier nerves, better temper, etc. "These changes were not sudden, but increased as we continued to drink and enjoy Postum, and we lost the desire for coffee. "Many of our friends did not liks Postum at first, because they did not make it right. But when they made Postum according to <J ; rec- tions on pkg., they liked it 'better than coffee and were benefited by ] the change." Name given by Canadian Postum j Co., Windsor, Ont, Read "The j Road to WellviMe." in pkgs. Postum now comes in two forma : Regular Postum must be well I boild. 16c and 25c packages. Instant Postuin is a soluble pow- 1 der. Made in the cup with hot wa- ter no boiling. 30c. and 50c. tins. The cost per cup of both kinds is about the same. "There's a Reason" for Postum. aold by Grocers. Life Jackets for Children. The international conference safety at sea, held in London during ; an d I will reciprocate the favor." January last, drew up provisions cov- ering every conceivable point in the plan to render sea travel as free from disaster and death as human care and Minaret's Liniment Co.. Limited, ingenuity can make It. In working Oentlemen.- in June. 98. 1 h:ul ray haiul out flip hii? ilptiil* tho litflo o, oi= I an<t wrl t. bitten and badly mangle*! l>y a Dig details the little essentials! vicious holw . i 8U ffered en-atly for did not escape the painstaking atten-lverul day and the tooth .'lit* rvfu ! to tion that marked the treatment of the ll<ia ' until your agent irave mi- a buttle entire subject. "Even the question of' " r . MINARD'8 LINIMENT, which I began special life-jackets for children was ! ilou"' the oahi h ad "eased' 'and ' In" two dealt with," says a London periodical,; weeks the wounds had completely healed! In commenting on the thoroughness! and mv hlln<1 an<1 arm wero ne w<1 " a8 of the work. The Jacket has been put ever ' to most rigorous tests and the Lon- dou Board of Trade has given a cer- ^^oajwria^" The Best Ever issued: Guns, Rifles, Ammunition, Fishing, Tackle, Baseball, Golf, Tennis, Lacrosse, Camping Outfits, all Summer and Winter Sports. \Ve want Every Man who Hunts, Fishes, or plays any Outdoor Game to get our large free Catalogue. Prices right, satisfaction guaranteed. Immense Stock, prompt shipment You save money by getting Catalogue to-Uay. T. W. Boy d & Son, 27 noire Uamc Sl.Wc^t. Montreal Itcady fur Him. "How much are your four-dollar shoes?" asked the facetious custom- er. ''Two dollars a foot," replied the salesman, wearily. A Ri'iii Disappointment. A voung farm girl asked to have Saturday off in order to go and see a man hanged. Permission was given her. and she set out before daybreak, having twenty miles to walk. When she returned that evening she was in tears. "Why, Milly. what's the matter?" asked her mistress. "Oh, dear!" sobbed the girl. "Oh, dear! The man's been reprieved." The average man might .just as well fall in love, for he has to make some kind of a fool of himself. St. Aiitoine, P.Q. Yours truly. A. E. ROY. Carriajte Maker. Min.ird'B Llnlmant Cures Garget In Cot Deeply Absorbed. "You are charged with resisting arrest. " "It's all a mistake, your honor." " \Vhut do you mean 1" "I got into an argument with a man and didn't notice his place had been taken by a policeman until I was half-way to the station house." BUnard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. A Timely Remark. At the point of his gun Slippery Jim relieved the passerby of his watch. "My time is yours," was the victim's only comment. Mlnaxd'i Liniment Core* Distemper. A Timely Warning. Willie (to visitor) You'd better eat your pie slowly ; ma never gives more'n one piece. Quito So! Judge What is your occupation, my man / Prisoner I am a bus-driver, my lord. Judge You mean you are the driver of horses attached thereto?! Prisoner Yss, sir. Judge You are charged with hit- ting this ma'j on the face. Did you do it? Prisoner Certainly notl Judge What did you do, then I Prisoner I hit him on the nasal organ attached thereto. If it is true the good die young, will the oldest inhabitant please of- fer an explanation ? YOUB OWN DRUGGIST WILL TElt YOC Try Mnrine Kj Kcmndy fur Bed, Wek, Watery Bye* uU Granulated Hyenas; No Smarting* Just Kye Comfort. JWrluv for Buok of the Eye by mail Free. Mnrine Kye Remedy Co., Chicago. Of Course Not. "I'll tell you a great, secret, but you must promise not to give it away." "Of course not." "I be- lieve" Miss Birdip M'Ginnis is gone on me. I've almnsD made up my mind to pop the question." "What did she say to youf "She didn't say anything to me precisely, but on Tuesday she patted my dog on the head. Isn't that an encouraging sign ?" "Yes; that's the next thing to patting you on the head. V'our turn will come next." is the tost, remedy known for sunburn, heaL rashes, eczema. , sore feet,, stings and j blisters. A skin food! All <utd Storet.~tO(.' KU.7 ISSUE 82-14